Index to Papers Presented to Parliament SESSION 1990-91-92-93 Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

A A success story-Australia's trading perform ance-Mi ni ster for Trade and Overseas Development, October 1992...... 1783

ABC editorial and program practices in radio and television. See "Australian Broadcasting Corporation".

Aboriginal Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government responses to reports- A chance for the future: training in skills for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community management and development, August 1989...... 1181 Our future, our selves: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control management and resources, August 1990 .... 1181 Return to country-The Aboriginal homelands movement in Australia, March 1987...... 1266 Review of Auditor-General's audit report No. 29, 1989-90, Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio, December 1990 ...... 1181 Review of Auditor-General's report No. 12, 1990-91, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Community Development Employment Projects, 13 May 1991 ..... 1181 Review of Auditor-General's report on Aboriginal Student Assistance Schemes ...... 381 Reports- Our future, our selves: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control management and resources- Report, August 1990...... 181 1990 137 Minutes of proceedings ...... 181 Review of Auditor-General's audit report No. 29, 1989-90: Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio- Report, December 1990 ...... 420 1990 423 Minutes of proceedings ...... 420 Review of Auditor-General's report No. 12, 1990-9 1- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Community Development Employment Projects- Report, 13 May 1991...... 796 1991 138 Minutes of proceedings ...... 796 And see- "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs" "Audit Act".

clXXXiX cxc Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to report-Language and culture: A matter of survival-Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language maintenance, 2 June 1992...... 1972 Reports- Language and culture: A matter of survival-Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language maintenance- Report, 2 June 1992 ...... 1617 1992 164 M inutes of proceedings...... 1617 Mainly urban: Inquiry into the needs of urban dwelling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 26 November 1992 .. 1970 1992 456 M inutes of proceedings...... 1970

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commercial Development Corporation. See "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act".

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission- Regional Council Elections- Judgement and reasons relating to an appeal to Federal Court of Australia, 11 December 1990...... 570 Legal advice-Copies of letters (2) from Chief General Counsel, Attorney-General's Department to Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, 31 October and 8 November 1990 ...... 1828 Tabling of disallowable instruments-Copies of- Court Order of the Federal Court of Australia ...... 434 Letter from Chief General Counsel, Attorney-General's Department to Office of Minister for Aboriginal Affairs...... 434 Ministerial submission, 19 September 1990 ...... 378 M inisterial submissions (2) ...... 434 M inute, 5 November 1990 ...... 378 Minute from CEO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and attachments (7)...... 434 The first step: A report on the initial community consultations on the Royal Commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody, March 1992...... 2154 1403 1992 74 And see "Audit Act".

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commercial Development Corporation- Corporate plan 1991-92 to 1993-94 ...... 1404 959 Report for- Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cxci Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Period 5 March to 30 June 1990 ...... 714 492 1991 4 1990-91 ...... 2020 1309 1992 18 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission- Determinations of terms and conditions of- Chairperson, 29 April 1990...... 136 125 Chief Executive Officer, 10 May 1990 ...... 136 125 Report for- Period 5 March to 30 June 1990 ...... 887 606 1991 62 1990-91 ...... 2220 1447 1992 92 Aboriginal Development Commission-Report for period 1 July 1989 to 4 March 1990 (forprevious reports see Aboriginal Development Commission Act)- Report ...... 501 393 1990 291 Erratum ...... 970 703 1990 291 Determinations- 1991- N os. 1,2 ...... 778 532 N os. 3, 4 ...... 1344 950 1992- N os. 1, 2,3 ...... 2098 1377 N o. 4 ...... 2523 16 12 Interim review report on the operation of the Act pursuant to section 26 ...... 2715 1677 Notice-1990-No. 2 ...... 376 173 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 399...... 524 427 1991-No. 256...... 1478 993 1992-No. 122...... 2313 1506 Rules- 1990- No. 1-Regional Council Election ...... 464 173 No. 3-Regional Council Election (Casual Vacancies)...... 462 390 No. 4-Zone Election ...... 462 390 1992-Regional Council Election (Amendment) (No. 1) ...... 2859 1760 And see "Acts Interpretation Act". Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act- Declaration pursuant to section 10 relating to significant Aboriginal areas, Northern Territory, 15 May 1992...... 2406 1556 Declarations pursuant to section 9 relating to significant Aboriginal areas, Northern Territory- 26 M arch 1991 ...... 973 709 19 M arch 1992 ...... 2194 1433 8 April 1992 ...... 2313 1506 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-N o. 420...... 20 24 1991-No. 231 ...... 1364 950 cXcii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1992-No. 121...... 2313 1506

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People-Gambling on the First Race-Report by Steve Mickler, May 1992 ...... 2334

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Land Rights-Murray Islands- High Court of Australia order, 3 June 1992 ...... 2413

Aboriginal deaths in custody-Royal Commission (Hon. E.F. Johnston, QC)- Commonwealth response-Ministerial statement by the Prime Minister, 24 June 1992 ...... 2637 1572 Ministerial statement ...... 719 Reports- Inquiry into the death of- A man who died at Qodnadatta on 17 December 1983 (SA/6) ... 900 616 1991 76 An Aboriginal man on 25 February 1983 at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital ...... 430 323 1990 217 Anderson,R ...... 275 188 1990 151 Atkinson, S.K...... 917 626 1991 63 Barnes, F...... 870 597 1991 64 Barney, W.J...... 859 585 1991 24 Bates, B...... 430 323 1990 218 Betts, E.F. (S/8)...... 900 616 1991 65 Binks, M.G.C ...... 971 703 1991 119 Blankett,N ...... 50 35 1990 49 Boney, L.J ...... 887 606 1991 66 Booth, RT ...... 484 393 1990 292 Brown, S...... 275 188 1990 152 Burralangi (NT/i1) ...... 859 585 1991 25 Buzzacott, M...... 374 270 1990 219 Cameron, E...... 870 597 1991 67 Campbell, P...... 870 597 1991 68 Carr, T...... 267 169 1990 153 Chatunalgi, D ...... 484 393 1990 295 Clark, G.A...... 776 528 1991 1 Day,H ...... 492 393 1990 293 Dougal, A...... 50 35 1990 55 Dunrobin, G.M...... 302 221 1990 195 Egan, J.T...... 501 393 1990 294 Gollan, M.L.J ...... 484 393 1990 296 Gollan, S.J...... 374 270 1990 220 Green, D...... 870 597 1991 69 Gundy, D.J...... 887 606 1991 70 Harris, D...... 430 323 1990 221 Jabanardi (at Ti Tree) (NT/2)...... 971 703 1991 120 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cXciii Presented Printed Paper JonaIs VA&P. Year TPaper

______Page I Page _ _ No.

Jambajimba (NT/I) ...... 859 1991 Johnson, B.M...... 396 1990 Karpany, C.D...... 565 1990 Karpany, K.E. (Sf3)...... 900 1991 Kearney, P.L...... 484 1990 Kulla Kulla, C ...... 947 1991 Lacey, D.A ...... 303 1990 Leslie, B.T...... 870 1991 Lorraway, D.R.J...... 947 1991 McGrath, B.A ...... 870 1991 Mau, N. (also known as William Kim Tabipa and William Kim Moore) ...... 233 1990 Michael, S.G ...... 430 1990 Misi,P ...... 233 1990 Moffatt, A...... 492 1990 Moore, J.A ...... 492 1990 Morrison, B...... 275 1990 Nean, C.A...... 266 1990 Noble, P.D., Hyde, R.F. (Charlie) and Koowootha, D.M ...... 947 1991 O'Rourke, K.L ...... 303 1990 Pat, J.P...... 971 1991 Polak, K...... 430 1990 Price, K...... 744 1991 Quayle, M.A...... 917 1991 Revell, M...... 50 1990 Ryan, V.R...... 947 1991 Salt, M.C...... 859 1991 Samson, G ...... 870 1991 Saunders, M.R...... 870 1991 Semnmens, G.M...... 374 1990 Short, D.A ...... 971 1991 The Aboriginal man who died in Darwin Prison on 5 July 1985 ...... 744 514 1 1991 The man who died at- Brisbane Prison on 4 December 1980...... 612 1990 Katherine on 21 November 1984 (NTIS)...... 971 1991 Royal Darwin Hospital on 2 April 1987 (NT/l 0) ...... 971 1991 The woman who died at Ceduna on 18 February 1983 ...... 374 1990 The young man who died at- Aurukun on 11 April 1987 ...... 268 1990 Beatrice Hill Prison Farm on 21 September 1988 ...... 303 1990 Elliott on 21 March 1985...... 303 1990 Wujal Wujal on 29 March 1987...... 50 1990 The young man who died in custody at Geraldton on 31 December 1988 ...... 870 597 1991 188 Tiers, B.R ...... 612 435 1990 404 cxciv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Phinted Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Ugle, R.M ...... 430 323 1990 226 Vicenti, R...... 870 597 1991 82 Waigana,M ...... 430 323 1990 227 Walker, R.J...... 971 704 1991 125 Walker, R.N ...... 870 597 1991 83 Walley, G.T...... 870 597 1991 84 Wells, M...... 870 597 1991 85 West, E.S ...... 484 393 1990 300 Williams, P.W...... 870 597 1991 86 Wodulan, H ...... 50 35 1990 56 Wouters, D.S...... 947 641 1991 87 Yarrie, B.D...... 783 541 1991 28 Yarrie, F.L ...... 783 541 1991 29 National report (Commissioner E. Johnston, QC)- Volume]I...... 1004 718 1991 126 Volume 2...... 1004 718 1991 127 Volume 3...... 1004 718 1991 128 Volume 4...... 1004 718 1991 129 Volume 5...... 1004 718 1991 130 Regional report of inquiry in- New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania (Commissioner Hon.J1.H-.Wootten, AC, QC) ...... 1004 718 1991 131 Queensland (Commissioner L.F. Wyvill, QC)...... 1004 718 1991 132 Regional report of inquiry into- Individual deaths in custody in Western Australia (Commissioner Hon. D.J. O'Dea)- VolumelI...... 1004 719 1991 133 Volume2 ...... 1004 719 1991 134 Underlying issues in Western Australia (Commissioner P.L. Dodson)- VolumelI...... 1004 719 1991 135 Volume2 ...... 1004 719 1991 136 Response by Governments- Ministerial statement ...... 2154 1403 Overview ...... 2154 1403 1992 75 Volume 1 ...... 2154 1403 1992 76 Volume 2 ...... 2154 1403 1992 77 Volume 3 ...... 2154 1403 1992 78 Royal commissions and omissions, What was left out of the report on the death of John Pat, by Jeannine Purdy ...... 2156 And see "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission".

Aboriginal Development Commission Act-Aboriginal Development Commission-Report for 1988-89 (for subsequent reports see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act) ...... 86 60 1990 50 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cxcv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Aboriginal Education (Supplementary Assistance) Act-Aboriginal Education Strategic Initiatives Program (AESIP)-Reports for 1990 and 1991 ...... 3411 1972 1992 439

Aboriginal Hostels Limited-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 660 435 1990 388 1990-91 ...... 1809 1230 1991 346 1991-92 ...... 3246 1920 1992 385

Aboriginal Land Commissioner- Report to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Administrator of the Northern Territory relating to land claims-Reports- Bilinara (Coolibah-Wave Hill Stock Routes) land claim (Report No. 35) ...... 1946 1266 1991 345 Finke land claim (Report No. 39) ...... 2569 1571 1992 173 Kenbi (Cox Peninsula) land claim (Report No. 40)...... 2569 1571 1992 174 Garawa/Mugularrangu (Robinson River) (Report No. 33)...... 1192 885 1991 165 Kidman Springs/Jasper Gorge (Report No. 30)...... 501 393 1990 302 Mataranka Area (Report No. 29) ...... 501 393 1990 301 McLaren Creek (Report No. 32)...... 1192 885 1991 166 Stokes Range land claim (Report No. 36)...... 1946 1266 1991 344 Upper Daly land claim-Volumes 1 (Yubulyawun), 2 (Labarganyayn) and 3 (Wagiman) (Report No. 37)...... 2371 1539 1992 126 Wakaya/Alawarre (Report No. 34)...... 1522 1020 1991 250 Warumungu (Report No. 31)...... 1522 1037 1991 248 Western Desert (Report No. 38)...... 1522 1020 1991 249

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act- Aboriginal Land Commissioner-Report for- Period 1 July 1988 to 12 February 1990...... 268 175 1990 159 1989-90 ...... 374 271 1990 229 1990-91 ...... 2075 1360 1992 69 Aboriginals Benefit Trust Account-Report for- 1989-90 (Forprevious reports see Audit Act)...... 776 528 1991 5 1990-91 ...... 2075 1360 1992 70 Central Land Council-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 87 60 1990 78 1989-90 ...... 776 528 1991 6 1990-91 ...... 2097 1370 1992 71 Northern Land Council-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 87 60 1990 41 1989-90 ...... 776 528 1991 16 1990-91 ...... 2097 1370 1992 58 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 282...... 276 190 1991- cxcvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N o. 26 ...... 849 584 N o. 38 ...... 891 610 N o. 62 ...... 973 707 N o . 115 ...... 120 1 9 11 No. 282 ...... 1524 1040 No. 340...... 1741 1211 No. 396...... 1978 1301 1992- N o. 107...... 2211 1442 No. 133 ...... 2476 1612 N o. 369 ...... 3303 1963 Tiwi Land Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 87 60 1990 40 1989-90 (11th)...... 776 528 1991 17 1990-91 (12th)...... 2075 1360 1992 59 Errata...... 2313 1495

Aboriginal Student Assistance Schemes. See "Aboriginal Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Aboriginals Benefit Trust Account. See- "Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act" "Audit Act".

Access and equity evaluation report 1992-Office of Multicultural Affairs, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, October 1992...... 3012 1864

Access to interpreters in the Australian legal system-Report by Attorney-General's Department, April 1991...... 1037 758

Accommodation for people with disabilities. See "Community Affairs-Senate Standing Committee".

Accounting Standards Review Board. See "Companies Act".

Acoustic Laboratories Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 374 ...... 20 24 1991-N o. 39 ...... 891 610

ACT Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 391 to 398 ...... 20 24 1990-No. 154...... 215 144 Acts Interpretation Act- Statement relating to extension of specified period for presentation of periodic report- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission- Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cxcvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Report for- 1989-90 ...... 646 467 1990-91 ...... 1952 1301 1991-92 ...... 2891 1764 ACT Forestry Trust, ACT Housing Trust and ACT Transport Trust-Reports for 1988-89...... 20 24 Anti-Dumping Authority-Report for 1990-91...... 2008 1314 Australian Institute of Health-Report- Period 1 January 1988 to 31 December 1989...... 215 144 1989-90 ...... 666 467 Australian Sports Drug Agency-Report for 1990-91 ...... 2008 1314 Australian Wool Corporation-Report for 1990-91 ...... 2008 1314 Canberra College of Advanced Education-Report for 1989 ...... 257 173 Christmas Island Services Corporation-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 20 24 1989-90 ...... 697 482 Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees (COMCARE)-Report for 1989-90 ...... 716 496 Defence Science and Technology Organisation Commercial Activities Trust Account-Report for 1989-90...... 646 467 Fishing Industry Research and Development Council- Report for 1990-91 ...... 2098 1377 Judge Advocate General-Report for- 1990 ...... 2131 1386 199 1 ...... 2700 1663 Parliament House Construction Authority-Report for 1989-90 ...... 646 467 University of Canberra-Report for 1991 ...... 2586 1612 Statement relating to failure to furnish periodic report within specified period- Canberra Institute of the Arts-Report for 1989 ...... 533 427 Oilseeds Research Council-Report for 1988-89...... 215 144 Parliament House Construction Authority-Report for 1989-90 ...... 864 573

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act- Administrative Appeals Tribunal-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 531 415 1990 394 1990-91 ...... 1757 1204 1991 348 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 386 Administrative Review Council-Report for- 1989-90 (14th)...... 612 435 1990 389 1990-91 (15th)...... 1966 1266 1991 347 1991-92 (16th)...... 3082 1897 1992 308 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 284...... 276 190 1991- cxcvill Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper ournals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 233 ...... 1364 951 No.450...... 2008 1314 1992-No. 235 ...... 2651 1640

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 373 ...... 20 24 1991-N o. 160 ...... 1344 951 And see "Administrative Review Council".

Administrative Review Council-Reports- No. 33-Review of Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act: Statements of reasons for decisions ...... 1222 885 1991 164 No. 34-Access to administrative review by members of Australia's ethnic communities...... 1523 1020 1991 251 No. 35-Rule making by Commonwealth agencies ...... 2293 1476 1992 93 And see "Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act".

Admiralty Act-Rules-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 392...... 545 467

Adult English as a second language programs-Joint statement by the Minister for Employment, Education and Training and the Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, 20 August 1992 ...... 1829

Adult Migrant Education Program. See "Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs".

Advance Australia Logo Protection Act-Advance Australia Foundation-Report for- 1988-89...... 225 153 1990 130 1989-90...... 714 492 1991 7 1990-91...... 1890 1266 1991 384

Advance to Minister for Finance. See "Finance".

Advance to the President of the Senate- A pplication for funds...... 2475 Commitment summary schedule as at 30 June 1992 and statement of moneys made available in supplementation of existing appropriations for existing purposes ...... 2698 Letter to President from Clerk of the Senate relating to the tabling of the statement, 20 August 1992...... 2698 And see "Finance-Joint Advance to the President and the Speaker".

Advisory Council on Australian Archives. See "Archives Act".

I _ __1I_ _ I I___ _ Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cxcix Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

AeroSpace Technologies of Australia Pty Limited (ASTA)- Report forl1989-90...... 983 711 1991 152

Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act-Affirmative Action Agency-Report for- Period 1June 1989 to 31 May 1990...... 383 292 1990 257 1990-91 ...... 1733 1204 1991 285 1991-92 ...... 3025 1879 1992 302

Age pension subprogram. See "Audit Act".

Aged care. See "Philosophy behind the provision of aged care services in Australia".

Aged, Family and Health Services portfolio- Peter Staples' report...... 144 Newspaper extract from Melbourne Herald, 21 May 1990, relating to report ...... 144 Implantable breast prostheses-Copy of circular letter, July 1991, from Mr T. McPherson, Acting Director, Therapeutic Devices Branch, Therapeutic Goods Administration...... 1077

Aged or Disabled Persons Care Act- Determinations- Nos. 1991-92/12, 1991-92/14...... 2131 1395 Nos. 1991-92/24, 1991-92/25...... 2153 1400 No. 1991-92/23...... 2194 1433 No. 1991-92/32...... 2651 1640 No. 1992-93/5 ...... 2827 1742 No. 1992-93/06...... 2941 1816 Guidelines 1992 No. 9BG 1 ...... 2941 1816 Principles-1992 No. S1OGFCACP...... 2651 1640

Aged or Disabled Persons Homes Act- Determination pursuant to- Paragraphs IOD3(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d), 28 September 1990...... 326 238 14 Octoberl1991l...... 1626 1111 Paragraphs 1OD(1) (b) and (d)- 28 April 1990...... 113 125 8 Aprill1991l...... 953 683 General Conditions and amendments pursuant to section ]OF- 16 Februaryl1990O...... 20 24 15 October 1990 ...... 376 286 5 Novemberl1990...... 410 320 2 January 1991...... 842 573 cc Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

23 February 1991...... 974 707 Guidelines and amendments of Guidelines for determination of amounts of grants of financial assistance under subsection 9B(1)- 19 December 1989 ...... 20 24 2 January 1991 ...... 842 573 16 D ecem ber 1991 ...... 2098 1377 Statement of rights and responsibilities of residents of approved hostels, formulated pursuant to section 10DA, 14 September 1990...... 282 190 And see "Aged or Disabled Persons Care Act".

Aggregate and departmental financial statements. See "Audit Act".

Aggregate financial statement prepared by the Minister for Finance, year ended 30 June 1990. See "Audit Act".

Agricultural and mineral commodities-Agreement between Australia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on supply of agricultural and mineral commodities from Australia to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ...... 89 82

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act- Australian Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Council- Report for- 1989-90...... 678 471 1990 385 1990-91...... 1946 1266 1991 350 1991-92...... 3246 1942 1992 387 Regulations-Statutory Rules 1992 No. 172 ...... 2651 1640

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals in Australia-Senate Select Committee- Government response...... 2353 Report, July 1990 ...... 240 .. 1990 102 Transcript of evidence (26 Vols.)...... 240

Agricultural Council of Australia and New Zealand-Record and resolutions-138th meeting, Mackay, 24 July 1992...... 3381 1942 And see "Australian Agricultural Council".

Agriculture cooperation-Treaty-Text of-Exchange of Notes amending the Agriculture Co-operation Agreement with the USSR of 20 November 1986...... 1030 747

Aid program 1990-Annual statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade...... 685 471 And see- "Australia's International Development Cooperation Program" "Changing aid for a changing world". Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cci Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

AIDC Ltd. See "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

AIDEX. See "Privacy Commissioner".

AIDS. See "Audit Act".

Air Force Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 95, 101...... 205 134 No. 288 ...... 276 190 No. 377 ...... 545 467 199 1- No. 90...... 988 707 No. 116...... 1201 911 No. 132...... 1345 951 No. 322...... 1626 1111 No. 363...... 1839 1301

Air Navigation Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 400 ...... 20 24 1990- No. 255 ...... 215 144 No. 299 ...... 303 224 No. 397 ...... 545 467 No. 432 ...... 716 482 1991- No. 74...... 974 707 No. 193...... 1345 951 No. 408...... 1978 1301 No. 428...... 2008 1314 1992- No. 104...... 2194 1433 No. 153...... 2476 1612 Nos. 195, 221...... 2651 1640 No. 316...... 2941 1816 No. 341...... 2977 1845

Air Navigation (Charges) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 199 1- No.5 ...... 716 496 No. 237...... 1364 951 No. 427...... 2008 1314 1992- No. 60 ...... 2098 1377 No. 253...... 2651 1640 ccu Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Air Services-Treaties-Text of- Additional Protocols 3 and 4 (done at Montreal on 25 September 1975) amending Convention for Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air of 12 October 1929, as amended...... 1029 746 Agreement between Australia and- Argentina ...... 2372 1541 Brunei Darussalam ...... 2373 1542 K orea ...... 2372 1542 The Swiss Federal Council...... 383 287

Aircraft Noise-House of Representatives Select Committee- Government response to report, September 1985 ...... 170

Airline seats-Comparison of annual seats available with origin/destination traffic: Year ended June 1990-Graph...... 514

Airlines Agreement Act- Ansett Transport Industries Limited-Financial statements for- 1988-89 ...... 87 60 1989-90...... 983 704 Australian Airlines Limited and subsidiaries-Financial statements for- 1988-89 ...... 87 60 1989-90...... 983 704 Joint report by Ansett Transport Industries Limited and Australian Airlines Limited on consultations held during 1989 on airfares, passenger revenue load factors and aircraft utilisation...... 87 60

Airlines Agreement (Termination) Bill 1990. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-Senate Standing Committee".

Airport terminal leases- Media release by Minister for Shipping and Aviation Support relating to access by new airlines to facilities at airports, 22 May 1990...... 288 Summary of domestic terminal lease provisions...... 288 Summary of priority ranking of applicants intending to commence new interstate services...... 288

Albury-Wodonga Development Act-Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 (17th) ...... 501 393 1990 303 1990-91 (18th)...... 2043 1333 1992 16 1991-92 (19th) ...... 3411 1972 1992 381

Alleged telephone interception-Copies of- Extract from transcript of debate between Mr Peacock, journalists and M r Hawke ...... 865 Newspaper article ...... 865 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cciii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Press release (172/84) by Attorney-General, 27 November 1984...... 865 Proof transcript of interview with B. Toohey on Daybreak, ABC Radio, 6 June 1991 ...... 865

Amendments and requests-Copies of- Advice from the Clerk of the Senate, February 1989...... 2632 Comments on Senate paper of 20 November 1992, 8 December 1992...... 1941 Letters from the Clerk of the Senate to- Clerk of the House of Representatives, 16 December 1991...... 2632 Senator Macdonald, 25 June 1992...... 2632 And see- "Constitution, Section 53" "Legislative process in the Parliament of the Commonwealth".

An apple for the teacher?: Choice and technology in learning. See "Employment, Education and Training-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

An international city for Homebush Bay?-Copy of circular letter from Dr R.L. W oods, M P...... 227

Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Act-Anglo-Australian Telescope Board-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 516 403 1990 304 1990-91 ...... 1921 1266 1991 349 1991-92 ...... 3246 1920 1992 382

Animal Welfare-Senate Select Committee- Government response to report- Animal experimentation ...... 303 Aspects of Animal Welfare in the Racing Industry...... 2751 Culling of large feral animals in the Northern Territory ...... 2223 Equine Welfare in Competitive Events other than Racing...... 2751 Intensive livestock production ...... 1081 Sheep husbandry ...... 50 Transport of Livestock Within Australia...... 2751 Reports- Aspects of Animal Welfare in the Racing Industry, August 1991...... 1451 .. 1991 481 Culling of large feral animals in the Northern Territory- Report, June 1991 ...... 1281 .. 1991 480 Transcript of evidence (6 Vols.)...... 1281 Equine Welfare in Competitive Events other than Racing- Report, August 1991 ...... 1451 .. 1991 485 Transcript of evidence (10 Vols.) ...... 1451 Intensive livestock production- Report, June 1990 ...... 240 .. 1990 94 Submissions and incorporated documents (4 Vols.)...... 240 . cciv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Transcript of evidence (6 Vols.) ...... 240 Racing industry- Interim report, June 1990 ...... 240 Submissions and incorporated documents (5 Vols.)...... 240 Transcript of evidence (6 Vols.) ...... 240 Transport of Livestock Within Australia- Report, August 1991 ...... 1451 .. 1991 484 Transcript of evidence (13 Vols.) ...... 1451

ANL Act-ANL Limited-Report for- 1989-90...... 501 393 1990 305 1990-91 ...... 1733 1204 1991 351 1991-92...... 3280 1942 1992 383 ANL Limited. See- "ANL Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act" "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Annual reports- Allocation to standing committees of annual reports tabled 1 July to 31 December 1989-List prepared by Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration ...... 19 President of the Senate's report on annual reports- M ay 1990...... 19 June 1990...... 240 February 1991...... 720 August 1991 ...... 1344 February 1992...... 2007 August 1992 ...... 2661

Ansett Transport Industries Limited. See "Airlines Agreement Act".

