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Bee Gee News April 30, 1947

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News April 30, 1947" (1947). BG News (Student Newspaper). 812. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/812

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C," a political satire centered on a nomi- session will take place tonight new women's dormitories to bo lo- including the return engagement of Roland Hayes last night, cated in the Amphitheater-Ridge nating convention and campaign tour, will be presented as the from 7 to 9 p.m. according to -a concert by the Bowling Green high school chorus Friday, street area will begin on or before annual Dance club recital at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Audi- and a speech by Senator Wayne L. Morse a week from Monday. plans posted by the registrar. July 1 according to Dr. Frank J. torium. Hayes, noted Negro tenor, was engaged Monday morning Students should see their ad- Prout, university president. The scene opens in Chicago as candidate Pat Peterson by Prof. John Schwarz, chairman of the entertainment com- visors in rooms listed on the bulle- Plans for the houses include: strives to become nominated. Dances representative of vari- mittee. His first appearance at tin board in the Well tonight to first floor—connecting dining ious unfavorable impressions of Bowling Green four years ago Returns to Campus room and lounge with double the candidate's worth follow only discuss schedules. When the doors from lounge leading onto a was lauded as a noteworthy suc- Sigma Rho Leads to be overcome by those in favor schedule has been completed and small terrace, kitchen, powder cess. initialed by the advisor it should room and rest room; second of the nomination, "Gents of the The choral program by the be token to the registrar's office. floor—dormitory, two dressing In Scholarship Pran," Margaret Miller, Donna Bowling Green high school group and study rooms, shower room and Davis, and Harriet Wood photo- will' be presented Friday at 11 Further steps will be taken lavatory, guest rooms and bath; Scholarship leader of sororities graph and interview the candidate s.m. This event, directed by Roy Monday. June 2, through June 10. third floor—dormitory, two dres- on campus for the first semester is V. Hilty, is also a return engage- Schedules may be obtsined from sing and study rooms, lavatory. Sigma Rho Tau with a point aver- through a tap routine. ment. tlu- registrar*! offices at that time age just one-and-two-thirils per Traveling westward the candi- for students to fill out and return It has not yet been decided Senator Wayne I.. Morse, Ore- which groups will live in the cent below 3. Others follow close date meets "My Fraud Flicker" gon Republican, will speak on registration cards. Non-veterans behind Alpha Phi, runner-up with a talented mount portrayed by should pay fees during that week houses, but it is hoped that one "Trends of Legislation in the 80th dormitory may bo international, an average of 2.77806, according to Donna Davis and Jane Pierce. He at the business office. Congress" in an 11 a.m. assembly housing Spanish students. figures computed by the registrar. also finds "Scalpers" (Indians), Veterans students may obtnin .Marilyn Whitacro and Donna Tut- on Monday, May 12. Elected to Dr. Prout stated that trees in Award for scholastic leadership the Senate in the 1944 landslide, I.D. cards in the veterans office, is the Russell Scholarship cup held tle, and u group of westerners 217 Ad building, from Monday, this area will not have to be cut made up of the Junior dance he is a leader of the independent down in order to make room for last semester by (iamniu Phi Beta. June 2, to June fi. Fees must be group who perform "Chap Hap- Republican bloc which has moder- the dormitories. Standings of the sororities are: ated the backswing from New paid with the l.D. cards by June Sigma Rho Tau 1 911.1.1.1 py," a square dance montage. Dealism. 10. Alpha Phi 2.77B06 The Freshman dance group in- Alpha Chi Omeqa 2.73208 To assume his first elective of- If registration cards are not Coeds Must Sign Delia Gamma .. 