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felK^S'^'s-feveu .•001U3

THE HOME TOWN PAPER of THK ROME NEWSPAPER IS A BEANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD VITAI, FORCE IN EVERY TOWN STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD PORTRAYINO AS IT DOES SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK I.OCAI, HAPPliNINOS IN GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS COVE—EAST HAVEN tlTfje PranCort EeiJieto FAMILIAR LANGUAGE AND EAST HAVEN NEWS VOL. XIV-NO. 12 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, July,,3, 1041 Price Five Cents Fourth Of July Program Board Of Health Attendance List North Haven Boy Second Selective Draft And Police Dept. For School Year Dies As Result ^ i To Be Simple Celebration; Issue Warnings Is Announced Of Auto Mishap Registrars Sit To List

Police and Fire Marslinl Join The following pupils have hud Bryant W. Blakeslee, 20, died at Law Prohibits FireworksWit h Board of Health To Give perfect attendance in the Branford Grace Ubspilal Sunday night of Young Men For Service schools from September 1040 to Town Safe And Sane Fourth. injuries sustained when the cor he June 1841. was driving suddenly veered oil the Stony Creek—Grade 2: Joan rOttd and smashed into a boulder, Most Spectacular Event Will Be Red Men Pow- . Dr. Arthur McQueen, health of­ Bradley; Grade 3; Miriam Magee; a tree and a utility pole at Indian Volunteer Workers, Mostly Teachers, Spend Day In Wow At Camp McLay — Influx Of Vacationists ficer, has issued a warning on the Grade SI Herbert Bunnell; Grade Neck. At Shores. danger of powder burns, staling "• ^"^^^ Edwards, According to the police report, Town Halls As Second Draft Day Arrives. that as a result of such '^^o.'^^'^^'c^^O^tT^au,^. the youth's car left the road as he was rounding a bend on South 1 ,1 1 / Ball games, bon-fires, a dawn lockjaw frequently results and he Joseph Titus, Approximately 80 young men reg­ dance and family gatherings are Acior Addresses warns that such cases should be, Laurel Street—Grade Montowese Street. The maohl|ie ^k|||rlron C f^ on for istered up until 5 o'clock Tuesday scheduled during the next few days treated immediately by proper me-^ Richard.son, John Pallas 6: Alice struck a large boulder, continued V-IIHUICII 3 V^CZIIICI evening in the second selective ser­ Grade 0: o„ for ten feet, hit a tree and then vice registration held betweoh B as Branford prepares to enjoy a dical authorities. June Zelinski. ibourjded to the other side of the long week-end holiday. Rotary Members Benefits By Party a. m. and 10 p, m. Men who had The police department is pre- Short Beach—Grade 0: Joan f^^^' and smashed Into a \illllty reached 21 years of ago since tho Agents and cottage owners re­ pared to enforce rigidly the ordln- Armstrong; Lcroy; Allmannstaerger, Reynolds Evans of Point Pleas­ pole. The Branford comniitteo ot tho nnst registration on , October 10, port a thriving business with large ant, Branford was guest speaker ance prohibiting the sale of flre-| Junior-Senior High School An • investigation is being con- 1040 were required to fill out forms. works and other explosives. This Grade 1: Isnbelle Robertson, John'jugjg,j jjy patrolmen Frederick Children's Center ot New Haven crowds expected at all the re­ Monday noon at the Branford Ro­ held a card party Friday afternoon Chief Registrar Earlc Barker had sorts. tary Club luncheon. law carries a substantial penalty Knapp, Barbara; Sclarlni, Ruth Qeorge, Roy King and Charles assisting him art the Branford which win be exacted by the au­ Thompson, Rose Rovaldl. in the Indian Point House, stony The largest open-air program A member of the Stony Creek Sandora. Creek. Among those purchasing Town Hall, tho following; Misses ever sponsored by the Improved thorities with the arrest of any vi­ Grade 8 — Wlhnltred Taconls, The driver of the car was tho Martha Duddy, Eunice Keyos, Flor- • players he spoke on "Summer olators. tickets were Mrs. A. E. Ailing, Mrs. Order of Red Men in the state of Theatres." He has been assigned Ralph Streeto, Norma Petre, Betty ^on of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo S, once Qulnn, May Murphy,; Helen The police department said to­ May Linsley, Janice Baldwin, Cath- Blakeslee of St. John Street, North Ernest Craig, Mi'S. F. T. Ottllln, Connecticut is scheduled to open the star parts In "Blind Alley" and Mrs. J. Howard Murlln, Mrs, Will­ Purcell, Mary Petela, Mary Resjan, Thursday night and will continue day that it had no intention of is­ erlne Connelly, RBc Barnes, Kuth „aven. The youth's father was Rose Donadlo, Jenlta Crohin;' and "The White Steed" and most re suing any warnings to motorists iam H. Roberts, Mrs. Howai'd Friday, Saturday and Sunday at cently appeared in Alexander „^'^^j' „ , . ' ... . ifbrmerly first selectman of the Prann, Mrs. Vernal Bates, Mrs. Frank Coyle, Georgo Misbhler, and li against passing stop signs and ex­ Mrs. Muriel Pierce. Lake McLay, near the Municipal Klrkland's "Out of the Frying ceeding the 25 mile speed limit. Angelin°™ ,1a ^r„^°Pozzl. ^ Allmannsberger, jown and at present is town clerk Scliuyler Pate, Mrs. J. H. Esteond, golf course. The program, the an- pan.' In the East Haven , Town Hall Those falling to observe the rul­ Grade 10—Jean Allernmtt, Re- ^^^^ ^^^ collector. He has also rep­ Mrs. 8. E. Doane, Mrs. George E. nual pow-wow arranged by the resented North Haven in the Gen­ Evans, Mrs. B. F. English, Mrs. Chief ReRlstrar Edwin Post was as- , ings will be arrested — not repri­ glna Lillqulst, Pi'dncls Beach. his work by: Miss Janet Hve tribes of Red Men in New Ha­ manded. Grade 11—Nancy Ghlroll, Tcssle eral Assembly for many years. William Pinkham, Mrs. Boauford ven and vicinity is in charge of a H. Reeves, Mrs. Percy Sandtord, Beatson, Dr. Charles Donadlo, Miss The fire marshal of the town of Haroskevlcz, Anna Raymond, Rob­ Bryant Blakeslee, who has a Alice Long, Mr. Mcparlland arid committee headed by Alfred W. Superintendent ert Lillqulst. brother, John W. In the U. S. Arrhy Mrs. Harrison M, Lang, Mrs. Dana Smith of this city, great keeper of Branford calls attention to the fol­ the Misses Cuny Svenson and Halli- lowing ordinance, the provisions of Grade 12—Lorraine DeBay, Enid Air Corps, was graduated from Ly- |L. Blanchard, Mrs. H. E. H. Cox wampum for the state lodge. man Hall High School in 1030 He L,,,g_ Theodore Sucher, Mr«.'Clar Ellll." ' ''••!•. ..,••• . Announces Roll which will be strictly enforced by Blooniqulst, Ruth Woods, Kenneth Hundreds from all over Connec­ Johnson, Morion Magee. was an honor student while at Ly ! once Munger, Mrs. James P. Ooboy, Many of tho workers were, from the Branford Police Department: man Hall. He was an employee of j charlos'E Dolv Mrs Charles "'" teaching forces. ; , . ticut will attend the pow-wow "The discharge, firing or use of ail which will be open to the public. Of Honor Pupils the International Silver Co.. Merl- C'nnarl^'s D°wey Brown M^ I a^""'""' ''-•e'^^'''^'-^ •'' "^« P'^^'"'' fire crackers, rockets, torpedoes, roglstrallon listed 1031 young men ' The night of the Fourth will be roman candles, fire balloons or featured by an Indian attack on a The Scholarship Honor Roll for Club's Officers Pmieral services were conducted'"°«?';, °""^°"'^f:?"- Tntu^wf," eligible for military traihrng with­ the Branford Public Schools for the other fire works or substances' de­ Monday afternoon at the Boecher ^t^^^'J^L'Js ^^^i^^^l^^-^ in the town's.three districts. "That village of log cabins on Pequot Is- signed and intended for pyrotech­ and Bennett Parlors, New Haven,^«^7 ^'^^y"'^ ""^ ^'^•^''f>"-'•„ land'ln the middle of the lake. At school term just closed has been number, between the ages of ,21730 announced as follows: nic display, and all pistols using At Pine Orchard ...1.,With, 1..intermen. .,t. ,„„„,:...,„•.following in, r.„.,.„„Center l Prizes were awarded to Mrs. declared themselves eligible for mil- the stroke of midnight the cabin blank cartridges or caps cantaih- Flanders Smith, Mri. C. E. Doly, will be set in flames while mem­ HARRISON AVENUE Cemetery, North Haven, llary conscription in the country's Grade 3—Elaine Bigelow, Carolyn ing chlorate of potash mixture, is Are Announced Mrs. LIppcncott, Mrs. Carroll Neal peace tlm(f draft. bers of the order in colonial cos­ Carsten, Ruth Hoadley, Dorothy hereby prohibited in the town of and Miss Jane Lang. Special tumes will flee in boats and ca­ Hopkins, Ruth Johnson, Joan ,Ka- Branford. The fire marshal, how­ Committees, Governdre, Squadron prizes were donated by Branford noes. Tho burning of the village ever, upon written permission for More Volunteers Candy Shoj), Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. minsky, Barbara Pepe, Phyllis Rlfce, and Pros Are Ustcd 'For has become "a traditional part of Alfred Hanten, Bruce Hopper, Mar­ such display of fire works provided Reeves. Major Gallaudet ,the annual pow-v;ow. There will be vin McCoy, David Nygaid, Robert that In his opinion, such display,^or Season of 1041 Needed To Fill ..jnuslc,.'re'd s&tB., and«.6xpltement. Young displays' Shall be of such a"char- Will Dir'ect Air S pec 1 a.r ''-Blitelrtalnments and 'TWe Pine Orchard 'Club seasdh' CANOE BROOK acter and so located discharged or opens with the lollowlng officers !" Aircraft List shows have been pi-ovlded for the Grade O—Joyce Ferguson, Nancy fired,'as not to constitute a haz­ andcommittees: Gov. of Nebraska three succfeeding days. The bath­ ard to'surrounding property, ,nor Defense Classes Shepard, Eugenia ;Tamulevlch, endanger any person or persons. Board of Governors: Term ex­ Several additional volunteers are ing beauty contest will be judged Mary Zyonkovlc. piring 1941: Arthur E. AUlng, John Guest Of Honor Sunday afterno6n. Saturday will The violation of any of the provis­ needed for the Aircraft Warning Grade 5—Stephen Flnta, Paul D." Baldwin, Jas. W. Flanders, Sid­ Service. Those who are Interested • Two New York policemen will be be chlldrien' and a clown show ions of this ordinance shaii be enrolled as students at the Con- Garrlty. deemed a misdemeanor and , any ney W. Noyes, Jr., Beauford , II. may get in touch with Chief ob­ At Reception IS planned. Grade 4—Janet Erlcson, Barbara Reeves. Term expiring 1042: Wal­ neetlcul Air Raid Wardens school at Co-operating In arranging the person found guilty of such, viola­ server Robert B. Cate, First Asst. Larrabee, Barbara Rodney, Alice ter P. Baldwin, Thos. W. Bryant, Jr. Raymond E. Pinkham, or Second Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ames Gris- Yale University beginning July 7, pow-wow are committees from tion shall be fined not less than Colonel Samuel H. Fisher, State De­ Stuzinsky. ten dollars nor more than, $25 for John B. KIrby, Jr., Wm. D. Plnjt- Asst. Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony. wold of Main Street, Branford, en­ Tourtenemoe Tribe, West Haven; Grade 3—Anne Fitzgerald, Bar­ ham, Milton J Watner. Term ex­ tertained Saturday at an Informal fense Administrator announced to­ Pawson Tribe, Branford; Pequot each day's violation of said ordin­ The observation post is located day. bara Rodman, Betty Ann Rogers, ance. The fire marshal may remove piring 1943: HenryiBiiDuPont, John on the property of William E, reception for the members of the Tribe, East Haven; Nepaupuck Jennie Zebroskl, Thelma Lougherty. B. Goss, Chasl E. Pickett, M. Pler- Griswold Family Association for Major Herbert' Gallaudet, of Pine or cause to be removed at the own­ Hitchcock of Pawson Park. Those Orchard director of the Air-Raid Tribe, Hamden, and Hammonassett STONY CREEK pont Wai-ner, Howard M. Whiting. who have already volunteered for Gov. Dwlght Palmer Griswold ot Tribe, New Haven. er's expense, all stocks of fire Warden school In explaining the Grade 0—Leroy Northam, Grade works or other combustibles ex­ Officers, President, Henry B. Du- this service are Mrs. Beauford H. Nebraska and Mrs. Griswold and 5—Ruth Berger, Harriet DooUttel; Pont, 1st Vice President, Chas E. Miss Dorothy Griswold, purpose of the classes said that from posed for sale or held in stock in Reeves,' Mrs. Roland Geier, Mrs. the graduates it is anticipated that Grade 4—^Marilyn Erlckson, Joyce violation of this ordinance. Pickett; 2nd Vice President, Wm. D. Flanders Smith, Mrs. Raymond Miss Mary B. Bullard, president Collins, Grade 3—Edward Murphy. Pinkham; Treasurer, Roger A. Ben­ many will later be selected to act as Helen V. Prussky Hemming, iWrs, A. J. Pfeill, Mrs. of the New Haven Colony-of New Instructors for local Air Ralr War­ HARBOR STREET ton; Secretary, Howard M. Whiting Claude Stannard, Mrs. Mortimer England Women; Mrs. HoUoway Grade 0—Bertha Arrlngton, Don­ Assistant Secretary, S. Dewey den schools in othftr: parts ot the D. Stanley, Mrs. Frank Lowe, Har- Kllborn, president of the West End state and smaller communities Becomes Bride ald Delgrego, James Murphy, Jo­ Brown. bert Holman, Carl Gullans, Austin Women's Club; Mrs. Henry S. Grls- seph Titus. House committee—B. H. Reeves, later in the summer. ••,:, Beatrice Gprski Ryer, Jrl, Kenneth Newton, Walter wold and Mrs. J. Burrett Griswold. Arrnflgemont- s for Iriclusio, h ,o f, th- e Miss Helen Virginia Prussky, Grade 5—Carol Crawford, Bar­ chairman; Mrs. Chas. C Kelsey, Halller and William Meltert, Plan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John bara Hansen, Shirley Holmes, Joan Married Tuesday R. Halstead Mills Arthur Scrlven ^. „..„ of Wethersfield, and Miss Betty York policemen In the school were Prussky of the Branford Hills was Meglin, Valerie Morawskl, Sally or, Jr. der Smith and Walter H. Clapp, Jr. Sheeley of WalUngford assisted the .completed, over tlje week-end,^by married to Stanley Sawicki, son of Taylor, Francis Reynolds. Greens committee: S. D. Brown, hostesses and served at tea tables. Rob"live of' P'°''5',"K'."