You are hereby summoned to attend the ANNUAL MEETING of the Rugby Borough Council, which will be held in the TOWN HALL, RUGBY, on Thursday 20th May 2010 at 11.00 am.



1. Apologies for absence.

2. To elect a Mayor for the ensuing year. (Following this the Mayor will make a declaration of acceptance of office).

3. To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year. (Following this the Deputy Mayor will make a declaration of acceptance of office).

4. Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor.

5. Vote of thanks to retiring Councillors

6. Mayor’s announcements.

7. To receive the report of the Returning Officer on the Rugby Borough Council Election on 6th May 2010.

8. Constitutional Arrangements and Allocation of Seats to Party Groups 2010/11.

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.

9. Appointments to Outside Bodies 2010/11 – By Virtue of Office and Miscellaneous Appointments.

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


There is no business involving exempt information.

DATED THIS 12th day of May 2010

Deputy Chief Executive


Date : 6th May 2010

Ward Candidates Description Votes Cast Admirals Steven William Birkett The Labour Party Candidate 1,095

Electorate 5,251 Tom Hardgrave Liberal Democrat 795 Seats 1 % Poll 71.79 Steve Laffy Green Party 117

Michael Thomas Stokes The Conservative Party Candidate 1,745 ELECTED

Avon & Swift Patrick Joyce The Labour Party Candidate 490

Electorate 2,159 Helen Barbara Walton The Conservative Party Candidate 1,049 ELECTED Seats 1 % Poll 72.94

Benn Christopher Pacey-Day The Conservative Party Candidate 727

Electorate 4,528 Ted Pallot Liberal Democrat 797 Seats 1 % Poll 61.29 Paul David Sandison Green Party 225

James Masih Shera The Labour Party Candidate 983 ELECTED

Bilton Joy Ellen Faulkner Green Party 91

Electorate 4,113 Hilda Esme Fletcher Liberal Democrat 745 Seats 1 % Poll 77.95 Christine Ann Mavrakis The Labour Party Candidate 760

Lisa Anne Parker The Conservative Party Candidate 1,577 ELECTED

Brownsover North David Dick Cranham The Conservative Party Candidate 1,423 ELECTED

Electorate 4,647 Heidi Thomas Liberal Democrat 848 Seats 1 % Poll 67.38 Mary Jean Webb The Labour Party Candidate 810

Brownsover South Andy Coles The Labour Party Candidate 648 ELECTED

Electorate 3,053 Matthew Charles Faulkner Green Party 91 Seats 1 % Poll 55.69 Belinda Jane Garcia Maures The Conservative Party Candidate 602

Jess Upstone Liberal Democrat 329

Caldecott Deepah Brojomohun The Conservative Party Candidate 898

Electorate 4,137 Philip Charles Godden Green Party 111 Seats 1 % Poll 70.44 Katherine Mary King The Labour Party Candidate 604

Bill Lewis Liberal Democrat 1,267 ELECTED

Dunchurch & Knightow Robin Aird Liberal Democrat 1,557

Electorate 4,789 Doreen Cox The Labour Party Candidate 352 Seats 1 % Poll 79 The Conservative Party Candidate 1,798 ELECTED

George Houguez Green Party 64

Earl Craven & Wolston Tom Day The Conservative Party Candidate 1,907 ELECTED

Electorate 4,697 Doug Hodkinson The Labour Party Candidate 1,184 Seats 1 % Poll 73.53 Ellie Roderick Green Party 327

Eastlands Paul Michael Samuel Newsome The Conservative Party Candidate 861

Electorate 4,552 Owen Keir Richards The Labour Party Candidate 706 Seats 1 % Poll 75.02 Jerry Roodhouse Liberal Democrat 1,818 ELECTED

Fosse Robert Charles Bevin The Labour Party Candidate 452

Electorate 2,974 Richard Frank Gunstone Liberal Democrat 548 Seats 1 % Poll 76.05 Rachel Elizabeth Watts The Conservative Party Candidate 1,242 ELECTED

Hillmorton Kieren Brown The Labour Party Candidate 734

Electorate 4,222 Dave Elson Liberal Democrat 769 Seats 1 % Poll 72.07 Bill Sewell The Consertaive Party Candidate 1,516 ELECTED

Lawford & Kings Newnham Sally Drayton Bragg The Conservative Party Candidate 966 ELECTED

Electorate 2,761 John Anthon Slinger The Labour Party Candidate 413 Seats 1 % Poll 70.43 Patricia Wyatt Independent 540