2.71239 cluding Marion Rini, Marilyn Bur- completed students should report Alpha Gamma Delia 2.69726 ski. .Margery lluber, Donna Davis, fice, Senator Morse resigned as For Campus Rooms Phi Mu 2.69230 dean of law at the University to the Library rending room on Tn-Lambda 2.63796 Khea Josselyn, and Mary Ann Mc- Monday, June 16, to do so. Fees Alpha Xi Delia .' 82682 Lellnn dance the "Pink Fantasy" of Oregon after a term from 1931 All women living in Shatzol and Gamma Phi Beta 2.59145 to 1044. He also taught at Minne- may then be paid in 100 Library. Williams halls or the Women's Kappa D.lla 2.51235 in California. A visit to the Hol- Ro id Hnyci, Negro tenor, re- Tlmla Phi .' 41704 sota and Wisconsin where he re- Veterans are reminded not to building at the present time who lywood Bowl is portrayed by u bal- turned to Bowling Green for m ceived the bachelors degrees in report to the bookstore since wish to live in one of these build- let. Talent Scouts Bonny Sawyer ••cond recital after hi» success philosophy and law and his master hooks will be requisitioned from ings for the next fall term, must and Virginia Dawe carry on the of arts. Doctor of jurisprudence four yean ego. each class. report to the office of the Dean of leach nofes never-ending search for Chloe. was awarded by Columbia in 1932. Students this week to reserve a Student! who want to do Second Act Dances Doctor Will Give room. All rooms not spoken for Final IM Debates their student teaching nest fall, Act two finds the candidate will be assigned to other appli- should report t the Registrar's down South enjoying a group of Cancer Lecture cants. Spring Concert Presented Today office on or before May 9 to fill Negro spirituals in dances per- All women in Kohl hall who An explanation of cancer, its Final clashes in the intramural out the application forms. formed by the dance club. Mar- have not already received an as- symptoms and control, will ho piv- debate tournament will be held garet Hamann portrays the "St. Hits Modern Key en by Dr. Mary Margaret Frazor signment for next fall and wish Louie W o m a n." "Roll Dem of the Detroit Cancer center at today at 4 p.m. in 200, 300, and to live on campus must report to Bones," a skeleton tap dance by When the University Concert 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, in the 303 Ad building nnd at 7 p.m. in the office of the Dean of Students Liberal Arts Plans the Dance club features lighting band presents its Spring COMeri Practical Arts auditorium. Men 115, 200, nnd 300 Ad building. starting Monday, May 5, to sign effects. for a preference of dormitory. New Requirements, tonight at 8:16 p.m. in the audi- as well as women are urped to "Should Labor be given a direct "Riverside Rhudsody" by Betty hear this subject discussed. Also, they should be prepared to Adds to Offerings torium, it will feature modern share in the management of in- give names of roommates whom Rnby and Vera Schwartz an- Association of Women Students dustry," national debate question, nounces the candidate's arrival in numbers, including selections by they desire to live with next yeur. The College of Liberal Arts will and Women's Athletic association is the topic of the tournament. New York city. At Carnagio hall Morton Gould and Jerome Kern, list several changes in the new yearly sponsor a talk on this vital Participating in the debates are the Freshman dance group and as well as Franz Lehar and Jon Variety Radio Skit university catalogue now on the subject. Dr. Frauer, the first wo- Phyllis Blocmaker, Robert East- presses. Margaret. Miller dance the Grieg A Phillips Sousa. man speaker so engaged, is coming Minor Concerto. The final num- man, Robert Hill, Vicky Hoclzl, Broadcasts Saturday Basic requirement for majors Directed by Arthur C. Zuelzke, without charge but the two wo- Art Lnuer, James McCarthy, ber is a rhumbn-tango study by men's groups will contribute to the has been changed from 28 to 32 the 75-pieee band will include ap- Robert Rosenbush, Dorothy Skril- A half-hour comedy variety the Dance club with solo by Har- cancer center's fund. hours and for minors from 18 to riet Wood and trio by Betty Raby, proximately 15 students from the