^'l'.lPj',the , Defense , Councilf ^.".!?with: , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sawicki of Grade. 4—Phyllis Caruso, John To Edward Harsh chairman; J. W. Flanders, M. Pler- Among the noted guests attend­ John J. O'Connell, assistant inspec­ New Haven Saturday morning at Ambrulevlch, Joseph Ambrulevich, pont Warner; Membership com­ Holiday Traffic ing were Gov. Robert Hurley and tor of the New York'Police Depart­ 9 In 6t. Mary's church. The bride, Joseph Bodner, John Kennedy. The marriage of Beatrice Mary, mittee—H. H. Sherburne, chairman Mrs. Hurley of Connecticut and ment. • ' escorted to the altar by her father, Grade 3—Rachel Brooks, Patri­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wladwis- Mrs. J. B. Klrby, Jr., Mrs. Arthur former Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin Letters calling attention to the wore a Princess gown of white sat­ cia Kennedy, Mary Zurowskl, Wil­ law Gorskl of West End avenue scrlvenor, Jr., Mrs M P Warner Miss Increases Toll and Mrs. Baldwin of Stratford. formation of Air; Raid Warden in and lace, with sweetheart neck­ liam Gordon. and Edward Thomas Harsh, son of Rae Petlgrue, John Tweed, Jr, Miss New Haven guests included, among. , , , ,>. D... r^ » „ line and long train. Her veil was INDIAN NECK Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harsh of 32 Sally Young, Jack Usher. Of Accidents the 300 present, were Miss Laural='''s=««,^^"S''^°'"/'^«^S'','* P °^i^T arranged with orange blossoms, Grade 4—Denlse Powers, Jean Lander street. New Haven, was Tennis committee—Thos. W. Bry she carried white roses. The maid solemnized this morning at 9 in Continued on page five ant, Jr., chairman; Miss Frances The following is a comparative SJ^ia^iJS' ^S^°^= --- P-nt. --ance^-P-- of honor, Miss Anna Dykum of this St. Mary's church. The bride, es­ Drisler, Douglas Schoenfeld; Swim­ automobile accident report for the ies and educators requesting that place; the bridesmaid. Miss Anna corted to the altar by her father, ming Pool committee: M. P. War­ first halt of the year: Mr. and Mrs, Ernest L. Stone, Mr. representatives be appointed to at- Bogackl of this place were dressed MUSICAL ART ELECTS wore white lace and moussellne de ner, chairman; S. D. Brown, Sid­ 1030 1940 1941 and Mrs. Hoiloway Kllborn Miss - alike In gowns of white marqui­ The annual and last meeting ot sole with sweetheart neck line and ney W. Noyes, Jr. Bridge committee January 7 13 12 Marjory Kllborn, Mr. and Mrs.' July 7 to 10, a four day intensive sette, with sweetheart neckline, ti­ the season of the Musical Art So­ long train. Her long tulle veil fell Mrs. Wm. D. Pinkham, chairman: February 10 11 10 James P. Hunter, Miss Jessie L. course, or the Hartford school July ara with face yell and carried ciety was held last Tuesday night from a tiara of orange blossoms. Mrs. Roger A. Benton, Mrs. H E H. March 5 16 t". Davis, Mrs. Stephen G. Crabb, Miss 7 to 25, three evenings each week, roses. The flower girls were Betty In the home of Mrs." Alfred R. Burr She carried a white prayer book Cox, Mrs Samuel E. Doane, Miss with white orchid marker. Miss April ..10 7 4'Julia Qrlswold Conklln, Mrs. Prank Mondly", We7ne

d ,VVA,^1.-, ^\-4-, ,_;,-/> S S ^ ^ > A ^ s » THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONK,, JULY 3, 1041 ~' Sace Thr.oo ,T1IE BRANFORD REVIEW,' BRXN^ORP, CONN., JULY 3, 1941 Vitainins*Ai*€r^ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Abcshouse Pu,ge Two - ' Cheat the Thermometer ^i NevSiOmrt Tells Vitamin^. Story ! SHORT BEACH Granite Bay of Now Haven nre.Ht their.silmmcr ' During Summer Months InVogue;Let's cottage, "O Uberty what .crime.-) are com­ CITY WASHINGTON psy ,wu. VITAMINS ST. ELIZABETH'S PARISH Mr. and Mrs. A £ .Carlaoil of (Sin? 'JBraufnrli BJcutnu muted (71 tliy^ name."—Madame EAUTY in hot sticky weather I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel RlRgs ot Conunon Foods a» Sources of Vitamins Kr. Wlllliini O'Brien The mOirrlaRe of Miss Muriel Bronx, N. Y, are settled hero for the narrows down to just one Get the Facts Bloomncld, New Jersey were week­ Established 1S28 SNAPSHOTS Sunday School at 10:45 a.m. Paulino Fonn, daughter of Mr. and sonson. Roland. ..| ' '^ Bword—COOL. The women who' B end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'BY JAMES PRESTON C+ D Confessions—4:00 p. m. Snturdny Mrs. Harold E. Fonn of Drove fubllslied Every Xhursdny At ; would be lovely then likes to look • In recent years, the term "vita­ McKay,' Taylor Pliice. min" has become a household -w-ird. preceding first Sunday. street, QranUo Boy, and Walter ATHLETES aiVJ5 a'AIlTY , |cool as an ice cube, refreshing as' To nearly everyone it moans vim, 6885 389 3343 35.5 35 Frank iHaroskevlcz, son ot Mr. and '' Braiilnril, Conn, Sunday Musses nt 9 and 10 A. M. Oranltc Bay A. A., membois con­ , mint-sprigged ice tea. ! vigor, vitality, and all that goes with 659 1980 78 Jackie Corning has ns guests Mrs. Frank Harpskovlcz of 31 Mon­ by Wa.shlngton Is beginning to , good health. What aro those vita­ ducted a card party nt Julie's WORDS BY HITLER J And you con, if you follow the; 743 515 2603 19.8 Barbara nnd Bud Bruce ot New roe street, took plnce Saturday In Xilii: UltANI'OIlO IlEVIFAV. INC. worry, but't doing much more, mins anyhow? What is the story Tavern Monday evening. "Clcrranny dniss not iiMond about the hundrcd.s and perhaps rOWIlTII OF JULY I'llHSENTS {.suggeations ottered by the Beauty back of them? 373 907 37 Haven. the rectory ot St. Mary's oluiroh, Winners at cards were; Mrs. SI Rose Street f The existence of certain unidcn- UNION CHAPEL Rev. Edward J. Demunsite ottlclat- oxprirt its doctrine to Rnssin. lhou.sanUs of .smiill and large plants Prompt and decisive action In an ! tiflcd substances having superior 280 439 9.0 Arthur Dlmmook, Mrs. WaltoriLynch iiienring in the July, Issue ot the 67 227 294 8.4 Sunday, July 0 11 A. M. Sermon Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Corning, Ing. sec no reason that,we ever a^aiii which may be forced to close down femerBcncy has always been the ! nutritive properties was suspocted Mrs. Benjamin Abeshpuse, Mrs, policy of the U. S. Navy and lis 'magnzine. Slow down in summer,; i long, long ago. As early as 1600 337 397 by the pastor; Rev. E. C. Carpenter, Bergcr Street, entertained Sunday The .bride wore a princess gown H Cuslo, Mrs. W HoroskovloB, Mrs. METER I.EBIIINE .... rubllshcr will take stand against one anoth­ oI Shortages In materials the Clinic recommends. Take your ; B.CJ., Egyptians and Chinese hit on leaders, while our bluejackets and ; the discovery thr.t eating livers 310 414 16.2 Sermon Topic: The Man Who Mode to celebrate the 40th wedding an­ ot white taffeta with sweetheart Arthur Halldon, Mrs. Robert Kells, cau.sed by the dofcnso driiln. ilime. Don't hurry; don't push. Get ALICE X. PETtllSON Kdllor er. AVc both rcaline tiiis, that marines have shared honors in would improve one's vision in dim 1602 344 II.O the Most of a Bad Situation. Anthem niversary of Mrs. .Cornlng^s par­ neckline, shirred, Juliet cap of Ms. SI Marlnoff, Arohle Marshall, Such shutdowns, ot course, would jiip early to enjoy the fresh morn- . light. Today wc know that the liver bythe Choir. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hari'y J. Little white rose potfils and fingertip veil. Louis Paoello, JTrlond Doklnson and every fight of our peoples against countless enterprises, both alloat supplied vitamin A, recognized as 164 166 leave' many jobless even If the and ashore. iing air and get chores out of the 0:45 A. M. Sunday School. GcorKc of New Haven. She carried a colonial bpuquol ot Miss Shirley Fenn. one another would ho advantag- Iwny l-afore the sun Is high. a protective food factor for night ISO 225 workers could transfer to defense , vision. About 1720, Kramei-, an Aus­ Brown, Superbitcndont. Lesson Othcj' guests wore; Mr. and Mrs. white roses and white sweet peas. boor prize ,\Vlnnors; Mrs Anna 'felcplKino Hrnnford 408 eon.t tor others. \Yc, thereforo, There was need for prompt action I For personal coolness, pat on , 4'140 629 production. Transltlon.'s always lag. trian physician, found that when Topic: The Qospel Enter.s Europe. Frank Little, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Miss Lorolta Haroskevlcz, sister of •Johnson, Mrs. Ada Kumni, Mrs. on the morning of July 3, 1898. The (clouds of country scented dusting certain fresh foods, such as vege­ 575 44 177 3.3 Siihscrlpllnn Rnte; agreed to cotiehidc a pael whiiili and In many ca.scs employees are Friday, July 4, 8 o'clock sharp. Talt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, the bridegroom, os maid of honor, Frank Dendns, Mrs. William Pachoo Spanish fleet wius bottled up in the powder. Your clothes won't cliug, tables and fruits, were added to 248 82 3ft2 1.0 2.5 tZ.OO .11 Year, I'nynlile In Adrancfi exchulca for all the, fnlure any not trained or eaulppcd to do the harbor of Santiago, Cuba. Upon re­ the diet of persons suffering from Choir Rehearsal. Mr. oud Mrs. F, B. McManu.^, Mr. wore a gown of bUie net, tiara and Mrs. Thoma.s Barnca, Mrs. Charles nnd you'll waft a faint air of scurvy, this disease was cured. To­ 23! AdTcrllsliig Iliilcs. On AppllonUon application of force hetween ns— kind of work reoulred In a defense ceiving a command from his chief Wednesday, July 0. 7:30 P. M. nnd Mi'S. Philip Little, Mr. aiid pink shoulder Iqngth yell Her Paoollp, Mrs. John CoUopy, Arthur I plant. spring. Spray your body with chil, day we know that these food's sup­ 120 36 colonial bouquet was ot pink and Any attempt nf the AVcst to alter to take his stiuadron out to the ly, tangy cologne. Wash your hair plied vitamin C. These nnd other Young People'.-i Fellowship. Mrs. E. E. Upson, Mis. Ann Curran, Dlmmock, Frank Dondas, Archie The situation Is pressing, and liarbor immediately, Admiral Ccr- mstnnces of earlier times afford an 375 120 Saturday, July 19. Chapel Mrs. Kathryn Little, Mrs. Milton blue sweet peas. Walter E Fenn, Marshall. ' . Member or this will fail. I woidd like to as­ oftcner. It gets oily and smelly interesting background to our pres­ New Enclnnd I'ress AssuoUtlon tlu'catons to become more so. There j-vcra endeavored to run through the 131 Worker's Annual Foir nnd Food Freeman, Mrs. Kathcrlne Leddy, brother of the bride, was best man. A apoclal prlKC was wen by Mrs. sure here tliat this polllieal dc-, faster in hot weather. Keep It up' ent knowledge of vitamins. |.s a present .shortage hi the case of blockade of American warships, re­ off your face and off your neck.. 60 28 4.5 Sale. Mrs. Margaret Scharf, Miss Kay Mrs. Fonn woi'c a yellow ensemble, Anna Jphnson, ciaion means a tremendous many metals because pro­ Little, Miss Mario McCarthy, Miss gardless of the consequences. Keep it neatj keep it simple and ,j Word Coined 28 Years Ago 50 76 113 41.3 Friday, July 25. 11 A. M. Sunday With yellow and white acco,ssorlc!5' Entered na second clans mattet change for the future and that duction alone takes huge chunks ot When the purpose of the Spani­ protect it from too much sun. 206 46 105 8.5 School Picnic at Brantord Point. Eksle EBB. MISS Margaret Little, Hen and gardenias. Mrs, , Haro'skevloi! SUBSCRIBE TO TUB L the metal available. It was only 28 years a^o that the ry .Upson nnd Edward Upson. October ill, loan, nt the Post Office it will be coneluBive." (Adolf ards became known, Commodore Word "vitamin" -was coined. And 120 52.8 wore -Brcon and white tlowored t , BRANFORD REVIEJV Scores ot f.ictory managers have Take more bathsj use more bath since that time, the nation has be­ chiffon, white accessories and ftt Brnnford, Conn, .under Act ol Hitler before t h e Hnichst ag, Schley brought his squadron Into 563 541 234 Mr. and Mrs. Edward KUgcrnian anticipated such a situation. They . salts,' more fluffy lather. Use tepid come "vitamin-conscious." Scores of r.2 'rallsman roses. MavoH 1, IBO'I. action by hoisting the flag signal, (Water nnd pat yourself dry the cool scientists aro engaged in vitamin 18750 82 393 50.0 of New Haven aro occupying the Mr. and Mr.s. Robert Noorr and =^ FOR RENT "===' Sept. 1, .1939. have turned tb substitutes for ma- Areceptlon-dlnnor was held ot "Close In and engage." , way. And a last warning from the. research. Now discoveries aro being 30 116 72 9.8 Reichelm House, Main Street. their son, Carl, and Wcstwood "The non-aggre.ssia»lcUlliu.