Established 1872 (Cite(Cite Vol.Vol. 102107 Luz.Luz. Reg.Reg. Reports)Reports) VOL. 107102 Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA, PA, Friday, Friday, February April 21, 17, 2017 2012 NO. NO. 167 COMMONWEALTH v. GUZMAN .................................................. 1 POSTMASTER: SendSend addressaddress changeschanges to to THE THE LUZERNE LUZERNE LEGAL LEGAL REGISTER, REGISTER, 200Room N. River 23, CourtStreet, House, Room 23,Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-1001 PA 18711-1001 PeriodicalPeriodical postagepostage paidpaid atat Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA PA and and additional additional office. office. PricePrice $100.$40. Per Per Year Year SingleSingle Copies Copies $1.00 $2.00 Advertising MustMust BeBe ReceivedReceived ByBy 1212 O’ClockO’Clock Noon, Noon, Tuesday Tuesday In In The The Week Week of of Publication Publication (USPS 322-840) (USPS 322-840) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that accountants in the following es- tates have filed their accounts in the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless objections are filed thereto, said accounts will be audited and confirmed by the Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County at 9:30 A.M. on May 2, 2017, in Courtroom C, Third Floor, Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA. NO. NAME OF ESTATE ACCOUNTANT FIDUCIARY CAPACITY 1. Ellen L. Wetterau a/k/a Scott Wetterau Administrator Ellen Wetterau 2. Stanley R. Paluchowski Sharon Ann Perrins Executrix 3. Marjorie L. McCaffrey Enola Stewart n/b/m Administratrix dbncta Enola Royce The Luzerne County Orphans’ Court, located at Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA is a facility accessible to persons with disabilities. Please notify a member of the staff of the Honorable Richard M. Hughes, III, Judge at (570) 408-8190, if special accommodations are required. NOTICE It is strongly recommended that all attorneys having a matter on an Audit List of the Orphans’ Court be present at the call of the Audit List. Any attorney seeking to be excused from attending the call of the Audit List must contact the staff in Judge Hughes’ Chambers in advance of the call date in order to obtain permission from the Judge to be absent. Apr. 14, 21 24 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER DECEDENTS’ ESTATES O’Connor & Associates, LLC, 608 Notice is hereby given that West Oak St., P.O. Box 201, letters testamentary or of admin- Frackville, PA 17931 istration have been granted in the following estates. All persons ESTATE OF ANNA C. FAULENT indebted to said estates are re- a/k/a Anna Faulent a/k/a Anna quired to make payment and Nancy Faulent, late of Dupont those having claims or demands (died March 23, 2017), Cathy Ann to present the same without de- Kashuba, Executrix; Joseph M. lay to the administrators or ex- Blazosek, Esquire, 341 Wyoming ecutors named or their attorneys Ave., West Pittston, PA 18643 FIRST PUBLICATION ESTATE OF PATRICK SAMUEL ESTATE OF LUCILLE BODOSKY, late GIAMBRA, SR., late of Wyoming of West Pittston (died August 17, (died March 14, 2017), Marilyn 2016), Susan Sherinsky, Execu- Giambra, Administratrix; Hou- trix; Biagio V. Musto, Esquire, 