etz, Evalee Smith. Robert Stoldt, radio show written and directed 20. Only students entering in Sep- Bowling Green and Findlay high Women's dorms have been ap- Donald Terrell, Roger Warner, by Art Vernon will be featured Vera Schwartz, and .Eileen Boep- tember, 1947, and after will be ple. school bands. These students re- proached to add a small amount William Weidner, and Raymond over WTOD Toledo (1530 kilocy- affected. ceived superior ratings in the dis- through their treasuries. Yaeger. cles) at 10 a.m. Saturday. Stu- Philosophy has been made a Choreography for the recital trict music contest held at the dents who wish to see the show separate department under Dr. was (lone by Mrs. Jane Smith, university April 19. Best Work in Frosh Verifies must be in the Practical Arts audi- Thomas Tuttle, chnirman. An- Mrs. Clara Jean Whitman and the The program is as follows: "An- torium by 9:BR. other new department is engineer- dance group. Musical accompani- ment and improvisation is by Pat achreon Overture," Cherubini; Bill Stciner's orchestra, Herb ing drawing with John A. Henry "Red Cavalry March" and and Carded by De Santis and Crain Freeman as muster of ceremonies, as chairman. Sanguenitti. A short prologue "American Salute" by Gould; Art and philosophy departments will be performed by Marilyn Geb- by John R. Dyor and Jim Rook as announcer will "Emmett's Lullaby," Holmes; hold the skit together. Cled have been expanded and majors in hart and Virginia Dawe. "Vanished Army," K. J. Alford; With tho exceptional piano playing of Jim Crane and Joe Jones, assistant director, will be these subjects will be offered. "Purple Carnival," H. L. Alford; De Santis' impersonations to carry it through, "Bee Gee's A one of the cast which includes Naval Reserve Unit "Hands Across the Sea," Sousa; Jumpin'." the Freshman class variety show, entertained a Gloria Myron, James Hof, Bill Looks Ahead "Gold and Silver Waltz," Lehar; not-so-full house last Saturday evening in the Auditorium. Ford, and Richard Mix. Here For Recruiting "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," The "Open the Door, Richard" skit given in minstrel show Chuck Codding and Byron Pow The newly organized U. S. Kern; "Overture of 1812," Tschai- fashion by Al Pomponio and Al Jay and Jim Crane's original ell will be at the controls with Bob Naval Reserve traveling informa- kowsky; and "Skyliner March," H. "Impromptu" were well received . Schwynn in charge of sound ef- tion unit will return to 217 Ad L. Alford. by the audience in contrast to the fects with Alice Zenn. building next Wednesday and tune written by Eversole and Can- senior lees Thursday, April 30 and May 1 to Find Your Ac Card ning. New WFIN Schedule approach veterans not contacted by Solo and duet tap dances by the Diploma feet muil be paid in the regular recruiting station. From now on, kiddies, if you Jerry Keiger, Martie Midlam team the business office on or before Ends Campus Series Opportunity for immediate re- don't have those little green cards and baton twirling Lois Miller May 15. Senior, are also re- cnliBtmcnt in the V-6 inactive re- A change in the program sched- which say "Student Activity Card" were worthy of note, as was the minded to check with Uhlman's serve will be offered tq student ule of WFIN Findlay has discon- across the top, the people standing singing of Ron Bowers in the clothing store before May 9 to veterans. "Love Birds" sequence with Mari- be fitted for cap, and gown,. tinued the university broadcasts by the door at dances, movies, over that station. The station's Membership in the V-6 inactive lyn Horn. reserve makes it possible to apply concerts, and games won't let you There were plenty of rough summer schedule, which went into effect yesterday, had a commercial for a commission in the volunteer in. And that's official. spots in the music and the curtain inactive reserve. intervals were a little too long Faculty Members program logged for the time for- Ten-Member Board even before Crane entered by Mourn Three Parents merly used by Bowling Green radio Waves interested in V-10 inac- motor scooter except for the one students. tive service arc also offered in- in between