-0 milk, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evls and Bennett, Jr., of, New Britain are Mr. and Mrs. Haroskeylcz left on (Hitler in a broadcast to the HEALTH IS PART OF DEFENSE now, there is a shortage of (1) 'nilainlm;: I micntcrnm =rl/a liitcninltniiiil Unit. sonncll of '2.20D the enemy lost 323 Holiday Traffic deal is known about them. (21 llttioftnTln: 1 inl'.'n>(rrnm=:l/3 Hlirrmnn-Ilnnrtitilii Unit, their children, of New Huven are with Mrs. M. ,D. Stanley for July. n wedding,trip to New york, Uio This yenr jienrly two iniUiqn Gorman people, Sept. '1, Ifll!!). fabricators and molders in the plas­ killed and 101 wovinded, most of'the (3) j\GcorbL||»<\cii| the long run, that we tux busi­ Daisies and daffodllls; N. .Y from oppressive governments. Parents who desire their children The baby's my mother's face. SEE US OR YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER This time of the year the cooling system should be flushedr In sevcio ness out ot business. It will mean We ought to appoclat'o what we to grow up to be law abiding The way the wind goes through the •Ope ,Visit will QOiivince you. You'll come back "Pink stiells, and little polished Mr. and Mrs. C Smith, Dlxwell cases ft should be given a.power tliat industry will no longer have have all Hie more as wo see so many citizens have a good place to begin, leaves, for (Juality Gowns at jnoderate rental prices at the stones. Ave Hamden arc In the Overlook 'flush at a service station to remove tiie" financial nourishmeirt which jpeople being ruthlessly thrown^baok by Impressing upon them that It All light and stepphig like a 'rust, scale and last .winter's aati; ! The sliver moon that sails the CONNECTICU cottage. Irecze. Into the darkness of the Middle Is a very poor way to celebrate the sky, rhyme- fGHT& POWER «1 is essential to keeping it alivo. It ages. birth of frcedon In pur country by ', Any steps you lake now to Jjelp Milady's Rental Shop The star beyond my window sill Such lovely, lovely things God tbe cooling liystem continue to func- •will nieaii, therefore, n collapse of ' It Is a pity that \yc have not de­ deliberately breaking the law. Holiday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. The colors of a butterfly, made I Hon uninterruptedly will stand you WOMEN'S FORMAL WEAR — FORRENT our pvoductivo capacity. veloped soino suitable y^ay to cele­ 221 Montowese Street Phone 744 Branford, Conn. Fraiiklln Burdge,.Main .Street ;WlU When, the Day comes to an .end The doi'k, black, velvet night, the For us in his good time!" Jin good slqad as the. weather^geta brate. Somewhere back In the past be Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacHelll [•warmer, tbe days longer ah TURKEYS 812 LB AVERAGE '•'^ / V C END CUTS CENTER CUTS car to go bome. Fred Parsons Lodge-K. of P. Tho American Legion Safety ON ter. (Serves 12.) Ucllon. Opporlunltlos for .such sugared, It desired. Florist or gar­ Richard « '. In plonning your pictures—and In was invited to attend a meeting Conimltleo plans to extend every MAIN AUTO Roth, Qeorgeanne Wolt, CHICKENS Flying . ZH'i lb average ebots oxlst throughout tUo Binnmor FUIII.OIIGII den provides the roses, snow white Orystaliiied Rose Petals: Select Dr and Mrs. Macy Buttalln at­ making Ibcro, too—there are aev- effort to reduce the number of ac­ highly scented, fresh red roses; : Baldwin, John Sullivan. niontliB, and tbo weohetida oHor a Monday evening at the rooms ot Edward, .?on ot Mr. and Mrs. and rose red, to decorate the tablo. tended a .dinner meeting recently LB 25 c specially good rango ot plcturo-tak- oral points to keep In mind. First, cidents which occur through the Cool and retreshlng, Is a llmo or wash well. Remove petals and drain. • Grade 3—Janet DeBernnrdl, Rob­ 25 29' Edgewood Lodge, No. 11, 007 Whal- George Adams, Sybil Avenue, In­ make cncb ahot slmplo—don't clut^ SALES and SERVICE lemonade In a tall glass, lo accom­ (Remove white pulpy base ot petal.) ( ert Tremanlano. In Savin Rock tor members of the niD nrxACV OELICIOUS »nJ I-LAVOKIUL ,„ A<%, l£g posslblUtltsii.. tor It up with too many details. ley Avenue. use of fireworks during the coming dian Neck is on furlough from his I'OIINI) IMIINI) < Most o( U9, plan somotblns spa- pany the cake and blue berries. Beat white ot one egg to a foam. • SHORT BEACH New Haven Study Group of Optom­ RID KOAbI CUT FROM CORN FED STEERS Ltt XAC Second, Boe that each snapshot por­ holiday. The members ot this com­ duties at the Naval Base, Norfolk, Dip small pastry brush (or Angers) ; clttl at 'UilB tlmo—a trip, a day or Ansel Cake Grade 0—Joan Armstrong, Eve etrists. ^ trays, a dpniilto bit of activity to Miss' Emma E. Mllehert; daugh­ mittee urgently request that par­ Va. AT PERRY'S I cup cnko nour 2 tcn«pooiis cream In egg while and brush both sides ' LEAN EM OS BT-Vord^rrv'l IB 29c two at tho beach, or a picnie—and ot rose petal well. Allow no surplus Jurczyk. Grade 5—Jean Duffy, Da­ aasuVb' a 'oompleto. story' of each ter of Mr. and MI'S.' Louis MUchcrt, ents use every caution to prevent % cip suear „, ol larWr ,. FOR TASTIER this prosonla a Iborao around wlilcb particular good tlmo^, CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH DE4LER • 1« cups ess % 5 ti =^-37c'cl„"23n c re|lurn trip you mtiy not Bel, the help when you Main Street, on July 22nd . nth. "We Save You Money" wide program making available I "It is not difficult, because of the jgen, Jerome Garrlty, Charles Lake, To go In bathing directly after really heed It.' PHONE 428 first aid instructions will be aninformatio­ n which we have avail- • Francis Palaia, Mario Pepe, Arth-1 „ . , , , . ,, . liuif SeuB^id /^O-ltUi. and Saua! FInast rV.r27c eathig—wait one to two holrs be­ To let young children go out In TOMATO JUICE- nounced. !able from England, to picture what ' ur symonds, Richard Whitcomb. Jj"'''^^^\, ^'^^i^^^ """^ r fore taking tho plunge. deep water even If they konw how 8th Grade-Jean Ablondi,'' Jean'Abort Poulton's^lrthday, she of Dinners 1;00 to 2:00 Also A la Carte Menu During the past year hundreds of we would be facing should a major LAUREL ALE McSORLEY'S Richmond ritriSc To dive in unfamiliar places un­ to swim, unless some older person catastrophe occur in Connecticut. ^•J^ ORANGUKA^ILiEt at WKUWCROWN first aid certificates have been is­ Adams, Janice Baldwin, Marjorie "'^^'^"''^- . ,;. -., ALE- BEER - HALF & HALF 'YOR' Ol lb 4 0/97- i til you are sure ot the depth of the Is with tiim. |a great hot day, IN SIEINIE BOTTLES GARDEN ^ cans £. I It .R sued by the Amei-lciiii Red Cross to We could not .perhaps stop the ca­ Baldwin, Nancy Bradley, Ann Ely water and the absence ot rocks or To rock the boat In fun or In David Alfred Stadalnlk was born 12 oz or EXTRA O 12 02 OK. factory workers, firemen, police­ tastrophe but we can and would GabrleUe Farrington, Audrey Hel Mi STOUT t) blls X3C i' stumps. .J • earnest—especially If you can't June 29 a year ago. 3 \m 17c Refresher men, office workers, housewives, save many lives ot citizens, right ser, Faith Hooghklrk, Ruth Kelsey, 2 CENT BOTLLE DEPOSIT ," To swim when fatigued — the swim—you may jeopardize the oth­ 2c lioU:e deposit Dorothy Grcig . high school students, after they on the spot, had a complete knowl­ Antoinette Krewsky, Virginia Lev- heart may not'^tand the strain. er occupants and be unable lo save One candle, Juiy .Olh for. John, NEW YORKER i:^l,-if&A^lZ Ibc 2« 33c had completed a 30 hour course edge of firstaid . esh. May Lindberg, Betty May Lln- To make svHlhmlng an endurance your own life as well as theirs. HEN you drop In to see a cor-i I "We have learned from Eng­ son ot Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Wlt- 'U bottle deooill 5: liotlte deioii! FINAST tiilu trlond ot mino on a hot under competent Instructors pro­ sley, Pegy Ann Murpghy, Barbara W kowsky. SLICED or CRUSHED day. tho first thing she doea Is hiiuil, vided in the larger cities by the land that hundreds, even thous­ Ross, Camella WasUewskl, Florence •FEIGENSPAN'S "rsuin"'*'" '<•""''' 3'cln°.'25(; •you a tall Iroaty glass ot lomutoi ands, ot lives have been saved be­ Otszewskl. Henry Armstrong, Alton Red Cross. The plan now being V•y»''fcr'». I*'ifc »<-,> r^ CHOICE of CANNED OUR DEMOCRACY ijulco. ( FY cause ot a widespread knowledge Ceccorulll, David Clark, Mark Free­ DON'T BE FOOLEDl studied would extend the proeram ' Mary gives overyono tomato Julo0| man, William Holcomb, John Ko- RuiDeil's leer, BaUantlnB 3ccr, Krcu'icr's A'e or Laier ,, - IH/. '—cold, llvnly and tnugy right froini to every city and town within the of simple first aid work. Men and Miillheal .icii Ol A!3,i'iib(t -.K-Jort le;r, Fclnenwin'J Beer or Ale *• •V.'t GET THE GENUINE SIMMONS women who know what to do at llch, Henry Olejarczyk. Just Arrived I lb litoz OK- Jcnna keiit clillUng in hor vofrlEera- state and would provide not only 2 cans i^SC THE US. AND tor Hor chllilruu coming In hot, first aid certificates but would also the right time are necessary and HIGH SCHOOL PENN-RAD MOTOR OIL .and thirsty get 11. And her husbund 1 those who are taking advantage ot IT'S RAILROADS ! declares sho meets him at the door' Include certificates, tor selected FRESHMEN Mr. and Mrs. Oilman H. Scott. etfAB *« irr EVANGELINE 23c DOUGHNUTS ;in tho ovonInK with a glass ot It svN Tiiiv cor Queen Commercial Course—Anne Fitz­ 240 Tyler Street! East Haven, an­ EVAP. M LK U.-ISWEELENtD f ;tor him In hor hand, I gerald, Sophie Morris, Angelina nounce the birth of a daughter,, GRANDMA'S MOLASSES dor 12c THE FAMOUS RADIO DETECTIVE TSFPOCKETBOOK Randazle. June Lorraine, In the Grace Hos­ V WERE JUSTLY PROUD OF College Course—Mildred Cutler, pital on June 17. Mrs. Scott is the PRIDE ASSORTMENT R B.C. 1775 and author of the sensational best seller OUR HIGHWAYS AND OF TOPPS Jeanne Johnston, Betty Lou Lake, former Miss Lorraine Palmieri of FIMAST FRENCH DRESSING OUR MOTOR CARS "The Adventures of EUery Queen" o/JCNOWLEDGE " Lenore Palumbo. Betty Ann Sliney East Haven. . , • AND AIRPUANES. Richard Fan-lngton, Richard Ro­ LUX TOILET SOAP FINAST BUr FOFiTHE LONG HAUL "i, lii'esents senthal. A son, Thomas A. Jr. was born RINSO'- • 'r 8c 'ENRICHED' OR THE BIG HAUL WE MUST BoMBBRS in -rue Pi'sr ''^ —-^ -^ ^-^ General—Edith Linden, Thursday; at thi: Hospital of St. HAVE OUR RAILROADS TOO. Victoria Zebrowskl, William Rob­ Raphael to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A ilFEBUOY SOAP ertson. Murray, Westwood Road, Short srtiill large ryt LUX FLAKES oKg pkg ZIC The DUTCH SHOE SOPHOMORES Beach. Mrs Murray is the tormer 9c INDISPEINSABLE IN NATIONAL DEFENSE, Commercial—Helen Ahern, -Dor­ Miss Lillian V Walsh, SPRY • SIlORTtNlNO 19c ConlalnsAII Minerals a.nd Vitamin, THEY HAVE BEEN THE GREATEST othy Babcook, Rosemary Drotar, to Meet All Gov't Standards MYSTERY SILVER DUST pkg 21c SINGLE TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR IN Helen Duell, Shirley Englehart, Ca­ ON THE DOCKET MAKING AMERICA WHAT IT IS TODAY, rol Genrich, Anna Kotowskl, Anna You will be licld brcathles.s by this stnrtlihi, fafit- Meglin, John Mihalich, AnnaRo- June 29—Frank J. Fox Jr. 24, An loaves I i^^ uuiviiig story of ni\inU'i' in a modern hospital; i)ar- galski, Paula Sarpola, Harriet Sof­ 49 Falrview Ave West Haven, speed­ inj?, elevdv, extraordinarily exeitinj;, this i^'vpne of ter, Helen Steglna, Ruth Symonds, ing. Officer GeorgQ. "There's nothluK to equal toniuttf Choice of Colors and Materials tbe most amazing adventures ot the famoii'sidetec- Pearl Terwilliger, Helen Wadka . June 29—0. Mason Shay Jr., 11 Jjulco as a real perkor-up," she says tive. • 9:, s ichnortully. Shu's right, ot course.', Other Similar Models at 9.95 College—Ardls DeLeone, Joan Whlttemore Rd. Portch&ster, N. Y. Fresh Mad j Ericson, Barbara Harrison, Newell 22Yrs, speeding, passing stop sign lUeBldCB, tomato iulcu Is QUO drink, BecBUso we want you to know Mercury Boolcs (se­ ^apuroprlato tor any meal and for' Laiides, Audrey Meng, Adrlenne Officer Ifkovioh. lected and publisliod by The Amerien'n Mereury), jServiug any tima ot day or night.' Northam, Eleanor,Skroza, Claudia June 23—Ricbttrd G Hennessey, Tomato juice la refreshing, too,' BUDGET PAYMENTS ARRANGED we'll send you tlii.s one—The Duteb Shoe Mystery, Stannard . 81 Butler New. Haven, speeding. ,.^C^ R)f |any woy you take It—fresh and', by Ellery Queen—practically tree. We'll supply tlie For those Picnics and Out ol Doais cold as 11 pours from the can, ort General—Betty Bradley, Berna- Officer Ifkovlch.* book if you will pay lOe for postage and handling. Luncheons and Su;pcr5 , mixed as a cocktail. For Instance,! dlne Gardner, Victoria Lundstrom, June 29, Stephen G Crane, 035 here are two delicious hot weather SANDWICH, pkg ot 6 • FINGER, pktj cocktails: ^•>'C'>'i.'i'>'-'yVt>

J\Vart^*"S^ ea* \ ti'uapuon HURar \\ i$ Truthful—Comiruclivc—Unbiased—Free from Sensational. College—Ruth Bergquist, Carol Marie Anderson, Jane Burk- geta^a, X pinch ot imVt V? lim — EdiioriaU Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Bradley, Nancy Fitzgerald, Aline hardt, Diana Polastri, Doris Potts, iibt« Remove watercrasa leaves from K Features, Touether with the Wec'-ly MaRaiine Section* Make Gale, Jean Rosenthal, Donald Kis- Mary Ralola, Sonya Spevack. Thor- L6 19C stems oud chop very (Ine. Comblna ^\ the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper (or the Hotne. tomato Juice, chopped watercress, Here's my dime. SenUine a copy of the Mercury Book "The sell, James Mellor. wald Komoroski. S?ONGE General—Helen Jurczyk. chopped chlvos, llmo Juice, sugar V The ChriittJn Science Publishing Society Dutch Shoe Mystery" by Ellery Queen. College—Dorralne Bradley, Caro­ LAYER CAKE end salt. Mix thoroughly aod chill. J> One, Norwn/ Street, Boston. Maisnchu^tts Normal—Doris Polastri. lyn Glance, Anna Symonds, Bari- Makes ! glasstuls. 2 LARGE Price ?12,00 Yearly, or Jit.00 a Month. NAME , ,:.:::.;....• 9'AA feciCABBAS I" DiAMsnx.,e _ crolt Gate, Kenneth Johnson, Gor­ CH*«^f *S^, , L6S19C cello 31% OF POINT-TO-POINT MILEAGE OF THE WORLD.— Tomato-Grapefruit Jules Cocktail SAturday Issue, tncludinf; Magazine Sectiut., ;i2.60 » Year. ^H/trvjeteneo ROUND LAYERS pkg 19c Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 2!> Cents, the opportunity offered to enroll don Terwilliger. 56% OF WORLD'S FASTEST PASSENGER. TRAINS — I can (H ol.) tomato Juica \ ADDRESS .., .; V..,.;;....;.: 87 POUMPS. W*5 • U cup grapelruu Julc« (uq- I SBWN B/A lAMAW, in these first aid courses are pre- General—Janet Hamre, Shirley AVERAGE SPEED OF FREIGHT TRAINS UP 6IKi " AWeetentd) ,, . *. SCOTIMP. FARMep. ANGEL CAKE J taaspopn augar ,;• I* CITY and STATE :..; , paring for a most Important part Kolbln, George Dickinson, Jacob BETIV CROCKER 25c SINCE 1920, WITH *HOT SHOT"FREIGHTS NOW ' U teaspoon 'salt 1 i in civilian defense." Softer. I6i ^3«' DOING 60 tvllLES P^iHOUR.. ' Mix the tomato Juice, grapetniltV SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST MERCURY BOOKS, 510 LEXnJGTON AVENUE. NEW YORK, N. Y. IRISH BREAD Juice, aujgar ^aud gait. OhiU - uidj ««a CI gS^' 1•«rv«. Malce* t glaettula. _j Pan Styk °OTMO** Good toatttd '"'lOe r ft 'V f!