New Bilton Dianna Hardgrave Liberal Democrat 697

Electorate 5,297 Ish Mistry The Labour Party Candidate 1,308 ELECTED Seats 1 % Poll 60.28 Edward Herbert Joce Palusinski The Conservative Party Candidate 942

Roy Leonard Sandison Green Party 200

Newbold James Edward Hotten Liberal Democrat 577

Electorate 4,654 Ray Kirby The Labour Party Candidate 1,194 ELECTED Seats 1 % Poll 59.85 Christopher Malthouse The Conservative Party Candidate 849

Peter Stephen Reynolds Green Party 136

Overslade Howard Mark Avis The Labour Party Candidate 875

Electorate 4,295 Matthew David Francis The Conservative Party Candidate 1,258 ELECTED Seats 1 % Poll 66.23 Laurence Stephen Goodchild Green Party 152

Beatrice Josephine O’Dwyer Liberal Democrat 541

Agenda Item 8

Report of Acting Chief Executive to Annual Council – 20th May 2010

Constitutional Arrangements and Allocation of Seats to Party Groups – 2010/11

1. Introduction

Under the Council’s Constitution it falls to this meeting to approve the constitutional arrangements and the allocation of seats to party groups for this municipal year. As there have been borough council elections this year, the overall political composition of the council has changed slightly from last year. In addition, a new scrutiny committee, Crime and Disorder Committee, will be established with 7 seats for borough councillors and 2 for co-optees. Both of these factors affect the allocation of seats to the party groups under the proportional representation system.

2. Cabinet

The Constitution requires the Council to appoint a Cabinet of between four and eight councillors. Cabinet will be chaired by the Leader of the Council who will, along with the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Portfolio Holders, be appointed by the Council. The Cabinet is not subject to the proportional representation of party groups.

Following discussions I have had with Group Leaders it is recommended that:

(a) a Cabinet of 6 councillors be appointed; (b) Councillor Humphrey be appointed Leader of the Council; (c) Councillor Poole be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council; (d) the following councillors be appointed to the Cabinet with the portfolios indicated below:

Councillor Mrs Timms – Economy, Development & Culture Councillor Wright – Resources & Corporate Governance Councillor Dr Mark Williams – Sustainable Environment Councillor Leigh Hunt – Sustainable Inclusive Communities

The Leader and Deputy Leader will take specific responsibility for quality and performance. They will liaise with other portfolio holders and panel chairman.

3. Standards Committee

.The Standards Committee comprises:

 three independent members, two of whom who will be its Chairman and Vice- Chairman  six borough councillors  three representatives of parish councils


Proportional representation does not apply to the Standards Committee. It has been agreed that each party group should have representation on the Committee, with two representatives from each party group and Councillors are recommended for appointment. It is also proposed that Cllrs Mike Galsworthy ,Vaughan Owen and Mrs Patricia Wyatt continue as representatives of the parish councils.

The Council appointed Alan Stothard and Catherine Truelove as Independent Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee in 2007 for a term of three years. It is recommended that their appointments as chairman and vice chairman be confirmed for a further three years . In May 2008 Heather Thornton was appointed for a term of three years as the third independent member of the committee and it is recommended that her appointment be confirmed for the 2010/11 municipal year.

4. Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consists of six non-Cabinet members, two of whom will be independent of the Council and who will be the Chairman and Vice Chairman. It is proposed, with Council’s agreement, to deal with its membership outside the proportional representation rules. It is proposed that four Councillors be appointed to the Committee as set out in the Appendix to the report, which will be circulated separately.

It is also proposed that Paul Dudfield and John Eves continue in their roles as chairman and vice chairman respectively of the Committee.

5. Overview and Scrutiny and Regulatory Committees

It is for Council to decide what Overview and Scrutiny committees should be appointed. Following consultation with Group Leaders it is proposed to appoint the following four Overview and Scrutiny committees:

 Overview and Scrutiny Management Board  Corporate Performance Committee  Customer and Partnerships Committee  Crime and Disorder Committee

The Constitution provides for three Regulatory Committees – Planning Committee, Licensing and Safety Committee and the Appeals Committee. Their terms of reference are set out in the Constitution.

Seats on the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Regulatory Committees must be allocated to reflect the proportional representation of party groups on the Council as a whole. Following discussions with Group Leaders it is recommended that the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Regulatory Committees have the seats indicated below which reflect the division of seats following the review of scrutiny that took place in the summer of 2008 :

2 OSMB 9 seats Corporate Performance Committee 9 seats Crime and Disorder Committee 9 seats Customer and Partnerships Committee 9 seats Planning Committee 12 seats Licensing and Safety Committee 15 seats Appeals Committee 5 seats

Total 66 seats

It is for Council to allocate these seats to party groups and for party groups to then nominate councillors for appointment to these seats.