curtains art put on by Parents of three Bowling Green The 10 a.m. program over formation and the opportunity to Assists Lutherans re-enlist while the unit is on the John Fay pushed out of the Nest faculty members died last week WTOD, Toledo, will continue until A ten-member board will be set lunch line and held up by Ken the close of the school year. campus. up in Bowling Green to advise the end. Krouse as the black market sand- They were the father of Prof. Prof. Sidney Stone emphasized Lutheran Student association and wich man. that the friendly relations between War Dept. Seeks arrange for money to supply their Willard E. Singer, associate pro- Phillips Moulton "Mary at the Baseball Game," fessor of physics, in Columbus; the station and the school will con- needs, it was decided at an all-day a comedy monologue given by tinue. The termination of pro- Regular Army Men conference held last Tuesday. the mother of Dr. W. E. Steidt- Nation Interest Mary Treece, and Jerry Keiger's mann, associate professor of bi- grams for the current year would Students eligible for and inter- Representatives on the board whiskery ki9s of the good Doctor have occurred within four weeks ested in the Regular Army Officers will include two pastors, two lay- ology, in Sauk City, Wis., and the Aids Next Emphasis Prout were the laugh drawers in father of Carl F. Ferner, instruct- under normal circumstances. Training corps will meet in the men, and one faculty man from the evening's entertainment. or in journalism, in Grand Rapids, The University Christian Mis- university auditorium at 11 a.m. the United Lutheran church and Another original idea was the Mich. High School Exams sion has chosen Bowling Green as Wednesday, May 7. the same number of men from the juke box plan. With every nickel one of the 20 American universi- American Lutheran church. No class will be excused or inserted in the machine the same Eleven Attend Slated for Campus ties to have a concentrated Re- shortened because of the meeting. brassy band known as the Dixie ligious Emphasis Week next year. Scholarship tests wil be given Lt. Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer, com- Oberhouse To Speak Four waltzed out from behind the At least a half dozen interna- Band Festival by the Ohio State Department of manding officer of the Second backdrop to play whatever they tionally known speakers, some At Denison Sunday desired, evidently to the conster- Bowling Green was represented Education to high school students Army, will send two speakers, an from foreign lands, will be on the air corps officer and a ground nation of the audience. in the Ohio Inter-collegiate Band in this area at Bowling Green on campus Nov. 2-6. Twelve members of Student Saturday, May 3. force service officer. Christian Fellowship will present a Most of the credit for the pro- festival at Wittenberg college last Phillips Moulton, national direc- duction goes to Jim Crane, with week by eleven students: Ed The tests will be given at 9 program at Denison university tor of the Mission which is spon- Records Must Be Completed Sunday morning in return for Amy Newman as co-director and Knepper, Glenn Walker, John a.m. while a one act play "How To sored by the Federal Council of Deni-Sunday. Jay Cherry as faculty advisor. Searle, Virginia McDarr, Bill Neff, Propose" is being presented for* Churches and the United Student "People having incomplete re- Bob Oberhouse, blind student Just as "Louie's Uptown" was a Bob Snyder, Ruth Berger, Bill those accompanying the students. Christian Council, made the an- cords on file in the Bureau of Ap- now attending Bowling Green, will noteable improvement upon "Casa Champion, Marriott Squire, Mon- At 10:15 the play will be present- nouncement during his Bowling pointments should complete their speak. Others taking part are de Kilroy," the freshmen have a roe Rappeport, and Robert Brough. ed again for the students. Green visit this week. records at the earliest possible Marilyn Weisz, Dick Harig, Don wealth of talent which with more Selected members from every Taking the exam will be repre- He said the selection resulted time," said I. William Miller, di- Prittie, Lelah