Answers to questions on notice (Senate)- Nos. 261, 369, 388, 389 and 408, together with explanations for delay in responding ...... 799 Nos. 333, 364...... 881 Nos. 442, 443, 445,448, 488, 500, 536, 537, 558...... 961 Nos. 1893 and 1922, together with an explanation for the delay in responding ...... 2474 N o. 2408 ...... 3138

Antarctic supply vessel. See "Audit Act".

Anti-dumping. See "Review of Australia's anti-dumping system". Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Anti-Dumping Authority Act- Anti-Dumping Authority-Report for- Period 1 September 1988 to 30 June 1989...... 87 60 1990 51 1989-90 ...... 839 575 1991 30 1990-91 ...... 2142 1397 1992 72 Ministerial direction under section 12, 4 September 1990...... 340 257

Anti-dumping legislation-Senate Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology-Report of inquiry into Australia's anti-dumping and countervailing legislation-International comparison: Cumulative time limits for anti-dumping actions-Graph ...... 1881

Anzac. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Application of financial assistance granted to non-government schools. See "States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988".

APPM-Industrial dispute- Background paper ...... 2127 Joint press statements by Premier of Tasmania and Minister for Industrial Relations- 30 M ay 1992 ...... 2367 31 M ay 1992 ...... 2367

Appropriations and Staffing-Senate Standing Committee- Reports- 1989-90, August 1990...... 241 .. 1990 432 1990-91, August 1991 ...... 1392 .. 1991 477 1991-92 ...... 2698 .. 1992 541 13th, May 1990 ...... 75 .. 1990 47 14th, August 1990...... 254 .. 1990 433 15th, A pril 1991 ...... 931 .. 1991 452 16th, August 1991 ...... 1433 .. 1991 478 17th, March 1992 ...... 2129 .. 1992 541 18th, September 1992...... 2715 .. 1992 541 Archives Act- Advisory Council on Australian Archives-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 344 261 1990 201 1990-91 ...... 1462 983 1991 211 1991-92 ...... 2739 1693 1992 230 Australian Archives-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 344 261 1990 200 1990-91 ...... 1462 983 1991 212 1991-92 ...... 2739 1693 1992 229 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- ccvI Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N o. 184 ...... 215 144 No.393 ...... 545 467 N o. 403 ...... 716 482 1991-No. 159 ...... 1345 951 1992-No. 312 ...... 2941 1816

Army and Air Force Canteen Service. See- "Defence Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Army exercise-Termite Spray, Beecroft Peninsula-Copies of- File note by M .H. Ives, 12 June 1991...... 1167 Letter from Minister for Defence to Senator Coulter, 4 June 1991...... 1167 Minute from Naval Rangers to Commander, Target Services Group, Jervis Bay Range Facility, 9 June 1991, with attachments (15)...... 1167

Army Reserve See "Audit Act".

Asbestos in Defence-Report of independent review (Mr J. D. Enfield)- Report, M arch 1991 ...... 1144 867 Statement by Minister for Defence Science and Personnel...... 1144 867

ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organisation. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve. See "National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act".

Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians Forum-Copies of- Discussion paper for delegates to the Steering Committee meeting, Singapore, 26-28 August 1991...... 1122 Memorandum of understanding ...... 1122

Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum-Informal meeting, Canberra, Australia, 10 December 1991-Transcript of proceedings ...... 1619

Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Leaders' Forum, Kona, Hawaii, 23-25 April 1992-Report of proceedings...... 1672

Asian-Pacific Postal Union-Constitution of Asian-Pacific Postal Union; General Regulations; Asian-Pacific Postal Convention, and Final Protocol ...... 90 82 Attorney-General. See- "Alleged telephone interception" "Attorney-General's Department" "Audit Act" "Australian Securities Commission Act and Director of Public Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament ccvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Prosecutions Act" "Drug trial" "Freedom of Information Act" "Postage entitlement of Members of Parliament".

Attorney-General's Department- Report- 1989-90 ...... 303 204 1990 194 1990-91 ...... 1596 1077 1991 256 1991-92- Volum e 1 ...... 3083 1890 1992 290 Volume 2 (Appendices)...... 3083 1890 1992 291 And see- "Access to interpreters in the Australian legal system" "Burke, Mr Brian" "Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures Bill 1991" "Provisional tax on salary income of federal judges".

Audio-visual Copyright Society Ltd. See "Copyright Act".

Audit Act- Aboriginals Benefit Trust Account- Report for 1988-89...... 87 60 1990 52 For subsequent reports see "Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act". Auditor-General-Audit reports- 1989-90- No. 28-Audit of Australian Wheat Board, 1988-89...... 87 60 1990 14 No. 29-Aboriginal Affairs portfolio ...... 75 60 1990 6 No. 30-Department of Veterans' Affairs-Repatriation General Hospital Concord-Central Sterilising Supply Department...... 81 72 1990 7 No. 31-Ministerial portfolios-Autumn sittings 1990...... 105 104 1990 8 No. 32-Aggregate and departmental financial statements 1988-89...... 130 114 1990 12 No. 33-Department of Defence: Squirrel training helicopters-Utilisation and maintenance ...... 130 115 1990 11 No. 34-Royal Australian Mint-Coin production...... 189 127 1990 95 1990-91- No. 1-Department of Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories-ACT Administration to Self-Government Day ...... 242 163 1990 106 No. 3-Department of Defence: Australia's Army Reserve ...... 257 169 1990 135 No. 4-Department of Employment, Education and Training- risk management-Higher education: recurrent grants- Industry training support...... 459 380 1990 215 No. 5-Report of ministerial portfolios: Budget sittings 1990...... 257 169 1990 136 No. 6-Survey of internal audit in Commonwealth public sector ...... 293 195 1990 141 ccviii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 7-Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Passport issue and control...... 293 195 1990 142 No. 8-Department of Social Security: payment of pensions overseas- Report...... 364 270 1990 209 Corrigendum ...... 376 281 1990 209 No. 9-Department of Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories: Antarctic supply vessel-Chartering arrangements ..... 409 309 1990 212 No. 10-Australian Bureau of Statistics: Data collection for the Consumer Price Index ...... 459 380 1990 216 No. 11-Department of Community Services and Health: National AIDS Program...... 431 323 1990 213 No. 12-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Community Development Employment Projects...... 474 393 1990 264 No. 13-Australian International Development Assistance Bureau: aid to Papua New Guinea ...... 494 393 1990 265 No. 14-Aggregate financial statement prepared by Minister for Finance, year ended 30 June 1990- Copy of statement ...... 487 393 R eport...... 487 393 1990 266 No. 15-Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Officers entitlements and other staff related matters...... 586 434 1990 364 No. 16-Department of Veterans' Affairs: Treatment Services C ontrol...... 586 434 1990 365 No. 17-Department of Social Security: Telephone rental concession, financial management and information system and human resources management system...... 586 434 1990 366 No. 18-Specific purpose payments to and through the States and Northern Territory...... 570 434 1990 367 No. 19-Attorney-General's portfolio-Bankruptcy administration, Australian Federal Police; major crimes investigations and proceeds of crime...... 692 434 1990 368 No. 20-Ministerial portfolios: Autumn sittings 1991 ...... 864 585 1991 48 No. 21-Department of Administrative Services: Australian Government Analytical Laboratories...... 890 606 1991 50 No. 22-Aggregate and departmental financial statements 1989-90...... 920 626 1991 52 No. 23-Implementation of program evaluation: Stage 1 ...... 931 636 1991 55 No. 24-Department of Veterans' Affairs-Transport services-Personnel and pay administration system...... 963 693 1991 59 No. 25-Australian Federal Police: Efficiency and effectiveness of fraud investigations...... 972 703 1991 95 No. 26-Audit of Australian Wheat Board 1989-90...... 1056 766 1991 144 No. 27-Australian Customs Service: Diesel fuel rebate scheme...... 1041 757 1991 113 No. 28-Department of Administrative Services: Estate M anagem ent...... 1152 866 1991 149 No. 29-Department of Employment, Education and Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Training: JOBTRAIN...... 1171 885 1991 155 No. 30-Department of Social Security: Age pension sub-program, Income and assets testing and Real Estate...... 1200 885 1991 156 No. 31-Department of Community Services and Health: Nursing homes payment system...... 1200 885 1991 157 No. 32-Department of Community Services and Health: Administration of Medicare Benefits Schedule...... 1229 885 1991 158 No. 33-Departmental administrative activities...... 1247 885 1991 159 No. 34-Department of Administrative Services: Services provided to Members of Parliament and their staff...... 1247 885 1991 160 No. 35-Potential erosion of accountability to Parliament: Australian Wool Realisation Commission and Australian W ool Corporation...... 1171 885 1991 161 1991-92- No. 1-Project audit-Industry, Technology and Commerce portfolio: Australian Customs Service...... 1363 935 1991 183 No. 2-Project audit-Australian National University: Housing operations ...... 1363 935 1991 184 No. 3-Project audit-Implementation of purchasing reforms in the Australian Public Service ...... 1376 935 1991 185 No. 4-COMCARE: Compensation payment operations, 1989-90 financial statement audit and 1989-90 annual report presentation...... 1385 935 1991 186 No. 5-Efficiency audit-Department of Social Security: Family Allowance Supplement: Income and assets testing...... 1385 935 1991 187 No. 6-Project audit-Department of the Parliamentary Library: Review of management...... 1451 977 1991 200 No. 7-Ministerial portfolios: Budget sittings 1991...... 1451 977 1991 201 No. 8-Efficiency audit-The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation: External funds generation...... 1513 1010 1991 202 No. 9-Project Audits-Department of Veterans' Affairs ...... 1610 1093 1991 246 No. 10-Project audits-Departments of Social Security and Employment, Education and Training: Administration of the work test for unemployment benefit; Department of Social Security: Computer system for unemployment and sickness benefit ...... 1626 1101 1991 257 No. 11-Efficiency Audit-Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs-The Migration program: Concessional family and independent entrant migration ...... 1680 1161 1991 259 No. 12-Department of Employment, Education and Training: Management of information technology ...... 1738 1204 1991 286 No. 13-Efficiency audit-Evaluation in preparation of the Budget...... 1762 1220 1991 291 No. 14-Project audits-Department of Employment, Education and Training-Abstudy, assistance for isolated children and protective security...... 1839 1266 1991 310 No. 15-Efficiency audit-Department of Defence: ccX Index to Paoers Presented to Pnrlinmmt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Procedures for dealing with fraud on the Commonwealth...... 1902 1266 1991 309 No. 16-Accountability off the rails-National Rail Corporation Limited: Erosion of accountability to the Parliament...... 1883 1266 1991 308 No. 17-Aggregate Financial Statement prepared by the Minister for Finance, 1990-91...... 1951 1266 1991 307 No. 18-Efficiency audit-Department of Defence: Management of Australian purchases under the United States Foreign Military Sales Program (FM S)...... 2025 1324 1992 25 No. 19-Project audits-Department of Social Security- Operational performance monitoring and sickness benefit ...... 2053 1345 1992 22 No. 20-Project audits-Department of Defence...... 2054 1346 1992 23 No. 21-Project audit-Department of Employment, Education and Training: National accounting and financial management system...... 2065 1353 1992 21 No. 22-Ministerial portfolios-Autumn sittings 1992 ...... 2113 1383 1992 54 No. 23-Aggregate and departmental financial statements 1990-91... 2113 1383 1992 55 No. 24-Financial statement audits-Department of Administrative Services: 1990-91 financial statements of business units...... 2142 1397 1992 56 No. 25-Audit of the Australian Wheat Board, 1990-91...... 2421 1562 1992 153 No. 26-Efficiency audit-Program evaluation in the Departments of Social Security and Primary Industries and Energy...... 2193 1430 1992 95 No. 27-Project audit-Retirement Benefits Office: The CSS/PSS choice ...... 2193 1430 1992 94 No. 28-Project audit-Australian Taxation Office: Prescribed payments system...... 2223 1447 1992 97 No. 29-Project audit-Australian Taxation Office: Conversion of automated production systems...... 2224 1447 1992 96 No. 30-Project audit-Australian Taxation Office: Attendance and absences ...... 2253 1457 1992 113 No. 31-Project audit-Australian Taxation Office: Use and management of consultants...... 2253 1457 1992 112 No. 32-Project audits-Department of Social Security: Review and appeals-Adelaide Office of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal...... 2285 1476 1992 115 No. 33-Efficiency audit-Australian Taxation Office: Administration of the fringe benefits tax ...... 2285 1476 1992 114 No. 34-Accounting for and reporting of departmental assets and liabilities ...... 2301 1485 1992 117 No. 35-Efficiency audit-Department of Primary Industries and Energy: Australian Quarantine Inspection Service-Quarantine Division...... 2301 1485 1992 116 No. 36-Project audit-Department of the Treasury: Procedures for managing the economic policy program ...... 2337 1495 1992 119 No. 37-Efficiency audit-Management of central office training in selected departments...... 2338 1495 1992 66 No. 38-Efficiency audit-Department of Defence: Management of Army training areas...... 2406 1553 1992 125 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 39-Project audits-Department of Employment, Education and Training: New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS), Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Recurrent grants- Skillshare...... 2452 1570 1992 14 1 No. 40-Efficiency Audit-Department of Social Security: Systems for the detection of overpayments and the investigation of fraud ...... 2495 1570 1992 142 No. 41-Project audits-Department of Health, Housing and Community Services: Assistance for people with disabilities-Employment grants, community participation grants and protective security ...... 2475 1570 1992 143 No. 42-Project audit-Department of Administrative Services: Debt management...... 2533 1570 1992 165 No. 43-Project audit-Department of Administrative Services: Conflict of interest-A matter of principle ...... 2622 1619 1992 144 No. 44-Project audit-Department of Social Security: Entitlement checks in localities with community development employment projects ...... 2555 1570 1992 145 No. 45-Efficiency audit-Department of Veterans' Affairs: Outsourcing-The management of redundancy arrangements...... 2555 1570 1992 146 No. 46-Project audit-Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs: Language services...... 2555 1570 1992 147 No. 47-Efficiency audit-Energy management of Commonwealth buildings...... 2585 1570 1992 160 No. 48-Efficiency audit-Australian Institute of Marine Science: External funds generation...... 2585 1570 1992 148 No. 49-Efficiency audit-Department of Administrative Services: Management of Sydney Central construction project... 2585 1570 1992 149 No. 49A-Efficiency audit-Department of Administrative Services: Management of Sydney Central construction project-Supplementary volume ...... 2585 1570 1992 150 No. 50-Efficiency audit-Internal audit in selected Commonwealth organisations...... 2585 1570 1992 151 No. 51-Project audits-Industry, Technology and Commerce portfolio: Australian Customs Service...... 2622 1619 1992 166 No. 52-Efficiency audit-Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs: Information technology management ...... 2622 1619 1992 167 No. 53-Project audit-Australian Customs Service: Accommodation, Victoria-Lexington building ...... 2623 1619 1992 168 1992-93- No. 1-Ministerial portfolios: Budget sittings 1992- Report...... 2716 1677 1992 197 Corrigendum ...... 2826 1739 No. 2-Efficiency Audit-Department of Defence: Commercial activity in the Defence Science and Technology Organisation..... 2924 1783 1992 245 ccxii Index to Paoers Presented to PnrlinmPnt . ers Pres.ented to Parliamnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 3-Efficiency Audit-Australian Customs Service: Management of the marine fleet...... 2956 1822 1992 No. 4-Project audit-Royal Australian Mint: Review of Manufacturing Resources Planning System...... 3000 1852 1992 No. 5-Project audit-Australian Taxation Office: Electronic lodgment service...... 3029 1879 1992 No. 6-Efficiency Audit-Auscript: Commercialisation of the Commonwealth Reporting Service...... 3110 1909 1992 No. 7-Efficiency audit-Saving time and money with com mon-use contracts...... 3157 1941 1992 No. 8-Efficiency audit-Department of Veterans' Affairs: Compensation pensions to veterans and war widows...... 3191 1941 1992 No. 9-Project audit-University of Canberra: Administrative computing systems...... 3209 1941 1992 No. 10-Efficiency Audit-Living with our decisions: Commonwealth environmental impact assessment processes...... 3253 1941 1992 No. 11-Efficiency audit-Department of Administrative Services: Procedures for dealing with fraud on the Com m onw ealth ...... 3302 1941 1992 No. 12-Project audit-Department of Primary Industries and Energy: Information technology environment ...... 3302 1941 1992 No. 13-Efficiency audit-Department of Administrative Services: Overseas Property Group...... 3347 1941 1992 No. 14-Efficiency audit-Department of Employment, Education and Training: English as a second language ...... 3395 1942 1992 No. 15-Efficiency audit-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Regional administration ...... 3395 1942 1992 No. 16-Efficiency audit-An audit commentary on aspects of commercialisation in the Department of Administrative Services ..... 3395 1942 1992 No. 17-Project audit-Medifraud and excessive servicing: Health Commission ...... 3425 1971 1992 No. 18-Efficiency audit-Department of Social Security: Administration of Special Benefit...... 3425 1971 1992 No. 19-Project audits-Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs: Adult Migrant English Program and other audits...... 3425 1971 1992 No. 20-Project audit-Department of Employment, Education and Training: Administration of the AUSTUDY program-Turnaround times, post-payment verification and debt recoveries...... 3426 1972 1992 484 No. 21-Project audits-Department of Employment, Education and Training: Industry Service Centres, Special Entry Level Training, subsidised private overseas students, revenue collection, advances and trust accounts...... 3426 1972 1992 No. 22-Efficiency audit-Department of Defence: New subm arine project...... 3426 1972 1992 I486 I~ ~ ~ ___19 i___1486____ Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament ccxiii Presented Printed Paper ournas VA&P. Year Paper Pge Page No.

Australian National Audit Office-Report for 1989-90...... 364 270 1990 208 1990-91 ...... 1543 1047 1991 229 1991-92 ...... 2764 1703 1992 206 And see "Efficiency audit of the Australian National Audit Office" under this act. Australian Capital Territory- Forestry Trust Account-Report for period 1 July 1988 to 10OMay 1989 ...... 322 227 Housing Trust-Report for period 1 July 1988 to 10 May 1989 ...... 268 183 Transport Trust Account-Report for period 1 July 1988 tol10May 1989 ...... 268 183 Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service (CRS)-Report for 1990-91...... 1966 1267 1991 343 Defence Science and Technology Organisation-Commercial Activities Trust Account-Financial statements for- 1988-89 ...... 374 261 1989-90 ...... 983 711 1990-91...... 2206 1438 Department of Defence Explosives Factory Maribyrnong-Financial statements for- 1989-90 ...... 643 435 1990 415 1990-91...... 1946 1268 1991 385 Department of Defence factories and dockyards-Financial statements of certain former Office of Defence Production establishments for period 1 July 1988 to 3 May 1989 and the Explosives Factory Maribyrnong, for 1988-89 ...... 100 105 1990 53 Efficiency audit of the Australian National Audit Office-Report of independent auditor- 16 Octoberl1990O...... 339 255 1990 177 18 September 1992 ...... 3050 1890 1992 287 Finance Regulations-Commonwealth procurement guidelines- 7. Negotiation ...... 109 115 8. Managing risk in procurement ...... 2489 1571 11. Know your market...... 516 415 12. Australian and New Zealand supplies ...... 612 435 13. Contracting for consultancy services...... 516 415 National Road Transport Commission-Financial statements for period 14 October 1991 to 30 June 1992 ...... 2915 1776 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 377...... 20 24 I990- Nos. 118, 245...... 215 144 Nos. 380, 381, 382...... 545 467 1991- No. 135 ...... 1345 951 No.323 ...... 1626 1111 ccxiv Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

And see- "Efficiency audits" "Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Act".

AUSSAT Pty Ltd- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 409 302 1990 259 1990-91 ...... 1823 1266 1991 353 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

AUSTEL. See "Telecommunications Act 1991".

Australasian Conference of Assessment and Certification Authorities See "Australian Education Council".

Australia adopts economic measures against Yugoslavia-News release No. M165 by the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, 13 November 1991 ...... 1174

Australia and North-East Asia in the 1990s: Accelerating change. See "East Asia Analytical Unit".

Australia and the Asian Development Bank-Report by Treasurer for 1991 ...... 2451 1562 1992 175

Australia and the World Bank. See "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (General Capital Increase) Act".

Australia as an information society: Grasping new paradigms. See "Long Term Strategies-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Australia-China Council-Report for- 1989-90...... 454 381 1990 306 1990-91...... 1595 1083 1991 252 1991-92...... 3411 1972 1992 384

Australia Council-List of recipients of general arts information ...... 144

Australia Council Act-Australia Council-Report for- 1989-90...... 492 393 1990 307 1990-91 ...... 1823 1266 1991 359 1991-92...... 3246 1942 1992 402

Australia France Foundation-Report for- 1990-91...... 1757 1220 1991-92...... 3411 1972 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australia-Indonesia Institute-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 553 435 1990-91 ...... 1809 1266 1991-92 ...... 3266 1942

Australia-Japan Foundation Act-Australia-Japan Foundation- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 566 435 1990 405 1990-91 ...... 1773 1230 1991 357 1991-92 ...... 3300 1942 1992 403

Australia New Zealand Foundation-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 50 35 1990 54 1989-90 ...... 553 435 1990 390 1990-91 ...... 1966 1266 1991 358 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 404

Australia Post. See- "Australian Postal Corporation Act" " Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act". "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Australia Post and Telecom surveillance guidelines-Response to question without notice asked by Senator Bell on 14 November 1991...... 1970

Australia 2000-Australians speak-A report on the concerns, hopes and aspirations of the Australian people, September 1991 ...... 1228

Australian Accounting Standards Board. See "Australian Securities Commission Act".

Australian Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Council. See "Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act".

Australian Agricultural Council-Resolutions- 133rd meeting, Hobart, 8 February 1990...... 100 87 134th meeting, Adelaide, 20 July 1990...... 314 221 135th meeting, Nelson, New Zealand, 15 February 1991...... 1056 766 136th meeting, Sydney, 2 August 1991...... 1733 1181 137th meeting, Fremantle, 14 February 1992 ...... 2421 1562 And see "Agricultural Council of Australia and New Zealand".

Australian Airlines Limited-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 516 415 1990 420 1990-91 ...... 2005 1309 1992 15 And see- ccxvi Index to PaoersPresented to PN.linmRnf Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"Airlines Agreement Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation Act- Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation Limited- Determination of initial capital of AOTC, 27 April 1992...... 2194 1433 Financial statements for period 6 November 1991 to 31 January 1992.. 2400 1553 1992 134 Memorandum and Articles of Association-Australian Capital Territory-M arch 1992 ...... 2098 1378 Report for period 1 February to 30 June 1992 ...... 3025 1879 1992 320 Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (Price Control Arrangements)-Determination-1991-No. 1...... 1478 999 Determination under sections 20, 21 and 23, 26 June 1992...... 2651 1640

Australian Archives. See "Archives Act".

Australian automotive industry-Alternative futures for Australian automotive industry, 1990 to 2020-Chart...... 633

Australian Bicentennial Road Development Trust Fund Act- Australian Bicentennial Road Development Program-Report for 1988-89 (Final) ...... 1066 766 1991 151

Australian Biological Resources Study Advisory Committee- Report for 1989-90...... 507 393 1990 308

Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA)-Letter from Minister for Transport and Communications to Chairperson, ABA, 2 December 1992 .. 3207

Australian Broadcasting Commission-Funding-Copy of letter from Senator O'Chee to Mayor, Rockhampton City Council, 6 October 1992.... 3007

Australian Broadcasting Corporation-ABC editorial and program practices in radio and television, October 1989...... 151 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act- Australian Broadcasting Corporation-Report for- 1989-90...... 531 415 1990 417 1990-91...... 1966 1266 1991 386 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 445 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 32 ...... 849 584

Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. See "Broadcasting Act".

Australian Bureau of Statistics. See- "Audit Act" "Census and Statistics Act". Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Bureau of Statistics Act- Australian Bureau of Statistics- Proposals for collection of information- 1990- Nos.lItol13...... 61 24 Nos. 14, 15...... 105 99 Nos. 16to 20...... 244 157 No. 21...... 293 197 No. 22...... 303 219 Nos. 23 to25...... 318 224 No. 26 ...... 401 307 No. 27...... 449 364 No. 28...... 462 390 No. 29...... 524 410 1991- Nos. 1, 2...... 787 532 No. 3 ...... 849 584 No. 4...... 974 688 Nos.S5to 7...... 974 707 Nos. 8tolII...... 1057 770 No. 12 ...... 1091 814 No. 13 ...... 1092 814 Nos. 14, 15...... 1434 975 No. 16 ...... 1507 1013 Nos. 17to20 ...... 1577 1061 Nos. 21to25 ...... 1741 1211 1992- Nos. 1,2 ...... 2098 1378 No. 3...... 2194 1433 Nos. 4tol1O...... 2355 1524 Nos.lIlIto16 ...... 2651 1640 Nos. 17to22 ...... 2908 1780 Nos. 23 to 26 ...... 2977 1845 Nos. 27to30 ...... 3051 1896 Nos. 31to33 ...... 3111 1914 No. 34 ...... 3397 1963 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 268 183 1990 160 1990-91...... 1577 1056 1991 254 1991-92...... 3125 1909 1992 301 Australian Statistics Advisory Council-Report for- 1989-90...... 268 183 1990 161 1990-91 ...... 1577 1056 1991 253 1991-92 ...... 2939 1796 1992 300 ccxviii ccxviiiIndex to Paners Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Capital Territory-Corporate Affairs Commission- Report forl1989-90...... 516 403

Australian Capital Territory (Electoral) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules 1991, No. 397...... 1978 1301

Australian Capital Territory-Electoral System-Letter from the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly for the ACT to the President of the Senate, conveying the text of a resolution, 2 December 1991 ...... 1891

Australian Capital Territory-Financing. See "Commonwealth Grants Commission Act".