There are three political groups on the Council. These are:  the Conservative Group, which has 28 councillors;  the Labour Group, which has 11 councillors;  and the Liberal Democrat Group, which has 9 councillors. I have consulted the Group Leaders on the allocation of seats to Groups and the members to be nominated by them for appointment.

On the basis of a Council of 48, the Conservative Group with 28 councillors is entitled to 39 seats; the Labour Group with 11 councillors is entitled to 15 seats; and the Liberal Democrat Group with 9 councillors is entitled to 12 seats.

In applying these figures to Committees it is not possible to make identical allocations to each committee. After following the Council’s procedure for the allocation of seats it is proposed to allocate the 66 seats as follows:

Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat

OSMB 8 2 2 Corporate Management Committee 8 4 3 Crime and Disorder Committee 3 1 1 Customer & Partnerships Committee 5 2 2 Planning Committee 4 2 1 Licensing & Safety Committee 5 2 2 Appeals Committee 6 2 1

TOTALS (66) 39 15 12

Party Group Leaders are to notify me of their provisional allocation of seats and these will be set out in the Appendix to this report, which will be circulated separately. The Committees have been summoned to meet immediately following the conclusion of this meeting to appoint their Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

The Acting Chief Executive recommends that:

(1) A Cabinet of 6 seats be appointed;

3 (2) Councillor Humphrey be appointed Leader of the Council;

(3) Councillor Poole be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council

(4) the following councillors be appointed to the following portfolios:

Councillor Mrs Timms - Economy, Development & Culture Councillor Wright - Resources & Corporate Governance Councillor Dr Mark Williams - Sustainable Environment Councillor Leigh Hunt - Sustainable Inclusive Communities

(5) the following appointments be made to the Standards Committee:

Alan Stothard (Chairman) Catherine Truelove (Vice Chairman) Heather Thornton Parish Councillor Mike Galsworthy (Parish Representative) Parish Councillor Vaughan Owen (Parish Representative); and Parish Councillor Mrs Patricia Wyatt (Parish Representative): and Six borough councillors as set out in the Appendix to this report.

(6) the following appointments be made to the Audit Committee:

Paul Dudfield (Chairman ) John Eve (Vice Chairman); and Four borough councillors as set out in the Appendix to this report.

(7) the following Overview and Scrutiny Committees be appointed

 Overview and Scrutiny Management Board  Corporate Performance Committee  Crime and Disorder Committee and  Customer and Partnerships Committee

(8) appointments to Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Regulatory Committees be made in accordance with the arrangements set out in the Appendix to this report.

4 Agenda item 8

Supplementary Report of Acting Chief Executive to Annual Council

Constitutional Arrangements and Allocation of Seats to Party Groups – 2010/11

In paragraph 5 of my main report to Council there is a table setting out the number of seats on each committee, which is subject to proportional representation. There is a clerical error in this table concerning the number of seats on Crime and Disorder Committee which should read “7” and not “9”. All other figures are correct. For completeness sake, the amended table is set out below:

OSMB 9 seats Corporate Performance Committee 9 seats Crime and Disorder Committee 7 seats Customer and Partnerships Committee 9 seats Planning Committee 12 seats Licensing and Safety Committee 15 seats Appeals Committee 5 seats

Total 66 seats

Likewise, also in paragraph 5 there is a table setting out the allocation of seats to party groups based on proportional representation. Although the bottom line of the table is correct in the total number of seats allocated to each party group, the rest of the table is not correct. It should be replaced by the following table, which members are asked to refer to at the meeting.

Conservative Labour Liberal Total Democrat OSMB 6 2 1 9 Corporate Performance Committee 5 2 2 9 Crime and Disorder Committee 4 2 1 7 Customer & Partnerships Committee 5 2 2 9 Planning Committee 8 2 2 12 Licensing & Safety Committee 8 4 3 15 Appeals Committee 3 1 1 5

TOTALS (66) 39 15 12 66





1.1 Appointments to Outside Bodies – by Virtue of Office and Miscellaneous


In order that appointments can be made as soon as possible to many key outside bodies, a schedule of appointments for 2009/10 is attached for consideration. Appendix 1 details appointments by virtue of office. Appendix 2 shows miscellaneous appointments.

Each outside body has been asked to supply details of their current title and status, together with contact details. Organisations marked with an asterisk have not submitted their responses at the time of this report.

Appointments By Virtue Of Office

(i) Warwickshire Environmental Protection Committee (WEPC) – the WEPC agreed to disband in November 2009. However, a representative is required for 2010/2011 for administrative purposes whilst it is disbanded. (ii) Warwickshire Waste Management Forum - the appointment of a Substitute Representative is required.