Sheppard, and Jane practice and a better theme could band in Ohio participated in the sentatives from Fulton, Henry, from the initiative of Rev. James rector. No interviews will be Carlton. The Rev. James L. Ston- make another enjoyable variety 'festival and played in the concert Wood, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, L. Stoner, director of the Student granted until all forma are pro- er will have charge of the program. ■how. given on Sunday, April 27. Hancock, and Putnam counties. Christina Fellowship. perly completed. BEE GEE NEWS Home, Sweet Home CddotualQeatune* ^""tVender^udged Best *7Ae Monk of flown Girls, behave! Of Three One-Act Plays Don't gripe, don't moan. Wednesday. April 30. 1947 Listen to the letters called by Joan Whitacre and Blanche Spongier "Dearest Joan." don't mill food oned. The second Fournier-Walsh play to be shown at Bee Gee this year captured the fancy of a receptive audience last WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE: Three outstanding assembly programs within Thursday night as their "The Peanut Vendor," directed by The week's bright spot—the gleaming new Barry Menaugh and Maggie Cox, climaxed a bill of one-acts. one week merit some recognition from the stu- "The Joker" put the audience in the mood to see a good play— Stars and Stripes waving atop the flagpole . . . dents to the entertainment committee under the "How to Propose" amused them— and "The Peanut Vendor" engaged -Jeanetto Liebherr to Dale Nickoli . . . efficient chairmanship of Prof. John Schwarz. gave them something to take home Dick Reis, with time on his hands, open for lawn to chew on. mowing or garbage can emptying lobs . . . Sea- An assembly program which presents as Behind the Lens gram's Five, stadium club suite one basketball fair an analysis of the present world problems as Those who saw "Mister Mac" last semester recognized the same team, copping the gonfalon in the lntramurals that given by Louis Fischer last week is worth . . . recent pinning—Glenna Steele to Ralph idea-ingenuity in the Vendor. A Bache . . .serenades by SAE for Mary Miller hearing even if one misses his lunch hour. Un- fantasia, the show is the authors' fortunately one cannot know in advance how pinned to John Rudolph, Phyllis Wendel pinned conception of purgatory. Techni- to Bob Conroy, Artina Weaver pinned to Tom valuable such a program may be and so might cal details were very well handled Powell . . . engaged—Virginia Dcvies to home- not attend "iust another talk." by the production staff who saw to town Geneva lad, Bill Stokes . . . Al White, ad Not many lectures probe as surely into the it that bugles blew and doors libbing as he waits for water to boil in his "How basic Issues of democracy and freedom versus slammed on schedule. to make a good pot of coffee" demonstration Leonardo Neher, as the traffic speech . . . dictatorship and Imperialism. Few sanely criti- cop, and Art Moore, in the title Windmill Arms cize the faults of the United States policy when role, made the unreal real with two POME: equally perturbed at the Russian trend toward excellent portrayals. Richard Mix Shelter Quixotes effectively lent humor as the bored Have pity on sad college boys expansion. Hardly any defend civil liberties for by John Dyer all parties and yet remain alert to the dangers ticket taker. Whose girls have done them dirt of Communist agitation. Robert and Marjoric Finch's Beside a little lake, one block There's nothing can dry their eyes Joker reminded us of a wet dish- from the main thoroughfare, Except another skirt. If one has musical inclinations, two assemblies rag. Janic Groff as Hattie did as stands a windmill—it is large since the Fischer speech should have earned his well as she could with weak lines, SLICK CHICK OF THE WEEK: enough to provide living quarters enthusiastic applause. but the play lacked conviction. As Off-campus freshman Doris Eversole ... in the Violinist Riccl earned five encores after his in "The Invaders," Finch had a for six members ol the Alpha Tau regular program Friday night. Listeners, both good idea but wasn't able to put it Omega fraternity. Built of sub- Nest Monday morning . . . pastel