The Johnsonian Feburary 28, 1941
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Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 2-28-1941 The ohnsoniJ an Feburary 28, 1941 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian Feburary 28, 1941" (1941). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 4. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OUR CREED: ' The Johnsonian wants to deserve THIS WEEK S SERMON . a reputation for accuracy, thorough- \ ness, and fairness in the covering of Stay -away from your "incas- the Winthrop campus. You will do us ley" friends — they're danger a favor to call our attention to any failure in measuring up to any of 6pots! these fundamentals of good newspa- pering. onian THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF WINTHROF COLLEGE ROCK HILL, SOl'TII CAROLINA. FEBRUARY 2», 1941 30 Committee Artist Course Series For 1941-42 Chaiimen For GrandEastern Includes Singers, Operas, Symphony Leaders Will Direct Affairs At Annual Event April 10-12 Winthrop Has y Sponsors Committee In Charge LisU Thirty chairmen of committees for the Grand Eastern Forensic Largest Group Edwin Espy, Year's Entertainment; tournament have been announced by Pauline Laye, president, and ForTeacherExam Youth Leader Tickets Are Now On Sale plans arc underway for the meet 17 Seniors Enrolled which will be held on the campus tCdwin Espy will arrive on , . , April 10-12. In Tests Scheduled the campus tomorrow to con- What seems to be the most auspicious W inthrop Artist The chairmen are: Impromptu. For March 14-15 duct a series of talks under Course series yet undertaken, as announced at the perform- Bernlce Gillespie; after-dinner. "Y" sponsorship. Mr. Espy i ance of "Carmen", will bring to the campus such distinguished Minerva Walden: extempore. Wini- Seventeen Winthrop seniors tonR.s to Winthrop from New J individuals and groups as John Charles Thomas. Rise Stev- fred Lcssc: oratory. Esther Bailey arc, it is said, the largest col-1 York City where he tills the | ens, Jose Iturbi, James Melton and Rose Bampton, the San and Rosemary Bryant: debate. lege group in the state enrolled position of Youth Secretary | Carlo Opera Company, and the Philadelphia Symphony Or- Frances McMahan: direct clash. for the national teachers ex- K the World Alliance for In- chestra. Bemice Stroup; best debaters. Lil- animation to be held in the Friendship. According to the mimeographed , , lian Kirby; special contests. Mar- ,u a dtd oul by the bui,new garet Padgett and Anna Alrheart; commerce departmentt in main au"urJ*\ "'a7iernoon. 4:30-*30 i " " Wh it© le& tllCF problem solving. Mary Keaton and buildiiig, March 14-15. Clock. Members of all church coun-1 "<* "ckel holders- number6 Sara Patterson; scheduled for 1941-42 listed, not lnj "Seventeen Is the largest college lis. "Y" cabinet, freshman coun- FLOOR MANAGERS group In the state," says W. C. Mdt selioi s sophomore order of Uieir appearances are: the i Talks About Charles Dingle and Tulluluh Bankhead in a scene from Floor managers. Annie Belle Gra- Call of the University of S. C.. state freshman cabinet, and Student Vol- San Carlo Opera Company present-. "The Little Foxes", the drama by Lillian Hellman which will ham and Doris Taylor: assembly examiner In charge. unteers are invited. Lohengrin" maUnee perform- be presented in the new auditorium Tuesday night at 8:30." halls. Elizabeth Rawl: accommoda- Mr. Espy will conduct Sunday Germany tions. Mary Lott. Mary Heath Ow- Bertie Wilkes takes her Tins objective examination, which ance and "La Traviata" in the student rating sheet to be school in the young people's depart- en, Jean Fawcett; Judges. Dorothy Is prepared by the American Coun- evening; John Charles Thomas, j Drawing upon his vast experience filled out.—(Photograph by ment of the First Methodist church Moblcy and Wllma McAbee: recep- cil on Education and Is established Margaret Wessinger.) as a prerequisite for teacher se- Sunday morning, and he will peak Uon, Sarah Howie, Erllne McNeil. at the regular meeting of Student lection In many school systems, will tone. Carmallta Maroccl and her||eaU)er spoke ,n chape, WKlnesda>. Campus All Set For Eibcrta Wiles: Volunteers at 2:30 Sunday after- enable college graduates to demon- Spanish Dance Ensemble; Rise Stcv- on -can HlUer Always Win?" Entertainment. Nell Mealing: noon. "Y" Sponsors Three strate Uieir qualifications on a na- ens. Metropolitan mezzo - soprano: j M.