Miscellaneous Appointments

(i) The Percival Guildhouse (AGM only) – a representative is sought to replace Councillor Holman. (ii) Trustees of Fosterd’s Bridge Charity – Mrs P M Hill has resigned from the Trust. The Council decided some years ago that, when a vacancy for a trustee occurred, the organisation concerned would be asked to nominate suitable persons for consideration by the Council. Any person nominated should, of course, be willing to serve if appointed. Mrs Hill has nominated Mr John Stainsfield to serve on the Trust until 6 October 2012. Mr Stainsfield is willing to take up the appointment. Council is asked, therefore, to consider Mr Stainsfield’s appointment to the Trust. (iii) Hillmorton Charities for the Poor – The Trust has requested the Council to appoint a serving member to replace Mr T Deery for a four year period commencing 10th June 2010.


1.2 Appointments to Outside Bodies – New Requests

Two new appointments have been requested –

 Rugby Cemex Liaison Group

The existing Rugby Community Cement Forum (RCCF) has now ceased to exist in its current form, therefore, all existing appointments to this outside body are no longer required.

A framework for a new model of community engagement between the community, Cemex, its regulators and others has now been adopted. It is important, therefore, that any elected representative from Rugby Borough Council on this group is required to accept a personal obligation to the principles that this group wants from all of its members, which is that it will be able to demonstrate the outward and inward flow of communication. It is currently envisaged that the Liaison Group will meet every 2 months.

This new group, currently referred to as the Rugby Cemex Liaison Group, is seeking the appointment of 4 Rugby Borough Councillors. Council may consider seeking representation from the 3 most directly/adjacent wards to the plant and 1 from the wards most affected by the vehicle movements between Rugby and Southam. This would mean the following:

1 member from Newbold Ward; 1 member from Lawford and Kings Newnham Ward 1 member from New Bilton Ward; and 1 member from either Leam Valley or Dunchurch and Knightlow Wards

 Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC)

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is seeking nominations for a local government elected member representative to sit on the Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC). Several local authorities have been approached for nominations, one of whom will be chosen to sit on CONIAC. The Committee is responsible for driving up health and safety standards within the construction industry and as a significant proportion of construction projects are procured by local government, HSE see local government involvement as crucial to this aim. HSE is seeking an elected member who also has some oversight of local authority regulatory function, such as environmental health, planning or building control.

Further information about CONIAC can be found at It is understood that HSE will provide expenses to enable attendance at meetings.



(1) Council considers the attached schedules of appointments making any amendments as appropriate to accommodate representation for 2010/2011;

(2) Council nominates members for appointment to the Warwickshire Environmental Protection Committee, Warwickshire Waste Management Forum, The Percival Guildhouse (AGM only) and Hillmorton Charities for the Poor;

(3) Council confirms the appointment of Mr John Stainsfield as a trustee on the Fosterd’s Bridge Charity Trust;

(4) Council considers the nomination of 4 members to the group currently known as the Rugby Cemex Liaison Group; and

(5) Council considers nominating a representative to be considered by HSE as a member of the Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC).


Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Appointments by virtue of Office APPENDIX 1

Body Contact Designation Address Current Rep(s) No of Expires Length of Time & Day No of No of Name Reps at end Appt of Mtgs Mtgs Mtgs of: attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire Rob Back C/o  Economy, 2 Municipal Municipal Year Fridays, 2.00pm 4 1 Sub- Regional Forum Forward Planning Rugby Borough Council Development & Year & Economic Tel: 01788 533752 Culture Portfolio TO BE WOUND UP Development [email protected] Holder Manager, RBC  Main Opposition Group Leader Coventry, Solihull Steve Chief Executive CSWP Ltd  Economy, 1 Municipal Municipal Year 4 Board 6 2 & Warwickshire Stewart Connexions Coventry & Development & Year meetings Destination Warwickshire Culture plus others, Management 1st Floor, Tower Court Portfolion Holder eg, Ericsson Partnership Courtaulds Way, Foleshill (subsequently Partnership Coventry, CV6 5QT replaced by the Tel: 02476 707410 Leader of the Steve.stewart@ Council – Cllr C Humphrey) Coventry, Solihull Steve Chief Executive CSWP Ltd  Leader of the 1 Municipal Municipal Year 3 & Warwickshire Stewart Connexions Coventry & Council – Cllr C Year Partnership Board Warwickshire Humphrey 1st Floor, Tower Court Courtaulds Way, Foleshill Coventry, CV6 5QT Tel: 02476 707410 Steve.stewart@ Local Government Cathy Boyle Member Services Local Government House  Leader of the 1 Municipal Municipal year AGM Ist Tues in 1 1 4 Association Manager Smith Square Council – Cllr year July (after lunch) General Assembly Humphrey SW1P 3HZ 020 7664 3205 [email protected]

