
CharacteristicsCharacteristics ofof DomesticDomestic aandnd WhatWhat isis ‘‘Kampo ’Medicine’ ? JapaneseJapanese KKampoampo MMedicineedicine InternationalInternational RolesRoles ofof JSOMJSOM Kampo medicine is a traditional Japanese medical TheThe ffollowingollowing areare thethe characteristicscharacteristics ofof 1.1.ࠉDomesticDomestic RRolesoles system with over 15 centuries of history which has KampoKampo medicine.medicine. JSOM is conducting such activities as publishing and internationalizing academic journals, standardiz- its roots partly in ancient Chinese medicine. Though 1.1.ࠉToday in Japan, prescription of Kampo formulae nearly half of the formulae used in Kampo medicine is limited to medical doctors. with profound ing educational protocol, producing textbooks, training today are derived from the Shanghanlun (യᐮㄽ), understanding of both conventional and Kampo experts, establishing evidence-based medicine, and written in Han-dynasty China, pre-19th century medicine diagnose and treat patients from the two establishing an ethics board. The Japan Liaison of Japanese Kampo physicians developed unique different approaches, bringing significant benefit to Oriental Medicine (JLOM), whose members include administration principles from the knowledge patients. JSOM in the role and five other scientific organi- accumulated through their own clinical experiences. 2.ࠉIn Japan, 148 Kampo zations, was established in 2005 to address national They put more importance on practical utility and 2. issues which Kampo medicine is facing. extract formulations are used 2. InternationalInternational RRolesoles clinical effectiveness than on speculative theories ࠉ for medicinal purposes and 2. JSOM is working toward the standardization of such as the five-phase theory, which is essential to are covered by national traditional medicine in the East region in close Chinese medicine. While Japan experienced insurance. Since coordination with the Health Organization modernization from the mid-19th century in every Japanese manufacturers first (WHO) as well as JLOM, relevant academic organiza- field of science, including medicine, Kampo medi- successfully developed tions, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. cine survived in its pursuit of scientific proof. extract formulations in JSOM is also a big contributor to WHO in terms of Kampo medicine is now included in educational the 1960s, they have been working at the forefront of personnel time and finance which projects programs for medical students and practiced by quality and safety control. Notably, the consistency in involving the diagnostic outcomes of Kampo medi- medical doctors who have profound and scientifi- the quality of extracted makes it possible to cine, which will be included in International Classifica- cally based understanding of both conventional and perform reproducible clinical trials and gain reliable tion of (ICD)-11. JSOM actively cooperates Kampo medicine, which brings patients great 3evidence.ࠉOne of for the efficacy. characteristics of the Japanese with and supports the International Society for benefits to patients. Kampo medical system is its emphasis on clinical Japanese Kampo Medicine (ISJKM), which aims to The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine (JSOM) 3. findings from the patient’s body advance communication and collaboration among was established in 1950 and has grown to become surface, especially changes in English speaking researchers and practitioners the leading organization for Kampo medicine in the abdominal throughout the world. Japan. region. Published books Kampo medicine now enjoys wide support by the Abdominal public who see it as a reliable for its scien- diagnosis was tific evidence and flexible therapeutic approaches. developed into a reproducible diagnostic system in the 18th century by Yoshimasu Todo (ྜྷ┈ᮾὝ), a Japanese Kampo FXSXQFWXUH$ە 0HGLFLQDOKHUEVە QWURGXFWLRQWR.$032,ە 4master..ࠉIn recent years, a lot of research 4.has been conducted by the members of academic organizations related to Kampo medicine. Much effort has been put into clinical research to generate KampoKampo MedicalMedical EvidenceEvidence BBasease high-quality evidence as well as the basic researches JSOM published Evidence Reports of Kampo for action mechanisms of Kampo medicines and their Treatment (EKAT) and Clinical Practice Guidelines efficacy. Containing Kampo Products in Japan (KCPG) . These are now updated annually and published on the JSOM website(http://www.jsom.or.jp/medical/ebm/ere/index.html) . 3KRWRVRIWKLVSDJHDUHVXSSOLHGE\.LWDVDWR8QLYHUVLW\ 3KRWRVRIWKLVSDJHDUHVXSSOLHGE\.LWDVDWR8QLYHUVLW\