•CI V THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRAN^-ORt), CONN., JULY 3, 1941 Page Slx_ THE BRANFORD REVIEW, KRANFORD, CONN., JULY 3, 1041 Page Seven Boxing ("Angela Is 22" among others; Basieball Fir^t Nighters PThe White Steed' I Reynolds Evans, Who has nm the gmut fi"om Maurice Evahs' produc­ TOPPS iB'asketball Hockey y KNOWLEDGE T<%> Enjoy Opening Plays Next Week tion of '!Rlchard ,11" to Alexander LATEST SP.ORT NEW Klrkland's longrrun "Out of The Wrestling Of 19th Season At Stony Gredk FrylngiPan" last season; J. Augus- F<)otball EDITED BY W. J. AHERN tU54CeoB,.who;has richly earned his Paul Vincent Carroll's wldely-ao- right! to .play the Irish Canon by Celebrity snapping photogroph- eliilmed play "The .White Steed" long experience with the Abbey ers and the presence of the re­ win open at tho Stony Creek Players In ^Dublin; Jackson Wright, THE SEA CHANT nowned Sinclair Lewis threatened, Theatre on Monday, July 7, * for a another. Sinclair'Lewis protegee ot Point Pitcher |Brazeau Lists Mlddlefield Meets Locals great promise; and the tine sup­ Sport Prattle Monday evening, to focus attention week. A story of essential carnest- I've listened to wavclcl'n sofl whispers; to tho lobby and away from the Is clothed luihlgh humor.and porting cast of the atony Creek Six Tournament To its pallor, upon the shore; '-. stage where Ronald T. Hammond hardhitting ,wlt that earned tor It Players. Bests Chester To its pmrmurinii, beckoning, pleadin;/; \ At Hammer Field Friday was opening the 19th season with the.coveted position of Drama Cri­ It Is oxpeoted that the New York To its heartrending, taunting, implore. ^-. • At the Instigation ot the bos.s' "FiAsuueHffms'K A mi] "Yes. My Darling Daughter." tics' Prize Play. The responsibility critics' vote whlchiinade Tho Wlille Softball Teams AiuL heard the giant surf pounding In Shoreline son I am writing this column In •MAlAPy", in BRITAUJ IHE NUMBER OF EMPLOVEES IH U.S. Joan Cameron put a stop to that ot performance has been given to Steed" the season's best play will bo And crashing against the buoj/ bells; the Interests of the Brantord base­ Travel To Salem Sunday-Disputed Game Mamd Fu:st CAUSeP B/COU^TAHT 6W1CttlH£ •iHlPBUlLPlNS INCRSASEP 7056 ^ an unusually fine,cast. supported by a similar Summer f ••; . ;•-.. '•• -i—— six teams of Softball have been Op THE "tORCMCS'OFF MP Oti possibility for once she caught the And the mounting, Increasing, crescendo ball team whose play Is ot the Contest Between Holiday Contestants a Month Ago IH BWCHOOTS, Wl4tCH PROPUCK IN gWf yfAP^S TIME ( H#C-VV theatre. A .stead: pei'Iormnnco tiy the organized by Harry C. Brazeau; 60RE SPOTS OH 1HUMB5. audience's fancy' she held It all Marcella Powers, who has earned Of naUifc's iurbulant swells. highest type but whose following Is Branfoi'd Red Sox bchlhd tho:bril­ community director, in order to After Branford Had Come From Behind To Tie-Lo evening and heads Immediately plaudits aplenty as Sinclair .Lewis's on the slacker type. cals May Test New Hurler-Bradley to Oppose^alem ReSEARCM HAS stopped bobbing around for a leading lady in "Ah, Wlldnerness", liant 3 hit hurling ot Bob Bradley develop In Brantord sufndent Bui the soft, tender, pleas o] the wavelets; pevElOPEP AH gave the locals a 0 to 1 win over a oandldatcs for the soft ball tourn­ It Isn't often that a good Bran­ "ANIISEPTIC glhnpse of the Mr. Lewis, Miss "Shadow and Substance" (another Subscribe ia the And the xMd waves, capricious roar; ford team, a good one, Is berefit I ice" WHICH. W Cameron, playing a pioneer liberal Paul Vincent,Carroll success), ond provloiisly:poto"nt, Chester nine at ament that will Vo held In the New Levcsh in right and Bill Owens In EXPERIMSNTS, Can ne'er match iti its tunetul Jancies; The local Red Sox ever alert to Branford Review Hammer Field,.last Siinday. Haven dLstiiot in August. ot attendance at the hands of Its HA5 FRE5E1?JEP woman, thrived on the part and The stories o/ gallant sea lora sports followers. But this might their opportunity to rise In the left field. PERWHABLES blossomed out as the most potent Natalie Thompson's new car Is in . MBjeskl, a.o e Chester pitcher, | The teams follow: Hilltops, Jo­ That are spun o)i the decks of the Yacht Club; Shoreline League will battle It out The big story ot the local de­ // DAyS Influence toward the success of the celebration of her first soreqn role .•found,: hlrnsolt outclassed- in tho seph'Prahbvlc, Michael Zvonkovic, prove to be an exception. The nu­ Hetty Kii'ld ami iliiliii Wayne in '"I'lie Slieperd of the Hills" From the depths of a cosy, old, seal: tor second place In the loop on the fense work is in the battery. There opening show at Stony Greek. In "Ringside Malsie" starring Ann ;, box'"when the youthful Branford Matthew Markleskl, iohn Stegina, merous changes made' In the club oijeiiiiiy: «l tin' 1araiiiouMt' . New lliiveii. (Ill Kridiiy. And told from the lips of the skipper have all been tor the better save Fourth at Hammer Field when they Bob Bradley, former Hopkins bril­ Sothern. The new •Wetro-apldwyn- .Poilit.youth opsncd the gamn by Ben Ounn; Frank Yazavao, Joseph Another familiar figure was that Mayer find Is playing a featured Of the Branford Point, "Rocking Chair Fleet." for one or two cases where men meet Mlddlefield In the feature liant, slated tor Colgate In the fall, Pequot Theatre •, fanniiiBC Oappallnl,,visiters letidofl' Sleglntt, Frank Proto, Artthony of Albert 'Vees, Vees demonstrated rola In the picture. i —W. J. A. have sullered from Inferiority com­ clash of the circuit schedule. who has fanned 31 men In his only his ability as the banker-father In niaiv.'.an'd then procoodcjd to: BIVU, Yazavac and John Czapllckl. Leo Corccy, one of tho original Fri., Sat.—.liily •l-.'i plexes and, atrald of their fallacy two starts will hurl for tho Bran- this broadly humorous play^ of Wayne Slugs To New High jono .of the.iflnest, podlorances seen ' Trojans, 'Jasepli Ducll, Frank Brantord, paced marvelously on "Dead ,End Kids," now playing ,a tor making errors, have left the tordltes. On the receiving end will Mark Reed's. : Jn thorlonEUC thla.SOriapii, HO fan- Prospritoh, l^althow Mabulba, Ber­ the attack by the particularly tough, role.In ';Down In San .DICB'O," team. Therefore, why not give the be Bolton Elwell, pbwerful Indian FLIGHT FROM DESTINY ..ned; 1,4^ .aiicl;. issuod 1)ut two ;free nard Crowley, Robert Crowley, Ter NcKtled (Inwn on n ;iiitl.iiig poiiiimiila l)P,vnncl the lioautiPul Piirk- virulent hitting ot Joey Duell and John H. Hacker In the part of confided without blushing that his lads I the benefit ot your presence Neck youth, who played for Exeter For Cinema Fistic:uffs Avith Qeraldino Fitzg;pi'ald 'passes:':pno.'oil which acccmntfcd for Tamaluvlch, "Babe" Ward, Charles cr Mi'iiiorial Park, o'lT (he wiilei' and sheltorcil lichind a iniissive rock even more effectively on the defen­ Titus Jaywood was a natural. The hobby Is raising the delicate for one game at least. Academy this past season and Is tlio.lolie Cfetortftliy. • , ' Sobolewskl, Frank' Staldanik, Ray­ sive end by the top notch twirling simplicity and ease ot his perfonji- and sensitive tropical fish. and Thojinaa MjtohoU lies u summer jjoe liivo of activity, the Urnilford Yacht Oluh. slated to play some top notch foot­ :] iMcanwhllo 'the. Brantord .atlticlt mond Orsene and Ernest Oenrlch. ot Bob Bradley, will try desperate­ ance was a Joy to see. j Any one who thinks that the I.0CA1, NKWS OF Till! SCUKKN - ALSO - 'I'lic Yacht C!liil) has liceii in exisliinee for (ifleen years now. Some of the best stories or per­ ball tor Yale 1945 this coming tall. blasted lits: way trf tho^ fdro' aided Sportsman's Tavern, Jack Salvin, ly to s.Cm the successive tide of Love interest, compounded, ln| screen has "gone • soft" since the Those mapcap' Marx Brothers, haps one should say anecdotes It His timely single In the first Inning Cinema Chatter THE GREAT SWINDLE .no.little by the';bats of 'the dlmlnu- William Blgolow, Stanley Sokoloskl, 'Pii'teiMi years of rollicking fun, l.cnipercd Avith somher advice i'rbm victories the class Mlddlefield nine this cock-eyed story centered roaring days when the William Hollywood's iice laugh producers, has ever been my pleasure to hear ' ,'' 'BI6 INDUSTRIAL PROMOION JOB.- » ; Itlvo imlr D'UOU and .Proto. Joseph Resjan, James Qambardelll, older IIOIKIH looking toward the or|,'aiii>'.ation's .future. has rolled up. . last Sunday gave Branford a lead around the Job-hunting . coUege- Farnum-Tom SantschI flstlcuj'fs in bring,another surellre cure for the Book Nights Every Fri. & Sat. have reached my cars from the which they never relinquished In /G.OOO POUNDS or AIUMINUM Afi£ » .bred daughter of the Murrays. She ;: Tho. local .ofCenslvo got undor \wy Harvey Roydon, John Mc Lough- It is a worthy yallicriiiK which composes its momlicrship. 'Not The one weak point in the Bran­ B...V. AKFPa? fOf? A MOPfW 'l-MOTOg 'fipli FORTReSS ' the silent version of "The Spoilers" Hear tell Brenda Marshall re­ blues to' tl)e Loow Poll Collpge able tongue of contractor Danny their game against Chester. "snipped ithe laces of prudery" to set a permanent pattern for screen with a first trtttiio bllti!krclB. Duoll Ian, Anthony Torello, Dominic worthy in the sense of the spirit ot which impels the club to raise tord picture Is the fact that Ernie turns to "The Smiling Ghost" cast Theatre, starling Thursdn.y July iSnii., Mii^i,, 'I'lU's.—.Inly (i-7-S Swlrskl, John Lukowskl, Pa it 1 Cosgrove, who a few years ago en- Genrlch who has been playing the Mlddlefield's ace boxman 6urr . spend an unchaperoned, but plea­ hand—to-hand battles has a sur­ after a week's rest following an 3rd, when they IntrpduQe their . reached. biV dn.'brrbr by Waterman,' ilseir to a higlier plane with each succeedinp; year hut mostly in Uie stole second. •Brqto singlcdv.p'lacing Ward,'Walter Tamulevlch. Joyed some distinction as a battler dizzy corner in Inspired fashion will do the visitor's tossing. . sant, week-end with her sweet­ prise coming to him InParamount's app'endlcltls scare '^ayne latest film "The Dig Store" which "POT O' GOLD" meh.on 'flrst ..and;.third, 'Ho,'.then ' Brantord Pointers, Stanley Wes- sense that sniiill row boat owner In large yacht cnminander, eticli of merit In the state amateur box­ may be lost to the local cause be­ Salem is the next baseballstop THIS BUSINESS heart—somewhere In Connecticut. Technicolor film version of the Im­ Morris Is looking for a home for his Is being held over for a second with JamoB Stewart pllterod tlio second andlc.. Ward koivsltl, Fred Ackerman, Anthony carried a viilc of equal strciiglli on election nnent the welfare of the ing circuit. cause of the recurranee oi an old in the itlnary of the Brantord Red Marcella Powers portrayed the mortal Harold Bell Wright novel, dog, "Gal," while ho Is on active smash week. ' sophlstloatpd daughter and Jack­ and Pauline Qoddard walked, Bradley hit to the pitcher, Hynoylch, Joseph Laloh, Thomas dnh. It is detiioeracy in its most ol'lieient mahncr. Danny swears that this one Is knee Injury in last Sundays game Sox tor on next Sunday afternoon OF "The Shepherd of the Hills," the duty In the Navy ...Constance I Tony Martin Is scon hi the son 'Wright a seduced architect - ALSO - '.Majeskl, and scored Ducll. Elwell Ycster, Vincent Packer Edward true. It Is supposed to have hap­ against Chester. they will renew an old rivalry with Henry Hathaway drama starring Bennett goes imder four ^different romantic lead opposite Virginia X'olitics of a petty nature are taboo wilhiii its lialls. It is strictly /) "^ -1 about to depart for Africa to sell Betty Field and Harry V Bradley's bttttery niato, .•iihBlcd, to Brown, Edghr Woods, Thomas Cbr- pened at-Beaver Pond Park In New That about finishes the gloomy'.the Salem witches at that town. A names for her role in '!Law of Iho'Groy, andls featurod in two song "BAD MAN" a case'of "J have a boat, What type is yours?" or "1 find that a razor blades. Carey. .Which opens Friday at . score. Proto and' Ward. Lcvcah corari, Patrick Proto and John Lo- Haven,„,,,. Whil, ^.e, crossin. , g_ a certain , side of the local outlook. Belting i year ago Salem beat the locals out Tropics" Alexis Smith and Oralg, hits. Including one lavish symphonic iL vesh. , , higher nnist will give me more speed." Similar talk, trilles to land­ BY As a maid, easy-to-look-upon, Paamount Theatre New ,Haven Willi •Wallace Berry and fanned and Gbiii'lch grounded out ban field In that park Danny came p^^^j ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ initial for top honors In the Shoreline C7 "..,....'I Stevens are affectionately yours. number. Lionel Ban-ymoro lubbers, make up the gist of conversation. WSANJHAYIft Dorothy Thatcher returns for her Theblg fight scone in "The.Shep- Mona .Marls, of the "trhder- The second big feature on the m to Majeskr to. end tho -Inning. Silver Dollar, Vincent Gatava:tski, acrc^s four colored gentlemen On L^ck with Buddy Montelius due to loop. Ai-y. Branford scored two more in the Joseph Walsh, Henry Holmes, To deviate from the sub.ioct a nionieiit, Ihe writer recalls wnrlc- the pitcher s mound was one ot the k ^„a,g ^.