363 rigan, Kluger & Quinn, P.C., 600 Laurel St., Pittston, PA 18640- Third Ave., Kingston, PA 18704 1719 ESTATE OF WALTER J. GILBERT, ESTATE OF GINO BONI, late of Laflin JR., late of Forty Fort (died Janu- (died March 6, 2017), Marian ary 28, 2017), Denise Gilbert Boni, Executrix; Bregman & Mosca, 619 Carverton Rd., Wyo- Lantz, LLC, 1205 Wyoming Ave., ming, PA 18644, Executrix Forty Fort, PA 18704 ESTATE OF MARY RITA HONEY- ESTATE OF MICHAEL BRANNIGAN, WELL, late of Edwardsville (died late of Wilkes-Barre (died July 9, December 3, 2014), Colleen Weiss 2016), Janet Brannigan, 125 and MaryEllen Nawrocki, Co- North Main St., Plains, PA 18705, Administratrices; The Powell Law Administratrix Group, PC, 789 Airport Rd., Suite 106, Hazle Twp., PA 18202 ESTATE OF SOPHIA J. BYOREK, late of Butler Twp. (died March 22, ESTATE OF GLORIA A. JACOBS 2017), Bernard J. Byorek, Execu- a/k/a Gloria A. Hoffman Jacobs tor; Anthony J. Lucadamo, Es- a/k/a Gloria Hoffman Jacobs, late quire, Kennedy & Lucadamo, P.C., of Hazleton (died February 15, 200 West Chapel St., Hazleton, PA 2017), Harry R. Jacobs, Executor; 18201 Frank Bognet, Esquire, 21 North Locust St., P.O. Box 277, Hazle- ESTATE OF PATRICIA M. CASALE, ton, PA 18201-0277 late of Pittston (died March 18, 2017), Anthony J. Casale, Jr., ESTATE OF PATRICIA A. MATRESE, Executor; Anthony G. Ross, Es- late of Hazleton (died October 15, quire, Law Offices of Tony Ross, 2016), Mary Beth Mullen, Execu- 126 South Main St., Pittston, PA trix; Robert S. Betnar, Esquire, 18640 126 South Main St., Pittston, PA 18640 ESTATE OF HELEN DUFALLO a/k/a Helen Dufalo, late of Hazleton ESTATE OF VERONICA C. MELUS- (died March 8, 2017), Paul John KEY a/k/a Verna Meluskey, late Dufallo, Executor; Karen Byrnes- of Wilkes-Barre (died March 23, Noon, Esquire, Michael J. 2017), Thomas R. Meluskey, Ex- 25 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER ecutor; Donald T. Rogers, Esquire Martonick, Executrix; Frank Bog- and Michael D. Rogers, Esquire, net, Esquire, 21 North Locust St., 63 West River St., Wilkes-Barre, P.O. Box 277, Hazleton, PA 18201- PA 18702 0277 ESTATE OF JOHN L. MILES, JR. ESTATE OF DALE SHAFER, late of a/k/a John Lewis Miles, Jr., late Hanover Twp. (died February 5, of Kingston (died March 11, 2017), 2017), Barbara Shafer, Adminis- Sharon McCarthy, Executrix; tratrix; Michael J. Bendick, Es- Stephen B. Killian, Esquire, 575 quire, P.O. Box 1733, Shavertown, Pierce St., Suite 303, Kingston, PA PA 18708 18704 ESTATE OF GEORGE M. SMALL ESTATE OF LAURA NASSER, late of a/k/a George M. T. Small, late of Wilkes-Barre (died March 30, Swoyersville (died March 3, 2017), 2017), Peter Serratore, Executor; Wendi Lee Shaver, Executrix; A. Ruth Whalen, Esquire, 250 Frank J. Aritz, Esquire, 23 West Pierce St., Suite 212, Kingston, PA Walnut St., Kingston, PA 18704 18704 ESTATE OF EDWARD FRANCIS ESTATE OF JOSEPH PIL, late of West SWEEDA, JR., late of Hudson Wyoming (died January 22, 2017), (died March 15, 2017), George James Geiger, Executor; Donald Fediw, Administrator; Jonathan G. Karpowich, Esquire, 85 Drash- A. Spohrer, Esquire, 279 Pierce er Rd., Drums, PA 18222 St., Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF HELEN L. RAKICH, late ESTATE OF JOHN