A Cold House for Gaeilgeoirí Ollscoil Na Banríona Agus an Ghaeilge
anIssue 7 Jan - Mar 2020 £2.50/€3.00 spréachIndependent non-profit Socialist Republican magazine A COLD HOUSE FOR GAEILGEOIRÍ OLLSCOIL NA BANRÍONA AGUS AN GHAEILGE DEATH ON THE ROCK Operation Flavius ON IRISH UNITY WINIFRED CARNEY SOCIALISM & NATIONALISM A Call to the Future The Typist with a James Connolly Webley DIGITAL BACK ISSUES of anspréach Magazine are available for download via our website. Just visit www.anspreach.org ____ Dear reader, An Spréach is an independent Socialist Republican magazine formed by a collective of political activists across Ireland. It aims to bring you, the read- er, a broad swathe of opinion from within the Irish Socialist Republican political sphere, including, but not exclusive to, the fight for national liberation and socialism in Ireland and internationally. The views expressed herein, do not necesserily represent the publication and are purely those of the author. We welcome contributions from all political activists, including opinion pieces, letters, historical analyses and other relevant material. The editor reserves the right to exclude or omit any articles that may be deemed defamatory or abusive. Full and real names must be provided, even in instances where a pseudonym is used, including contact details. Please bear in mind that you may be asked to shorten material if necessary, and where we may be required to edit a piece to fit within these pages, all efforts will be made to retain its balance and opinion, without bias. An Spréach is a not-for-profit magazine which only aims to fund its running costs, including print and associated platforms. ____ Is iris poblachtach sóisialta í An Spréach curtha le chéile ag roinnt gníomhaithe polaitiúla.
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