On Way out in Chicago

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On Way out in Chicago CATHOLIC Vol. XIl No. 6 July-August, 1945 ·Price One Cent SEGREGATION NOTES BY ON WAY OUT 1,HE WA Y Maryfarm, :Easton, Pa. IN CHICAGO June 28, Vigil of SS. Peter B ~ JOHN DOEBELE and Paul. Up at 5: 30, first Mass at 6.00 Prime at 6: 30, wo recent judicial opinions, sung Mass at 7: 00. At break­ both condemning race re­ T strictive covenants, allow us fast we read the epistles an<!; to hope that the quasi-legal walls Gospels from the feast of St. which for the last 25 years have Irenaeus and also of the vigil. - forced Negroes to live in the Also Rodriguez on Silence. worst sections of many American Today we mailed the sheep's cities, may soon crumble. wool to Mr. Bartlett, Har­ "Since nousing is a necessity mony, Maine, to be washed, of 'li!e, as an original question a carded and spun to knit socks contract of 32 property-o~ers and sweaters for the winter. One that they and their successors sheep and two lambs have will not sell houses to Negroes wandered off in to the woods and would seem to stand on much the the boys were out looking for same plane as a contract of 32 them these last few days. grocers that they and successors Last night at supper we had will not sell food to Negroes ... reading al the table about the The Committee on Negro Hous­ Cure of Ars. He sounded rather ing of the President's Conference extreme with his condemnation on Home Ownership and Home . ·u~, p· t1• on of dancing and singing and his Building said in its Report in .The Ass endeavors to gain back his pa­ 1932: 'Segregation ... has kept rishioners. But I began to think the Negro-occupied sections o.f of the rural slums that we see cities throughout the country in the .dormitory. We have put am· around us in Easton, Phillipsburg fatally unwholesome places, a the men in the stone h ouse, the G. Gr·.·II Hom·e, and Glendon. and I can see well menace to the health, morals and Retreats So Far­ families who came in the St. how he had to fight drunkenness general decency of cities, and Lawrence room and priests in and disorder and the kind of plague spots for race exploita­ st. Martha, which used to be the And Others Toq, dancing and singing that go wit):1 tion, friction and riots.' It would Retreats to Come kitchen of the stone house. Even it. seem clear, as an original ques­ the attic, with all the holes in Our retreatants ar~ engaged in tion, that a court.uf equity would ' Fr. Urban Gerhart, from Cleve­ the slat~ roof through which you 'O' all sorts of tasks, gardening, have noU1ing to do with such a land; Fr. George Garrelts, from could see the sky, has been made But Not I.I Stay cleaning the barn, mending the t<m rr<!d nnlesJ lo· pr.event its Robbinsdale, Milin._; Fr. Myron, into· ar st:wing room a~d extra road, baking .. se ;ving, cleaning, enforcement or performance .. ." O.F.M., from Paterson, N. J., and dormitory for the helpers. Such Gerry Griffi.n, former head of etc. Today Mr. Eichlin brought said Jus~ice Henry Ed;,erton of Fr. Paciftque Roy, our chaplain mending has been done as us three loads of hay under a the United States Court of Ap­ at Maryfarm, have given the re­ Maryfarm has never seen before. the work here in New York, shar- lowering sky, our neighbors the peals. (1) treats so far at Maryfarm, Eas­ We have had enough h elp so ing the responsibility ·with Joe Haskows helping, and Stanley · "The influx of Negroes into ton, Pa. that we could turn the collars Zarrella, has been home on a and David unloading into our urban communities in response to The retreats to come are those of all the men's shirts and mend fui-lough this last month. For beautiful old barn. the increasing demands of iI)­ the holes In garments of us all. the past three years he h as been All the families on the farm dustrv for labor, together with of Fr. Dominic Fiorentino, of New York,-August 5th; Father Altar linen has never been so with the American Field Service have goats and rabbits and race segregation . have made spotless, tables and altar de- in Syria, North Africa, Italy~ and chickens. Tamar and Dave it impossible for many Negroes Meenan, of Pittsburg.ti,-August 19th, and Fr. Ehmann, of Ro­ corated so beautifully. We can ·Holland. By the time this paper loaned Grace Branham their goat to find decent housing in large see now how so much is accom- is out he will