Australian Capital Territory Housing Trust. See "Audit Act".

Australian Capital Territory-Joint Committee- Government response to report- Proposal to amend the National Capital Plan: Amendment No. I Sections 10 (part)' 37 and 62 City...... 1652 1123 Review of National Capital Plan, May 1990, and 2nd report-The certified draft plan, August 1990...... 715 492 Reports- Gungahlin's transport links- Report, 20 May 1991 ...... 1081 796 1991 139 Evidence received by committee ...... 796 Minutes of proceedings...... 796 Proposals for variations to plan of layout of City of Canberra and its environs- 1989/1 (Item I)- November 1990 ...... 460 384 1990 424 19 February 1991, relating to the re-development of Morshead Drive ...... 786 550 1991 169 1990/1, 20Augustl1990O...... 254 166 1990 174 Proposal to amend the National Capital Plan: Amendment No. 1 Sections 10 (part), 37 and 62 City- Report, 9Septemberl1991l...... 1514 1017 1991 294 Submissions received by the committee ...... 1017 Review of National Capital Plan- May 1990...... 189 112 1990 103 August 1990-2nd report-The certified draft plan...... 244 161 1990 92 Special report of the Joint Committee on the Australian Capital Territory proposing that the name of the committee be changed, February 1992...... 2034 1331 1992 24 And see "National Capital-Joint Committee". Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Capital Territory-Judiciary-Letter from the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory to the President of the Senate, 10 April 1992...... 2193

Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act- Draft National Capital Plan-March 1990- Draft plan, certified by Minister pursuant to subsection 16(2) on 9 M arch 1990...... 87 61 A ppendices ...... 87 61 Extension of specified period of certification of draft plan, 21 August 1990 ...... 257 173 National Capital Planning Authority- National Capital Plan, December 1990- Plan...... 678 471 1990 373 A ppendices ...... 678 471 1990 374 National Capital Plan-Amendment- No. 1, November 1991 ...... 1645 1123 No. 2, November 1991 ...... 1946 1266 No. 4, November 1992 ...... 3013 1861 No. 6, November 1992...... 3270 1963 Report for- 1989-90 (2nd)...... 484 393 1990 285 1990-91 ...... 1835 1266 1991 392 1991-92 ...... 3082 1897 1992 258 Proclamation, under section 57, that the National Capital Plan sufficiently covers Australian Capital Territory and that transition period ends on 12 M arch 1991...... 864 591 Regulations-Statutory Rules 1992 No. 256 ...... 2700 1675

Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1990- N o. 153 ...... 2 15 144 Nos. 401, 405 ...... 716 482

Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court Act-Rules of Court-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 2...... 20 24 N o. 129...... 215 144 N o. 372...... 697 482 N o. 458...... 716 482 1991- N o. 108...... 120 1 9 11 Nos. 251, 252 ...... 1478 993 N o. 294...... 1524 1040 ccxx ccxx Index to Papers Presente~d to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Jurnab VA&P. Year Paper "Page Page No.

No. 415 ...... 1978 1301 Nos. 416, 472 ...... 2008 1314 1992-Nos. 79, 82...... 2194 1433

Australian Capital Territory Transport Trust Account. See "Audit Act".

Australian Capital Territory Trust Account. See "Audit Act".

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Act- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research- Report for- 1989-90...... 542 435 1990 391 1990-91 ...... 1966 1267 1991 364 1991-92 ...... 3326 1942 1992 405 Review pursuant to section 44, June 1992 ...... 2675 1633 Australian Chamber of Commerce. See "Pipeline Authority".

Australian Chamber of Manufactures. See "Pipeline Authority".

Australian Citizenship Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- No. 28...... 849 584 No. 221 ...... 1345 951 No. 305 ...... 1524 1040 No. 486...... 2008 1314 1992-No. 171 ...... 2651 1640 And see "Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs".

Australian Civil Offsets Program-Report for- 1989-90...... 1144 867 1990-91...... 2659 1619

Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission. See "Conciliation and Arbitration Act".

Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS)-Report for 1990-91 - Copy of extract listing members and associates ...... 1037 Australian Customs Service- Alleged impropriety by Customs Service Officers-Affidavits (3) ...... 363 Purpose built computer centre, Bruce, ACT. See "Public Works Committee Act". And see- "Audit Act" "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Representatives Standing Committee" "Customs Administration Act".

Australian Customs Service: Coastwatch-Report on investigation into arrival of Suspect Illegal Entrant Vessel (SIEV) into Montague Sound, February 1992...... 2043 1333

Australian Dairy Corporation. See "Dairy Produce Act".

Australian Defence Force ready reserve service-Copy of message, 22 February 1991 ...... 707

Australian Defence Force Reserves. See "Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade-Joint Committee".

Australian Defence Industries Ltd (ADI)-Report for- Period 3 May 1989 to 30 June 1990...... 744 514 1991 39 1990-91 ...... 1921 1267 1991 376 1991-92 ...... 3125 1920 1992 419

Australian Delegated Legislation Committees-3rd Conference, Perth, 21-23 May 1991-Summary of proceedings...... 1280 .. 1991 453

Australian Dried Fruits Corporation Act- Australian Dried Fruits Corporation-Report for- 1988-89 (10th)...... 35 1989 419 1989-90 (11th)...... 732 492 1991 8 Declaration of formation of subsidiary company, Sunberry Pty Ltd, 9 February 1990 ...... 303 224 And see "AustralianHorticultural Corporation Amendment Act 1991".

Australian Education Council-Reports- Australasian Conference of Assessment and Certification Authorities-Leaving School 1990: A guide to year 12 certificates and tertiary entrance statements in Australia...... 187 National report on schooling in Australia- 1989- R eport...... 999 718 Statistical annex ...... 999 718 1990- R eport...... 2220 1438 Statistical annex ...... 2220 1438 Review Committee-Young people's participation in post-compulsory education and training- Executive summary and list of recommendations, July 1991 ...... 1523 1020 Report, July 1991 ...... 1523 1020 ccxxii Index to PapersPresented to Parliamtent Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Electoral Commission- Returns submitted by agent of- Australian Labor Party from Western Australia branch and national secretariat office-1987 general election ...... 686 Liberal Party of Australia from federal secretariat and Western Australia (Inc)-1987 and 1990 general elections ...... 686 And see "Commonwealth Electoral Act".

Australian Export Meat Industry-Documents (4) ...... 1930

Australian Federal Police Act- Australian Federal Police-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 507 403 1990 309 1990-91 ...... 1823 1267 1991 369 1991-92 ...... 3082 1897 1992 306 And see- "Audit Act" "Complaints (Australian Federal Police) Act". Direction under section 13(2), 4 December 1991...... 1926 1314 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 361, 363 ...... 20 24 1990- Nos. 23, 45, 87 ...... 20 24 N o. 273 ...... 257 173 Nos. 408, 409 ...... 717 482 1992- N o. 3 1...... 2008 13 14 No. 284...... 2753 1694 N o.298 ...... 2827 1742

Australian Film Commission Act- Australian Film Commission-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 477 394 1990 310 1990-91 ...... 1680 1148 1991 279 1991-92...... 3246 1920 1992 406 Film Australia Pty Limited-Report for- 1989-90...... 531 415 1991 116 1990-91 ...... 1835 1267 1991 393 1991-92...... 3246 1920 1992 284

Australian Film Finance Corporation Pty Limited-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 53 1 4 15 1990-9 1...... 1835 1267 1991-92...... 3326 1942 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act- Australian Film, Television and Radio School-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 484 394 1990 311 1990-91 ...... 1757 1204 1991 366 199 1-92 ...... 3082 1890 1992 309 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act". Regulations-Statutory Rules 1992, No. 135...... 2476 1612

Australian Fisheries Council-Resolutions- 19th meeting, Perth, 21 July 1989...... 87 61 20th meeting, Hobart, 6 July 1990...... 374 271 21st meeting, Wellington, New Zealand, 12 July 1991...... 1645 1114

Australian Fisheries Management Authority. See "Fishing Administration Act".

Australian Forestry Council-Summary of resolutions and recommendations- 25th meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20 March 1989 ...... 50 35 26th meeting, Hobart, 26 July 1990...... 714 487 27th meeting, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 28 February 1991...... 1890 1267

Australian Government Analytical Laboratories. See "Audit Act".

Australian Government Retirement Benefits Office. See "SuperannuationAct 1976".

Australian Heritage Commission Act-Australian Heritage Commission-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 643 435 1990 392 1990-91 ...... 1946 1267 1991 367 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 397

Australian Honey Board. See "Honey Marketing Act".

Australian Horticultural Corporation Act- Australian Horticultural Corporation- Regulations-Orders- 1990-No. 1 ...... 81 81 1991-No. 1 ...... 1043 762 Report for- Period 1 August 1988 to 30 June 1989...... 50 35 1990 87 1989-90 ...... 531 415 1990 416 1990-91 ...... 1680 1148 1991 274 1991-92 ...... 3246 1942 1992 398 ccxxiv Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Regulations- Orders-1992No. 1 ...... 2717 1680 Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 422...... 717 496 1991- Nos. 199, 214 ...... 1345 951 No. 436...... 2008 1314 1992-No. 377...... 3303 1963

Australian Horticultural Corporation Amendment Act 1991- Australian Dried Fruits Corporation-12th Report, for 1990-91...... 2020 1309 1992 14 Determination under subsection 25A(2), 24 September 1991...... 1524 1049

Australian Human Rights Delegation to China- Government response, 9 September 1991 ...... 998 Report, 14-26 July 1991 ...... 1478 998

Australian Industrial Registry. See "Industrial Relations Act".

Australian Industrial Relations Commission-Remuneration and allowances-Letter from Members of the Commission to Minister for Industrial Relations, 21 April 1992...... 2474 And see "Industrial Relations Act".

Australian Industry and Technology Council-Summary of proceedings for- Period 1987-89 ...... 225 153 1989-90 ...... 917 626 1990-91 ...... 1966 1267

Australian Industry Development Corporation Act-Australian Industry Development Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 454 381 1990 313 1990-91...... 1899 1267 1991 370 1991-92...... 2825 1739 1992 246 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Act-Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 714 492 1991 9 1990-91 ...... 1809 1231 1991 368 1991-92...... 3246 1942 1992 399

Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Act-Council of Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies-Report for 1988-89...... 87 61 1990 80 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Institute of Criminology. See- "Criminology Research Act" "Violence: Directions for Australia".

Australian Institute of Family Studies. See "Family Law Act".

Australian Institute of Health Act-Australian Institute of Health- Australia's health 1990-2nd biennial report ...... 660 435 1990 393 Report for- 1988-89 ...... 109 115 1990 67 1989-90 ...... 783 542 1991 31 1990-91 ...... 1966 1267 1991 365 And see- "Acts Interpretation Act" "Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act".

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act-Australian Institute of Health and Welfare- Australia's health 1992-3rd biennial report...... 2659 1633 1992 232 Report for 1991-92...... 3381 1942 1992 420

Australian Institute of Marine Science Act-Australian Institute of Marine Science-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 507 403 1990 314 Corrigenda...... 783 542 1990 314 1990-91 ...... 2020 1309 1992 13 1991-92 ...... 3381 1942 1992 394

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau- A Review of Australia's Bilateral Development Food Aid Program to Sri Lanka (Report No. 16), October 1992...... 3032 Report for 1989-90-Special Assistance Program to South Africans and Namibians (SAPSAN)...... 1228 And see- "Audit Act" "Changing aid for a changing world".

Australian international gravitational observatory: A case study for construction of large national facilities. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Australian Ionising Radiation Advisory Council-Report for period 1 July 1988 to 30 June 1992 (Report No. 12)...... 3381 1942 1992 393 ccxxvi Index to PapersPresented to Parfiament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Journalists' Association-Regional Visits Program- Copies of- Extracts (2) from outward cablegrams from Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ...... 3027 Press Release issued by the Australian Journalists' Association, 16 January 1992...... 3027

Australian Labor Party. See "Australian Electoral Commission".

Australian Labour Federation 1890-1990- General Council- st Annual session, Brisbane, 1 August 1890-Report ...... 415 General Executive-1 st Ordinary meeting, Blackall, 9 December 1890- Report ...... 415 Australian language and literacy policy. See- "Australia's language" "Language of Australia".

Australian law in Antarctica. See "Legal and Constitutional Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Australian Maritime College. See "Maritime College Act".

Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act-Australian Maritime Safety Authority-Report for Period 1 January-30 June 1991 (1st)...... 1946 1267 1991 352 1991-92...... 3102 1909 1992 317 And see "Audit Act".

Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act- Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 286 191 1990 162 1990-91 ...... 1586 1063 1991 247 1991-92 ...... 2825 1739 1992 247 Orders- 1989- Nos. L8/89, MQ32/89 ...... 20 25 Nos. MQ33/89, MQ34/89 ...... 21 25 1990- No. L9/90 ...... 215 144 Nos. M42/90, MQ35/90, MQ36/90, MQ37/90 ...... 511 400 No. M 43/90 ...... 376 286 1991- No.L10/91 ...... 1501 1006 Nos. M44/91, M 45/91 ...... 1578 1061 Nos. M46/91, MQ38/91, MQ39/91, MQ40/91...... 1741 1211 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. MQ41/91, M47/91 ...... 1952 1301 1992- Nos. L11/92, M52/92...... 2827 1742 No. L12/92 ...... 3191 1963 N o. M 49/92...... 2194 1433 N o. M 50/92 ...... 2452 1612 N o. M 51/92 ...... 2651 1640 Nos. M53/92, MQ43/92, MQ44/92, MQ45/92...... 3085 1904 Nos. MQ42/92, M48/92...... 2026 1328 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- N o. 99...... 1057 770 N o. 255...... 1478 993 1992-No. 141 ...... 2476 1612

Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Policy Council Act- Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Policy Council-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 585 435 1990 395 1990-91 ...... 1946 1267 1991 360 1991-92 ...... 3246 1942 1992 392

Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Corporation Act-Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 374 271 1990 230 1990-91 ...... 1063 And see "Meat Research Corporation Act".

Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund. See "Services Trust Funds Act".

Australian Mining Industry Council. See "Pipeline Authority".

Australian Mission on Management Skills-Report-Volume 1, June 1991... 1222 885

Australian National. See- "Australian National Railways Commission Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Australian National Audit Office- Accommodation-Copies of- Advertisements- Expressions of Interest-Office accommodation Barton/ Parkes/Griffith, Canberra Times, 27 October 1990...... 2379 Expressions of Interest-Office accommodation Barton/ Parkes/Griffith/Forrest...... 2349 Agreement for Lease between John Curtin House Limited and ccxxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

the Commonwealth of Australia, 23 April 1992...... 2379 Background note-Provision of office accommodation for the A N A O , B arton ...... 2349 Background note-Provision of office accommodation for the ANAO, Barton, and attachment ...... 2379 Canberra Times articles- ALP in rent rort, says Opposition, 16 January 1992...... 2380 Three big ACT projects begin this year, 5 February 1992...... 2380 Extracts from- Letters from- Acting Auditor-General to Secretary, Department of Finance, 27 M ay 1991...... 2380 Acting Customer Services Manager to Mr John Barwood, ANAO, November 1991 ...... 2380 Deputy Auditor-General to Secretary, Department of Finance, 4 M arch 1991...... 2380 First Assistant Secretary, Financial Management Division to Auditor-General, 2 May 1991 ...... 2380 Letter to Secretary, Public Works Committee, 14 May 1992...... 2380 Project submission for ANAO and the Australian Property Group (APG) by Civil & Civic, March 1992...... 2380 Scope of Work, Proposed new ALP headquarters by Civil & Civic, M arch 1991 ...... 2380 Scope Statement for New John Curtin House Office Development, 19 November 1991 ...... 2380 Letters from- Acting Executive Director, Executive Support Branch to Acting State Manager, ACT Office, APG, 26 June 1991...... 2380 Acting First Assistant Auditor-General to Secretary, Department of Administrative Services (DAS), 14 D ecem ber 1989 ...... 2380 Acting State Manager, ACT Office, APG, DAS to the Auditor- General, ANAO, 21 June 1991 ...... 2380 Assistant Director, Accommodation Services, APG, DAS to the Auditor-General, ANAO, 21 November 1990, and attachm ents (9)...... 2380 Assistant Director, APG, DAS to Auditor-General, ANAO, 21 November 1990, and attachments (8) ...... 2361 Auditor-General, ANAO to- Minister for Administrative Services, 22 August 1989...... 2380 Secretary, DAS (2), 1 May 1989 and 5 October 1990 ...... 2380 Customer Services Manager, APG, DAS to Executive Director, Executive Support Branch, ANAO, 3 April 1992...... 2380 Deputy Auditor-General to- Assistant Director, Accommodation Services, APG, Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

7 December 1990, and attachment...... 2380 Assistant Director, APG, DAS, 7 December 1990 ...... 2361 Director, Accommodation Services, APG, DAS, 4 March 1991.. 2361 Director, APG, DAS, 4 March 1991 ...... 2380 Secretary, Department of Finance, 9 August 1991 ...... 2380 Dominic Collins to the Auditor-General, ANAO, 24 January 1992, and attachment ...... 2380 Executive Director, Executive Support Branch to- Secretary, APG, DAS, 3 April 1992 ...... 2380 Secretary, Department of Finance, 11 June 1991, and attachm ents (8)...... 2380 Executive Director, Lend Lease Property Group, Lend Lease Corporation to Assistant General Manager, APG, DAS, 15 Novem ber 1990...... 2361 General Manager, Australian Estate Management, DAS to the Auditor-General, ANAO, 30 January 1992...... 2380 Minister for Administrative Services to Auditor-General, ANAO, 16 September 1989...... 2380 Project Officer, APG, DAS to the Auditor-General, ANAO (2), 4 and 8 July 1991 ...... 2380 Robert Ireland to- Auditor-General, ANAO, 21 October 1991...... 2381 Auditor-General, ANAO, 4 November 1991, and attachm ents (3)...... 2381 General Manager, Australian Valuation Office, November 199 1 ...... 238 1 Mr Michael Milne, Goodwin and Kenyon, 11 January 1991, and attachment...... 2361 Persons unknown, 7 December 1990, and attachment...... 2361 Special Adviser, Liberal Party of Australia, 21 January 1991, and attachm ent...... 2361 Special Adviser, Liberal Party of Australia, 25 March 1991, and attachments (2)...... 2361 Secretary, DAS to the Auditor-General, ANAO, 12 October 1990... 2381 Special Adviser, Liberal Party of Australia to Assistant General Manager, APG, DAS, 13 November 1990, and attachments (2).. 2361 Media release by Senator Warwick Parer, Labor's Fifteen Year Rort, 15 January 1992 ...... 2381 Minutes from- Assistant General Manager, APG, DAS to the Minister, through General Manager, 17 October 1990...... 2381 Customer Service Manager, APG, DAS to Mr Collins, 24 January 1992 ...... 2381 Executive, Government Services Program to Secretary, DAS, 28 January 1992 ...... 2381 ccxxx Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Senior Director, Resource Management, ANAO to Executive Director, Executive Support Branch, ANAO, 10 April 1991...... 2381 Question asked by Senator Bishop and answer...... 2390 Record of Conversation between Mr Robert Ireland, APG, DAS, and Mr Dominic Collins, Assistant General Manager, APG, D AS, 1 June 1992...... 2379 Sydney Morning Herald article, With Eggleton all over his face, 17 January 1992 ...... 2381 Report of an independent review, 30 March 1990...... 525 415 And see- "Audit Act" "Efficiency audit".

Australian National Gallery. See "National Gallery Act".

Australian National Maritime Museum-Report for 1989-90...... 678 471

Australian National Maritime Museum Act- Australian National Maritime Museum- Report for 1990-91 ...... 2123 1391 1992 73 Strategic plan-1991-93...... 1910 1267 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991- N o. 10...... 735 506 N o. 220 ...... 1345 951 N o. 348 ...... 1741 1211

Australian National Maritime Museum Bill 1989. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-Senate Standing Committee".

Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. See "National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act".

Australian National Railways Commission Act- Australian National Railways Commission (Australian National)- Report for- 1989-90...... 531 415 1990 396 1990-91...... 1809 1231 1991 361 1991-92...... 3246 1942 1992 388 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act". By-laws- 1992-N o. 11 ...... 2651 1640 Boards of Appeal, Amendment No. 1 and General, Amendment No. 4. 21 25 Direction under subsection 19(2), 24 June 1992...... 2675 General-Amendment- N o. 8 ...... 21 25 N o. 9...... 215 144 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccXXXi Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 10 ...... 717 479 Statements in relation to a direction under subsection 19(2)- 24 June 1992...... 2675 1633 Undated...... 3126 1909

Australian National University- Funding-Program Performance Statements ...... 2391 John Curtin School of Medical Research-Advice in response to question asked by Senator Tierney on 2 June 1992 ...... 2391

Australian National University Act- Council of Australian National University-Report for- 1989...... 225 137 1990 126 1990...... 1462 977 1991 213 1991...... 2726 1678 1992 224 Statute- Nos. 208 to 211 ...... 215 144 Nos. 212, 213 ...... 692 467 No. 214 ...... 891 610 Nos. 215, 216...... 2313 1506 Nos. 217 to 219...... 2314 1506 Nos. 220, 221...... 2941 1816 Nos. 222 to 224...... 3287 1963

Australian National's east-west operations. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 566 435 1990 397 1990-91...... 1946 1267 1991 362 1991-92...... 3266 1943 1992 389 Report No. NSB.QRM 19 ...... 2827 1742 Determination under subsection 37A(1), 23 November 1992 ...... 3287 1964 Safety Review Committee- Report for- 1988-89...... 50 35 1990 15 1989-90...... 1037 758 1991 143 1989-90-Corrigendum ...... 1192 885 1991 143 1990-91...... 2421 1562 1992 154 Special report-Management of radioactive waste at Lucas Heights Research Laboratories, August 1991 ...... 1523 1020 1991 231 Statement, pursuant to subsection 7(3), setting out particulars and reasons for purchase of companies Fox-Anamet Pty Ltd ccxxxii Index to PapersPresented to Parhiament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

and Pluteus (230) Pty Ltd...... 859 581

Australian ores containing uranium or thorium-Exchange of Notes between Australia and United States of America concerning Australian ores containing uranium or thorium (monazite and xenotime)... 88 82

Australian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee-Reports to Australian Government- July 1990 (4th)- Report...... 553 435 Com m ents...... 553 435 1991 (5th)- Report...... 2177 1420 Com m ents...... 2177 1420

Australian Parliamentary Delegation-Report on visit to- Argentina and Brazil, June-July 1992- Brazil-Abortion statistics-Copies of- Letter from Dr A.D. Lopez, Statistician, World Health Organisation, to Ms T. Croshaw, , 18 April 1988 ...... 1837 Population Research Institute review-Extracts (3) ...... 1837 R eport ...... 2943 1837 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organisation Conference (XI), Singapore, 10-15 September 1990...... 242 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organisation 12th General Assembly, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-23 November 1991 and Republic of the Philippines, 12-14 November 1991...... 1667 Chile and Venezuela, 13-23 October 1991 ...... 2098 1371 European Parliamentary Institutions, Switzerland and France, September-October 1990...... 533 413 Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia, 24 January-23 February 1991...... 1569 1058 Ireland and the European Institutions, September 1991...... 1740 1179 People's Republic of China, 17-25 April 1991- Copy of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade cablegram, 1 November 1991 ...... 1652 Report...... 1524 1022 Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary, July-August 1991 ...... 2429 1561 Romania, Greece, Anzac Parliamentary Group and North Atlantic Assembly, November 1990...... 973 690 Russian Federation-Russia and the Independent Republic of Ukraine, 14-22 April 1992 ...... 3139 1918 75th anniversary commemoration of landings at Gallipoli, April 1990...... 366 268 Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, October-November 1990...... 748 512 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Mongolian People's Republic and Japan, September-October 1990 ...... 877 594 and Austria, July 1991...... 2168 1416 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxxx111 Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

And see "Inter-Parliamentary Union".

Australian Pig Industry Policy Council. See "Pig Industry Act".

Australian Police Ministers' Council. See "National Common Police Services".

Australian Political Exchange Committee. See "Political exchange program".

Australian Pork Corporation. See "Pig Industry Act".

Australian Postal Corporation Act- Australian Postal Corporation (Australia Post)-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 454 366 1990 234 1990-91 ...... 665 1123 1991 270 1991-92 ...... 3082 1897 1992 322 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act" Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 157...... 215 144 N o. 43 1 ...... 7 17 482 No. 431 (in substitution for paper presented on 21 January 1991)...... 496 1992- N o. 132 ...... 2406 1556 No. 132 (in substitution for paper presented on 3 June 1992) ...... 2476 1612 N o. 375...... 3303 1964

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service: The next five years-Ministerial statement by Minister for Science and Technology...... 1206

Australian Research Council. See "Employment, Education and Training Act".

Australian Safeguards Office. See "Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act".

