________________________________________________________________________________ Chief Executive’s Management Report – March 2021 Kildare County Council Services and Arrangements During COVID-19 Access to Public Offices Restricted – Level 5 COVID-19 Restrictions The Council’s COVID-19 Team working with the Council’s Business Continuity Group continue to support Management Team to continue service delivery in a safe and sustainable business environment across all our premises. Members of the public continue to pre-book appointments with relevant services either online at www.kildare.ie/countycouncil/OnlineBookingSystem/ or by phone to 045 980 200 An appointment based approach is assisting in managing attendance at the offices in a safe way. With Level 5 COVID19 restrictions continuing, access to our public offices is restricted to appointment only and should be limited to urgent and necessary business. In accordance with Public Health advice staff are working remotely as much as possible and work is continuing to enable staff to deal with queries online and by phone on their laptops. All meetings are held online on Microsoft TEAMS. Some staff are required to attend the offices to carry out tasks that cannot be done remotely but this is being kept to a minimum. Appointments where necessary will be facilitated but must be made in advance at http://kildare.ie/countycouncil/OnlineBookingSystem/ You can continue to conduct business online at www.kildarecoco.ie or email
[email protected] or Phone 045 980 200. Our range of online services can be viewed here: http://kildare.ie/countycouncil/AllServices/OnlineServices/_________________________________________________________________________________ PleaseChief do Executive’s not attend Monthly our offices Management without Report an appointment.