Orbit Housing Carol Moore C/o Housing Department,  Resources and 1 Municipal Municipal Year 2, Thursday 2 5 Association Care The Retreat, Newbold Road, Corporate Year 12.30 and Repair Rugby Governance Advisory Group CV21 2LN Portfolio Holder – 01788 533867 Cllr D Wright Carol.moore@

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies by virtue of office as at 10.05.10 - App 1 Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Appointments by virtue of Office APPENDIX 1

Body Contact Designation Address Current Rep(s) No of Expires Length of Time & Day No of No of Name Reps at end Appt of Mtgs Mtgs Mtgs of: attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) RTPI Politicians in Andrew PIPA  Chairman of Unlimited Unlimited Municipal Year Variable 0 6 Planning Network Matheson 41 Botolph Lane, London EC3R Planning (PIPA) 8DL Committee 01789 763006  Economy, [email protected] Development and Culture Portfolio Holder

Rugby BID Aftab Gaffar Operations The Rugby BID Company Ltd,  Economy, 1 Municipal Municipal Year 1st Thursday of 6 7 Company Ltd Manager PO Box 4481, Rugby CV21 9DU Development and Year the month – 01788 569436 Culture Portfolio evenings at the [email protected] Holder Town Hall Rugby-HMS Mr F B 94 Abbey Street,  The Mayor 3 Municipal Municipal Year Tuesday 18.30 6-8 2 8 Tireless Affiliation Whistance Rugby (1 by Year Association CV21 3LL virtue of office & 2 Misc. appts) Rugby Leisure Caroline Community Rugby Borough Council  Economy, 1 Municipal Municipal Year 9 Community Johnson Support and The Town Hall Development Year Association Recreation Evreux Way and Culture (RLCA) Manager Rugby Portfolio Holder CV21 2RR 01788 533711 [email protected] Rugby Local Stephen Rugby Area Rugby Borough Council  Sustainable 1 Municipal Municipal Year 2.30pm 12 10 Strategic Marks Office: The Town Hall Inclusive Year weekdays Partnership Warwickshire Evreux Way Communities County Council Rugby Portfolio Holder CV21 2RR 01788 533664 Rugby Tourism Jan Manager Top Floor  Economy, 1 Municipal Municipal Year Arranged as 3-4 11 Dunseith Rugby Art Gallery and Museum Development and Year required Little Elborow Street Culture Portfolio Rugby Holder CV21 3BZ  RBC Tourism manager@ Officer (Tracey Powell/Paula Twigger)

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies by virtue of office as at 10.05.10 - App 1 Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Appointments by virtue of Office APPENDIX 1

Body Contact Designation Address Current Rep(s) No of Expires Length of Time & Day No of No of Name Reps at end Appt of Mtgs Mtgs Mtgs of: attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Warwickshire Mrs A Health Scrutiny Warwickshire County Council  Cllr Mrs S Bragg 1 Municipal Municipal Year Wednesdays 4 per year 12 County Council McGibbon Officer PO Box 9 Year 10am plus visits Health and Shire Hall and panel Overview Scrutiny Warwick meetings Committee CV34 4RR 01926 412075 Warwickshire Michelle Overview and Democratic Services – Law &  Chairman of RBC Municipal Municipal Year 13* County Council McHugh Scrutiny Manager Governance Division Overview and Year Overview and Customers, Workforce and Scrutiny Scrutiny Board Governance Directorate, Management P O Box 9, Shire Hall Board Warwick  Subs: Chairman CV34 5BQ of CUSP and 01926 412144 Chairman of michellemchugh@warwickshire. CORP

Warwickshire Sean Head of The Retreat  Sustainable 1 Municipal Municipal Year Weekday, 14 Environmental Lawson Environmental Newbold Road Environment Year daytime, as Protection Services Rugby Portfolio Holder appropriate Committee CV21 2RR 01788 533850 [email protected] Warwickshire No contact  Economy, 15* Heritage details Development and Partnership known Culture Portfolio Holder

Warwickshire Jean Principal Warwickshire County Council  Sustainable 1 Municipal Municipal Year 2pm Tuesday 4 16* Waste Hardwick Committee P O Box 9, Shire Hall Environment Year Management Administrator Warwick Portfolio Holder Forum CV34 5BQ 01926 412113 [email protected]  Sub Rep: .uk West Midlands Kate Policy & Corporate WMLGA, Albert House, Quay  Leader of the 1 Municipal Municipal Year 17 Leaders’ Board Doogan Support Manager Place, Edward Street, Council Year Birmingham B1 2RA  Sub Rep: Deputy Tel: 0121 678 1017 Leader