^^j^^j ^^^^^ j^i,„ Czaplckl I The games between the two second season. hoard of the Hills" Is of such an ground' cost,.receives an offer from same program Is "Thoy Dare >Not m Connie, whose marital career epic stature .that word of It got the Lumlnton Motion Pictures Love" featuring Qoorgo 3ront and AVed., Tliurs.—.Inly iMO fourth.when Qenrlch singled after George TerwilUgor, Edward Yostdr, iiig on the Sachem •! I under Captain Nickcrson a few years ago. Fol­ tour, industriously pitching, every I ^^^^^ t^, .^j,!^^ ..^^^ ^jUj^,, proto teams have always been scorchers WE'RE ALL NEKDUD . ] even for "home bodies" who used to Carl Kirkulonls, Thomas Adams, once In a while glancing toward will.cavort in the shortfiekl. and this one promises to be no ex- has led her to and from the altar, around even .before the completion Company In Argonllha to star In Martha Scott. Levosli ^had;.fanned, Czapllckl lowing the completion ot my work. Unit boat had to. go to the Ussex Looks like a summer for us liave hours to .spend as they FREE AND EASY Teaohed oh Blljbianl's error, Qen- Walter Llpkvlch, Adam Llpkvlch first base to see that the runner In the outfield Pop Duell will pa- ceptlon. has arrived from Reno, full of- of the picture and.Parnum himself, films for them six mpnths of the An added extra attraction Is the did not take to big a lead. But all. No long Idling on shady porches j pleased. Not so many fishing trips with Rutli Hussoy and I'lch tallied when Owens grounded and Alfred Gatavatskl. Boat Works in Essex, Connectiiiut. The hull was to bo rclinislied trol the center .garden with Willie j The "Witchess", have been at a Ideas, and with a spasm ot morals. who has been collecting "clips" of year r.. Jeffrey Lynft Is sRondlpg Mi^ixh Ot Time "China Fights the captain staled,, but 1 was always under the impression tliat Danny says there was no runner. Ruth Altman has been assigned famous film puglllstlcs as a hobby, his spare time studying navigation Back' Robert Oummings 1 to the dhoster .shortstop. Duell Brantord Restaurant, Patrick loss to explain their present posi­ Behind the plate catching his Field. Sunday at the local field the this part. : pushed Czaplicki across the plate Ralola, Vincent Ralola, L o'u 1 s proiiably it tonic a nia,ior boatyard to oompleto- tho damago tion in the league taut last season's personally. ,asked '.Hathaway .for In the hope of wliming a berth on Plus the usual latest news shots - ALSO - playmate was the second of the St. Eefnardettes will play the Mer­ Aceto, Peter Pancronl, George pace setters are overdue In their The story? OK and as Ann Mur shots of the sequense for his George .Brent'js ,boat In l,ho.,finnual of tho day. ,,'\vlth Brahford's htlh rim when he which my paint brush and scrapper caused. At any rate two. He likewise was busy stopping chants.-Don King or Duky Baria- MEET BOSTON BLACKIE Tamsen, Qeqrge Torelll, Joseph attempt to invade the tdp rung ot ray says "Oh, don't be such a archives. sailing race to Honolulu Ed See you In tho movies doubled .mightily .to oeiitcr field. we were moving ma.icstie(illy up llic Connecticut River on onr way the pitches ot his hurler. Once in bault win pitch and Slebelt will Leprl, Dornlnlc Ralola, stuffed shirt I The incident is the.battle bet,wcen Brophy, ot the 'Nine Lives Arc Not YOUR MOVIE GUYED .Duoll: douljled agalivto open-the Vincent a while he would throw off his, catch, for the St. Bernardettes, the circuit ladder. Ghlroll and Ralph Leprl. to Uie yards and noticeable to tliis novieo was the fact that every — A. T. P- the two young athletes, 'Wayne and Enouth" cast, Is Hollywood's newest seventh and scored Brantord's fl.- mask and go after a-foul ball—But Sperry of' Owens .will pitch, Lepre Branford will adhere to their nal tally when to third on lioat owner, every oarer in eacli and every rnwboat and canoe waved', present keen lineup while the Ward Bond. The two, who once yacht owned. he had no mask. ! and Petela to share the catching Rainbow Girls will hold fi food played football on the same U.S.C. Qeen Around: Jeane Wyman Martorelli's 'passed ball and cmint- a eheory wclcinno to ns iind each larger craft sounded a greeting for the locals.. Monday night the home team will throw their cau­ In the batter's box was'the third sale on the .Green Saturday, July team and ' who . have been close treating husband Ronald Reagan ered, on. Proto's-fancy-. single. ' with the rancus blasts ot its \yhistlo. The Sachem, moving impressive­ Merchants will play a return game tion to the winds in an effect to Capitol Theatre .: MartovfiiU scord'd.tlie only Shoreline. League cohort. Every once and a while he take a fall out of the high flying 12 at 10 a. ,m.- friends ever since, mix It up In the to ;dlnner In honor ot his ,first ly, its white hull gleaming in the morning sun and ils.varnished would step out of-the box and ex­ with the Hamden Bluco's at Rock- (irjniarlcer;in:;;the sixth whorv. ho Red Sox. story on an Ozark mountain road. sub-BO round of golf—a 77 won the 2B1 MAIN ST.. EAST HAVEN docks and -Kahinsvcilecting upon its mirrored surface' tho diligence pectorate on his hands before ford Field. ,'••;: : : mealM.....iErrol .Plynn spending a be ;f ;*W|4)iC!dJ;MidV;5i5ftvp for father. Perhaps less time off :for Ward is knocked over,a fence Into.a STANDING and thoronglmess of a painstaking cnptani,' answered eatili greeting grabbing his iriaoe arid" swinging John or Mary. sheep corral, .comes back with a tween-pictiires vacation .building a '• Th® win'"WM^^'hot;'wlth out its Guilford ...... 8 1.000 with tho massive inipressiveiiess. ot a mighty buss singer.. ' mightily at the ball — But there The times are badly "out of flying tackle, the two crash back now peacock run and duck pond on was no mace nor was there a ball. his farm Regis Tpomey plann­ costs,: ..howqvor," for third baseman Mlddlefield ...5 .835 joint," all over the world. .The presi­ through the fence, and during the •I'licK, AVcd., .liily 1-2 'i'he incident has no llearing on the sldry save to show ot the 'But the thing that slayed me," ing, a course In flying as a result of Ernie' benrlcl)-was forced but ot Branford . ...5 ;835 dent has declared a national emer­ proceedings Wayne is smashed ln-> wariuUi and regard each boat owner and captain shows for the otiier. relates Dan, "was the fourth man The Ideal Spot for DINNER to a wagon from which Mis.s Field interest arouaod while he played a tho~game in the. eighth w^th a I'o- Sttlem ...4 .572 gency. Our army is gfxtherlng In "KEEPING COMPANY" who was umpiring behind the has been unloading grain sacks. He pilot In "Dive Bombpr." burranco of an old knee Injury and Chester ...... 2 .333 So, too, with the 13riiuford Yacht Club, tho same spirit so pre­ camps all over the country and In­ plate calling balls and strikes." DEL/CIOUS HOME COOKED MIAL% hits the wheel with such force that probably win be lost to tho team Wcstbrook ...2 .143 valent npoirUio high seas reigns with a quiet truslfuluess from thol dustry Is working aslt neyer had to Humphrey Borgart claiming that with Frank Morgan and the wagon turns over, throwing Madison ...... 1 .143 broad rcachos of the piazza to the sheltered,cnzinoss ot its interim'. That one reminds me of a story Pastry and Bread Baked On Promises Daily work before. for once he's happy about being Ann Rutherford for some weeks. Betty Into the road. The fight ends Cromwell . ...0 .000 of Frank Petela"s' First there were orders for a few given the bird—the lead role In BRANFORD Fifteen years ago when the.Hranl'ord Yaeht Club enuie into bo-j when he catches Bond flush on the "Tho Maltese Falcon" .Dennis .,:..:4 • 2 2 0 0 1 Prank insists that when he was billions of dollars worth of defense ing llie harbor, sheltered a tew boats, hut lliere was no place save tho working at a certain home for the jaw and knock,? Jilm prone just as Morgan, who portrayed Cole 4 1 . 2 1 0 0 Cromwell threw a scare into Open 'Till 1 A.M. materials to be produced as CfUlckly town dock wlicrc a boat niiglit load and unload iiasS'cngors. 'I'liere- feeble-minded in this state, he Betty, swinging a grain sack, hits Younger in "Bad Men pf Missouri," "STRANGE ALIBI" .,;,; ,.1 1 0 8 0 0 Guilford's unbeaten nine before as possible. But It soon become evl- came aorOss this Incident. One the wrong man and nearly knocks disclosing that ho has received 0 0 bowing to Los Lemloy's lads at fore it was only in the interests of well-being that the'boat oM'ners dent.that this would not be enough with Arthur Kennedy and 0 3 1 man, minus a lawn mower, was out Wayne. over 100 fan letters from people 1 14 Gull Cord last Sunday when they grouped together and decided that they would have a lloat eonneeted to,make this Breat,.broad peace lov­ 0 1 0 hard at work mowing the grass. A Among the others strips of tlim claiming relationship to the famous Joan Porry ...4 0 0' batted tooth and nail for six In­ l)y a pier to the land, whereby they might all'ord their passengers a ing land sate. And still more 0 0 u second Inmate was just as busily planes and guns and ships and In the Farnum coliectlon, which the bandit Edwi^rd Q. Robinson i ...... 3 1 0 nings behind Broman and ' Ham­ Geiu'lcli ... 1 3 0 degree of comfort and safety. raking up the grass leavings with­ tanks were ordei;ed. Fllrst v/e were Wayne-Bond fracas will join, are winning a newspaper contest at LADIES aiFT NIGHTS 0 1 lin's fine hurling only to fall vic­ Czapllckl :.. 1 1 0 out a rake. The third man who ran those showing the fights between last.—and receiving for a prize two SI tims to two run rallies in the Originally it was agreed that the elub would liire one of the told by government that our com­ Owens ...... 4. 0 n, 2 0 0 up to show the two the spots they fortable way of living wouldn't :have Richard Barthelmess and Ernest tickets lo his own radio show. mi seventh and ninth stanzas. rooms over the Old Averill I'avillion, for years tholiangout ot Hran- Tliiirs., Fri., Sut., July S-'t-f) : Montelius. „.„.. ..1 0 0 1 had missed was the one who nearly to be upset; that we could produce Torrence in "Tolable David;" be­ Prtscllla Lane, back from the u u Branford behind/Bob Bradleys ford Point ros.idents, whose eliildrcn for tlnit.same reason ot familiar­ ...„ ..,'32 0 0 27 8 2 placed the big footballer In the all we needed for defense in ad­ tween Garry Cooper and Bill (not desert, and Ann Sheridan, back nitty tossing subdued Chester with Post Road Branford Hill Branford, Conn. 'THE GREAT AMERICAN CHESTER. ity, wore the object of intense envy from tlic rest ot the town's ofl'- padded cell. dition to normal peace-time produc William) Boyd in the sound version from the seashore, comparing Capelllni . :....„...:..:A 0 0 1 2 0 little trouble. Pop bueU with two BROADCAST' sprhig. This guy Aesop who wi'ote of the tion. Then we began to realize noth ol "The Spoilers;" between Fred pigments to see which type of re­ Gorman. ....,;:...,.;...,... 4 1 3 doubles and WiUl'p Protons pair of 0 U 0 Fate has a queer way of interceding, and the cinb members ICE CREAM SHOP AND RESTAURANT ing could stand in the way of the MacMurray and the "TolUver gang" sort produces the best tan with Alice Faye, Jacic Oakio G. Butler ...... :.4 \ 0 0 0 singles featured the Red Sox at­ man who wheeled the barrow up­ 0 u side down while his helper grunted manufacture ot needed defense ma­ In "The Trail of the Lonesome Joan. Leslie busily arranging a and .Jo(hn Payne Wfiterman ...... 5 1 0 tack. ,, found thoniselves without a dock when a Jlr. Thomas, then the owner 0 1 1 v/as just an amateur. terials. New shifts were added to Pine;" Victor McLaglen and a reception for her newly-mairled Majeskl .;..,.;;. . „.4 d 1 0 4 u In oTfEame curtailed to seven in­ ot the present (piavters, decided to protect bis rights by cutting off enable factories to function 24 similar mob In "The Informer," and sister, Mary Brodel George Raft Catalano ...4. 0 0 8 U 0 nings because ot rain Salem had tho road leading to the point proper. hour,s a day and a priority ruling Clark Gable and Albert Dekker in leaving his dressing room after hi.s JOHN WAYNE Blbbianl ,..; 3 0 0 4 1 an easy- time In downing Wcst­ Similar lo tlio workings of tho American mind, the town, headed'] concerning basic materials for .de­ "Strange Cargo." One requirement last scene as a high tension lineman "SCOTLAND YARD" ...:.....:..:v;.3 0 0 u brook "a to 3. Merchants Lose Wetipord. 0 Q u by the club members, protested vohemenlly and went so far ns to fense prpductlon was passed. for all the items In the Farnum In "Manpower," receiving an BETTY FIELD Rain also took a hand In cutting THE LEE PER CO. collection Is that no doubles shall with Nancy Kelly and Martorelll ..,....;,.....l 1 0 8 Today all over America .people are electric shock as he turns out the u u short the Middlefield-Madlson got out u petition which was signed by a iua.iority ot the town's have been used In any part of the Three; Win One working as they have never worked light. ' ^ HARRY CAREY John Loder game Avlth the iormcr team still residents. .It was this polition which finally gave tlio club ts present fights, as were used In his day. The before. More than a, million yoiing A Pufomouni PlNew Haven, Conn. ]GHT & POWER On July 4, the Merchants will CONNECTICUT T, Is the American Industrial system, now turning oiit howltlzers that Box Ofllce open 10 a. m. to iO p. m, and experienced , .yachtismen not of America. Do your part where It and skippers wh6,se sole oxporiouB lies in the fuet that tliey are SWEETHEART OF play the Dormai\ A. C. at Bassett today keyed to a tempo never be­ Will hurl 33-pound .shells for 12,000 over lorty'jyoars'-rol age wlUtbt^ac win do your country the most good I members 1 of the "Rocking Chnir Fleet." ^" Now playing through Sattirday: "'Yes, My Darling Daughter" 221 Montowuso St. Phone 744 Branford fore known." yards, and will lob them over hlllsi THE NAVY

