Glee Club Radio Show on Cjch Sa Urday

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Glee Club Radio Show on Cjch Sa Urday THE Canada's Oldest College Newspaper Vol. LXXXVII HAUFAX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1954 No.4 GLEE CLUB RADIO SHOWON CJCH SA URDAY Politicians To Form Clubs 7:30 Air Time for !Plans for the 1954-55 sessions of the Maritime Universitt Students' DRC~s New Musical Parliament are in the forefront of Sodales activities for the year, it The Dalhousie Radio Committee, in co-operation with was announced by Art Stone, Law 3, president of the debating ~ociety the Glee and Dramatic Society, will present the first of a over the weekend. The Parhament series of thirteen weekly musical programmes on Radio will be held in Fredericton, un~er Station CJCH, 920 kilocycles, on Saturday night at 7:30. The the direction of Kew Brunswick show, produced under the supervision of Len Chapple of the students, during the second week in February. CJCH staff, will be entirely a university presentation, with Dalhousie politicians are exp(.>Ct­ members of the D.R.C. doing the writing, announcing, and ed to voice their opinions on the producing, and the Glee Club providing the talent. floor, as they did last y~ar, b~t since there is no campus-w1de poll­ The mixed chorus of the Glee CKCL in Truro, CKEN, Kentvllle, tical system at Dalhousie, the exe­ Club's revue will highlight the pro­ CJLS, Yarmouth, CFBC, Saint cutive of Sodales feels that an gramme with two selections from John and CJCB Sydney. The pro­ the musical comedy Oklahoma!, the immediate beginning should ~e gramme will be aired until Decem­ made to organize the campus poh­ title song, and the familiar "Sur­ ber 4, and will be heard again after tically. The job of seeing to the rey with Fringe on Top". Nell Christmas from January 9. Shown above are ix of the many costumed dancers at the Gazette's Hallowe'en Masq~erade, held Chisholm, who \vill take one of the Another programme, a half-hour represenation of Dalhousie at the last Friday in the gym. From left to dght, they ai:e. l~osemai·y Lime, Malcolm l\1acAul~y, wmne~ of th~ l\1. U .S.P. rests with the debaters, leading roles in Yeomen of the discussion on university topics, will prize for the most ot·iginal costume in the men's divisiOn, John Armstrong and Doreen Mttchel!, wmne1: of Guard, will be featured soloist on probably be presented by the com­ and they strongly recommend that the women's "most original'' prize.. These priz~s, Dal sweater~, were donated b.Y Allan "Butsie" ,O'Bne~. an election be held before the Par­ the opening show with the D.G.D.S. mittee on Halifax's CBC station, At the right are John Brown and Ehse Lane, wmners of the pnzes for the funmest costumes. This years quartette, known as "The Four­ liament. However, since there are frosh may not see the joke. CBH, after Christmas. Campus in­ no organized political groups 01;1t-. flushers", singing a negro spiritual. terest in radio is at an all-time side the Law School, Sodales m­ Eleanor Ritcey is the accompanist high this year, and the committee vites all those who are interested for the chorus. chairman, Colin MacKenzie, Law 1, in any of the national parties to Negotiations are under way by has expressed great hopes for thE: contact Art Stone or Dave Peel in Gazette Hallowe 'en Dance Registration the Radio Committee to have the future. the Law School, or Neva Eisner at new programme, the first musical Shirreff Hall. The number of poli­ on the Dal airwaves in several tical parties must be limited to years, carried over a network of three because of Sodales budget re­ radio stations in the Maritime NFCUS Plans p~~~::~~~u~!:~=~~~~~~i~~~~~~ Up Slightly provinces. Stations that have been strictions. It is expected that the a crew of weird and strangely-costumed figures at the Conservative and Liberal assooia­ Registration at Dalhousie Uni­ approached in this regard are tions in the faculty of Law will Gazette Hallowe'en Masquerade held last Friday night in the Are Outlined versity, not yet complete for the co-operate in the formation of Gymnasium. The brave souls who appeared in costumes "You have come to build or to these new groups. really went all out, and were dressed as such characters .as academic year 1954-55, has reach­ No Dal Spirit; bury NFCUS". This was the chal­ N. S. PC's .Make Plans Dutchmen devils, clowns, Apache dancers, Romans and pnze ed a total of 1415---slightly higher lenge presented to the more than than last year's figure--and a 100 delegates attending the 18th Also planning for the Stude~ts' fighters. 