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies by virtue of office as at 10.05.10 - App 1 Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Appointments by virtue of Office APPENDIX 1

Body Contact Designation Address Current Rep(s) No of Expires Length of Time & Day No of No of Name Reps at end Appt of Mtgs Mtgs Mtgs of: attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) West Midlands Kate Policy & Corporate WMLGA,  Sustainable 2 Municipal Year 18 LGA Strategy Doogan Support Manager Albert House, Inclusive Advisory Panel Quay Place, Communities WOUND UP Edward Street, Portfolio Holder (ReplaceD WMLGA Birmingham B1 2RA  Economy, Devt & Regional Housing Tel: 0121 678 1017 Culture Portfolio and Planning Holder Partnerships) West Midlands Kate Policy & Corporate WMLGA,  Economy, 1 19 Local Government Doogan Support Manager Albert House, Development & Association: West Quay Place, Culture Portfolio WMRA WOUND Midlands Regional Edward Street, Holder UP 2010 Assembly Birmingham B1 2RA Tel: 0121 678 1017 Sub Rep: Deputy Leader

Key: All organisations in the above schedule that are printed in italics also have other Council representatives appointed as detailed in the schedule of miscellaneous appointments.

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies by virtue of office as at 10.05.10 - App 1 Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Body Contact Designation Address Current No. of Expires Length of Time & day of No. of No of Mtgs Name Rep(s) Reps at end of: appt mtgs Mtgs attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 1 Age Concern - Mrs E Chief Executive - 8 Clemens Street Cllr P J Butlin 1 Municipal Municipal Year Daytime 1 Warwickshire Phillips Age Concern Leamington Spa Year AGM Warwickshire CV31 2DL 01926 458100 [email protected] 2 Age Concern Maureen Chair Age Concern Warwickshire Cllr W Sewell 1 Municipal Municipal Year 6 Warwickshire James Claremont Centre Year (Rugby Area) 43 Clifton Road Rugby CV21 3QE 01788 330885/ 552540 Maureen.james@ 3 Bedworth, Rugby David Manager BRANCAB Cllr M Stokes 2 Municipal Municipal Year Alternate 4 and Nuneaton Gooding Chestnut House Year Bedworth and Citizens Advice 32 North Street Cllr Mrs G Hotten Rugby, usually Bureau Rugby Wednesdays CV21 2AG Bedworth start 01788 541031 12.30pm Rugby start 6.00pm 4 Bilton Poor’s Mrs A J Bilton Poor’s 2 David Road Cllr Mrs L Parker 4 18/11/2011 4 years 2.15 pm 3 per year Good Land and other Parker: Clerk Land and other Bilton Mr L Franklyn 18/11/2011 attendance Charities to the Charities Rugby Mr B Shields 07/04/2012 Weds for all Trustees CV22 7PX Mr S G Humphries 07/04/2012 trustees 01788 810930

Mr M A 9 Critchley Drive Goode: Rugby Chairman CV22 6PJ 01788 811030 5 Board of Caroline Clerk to the Warwickshire College Cllr J M Shera 1 12/2009 2 years Mondays & 15 Warwickshire Menadue Corporation Leamington Centre (Not reappointed Wednesdays College Warwick New Road – organisation no 5.30pm Leamington Spa longer requires (APPT. NO Warwickshire representation on CV32 5JE Board) LONGER 01926 318226 REQUIRED) [email protected]

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Body Contact Designation Address Current No. of Expires Length of Time & day of No. of No of Mtgs Name Rep(s) Reps at end of: appt mtgs Mtgs attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 6 Butlin and Julian Hall Clerk to the Larkfield Mrs W A S D 1 14/12/2012 Weekday 2pm 4 4 Elborow Housing Trustees Ashlawn Road Hilditch Trust RUGBY CV22 5QE 01788 543588 [email protected] 7* Coventry Airport Mrs Angela Coventry Airport Cov & Warks Chamber of Cllr T Day 1 Municipal Municipal Year Varies 2 Consultative Lennox Consultative Commerce Year Committee Committee Oak Tree Court Binley Business Park Harry Weston Rd Coventry CV3 2UN 024 7665 4336 [email protected] 8 Fareham Youth Anna Area Community Education Cllr R J Dodd 1 Municipal Municipal Year Weekday evening 3 Centre Andrews Office Year Newton Hall Lower Hillmorton Road Rugby CV21 3TV 01926 736500 9 Hill Street Youth Dana Bursar Hill Street Youth and Cllr T Mahoney 1 Municipal Municipal Year Tuesdays 3 and Community Stewart Community Centre Hill Street Year 7.30 pm Centre Rugby Management CV21 2NB Committee 01788 576041 danastewart@ 10* Home Start Miss K Home Start Co- C/o Boughtonleigh Infant Cllr D Cranham 1 Municipal Municipal Year Varies 12 Wakelin ordinator School, Wetherall Way, Year Brownsover Rugby CV21 1LT 01788 553237 Karen- [email protected] 11 Local Marion Member Services Cllr C Humphrey 2 Municipal Municipal Year Varies 2 0 Government Stribling Local Government House Year Association Smith Square Cllr D Poole Rural London Commission SW1P 3HZ 020 7664 3040 [email protected]