- Whiteieather said that morale chairmen. Marjorke Logan; time- After two years study hi Germany. Study Groups Every tional scale. On payment of an ex- Salzldo Concert Ensemble: »'«* •*» important In the struggle: 'Tallulah' and'Foxes' keepers. Harriet Gore: "Ncwsettc". Mr Espy traveled throughout that Betty Richardson. Anne Hetrlck; Thursday Night amination fee. any student graduat- he told the student body that the ing In 1941 may apply for the ex- country working with youth groups FLAY TO BE CHOSEN great middle class was not vlolcnUy "Snack Stand", Hollace Lott: badg- Three religious study groups be- under the auspices of the Interna- Famous Broadway Star To Appear Here In amination not later than March 1. A play to be chosen from the sea- j pro-Hitler, but they were willing to es. Dot Willis. gan on the campus last night, spon- tional Student Service and the The South Carolina centers are son's current hits; "The Marriage j be led by Hitler's strength. This Seventh Artist Course Number, March 4 Tlic Grand Eastern Is an annual sored by Uic "Y". and are cxpccled World Student ClirisUan Federa- Greenville. Columbia, and Rock 5lre lh has u I enU event sponsored each spring by Uic to continue every Thursday night tion. of Figaro" by six young opera sing- ; "* • * " * "The Little Foxes", the play that ran 12 months on Broad- Debaters League. It encourages for ten weeks, according to Miss Hill. The Columbia vrhool system ... „ „ I by the German army, he conUnued. has recently established the re- During the past four years Mr. ers; James Melton and Rose Bamp- ^ # fal|urf wou,d Just a, way, starring glamorous Tallulah Bankhead of the famous speaking In the fields of extempore, Elizabeth Sllnson. "Y" secretary. Espy has been a leader in World quirement that teacher candidates ton. Metropolitan Opera stars: Jose L r lhBl mora!e Alabama family, will be presented Tuesduy evening, March after-dinner, oratory and impromp- The groups taught by Rev. Julian Youth Conferences at Oxford. Edln- Lake, Miss Ruth Slier, and Mi.vs stand the examination. Iturbi. world-famous pianist: and I 4, at 8:30 as the seventh number in the artist course series. tu. as well as debate. burg, and Amsterdam. Uic Philadelphia Symphony orchcs-1 FOOD SCARCE IX GERMANY Sllnson arc 'The Book of John", j PERMANENT FILE OF RESULTS Also. Uie speaker told of the great Tlic story of u Southern family at "Revelation", and The Message of < The examination is conducted as • scarcity of food In Germany. He ex- Uic mm ol U»c century, the play Jesus". » service agency for the co-opcrat- Graham, Hanna Speak ReservaUons for next year's sea- plained that, due to the concentra- concerns the Hubbards. who arc the Evcryone is Invited to attend these | lug school systems, and It Is 11m- son tickets can soon be made, and Clipped Hair and Pretty To Mathematics Club Uon on importing war materials, "foxes"—"the little foxes that spoil mretlngs every Thursday night from I Ned to intellectual, academic, and present holders will be allowed the other phases of bringing in foreign the vines", according to the Song to eight o'clock. cultural fields. A permanent file of Annie Belle Graham and Helen choice of their seats until April 15. materials have been Ignored. of Songs. A grasping clan dominated Ears In For Winthrop test results will be maintained by Hatuui talked on Secondary Math- After Uiat. says Mr. Graham, all by Rcgina. who Is played by Miss the national committee on teacher ematics and the geometry of Euclid unclaimed seats will be sold to the Mr. Whiteieather said he was Bankhead. all of them are trying It seems as If the cars have it this to school an entirely new person examinations, thereby facllitaUng a at the regular meeting of the Na- first applicants. Seats In the left more optimistic than mo6t of the foreign reporters, because he had to get their hands on the controlling spring. Off to Charlotte wlUi Johnsie Wllkerson's roommates de-' I Floyd Wins Tatler teacher's record transmittal to any tional Council of Teachers of MaUi- center rear will also be available for moved along with the Nazi war ma- Interest in a proposed will. For three shoulder length hair and returning clare that she's never looked bet-; Ltbb.v Floyd, senior front Man place of application. ematics last Tuesday in the library sale. 7 chine. rather than running from ucls the balance of power shifts with cars pecking out from shortly ter while Johnsie is waiting on the I ninK, won the Tatter stiapsho . Approximately 30 teachers are ex- ol Johnson hall. •'" *' it. and could therefore see the flaws from one to the other, with Rcgina dipped hair is what Winthrop girls day she can hide her cars. Some ,•onlest and will be given a fre< peeled from Chester. York, andl The subjects discussed were "the In It. He emphasized that no revo- finally snatching It by virtually com- did last week-end.