(Surname 5Rst) Address, Description and Date of Death of Deceased
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claims (Surname 5rst) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given DAWSON, David Hughes Post Office, Hunter Lane, Penrith, Cumberland, Arnison & Co., 1 St. Andrew's Place, Penrith, Cumberland, 'Solicitors. (Annie Dawson 14th September 1971 Grocer. 29th June 1970. and Charles Eric Arnison.) (073) McDouGALL, Lucy 38 Bustleholme Lane, Charlemont, West Bromwich, Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Torus-tee Department, 11 Clarendon' Street, Wolver- 14th September 1971 Marion. Staffs, Wife of John McDougall. 2nd June 1971. hamptan, Staffs., or Wm. Bache & Sons, Lombard House, 34 New Street, West (074) Bromwich, Solicitors. HALL, George Gerald ... 3 Red Hall, Garth, Leeds 14, Widower. 8th March Teeman Gould & Ake, 21 'St. Paul's Street, Leeds, LSI 2JG, Solicitors. (Gillian 16th September 1971 1971. Greetham and Pamela Turner.) (082) SIMMONS, Michael Philip 10 Tower Road, Branksome Park, Poole, and Upper MaMand Durant & Grange-Bennett, 5 Hinton Road, Bournemouth, BH1 2DW, 17th September 1971 Hinton Chambers, Upper Hinton Road, Bourne- Solicitors. (083) mouth. 24th April 1971. COTTERELL, Catherine Westleigh Nursing Home, Queens Road, Worthing, Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited, Brighton Branch (a/c 18-4418), 17th September 1971 i Johanna. Sussex, formerly " Lingmoor," 33 Gratwicke Road, 153 North Street, Brighton, BN1 1SY. (084) o Worthing aforesaid, Spinster. 7th May 1971. sw BREWER, John Pritchard The Mount, Selwyn Road, Eastbourne, Sussex, Davenport Jones & Glenister, 98 Terminus Road, Eastbourne, Sussex, Solicitors. 1st October 1971 (Godfrey Reginald Barber, Geoffrey William Brewer and Sydney Hyde Cooper.) Company Director.
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