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Body Contact Designation Address Current No. of Expires Length of Time & day of No. of No of Mtgs Name Rep(s) Reps at end of: appt mtgs Mtgs attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 12 Local Marion Member Services Cllr C Humphrey 2 Municipal Municipal Year Varies 2 0 Government Stribling Local Government House Year Association Smith Square Cllr D Poole Urban London Commission SW1P 3HZ 020 7664 3040 [email protected] 13 RELATE Mrs S Curtis Centre Director RELATE Cllr Mrs M 2 Municipal Municipal Year 6.00-7.30pm 4 1 (Trustees Board) 44a-46a Regent Street O’Rourke Year day varies Rugby CV21 2PS Cllr Helen Walton 2 01788 565675 sarahcurtis@ Only 1 representativ e required from 2010/2011 as Cllr Helen Walton is now a full Trustee

14 Rugby and Mrs P Secretary 47 Lawrence Road Cllr W H Sewell 1 Municipal Municipal Year District Trimble Rugby Year Neighbourhood Warwickshire Watch- Executive [email protected] Committee 15 Rugby First Mr Robin Suite 3, 9 North Street, Rugby Cllr Leigh Hunt 2 Municipal Municipal Year 4th Thursday every 6 Richter CV21 1AB Year 2 months 01788 572150 Cllr I Mistry [email protected] 16 Rugby- HMS Mr F B 94 Abbey Street, Rugby Cllr F B Whistance 3 Municipal Municipal Year Tuesdays 6-8 Tireless Whistance CV21 3LL (2 Misc. Year 18.30 Affiliation Cllr W Sewell Appts. & 1 Association by virtue of office) 17 Rugby MIND Julie York Administrator 28 Cromwell Road Cllr M Stokes 1 Municipal Municipal Year Mondays, 3.30pm 6 Rugby Year CV22 5LY 01788 544105 [email protected]

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Body Contact Designation Address Current No. of Expires Length of Time & day of No. of No of Mtgs Name Rep(s) Reps at end of: appt mtgs Mtgs attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 18 Rugby Rural Link Sean Head of RBC Cllr Mrs Sally 1 Municipal Municipal Year Weekday, usually 7 7 Steering Group Lawson Environmental The Town Hall Bragg Year morning. No fixed (NEW 2009) Services Evreux Way timetable – mtgs Rugby (Cllr Mrs T Avis – take place every CV21 2RR substitute) 6-8 weeks depending on actions required 19 Rugby Welfare Mary Poxon St Andrews Parish Church Cllr Mrs C A Avis 2 6/10/2011 3 years 2 pm Tuesday 2 Charities Centre Church Street Mrs P Wyatt Rugby 6/10/2011 CV21 3PU 01788 565609 20 Rugby Youth Helen Essex Participation Youth Community Service Cllr D Poole 1 Municipal Municipal Year Mondays 5-7pm 40 Council Youth Worker Newton Hall Year Lower Hillmorton Road Rugby CV21 3TU 01926 736500 helenessex@ 21 Sustainable Stephen Sustainability Rugby Borough Council, Cllr D Cranham 2 Municipal Municipal Year Weekdays at 6 Rugby Group Marks Co-ordinator Town Hall, Rugby Warks Year 6.30pm CV21 2RR 01788 533664 Cllr Mrs T Avis Stephen.marks@ 22 The Percival Mrs Elaine Centre Manager The Percival Guildhouse Cllr C Holman 1 Municipal Municipal Year Varies AGM only Guildhouse Faller St Matthews Street Year (AGM only) Rugby CV21 3BY 01788 542467 23 Trustees of Elizabeth Democratic Democratic Services Cllr D Wright 3 18/08/2010 4 years Usually 1 1 Fosterd’s Bridge Routledge Services Officer Rugby Borough Council Wednesday in Charity The Town Hall Mrs P M Hill 06/10/2012 mid-June 1 Evreux Way 2,30 site visit Rugby Mrs W A S D 18/08/2013 4.30 meeting 1 CV21 2RR Hilditch 01788 533522