J. TRAPANESE, of Laflin (died March 8, 2017), late of Fairview Twp. (died March Mary Ann Parsnik, Executrix; 25, 2017), Nicole Trapanese, Ad- Christine M. Trottini, Esquire, 49 ministratrix; Carl N. Frank, Es- South Main St., Suite 105, quire, Farrell & Frank, Citizens Pittston, PA 18640 Bank Center, 8 West Market St., Suite 1021, Wilkes-Barre, PA ESTATE OF YOLANDA L. RIGGSBEE, 18701-1801 late of Hanover Twp. (died April 5, 2017), Zekara A. Riggsbee and ESTATE OF TONY URSI, late of Salem Juana M. Riggsbee-Cottman, Co- Twp. (died March 10, 2017), An- Executors; Patrick J. Aregood, thony P. Ursi and Marian E. Ursi, Esquire, 1218 South Main St., Executors; Kevin Tanribilir, Es- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706 quire, 701 East Front St., Ber- wick, PA 18603 ESTATE OF TIMOTHY J. ROMAN, late of Hazle Twp. (died February ESTATE OF MARY VENTURI, late of 28, 2017), Barry J. Baran, Execu- Mountain Top (died March 16, tor; Elliot B. Edley, Esquire, 8 2017), Gina Cara Snyder, Admin- West Market St., Suite 1060, istratrix; Anthony G. Ross, Es- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 quire, Law Offices of Tony Ross, 126 South Main St., Pittston, PA ESTATE OF PATRICIA ANN ROSS 18640 a/k/a Patricia A. Ross a/k/a Patricia Ross, late of Hazleton ESTATE OF IRENE WEAVER, late of (died March 16, 2017), Josephine Kingston (died March 21, 2017), R. Martonick a/k/a Josephine A. Glenn E. Weaver, Executor; His- 26 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER cox & Musto, 400 Third Ave., Chris Fox, Executors; Richard G. Suite 201, Kingston, PA 18704 Dudinyak, Esquire, 515 Centre St., Freeland, PA 18224 ESTATE OF HOWARD K. WINTERS, SR., late of Pittston (died March ESTATE OF JEROME J. GILLIS 2, 2017), Howard K. Winters, Jr., a/k/a Jerry Gillis, late of Wilkes- Administrator; John J. Terrana, Barre (died March 14, 2017), Esquire, 400 Third Ave., Suite Donna M. Gillis, Executrix; Ste- 216, Kingston, PA 18704 phen J. Fendler, Esquire, Fendler & Associates, P.C., The Park ESTATE OF DOROTHY J. ZANGER, Building, 400 Third Ave., Suite late of Wilkes-Barre (died March 3, 2017), Cindy M. Casey, Admin- 309, Kingston, PA 18704 istratrix; David J. Harris, Esquire, 69 Public Sq., Suite 700, Wilkes- ESTATE OF DONALD P. KEENAN, Barre, PA 18701 late of Exeter (died March 23, 2017), James M. Keenan, Admin- SECOND PUBLICATION istrator; John J. McGee, Esquire, ESTATE OF DONALD A. COOMBS, 400 Spruce St., Suite 302, Scran- late of Shickshinny (died January ton, PA 18503 1, 2017), Allen R. Coombs, Execu- tor; Samuel A. Falcone, Esquire, ESTATE OF LEE C. LITTLEFORD, 1170 Hwy. 315, Suite 1, Plains, late of Nanticoke (died February PA 18702 20, 2017), Karen Hrobak, Execu- trix; Attorney Patrick J. Aregood, ESTATE OF KENNETH LEROY CO- Law Offices, New Bridge Center, VERT, JR., late of Harveys Lake 480 Pierce St., Suite #111, King- (died December 30, 2016), Kim- berly Hazletine, Executrix; Jannell ston, PA 18704 L. Decker, Esquire, 1043 Wyo- ming Ave., Forty Fort, PA 18704 ESTATE OF MICHAEL LONSKI, late of Butler Twp. (died February 11, ESTATE OF THERESA M. DUNKEL- 2017), Patrick Lonski, Adminis- BERGER a/k/a Theresa Dunkel- trator; Casey A.
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