Australian Science and Technology Council Act-Australian Science and Technology Council-Reports- Australian international gravitational observatory: A case study for construction of large national facilities, March 1991...... 983 712 1991 118 Environmental research in Australia- A review, June 1990...... 268 175 1990 163 The issues, December 1990...... 870 597 1991 89 Government funding of academic and related research in Australia: An international comparison, September 1990 ...... 344 255 1990 205 Major National Research Facilities: A national program- ccxxxiv Index tn PanersPrp~FpnfpA tn Pnrlinmpnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Ministerial statement, 30 April 1992...... 2222 1447 Report, M arch 1992...... 2222 1447 1992 91 Report for- 1989-90...... 447 323 1990 236 1990-91...... 1757 1204 1991 363 Corrigendum ...... 2372 1539 1991-92...... 2939 1796 1992 316 Research and technology: Future directions, September 1991...... 1624 1094 1991 283 Science, technology and Australia's future, March 1990...... 50 35 1990 69 Setting directions for Australian research, June 1990- Report...... 268 184 1990 164 Statement by Minister Assisting Prime Minister for Science, 13 September 1990...... 184 Small Country-Big Science: Australian participation in major international accelerator and beam facilities, April 1990...... 150 115 1990 66 Your word is my command: Towards an Australian capability in human-computer interface design ...... 286 191 1990 171 Australian Securities Commission-Reports- Investigation into a placement of and dealings in securities of TNT Limited between 12 April 1991 and 1 June 1991- Report, 26 July 1991 ...... 1450 970 Investigation into the affairs of the RMI Group of companies...... 1966 1267 Softwood/Percheron Group of companies- Volume 1-Report, 15 July 1991 ...... 1852 1267 Volume 2-Annexures 1-5 and 7-9...... 1852 1267 Volume 3-Annexure 6-Part 1 ...... 1852 1267 Volume 4-Annexure 6-Part 2...... 1852 1267 Summary interim report on an investigation into the administration by Burns Philp Trustee Company Limited of the Estate Mortgage Trusts, 10 December 1991...... 1918 1267 Australian Securities Commission Act- Australian Accounting Standards Board-Report for- Period 28 February to 30 June 1991...... 1773 1220 1991 338 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920 1992 390 Australian Securities Commission-Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1966 1267 1991 388 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 446 Australian Securities Commission Regulations-Form 2- Notice requiring the production of books...... 1971 Companies and Securities Advisory Committee- Report for 1990-91 ...... 2032 1333 1992 17 Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board- Report for- Period 24 May to 30 June 1991...... 1773 1220 1991 372 Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament ccxxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991-92 ...... 2939 1784 1992 314 Corporations and Securities Panel-Report for 1991-92...... 3082 1897 1992 323 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 454 ...... 717 482

Australian Securities Commission Act and Director of Public Prosecutions Act-Attorney-General- Direction, Serious corporate wrongdoing, 30 September 1992...... 2824 1739 Paper relating to the giving of directions, 30 September 1992...... 2824 1739

Australian Security Intelligence Organization-Parliamentary Joint Committee- Government response to report-ASIO & the Archives Act: The effect on ASIO of the operation of the access provisions of the Archives Act, 3 August 1992...... 2697 1672 Report-ASIO & the Archives Act: The effect on ASIO of the operation of the access provisions of the Archives Act- Report, April 1992 ...... 2180 1416 1992 68 Evidence received by the committee (5 Vols.)...... 2180 1416 Minutes of proceedings (1 Vol.)...... 2180 1416

Australian Security Intelligence Organization Act- Attorney-General's guidelines to Director-General of Security in relation to- Exercise of powers conferred by sections 85 and 86...... 462 390 Performance of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization and its functions of obtaining intelligence relevant to security ...... 3280 1943 Australian Security Intelligence Organization-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 109 115 1990 65 1989-90 ...... 531 415 1990 398 1990-91 ...... 1966 1267 1992 90 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920 1992 391 Paper by the Attorney-General relating to the issue of guidelines to ASIO on the collection of intelligence relevant to security ...... 3280 1943 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 308 ...... 303 224 Security Appeals Tribunal-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 531 415 1990 330 1990-91 ...... 1680 1148 1991 266 1991-92 ...... 2771 1703 1992 215

Australian Senate Practice-Sixth Edition, 1991 ...... 1590

Australian Soil Conservation Council- Record and resolutions-8th meeting, Adelaide, 27 August 1992...... 3381 1943 Resolutions- 5th meeting, Adelaide, 20 July 1990...... 314 221 ccxxxvi Index to Paoers Presented to Pnr~inmPnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

6th meeting, Nelson, New Zealand, 15 February 1991...... 1056 766 7th meeting, Sydney, 2 August 1991...... 1733 1181

Australian Special Rural Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Australian Sports Commission. See- "Drugs in sport" "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-Senate Standing Committee".

Australian Sports Commission Act- Australian Sports Commission-Report for- 1988-89...... 87 72 1990 64 1989-90...... 811 553 1991 32 1990-91...... 2020 1310 1992 12 Strategic plan-1 January 1990 to 31 December 1993...... 87 72 1990 62 Australian Sports Drug Agency Act- Australian Sports Drug Agency- Operational Plan- 1991-92...... 1757 1205 1992-93...... 3381 1943 Report for- 1990-91...... 2020 1310 1992 11 1991-92...... 3411 1972 1992 440 Strategic Plan-1992-94 ...... 1757 1205 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 19 ...... 805 554

Australian Statistics Advisory Council. See "Australian Bureau of Statistics Act".

Australian Taxation Office- Bruce, ACT-Dedicated computer centre. See "Public Works Committee Act". Table of action taken against ATO officers in period 1 July 1990 to 24 April 1992 for criminally related matters...... 2359 And see- "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Income tax" "Provisional tax on salary income of federal judges" "Remuneration and liability for income tax of federal judges" "Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA)".

Australian Telecommunications Authority (AUSTEL). See "Telecommunications Act". Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Telecommunications Corporation Act- Australian Telecommunications Corporation (Telecom)-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 344 255 1990 207 1990-91 ...... 1645 1114 1991 273 Period 1 July 1991 to 31 January 1992 (Final) ...... 2400 1553 1992 133 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act". Direction under subsection 45(1)- 1989-N o. 1 ...... 81 81 30 A pril 199 1 ...... 1058 770 7 A ugust 1991 ...... 1524 1040 28 August 1991 ...... 1578 1075 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 430...... 717 483 1991-No. 291 ...... 1524 1040

Australian Tobacco Board. See "Tobacco Marketing Act".

Australian Tobacco Marketing Advisory Committee. See "Tobacco Marketing Act".

Australian Tourist Commission Act-Australian Tourist Commission-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 454 366 1990 260 1990-91 ...... 1921 1267 1991 373 1991-92 ...... 3381 1943 1992 408

Australian Trade Commission Act- Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE)-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 643 435 1990 399 1990-91 ...... 1910 1267 1991 374 1991-92 ...... 3326 1943 1992 442 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991- N o.138...... 1345 951 N o.336...... 1626 1111

Australian Trade Union Training Authority. See "Trade Union Training Authority Act".

Australian War Graves. See "War Graves Act".

Australian War Memorial Act- Australian War Memorial-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 585 435 1990 400 1990-91 ...... 2032 1333 1992 10 1991-92 ...... 1972 1992 409 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 448 ...... 717 483 ccXXXVIii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian War Memorial Shop-Profit and loss statement- Period 1 July 1990-30 June 1991 ...... 1638

Australian Wheat Board. See- "Audit Act" "Wheat Marketing Act".

Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act-Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation-Reports for- 1989-90 (9th) ...... 374 261 1990 204 1990-91 (10th)...... 1605 1093 1991 282 1991-92 (11th) ...... 2916 1776 1992 248 C orrigenda...... 3012 1864

Australian Wool Corporation- Business plan for the wool industry-Copy of media release by Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, 8 October 1990 ...... 317 AWC sales of stocks to cease-Media release, 19 February 1991 ...... 791 National Wool Day-National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia-Newcastle sale No. 8/40: Public auction of wool at Parliament House, Canberra, 2 April 1992-Souvenir catalogue...... 1417 And see- "Australian Wool Corporation Act" "Wool Marketing Act" "Wool Marketing Amendment Bill 1990".

Australian Wool Corporation Act- Australian Wool Corporation-Report for 1991-92...... 3326 1943 1992 443 Determinations pursuant to subsection- 98A(1), 18 September 1991 ...... 1599 1086 98B(1), 18 September 1991...... 1599 1086 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- No.215 ...... 1345 951 No.470 ...... 2008 1314 1992- No. 100...... 2194 1433 N o. 114 ...... 2211 1442 N o.142 ...... 2476 1612 No.204 ...... 2651 1640 And see "Wool Marketing Act."

Australian wool industry-Copy of circular letter from Mr G. Campbell, M P, 18 January 1991 ...... 523 And see "Australian Wool Industry Council Act" Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Wool Industry Council Act- Australian Wool Industry Council-lst report, for 1991-92...... 3042 1879 1992 315 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991- N o. 194 ...... 134 5 9 5 1 N o. 433 ...... 2008 13 14

Australian Wool Realisation Commission Act- Australian Wool Realisation Commission-Report for 1991-92...... 3326 1943 1992 444 And see "Audit Act". Determinations pursuant to subsection- 80A(1)18 September 1991 ...... 1599 1086 80B(1)18 September 1991 ...... 1599 1086 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 432...... 2008 1314 1992-No. 205 ...... 2651 1640

Australian Wool Realisation Commission Act and Australian Wool Corporation Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- N o. 216...... 1345 951 N o. 250...... 1478 993 1992-No. 358...... 3085 1904

Australia's Army Reserve. See "Audit Act".

Australia's criminal deportation policy-Statement by the Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs...... 1997

Australia's defence. See "Defence force and the community"

Australia's health 1990. See "Australian Institute of Health Act".

Australia's International Development Cooperation Program- Annual audit of the environment in the Program, October 1991- Volume 1 ...... 1652 1125 Volume 2 ...... 1652 1125 M inisterial statement...... 1125 Second annual report to Parliament, 7 November 1991...... 1652 1125 And see- "Aid program 1990" "Changing aid for a changing world".

Australia's language-Australian language and literacy policy, released by Minister for Employment, Education and Training, August 1991- Policy information paper...... 1463 977 1991 209 Companion Volume...... 1463 977 1991 209 ccxl Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

And see "Language of Australia".

Australia's overseas aid program. See "Finance".

Australia's role in international tropical timber industry- Report by Coopers & Lybrand Consultants in association with Forestry Technical Services Pty Ltd to Department of Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories, April 1990...... 252

Australia's strategic planning in the 1990s-Report, 27 November 1989...... 2726 1684

Austria. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

AUSTUDY- Emergency hardship provisions-Copy of media release by Department of Employment, Education and Training, 15 March 1991 .. 951 Review for Department of Employment, Education and Training ...... 737

Authorities See "Australian Education Council".

Automotive industry. See "Automotive Industry Authority Act"

Automotive Industry Authority Act-Automotive Industry Authority- Report for- 1989...... 50 35 1990 63 1989-90 ...... 268 170 1990 165 1990-91 ...... 1499 1002 1991 215 1991-92...... 2726 1684 1992 225 State of the automotive industry for- 1990 ...... 983 711 1991 117 1991 ...... 2280 1476 1992 88

Award Restructuring Assistance Program-Queensland Catholic Education Office-Additional information to answer to question without notice asked by Senator Boswell on 16 June 1992...... 2474 B

Balagiannis, Mr N.-Copies of extracts from Register of the Magistrates' Court, Vic-Certificate of summary conviction or order- Dandenong, 1 September 1982 ...... 65 M elbourne, 26 June 1986...... 65

Banjo Paterson address-Australian Agricultural Marketing, Rt Hon. J.D. Anthony C.H ...... 2138 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccxli Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Banking Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 266...... 244 144 1992-N o. 117 ...... 2211 1442

Banking and fiduciary duty-Alleged financial impropriety and malpractice by various banks and financiers- Foreign currency loans-Copies of- Letters from- Allen, Allen and Hemsley, Solicitors(2), to Chief General Manager, Corporate and International, Westpac Banking Corporation, 26 November and 11 December 1987, together with covering note...... 827 Head of Australian Treasury, Westpac Banking Corporation, to Manager, FX Risk Management, Treasury Division, Westpac Banking Corporation, 18 June 1987 ...... 807 National Manager, Corporate Resources, Partnership Pacific Limited (PPL), to- Head of Sales and Distribution, Treasury Division, Westpac Banking Corporation, 18 June 1987...... 807 Manager, FX Risk Management, Treasury Division, Westpac Banking Corporation, 18 June 1987...... 807 Memoranda (2) between Head of Funding and Liquidity, PPL, and State Manager, Queensland, PPL, 24 and 31 July 1987 ...... 807 Memorandum from State Manager, Queensland, PPL, to Group Treasurer, PPL, 5 June 1987...... 807 Notes, June and July 1987...... 807 Targeting and asset stripping- Affidavits, statutory declarations and supporting documents- (2) ...... 134 (50) ...... 135 (28)...... 427 (1) ...... 568 (12)...... 954 Agreements between Mighty Chef and Adelview (2)...... 528 Bankruptcy notice and supporting documents...... 427 Diary notes by Mr G. Levingston (4)...... 528 Documents relating to Huon Valley Springs Pty Ltd- (16) ...... 254 (5) ...... 939 (6) ...... 954 Istituto Nazionale di Credito per il Lavoro Italiano All'estero, Australian Branch-Copy of statement of assets and liabilities, 31 December 1984 ...... 955 Letters from- A. Jessup, Solicitor, to Senator McLean with attachment (2)...... 451 ccxlii Index to PaDers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Managing Director, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, to Senator M cLean ...... 451 PR. Poppett, Chief Manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, to Mr W. Lawrence, W.J. Lawrence Pty Limited, 11 December 1987...... 528 Media release by Senator McLean, 24 May 1990...... 135 Partnership Pacific Ltd- L etters (2) ...... 1033 Record of file enquiries (2), Supreme Court of NSW...... 1033 Summary of proceedings, Supreme Court of NSW...... 1033 Schedule of annexures to- Banking in Singapore...... 551 The Rigg incident...... 539 Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government responses to reports- Can sport be bought?-2nd report on an inquiry into sports funding and administration, December 1989...... 1231 Cars, prawns and interest rates: Review of Auditor- General's report on data collection for Consumer Price Index ...... 1020 Dead rent and other burning issues: Review of the Auditor-General's Reports on aspects of the Department of Administrative Services ...... 819 Going for Gold: Inquiry into sports funding and administration-First report, March 1989...... 1231 Not dollars alone: Review of the Financial Management Improvement Program, May 1991 ...... 758 Pocket full of change: Banking and deregulation...... 1620 Risky business-The 37 000 kilometre challenge: 1st report on an inquiry into aspects of the Australian Customs Service...... 694 There's no place like home: A review of an efficiency audit of Department of Community Services and Health Home and Community Care Program...... 255 Tour of duties: The final report of an inquiry into aspects of the Australian Customs Service, April 1991 ...... 1310 Inquiry into Australian banking industry-Copy of- Letter to Mr D. Elder, Secretary, from Mr J. McLennan, Quinwon Pty Ltd, 18 February 1991...... 523 Order and summons issued by Supreme Court of NSW Equity Division served on J.R. McLennan, 15 February 1991...... 523 Reports- Cars, prawns and interest rates: Review of Auditor-General's report on data collection for Consumer Price Index- Report, M ay 1991 ...... 863 1991 148 Evidence received by committee...... 863 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxliii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

M inutes of proceedings...... 863 Checking the changes: Review of certain recommendations of the banking inquiry report- Report, October 1992...... 1835 1992 251 Evidence received by committee ...... 1835 M inutes of proceedings...... 1835 Dead rent and other burning issues: Review of Auditor- General's reports on aspects of Department of Administrative Services- Report, October 1990...... 268 1990 211 Evidence received by committee ...... 268 M inutes of proceedings...... 268 Follow the yellow brick road-Final report on efficiency audit of the Australian Taxation Office: International profit shifting- Report, March 1991 ...... 690 1991 61 Evidence received by committee ...... 690 M inutes of proceedings...... 690 Matching and catching: Law Enforcement Access Network (LEAN)- Report, November 1992...... 1970 1992 493 Evidence received by committee ...... 1970 M inutes of proceedings...... 1970 Not dollars alone: Review of the Financial Management Improvement Program- Report, September 1990...... 201 1990 175 Evidence received by committee ...... 201 M inutes of proceedings...... 201 Pocket full of change: Banking and deregulation- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, November 1991 ...... 1215 1991 290 Conclusions and recommendations, November 1991...... 1215 Evidence received by the committee...... 1215 M inutes of proceedings...... 1215 Risky business-The 37 000 kilometre challenge: 1st report on an inquiry into aspects of the Australian Customs Service- Report, October 1990...... 378 1990 214 Evidence received by committee ...... 378 Minutes of proceedings...... 378 Tour of duties: Final report of an inquiry into aspects of the Australian Customs Service- Report, April 1991 ...... 756 1991 114 Evidence received by committee ...... 756 M inutes of proceedings...... 756 Reports of inquiry into sports funding and administration- Copy of letter from Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories, to Mr Martin, MP, Chairman, relating to ccxliv Index to Paoers Presented to ParlinmRnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

delay in government response...... 886 Bankruptcy Act- Report for- 1989-90...... 477 394 1990 318 Errata ...... 983 704 1990 318 1990-91 ...... 1624 1093 1991 275 1991-92 ...... 2939 1797 1992 313 Rules-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 376 ...... 21 25 1991-No. 117 ...... 1201 911 1992- N o. 194 ...... 2651 1640 No. 261 ...... 2700 1675

Bankruptcy administration. See "Audit Act".

Banks (Shareholdings) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o.345 ...... 390 297 N o. 469 ...... 717 489 1991- N o. 21 ...... 805 554 N o. 57 ...... 891 6 10 N o. 92 ...... 988 707 N o. 120 ...... 1202 911 N o. 225 ...... 1345 951 Nos. 278, 279 ...... 1478 993 N o. 292...... 1524 1040 1992- N o. 102 ...... 2194 1433 No.302 ...... 2827 1742 No. 359 ...... 3085 1904

Barla Pty Ltd. See "Company information".

Barley Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Barley Research Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o.329 ...... 366 278

Barley Research Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 290 ...... 303 224

Beef Production Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 51...... 891 610

Bicycle -Safety accreditation-Copies of- Letter from Manager, Technisearch to Mr Tony Grant, Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament ccxlv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Improvements Pty Ltd, 11 May 1992, and attachment ...... 3260 National Association of Testing Authorities-Evaluation of Aspects of Model 888 Headlight , 5 August 1992, and attachm ent ...... 3260

Biodiversity: The contribution of community-based programs. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Biological conservation of south-east forests-Report by Joint Commonwealth and New South Wales Scientific Committee, July 1990, to Commonwealth Minister for Resources and New South Wales Minister for Natural Resources...... 233 163

Biological Diversity-Treaty-Text of Convention on Biological Diversity ..... 2971 1846

Bosnia-Hercegovina-Ethnic cleansing campaign-Document in the Serbo-Croatian language, 22 July 1992 ...... 1669

Bounty and Capitalisation Grants (Textile Yarns) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 29...... 849 584 Return for- 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000 1991-92 ...... 2717 1680

Bounty applying to agricultural tractors and equipment-Copies of- Industries Assistance Commission-Report for 1984-85-Extract...... 1861 Letter from B.J. Meredyth, Assistant Secretary, Engineering Industries, Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, to the Manager, Safety Cab Developments Pty Ltd, Dandenong, Vic, 15 Septem ber 1987...... 1861

Bounty (Bed Sheeting) Act-Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000 1991-92 ...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Books) Act-Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000 1991-92 ...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Citric Acid) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 87...... 988 707 Return for 1991-92 ...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Commercial Motor Vehicles) Act-Return for 1989-90...... ccxlvi Index to PapersPresented to ParUament Presented Printed Paper JorrV.& P. Year Paper ______Page Page No.

Bounty (Computers) Act-Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000 1991-92 ...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Injection Moulding Equipment) Act-Return for 1989-90...... 258 173

Bounty (Machine Tools and Robots) Act-Return for 1991-92 ...... 2716 1680

Bounty (Metal Working Machines and Robots) Act-Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000

Bounty (Photographic Film) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1989-No. 415...... 21 25 Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000 1991-92...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Printed Fabrics) Act-Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000 1991-92 ...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Ship Repair) Act-Return for- 1989-90 ...... 258 173 1990-91 ...... 1478 1000

Bounty (Ships) Act- Background paper on payments to International Catamarans Pty Ltd for a wave-piercing catamaran ferry...... 68 Return forl1991-92...... 2717 1680

Bounty (Ships) Act 1980-Return for- 1989-90...... 258 173 1990-91...... 1478 1000 Bounty (Ships) Act 1989-Return for- 1989-90...... 258 173 1990-91...... 1478 1000

Bounty (Steel Mill Products) Act-Return for 1989-90 ...... 258 173

Bounty (Textile Yarns) Act-Return for 1989-90 ...... 258 173

Britain and the Defence of Australia in World War II- Parliamentary Research Service, 2 March 1992...... 2052 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxlvii Presented Printed Paper JorsV.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Broadcasting Act- Australian Broadcasting Tribunal-Report- 1989-90...... 531 415 1990 401 1990-91 ...... 1966 1267 1992 89 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 407 Film and television co-productions- Report, July 1991 ...... 1295 936 Final report, November 1991 ...... 1890 1267 TV violence in Australia, Report, January 1990- Volume I-Decisions and reasons...... 225 115 1990 131 Volume II-Research findings ...... 225 115 1990 132 Volume III-Summary of submissions...... 225 115 1990 133 Volume IV-Conference and technical papers ...... 225 115 1990 134 Statement by Minister for Transport and Communications, May 1990 ...... 225 115 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 259...... 216 144 No. 391...... 545 467 1991- Nos. 482, 483 ...... 1991 1301 Nos. 482, 483 (Replacements)...... 1314 Nos. 488, 489 ...... 2008 1314 1992- Nos.lIto 6...... 2034 1335 Nos. 259, 260 ...... 2700 1675 Special Broadcasting Service-Report for- 1989-90...... 660 435 1990 331 1990-91 ...... 1946 1267 1991 394 And see "Special Broadcasting Service Act".

Broadcasting Act and Broadcasting (Limited Licences) Fees Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules 1992, No. 126 ...... 2314 1506

Broadcasting (Limited Licences) Fees Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1991-No. 80...... 988 707

Broadcasting Services Act- Determinations (2) under section 30, 1 October 1992...... 3000 1845 Determination under section 117, 1 October 1992...... 3000 1845 Notices of reservation (3), 1 October 1992...... 3000 1845

Broadcasting Services Bill 1992- Exposure draft...... 1124 Explanatory papers...... 1124 Ministerial statement, 7 November 1991...... 1125 ccxlviii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Second reading speech prepared for the Minister...... 1625

Broadcasting Services (Subscription Television Broadcasting) Amendment Bill 1992-Advice-Proposed repeal and substitution of section 128 of the BroadcastingServices Act 1992, 26 November 1992 ...... 3149 1927

Broadcasting Services (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act-Determination under subsection 21(4), 1 October 1992...... 3000 1845

Broadcasting Services (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 1992-Second reading speech prepared for the M inister ...... 1627

Budget-Statements 1990-91 (Budget paper No. 1)-Appendix I-Table I: Commonwealth Budget Outlays, Revenue and Balance, 1953-54 to 1990-91...... 541 And see "Finance".

Building a competitive Australia-Statements by Prime Minister, Treasurer, and Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, 12 March 1991- Statements ...... 848 581 Errata ...... 859 585

Building Workers' Industrial Union-Return of Ministers' Private Interests-Extracts- Return 1990, 28 June 1990...... 2352 Return 1991, 11 November 1991 ...... 2352

Bula Sickness Country-Copy of maps...... 1228

Bureau of Immigration Research-Bulletin No. 1, April, 1990...... 134

Bureau of Meteorology-Report for- 1990-91...... 1809 1231 1991 375 1991-92...... 3381 1943 1992 400

Bureau of Mineral Resources-New arrangements for Bureau of Mineral Resources-Copy of joint statement, 13 August 1992...... 2695

Bureau of Tourism Research-Report for- 1989-90...... 2031 1324 1992 9 1990-91 ...... 2031 1324 1992 19 1991-92...... 3246 1920 1992 441 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxlix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Burke, Mr Brian-Involvement in trade and political matters- Copy of- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ministerial submission- Trade with East Europe and involvement of Hon. B. Burke, 6 Septem ber 1988...... 711 Letter (unsigned) from Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, to M r B. Burke, 6 M ay 1991 ...... 711 Minute from Mr M.J. Costello, Deputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade and Minister for Trade and Overseas Development, 1 May 1991, with attachments (2)...... 711 Termination of appointment as Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See-Copy of minute from Mr D. Rose, Chief General Counsel, Attorney-General's Department, to Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 9 M ay 1991 ...... 727 And see "Western Australia".

Business Council of Australia. See "Pipeline Authority".

Business Fixed Investment, 1984-85 constant prices, March 1966 to M arch 1990-Chart ...... 117

Business migration program. See "Public Accounts Committee Act-Joint Committee of Public Accounts".

Business of the Senate- 1 January to 31 December 1989...... 18 .. 1990 5 1 January to 30 June 1990 ...... 241 1 January to 31 December 1990...... 720 .. 1991 173 1 January to 30 June 1991 ...... 1344 1 January to 31 Decem ber 1991 ...... 2007 . 1992 518 1 January to 30 June 1992 ...... 2661

Business plan for the Australian wool industry. See "Australian Wool Corporation". C

Cabinet documents-Copy of letter from Assistant Director, Director of Public Prosecutions to Secretary, Joint Committee of Public Accounts, 4 M arch 1992...... 2283

Cambodia-Treaties-Text of- Agreement concerning the Sovereignty, Independence, Territorial Integrity and Inviolability, Neutrality ccl Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

and National Unity of Cambodia ...... 1734 1213 Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict ...... 1734 1213 Cambodian peace initiative- Copy of telegram from Norodom Sihanouk to Prince Norodom Ranaridelh, 4 November 1990, together with translation...... 570 United Nations Security Council-Report of the Secretary- General on Cambodia, 19 February 1992...... 2167

Canberra College of Advanced Education Act-Council of Canberra College of Advanced Education-Report for 1989...... 268 170 1990 166 And see "University of Canberra Act".