green suit students and faculty members, bent eagerly to across—and the cast couldn't do stantial sandstone which has defied white blouse, white eoclcs 'n loafers . . . with the much with what they were given. catch every note which sprang from the strings the years and a journey from stately loveliness of a poplar in the twilight . . . of his Instrument. "How to Propose," a farcical take-off on this age-old problem, another location, this structure PERSONAL: The return engagement of Roland Hayes, had the audience "rolling in the would have been too much for whose tenor voice filled the Auditorium last Flash Gun Point aisles." Prop man Norm Stuckey even Don Quixote to contest. Dear "Old Pal:" night, Is another highlight of the musical artistry stole the show with a walk-on. Its long urms, which in former Thanx for the dollar contribution toward the presented in the assembly series this year. For Narration was very capably done days waved over a large lake, now new fjag . . . but now that we've got the flag, weeks after his first appearance at Bowling Rushs News Pix by Bill Prentice. present a thoughUu1 picture of im- whatinell do you want me to do with the buck? Green four years ago the campus continued Stone-agers Beth Ncikirk and mobility standing by an old stone by Gtenna Steele —Zorro to hear praises of his work. Although scheduled Herb Freeman, Elizabethans quarry. Down under in u J-shuped room Dorcen Stouner and Bob Burns, POME: lust the day before his appearance, Hayes in the I.uh Hchool is the University Inside it contains double decker should have brought out crowds of music-mind- Brooklynites Mary Heskett and bunks, a kitchen anil bath in rooms dark room—the place where (food Bernie Benisek, and bench warm- I'm off of girls, they cheat and they lie. ed students. negatives go to roost. reminiscent of Grandfather'! loft They prey on us maies till the day we die; ers Imogene Newman and Bill in the old homestead. In this first floor hide-out, all Prentice gave the show life and They tease us, torment us, and drive us to sin, mcufbo we'l*

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We DeliTer Every- where FLOWER GIFTS 331 North Main BEE GEE NEWS Kappi Phi Confers Chi Sig's Second Derby Day Officers of National 'Degree of Light' Society Motel Visits Kappa Sigma Mary Martha Buchanan, pledge James G. Donovan, Chicago, director of Kappa Phi, Methodist Features Comic Races Wednesday, April 30. 1947 Worthy Grand Master of Kappa sorority announced that 16 coeds The Becond annual Derby Day, sponsored by Chi Sigma Sigma fraternity visited the local received the Degree of Light, for- fraternity, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday on the practice field Tec/'s Brother Students May Apply Kappa Sigma Delta last Saturday. mal initiation ceremony, Thurs- behind the Women's building. Representatives from all fra- A banquet at the Woman's club for day, April 24, at the Methodist ternities, sororities, and independent groups are eligible to For Social Committee faculty advisers to the fraternity Church. No Talfent Scout and a tour of the campus were the The pledges initiated were: enter any, or all, events. The Social comjnitee is now ac- highlights of the day. The events are a balloon bursting contest, shoe scramble, Elizabeth Baker, Margaret Devore, During the moments before the cepting applications in Dean Wil- The local fraternity has peti- sack race, pickle roll, wheclbarrcl spring season one-acts were to go der's office for next year for stu- tioned for • chapter to the Kappa Dorothy Dick, Miriam Egger, race, egg throwing contest, three Twenty Initiated on stage last Thursday night, the dent representatives on the com- Sigma national and considers the Charlene Harbcr, Joanne Haskins, legged race, pole walk, tug of war, visit by Mr. Donovan to be a stride Carolyn Kerr, Lelah Shepard, and chicken (women) and pig Into Sigma Nu cast was just a little more ner- mittee. Deadline is Saturday, toward reaching their goal. Pat Vickery, Marilyn Lippincott, (men) race. Sigma Nu fraternity recently vous than usual when word was May 3. Rhea Josselyn, Esther Lunge, Bleachers will be erected for the initiated