'of course, some who were a~raid to be exhibi­ few more students in special "X"" Trip Off annual NFCUS Conference held at Parliament are the Progressive tionists attended, attired in normal clothmg, and we figured Toronto University this month. Conservatives, who formed the categories are expected to regis­ that their financial situation must be pretty good, because ter during the present term. Al­ Is the Dal spirit gone? It look­ This was the atmosphere that government last year. Delegates prevailed throughout the Confer­ from Acadia, Dal, King's and they had to pay an extra 25c at the door. though not as high as the peak ed that way last week. The foot­ Prizes were given for the fun-~ - · -­ figure reached during the post­ ball trip to St F.X., that was to ence; it was a time of decision for Mount Saint Vincent met in Truro the NIFCUS organization, a time to on Saturday to discuss a platform niest and most original costumes. Della war period when student veter­ have been sponsored by the Rink The wearer of the most original ans were enrolled in large num­ Rats was cancelled, and the only get back to the "grass roots" and for the campus elections this year, Gamma once again appeal to the students and to decide on resolutions to be male costume went to Malcolm bers, the figure shows a marked reason was that there were not submitted to the National P.C. MacAulay, Med 2, who came as a Plans increase over pre-war years. enough students that wanted to by carrying out a constructive pro­ Student Federation. In the chair bronzed and feathered Indian "­ Protest Registration for the academic go. The cry, ''Get on the Band­ gramme. As Dr. Sydney Wax Chief. Dressed as a flapper of the year 1938-39 was 883. wagon, go to X," failed to get stated, "The National Federation was Gwen Whidden of Acadia, A meeting of Delta Gamma was of Canadian Students has always vice-president of the P.C.S.F. Dal­ roaring '20's, Doreen Mitchell, held Thursday, October 27, with more than 70 to buy tickets, and Comm. 4, won the most original The majority of those register­ been the work of a few with little housie's repersentatives were Peter the president, Jeanette LeBrun. 200 were needed to make the of the inspiration seeping down to MacDermaid, Arts 3, and Dave female prize. Elise Lane, Arts 4 presiding. ed at Dalhousie come from the trip pay. Even the terrific game Peel, Law 1. and John Brown, Sc. Eng 4, were four Atlantic Provinces but every that ended in a 17-17 tie could the students for whom it was in­ the winners for the funniest cos­ The main issue of the meeting province in Canada is represent­ tended". The Tories are anxious to co­ was the completion of plans for not interest the Dalhousians in The twenty-one universities rep­ operate with Sodales on the forma­ tumes as typical freshmen. A new eel, as well as the United States, the return game at Antigonish. twist was given to this combina­ Open House to be held November England, Scotland, Africa, Ber­ resenting 40,000 Canadian students tion of active political groups on 20 at the Shirreff Hall. All girls It seems strange to the Rink felt that this year's programme the campus, and will be glad to tion, Miss Lane wearing the typical nmda, the British West Indies, freshman outfit, and Mr. Brown are urged to attend as this is the British Guiana ,the Dominion Re­ Rats, that out of the 1415 stu­ was practical and worthy of stu­ contact any interested persons at first event where the girls are dents registered at Dal, not even dent support. any time. dressed as the freshette. public, Germany, Greece, Hong Hugh McCabe's Rhythmaires allowed to take the initiative in Kong, Korea, and Puerto Rico. 200 were interested in cheering The plan to campaign for the provided the music, and Alf John­ asking out the heart-throbs of the on their team to victory, though implementation of Government son directed the square sets, in campus. Admission will be 50c some did go by car, and one Scholarships received unanimous "Arsenic"" Cast which the crowd participated en­ stag and 75c per couple. D G D S Needs group even chartered a bus. It support by all delegates. It was thusiastically. Though it wasn't Nominations for a Dramatics • • • • will probably be a long time be­ felt that this was one of the most the most crowded dance of the Manager for the year resulted in M 0 h t fore the Rink Rats attempt to important objectives of NFCUS. Is Announced year, there was a good attendance, the election of Iris Cappell. en~ rc es ra sponsor another trip, but it is The University of Toronto was and all those who went said they Delta Gamma is sponsoring a hoped that when they do, the mandated to assist and co-ordinate Carol Vincent, Sc.
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