Canberra Institute of the Arts. See- "Acts Interpretation Act" "Seat of Government (Administration) Act"

Canberra leasehold system. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Cape Lambert Services-Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) Appeal Cases-Copies of- History of AIRC appeal cases ...... 1970 Schedule of AIRC appeal cases...... 1970

Capital Markets Division-Suggested answer, 6 March 1991...... 569 Cars, prawns and interest rates: Review of Auditor-General's report on data collection for Consumer Price Index. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Cash Transaction Reports Act- Cash Transaction Reports Agency-Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1512 1010 1991 216 1991-92 ...... 2739 1684 1992 228 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 36 ...... 21 25 N o. 162...... 216 144 Nos. 340, 341 ...... 390 297 1991- N o. 7...... 735 506 No. 89...... 988 707 No. 166...... 1345 951 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccli Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1992- N o. 90 ...... 2194 14 33 N o. 320 ...... 294 1 18 16

Casual Vacancies in the Senate-Letters to President of the Senate, responding to the resolution of the Senate of 3 June 1992 from- House of Assembly, South Australia, 10 June 1992 ...... 2731 Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, 15 June 1992...... 2731 Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory, 2 July 1992 ...... 2731 Legislative Assembly, Victoria, 10 June 1992...... 2731 Legislative Council, New South Wales, 24 June 1992...... 2731 Legislative Council, Victoria, 16 June 1992...... 2731

Cattle and Beef Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 199 1-N o. 4 ...... 7 17 496

Cattle Export Charge Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 52 ...... 892 610

Cattle Transaction Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991- N o. 50...... 892 610 No. 367...... 1839 1301

Caucus Economic and Industrial Relations Committee-Copy of minutes of meeting held on 13 November 1991 ...... 1760

Census and Statistics Act- Australian Bureau of Statistics-Statements of disclosure of information- 1990- N o. 1 ...... 303 219 N os. 2, 3 ...... 524 4 10 1991- N os. 1, 2 ...... 1507 1013 N os. 3,4 ...... 174 1 1211 1992-Nos. 1,2 ...... 2977 1845 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o. 91 ...... 105 109 N o. 252...... 216 145

Census and Statistics (Alcohol and Tobacco Statistics) Amendment Bill 1992- Draft bill for comment ...... 2740 Explanatory statement, 9 September 1992...... 2740

Central Land Council. See "Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act". cclii Inde~ to panerr Pre~~pnfpn tn Pnrlinmpnf Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

CERN-Treaty-Text of Agreement with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) concerning the Further Development of Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the Research Projects of CERN ...... 2373 1542

Certain Aspects of the Airline Pilots' Dispute-Senate Select Committee- Government response to report, August 1990...... 229 Report, February 1990...... 18 .. 1990 2 Transcript of evidence (9 Vols.)...... 18

Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act-Joint Select Committee- Government response to report-Retiring age of judges of the Family Court of Australia, September 1991, 9 April 1992 ...... 2353 1527 Reports- Family Law Act 1975: Aspects of its operation and interpretation- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, November 1992...... 3084 1918 1992 326 Evidence received by the committee (18 Vols)...... 3084 1918 M inutes of proceedings...... 1918 Submissions (32 Vols)...... 3084 The retiring age of judges of the Family Court of Australia- Report, September 1991 ...... 1513 1017 1991 288 Evidence received by the committee (3 Vols)...... 1513 1017 M inutes of proceedings...... 1513 1017

Change of status on grounds of spouse/de facto relationships. See "Migration Regulations-Joint Standing Committee".

Changing aid for a changing world: Key issues for Australia's aid program in the 1990s-Ministerial policy paper and 3rd annual report on Australia's International Overseas Development Cooperation Program, November 1992...... 3012 1860

Chicken Meat Research and Development Council Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Chicken Meat Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Child care-Provision of Government-funded community-based places-Background paper...... 1200 And see "Regulations and Ordinances-Senate Standing Committee".

Child Care Act-Guidelines-Pursuant to section 12A- 19 December 1990...... 717 496 12 D ecem ber 1991 (2)...... 1952 1301 25 M arch 1992...... 2153 1400 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccliii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. CCA/12A/92/2 ...... 2956 1831

Child poverty-Copy of letter from Prime Minister to Mr Webster, MP, 15 November 1990...... 503

Child Support (Assessment) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-N o. 81 ...... 974 709 1992-No. 63...... 2098 1378

Child Support Evaluation Advisory Group-Reports- Child Support in Australia: Final report of the evaluation of the Child Support Scheme- Volume 1-Main report ...... 2081 1360 Volume 2-Survey report ...... 2081 1360 Child Support Scheme: Adequacy of child support and coverage of sole parent pensioner population...... 344 261

Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 90...... 21 25 1991-No. 242...... 1364 951

Child Support Scheme: Adequacy of child support and coverage of sole parent pensioner population. See "Child Support Evaluation Advisory Group".

Chile. See- "Australian Parliamentary Delegation" "Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference".

China. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

China-Visit by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade-Copies of extracts from- Holy Bible (King James version), New Testament, Acts 8:28- 10:7, pages 914 and 915...... 3027 South China Morning Post, article by Richard Vine, 10 Novem ber 1992...... 3027

China National Foreign Trade Transport Corporation-Copy of deed of grant of land (Queensland), 14 October 1989...... 662

China's population control program. See "Population control".

Christmas Island-Casino- Answers to questions asked during consideration of Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 1992 on 1 June 1992...... 2443 Copies of annexures to letter- ccliv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA p. Year Paper Page Page No.

A-Recommendations of the Islands in the sun report-Christmas Island...... 2520 B-Mission statement...... 2520 C-Territory of Christmas Island...... 2520

Christmas Island Act- Christmas Island Casino Control Ordinance- Amendments to Christmas Island Casino Agreements- 15 February 1990 ...... 113 109 30 November 1990...... 511 410 Amendment to the Christmas Island Resort Agreement, 21 January 1992 ...... 2143 1400 Christmas Island Lands Ordinance-Notice of guidelines laid down under section 4, 11 September 1990 ...... 300 197 List of applied Western Australian Acts as at 26 September 1992 under section 8B...... 2827 1737 Ordinances- 1990- Nos. 1,2 ...... 545 467 1991- Nos. 1, 2...... 892 610 Nos. 3,4 ...... 1364 951 1992- Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ...... 2651 1640 No.5 ...... 2700 1675 No.7 ...... 2859 1760 No.8 ...... 3085 1904 No.9 ...... 3303 1964 Regulations-1I990-No. I ...... 474 400 Services Corporation Ordinance-Christmas Island Services Corporation-Report for- 1987-88 ...... 50 35 1990 60 1988-89 ...... 50 35 1990 61 1989-90 ...... 1463 977 1991 217 1990-91 ...... 2020 1310 1992 8

Christmas Island Services Corporation. See "Christmas Island Act".

Circuit Layouts Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-i 991- No. 302 ...... 303 224 No. 459...... 2008 1314

Citizen's right of reply. See "Procedure-House of Representatives Standing Committee". Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cclV Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Civil Aviation Act- Civil Aviation Authority Australia-Report for- 1989-90...... 516 416 1990 419 1990-91 ...... 1733 1205 1991 383 1991-92 ...... 2997 1852 1992 324 Civil Aviation Regulations-Civil Aviation Orders- Parts- 20-Amendments- 30 November 1989, 4 and 9 April 1990...... 21 25 25 June 1990...... 216 145 17 and 20Augustl1990O...... 244 168 6 September 1990...... 271 190 7 February 1991 ...... 748 506 28 March 1991...... 892 610 5 April 1991 ...... 932 639 30OApril 1991 ...... 974 708 24 May 1991 ...... 1069 792 26 June and 8Julyl1991I...... 1345 951 12 August 1991 ...... 1376 951 3 Decemberl1991l...... 1839 1301 26 February 1992 ...... 2044 1335 28 April 1992 ...... 2314 1506 23 September 1992 ...... 2827 1742 20, 29, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 82 and 95-Amendments, 30 November 1992 ...... 3234 1964 20 and 40-Amendments, 4 April 1990...... 21 25 29-Amendments- 15 and16 Februaryl1990 ...... 21 25 29 November 1990 ...... 511 400 18 Februaryl1991l...... 805 554 29, 40, 41 and 43-Amendments, 28 February 1991 ...... 815 564 33-Amendment, 17 December 1991...... 1952 1301 34-Amendment, 31 October 1990 ...... 401 297 40-Amendments- 6 and16 Februaryl1990...... 21 25 13 and14 Augustl1990O...... 216 145 29 November 1990 ...... 511 400 28 March 1991...... 892 610 11lApril1991 ...... 932 639 24 April 1991 ...... 974 708 31 May 1991 ...... 1171 911 21lNovemberl1991l...... 1741 1211 10ODecemberl1991l...... 1926 1301 13 Januaryl1992(3) ...... 2008 1314 30 November 1992(9) ...... 3234 1964 cclvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

40 and 100-Amendments, 26 August 1992 ...... 2717 1680 40, 41, 42, 43, 50 and 5 1-Amendments, 2 August 1990 ...... 216 145 48-Amendment, 9 April 1991...... 932 639 82-Amendments- 7 September 1990...... 271 190 28 March 1991...... 892 610 24 April 1991 ...... 974 708 27 June and 7Augustl1991l...... 1345 951 30 August 1991...... 1507 1006 5 December 1991 ...... 1902 1301 11lFebruaryl1992 ...... 2008 1314 92-Amendment, 21 November 1991 ...... 1741 1211 95-Amendments- 25 January, 6 February (2) and 18 April 1990 ...... 21 25 18 June and 6July990(3)...... 216 145 12 Februaryl1991l...... 759 517 13 August 1992 ...... 2700 1663 19 August 1992 ...... 2700 1675 11 November 1992...... 3051 1896 100-Amendment- 13 MarchI1991l...... 892 603 28 March 1991...... 892 610 24 May 1991 ...... 1069 792 20 January and 20 February 1992 ...... 2008 1314 27 March 1992 ...... 2168 1405 200ctober 1992...... 2941 1816 11 November 1992...... 3051 1896 101-Amendments- 6February 1990...... 21 25 6 July 1990...... 216 145 17 Augustl1990O...... 244 168 28 March 1991...... 892 610 3 May 1991 ...... 974 708 15 Augustl1991l...... 1434 963 13 September 1991...... 1524 1040 17 December 1991...... 1952 1301 17 July 1992...... 2651 1640 103-Amendment, 5 April 1991 ...... 932 639 105-Amendments- 6, 15 and 19 December 1989, 9(3), 16(2), 18, 29 and 31 January 1990, 5, 8(2), 12(3), 13, 16(5), 19, 26(2) and 27 February 1990, 5, 13(2), 22(3) and 30 March 1990, 3and 4Aprill1990O...... 21 25 9,18 and19 April1990O...... 97 81 17(2) and 27 April, 10(4), 14(2), 15, 21(2), 22, 24 and 3 1(3) May, 4(2), 8, 2 1(3), 25 and 27(2) June Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

and 2, 5(4), 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25 and 30 July 1990...... 216 145 31 July, 2, 7, 22, 28 and 29 August and 3 September 1990...... 300 197 17(3), 20, 21, 24 and 27 September and 8 and I1I October 1990 ...... 366 278 23 October and 5 November 1990(2) ...... 431 320 20 November and 4 December 1990(7) ...... 533 467 5(4), 6, 12(2), 17(2), 18(3) and 19(4) December 1990...... 717 483 15 January and 8Februaryl1991(7)...... 735 496 12 February and 5 March 1991(4)...... 842 573 11 and 26 March and 2 April 1991(4)...... 892 610 8 April and17 Mayl1991(8) ...... 1057 770 6 and 28(3) Mayl1991l...... 1171 911 27 May, 3 and 6 June and 1(3), 3, 4(2) and 10(2) July 1991 ... 1345 951 23 and 29 July and 8(2) and 16(2) August 1991 ...... 1471 986 9 Septemberl1991(5)...... 1515 1035 24 September and 3 October 1991...... 1569 1061 15, 17, 22, 23, 24 and 30(2) October 1991 ...... 1626 1111 12(2) and15 Novemberl1991l...... 1741 1211 27 and 29 November and 5 December 1991...... 1892 1301 10ODecember 1991...... 2008 1305 10 and 24 December 1991 and 9 and 30 January 1992 ...... 2008 1315 10 January, 5(2) and 27 February 1992 ...... 2044 1339 5 March 1992...... 2098 1378 28 February, 20 and 24 March and 2 April 1992...... 2194 1433 14 and 28(2) Apil 1992...... 2238 1456 20 May 1992(2) ...... 2314 1506 27 May 1992 ...... 2375 1541 4 June 1992...... 2452 1612 19(2) June 1992 ...... 2556 1612 23 June, 1, 8, 24 and 28 July and 7 August 1992...... 2651 1640 21 August 1992 ...... 2717 1680 8 September 1992...... 2740 1688 17, 18, 21(3), 27(5) and 28 August and 4(3), 7, 8, 10(2) and 15(6) September 1992 ...... 2765 1707 7, 10, 14(3), 17, 21, 24 and 30 September, 1(2) and 2 October 1992...... 2827 1742 6, 7, 9, 10, 12(2), 13, 19(2) and 20 October 1992...... 2941 1816 22(2), 26(2), 27 and 29(3) October 1992 ...... 3000 1845 9, 10, 12, 16, 18(4), 19, 20, 23 and 24(6) November 1992...... 3158 1930 25, 26, 27 November and 1, 2, 4, 7 December 1992...... 3287 1964 106-Amendments- 16 January, 2 and 13 February and 13 March 1990...... 21 25 9 April 1990...... 97 81 4 June and 2, 24(2) and 30 July 1990 ...... 216 145 28 August 1990...... 300 197 24 September 1990 ...... 1 366 278 cclviii Index to PapersPresented to ParUament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

23 October 1990 ...... 431 320 20 November 1990 ...... 533 467 5 December 1990...... 717 483 15 January 1991 ...... 735 496 12 February and 5 March 1991...... 842 573 11 March 1991...... 892 610 2 April 1991...... 905 16 April 1991...... 688 8SApriland 17 May 1991...... 1057 770 6 May 1991 ...... 1171 911 3 June andlIJulyl1991l...... 1345 951 29 July 1991 ...... 1471 986 24 September 1991...... 1569 1061 12 Novemberl1991l...... 1741 1211 10 December 1991...... 2008 1305 9 and 30Januaryl1992 ...... 2008 1315 29 January 1992...... 2044 1339 5Marchl1992...... 2098 1378 2April 1992 ...... 2194 1433 28 April 1992...... 2238 1456 20OMay 1992 ...... 2314 1506 19 June 1992 ...... 2556 1612 1 July and 7 August 1992 ...... 2651 1640 18 and19 Augustl1992...... 2717 1680 8 September 1992 ...... 2740 1688 28 September 1992...... 2827 1742 22, 23(9), 28, 29(2), 30 October and 2, 3 and 4 November 1992 .. 3000 1845 10ONovember 1992...... 3158 1930 107-Amendments- 6 December 1989, 16 January and 13 March 1990 ...... 21 25 9 AprilI1990O...... 97 81 4 June and 2and 30Julyl1990O...... 216 145 28 August 1990...... 300 197 24 September 1990 ...... 366 278 23 and 30 October and 5 November 1990...... 431 320 20 November and 4 December 1990...... 533 467 5 Decemberl1990...... 717 483 15 January 1991 ...... 735 496 12 February 1991...... 842 573 11 March 1991...... 892 610 17 May 1991 ...... 1057 770 6and 28(2) Mayl1991l...... 1172 911 3June andlIand 4Julyl1991l...... 1345 951 29 July 1991 ...... 1471 986 3 October 1991 ...... 1569 1075 12 Novemberl1991l ...... 1741 1211 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cclix Presented Prnted Paper journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

9 and 30lJanuaryl1992 ...... 2008 1315 5 Marchl1992 ...... 2098 1378 2April 1992...... 2194 1433 28Sand 30April 1992...... 2238 1456 20OMay 1992 ...... 2314 1507 19 June 1992 ...... 2556 1612 8 July and 7 August 1992 ...... 2651 1640 8 September 1992...... 2740 1688 29 October 1992...... 3000 1845 Exemptions- 1992- No. 3...... 2651 1640 No. 4...... 2753 1699 No. 5...... 2827 1742 No. 6...... 3111 1914 No. 7...... 3191 1964 No. 8...... 3397 1964 Exemptions under regulation 308- 13 Augustl1991l...... 1376 951 20 November 1991 ...... 1764 1211 9 andl16Januaryl1992 ...... 2008 1315 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 100...... 205 134 Nos. 215, 216, 258, 260...... 216 145 No. 289...... 276 190 No. 310...... 303 224 Nos. 331, 332...... 390 297 No. 466...... 717 489 1991- No. 54 ...... 892 610 Nos. 147 and 157...... 1345 951 No. 247 ...... 1364 951 No. 287 ...... 1524 1040 No. 382 ...... 1839 1301 Nos. 409, 410 ...... 1978 1301 Nos. 426,487 ...... 2008 1315 1992- No. 36...... 2008 1315 Nos. 174, 254 ...... 2651 1640 No. 258 ...... 2700 1675 No. 279 ...... 2753 1694 No. 325 ...... 2941 1816 No. 342 ...... 2977 1845 No. 380 ...... 3303 1964 cclx Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Civil Aviation Authority Australia- Australian Advanced Air Traffic System-Copies of- Answer to question-Advice to Minister...... 2906 Extract from- Inside Canberra (page 2), 14 August 1992...... 2887 Townsville Bulletin, 31 M arch 1992...... 2148 Independent review of the Civil Aviation Authority's tender evaluation process for the Australian Advanced Air Traffic System (Chairman: Hon. Ian Macphee AO), December 1992...... 3394 .. 1992 452 Letter from Pat Brazil, Macphillamy Cummins & Gibson to Chief Executive and Managing Director, CAA, 9 June 1992...... 2443 Media release by Senator O'Chee, CAA to face Radar Probe, 31 M arch 1992 ...... 2148 Construction of Perth office and warehouse complex. See "Public Works Committee Act". And see- "Civil Aviation Act" "Federal Airports Corporation Act".

Civil Aviation Authority Australia and Federal Airports Corporation Charges-Impact on air operations-Copy of table of expenses ...... 1656 Civil Aviation (Carriers' Liability) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 6...... 717 496 Clandestine organisation of Timorese-Copy of rough translation of letter from Fretilin signatories to Prime Minister, November 1990...... 1058 Client service delivery in the Department of Social Security- M inisterial Statement, 4 M arch 1992 ...... 2064 Supplement to the ministerial statement by Minister for Social Security, 4 M arch 1992...... 2064 1354

Climate change-Treaty-Text of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ...... 2971 1846

Close Corporations Act 1989. See "Corporations and Securities- Joint Statutory Committee".

Coal Industry Act-Joint Coal Board-Report for- 1989-90 (43rd)...... 454 366 1990 248 1990-91 (44th)...... 1890 1267 1991 395 1991-92 (45th)...... 3247 1920 1992 328 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cclxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Coal Research Assistance Act-Determination CRD1/1992...... 3426 2002 And see "National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Council".

Coalition response to Government attacks on "Fightback!"- M arch 1992 ...... 1346 And see- "Fightback!" "Opposition's taxation and expenditure proposals".

Coarse Grains Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 299...... 2827 1742

Cocos (Keeling) Islands-Memorandum of understanding relating to achievement of mainland equivalent living standards and levels of services, between Commonwealth, Cocos (Keeling) Islands Council and Cocos Islands Co-operative Society Ltd, 7 March 1991 ...... 569

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act- List of applied Western Australian Acts as at 26 September 1992 under section 8B...... 2827 1737 Ordinances- 1991- N o. 1, 2...... 1345 951 No. 3...... 1364 951 N o. 4 ...... 1478 993 1992- No. 1 ...... 2008 1315 N os. 2 to 5 ...... 2651 1640 Regulations-1991-No. 1 (Local Government Ordinance)...... 1057 770

Comcare program-Review, April 1991...... 1968 1267 And see "Commonwealth Employees' Rehabilitation and Compensation Act".

Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees (Comcare). See "Commonwealth Employees' Rehabilitation and Compensation Act".

Commissioner for Superannuation. See "Papua New Guinea (Staffing Assistance) Act".

Commissioner of Taxation. See "Taxation".

Committee for the Review of the System for Review of Migration Decisions-Report-Non-adversarial review of migration decisions: The way forward, December 1992...... 3412 1972 cclxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Committee of Members' Interests. See "Members' Interests-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Committee reports-Parliamentary committee reports- House of Representatives- Government responses to parliamentary committee reports- Response, June 1991, to the list tabled in House of Representatives on 20 December 1990...... 856 Response, December 1991, to the list tabled in the House of Representatives on 5 June 1991...... 1269 Response, June 1992, to the list tabled in the House of Representatives on 19 December 1991...... 1562 Response, December 1992, to the list tabled in the House of Representatives on 5 November 1992 ...... 1973 Schedule of Government responses to reports of House of Representatives and joint committees, for period- 14 April 1989 to 6 December 1990, and outstanding responses to reports presented from 1982...... 434 20 December 1990 to 6 June 1991, and outstanding responses to reports presented from 1982...... 867 6 June 1991 to 18 December 1991, and outstanding responses to reports presented from 1982...... 1265 19 December 1991 to 3 June 1992, and reports presented to which responses are outstanding, 4 June 1992 ...... 1562 5 June 1992 to 15 October 1992, and reports presented to which responses are outstanding, 5 November 1992...... 1836 Senate- Government response to schedule of outstanding Government responses to Parliamentary committee reports tabled by President on- 31 M ay 1990 ...... 459 21 December 1990 ...... 1157 21 June 1991 ...... 1924 19 December 1991 ...... 2495 15 December 1992 ...... 3347 President's report to Senate on Government responses outstanding to Parliamentary committee reports, as at- 31 M ay 1990 ...... 189 21 December 1990 ...... 692 21 June 1991 ...... 1280 19 December 1991 ...... 1971 25 June 1992 ...... 2622 17 D ecem ber 1992 ...... 3424 Timeliness of Government responses-Copy of letter from Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister to President Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

of the Senate, 16 October 1991 ...... 1625

Committees. See- "Aboriginal Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Aircraft Noise-House of Representatives Select Committee" "Animal Welfare-Senate Select Committee" "Appropriations and Staffing-Senate Standing Committee" "Australian Security Intelligence Committee-Joint Committee" "Australian Capital Territory-Joint Committee" "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Biological conservation of south-east forests" "Certain Aspects of the Airline Pilots' Dispute-Senate Select Committee" "Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act-Joint Select Committee" "Committee reports" "Commonwealth Legal Aid Act" "Community Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Community Standards Relevant to the Supply of Services Utilising Telecommunications Technologies- Senate Select Committee" "Corporations and Securities-Joint Statutory Committee" "Development of Canberra-Senate Select Committee" "Electoral Matters-Joint Standing Committee" "Employment, Education and Training- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Environment, Recreation and the Arts- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Estimates-Senate Committees" "Finance and Public Administration-Senate Standing Committee" "Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade- Joint Committee" Senate Standing Committee" "Health Legislation and Health Insurance-Senate Select Committee" "House of Representatives" "House of Representatives and joint committees" "Industry, Science and Technology- "House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" cclxiv Index to Papers Presentedto Parliamtent Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"Legal and Constitutional Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Long Term Strategies-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Members' Interests-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Migration Regulations-Joint Select/Standing Committee" "National Capital-Joint Committee" "National Crime Authority-Joint Statutory Committee" "New Parliament House-Joint Standing Committee" "Parliamentary Zone-Joint Standing Committee" "Print Media-House of Representatives Select Committee" "Privileges- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Procedure- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Public Accounts-Joint Committee" "Public Works-Parliamentary Standing Committee" "Publications- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee" "Regulations and Ordinances-Senate Standing Committee" "Rural and Regional Affairs-Senate Standing Committee" "Sales Tax Legislation-Senate Select Committee" "Scrutiny of Bills-Senate Standing Committee" "Selection-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Selection of Bills-Senate Standing Committee" "Senate Committee Reports" "Senate Committees-Remuneration and Allowances" "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees" "Subscription Television Broadcasting Services-Senate Select Committee" "Superannuation-Senate Select Committee" "Televising of the House of Representatives-House of Representatives Select Committee" "Tenure of Appointees to Commonwealth Tribunals-Joint Select Committee" "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure- House of Representatives Standing Committee, Senate Standing Committee".

Common Agricultural Policy-Are you paying too much?- Copy of Australian Government information pamphlet...... 1740

Commonwealth Bank of Australia-Caucus resolution of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party ...... 364 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cclXv Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Commonwealth Banking Corporation. See- "Commonwealth Banks Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Commonwealth Banks Act- Commonwealth Banking Corporation-Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia and Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia (Commonwealth Bank Group)-Reports for- 1989-90 ...... 364 272 1990 262 1990-91...... 1738 1204 1991 387 Commonwealth Bank of Australia and controlled entities- Report forl1991-92...... 2943 1798 1992 257 Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia and Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia-Financial statements for 1991-92..2943 1798 1992 256 Regulations-Statutory Rules-I 991- Nos. 55, 56 ...... 892 610 No.93...... 988 708

Commonwealth criminal law. See "Review of Commonwealth criminal law".

Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. See- "Director of Public Prosecutions Act" "Prosecution policy of Commonwealth: Guidelines for making of decisions in prosecution process".

Commonwealth Electoral Act- Australian Electoral Commission- Certificate pursuant to subsection 49(1), 1 March 1991 ...... 842 573 Redistribution of electoral divisions, 1992- Australian Capital Territory ...... 2238 1453 1992 131 New South Wales- Volume 1 ...... 2177 1420 1992 130 Volume 2...... 2177 1420 Queensland- VolumelI...... 2177 1420 1992 129 Volume 2...... 2177 1420 South Australia- VolumelI...... 2177 1420 1992 128 Volume 2...... 2177 1420 Tasmania ...... 2238 1453 1992 127 Reports- Elections I990-Election funding and financial disclosure- Report for elections held on 24 March 1990...... 1056 766 1991 150 Report for- cclxvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1989-90 ...... 268 170 1990 167 1990-91 ...... 1624 1101 1991 280 1991-92 ...... 3266 1943 1992 401 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 33 ...... 2 1 25 No. 334...... 390 297 1992-No. 293 ...... 2827 1742

Commonwealth Employees' Rehabilitation and Compensation Act- Comcare Australia and Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees-Report for 1991-92...... 3280 1943 1992 395 Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees (Comcare)-Report for- 1989-90...... 783 542 1991 33 1990-91...... 1809 1267 1991 314 Declarations and Specifications-Notices- 1990- N o. 1 ...... 258 145 No. 1 (in substitution for paper presented on 21 August 1990) ...... 173 1991- N o. 1 ...... 892 620 Nos. 2, 3 ...... 974 708 N o. 4 ...... 1392 963 N o. 5 ...... 2008 1315 1992- N o.1 ...... 2008 1315 N o. 2 ...... 2375 1541 Nos. 3,4 ...... 2651 1640 N o. 5...... 2840 1742 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 209 ...... 216 145 And see "Comcare program".