the following 20 men; passed along back stage that Ted Freshmen may apply for the six Bull Wields Gavel Eleanor Kasbe, Yvonne Gallapoo, spectators, and free refreshments John Adams, Walker Bainbridge, Lewis's brother was staying all sophomore openings, three men For Phi Delta's will be served. Barbara Shell, Patricia Wherry. Richard Kaiser, Desmond Devine, night at the Ross hotel and that and three women. Sophomores Phi Delta fraternity officers Trophies will be awarded to the Warren Graves, Robert Greiwe, he «».. in the audience. should sign up for the four junior were elected for the next school men's and women's groups with Dr. Emme To Read Paper the highest accumulative point Ernest Hayne, Bruce King, Bob This reporter thinks, "Ah! vacancies, two men and two wo- year who ulso serve for the re- At Psychological Meeting mainder of this term at the April scores. Judges arc Prof. Merrill Korn, Guy LaChinc, George Led- There's a story—maybe he's scout- men. One senior man and woman 22 meeting. Dr. Earle E. Emme, associate McEwcn, Prof. Harry Mathias, ford, Tom Miller, Arthur Moyer, ing." I got stopped short when will be chosen from junior appli- Officers elected included: Robert professor of psychology, will read Dr. Frank Mescrve, and Dr. Frank I found out that comic Lewis's cants last year. William Russell, Allan Smith, Mcr- Bull, president; John White, vice- a paper at the Mid-Western Psy- c. Ore. brother is a traveling salesman of vyn Stoolmiller, Sheldon Strong, president ;Bill Wagner, secretary; chological Association meeting Committee members arc Wendell SCF Chapel Features Dale VandenBergehe, Bill Weide- ladies ready-to-wear. Mort Kdgington, treasurer; and May 2-3 in Chicago on "Behavior Felshaw, Bernic Beers, Glenn Bing- munn, and Theodore King. Maumee Pastor Today Hank Lewis was appointed report- Situations in Personal Adjust- man, and Bob Schneider. Kappa Delta Pi er and Gail Austin pledgemaster. ment." Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Tsu The Rev. Malcolm Ward, pastor To Hold Banquet of the Maumee Episcopal Church Four other Bowling Green fa- Omega were winners in last year's Ellis Will Preside Bioloqy Club Meets Tonight culty members—Dr. Maurice New- contests. in Maumee, will speak in chapel Over Theta Phi The spring initiation of Kappa at 4 today. The program, the Biology club will meet tonight in burger, Dr. Howard White, Prof. Delta Pi, education honorary, will Earl Ilackbarth and Miss Marian Religions To Be Discussed second of a series on understand- 111 Science building for a movie Newly elected officers of be held in Studio B on May 7 at ing Jesus, will be on "Apocalyptic and election of officers for next Gruham—also will attend the At SCF Sunday Mooting Theta Phi sorority are: Irene 6:30 p.m. A banquet will follow Christ." year. meeting. at 6:16 in the University club. Worship interest group of the Ellis, president; Carolyn Key, vice The program consists of a report Student Christian fellowship will president; Patricia Brugge, secre- on the regional conference at discuss various world religions tary; ('orrinc Davis, corresponding Sunday at G p.m. in the Practical Ypsilanti, Mich., a reading by one Arts auditorium. Included in the secretary; and Jeanne Cupp, trea- of the Kadelpian speech majors, discussion will be Hinduism, Bud- surer. and the speech of the evening by Prof. John Schwarz. dism, Confucianism, and Moham- Helen Bollinger has been ap- medanism. Election and installation of of- pointed Panhellcnic representative ficers for next year will be the Loreni Speaks on Education and Joy Fuller is rush chairman. main business of this meeting. Miss Elsie Lorenz, third grade Miss Alma Payne, instructor in teacher at the laboratory school, English, and Mrs. Lawrence Ben- County Nurse Speaks will be guest speaker at the second ninger are new advisors for the To Veterans' Wives in a series of four programs on group. Visual Education tonight from It's smart to be healthy" will be 8:30-9:80 in the Laboratory School Kappa Delta Installs the topic of Mrs. Bartlett, Wood gym. county health nurse, in the series Assisted by Miriam Balliet, Miss Next Year's Officers for veteran's wives sponsored