probably h ave for .the summer, and she is giving centers of population ... Negroes chesterr-August 31. Many of the retreatants come plished by monasteries and con- sailed for India. He is a lieuten- ·three quarts oi milk a .day. She migrating into urban communi­ vents. We, too, have bell ring- ant, in charge of thirty ambu- "came in" on April 3, the day early and stay late, and a n~1m­ tie · have found barriers at every ers, bread makers, table setters, lances. Tamar's baby was born, and turn ... The choice lies between ber are coming back to spend the rest of the summer, to help gardeners, readers for the table, . Bob Sukoski, son of one of our since the cow was dry at that the continuation of such condi­ berry pickers, as well as cooks, printers, and for some years a time, the three quarts of· goat's tions I as reported in the above prepare the · place for the re­ treats to come. Cecilia H L1go and dishwashers and cloth eswashers. leader in the Catholic _ Land milk certainly came in hanqy. cited Conference] and the ex­ How wonderful it is to be able to Movement (Alcuin Community), Now Grace has the goat, and pansion . of urban Negro dis­ Mildred Petty both have given their summer to the work. We distribute tasks, so that now a is home o~ furlough. He . was she sends down the surplus that tricts ... Race restrictive agree­ few do not have to do it all. It wounded in Germany, losing his she cannot use to Fr. Roy and ments undertaking to do what n~w i;i.av~ upper a:id lower dor­ is possible to take j.oy in oi1e's right arm almost to the elbow. Peter. the state cannot must yield to m1tones m the bar_n for women. the public interest in the sound We have m:i;de a pnvate room _for labor, and to learn this joy is He is going on with his work, Went to see Helen Montague. I part of the retreat. A philosophy (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 2) <Continued on page 3) Peter Maurm, who was sleeping of labor means taking joy in one's work, and recognizing that it is not only penance for one's The Servile State sins but co-creating with the Germany's 0 pportunity Lord. Lloyd George and Churchill, put On the eve of Hilaire Belloc's As I left the farm the other By FR. CLARENCE DUFFY culture, arts and crafts would be seventy-fifth birthday, the Servile over the compulsory insurance day, Mary Frecon, head of the a good thing lor Germany and Slate was ushered into Great law in 1~10 and this brought Harrisburg house, was creating In the neswpapers and on the for the world. · Britain with Prime Mi.nister Att­ Belloc to write "The Servile a garden where there had been .radio there is an ever-recurring In Germany, despite the asser­ lee taking the place o.l Cbu1·chill. State: · In out· owo country the waste land before·. theme these days: German in­ tions of the modern Pharisees, Contrary to the opinion of most New Deal grew out of such Our retreats are tastes of dtistry must be der.troyed. there are many millions of conservatives, the new govern­ social legislation. And Catholics heaven, samples of living close American military, political people who were not and are not ment is not a step toward col­ throughout the country are again to God, and close to one's fel­ and economic lea.ders, and prom­ Nazis. Many of them were in lectivism, but a solidifying of accepting "the lesser of two evils" inent personages associated with the concentration camps because and trying to apply Christian lows in brotherly love and serv capitalism, with the sop thrown i.ce. We have had young and foreign trade are either glory­ of their expressed hatred of and to the proletariat of social se­ principles to it. They fail tu ~:::e ing in the destruction already opposition to · Nazism. There the body of Catholic social teach­ old, families and single people, curity, health laws, education all nationalities, colored and achieved or urging the complete were many more who just kept laws, etc. The Stale has taken ing of such men as Fr. Vincent destruction of German industry quiet, as people will do anywhere McNabb, G. K. Chesterton, Belloc. white. We have had priest possession of the masses, with so that, they say, Germany will in the world, when they are in­ Eric Gill and ot,her dist.ributists, visitors and lay visitors. And we their approval. Most people look have had our Lord Himself. not ag·ain wage war.
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