Commonwealth Enterprise Energy Audit Program-Register of energy auditing accredited organisations, 2 July 1991...... 1512 1011

Commonwealth financial relations with other levels of Government. See "Finance".

Commonwealth Fire Board-Report for- 1989-90...... 492 394 1990 320 1990-91...... 1691 1173 1991 281 1991-92...... 2953 1823 1992 312 Commonwealth Funds Management Limited- Equal employment opportunity plan-1992 ...... 2675 1633 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Corrigendum ...... 2771 1703 Report for 1991-92...... 3381 1943 1992 457

Commonwealth Funds Management Limited Act- Commonwealth Funds Management Limited-Report for 1991-92...... 3381 1943 Determination under subsection 38(1), 26 August 1992...... 2717 1680 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 136...... 1345 951

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act-Commonwealth Grants Commission-Reports- Financing the Australian Capital Territory-4th Report (1991)...... 887 606 1991 90 General revenue grant relativities- 1990 update ...... 74 61 1990 86 1991 update- Volume I-M ain Report...... 947 687 1991 91 Volume II-Appendixes and consultant's report ...... 947 687 1991 92 1992 update ...... 2192 1430 1992 86 Interstate distribution of general purpose grants for local government 1991...... 840 575 1991 34 Issues in fiscal equalisation, 1990- Volume I-Main report...... 339 261 1990 202 Volume II-Appendixes and consultant's report...... 339 261 1990 203 Report for- 1989-90 (57th)...... 484 394 1990 321 1990-91 (58th)...... 1733 1205 1991 356 1991-92 (59th)...... 2939 1797 1992 311

Commonwealth home ownership support arrangements and the Mortgage and Rent Relief Scheme-Copy of letter to all State and Territory Housing Ministers from Mr Howe ...... 248

Commonwealth Legal Aid Act- National Legal Aid Advisory Committee-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 87 87 1990 16 1989-90 ...... 678 471 1990 370 1990-91 ...... 1946 1267 1991 450 1991-92 ...... 3326 1943 1992 329 National Legal Aid Representative Council-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 87 87 1990 17 1989-90 ...... 678 471 1990 372

Commonwealth Ombudsman. See "Ombudsman Act".

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association-Reports of delegations from Commonwealth of Australia Branch to Commonwealth Parliamentary Conferences- 36th, Harare, Zimbabwe, September 1990...... 692 442 cclxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

37th, New Delhi, India, 23-28 September 1991...... 1780 1227

Commonwealth Primary Industry Statutory Marketing Authorities- Review-Report by Review Committee to Minister for Primary Industries and Energy ...... 383 281

Commonwealth procurement guidelines. See "Audit Act".

Commonwealth public account. See "Finance".

Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service (CRS). See "Audit Act".

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. See "Science and Industry Research Act".

Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Act- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission-Report for- 1988-89 (28th)...... 50 35 1990 79 1989-90 (29th)...... 714 492 1991 10 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act". Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) Limited-Return of company for- 1990-91...... 1967 1268 1991-92...... 3411 1972 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 406 ...... 717 483

Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) Limited-Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1967 1268 1991-92...... 3411 1972 And see- "Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Commonwealth, State and Territory relations-Draft proposals for Premiers and Chief Ministers of States and Territories in the Australian Federation, November 1991...... 1114

Commonwealth State Financial Relations-Copy of letter from Mr P.J. Keating, MP to all members of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party Caucus, November 1991 ...... 1677

Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement. See "Housing Assistance Act".

Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme-Long-term costs- Report by Australian Government Actuary using data to 30 June 1988, April 1990...... 87 61 1990 59 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cclxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation-Treaty-Text of-Amendments to the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Financial Agreement of 30 March 1983...... 1030 748

Commonwealth Tribunals. See "Tenure of Appointees to Commonwealth Tribunals-Joint Select Committee".

Communications-Agreement between Australia and United States of America concerning cooperating communications networks...... 89 82

Community Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to reports- Is retirement working?-Community involvement of retired persons ...... 1571 Prescribed health-A report on the prescription and supply of drugs-Part 1: Regulation and the pharmaceutical industry...... 1619 You have your moments: A report on funding of peak health and community organisations ...... 758 Reports- Is retirement working?-Community involvement of retired persons- Report, 24 July 1990...... 161 1990 105 Evidence received by committee...... 161 M inutes of proceedings...... 161 Prescribed health-A report on the prescription and supply of drugs- Part 1: Regulation and the pharmaceutical industry- Report, 4 March 1992...... 1371 1992 50 Evidence received by the committee ...... 1371 M inutes of proceedings...... 1371 Part 2: Prescribing and medication management- Report, 16 September 1992 ...... 1750 1992 236 Evidence received by the committee ...... 1750 M inutes of proceedings...... 1750 Part 3: Pharmacy and medicinal supply- Report, 26 November 1992...... 1969 1992 492 M inutes of proceedings...... 1969 You have your moments: Funding of peak health and community organisations- Report, 13 February 1991 ...... 537 1991 46 Evidence received by committee ...... 537 M inutes of proceedings...... 537 Senate Standing Committee- Government response to report- Accommodation for people with disabilities ...... 347 cclxx Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Ju-n~ VA&P. Year Paper ______"Page Page No.

Examination of Annual Reports, No. I of 1991...... 2128 Implementation of Commonwealth pharmaceutical restructuring measures- Interim report, 20 March 1992 ...... 2495 Report, I11September 1992 ...... 2751 Radiological Services in Relation to Medicare Benefits...... 2697 Reports- Accommodation for people with disabilities-

Report, May 1990...... 46 . 1990 1 Transcript of evidence (12 Vols.) ...... 46 Alleged intimidation of witnesses during the committee's inquiry into the implementation of pharmaceutical restructuring

measures, April 1992 ...... 2178 .. 1992 532 Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment

Bill 1990, November 1990 ...... 410 . 1990 439 Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment

Bill (No. 2) 1990 ...... 535 .. 1990 439 Disability Discrimination Bill 1992 and Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation Amendment Bill 1992-

Report, October 1992...... 2907 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 2907 Employment of people with disabilities-

Report, April 1992...... 2180 .. 1992 196 Transcript of evidence (20 Vols.) ...... 2180 Examination of annual reports-

May 1990...... 190 . 1990 88

No. 2 of 1990, December 1990...... 687 .. 1990 443

No. 1 of 1991, September 1991...... 1517 .. 1991 475

No. 2of 1991, May 1992 ...... 2294 .. 1992 543

No.1Iof 1992, Junel1992 ...... 2533 .. 1992 543 Health and Community Services Legislation Amendment Bill 1991 (Clauses 13, 38 and 53)-

Report, December 1991 ...... 1812 .. 1991 487 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 1812 Health and Community Services Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1992 (Clauses 3 to 6 and 21 to 23)-

Report, November 1992...... 3052 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.) ...... 3052 Health, Housing and Community Services Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 (Part 2)-

Report, June 1992...... 2454 .. 1992 520 Submissions (I Vol.)...... 2454 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 2454 Health Insurance Amendment Bill 1991- Report, November 1991...... 1666 1991 487 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxi Presented Printed Paper Jurnas VA&P. Year Paper "Page Page No.

Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 1666 Implementation of Commonwealth pharmaceutical restructuring measures-

Interim report, December 1991...... 1977 .. 1991 469

Report, May 1992...... 2295 .. 1992 200 Transcript of evidence (5 Vols.)...... 2295 Medicare Agreements Bill 1992- Report, December 1992 ...... 3328 1992 544 Submissions (I vol)...... 3328 Transcript of evidence (I vol)...... 3328 National Food Authority Bill 1991- Report, June 1991...... 1201 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 1201 National Health Amendment Bill 1991- Report, June 1991...... 1200 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 1200 National Health and Medical Research Council Bill 1992- Report, November 1992...... 2941 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 2941

Order of the Senate of 5 November 1992, 9 November 1992 ...... 3000 .. 1992 521 Radiological Services in Relation to Medicare Benefits-

Report, April 1992...... 2197 .. 1992 199 Transcript of evidence (3 Vols.) ...... 2197 Comments by the committee on the Department of Health, Housing and Community Services and Health Insurance Commission report-Excessive Servicing ("Overservicing")-Diagnostic Imaging...... 3069 Report to the Standing Committee on Community Affairs on "Excessive Servicing-Diagnostic Imaging" by Department of Health, Housing and Community Services and Health Insurance Commission, 5 November 1992...... 3069 Social Security and Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1990 (Clauses 1-8, 12-23,

25-36 only), November 1990...... 410 .. 1990 439 Social Security (Disability and Sickness Support) Amendment Bill 1991- Report, August 1991 ...... 1430 1991 487 Submissions (I Vol.) ...... 1430 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 1430 Social Security Legislation Amendment Bill 1990, December 1990...... 509 1990 439 Social Welfare Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Bill 1990, October 1990 ...... 366 1990 439 Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 1990, cclxxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

December 1990 ...... 509 .. 1990 439

Community Cultural, Recreation and Sporting Facilities Program 1991-92-Copies of- Application form ...... 1607 Guidelines and selection criteria...... 1607

Community Standards Relevant to the Supply of Services Utilising Telecommunications Technologies-Senate Select Committee- Government response to report- Interim report on telephone services, 27 March 1992...... 2182 Telephone message services, November 1992...... 3110 Reports- Final report, June 1992...... 2556 .. 1992 178 Transcript of evidence (11 Vols.)...... 2556 Telephone services-Interim report, December 1991...... 1926 .. 1991 482 Telephone message services, May 1992...... 2346 .. 1992 135

Companies (Acquisition of Shares-Fees) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1990-No. 159 ...... 216 145 Companies Act- Accounting Standards Review Board-Report for- 1988-89...... 87 72 1990 58 1989-90...... 822 562 1991 35 1990-91...... 1773 1220 1991 318 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 370...... 21 25 1990- No. 285 ...... 276 190 N o. 295 ...... 303 224

Companies and Securities Law Review Committee-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 822 563 Period 1 July to 31 December 1990 (Final)...... 822 563

Companies, Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board. See "Australian Securities Commission Act".

Companies (Fees) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 158 ...... 216 145

Companies (Queensland) Code-Queensland Justices' Association Inc.-Copies of- Business names extracts (2)...... 692 Company extract...... 692 Company profile...... 692 Invoices (4)...... 692 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Letter from J.V.M. Green, Commissioner for Corporate Affairs, Qld, to the President, Queensland Justices' Association Inc., 28 July 1989...... 692 Notice of meeting ...... 692 Profit and loss statement for the years ended 31 August 1983 to 31 August 1990...... 692

Company information-Veritas Publishing Company Pty Ltd, Donjon Holdings Pty Ltd, Barla Pty Ltd-Copies of- Company extract from records of Corporate Affairs Commission, SA, regarding Donjon Holdings Pty Ltd, 19 September 1990...... 202 Memo from Office of Commissioner for Corporate Affairs, Qld, regarding Barla Pty Ltd, 12 November 1987...... 202 Note concerning directors and offices...... 202 Veritas Publishing Company Pty Ltd- Extract from Register of charges...... 202 Notices of particulars of charge, National Companies and Securities Commission, 13 July 1983, 13 December 1983(2) and 17 December 1985 ...... 202

Compensation claim-Report involving recreation centre bicycles hired out to Mr Speaker, 1 May 1990...... 3446

Complaints (Australian Federal Police) Act- Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 87 87 1990 18 1989-90 ...... 732 493 1991 18 1990-91 ...... 2044 1334 1992 43 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992- N o. 58...... 2098 1378 N o. 285...... 2753 1695 And see "Ombudsman Act".

Computer consumables-Contract for magnetic data storage media- Copy of Department of Administrative Services Minute from General Manager, Supply and Distribution Corporate Office to Minister for Administrative Services 6 May 1991, together with attachments (4)...... 992

Conciliation and Arbitration Act-President of Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission-Report- Period 14 August 1988 to 28 February 1989 (33rd) ...... 74 61 1990 77

Confederation of Australian Industry. See "Pipeline Authority". cclxxiv Index to PanersPre.rented to PdrLinmenf Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals-Treaty- Text of-Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of W ild A nim als ...... 1734 1213 Constitution, Section 53-Amendments and requests-Disagreements between the Houses-Advice from the Clerk of the Senate 31 July 1992..... 2661 And see- "Amendments and requests" "Legislative process in the Parliament of the Commonwealth".

Construction Industry Reform and Development Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 356 ...... 3085 1904

Consular Fees Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 44...... 21 25

Consular relations-Treaty on consular relations between Australia and- Poland...... 1733 1212 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...... 88 81

Control of Naval Waters Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o. 206 ...... 216 145 N o. 407 ...... 717 483 Convention on the rights of the child- Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 N ovem ber 1989 ...... 434 Copy of Agenda item 13, pages 1 and 7 to 9, to 44th session of Commission on Human Rights-Question of a convention on the Rights of the Child, 24 March 1988...... 480

Coopers & Lybrand Consultants. See "Australia's role in international tropical timber industry".

Copyright Act- Collecting Society (Audio-visual Copyright Society Ltd)-Report for- Period 8 January to 30 June 1990...... 783 542 1991 38 Report for 1990-91 ...... 2451 1562 1992 176 Copyright Agency Limited-Report for 1990-91 ...... 2032 1334 Declarations pursuant to paragraph 10A(1)(b)- 6 November 1989(4) ...... 75 66 23 April 1990 ...... 216 145 5 July 1991 ...... 1479 1000 24 February 1992...... 2194 1433 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 4, 5, 76 ...... 21 25 No. 301...... 304 224 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N os. 356, 357 ...... 524 427 1991-Nos. 451, 452 ...... 2009 1315 1992- N o.124...... 2314 1507 Nos. 165, 166 ...... 2651 1640

Copyright Amendment Bill 1991-Consistency with the Berne Convention-Advice by Principal Adviser, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department, 14 August 1991...... 1395

Corporate Affairs Commission. See "Company information".

Corporate practices and the rights of shareholders. See "Legal and Constitutional Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Corporate regulation in Australia-Future plan-Agreement between Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers...... 544

Corporations Act- Accounting standards-AASB- 10 10...... 1569 106 1 1017, 1024...... 2452 1568 1018 ...... 2779 1713 1024 ...... 1569 1062 1025 ...... 1463 986 1026 ...... 2009 1315 1027 ...... 3348 1964 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-Nos. 455 to 457 ...... 717 483 1991- Nos. 218, 219 ...... 1345 951 N o. 281 ...... 1524 1040 N o. 311 ...... 1626 1111 N o. 341 ...... 1741 1211 Nos. 453, 478, 479 ...... 2009 1315 1992- Nos. 230, 236 ...... 2651 1640 No. 281 ...... 2753 1695 N o. 364...... 3085 1904

Corporations and Securities-Parliamentary Joint Committee- Government response to report-Use immunity provisions in the corporations law and the Australian Securities Commission law, incorporating a dissenting report, 13 November 1991, 16 April 1992.... 2354 1527 Making legislation more intelligible and effective-Proceedings of a conference held in Parliament House, Canberra, 6 March 1992...... 2625 cclxxvi Inder to PanersPrrrc~rmtP~ri to PnrlinmPnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Reports- Annual reports of the Australian Securities Commission, the Companies and Securities Advisory Committee, the Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board and the Australian Accounting Standards Board, June 1992...... 2524 1864 1992 512 Close CorporationsAct 1989-Report, incorporating a dissenting report, December 1992...... 1970 1992 508 Privilege: Mr James Gaffey, September 1992...... 2753 1704 1992 511 Relations between the Australian Securities Commission and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions- Report, October 1992...... 2859 1768 1992 380 Evidence received by the committee (2 Vols.)...... 2859 1768 Use immunity provisions in the corporations law and the Australian Securities Commission law, incorporating a dissenting report, 13 November 1991 ...... 1738 1187 1991 483 Summary of evidence presented to the committee on the draft Corporate Law Reform Bill 1992, June 1992 ...... 2524 1864 And see "Privilege".

Corporations Legislation Amendment Act-National Companies and Securities Commission-13th report, for period 1 January to 30 June 1991. 2106 1370 1992 65 And see "National Companies and Securities Commission Act".

Corsair swinging ship ride-Documents (9) concerning Mr B.J. Pavier and applications for a tariff concession ...... 1971

COSPAS-SARSAT Program-Treaty-Text of-Letter of Notification of Association with the International COSPAS-SARSAT Program...... 1734 1213

Cost of providing television by local councils in the Electorate of M aranoa-Table...... 1189

Costs of justice-Briefing material provided by Principal Registrar of the Family Court of Australia...... 1629

Cotton Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules 1991, No. 402 ...... 1978 1301

Cotton Research and Development Corporation. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Corporation Act".

Cotton Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Act-Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation- Report for period 2 September 1991 to 30 June 1992...... 2970 1823 1992 310 Triennial strategic plan-1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95...... 2970 1823 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Council of- Australian Maritime College. See "Maritime College Act". Australian National University. See "Australian National University Act". Canberra College of Advanced Education. See "Canberra College of Advanced Education Act".

Crimes Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o . 32 ...... 2 1 2 5 Nos. 156, 227 ...... 216 145 1991- N o. 235...... 1364 951 N o. 258 ...... 1479 993 1992- N o. 9 1...... 2194 1433 N o.276...... 2753 1695

Crimes (Aviation) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992, No. 66...... 2143 1400

Crimes (Investigation of Commonwealth Offences) Amendment Bill 1990-Copies of letters from- Hon. D.W. Manzie, Attorney-General of Northern Territory, to Hon. A.S. Peacock, MP, 1 February 1991...... 505 Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister of Northern Territory, to Hon. A.S. Peacock, MP, 12 February 1991...... 505 Mr R. McAulay, Commissioner, Australian Federal Police, to Mr C. Eaton, National Secretary, Australian Federal Police Association, 16 November 1990...... 505

Crimes (Protection of Aircraft) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1991-No. 217...... 1345 951

Criminal admiralty jurisdiction and prize. See "Law Reform Commission Act".

Criminal Injuries Compensation Ordinance. See "Seat of Government (Administration) Act".

Criminal matters-Mutual assistance-Treaty-Text of-Between Australia and- Argentine Republic ...... 383 287 Finland ...... 2971 1846 Republic of Korea...... 2971 1846 Switzerland...... 2372 1541 And see "Mutual Legal Assistance". cclxxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parfiament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Criminology Research Act- Australian Institute of Criminology-Report for- 1988-89 (17th)...... 88 88 1990 84 1989-90 (18th) ...... 887 606 1991 93 1990-91 (19th)...... 2044 1334 1992 6 1991-92 (20th) ...... 3411 1972 1992 396 Criminology Research Council-Report for- 1988-89 (17th)...... 87 88 1990 83 1989-90 (18th)...... 732 493 1991 11 1990-91 (19th)...... 2044 1334 1992 7 1991-92 (20th)...... 3411 1972 1992 410 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 85 ...... 21 25

Criminology Research Council. See "Criminology Research Act".

Croatia-Copy of letter from Mr Zvonimir Separovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, to Mr Filing, MP, Secretary, Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, 28 August 1991...... 1019 Cultural, educational and scientific cooperation-Treaty- Text of-Cultural, Educational and Scientific Co-operation Agreement with Spain...... 1030 747 Currency Act- Determination-1992- N o. 1 ...... 2194 1433 N os. 6, 7 ...... 2717 1680 N o. 8 ...... 2827 1743 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 60...... 21 25 No. 300...... 304 224 No.459 ...... 717 496 1991- No.31 ...... 849 584 N o. 149 ...... 1345 951 No.307 ...... 1569 1062 N o. 350...... 1741 1211 1992- No. 64...... 2098 1378 N o. 73...... 2143 1400 Customs Act- Approval by Comptroller-General pursuant to section 4A- 5 February 1990...... 25 9 October 1990...... 376 286 19 December 1990(2)...... 717 483 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cclXXix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Instruments of approval- 1991- Nos. 2to12 ...... 1172 911 Nos. 14to 27...... 1463 981 Nos. 28, 29 ...... 1524 1040 No. 30...... 2009 1315 1992- Nos. Ito 4...... 2224 1452 Nos. 7to12 ...... 2891 1771 Nos. 13 to 34...... 2925 1791 Nos. 35to 40...... 2941 1817 Ministerial direction under section 269TA, 4 September 1990...... 340 257 Notices- 1990- No.1I...... 21 25 No. 2...... 258 173 1991-No. I...... 805 554 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 379, 380, 388, 409, 417 ...... 21 25 1990- Nos. 6, 8,39, 40 ...... 21 25 Nos. 123, 125, 131, 146 to 148, 189 to 191, 217, 220, 222, 248 .... 216 145 Nos. 264, 265...... 244 145 No. 274...... 258 173 Nos. 324, 333...... 390 297 Nos. 438, 450...... 717 483 No. 467...... 717 489 No. 460...... 717 496 1991- Nos. 23, 24, 30 ...... 849 584 Nos. 76, 77 ...... 974 708 Nos. 109, 118 ...... 1202 911 Nos. 129, 139, 140 ...... 1345 951 Nos. 228, 248 ...... 1364 951 Nos. 288 to 290 ...... 1524 1040 No. 316 ...... 1626 1111 No. 384 ...... 1839 1301 No. 413 ...... 1978 1301 1992- Nos. 49, 61 ...... 2098 1378 No. 72...... 2143 1400 Nos. 83, 103...... 2194 1433 Nos. 154, 155 ...... 2476 1612 Nos. 175, 189 ...... 2651 1640 Nos. 277, 286 ...... 2753 1695 Nos. 326, 328 ...... 2941 11817 cclxxx Index to Pane~FPrrsRnten to PnrlinmPnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 343 ...... 2977 1845 N o. 344 ...... 3085 1904 Section 233-Opinion of Chief General Counsel, Attorney-General's Department, 22 February 1991...... 1068

Customs Act and Excise Act-Instruments of approval-1992 Nos. 41, 42...... 3085 1904 Customs Administration Act-Australian Customs Service- Report for- 1989-90...... 454 366 1990 231 1990-91 ...... 1706 1173 1991 277 1991-92...... 3126 1910 1992 307 Customs offences-Treaty-Text of-Protocol amending the International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for Prevention, Investigation and Repression of Customs Offences of 9 June 1977 ...... 1030 748 Customs Service. See "Australian Customs Service".

Customs-Temporary admission-Treaties-Text of- Annex A concerning Temporary Admission Papers (ATA Carnets and CPD Carnets) to the Convention on Temporary Admission...... 2373 1543 Annex B.1. concerning Goods for Display or Use at Exhibitions, Fairs, Meetings or Similar Events to the Convention on Temporary Admission ...... 2373 1543 Convention on Temporary Admission...... 2373 1543 D

Dairy Produce Act- Australian Dairy Corporation-Report for- 1989-90...... 383 281 1990 232 1990-91...... 1757 1205 1991 315 1991-92...... 2997 1836 1992 318 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- No. 384 ...... 545 467 Nos. 424, 433 ...... 717 483

Dairy Produce Levy (No. 1) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 50 ...... 21 25 N o. 111 ...... 205 134 1991-No. 100...... 1057 770 1992- No. 143 ...... 2476 1612 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. 173, 246 ...... 2652 1640

Dairy Research and Development Corporation. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Dairy Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Dairy Research Council. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Darwin-Commemoration of 50th anniversary of bombing-Copies of- Australia's Frontline: The Northern Territory's War...... 2022 Background papers and speeches (18)...... 2022 Darwin's Air War: 1942-1945-An Illustrated History...... 2022 Lest We Forget: 1992-The Northern Territory's War Service Commemorative Year...... 2022 Signs of History: A photographic collection of the World War II historic sites signs in the Northern Territory, 1992 ...... 2022 Trails of History: World War II Historic Sites...... 2022

Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act- Guidelines under subsection 12(2), 27 September 1991...... 1543 1040 Reports- Commissioner of Taxation- October 1991 ...... 1624 1101 1991 271 October 1992...... 2939 1797 1992 304 Department of Employment, Education and Training- October 1991 ...... 1624 1101 1991 278 October 1992...... 2939 1797 1992 325 Department of Health, Housing and Community Services- October 1991 ...... 1733 1205 1991 316 O ctober 1992...... 2939 1797 1992 292 Department of Social Security and Data-matching Agency- October 1991 ...... 1624 1101 1991 272 October 1992...... 2923 1784 1992 294 Department of Veterans' Affairs- October 1991 ...... 1624 1101 1991 289 October 1992...... 2939 1784 1992 327

Data-matching Program progress report for the Department of Social Security and the Data-Matching Agency- Ministerial statement, 15 October 1992 ...... 2923 1784 And see "Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act". cclxxxii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Dead rent and other burning issues: Review of Auditor-General's report on aspects of Department of Administrative Services. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Death penalty-Treaty-Text of-Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on civil and political rights aiming at the abolition of the death penalty...... 385 288

Debt hurdle, net export growth of 334% over a five year period, 1970-71 to 1989-90-Graph ...... 154 Defence- Costing of 1992 Opposition defence policy, and attachment ...... 3269 Force structure review. See "Department of Defence". Ready reserve program. See "Department of Defence". Report for- 1989-90...... 375 271 1990 239 1990-91 ...... 1706 1181 1991 339 1991-92...... 3381 1945 1992 438 Treaties-Text of- Defence Logistics Support Agreement with New Zealand ...... 1030 747 Defence Research and Technology Agreement with France...... 1029 747 And see- "Asbestos in Defence" "Audit Act" "Australian Defence Force ready reserve service" "Australia's strategic planning in the 1990s" "Defence force and the Community" "Department of Defence" "North West Cape Naval Communications Station". Defence Act- Army and Air Force Canteen Service Regulations-Army and Air Force Canteen Service Board of Management-Report for period- 31 January 1989 to 29 January 1990...... 233 153 1990 128 30 January 1990 to 28 January 1991...... 1463 978 1991 210 29 January 1991 to 27 January 1992...... 2569 1571 1992 172 Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal-Determinations- 1989-Nos. 16, 17 ...... 25 1990- N os. 1, 2 ...... 23 25 Nos. 3 to 7 ...... 216 145 Nos. 8, 9 ...... 304 224 Nos. 10 to 14 ...... 474 400 N os. 15, 16 ...... 717 496 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclXXXiii Presented Printed Paper ournal VA&P. Year Paper "Page Page No.