,-;••-, V I'V. -i-i 'ds4-fs:^'-'^'^/r^ *!* «^^^*?^f ..^HV ' •.- < «**-«-ii«»«\ft.'»-*4>* Al :A- lUiii^'-

Hi'juM^n li'brc.ry

Page Eight THE BRANFORD RKVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN,, JULY 3, 1041 F Shorthand, Typrtnttlni, Devoted Servants Keep' U,S. Soldiers Get Fresh Milk keeping, AccoUotlng, BtulnMi THE HOME TOWN PAPER Ford Features Softer AdmlnlstrBtion, DlctaphoM, of THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Movie Stars Shining For First Time Since 1776 Comptometer, Do; and BrinlBf. Ride in 1941 Models BRANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN Sessions. Co-edueatlontl. E&Ur STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD ETTli Davis, Rosalind Russell, George Brent—they fit tlie pat-j at any time. PORTRAYING AS IT DOES tern of Hollywood glamor Jiteity well, both off stage and on.j SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK I Bliven in candid camera stiois, rare is tlie occasion when the stars aren't STONE COLLEGE GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN I [Mffcctly turned out. i 139 Temple St., New HM«n COVE—EAST HAVEN Wf^t Ptanfdrb Eebieto FAAULIAR LANGUAGE . I'or making tlicm attractive in screen appearances, the movie per-' AND EAST HAVEN NEWS I sonalilics can thank cameramen, make-up artists, and the wardrobe VOL. XIV—NO. 13 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, July 10, 1941 Business Directory Price Five Centi 42 inch Sink and Tub Combinations Demonstration 1941 Flower Show Nine Enrolled S29,!)5 complete. Toilet Outllts ThreeMenBurned Today 87 Registrants Assigned with scat $14.95. Ba|thtubs $16.45. To Be Conducted Wall Basins $5.75. 'Hie Conn. Of Fog Nozizle In Air Warden Plumbing & Heating Materials While Washing Generator By Garden Club Draft Serial Numbers Co, 1730 State St., New Haven. At Fire House Study At Yale mArmy (Her s at Randolph Field, Texas, are daily milk drinkers. Phone 0-0028. The 1941 Flower Show of the At Atlantic Wire Plant The Short Beach Hose, Hook & Branford Is being well represen­ NF.W YOliK—U. S. HoldlerB In i milk demand has been slight, and Ladder company, under the supper- Branford Garden Club will be held By Board Last Night tlio vast army maneuvors now iin- properly forecasting requirements ted at the Air Raid Warden s vlslon of O. B. Maxwell, represen­ Wednesday, July 10 at the Old School being conducted the first ili>r way will light thoir poncetlmu for thickly populated areas. Wllh- tative of fire equipment, Cheshire, liiutlos with rrcBh milk In their t the well organized U. S. milk TXPEWKITEB8 ALL MAKES Academy on the Green from 2 to four days of this week at Ynle dally diet. distributing system It Is doubtful Samuel Bowden Removed To Hospital — John Bagay will give a demonstration of the new 19 D. S. T. University. This Is the first result ot New, Kebuills, Rentals, FortablM, booster fog nozzle across the street Thirty-Three Branford And Fifty-Four East Haven Moro than 'JSO.OOO quarts of fresh It fresh milk could have been so the called meeting last Wednesday rnadlly supplied. Buppllei Killed Yesterday By Train At Stony Creek. from the Short Beach flrehouse at The classifications follow: Speci­ Young Men Given Numbers—Will Be Called For On fluid milk per day will be consumed men classes: Roses, Mrs. John H. at the Town Hall when a group of by tho maneuver forces, plus the The anny ration, which means CoDTeolent Terms B p. m. Anybody interested In this clll',!ens met lo be orgonl'/.ed Into a Ratio Of 18-1 With Numliera Of First Lottery. new trainees In cantonmonts. Fresh food provided for one man tor one method of extinguishing gas or oil Birch; Hemerocalils, Mrs. Charles day specifies among other things local Civilian Defense Council co­ FOUD ENGINEERS nro point­ 190% stlfTcr frame, IncludcH moro lluld milk, has been added to the RELIANCE TyPEWKlTEB CO, Two accidents, one yesterday and fires Is urged to attend, several gal N. Baxter; Lilies,,Mrs. Charles N ncnslllvQ shock iibRovhers lo miitcli 8 oz. of fresh milk, 2 oz. of butter, operating with tho plan of Federal Forty-two men In the 21 year old ing with pi'ido lo tho nmonnt of dally ration lo provide America's 0. B. aUI, Mtr. the other today caused the death ions ot gas and oil will be poured | Baxter; Specimen Spray Flowering group registered at the town hall milled snfoly built into tho Intcst tho new softer Irnnsvcvoo siirint'H, soldiers with the beat possible diet, 1 oz. of evaporated milk and Vi oz. of one workman and injured Pupils Exhibit Administrator Mayor LaQuardla. Medical Set-Up Ford V-S'n, now bolng shown. The n now dcBiRn of Hinbllizcv und spe­ according to tho Milk Industry of cheese. over an automobile Shrub; Any Unaiual Potted Plant, Nine local people signed tor the full' Tuesday. While this number Is be­ In the Revolutionary War the Telephone 7-2738 three others. As an added attraction to the low the estimate prepared by the snmo big IZ-lnch hydrnullc brnltcs cial alloy steel for the springs. Foundation. loy Crown Street, New Baveu Old East Haven Mrs. Baxter; Summer Flowering course all ot which will be consider­ Thoro is also tho new cushion no.,,U,ul /{....oil Mmlt. Slu^d Ho /-"<' If'"'""' ""="' »'"''•'"(!'»» ration called for a pint of milk per This noon three men employed giving away Saturday evening ot a bulb. Gladioli, Mrs. Donald Sawtelle ed for appointment us Air Raid Ready In Event board. It Is expected that registra­ with 102 equaro inches nroa nro In addition to fluid milk require- soldier per day — tho only time contlnuod to Insuro cnay, quick structure — individually pocketed iuents, over 20 tons of butter, more by the Atlantic Wire Mill to wash row boat and out board motor by Annuals, MISs Madolln Zacher; j Wardens and Instructors ot groups tion cards ot Branford residents luxury typo cushion springs with home is a showplaco. But whore, fresh milk even appeared on tho W/^NTID—Employment to do a large electrical generator were stopping with long service. Thoro idcpartmcnt, but In tho privacy of than 10 tons of cheese and large ration until the present. It is doubt­ Homes of 1800 the Short Beach Hose, Hook and Perennials, Mrs, Thomas Paradise; to be organized at an early date. Of Emergency wlio wore out of town will Increase •}i is unusunl riding comfort in the rubberized top pad to add to pas­ their own liomes, there is, accord- the author wonders, would sho bo quantities o( other dairy products housework,-day or week. Willing badly burned. The plant is having Ladder Co., their auxiliary will hold Those attending are as follows: this number. Added to the 42 reg.- ling to Mary Hamman in tho July without Hazel Washington, her per­ ful, however. If Washington's sol­ Biennials, Mrs.'Scott W- Gilbert; now Fords. This is provided by senger comfort. This Super De- sonal'moid? Hazel, a canny shop­ are consumed dally. This means diers ever got milk unless they worker. Tel. Branford 699-5 a ten day vacation shut-down. Donald V. Chldsey in "East Hav­ a dance in the flrehouse that even­ 4-H Club members class, Mrs. Scott Martha Adams, Mrs. E. G. Craig, istrattons in Branford were ,57 n'number of fctttures, mnny of Luxo Fordor Sedan Is ono of tho lissuo of Good Housekeeping moga- that moro'thnn 1,000,000 quarts of When asked this week what 'r.lne, a sccrolary, maid, valct or per, buys everything from hats to surreptitiously milked cows near Of the four men Samuel Bowden en's Old Landmarks" recalls ing. W. Gilbert; ' . John E Donnelly, Franklin Gales, cards from East Haven tor a total them never included bcforo in cars several body types available in tho dining-room furniture for Rosa­ milk from American farms are re­ the bivouacs. of Elm Street received second de­ measures were being taken by the 1041 DcLuxo and Super DoLuxo cook who works like a beaver in quired every day for ^pasteurization In January 1802 the 'Old Yellow Arrangement classes: Patriotic Henry C. Holsenback, Holstoad R. health officers in regard to na- of 00 tor the local board. Of this of this prico clnsB. Improvcmont anonymity and devotion to pro-lind, and tells the salesgirls (irmly Army officials believe fresh milk LOST —Passbook No. 9292. If gree burns of both legs, hands, number several were out of town re of tho rido is built around a now Fords, servo tho Illusion tliat counts at whot "we" want and what "we" and distribution or processing Into found return to the Branford School House' burned and that arrangement; Arrangement of flow- Mllls, John T. Silnoy, Gone B. I tlonal defense measures. Dr. Ar- like. Recently when a reporter dally products for the army. provides health-giving and body­ arms and face. 1 marked the end of the Green being |,ors In tones of yellow; arrangement sidcnts who cards were forwarded ;the box-olTlco. asked Hazel if Miss Russell plan­ building values of the highest Savings Bank. 6-5,19,7-3 Drive Extended Rodney and John Zvonkovlc, |thur 8. McQueen called attention I Adolo Phelffcr is the voice that The milk Industry has been In Clifton Jones of Railroad Ave., a common playground. About then ot Petunias, Mrs. R. Earle Beers; to State Headquarters at Hartford Critics Once Deplored ned to be married scon. Hazel re­ order. Lt. Col. Paul P. Logan, Sub­ Stony Creek, received first degree Tho classes are being conducted, to tho work being done by hla cont­ to bo distributed to the proper ^Betto Davis heeds. Miss Hamman plied IndlgriBntly "We have no such cloHO touch with army require­ sistence OfHco, War Department, the people began to realize the Arrangement of i fiowers In ex­ in Strathcona Hall under the,mltteo which has complete ar- Lanphier's Cove, Beethoven's Sympliony (writes. Adelo is her buxom brown plans." Which may or may not bo ments to see that soldiers receive recently said: LOST—Pass Book No. 12591. If burns of hands. worth of the Green. Considerable Untili Monday; hibitor's favorite container; Ar­ boards. I maid who wouldn't think of lotting true, Hazel is not a girl to divulge fresh milk of the same high quality found return to Branford Sav­ Harry N. Allen of Ely Street had flre protection and rescue work. The rangcments to set 24 beds, fully' r|'">IJE fable of genius being ap- "AH of UB In subsistence work Improvements were made Includ­ rangement of any .plant material in equipped and an organized diet After all cards have been re­ her mistress leave tho bouse un­ any of "our" secrets. as that delivered dally to consum­ are acutely aware of the value of ings Bank. 6-26,7-10,24 first degree burns of hands. Rena- essentials ot the course are War­ By WINNIE KINKEK X (tcciated only too late for less her hair was beautifully ers' doorsteps. ing a handsome fence erected $600 Collected tones of green and white, Mrs. den's duties, organization and od-kitohcn and medical unit ready to turned, the board met ' to waved, unless tho seams of both In every, star's household, you milk and dairy products In tho to Rovaldl of 235 Montowese Street around the entire area." Charles B. Hitchcock; Arrangement shutHe tho cards and assign serial remunerative recognition is, by stockings were straight, unless she will And a Hazel, Miss Hamman This milk distribution required ration. We know that milk solids LOST—Pass Book No. 9965. It who was working in the front was mlnstratlon what to do to prevent use In the event of emergency. now, weil-worn; It is frequently are Indispensable and that milk Is This yellow school immediately ot flowers suitable for dinner table, spread of tiros tollowlng bomb ex­ The location of the set-up numbors in preparation for the na­ ' Mi-3; Martin J. Kane, Jr. of Wll- had a fresh pair of gloves and n Informs her readers. The Errol building up the supply system In found return to Branford Sav­ protected by steel guards was not The drive for funds tor he U. S. Mrs. J. Howard Marlln; Arrange­ tional lottery to be held at a' later the case in many great works of newly scented handkerchief. Yes, Flyiin's • jewel Is a secrotory-valet- thinly settled areas where fluid the nearest perfect food." ings Bank 6-26,. 