Land, Water & Northern Tablelands How Woolgrowers Manage Project Fact Sheet native vegetation & biodiversity on New England wool properties 7 A technical guide

Introduction The woolgrowing properties at a glance

In 2003, the Land, Water & Wool Average area ...... 1101 ha Northern Tablelands Project (NSW) conducted a survey of woolgrowers in Average number of sheep shorn each year ...... 3896 southern New England. Average micron of the Southern New England wool clip...... 18.8 µm The survey aimed to find out what woolgrowers thought about biodiversity in relation to wool production, how Below—Income sources (average across Highlights woolgrowers manage their farms in all properties) • 4% of properties are solely ways that affect biodiversity, and what dependent on wool income it would take for them to adopt Wool Lambs Beef Other Off-farm management practices that would 12% • 85% of woolgrowers have income enhance biodiversity. 4% from beef production A one-page questionnaire was mailed to • 77% of properties have some native 934 growers, with two follow-up bushland mailings shortly after. The final mailing was a shortened version of the 52% • 61% of properties have tree questionnaire designed to see if growers 24% plantings who hadn’t responded initially, varied • in their responses to the earlier 86% of properties have some native respondents. In all, 347 questionnaires pastures (37%) were returned, results being 8% • 94% of properties have sown adjusted for non-response bias detected pastures by the third mailing. Below—Types of country (average across all properties) (Note the figures above do not necessarily Attitudes towards native correspond to those in the diagrams). Native bushland Tree plantings vegetation, biodiversity & Native pastures Introduced pastures Implications water quality Water bodies Other 2% • About half of the total area of New • About 45% of woolgrowers thought 2% 13% England wool properties is native that native plants and animals are 2% vegetation (39% native pasture and important for ecological balance and 13% bushland). sustainability of wool production, whereas one-third (35%) didn’t think • The area of native vegetation this was the case. 42% managed by New England woolgrowers is equivalent to one • Most woolgrowers (81%) thought that third of the national park estate in 39% NSW. (Continued overleaf)

Grazing bushland & creek banks Highlights • 61% of the area of bushland is only Below—Percentage of woolgrowers who Below—Percentage of woolgrowers who occasionally, or never, grazed. graze native bushland graze creeks and river banks All the time All the time • 20% of the area of native bushland Fairly often Fairly often is grazed all the time. Occasionally Occasionally Some parts occasionally, some parts never Some parts occasionally, some parts never Never Never Implications 6% 7% 1% • Half of woolgrowers exclude 13% 31% livestock from bushland most of the 17% time, which is positive for grazing- 41% sensitive plants. • Almost one-quarter of woolgrowers exclude livestock from their river banks and streams most of the time, 31% which is positive for water quality 19% 34% and downstream users. well managed improved pastures are high dependence on wool income, a the key to profitable wool production. very high proportion of introduced pastures and little bushland (high- • Almost two-thirds of woolgrowers input woolgrowers)—these properties (62%) thought that some areas need averaged 1230 ha in size, sheared to be protected from stock to allow 8136 sheep each year, and wanted an grazing-sensitive plants to survive on average annual payment of $855/ha grazing properties. to manage bushland for conservation. • Almost two-thirds of woolgrowers 4. Just over 10% of properties were (63%) thought they could manage mainly dependent on off-farm water quality by controlling livestock income, with high proportions of Land, Water & Wool (LWW) is the most comprehensive access to water ways and farm dams. native pasture and bushland natural resource management research and development (lifestylers)—these properties program ever undertaken for the Australian wool • Just over half of woolgrowers (54%) industry. LWW is a partnership between Australian Wool averaged 613 ha in size, sheared 955 Innovation Limited and Land & Water , and has thought they could do something sheep each year, and wanted an seven core sub-programs. The Native Vegetation and Biodiversity sub-program is working with woolgrowers, about dying paddock trees. average annual payment of $54/ha to and demonstrating that biodiversity has a range of values, can add wealth to the farm business and can be • On the proposition that wool from manage bushland for conservation. managed as part of a productive and profitable native pastures is whiter, finer and commercial wool enterprise. has less yolk than wool from improved The Land, Water & Wool Northern Tablelands Project is Tree cover & tree planting led by Associate Professor Nick Reid, University of New pastures: slightly more than one-third England, in collaboration with Southern New England of woolgrowers were in agreement, Woolgrowers who thought the amount of Landcare Ltd, and the Centre for Agricultural and Regional Economics. slightly less than one-third disagreed, tree cover on their property was: and just under one-third were Disclaimer—The information contained in this publication 70% is intended for general use, to assist public knowledge neutral. and discussion and to help improve the sustainable management of land, water and vegetation. It includes 60% general statements based on scientific research. Readers Types of wool properties are advised and need to be aware that this information 50% 46% may be incomplete or unsuitable for use in specific Wool properties fell into four main situations. Before taking any action or decision based on 40% 37% the information in this publication, readers should seek types based on income and types of expert professional, scientific and technical advice. To country: 30% the extent permitted by law, the Commonwealth of Australia, Land & Water Australia (including its 20% 16% employees and consultants), the authors, and the Land, 1. Half of wool properties had a high Water & Wool Program and its partners do not assume dependence on wool income and 10% liability of any kind whatsoever resulting from any Percentage of woolgrowers (%) woolgrowers of Percentage person’s use or reliance upon the content of this relatively large amounts of native publication. pasture (rangeland managers)— 0% too much about right too little Copyright—of this publication, and all the information it properties in this category averaged contains, jointly vests in the Land and Water Resources 1336 ha in size, sheared 4287 sheep Research and Development Corporation, with its brand Average number of trees planted each name being Land & Water Australia, and Australian Wool each year, and wanted an average year by woolgrowers who thought the Innovation Limited. Both Corporations grant permission annual payment of $291 per hectare amount of tree cover on their property for the general use of any or all of this information provided due acknowledgement is given to its source. to manage bushland for conservation. was: Author—Ian Reeve. 1400 1241 Editing & design—Nick Reid and Kàren Zirkler. 2. A quarter of properties had a Date—December 2006. 1200 relatively high dependence on lamb Acknowledgements—Thanks to Jann Williams, Mike and beef income, and a high 1000 Wagg, Renelle Jeffrey and Jane Thomas for comments on proportion of introduced pastures drafts. (meat producers)—properties in this 800 For more information, contact • category averaged 1052 ha in size, 600 Southern New England Landcare sheared 3386 sheep each year, and 412 PO Box 75A, Armidale, NSW 2350. Number of trees of Number 400 Telephone 02 6772 9123 wanted an average annual payment Facsimile 02 6771 2656 Email [email protected] of $166 per hectare to manage 200 95 • Dr Ian Reeve bushland for conservation. 0 Institute for Rural Futures, University of New too much about right too little England, Armidale NSW 2351. 3. Just over 10% of properties had a Telephone 02 6773 5145 Email [email protected] Support for managing native bushland for conservation • To support the 36% Below—What encouragement or support would you need to of woolgrowers in largely exclude livestock from native bushland and manage it southern New for conservation? England who would 40% accept an annual 36% payment to largely 35% exclude livestock 31% from areas of 30% native bushland and manage these areas 25% for conservation, it 20% would cost 16% $1,413,400 per 15% 10% annum. 10% This would result 4%

Percentage of woolgrowersof Percentage 5% in 9300 ha of bushland being 0% managed for I'm not None - I'm A one-off An annual Public interested in already doing payment payment recognition of conservation. doing this this my efforts