1991- Nos. Ito3 ...... 892 610 Nos. 4to 7...... 1418 963 Nos. 8,9...... 1524 1035 No. 10...... 1570 1062 No.1II...... 1588 1080 1992- Nos. 1,2...... 2009 1315 Nos. 3to 5...... 2314 1507 Nos. 6to 8...... 2625 1612 Nos. 9,10 ...... 2652 1640 Nos. 11, 12 ...... 3000 1845 No. 13...... 3191 1964 Determination under section 52- 1990- No.1I...... 216 173 No. 2...... 326 238 1991- No.1I...... 892 610 No.2 ...... 1570 1049 1992- No. I ...... 2009 1315 No.2 ...... 2194 1433 No. 3 ...... 2652 1640 Determinations under section 58B- 1989- Nos. 172, 192 to 194, 196 and 197, 199...... 21 26 Nos. 202, 204 to 211 ...... 22 26 1990- Nos.1Ito 23 ...... 22 26 Nos. 24to 41...... 22 27 Nos. 42 to62, 65 ...... 23 27 Nos. 63, 64, 68, 72, 75, 76, 79...... 145 125 No. 66...... 61 27 Nos. 67, 69, 77...... 97 99 Nos. 70and 71,73 ...... 69 58 Nos. 74, 78, 80 to 90, 92, 93 ...... 216 145 Nos. 91, 111, 119...... 318 224 Nos. 94to 102...... 217 145 Nos.103 to110, 112,113...... 217 146 Nos. 114 and11, 120, 123 to 127, 130 to 135, 137, 139 ...... 304 224 Nos. 116, 118, 121 and 122, 128 and 129...... 282 190 Nos. 117, 136, 144, 152, 154 ...... 401 307 No. 138...... 350 257 Nos. 140, 143, 146, 151, 158, 161, 170...... 474 400 No. 141...... 350 258 cclxxxiv cclxxxivIndex to Papers Pres~ented to Paliament Presented Printed Paper jourals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. 142, 167 to 173...... 545 467 Nos. 145 and 147...... 376 286 No. 148...... 350 258 Nos. 149, 150, 153, 160, 162 ...... 410 320 Nos. 155, 176 to 179, 182 to 185 ...... 646 467 Nos. 156, 159, 163, 174 and 175...... 511 400 Nos. 157, 165 and 166 ...... 489 400 Nos. 164, 169, 180 and 181, 186 and 187, 189...... 717 483 No. 188...... 717 489 Nos.190 andl191...... 842 573 199 1- Nos. I to 6 ...... 842 573 Nos. 7, 10 ...... 864 591 Nos. 8,11,13 and14, 36 and 37...... 974 708 No.9 ...... 1154 859 Nos. 12, 15 to21, 24to35 ...... 892 610 Nos. 22 and 23...... 932 633 Nos. 38 and 39...... 988 708 No. 40...... 1345 951 No. 41...... 1057 770 Nos. 42, 43, 48, 49...... 1057 771 Nos. 44 and 45 ...... 1154 859 Nos. 46 and 47 ...... 1230 911 No. 50...... 1230 911 No. 51 ...... 1154 859 Nos. 52 to 60, 62 to 64, 66 to 69, 71 to 74, 76, 77, 80 to 82 ...... 1345 952 Nos. 61, 65 ...... 1280 931 Nos. 70, 79, 85, 87...... 1452 981 Nos. 75, 83 and 84 ...... 1418 963 Nos. 86 and 90 ...... 1479 993 Nos. 88, 91 and 92 ...... 1524 1040 Nos. 89, 95, 97, 100, 101 ...... 1570 1062 Nos. 93, 98 ...... 1588 1062 Nos. 94, 96,102, 103, 104...... 1626 1111 Nos. 98, 106, 108 ...... 1638 1118 Nos. 78, 107, 109...... 1680 1169 No. 105 ...... 1741 1211 Nos.l110and111,113 to11, 117 ...... 1811 1301 Nos. 112, 116...... 1892 1301 Nos. 99, 118, 119...... 1952 1301 Nos. 120Oto 125 ...... 2009 1315 1992- Nos.lIto 3...... 2009 1315 Nos. 4 and 5 ...... 2044 1339 Nos. 6and7 ...... 2054 1350 Nos. 9andl1O...... 2098 1378 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cclXXXV Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 12...... 2168 1414 Nos. 8,11,l13, 15...... 2194 1433 No. 14...... 2286 1465 Nos. 16 and 17...... 2238 1456 Nos. 18to 24...... 2314 1507 No. 25...... 2476 1612 Nos. 26, 27, 28...... 2452 1612 Nos. 29 to 39...... 2652 1640 Nos. 40 and 41...... 2717 1680 Nos. 42 and 43...... 2765 1707 Nos. 44 to46...... 2827 1743 Nos. 47, 49 and 5 ...... 2941 1817 No. 48...... 2879 1764 No. 51...... 2891 1764 Nos. 52 and 53...... 3085 1905 No. 54...... 3234 1964 No. 55...... 3348 1964 Nos. 56 and 57...... 3304 1964 No. 58...... 3397 1964 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 42...... 23 27 Nos. 92 and 93 ...... 205 134 No. 286...... 276 190 Nos. 375, 378...... 545 467 1991- No. 131 ...... 1345 952 No. 245 ...... 1364 952

Defence Act, Naval Defence Act and Air Force Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 10, 11 ...... 23 27 No.207...... 217 146 No. 296...... 304 225 1991-No. 283...... 1524 1040

Defence Communications-Corporate plan, 1991-2001...... 1081 798

Defence force and the community- A partnership in Australia's defence-Report to Minister for Defence by Mr A.K. Wrigley, June 1990...... 268 170 Report of Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) on Wrigley Review, May 1991 ...... 1081 798 cclxxxvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Defence Force Discipline Act- Judge Advocate General-Report for- 1989...... 396 302 1990 249 1990 ...... 2123 1391 1992 57 1991 ...... 2850 1745 1992 238 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 208 ...... 217 146 1992-No. 314 ...... 2941 1817

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 130...... 1345 952 1992-No. 237 ...... 2652 1641

Defence Force Ombudsman. See "Ombudsman Act".

Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act- Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Authority-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 643 436 1990 402 1990-91...... 1890 1268 199 1 317 1991-92 ...... 3381 1943 1992 421 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 12 ...... 23 27 1991-No. 133 ...... 1345 952

Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme Review Committee (Chairman: Sir William Cole)-Report, June 1990...... 268 175

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules 1992, No. 93 ...... 2194 1433

Defence Housing Authority Act- Defence Housing Authority-Report for- 1988-89...... 50 35 1990 76 1989-90 ...... 516 404 1990 322 1990-91 ...... 1946 1268 1991 322 1991-92...... 3082 1890 1992 295 Statements pursuant to- Paragraph 10(3)(a) relating to a joint venture between Defence Housing Authority and- Civic Constructions (Aust.) Pty Limited, entered into on 29 June 1990, for development of land at Randwick, NSW...... 300 197 Delfin Property Group Limited entered into on 19 August 1991, for the rehabilitation and refurbishment of the Holsworthy Village and Anzac Village localities and the sale of properties within these localities...... 1524 1040 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Macleod Properties Pty Limited and Pioneer Property Group Limited, entered into on 1 October 1991, for the development of land at Macleod, Victoria...... 1524 1040 Subsection 10 ...... 2941 1817

Defence into the 21st century-Ministerial statement...... 798

Defence pilot training-Copies of extracts of articles (7), 1991...... 1618

Defence Science and Technology Organisation-Commercial Activities Trust Account. See- "Acts Interpretation Act" "Audit Act".

Defence service homes-Second supplementary agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and Westpac Banking Corporation, 4 N ovem ber 1992...... 1828

Defence Service Homes Act-Guidelines, pursuant to subsections 18(5C), 20(4), 21(3) and 23(6) relating to financial hardship and serious financial hardship, approved by Minister, 21 January 1991 ...... 779 552

Delegated legislation. See "Australian Delegated Legislation Committees".

Denmark. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Department of Aboriginal Affairs-Report for period 1 July 1989 to 4 M arch 1990 ...... 502 394 1990 323

Department of Administrative Services- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 517 416 1990 383 1990-91 ...... 1899 1270 1991 313 1991-92- Volume 1-Program reports and appendixes...... 3247 1945 1992 495 Volume 2-Financial statements...... 3247 1945 1992 496 And see- "Audit Act". "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Department of Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories- Report for 1991-92 ...... 3381 1945 1992 416

Department of Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 507 395 1990 324 1990-91 ...... 1810 1231 1991 354 cclxxxviii Index to Pi ers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

And see- "Audit Act" "Australia's role in international tropical timber industry" "Community Cultural, Recreation and Sporting Facilities Program 1991-92" "Department of Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories".

Department of Community Services and Health- Home and Community Care Program. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee". Report and a report on administration and operation of First Home Owners Act and information on transfer of nursing education pursuant to States Grants (Nurse Education Transfer Assistance) Act, for 1989-90 ...... 397 292 1990 238 And see- "Audit Act" "Department of Health, Housing and Community Services".

Department of Defence- Australian controls on the export of defence and related goods: Guidelines for exporters, March 1992 ...... 2152 1403 Australia's Army Reserve. See "Audit Act". Explosives Factory Maribyrnong. See" Audit Act". Factories and dockyards. See "Audit Act". Homosexual behaviour in the Australian Defence Force- Instruction, 26 September 1986...... 2493 RAAF-Copy of summaries of inquiries into accidents at East Sale, Williamtown, Pearce, Tindal and Edinburgh, 20 May 1992...... 2404 Reports to Minister, May 1991- Force structure review ...... 1081 798 Ready reserve program ...... 1081 798 Schedule of special purpose flights for period- 1 January 1988 to 28 December 1989...... 286 195 4 January to 30 June 1990 including supplementary schedules for 1988-89...... 678 471 1 July to 31 Decem ber 1990 ...... 1192 885 1 January to 30 June 1991 ...... 1946 1268 1 July to 31 December 1991 ...... 2569 1571 1 January to 30 June 1992...... 3267 1943 Special purpose aircraft-Use of-Revised guidelines-Copies of- Principles...... 433 Explanatory notes...... 433 Unacceptable sexual behaviour by members of the Australian Defence Force-Draft Defence Instruction (general) ...... 2493 And see-

.1. _____ 1 _____ i _____ J _____ Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cclxxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"Australia's strategic planning in the 1990s" "Defence" "Royal Australian Air Force Boeing accident inquiry".

Department of Employment, Education and Training- Annual report-Explanatory paper by the Minister for Employment, Education and Training...... 1945 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 383 282 1990 240 1990-91 ...... 1774 1220 1991 323 1991-92 ...... 3412 1945 1992 434 Review 1991-92 ...... 3083 1898 1992 305 And see- "Audit Act". "AUSTUDY" "Education exports industry" "Employment, Education and Training Act" "Girls in schools 3" "Girls in schools 4" "Jobs, Education and Training" "Overseas student program" "Road to Olympus?" "Women and TAFE: A national plan of action" "World Wing Chun Kung Fu Organisation and enrolment of overseas students".

Department of Finance- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 474 381 1990 325 1990-91 ...... 1733 1181 1991 328 1991-92 ...... 2939 1797 1992 298 Supplementary financial statements for 1991-92...... 2939 1797 1992 299 And see- "Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Act" "Public Accounts Committee Act".

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 585 437 1990 409 1990-91 ...... 1967 1270 1991 329 1991-92 ...... 3412 1974 1992 431 And see- "Audit Act" "Australia and North-East Asia in the 1990s-Accelerating change" "Burke, Mr Brian" "East Asia Analytical Unit" ccxc Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"Overseas student program" "Sexual harassment".

Department of Health, Housing and Community Services-Report, including a report on the administration and operation of the First Home Owners Act and information on the transfer of nursing education pursuant to the States Grants (Nurse Education Transfer Assistance) Act and on the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service and the Therapeutic Goods Administration pursuant to the Audit Act, for- 1990-91...... 1757 1205 1991 333 1991-92 ...... 3083 1898 1992 319 And see "Jobs, Education and Training".

Department of House of Representatives- Corporate Plan-1991-93...... 1204 Report for- 1989-90...... 169 1990 149 1990-91 ...... 1010 1991 242 1991-92...... 1677 1992 209

Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs- Report, a report on Adult Migrant Education Program pursuant to Immigration (Education) Act and a return pursuant to Australian Citizenship Act for- 1989-90 ...... 375 271 1990 241 1990-91 ...... 1706 1173 1991 284 1991-92 ...... 3126 1910 1992 297 Resignation of Mr A.C. Harris, extract from signed document, 22 M ay 1990...... 146 And see "Regulations and Ordinances-Senate Standing Committee". Department of Industrial Relations- Report, a report pursuant to Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act and a report on operation of Part V of Industrial Relations Act, for- 1988-89-Corrigendum ...... 74 61 1989 344 1989-90...... 455 381 1990 326 Report, incorporating a report on the operation of Part V of the Industrial Relations Act, for 1990-91 ...... 1757 1220 1991 334 Report, incorporating a report on the operation of Part V of the Industrial Relations Act and an interim report of the Construction Industry Development Agency, for 1991-92 ...... 3267 1945 1992 435 And see "Workplace bargaining: The first 100 agreements".

Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce-Report for- 1989-90...... 517 417 1990 382 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccxci Presented Printed Paper journals VA&P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

1990-91 ...... 1810 1270 1991 331 1991-92...... 3301 1945 1992 428 And see "Small Business in Australia".

Department of Parliamentary Library- Draft report-]1989-90...... 256 169 Report for- 1989-90...... 487 392 1990 327 1990-91 ...... 1762 1220 1991 341 1991-92 ...... 3395 1947 1992 417

Department of Parliamentary Reporting Staff-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 692 434 1991 13 1990-91 ...... 1737 1204 1991 340 1991-92...... 3395 1947 1992 418

Department of Primary Industries and Energy-Report for- 1988-89-Corrigendum (Auditor-General's Report) ...... 101 88 1989 343 1989-90 ...... 517 404 1990 328 1990-91 ...... 1774 1220 1991 332 1991-92...... 3247 1920 1992 415 And see "Innovative agricultural marketing program".

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 225 153 1990 127 1990-91 ...... 1404 936 1991 192 1991-92...... 2691 1655 1992 231 And see "Access and equity evaluation report 1992".

Department of Senate-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 240 1990 140 1990-91 ...... 1392 1991 459 1990-9 1 Addendum...... 1450 1991-92...... 2715 1992 205 And see- "Estimates-Reports" "Program Performance Statements".

Department of Social Security- Computer network-Copy of extract of draft specifications for sections 6, 7, 8 and 13, together with attachment...... 316 Performance standards 1992-93 ...... 2970 1823 Report for- 1989-90...... 566 437 1990 408 1990-91 ...... 1947 1270 1991 355 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920 1992 433 And see- ccxcii Index to Paners Presented to Pnr~inmPaf Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"Audit Act" "Client service delivery in the Department of Social Security" "Family Allowance Supplement" "Jobs, Education and Training" "Rent assistance reform 1989-90: Housing affordability" "Social security".

Department of Tourism-Report for period 27 December 1991 to 30 June 1992...... 3382 1945 1992 424

Department of Transport and Communications-Reports- Investigation into search and rescue incident for yacht Rockin Robin, 8-11 June 1990- Report, October 1990...... 374 271 Statement by Minister for Shipping and Aviation Support ...... 374 271 Investigation into the loss of the bow section of the Greek registered motor tanker Kirki, the subsequent fire, evacuation of the crew and salvage operation from 20 July 1991 to 23 August 1991 (Report No. 33) ...... 2192 1420 Report for- 1989-90...... 532 417 1990 410 1990-91 ...... 1810 1231 1991 327 1991-92...... 3126 1920 1992 423 And see "Microeconomic reform in transport and telecommunications".

Department of Treasury-Report for- 1989-90...... 409 302 1990 242 1990-91 ...... 1967 1270 1991 330 1991-92...... 3247 1920 1992 448 And see "Tax expenditures statement".

Department of Veterans' Affairs. See- "Audit Act" "Veterans' Entitlements Act and Public Service Act".

Departmental administrative activities. See "Audit Act".

Departmental annual reports-Guidelines for preparation. See "Public Service Act".

Design of proposed new $5 note-Copy of letter from Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia, to the Speaker in response to the resolution agreed to by the House on 25 June 1992...... 1633

Designs Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 29 ...... 23 27 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament CCXC1II Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. 239, 240 ...... 217 146 1991- N o . 65 ...... 9 74 70 8 N o. 45...... 2009 1315 1992-N o.149 ...... 2476 1612

Development cooperation-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia and- India ...... 385 288 Pakistan ...... 1734 1213 Papua New Guinea (Amendment)...... 2971 1846

Development of Canberra-Senate Select Committee- Copies of letters from- Paul Reid, Professor of Architecture, University of New South Wales to President of the Senate, 12 May 1992...... 2337 President of the Senate to Professor Paul Reid, 20 May 1992...... 2337

Development of Senior Executive Service. See "Finance and Public Administration-Senate Standing Committee".

Digital chart of the world-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia and the United States of America concerning Cooperative Development of the Digital Chart of the World...... 384 288

Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act- Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Regulations- Certificates issued 16 January and 29 April 1992...... 2355 1524 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992- N os. 7, 41 ...... 2009 1315 N o. 118...... 2314 1507

Director of Public Prosecutions Act- Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 613 436 1990 403 1990-91 ...... 1947 1268 1991 449 1991-92 ...... 3411 1972 1992 422 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-Nos. 155, 253 ...... 217 146 1992-N o. 371 ...... 3304 1964 And see "Australian Securities Commission Act and Director of Public Prosecutions Act".

Directorship of 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd and declaration of pecuniary interests-Copy of letter from Minister for Transport and Communications, to the Prime Minister, 29 April 1992, together with attachments (2)...... 1438 ccxciv Index to Pi ers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper _Page Page No.

And see "2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd".

Disability Services Act- Determination-1992 No. DSA 1 ...... 2879 1764 Guidelines- No. DSA 92/2...... 3000 1861 No. DSRP 1/1992...... 3030 1883

Disclosure of in camera evidence. See "Procedure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Dissolution of the House of Representatives. See "Proclamations dissolving the House of Representatives".

Distillation Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 219...... 217 146

Dried Fruits Export Charges Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990, No. 278 ...... 258 173

Dried Fruits Levy Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990- N o. 336 ...... 390 297 N o. 366 ...... 524 427

Dried Fruits Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Dried Vine Fruits Equalization Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 236...... 1364 952

Dried Vine Fruits Equalization Levy Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 213 ...... 217 146

Drought Policy Review Task Force- Final report (P. McInnes)- Volume 1-National drought policy ...... 225 137 Volume 2-Managing for drought ...... 225 137 Volume 3-Annexes...... 225 137 Paper by Minister for Primary Industries and Energy...... 447 323 And see "Rural and Regional Affairs-Senate Standing Committee".

Drug policy: Must we choose between harm minimisation or abstinence-Paper by Dr M. Luger...... 450

Drug trafficking-Treaty-Text of Agreement with Hong Kong concerning Investigation and Confiscation of Proceeds of Drug Trafficking, done at Hong Kong on 22 April 1991...... 1029 746

Drug trial-Comments by Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs-Copies of letters, 9 May 1990 from- Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament ccxcv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Mr Hawke, Prime Minister to Mr Duffy, Attorney-General ...... 35 M r Duffy to M r Hawke...... 35 Drugs in sport- Australian Sports Commission-Funding of powerlifting organisations-Background paper ...... 371 Copy of letters from- Acting General Manager, Australian Athletics Union to Secretary, Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts...... 448 Chairman, Australian Sports Commission, to Minister for Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories, 7 August 1989, including a summary of Commission's actions resulting from Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts inquiry into drugs in sport, 30 November 1989...... 143 Minister for Arts, Sport the Environment, Tourism and Territories, to Chairman, Australian Sports Commission, 24 N ovem ber 1989...... 144 M r Zammataro to M r Tunstall...... 434 President, Athletics Australia Inc, to Senator Crichton-Browne...... 448 Secretary General, Amateur Boxing Union of Australia to- M r Zam m ataro ...... 434 Secretary, Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts...... 434 Secretary, Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts, to Secretary General, Amateur Boxing Union of Australia...... 434 Senator Crichton-Browne to President, Athletics Australia Inc...... 448 Datacol-Research report prepared for Australian Sports Drug Agency on community attitudes to drugs in sport, June 1990 ...... 325 Martin Vinnicombe-Copy of letter from President, League of New South Wales Wheelmen to Senator Baume, 27 April 1992...... 2190 And see "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-Senate Standing Committee". E

East Asia Analytical Unit-Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Austrade-Reports- Australia and North-East Asia in the 1990s: Accelerating change ...... 2005 1309 Australia's Business Challenge: South-East Asia in the 1990s...... 3266 1943 G rain in C hina...... 3411 1972 Korea to the year 2000: Implications for Australia...... 3411 1972 Southern China in transition: The new regionalism and Australia...... 3411 1972 ccxcvi Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Ecologically sustainable development working groups- Chairs reports on- Greenhouse...... 2020 1310 1992 46 Intersectoral issues...... 2020 1310 1992 47 Final reports-November 1991- Agriculture...... 1809 1268 Energy production ...... 1809 1268 Energy use ...... 1809 1268 Executive summaries...... 1809 1268 1992 48 Fisheries...... 1809 1268 Forest use...... 1809 1268 M anufacturing ...... 1809 1268 M ining ...... 1809 1268 Tourism ...... 1809 1268 T ransport...... 1809 1268 Paper accompanying final ecologically sustainable development sectoral reports, 2 December 1991 ...... 1809 1268

Economic cooperation-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia and Thailand ...... 385 288

Economic development-Transcript of interview of Senator Button on Walsh Report, 13 May 1990...... 75

Economic growth in Australia, 1986 to 1991-Statistical notes ...... 733

Economic Planning Advisory Council Act-Economic Planning Advisory Council-Report for- 1989-90...... 374 271 1990 243 1990-91...... 1967 1268 1991 320 1991-92 ...... 3082 1897 1992 296 Economy and employment-Statement by Prime Minister, 14 November 1991 ...... 1185 Education. See- "Australian Education Council" "Education and Training-Long-term funding requirements" "Education exports industry-Regulation" "Employment, Education and Training Act" "Overseas student program" "States Grants (EducationAssistance-Participation and Equity) Act 1983" "States Grants (Nurse Education Transfer Assistance) Act".

4. _____ 1 ______4 _____ Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxcvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Education exports industry-Regulation-Copy of minute from Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment, Education and Training, to. Minister for Employment, Education and Training, 8 April 1991 ...... 641

Education funding-Country Areas Program-Copy of letter from NSW Parliamentary Secretary to Mrs Best, 27 June 1991...... 1517

Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 364...... 1839 1301 1992-No. 168...... 2652 1641

Educational and cultural exchange-Treaty-Text of Amendment of Article 5 of the Agreement with the United States of America for the Financing of Certain Educational and Cultural Exchange Programmes...... 2372 1542

Efficiency audits-Independent auditor's report on Australian National Audit Office. See "Audit Act".

Efficiency of interstate transport arrangements. See "Inter-State Commission Act".

Egg Industry Research and Development Council Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Egg Industry Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Election advertising-"Negative scare tactics winning formula in Territory election"-Copy of article from the Adelaide Advertiser by Adele Ferguson ...... 1840

Election campaigning-7.30 Report-Transcript of extract of program of 22 February 1990...... 1039

Election funding and financial disclosure. See "Commonwealth Electoral Act".

Elections 1987 and 1990. See- "Australian Electoral Commission" "Commonwealth Electoral Act" "Electoral Matters-Joint Standing Committee".

Electoral Matters-Joint Standing Committee- Government responses to reports- Aboriginal and Islander Electoral Information Service, 5 September 1991 ...... 3252 1943 ccXcvIIi Index to PaDers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Inquiry into ACT election and electoral system, November 1989...... 276 188 Inquiry into conduct of 1987 federal election and 1988 referendums, 1989...... 1376 936 No. 3-Inquiry into the conduct of the 1987 Federal election and 1988 referendums, May 1989...... 2223 1453 1990 federal election, 20 December 1990...... 3252 1943 Reports- Aboriginal and Islander Electoral Information Service- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 5 September 1991 ...... 1524 1053 1991 230 M inutes of proceedings ...... 1524 1053 Video recording ...... 1524 1053 Counting the vote on election night: Conduct of the 1990 federal election Part II and preparations for the next federal election- Interim report, November 1992...... 3085 1899 1992 501 Evidence received by the committee (2 Vols.)...... 3085 1899 1990 federal election- Report, 20 December 1990...... 688 433 1990 422 M inutes of proceedings ...... 688 433 Ready or not: Refining the process for election '93- Conduct of the 1990 federal election, Part II, and preparations for the next federal election- Report, December 1992...... 1969 1992 500 Statement by Chairm an...... 1969 The conduct of elections: New boundaries for cooperation- Report, September 1992...... 2740 1691 1992 203 Submissions (6 Vols.)...... 2740 Transcript of evidence (8 Vols.) ...... 2740

Electronic voting-April 1990...... 18

Employment and Skills Formation Council. See "Employment, Education and Training Act".

Employment, Education and Training- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to report- An apple for the teacher?: Choice and technology in learning...... 867 Postgraduate awards: Review of Auditor-General's Report No. 6 1989-90...... 416 Skills training for the 21st century ...... 1619 Student financial assistance...... 1360 The restless years: An inquiry into Year 12 retention rates...... 766 Words at work: Literacy needs in the workplace ...... 1619 Work in progress: Award restructuring and industry training ...... 436 Reports- Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccxcix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.AP. Year Paper Page Page No.