7-10,24 I burned. . , commands attention in the minia­ O. has been extended to July 15 In plosions and problems ot evacuation would depend, ho said, on the ch'- llamansolt, was a'week end art. Isl Greco, tlie painter, suffered Botte Davis has glamour, and in butlor/named Max Carmel. Max is ment In wall pocket, Mrs. Arthur In bombed areas; protection during cumstancos, but the Community date, from it, and years later so did . Bowden was in the pit under the ture East Haven center designed Branford to allow workers to com­ Buost at the Cove. good part It is duo to the hand!' one-part Swiss, one-part Egyptian, One automobile company, which Industrial research has developed E. Ailing; MlnlalfUre arrangement and after gas raids and First Aid Hoiise woiild be the probable loca­ Frank Hartman, clerk ot the iiLudwIg van Beethoven. work of Adelo Pheiirer. and all-parts determined to pre­ a new synthetic rubber compound WANTED—'^°v's°P^'ators and generator while Jones and Allen by seventh grade pupils ol Tuttle plete their work. Preliminary fig­ of flowers with accessories In frame When tho great Broico, or Suin- Is making Army trucks and other for health and restoration of public tion. board said today that tho tollowlng As Miss Hamman pojnts out, serve tho prestige Of Errol and his defense equipment, purchases its wlilch "welds" fibers together, Managers — Branford District — were working on the sides. The School and placed on display at the ures reveal that approximately Mrs. Norman y^ Lamb; Arrange­ serial numbers assigned last even­ istaylngat the Babcock Cabins Vhonu Number 3 of Beethoven was lloaalind Russell is a girl who daz- wife Lily Damita, You may not Hagaman Library. $600.00 has been collected so far. services. Dr, McQueen's committee has 'Played for tho Arst tlnio In 1805, zlea everybody, She is boautltui, hear of tliose glarnor-bplldors very parts and material from 200 com­ greatly addnlg to the resulting Movie Circuit Work—1507 Fox generator was so badly burned that ment ot flowers on,|bedslda table ing will be given audit numbers at , are Mr. nud Mi's. McKay, -Mr. and fabrics. Theatre Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. It will have to rewired and rein- Easily distinguishable Is the Old Volunteer collectors have been busy Tho local committee responsible been working quietly for several tlio critical reception it received well-dressed, charming. Sho is often, but they a^eljtliSre says Miss munities located In 21 states. with accessories, Mrs., Lamb; Ar­ for enrolling the wardens for the weeks to perfect arrangements. the National Lottery. Mrs. Daw, Mr. and Mrs. Harper and jwas cold and unpraising, George known for her thoughtfulnoss, and Hamman, and their talents keep sulated. Stone Meeting House, sleepless, with other matters just as all oth­ rangement of triilf.and vegetables iMnrok reports in tho July Good . ers, and should be allowed extra school were Rev. A. W. Jones, ohalr In connection with this he urged . Serial numbers are as follows; for their families of' New Hdven. for her extra-special parties. Her the stars in the limelight. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thomas of WANTED—General houseworker Dr. Bodle administered first aid the 1797 tornado passed and In any contatnorfj Mrs. Rufus S. ' Housokoeplng magazine. One re- . the steeple was blown down onto time. It would be appreciated It man. Judge Lewis Zachei- and T. F. parents to take their children, to ^'•?"'°';°.' view road "If Beethoven contin-. for the market and the table. State East Haven are vacationing at at Pine Orchard—Must be white. and Bowden was taken to Grace Shepard; Children's class. Hammer who were appointed by S-1—Edward Sled Weted ues on hla present path, both ho • The entire program of the Short Hospital in an ambulance. Jones the roof of the church damaging those who have not contacted as tho monthly vaccination clinics Dannlo Peterson enjoyed filrthday Leader Brundage will be the In­ Chantaugua, N. Y. v Good cook—CftU Branford 1129. • yet would send In their contribu­ Any child, or' young man or R. H.' Richardson at the local held at Gaylord Health Center. 4-^Lo(i Blair Pardee and tho public will bo tfio suitor-' Course this year has been built and. Allen after being treated were the interior. B—Robert Webster Gillette - colotaratlons Friday attornopn; his ors." Tho same review, Marekl around the idea of national de­ structor In a general course on %tmu!c^ Next to the meeting house, at 17 tions to Mr. "T. L. Cornell, Treasur- women Interested In exhibiting council meeting.' This committee Four or five children are given this guests were; Bobby and Bud soys, warned "If tlio sympliony does' "Better Living from the Farm," taken home. Officer George cover­ may call Mrs. Shepard. win be enrolling local residents for 8--Alplionse John Pappaeoda fense, and what young people on ed the accident for the police de­ High is the delightful Thompson ef Branford U. S. O., care of the attention each session but tho Rlnkor, Cilfford and Robert Peter­ not plcaso now • . . after n few Posters were rriade. by Mrs. Har­ warden Instruction locally, at an health officer said that tho num­ 13—Fred Peter Kowalakl > thousand years have passed it will the farms can do to help In a na­ Special courses this year In­ partment. , , Potter House built in 1760 and now Malleable Iron Fittings Company. 14—Lazarus PaolloQ , son, David Pierce, Billy Babcock, Town Property For Sajb Branford wants to meets It quota, rison Lang. early date. ber should be greater. Inasmuch as '.not fall of its oiTect.'" tional defense ollort. State Club clude first aid, offered by Carl TRAIN KILLS' MAN owned by Charles Stepp.. ^ 15—Donald F, Bcradutto Madeline, Peterson, Roger Pinch. I, Tho report orrod allEhtly, of but it must have the support pt the Board ot Education does not loader A. 3. Brundago points out Mann of the University's physical CHOICE LOTS ON KIRKHAM STREET John Bagay, 41 of 100 Park Row, In the attic of the Samuel Brad- 10—Walter E. Wlllami jTr. Alp. Mrs, Reginald Babcock, Mrs. '• courao. For Instead of iii low thou- that as older members of the fa­education.. depaV'tment, highway everyone. The U, S. O. Is worthy pt Insist upon vaccination this is vol­ Paul Rlnker, Mrs. Arvld Peterson, jsand years It took only aovoral N. Y. was killed by train no. 13 at leyvhouse,, 1792, the, occupants hid 10—Charlos Jr Blrji«M«»lit < mily leave home tor the Army or safety, taught by Officer Harry "Woodland and Open Acreage along and near Shore of Branford valuables^ in a hogshed 'whcri 'the any contrlbuti6hBijgWen,tq(Jtj^^ untary. , at—Carl OscafTtnnK ^ • Mrs. Clifford Peterson, Mrs, Arnold , to make this composition ono. •2:00 Wed. at Stony Creek. Bagay problem ,of the' ftorarlbr our'"'tioy? ^eads^ CaiTjping^easQn [of the most durable and popular for Jobs in defense industries, Taylor of the Connecticut State River — Large Building Lot on Frank Street ,was driving ,^pjkes,,on the south rail British m'arched upon the town. 22—WlUam Van Wle . . Peterson, Mrs. Harry Pierce. I 0, p. •'• is one the people 'back home' must iof all symphonic works. It is, and young boys and girls will be ex­Police, camp craft, taught by Har­ onnofi track With his back towards Erected In 1807 and kijdvfn as'the 23—Harry Murray flallou jhus boon for a long time, con­ consider. The Government will care Drive For Aid .13—Oeorge Sied VTtted sidered one of tho greatest works pected to do moro of the work. All old Tantaquldgeon of the Mohican PAi^TieS^OPJ the train and was struck and Bela Farnham house and the Jos In F^ Swing jchapel Workers subjects at Short Course will be of Indian tribe, and choral singing, for the men while on the reserva­ 37—Carl Robetr Mflitson of genius in any flold. Shore Property For Sale thrown for a distance of 72 ties. hua Austin House, 1775 were re tions, but while on leave, the peo­ "The hero of tho symphony," extremely practical nature, deal­ taught by Q. Lorlng Burwell of The train did not stop until it moved to Library place a few years For Chinese The Y. M. C. A. camping season Hold Annual 42—Rudolph W. MdUson Economy .Marck \vrltoB, "Is all of llfo Itself,, ing with everyday jobs on the farm Watorbury. ATTRACTIVE SUMMER HOME ple 'back home' can and should In Connecticut will be In full swing 48—Harold Charlos Peck reached Pine Orchard. ago to make way for the present lend a helping hand to see their ^For it encompasses nil our cnnabil- and in the homo. e Hagaman Memorial Library. Isaac Mrs. Sherwood Boyd has accept­ this week-end, with boy campers 40—Samuel Leprlc litlos, our pains, our power and oven On the Waterfront — 10 rooms, 2 baths, Tennis Court morals ar.e kept. pushing attendance to record- Sale Saturday 53—Theodore B. Peldrson our gaiety. It has, too, tho mlldor , Tho handicraft' cla.s3es, both for Hagaman lived in the Austin ed the chairmanship ot the Bran­ Plumbing The following additions have been ford United China Relief Commit­ breaking peark. 56—Alfred de Bay sweetness without which no work \ boys and girls, will teach how to Individual Shore Lots For Sale house. 50—Patrick Joseph Ralola of art can bo really great. Because use putty and patching plaster, made to the committee: tee In the campaign to raise Camp Mohawk near Litchfield Chapel Workers annual sale will Drive At Creek Many other lovely old East Hav­ be held Saturday afternoon from 50—John Vincent Zyrlls & Heating it has all that, it Is popular music." glue and tools In home repairs, BRANFORD Located at Pawson Park en homes are Included In the ex­ Robert Richardson, jack Flnner-| $5_ooo,oOO to relieve (suffering from opened June 28 for two months with f 02-Walter Josepli Rutovlch Girls will learn how to repair a an, William Kremser, Raymond E.|v/ar, famine and pestilence In war- a capacity attendance. The Boys' 2 to 4:30 in Ihe chapel with Mrs. To Aid China hibit which is set up with streets, M. D. Stanley as general chairman. 05—Kendall Lewis SHORT COURSE worn electric cord, and boys will Inquire V. T, Hammer Phone 96-3 Plnkham, Emll Smlthfleld, Johh torn China, James G. Blaine, na­ Camp will continue through July Supply Co. LAUNDRY lawns and trees to represent the 20, the second period opening on Others on committees are: food, Continued on page eight learn how to clean paint brushes village In 1800. Shlllnsky, Mi's. Mortimer D. Stan­ tional chairman, announced here How to mend furniture, sot win-] and put on storm sash. I Gets Underway ley, Mrs. Nettle VanSands, Mrs. today. July ii The Girls' Camp will start Mrs. Clarence Mungor, Mrs. Roland Boilers —• Badiatora dow glass, rolse a pig or some FLAT WORK r ., , May Palmer, Frldolf Johnson and Others assisting Mrs. Boyd are July 27, closing August 24. , Van Sands, Mrs. Albert Poul- One food course for girls will | Leona Johnson. Camp iiazen, state "Y" boys' ton, Mrs. 8. E. Smith Mrs. Charles Gss Steam Badiators chlckenp to help out the family deal with getting full value for Dr. and Bert Anderson have Frank E. Beach Mrs. Alfred E, Hammer, secretary, food supply, how to spend a dollar WET WASH accepted the co-chalrmanshlp of Continued on page four Mrs Philip English, treasurer arid camp near Chester, began its HIcken, Mrs. Eric Swanson, Miss Court Officials Bathroom Fixtures money spent for groceries, another twenty-second season this Sunday, Corrle Hendricks, Mrs, V/. T. K. wisely In tho grocery store — that with the nutritive qualities of com­ SOFT DEY the United China Relief campaign Mrs. Robert Williams Rev. B. is what Connecticut 4-H Club boys to raise $5,000,000 to relive suffering Passes At 85 Kenneth Anthony, Mrs. E. R. Kelsey July 6, with a full registration ot 200 Brown, Mrs. Ralph Bolter, Mrs. John Sworn In Friday All Kinds — at Low Cost mon foodsi another with canning campers tor the first period, which Blever, Mrs. Prank Burdgo, and girls will learn In the Junior and preparing meals for canned from war, famine and pestilence In Jr., Mrs. K. B. Noble, Thomas Cor­ Also Selected war-torn China, James G. Blaine, Funeral services' for Prank E. Olive Richards nell and John Shlney. shatters a 15-year record. It Is ex­ Fancy work, Mrs. Edward Grlnell The new court officials, Louis B. Short Course nt the University of goods. Beach were held Saturday after­ Connecticut this year. national chairman, announced In a letter thanking Mrs. Boyd pected that attendance during the Mrs. John Pardee, Mrs. Hobart Zacher, Judge; Frank W. Daley, A livestock course will consider noon at 2 o'clock from the Grlswold second period, July 20 to August 10, Haward, Mrs. Anna Stone, Mrs. E. USED PLUMBING The Short Cotu'se, for club mem­ today. Announces Plan for leading the local drive, Mr. deputy