by Loreni will expluin the use of the Cap and Gown. The third session stereoscope, opaque projector, and Kappa Delta instulled officers will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in lantern slides for classroom pur- Tuesday to serve for the remain- 200 Practical Arts. poses. der of the yenr and next year. The senior women's honorary is sponsoring a paper drive on Satur- Alpha Gamma Deltas Those installed were: Elsie day afternoon, May 10. Coopera- Lodge, president; Dora Terbizan, Attend U. of M. Reunion tion of the dormitories and faculty vice president; Dolores Betsicovcr, members in saving paper is re- Thirty-four members of the Al- Mil clary; Ann McGraw, treasur- quested. pha Gamma Delta sorority attend- er; Donna Lea, assistant treasur- ed the International Reunion day er, and Jane Lohrey, editor. Latin Honorary at the University of Michigan last week. Miss Emily H. Buttorfield, Hosts Convention one of the founders of Alpha Gam- SAE's Initiate 17. The local Ohio Alpha chapter ma Delta, was the principal speak- of Sigma Pi Rho, national er. Take 14 Pledges Latin honorary, will act as host Seventeen initiates and 14 new for the national convention of Sig- ma Pi Rho which will be held on pledges have been named by Sig- the Bowling Green campus May 10 ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. and 17. Recent initiates are Bob Galas, Dora Eggcrs, president of the Jim Callnghan, Bob Crago, Bill local chapter, has extended invita- Ford, Jack Frictas, Bob Haskin- tions to nine other chapters for the Wed., Thun. April 30, May 1 son, Leigh Kendrick, Chuck Lam- convention. Open 12:46 son, Ted Lesniak, Boh Miller, John OPPORTUNITY CASH CLUB Monnetta, John Pribish, Bob Ran- Dr. F. C. Ogg Talks meets their 2 days dcls, Ross Shawaker, Ed Simmons, Notorious Jack Warner, and Al White. To Math Honorary Pledges to the fraternity arc Ohio Alpha of Kappa Mu Gentlemen Nelson Alexander, Roger Bennet, Epsilon initiated 21 new members with Rex Harrison and Dick Brown, Bob De Petro, Gene at a meeting April 23 at the Wo- l.illi Palmer Grable, Bill Hock, Norm Kresser, men's Club. Dr. F. C. Ogg was the Abe Dune McLaughlin, Tom McHugh, speaker of the evening. His topic fhet McPhee, Chuck Share, Jack was "Where Do We Go From Vacation Days Smith, and Bob Walden. Here." with Freddie Stewart and Pi Theta Pledges Four Initiated were Dorothy Ander- June Preisser son, Phylis Blosser, Elmer Baylcs, Pi Theta has pledged Gerald Henery Brims. Gene Cupp, Gordon Fri., Sat. May 2-3 Murphy, Charles Seely, Carl Domeck, James Dunn, Donald Open 12:45 Schmidt, and Norman Wagcner as Flack, Bert Fleiti, Dallas Henery, Cross My Heart the first pledge class of the David M. Krabill, George Lewis, with Betty Hutton and fraternity. Kristin Lind, Lauren Manhart, Sonny Tufts Charles Peterson, Turland Rhine- Kappa Tau Initiates Twelve hammer, Clyde Rutherford, Robert Also Schneider, Floyd Strow, Morris Seven pledges initiated into and Mary Wollam. Over The Santa Kappa Tau fraternity last Friday Fe Trail are James Moore, Kerm Lytle, Power. Will Addreai William Boudouris, Jack Miller, Wyundole Alumni with The Hooslcr Hotshots Tunis Sclby, Howard Adams, and Dale Stone. E. C. Powers will speak to the Sun., Mon. May 4-5 Wyandote country group of the Stallion Road alumni association Tuesday night with and at Sycamore. Participating in the Alexis Smith Stop and Dine program are Andrew Pseakis, Tore Bogh Tobiassen, and Ping Hsin Chang, foreign students now at- tending Bowling Green. Allen Alums Meet Thursday The Allen County group of LITTLE ROSE CAFE the alumni association will meet Fri., Sat. May 2-3 Thursday in the Lost Creek Coun- Open 2:IK Sat. formerly try club in Lima. Dr. Gilbert Land Rush Cooke and Don Cunningham will Cunningham's Restaurant speak. with Charles Starrett and Smiley Burnctte SpMiaeismf m Sua., Mon. May 45 M«m6er Ftdtral Reserve Open 2:15 Sun. System Kings Row EVENING DINNERS with and Ronald Reagan LUNCHES Bank of

Tue., Wad., Thu. May 6-7-8 SANDWICHES Wood County Open 6:46 202 South Main Ftdtral Deposit ALL OVER AMERICA-CHESTERFIELD IS TOPS! with Gary Cooper and Inmrane* .■.--.—,'■■—, Ingrid Bergman Ce»,ntM 1947. bMin * Mem T-.no C*,