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Body Contact Designation Address Current No. of Expires Length of Time & day of No. of No of Mtgs Name Rep(s) Reps at end of: appt mtgs Mtgs attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 24 Trustees of Mr D C Willis Clerk to the Field House Miss K Lawrence 5 13/12/2013 4 years 7.15 pm 6 5 Hillmorton Trustees 3 Florin Place As arranged at Charities Hillmorton Mrs E Thorneycroft 06/10/2012 each meeting 5 Rugby Warwickshire Cllr T J Deery CV21 4EJ 10/06/2010 4 Mr R Price [email protected] 13/02/2014 5 Cllr W Sewell 18/11/2011 4 25 Trustees of Linn Enticott Democratic Democratic Services * 1 VACANCY 5 06/08/2013 4 years 4.30pm 2 No meetings James Kenning Services Officer Rugby Borough Council (due to death of Mr 2 Nom. held 09/10 Public Purposes The Town Hall J Reeve – Trustees Charity Evreux Way nominations will be 3 Co- Rugby sought from operative CV21 2RR current Trustees) Trustees 01788 533523 Mrs W A S D 06/08/2013 Hilditch

Mrs M Dean 17/07/2011

Cllr L Hunt 17/07/2011

Cllr K J Cassidy 17/07/2011 26 Trustees of Mr K Julian Clerk to the Larkfield Cllr Dr M Williams 3 06/10/2011 Tuesday 4pm 3 1 Lawrence Sheriff Hall Trustees Ashlawn Road Almshouses Rugby Cllr F B Whistance 06/10/2011 3 CV22 5QE 01788 543588 Cllr Mrs C A Avis 06/10/2011 3

27* Victim Support The Co- Co-ordinator C/o Rugby Police Station Cllr Mrs J C 1 Municipal Municipal Year Midweek 6+ (Rugby) ordinator Newbold Road Watson Year Time varies- Rugby usually daytime CV21 2DH 01788 561771 28 Warwickshire Claire Locality Manager Warwickshire CAVA Cllr T Day 1 Municipal Municipal Year Monday 7 pm 6 2 Community and Montague 19/20 North Street Year Voluntary Action Rugby (CAVA) CV21 2AG 01788 574258 [email protected]

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Body Contact Designation Address Current No. of Expires Length of Time & day of No. of No of Mtgs Name Rep(s) Reps at end of: appt mtgs Mtgs attended 2009/10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 29 Warwickshire Mr P Maull Warwickshire County Council Cllr C Humphrey 1 Municipal Municipal Year Normally Mondays 2 0 County Council PO Box 9 Year at 10.00am Pension Shire Hall Fund Warwick Consultation CV34 4RR Panel 01926 412834 philmaull@ 30 Warwickshire Helal Shahid CEO WREP Cllr R Srivastava 1 Municipal Ongoing until Variable day 1 AGM & Race Equality 10 Hamilton Terrace Year notified in 6.00 – 8.00pm 6 Board Partnership Leamington Spa (Sub: any named writing Meetings CV32 4LY borough 01926 314644 councillor) [email protected] Cllr Mrs Kaur is a Board Member 31* Warwickshire Mrs K Wilson Warwickshire Rural Cllr Mrs Sally 1 Municipal Municipal Year Wednesdays at 5 Rural Community Community Council Work and Bragg Year 2.00pm Council Work Project Committee and Project 25 Stoneleigh Deer Park Committee Abbey Park Stareton Kenilworth CV8 2LY 02476 303232 Enquiries@wrccrural. 32* West Midlands Katrina Policy Support WMLGA & Improvement & Cllr D Wright 1 Municipal Municipal Year Members’ McGuigan Officer Efficiency West Midlands Year Development West Midlands Regional Network and Partnership Centre Steering Group Albert House Quay Place Edward Street BIRMINGHAM B1 2RA 0121 678 1073 [email protected] 33* West Midlands Captain John C/o TA Centre Cllr D Wright 1 Municipal Municipal Year Territorial and Standen Edward Street Year Volunteer Rugby Reserve CV21 2BP Association 01788 544177

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2009/10 – Miscellaneous Appointments APPENDIX 2

Key: All organisations in the above schedule that are printed in italics also have representatives that are appointed by virtue of office.

CNL20MAY 2010 Appts to Outside Bodies - Miscellaneous as at 10.05.10 App 2