judge and clerk; and Earle the possibilities of a family pig, FINISHED WOEK They're giving Colonial Home in South Main will also reach capacity. The dates V. Alien; white elephant, Mrs. A. Barker, prosecuting attorney, and bers between 12 and 1(J years of The agencies which have united Street. The burial was In Center Blaine said: "Your plans to launch and tho raising of veal, beef and the local campaign are particularly tor the final camping period are Herbert Seward, Mrs. Clarence were sworn in Friday morning for age, will bo held July 20 to 25th on in the $5,000,000 national appeal Cemetery. The bearers were: John For Marriage from August 10 to 24. HEATING SUPPLIES lamb for home consumption. A BACHELOR SERVICE Include: The American Bureau for timely because on July 7, the Chi­ Johnson, Mrs. Esther Parsons; another two year term. It was the campus of the University. Ex­ poultry course will teach the meth­ W. Barron, Charles Goldsmith, Other camps operated by the canjjy, Mrs. Carl Kelsey, Mrs. John pected enrollment is about 411. Medical Aid to China, China Emer­ nese people will begin their fifth postponed from July 1 because of Telephone 8-4047 ods of killing and dressing poultry Harold G. Baldwin, Clarence Miss Olive V. Richards, whose Y. M. C. A.'s ot Connecticut include: Martin, Mrs. Albert Poulton, Mrs. the draft registration in the court PLENTY... gency Relief Committee, China Aid Bradley, Bert Barker and Bert year of resistance to the Invader ni "Water St., Now Haven Council, American ommlttee for engagement to Lawrence J. Mur- ^, „ , , „, . Camp Coglnchaug, Durham, Conn.; Herman Lehr. room. The judge announced that Taylor. phy was recently announced, has No* more than ever before China Camp Jev;ell, West Swanzey, New the appointment of probation offi­ Chinese War Orphans, Church Mr. Beach, who passed away Ifm^iM JMMfmmM'^'liMiiMi^ Tel. 572-2 — 572-3 Committee for China Relief, Amer­ set July 16, as the date of her mar- "^eds our practical sympathy - Hampshire; Camp Matucha, Water- cer will be made later. Rev^ Fred­ Wednesdayl was one of the oldest rlage. The ceremony will take place' J^"" '^"/ clothing for her 50,000,- town. Conn.; Camp Rainbow, Rain­ DIRECTOR HAMMOND eric R. Murray, rector of Trinity WALDOBF FOR (gALCULATED FOR THE WEEK OF cOIMJDa"?? ^o< ican Committee for Chinese In­ and most respected citizens of the at St. Charles Church at 9. dustrial Cooperatives, Associated ' 000 refugees, medicine for her bow, Conn,; Camp Woodstock, GIVES TWO SHOWS Church, offered prayer. B. W. Nelson, Prop. Won't you give community. He was born In Bran­ Miss Doris A. Richards, ot Spring­ 5,000,00 sick and wounded, sup­ Woodstock, Conn. To insure ac­ WEDDINGS JULY •7. , . .1.38 JULY 7. . . .1 33 Boards for Christian Colleges In port for her orphaned children, JULY S. . . .^,30 JULY B . . . .T.3t ford May 22,1856 a son ot David field sister ol the bride-to-be, will commodations parents planning to FOR CHINA RELIEF JULY 9 . . . .'t.T) JULY 9 ... .7.31 Christian Colleges in China, and Beach and Sylvia Baldwin. He was be maid of honor, and the Misses help tor her uprooted colleges and .send boys or girls to a "Y" camp I. O. R. 'M. WILL INSTALL JULY 10. . . .ii.tIO JULY IO. . . .7.30 the American Friends Service schools and tor her new "vest Deputy Great Sachem George JULY 11 . . . .•(.Id ^40^f JULY M. . . .7,30 the eighth generation of the family Ruth M. Sawyer, Dorothy Rush- ,..„,., this summer are urged to make re­ This afternoon and evening the JULY JULY n. . . .7.30 Commlitee. Stony Creek Players will give per­ Schmltgaul ot New Haven will be m JULY 13.. JULY /3. . . .7.29 to be born in Branford and was a brook, and Harriet E. Bridge will Po^^f "^^^'^J""' generous gistration at their local "Y" im­ . .f.Vl a LITTLE! Members ot the national com­ Inotalling officer Friday evening at IflME GIVEN IS STANDARD BULOVA WATCH TIME . BRANFORD OIL BURNER direct descendant of John Beach, be bridesmaids. Mr. Murphy has^^e/l'^l!?,", ^J^l',P,„«r,!?'|JlJj;!ifi;"'^: mediately. Information and book­ formances of "The White Steed for To Your gift will help the U. S. O. run mittee of United China Relief are: who settled in Branford In 1643. For chosen John Lyons as his best man, late"•""• our committees- everywhere to lets win be furnished at any "Y" In the benefit of the United China a meeting ot Pawsbn Tribe > 61, I. O. R. M. For solid carefree comfort this winter install a attractive, home-like service clubs for James G. Blaine, natlonl chairman; Many years he was active In town and James Conroy, William Mc- greater efforts." Connecticut. • Relief Drive, operating In Stony our men engaged in national defense. Eugene E. Barnett, vice-chairman; affairs and served several terms as Kenna and Lawrence F. Jacobs, Contributions to the national Creek under the direction of Mrs. New officers are ; Sachem, John Enlist In the army behind the army. Pearl S. Buck, William C. Bullitt, selectman. He was a member ot all ot Plttsfleld, as ushers. fund are nearlng the two million Anderson. Donofrlo; Senior Sagamore, Abra­ Paul G. Hoffman, Rufus M. Jones, Widow's Son Lodge, A. F. and A. M. The bride Is the niece ot Mrs. May mark, and the volume ot gifts 1840 CLASS REUNION During Intermission there will be ham Platcow; Junior' Sagamore, Hire Thomas L. Lamont, Henry R. Luce, and ot the First Congregational Crouch, Indian Neck. coming into national headquarters a program of Chlnlse music and Michael Thomas; Prophet, Nioho- The Class of 1940 of the Branford Froduot of John D. Rockefeller, 3d, Col. Theo­ Church. Is Increasing daily. United China small articles from China will-be las Dykum; Collector of Wampum, LooaUy Made dore Roosevelt, Jr., Raymond Rub- Relief began Its itund-ralslng effort High School will hold their class offered for sale. | Steve Flnta; Trustee, Louis Atwa- Give to the He Is survived by one son, David reunion at Clinton Casino July 18 Modern Cuta'ways Malleable Iron lean, David O. Selznick, Robert D. Beach of Branford, and two ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL I during China -Week, May 18-25, Asslstlng in Stony Creek are the tor. JULYB-LIBERTV BELL CRACKED AS IT Nationally Gordon Sproul, Charles F. Will­ Mr. and Mrs. George P. Fisher which was offlclally proclaimed by Members of the class who wish to lollowlng captains; Mrs. Charles] Dress Suits Tuxedos TOLLED FOR FUNERAL OF CHIEF JUSTICE grandsons, David D. Beach, Jr., of attend please get in touch with the MARSHALL, PHILADELPHIA 1835 Fittingi Co. Famous iams and Wendell L. WlUkle. New , and Robert G. Beach formerly ot Branford, now resl-116 governors and 200 mayors as Madeira, Mrs. Christine Beech, Rev. HOLD FAMILY REUNION ^i White Dinner Coats JULVia-HEMRY HUDSON SIOIITEOIAHO, committee before July 12. • THE COAST OF NORTH AMERICA 1609 of Pottsdam, New York. There were dents of Harvey, 111., have an- a period ot sympathy tor the Chl- Kenneth Brookes, Mrs. Frank A family reunion was held Suri- Blue D. B, Coats Members ot the, committee are ALUMINUM COMMITTEE NAMED three daughters, Sylvia, Florence nounced the engagement of their nese fight for freedom, Ablondl, Rep, John Bralnerd and' day attorrioon in Short Beach at H and Flannels daughter Shirley Anne, to Elmer | The movement to aid China has Dorothy Ralola, "Eleanor Olson, u-s-o- Rev A. T. Bergqulst met Tuesday and Vera, all deceased. a long list of solicitors. ! the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Rudolph Herkner ot Hammond, won wide support throughout Hazel Langdale, Dorothy Brada It is planned to give a Chinese Peterson, Shirts, collars, ties, shoes, silk K VOUR NAME ADAM S ?AtTMOU0H i]i]@iiD§[SKi@iLifi) mm UNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS evening in the Community house Harold Damberg, Robert LaCrolx and opera hats, spats, gloves. AOAM IS AW OtO TESrAMCHT NAME OF Right aroundthe corner In Branford is produced an oil burner Indiana. Miss Fisher attended the | Continued on page five supper later in the drive and arr-| Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl HEBREW OBICIH-MEAmW0"RED"aR recognized throughout the nation as being one of the the Eenulno With the following committee to BUSY WEEK END University ot Illinois and Goodman and James Cosgrove. angemcnts are being made to bring Oreenvall and daughter, Catherine Ascot ties, pearl gray vests, •f ACrillY," IT IS OF OREAT ANTIQUirV AS Send you contribution to local headquarters, 165 Elm Street arrange lor the Boy Scout collection A 3U9KAME IN jrOTlAMO AND CNGIAND. outstanding quality oil burners produced In America. United Service Organizations represents: Following an elaborate pyrote­ School ot the *rheatre in Chicago the now famous China Junk to of East Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Prank jewelery, etc. ACCORDING TO A SCOTriStl TRADITION, ot aluminum; Harry Brazeau, LIGIIT TO SUMIVION FIREMEN DUNCAN ADAM.SON Or AlEVANDES ADAM, chnic display at the Montowese and is now employed as Fashion Stony Creek. Seller and Jean Seller of Hamden, Young Women's Christian Association chairman Thomas, Sudac, W. F. ROTARIAN COOKE SPEAKS WHO IWEO DURING THE REIOM OF KING When you finally decide upon oil heat do not tall to take ad­ House a Red, White and Blue ball ROBERT BRUCE, HAD FOUR SONS FROM Editor ot Radio Station WHIP,| Through the courtesy of the :—— . 'Arnold and Leona Peterson, Short DIDYOU KNOW THAT TOMATOES ARE RICHER vantage of this fact. Smith, C. H. Hooghklrk and Mrs. WHOM AIL THE AOAMS.ADAMSONS.AND National Catholic Community Service . y/ALDORF IN VITAMIN C CONTENT THAN MOST OTHER was given with music by the Yale where her fiance Is program dlrec-'management of the Branford President Harry Cooke related Mr. and Mrs. John sinl of Madl- Beach; Leylahd Pierce of Glaston- ADIE5 IN SCOTtAND ARE 0E5C£NDEO-- Young Men's Christian Association. . , Arnold Peterson. VEGETABIES-ANDIOMATOESAREITTIMES These dealers will be glad to give you complete details on what Colleglanls Bingo, cards, tennis and tor. No definite date has been set, Theatre a red light has been In- his experience as delegate to.the son announce the engagement of bury; Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Peter- AS POTENT AS WATER IN ALIAYINO THIRST. National Traveler's Aid Association Ping-Pong touraments are in stalled over the exit at the left ot Rotarlan Convention in Denver, j their daughter Katherine, to Mr. son; Dan, Cllffle and Bobble.Peter- CLOTHING CO. a Branford Installation will do, and what It will cost. Jewish Welfare Board for the wedding. ENTERTAINS AT ROAST progress. the screen, approximately where Colorado at Monday's luncheon ofjFred Donofrlo, son of Mrs. Mary son; Theodore Peterson; Mr. and Jfc?i's Formal Wear—Exclttslvell Salvation Army *CANCER* •MEDICAL MELODRAMA' New Haven East Haven John Coolac recently entertained FOR THE BRITISH the electric clock was previously the local club held in the First Grace Donofrlo. Mrs. John Kuiack of Double Beach; THE STARS FORECAST A rATItMT:'DOC70R,TH(S Congregational Church. 00 Center Street BRILIMNT FUTURE FOR THE IS MY FIRST OPERATION the following friends at a hot dog Tabitha Society will hold a food The recent card party and tea hung, Mr. and Mrs. Arvld Peterson and AND IM VERY NERVOUS." New Haven Coal Co. East Haven Coal Co. PEI!50II BORN THIS WEEK. DOOOR:"WHV7rMHOT roast; Mr. and Mrs. John Kuiack, sale on the Green on the morning given in Pine Orchard for the \ ' The purpose of the light is to There were 37 present Including Vasa Star Lodge, will meet in Curry Andrews of Miami, Florida; 0pp. Malley's Rear Entrance PROVIDIUG HE OVERCOMES HERVOUS-THIS IS MY '' Branford — R. 0. Enquist ot July 12. tienefit of the British Relief Fund summon firemen should their P. H. Holbrook, and Fred Eglln of Svea Hall July 18th, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson; Open Evenings Until 7:30 THE OBSTACLES MET WITH FIRST OPERATION.T*)." Mr. and Mrs. Arvld Peterson Mr. DUHIHS HIS YOUTH'•• MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY and'Mrs. Walter Kuiack, Mr. and realized nearly $300. A goodly por-'services be required. Madison; R. P. Bailey and Arthur ——:—»-• Betty and .Kenneth Johnson; Mr, Later by Appointment LIFE GIVES NOTHING TD MEN WITHOUT GREAT LABOR.--HORACE Mrs. Stanley Openskl, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S A. Grlswold are Hon of this sum was the result of, Firemen araree • urged to report Hall of New Haven. -;; ' Hope Circle will hold Its annu- and Mrs. Ray Meeker; Mr. and --- Branford, Oonn. CALL 8^3623 ££- '^ Domonic Barba, Maryarin Yeager opening the Heartstone tor the the sale of articles donated by lo­quietly so as not to unnecessarily Until September, Rotary Club al picnic, July IS, at Branford Mrs. Thomas Masslmln of New Is and Francis Tisco. ^ summer. . cal merchants. alarm the patrons ot the theatre, luncheons will be held at the Oasis. Point. iHaven. IS if

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