Skills training for the 21 st century- Report, 18 December 1991 ...... 1258 1991 306 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1258 Copy of letter from Minister for Employment, Education and Training, to Chairman, relating to the delay in the Government's response ...... 1346 Student financial assistance- Report, March 1991...... 624 1991 53 Minutes of proceedings ...... 624 Words at work: Literacy needs in the workplace- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 7 March 1991...... 594 1991 45 Minutes of proceedings ...... 594 Senate Standing Committee- Government response to report- Active citizenship revisited, December 1991...... 1924 Come in Cinderella: The Emergence of Adult and Community Education, August 1992...... 2697 Examination of annual reports, No. 2 of 1991, December 1991 ... 2301 John Curtin School of Medical Research, 21 October 1992...... 2976 Priorities for reform in higher education, November 1990...... 458 President's response to report-Active citizenship revisited ...... 1452 Reports- Active citizenship revisited-

Report, March 1991...... 871 .. 1991 54 Letter from Minister for Employment, Education and Training to Chairman of Committee relating to Government response to report, 30 May 1991 ...... 1158 Australian National Training Authority Bill 1992-

Report, December 1992 ...... 3305 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (I vol)...... 3305 Come in Cinderella: The Emergence of Adult and Community Education-

Report, November 1991...... 1759 .. 1991 473 Transcript of evidence (14 Vols.) ...... 1759 Education Services (Export Regulation) Bill 1990- Volume I-Report, May 1991...... 978 1991 471 Volume 2-Submissions received by committee ...... 978 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 978 Examination of annual reports- May 1990 ...... 136 1990 88 No. 2 of 1990, December 1990 ...... 687 1990 443 No.1Iof 1991, September 1991 ...... 1470 1991 475 No. 2of 1991, Decemberl1991 ...... 1971 1991 475 No.1Iof 1992, June 1992...... 2586 1992 543 No. 2 of 1992, December 1992 ...... 3348 1992 545 ccc Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1992- Vol. 1-Report, June 1992...... 2454 .. 1992 520 Vols. 2-4-Submissions ...... 2454 Vol. 5-Documents tabled at public hearing...... 2454 John Curtin School of Medical Research- Report, April 1992 ...... 2221 .. 1992 195 Submissions (4 Vols.)...... 2221 Transcript of evidence (4 Vols.) ...... 2221 Operation of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registrationof Providers and FinancialRegulation) Act 1991 (ESOS Act)- Report, December 1992 ...... 3168 .. 1992 529 Submissions (1 Vol.) ...... 3168 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3168 Priorities for reform in higher education- Report, June 1990...... 227 .. 1990 125 Transcript of evidence (7 Vols.) ...... 228 Trade Practices Act-Sections 45D and 45E-Copies of- Extract from Herald Sun (page 25)-Parties "Plan to Aid Unions", 14 October 1992 ...... 2961 Media release by Senator Bell-Senate inquiry into Trade Practices Act, 12 October 1992...... 2961 Wanted: Our future-Implications of sustained high levels of unemployment among young people (15-24 years old)- Report, December 1992 ...... 3383 .. 1992 524 Submissions (8 Vols.)...... 3383 Transcript of evidence (9 Vols.) ...... 3383 Employment, Education and Training Act- Australian Research Council-Report- Grants and fellowships awarded in- 1990...... 516 404 1990 317 1991 ...... 1462 978 1991 214 1992...... 3126 1910 Introduction and summary tables ...... 3126 1910 Declaration-1990-T5-Higher Education Institutions...... 23 28 Guidelines pursuant to subsection 8(1), in relation to performance of functions of National Board of Employment, Education and Training, May 1991 ...... 1239 886 National Board of Employment, Education and Training- Reports- Assistance for disadvantaged jobseekers, November 1991 ...... 1773 1220 Country areas program, May 1990...... 100 88 Credit transfer and related issues: First annual report of the Board, November 1992 ...... 3082 1890 Employment, education and training opportunities for Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccci Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

prisoners and ex-prisoners, December 1992 ...... 3326 1944 Post-compulsory education and training: Fitting the need, November 1992...... 3247 1944 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 383 281 1990 1990-91 ...... 1634 1101 1991 199 1-92 ...... 3126 1910 1992 Response to Review of Institute of Advanced Studies, A pril 1991 ...... 931 637 Research infrastructure in higher education, December 1992 ...... 3326 1944 Strategies for credit transfer, December 1990...... 660 436 Strengthening careers education in schools, March 1991 ...... 859 585 The shape of teacher education: Some proposals, December 1990... 660 436 Toward a national education and training strategy for rural Australians, June 1991 ...... 1463 983 Australian Research and Higher Education Councils, including the Board's comments- Transfer of operating grant funds to competitive schemes after 1991, M ay 1990 ...... 100 88 Australian Research Council, including the Board's comments- Advice on the small grants scheme, May 1992 ...... 2690 1655 Commercialisation of research, September 1992...... 2809 1710 Expanding the research base in private industry and improving interaction in research across sectors-Developments since 1988, October 1992...... 2877 1758 External review of Waite Agricultural Research Institute-Commissioned Report No. 3, July 1990...... 268 175 Internationalisation of research and research training in higher education, November 1992 ...... 3082 1898 Postgraduate awards for Bond University students, November 1991 ...... 1773 1220 Proposal to build a gravitational wave observatory in Australia, M ay 1991 ...... 1170 886 Research infrastructure: Report of the joint ARC-HEC- DEET working party, August 1992...... 2690 11655 Response to the review of the special research centres program and the key centres of teaching and research program, June 1992...... 2608 1619 Reviews of grants outcomes- No. 2-British and European history, 1983-1987, October 1992 ...... 3280 1943 No. 3-Australian history 1981-1985, October 1992...... 3280 1943 No. 4-Igneous and metamorphic petrology and geochemistry 1986-1990, October 1992...... 3280 1943 cccii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 5-Genetics and evolution 1986-1990, October 1992 ...... 3280 1943 Support for postgraduate research awards in the 1993-95 triennium: Interim advice, October 1992...... 2850 1745 Employment and Skills Formation Council, including the Board's comments- Change and growth-TAFE to 2001, December 1992...... 3301 1943 Commonwealth Employment Service (CES) Advisory Committee arrangements at State/Local level, May 1990 .. 100 88 Commonwealth priorities for TAFE Resource Agreements in 1991, September 1990...... 268 176 Industry training advisory bodies...... 339 251 Industry training advisory bodies, December 1992 ...... 3247 1944 Management training provision in Australia: An issues paper, November 1991...... 1899 1268 Overseas mission on management training, education and development, M ay 1990...... 100 88 Strategies to improve quality of trainer training, Septem ber 1990...... 268 176 TAFE in the 1990s: Developing Australia's skills- Discussion paper ...... 1463 978 TAFE Resource Agreements for 1989 and their role in supporting Commonwealth priorities, September 1990...... 268 176 TAFE resource agreements for 1990 and their role in supporting Commonwealth priorities, November 1991.. 1810 1231 The Australian vocational certificate training system, March 1992...... 2097 1370 Towards an active labour market policy, May 1990 ...... 100 88 Training for small business, September 1990...... 268 176 Higher Education Council, including the Board's comments- Advice on fee-paying postgraduate courses, March 1992 ...... 2192 1420 Advice on funds allocated to higher education institutions, April 1992 ...... 2608 1619 Distance education in Australia, December 1992 ...... 3280 1944 Equity in higher education, September 1990...... 268 176 Funding principles: Allocation of funds to higher education institutions- 1990-92 Triennium, May 1990...... 100 88 1991-93 Triennium, February 1991 ...... 811 553 Future of discipline assessments, April 1991...... 917 626 Higher education: Achieving quality, October 1992...... 2998 1852 Higher education courses and graduate studies, September 1990...... 286 191 Higher education planning for 1991-93 funding Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccciii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

triennium, December 1990...... 531 416 Higher education: the challenges ahead, December 1990 .... 531 416 Minimum fees for postgraduate courses, August 1992 ...... 2691 1655 Operation of section 14 of Higher Education Funding Act 1988 and the Higher Education Contribution Scheme- 3rd report, May 1990...... 100 88 4th report ...... 473 381 5th report, April 1991...... 971 694 6th report, March 1992...... 2192 1420 Overenrolments and overcrowding in higher education institutions, September 1991...... 1551 1047 Planning for the 1993-95 Triennium: Preliminary advice, September 1992...... 2726 1678 Planning for 1994 and funding principles for the allocation of funds to higher education institutions for the 1992-94 triennium, December 1991 ...... 1947 1268 Postgraduate course fee guidelines, September 1991 ...... 1470 991 Response to the Report of the Discipline Review of Computing Studies and Information Sciences Education, October 1992 ...... 2939 1797 Schools Council, including the Board's comments- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education in the early years, July 1992...... 3082 1890 Australia's teachers: An agenda for the next decade, December 1990 ...... 542 436 Issues arising from Australia's teachers: An agenda for the next decade-Assuring the quality of teachers' work- Report, June 1992 ...... 2570 1571 Government response ...... 2570 1571 Resource agreements for schools, August 1991...... 1463 978 Response to discussion paper- Commonwealth funding arrangements for government and non-government schools after 1992, May 1990 ...... 100 88 Review of the Commonwealth Capital Grants Program for non-Government Schools, June 1992 ...... 2608 1620 Response to the report of the Taskforce on a Broadbanded Equity Program, November 1992...... 2998 1837 National Board of Employment, Education and Training and Department of Employment, Education and Training- Report-Careers advisory services in higher education institutions, December 1990 ...... 516 404

Employment of people with disabilities. See "Community Affairs-Senate Standing Committee". ccciv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora-Treaty-Text of Amendment to Article XXI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ...... 2373 1543

Energy Audit Program. See "Commonwealth Enterprise Energy Audit Program".

Energy Research and Development Corporation's Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Environment-Australian Democrats Environment Questionnaire, O ctober 1992 ...... 2990 And see "Inter-Governmental Agreement on the environment" Environment-Treaties- Agreement between Australia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on cooperation in the field of protection and enhancement of the environment...... 89 82 Convention on conservation of nature in South Pacific ...... 90 82 Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, done at Madrid on 4 October 1991...... 1733 1212

Environment and Conservation-House of Representatives Standing Committee-Government response to reports- Hazardous chemical wastes: Storage, transport and disposal- 1st report ...... 856 2nd report ...... 1268 Namadgi National Park ...... 581

Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act- Supervising Scientist for Alligator Rivers Region-Report for- 1989-90...... 396 292 1990 263 1990-91...... 1947 1268 1991 397 1991-92 ...... 3411 1973 1992 330 Environment Protection Authority (Vic.)-Monitoring of waste oil disposal-Copies of- Letter from Wayne Saunderson, Secretary, Environment Protection Authority (Vie.) to Mr Aldred, MP, 13 March 1992, regarding FOI request, together with file documents (21) ...... 1391 Newspaper articles from the Shepparton News (2) ...... 1391

Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act- Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 31...... 23 28

Environment Protection (Nuclear Codes) Act-Order under subsection 9(1), 26 June 1990 ...... 258 173 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cccv Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Environment, Recreation and the Arts- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to report- Effectiveness of land degradation policies and programs- Paper by Minister for Primary Industries and Energy ...... 366 Response...... 366 The injured coastline: Protection of the coastal environment...... 1420 Tourism in Antarctica, May 1989...... 1973 Tourism in the Indian Ocean Territories, 9 August 1990...... 1973 Use of ionising radiation, November 1988 ...... 105 Reports- Annual report 1988-89 and Strategic Plan 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1993 of Australian Sports Commission, 6 December 1990 ...... 421 1990 426 Biodiversity: The contribution of community-based programs- Report, 4June 1992 ...... 1617 1992 163 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1617 Moving pictures inquiry- Report, 24 June 1992 ...... 1617 1992 162 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1617 The injured coastline: Protection of the coastal environment- Report, 9April 1991 ...... 625 1991 60 Evidence received by committee ...... 625 Minutes of proceedings ...... 625 Tourism in the Indian Ocean Territories, 9 August 1990 ...... 162 1990 104 Senate Standing Committee- Government response to report- Drugs in sport ...... 389 Environmental impact of development assistance...... 96 Examination of Annual Reports- June 1991...... 2129 No. 2of 1991, 29 April 1992 ...... 2301 No. 2 of 1991 and No. I of 1992, 8 December 1992 ...... 3302 Potential of Kakadu National Park region ...... 272 The circumstances surrounding the positive drug test on Mr Alex Watson ...... 3269 Reports- Australian Capital Territory (Electoral) Amendment Bill 1991-

Report, May 1991...... 1059 .. 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 1059 Australian Capital Territory Self-Government Legislation Amendment Bill 1991 - Report, November 1991 ...... 1740 1991 487 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 1740 Australian Heritage Commission Amendment Bill 1990, cccvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Decem ber 1990 ...... 509 .. 1990 439 Australian National Maritime Museum Bill 1989 [1990], 13 September 1990...... 265 .. 1990 439 Drugs in sport inquiry- 2nd Report, May 1990...... 136 .. 1990 9 Transcript of evidence (15 Vols.) ...... 136 Edited transcript of evidence originally taken in camera but released on 30 May 1990, 13 February 1990...... 325 Examination of annual reports- M ay 1990 ...... 190 .. 1990 88 December 1990 ...... 544 .. 1990 443 June 1991 ...... 1282 .. 1991 476 No. 2 of 1991, M arch 1992...... 2062 .. 1992 543 No. I of 1992, June 1992 ...... 2623 .. 1992 543 Harassment of a witness-Drugs in sport inquiry-Report, October 1990...... 349 .. 1990 442 Physical and sport education- Report, December 1992...... 3394 .. 1992 531 Subm issions (9 Vols.)...... 3394 Summary of findings and recommendations...... 3394 Transcript of evidence (8 Vols.) ...... 3394 The Australian Environment and Tourism Report- Report, September 1992...... 2840 .. 1992 533 Submissions (8 Vols.) ...... 2840 Transcript of evidence (14 Vols.) ...... 2840 The circumstances surrounding the positive drug test on Mr Alex Watson- Report, M ay 1992 ...... 2348 .. 1992 515 Transcript of evidence (3 Vols.) ...... 2348

Environmental impact of development assistance. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-Senate Standing Committee".

Environmental inquiry-Ulladulla hinterland broadcasting transmission station-Report by Commissioner Dr D.F McMichael CBE... 232 153

Environmental research in Australia. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act-Equal employment opportunity program- AeroSpace Technologies of Australia-Reports- June 1991...... 1577 1056 January 1992 ...... 2160 1410 ANL Limited- Report on development and proposed implementation, for Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccvii Presented Prnted Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1988-89...... 50 35 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 501 394 1990-91 ...... 1665 1148 1991-92...... 3247 1944 Army and Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS)-Report on implementation, for- 1990 ...... 477 394 1991...... 2032 1334 1991-92 ...... 3126 1910 AUSSAT Pty Ltd-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 409 302 1990-91...... 1947 1268 Period 1 July 1991 to 31 January 1992 ...... 2691 1673 Australia Post-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 455 366 1990-91...... 1596 1077 1991-92...... 2939 1797 Australian Airlines Limited-Report for- 1987-88 ...... 133 115 1988-89 ...... 661 436 1989-90 ...... 661 436 1990-91...... 2659 1633 Australian Broadcasting Corporation-Report for- 1990-91...... 2005 1268 1991-92...... 3326 1944 Australian Film, Television and Radio School-Report on development and implementation, for- 1989-90 ...... 396 292 1990-91 ...... 1634 1101 1991-92 ...... 3042 1879 Australian Industry Development Corporation-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 182 115 1989-90 ...... 971 694 1990-91...... 2387 1545 1991-92...... 3411 1973 Australian National Railways Commission-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 531 416 1990-91...... 2675 1633 Australian Telecommunications Corporation (Telecom)- Report for 1989-90...... 984 704 Civil Aviation Authority-Report for- 1990-91...... 2953 1823 1991-92...... 3247 1944 Commonwealth Bank of Australia-Report for 1990-91...... 2005 1310 Commonwealth Banking Corporation-Report for 1989-90...... 999 718 cccviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) Commission-Report for- 1988-89...... 50 35 1989-90...... 1239 886 Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Limited-Report for 1990-91 ...... 1757 1205 Federal Airports Corporation-Report for- 1989 and 1990...... 1404 970 1991 ...... 2313 1495 Film Australia Pty Limited-Report on development and implementation, for- 1989-90 ...... 409 302 1990-91 ...... 1634 1101 1991-92 ...... 3082 1890 Health Insurance Commission-Report for- 1989-90...... 454 366 1990-91 ...... 1645 1114 1991-92...... 3042 1879 OTC Limited-Report for- 19 88-89 ...... 50 35 1989-90...... 811 553 1990-91...... 2726 1684 Parliament House Construction Authority-Report for 1989-90...... 269 170 Qantas Airways Limited-Report for- 1989-90...... 1427 960 1990-91 ...... 2097 1370 Reserve Bank of Australia-Report for- 1989-90...... 383 281 1990-91...... 2123 1391 1991-92...... 3082 1890 Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority-Report for- 1990-91...... 1967 1268 1991-92...... 3411 1973 Superannuation Fund Investment Trust-Report for 1989...... 383 281

Equal employment opportunity program-Department of Senate...... 241

Estate Mortgage Managers Limited-Copies of- Briefing memorandum prepared by Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Com pliance...... 3028 List of documents maintained by the Reserve Bank of Australia...... 3028

Estimates-Senate Committees- Additional information to reports of Committees on- Particulars of proposed additional expenditure for year- 1989-90- A (Vol. 1) and letter, B (Vol. 2) ...... 123 A (Vol. 2)...... 257 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccix Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

B ...... 119 B ...... 190 B (Vol. 4)...... 257 C (Vol. 1)...... 124 C ...... 144 C ...... 145 C andE ...... 243 D ...... 189 D (Vol. 2) ...... 257 E (Vol. 1) ...... 138 E andC ...... 151 F ...... 204 F ...... 252 1990-9 1- A (Vol. 1) ...... 988 A (Vol. 2)...... 1012 A (Vol. 3) ...... 1032 A (Vol. 4) ...... 1057 A (Vol. 5)...... 1452 B (Vols.lIand 2) ...... 1018 C (Vol. 1)...... 1018 C (Vol. 2)...... 1069 C (Vol. 3)...... 1452 D (Vol. 1) ...... 1043 D (Vol. 2) ...... 1282 E (Vol. 1)...... 1012 E (Vol. 2)...... 1043 E (Vol. 3)...... 1081 F (Vol. 1)...... 1018 F (Vol. 2) with 2 attachments ...... 1057 F (Vol. 3) with I attachment...... 1057 F (Vol. 4)...... 1069 F (Vol. 5)...... 1091 F (Vol. 6)...... 1171 1991-92- A (Vol. 1)...... 2212 Supplementary information (3 Vols.)...... 2212 A (Vol. 2) ...... 2224 Supplementary information (1 Vol.)...... 2224 A (Vol. 3)...... 2282 B (Vols. 1-3)...... 2224 B (Vol. 4) ...... 2282 B (Vol. 4-Part 2)...... 2338 C (Vols. 1 and 2)...... 2286 C (Vol. 3) ...... 2338 Cccx Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"D(Vol. 1)...... 2338 "D(Vol. 2)...... 2681 E (Vol. 1)...... 2338 Supplementary information (8 Vols.)...... 2338 E (Vol. 2)...... 2338 Supplementary information (5 Vols.)...... 2338 E (Vol. 3)...... 2338 Supplementary information (5 Vols.)...... 2338 E (Vols. 4and 5)...... 2338 E (Vol. 6)...... 2406 Supplementary information (10 Vols.)...... 2406 E (Vol. 7)...... 2431 E (Vol. 8)...... 2452 Supplementary information (I Vol.) ...... 2452 E (Vol. 9)...... 2625 E (Vol. 10) ...... 2716 Supplementary information (5 Vols.)...... 2716 E (Vol. 11) ...... 2859 F (Vols. 1-3)...... 2338 F (Vol. 4)...... 2731 Supplementary information (2 Vols.)...... 2731 Particulars of proposed expenditure for year- 1988-89-C (Vol. 3)...... 124 1990-91- A (Vols. 1-4) ...... 388 A (Vol. 5)...... 480 B (Vols. 1-3) ...... 376 B-Further additional information and revised list of questions on notice...... 401 B (Vol. 4) ...... 511 C (Vols. 1-4) ...... 376 C (Vol. 15)...... 390 C (Vol. 16)...... 449 C (Vol. 17)...... 723 C (Vol. 18)...... 767 D (Vols. 1-6) ...... 376 "D(Vol. 7)...... 687 "D(Vol. 8)...... 1043 E (Vol. 1) ...... 376 E (Vol. 2) ...... 449 E (Vol. 3) ...... 545 F(Vol. 1)...... 376 F (Vols. 2-4) ...... 390 F(Vol. 5) ...... 431 F(Vol. 6) ...... 495 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccXi Presented Printed Paper Jurnals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991-92- A (Vols.lIand 2)...... 1597 A (Vols. 3-7)...... 1626 A (Vol. 8) ...... 1653 A (Vol. 9)...... 2129 B (Vols. 1 and 2) ...... 1586 C (Vol. 1)...... 1616 C (Vols. 2-4)...... 1637 C (Vol. 5)...... 1740 C (Vol. 6)...... 1892 D (Vol. 1)...... 1616 D (Vols. 2-5)...... 1626 D (Vol. 6) ...... 1763 E (Vols.I1-4) ...... 1616 Supplementary information to volume 1 (3 Vols.)...... 2152 E (Vols. 5and 6)...... 1637 F (Vol. 1)...... 1577 F (Vols. 2-4) ...... 1626 Committee C-Response to question-Department of Social Security-National Management Skills Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff ...... 1600 Committee E-Cost of justice-Briefing material provided by Mr I. Loughman, Principal Registrar of the Family Court of Australia, in response to a reservation by Senator Vanstone, 9 October 1991...... 1627 1992-93- A (Vols. 1-4) ...... 2954 Supplementary information to volume 1 (I Vol.), volume 2 (3 Vols.) and volume 4 (3 vols.)...... 3084 A (Vols. 5-7)...... 3013 B (Vols 1-3) and attachment ...... 2960 B (Vol. 4) ...... 3013 B (Vol. 5) ...... 3050 C (Vol. 1)...... 2975 C (Vols. 2 and 3)...... 3084 D (Vols. 1-2) ...... 2975 D (Vol. 3)...... 3057 E (Vols. 1-9)...... 2954 Supplementary information to volume 1 (19 Vols.), volume 2 (5 Vols.), volume 3 (3 Vols.), volume 4 (23 Vols.), volume 5 (12 Vols.), volume 8 (23 Vols.), volume 9 (1 Vol.)...... 2954 E (Vol. 10)...... 3013 E (Vol. 11)...... 3055 E (Vol. 12)...... 3057 cccxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

E (Vol. 13) ...... 3065 E (Vol. 14) ...... 3084 Supplementary information (1 Vol.)...... 3084 E (Vol. 15) ...... 3158 Supplementary information (3 Vols.)...... 3158 F (Vols. 1-3)...... 2954 Supplementary information to volume 1 (5 Vols.), volume 2 (13 Vols.), volume 3 (5 Vols.) ...... 2954 F (Vols. 4-5)...... 3029 Supplementary information to volume 4 (1 Vol.) and volume 5 (1 Vol.)...... 3029 F (Vol. 6) ...... 3050 F (Vol. 7) ...... 3057 Supplementary information (3 Vols.)...... 3057 F (Vol. 8) ...... 3065 Estimates of certain proposed expenditure for year- 1990-91- Explanatory Notes- Parliamentary Departments- Joint House...... 257 Parliamentary Library ...... 257 Parliamentary Reporting Staff...... 257 Senate ...... 253 Portfolios and Executive Departments- Administrative Services ...... 257 Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories ...... 257 A ttorney-G eneral's...... 257 Community Services and Health- Department of Community Services and Health...... 257 Department of Veterans' Affairs ...... 257 D efence ...... 257 Employment, Education and Training Portfolio- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission ...... 265 Department of Employment, Education and Training ...... 257 Finance ...... 257 Foreign Affairs and Trade...... 257 Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs ...... 257 Industrial Relations ...... 257 Industry, Technology and Commerce...... 257 Primary Industries and Energy...... 257 Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet ...... 257 Governor-General's Office...... 257 Social Security ...... 257 Transport and Communications ...... 257 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Treasury ...... 257 1991-92- Program Performance Statements- Parliamentary Departments- Joint House ...... 1433 Parliamentary Library ...... 1451 Parliamentary Reporting Staff ...... 1451 Senate...... 1433 Portfolios and Executive Departments- Administrative Services...... 1452 C orrigendum ...... 1471 Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories...... 1434 A ttorney-General's...... 1434 Corrigendum ...... 1452 Defence ...... 1434 Corrigenda ...... 1463 Employment, Education and Training Portfolio- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission...... 1452 Department of Employment, Education and Training...... 1434 Finance...... 1434 Foreign Affairs and Trade...... 1434 Health, Housing and Community Services Portfolio- Health, Housing and Community Services...... 1452 Department of Veterans' Affairs...... 1441 Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs ...... 1434 Corrigenda ...... 1452 Industrial Relations ...... 1441 Industry, Technology and Commerce ...... 1434 Primary Industries and Energy...... 1434 Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet...... 1434 Governor-General's Office ...... 1434 Social Security ...... 1441 Corrigendum ...... 1478 Transport and Communications...... 1434 Treasury ...... 1441 1992-93- Program Performance Statements- Parliamentary Departments- Joint House ...... 2699 Parliamentary Library ...... 2699 Parliamentary Reporting Staff ...... 2699 Senate...... 2699 Portfolios and executive departments- Administrative Services...... 2716 cccxiv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories ...... 2699 Attorney-General's...... 2716 D efence ...... 2699 Employment, Education and Training Portfolio- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission...... 2716 Department of Employment, Education and Training ...... 2699 Finance ...... 2699 Foreign Affairs and Trade ...... 2699 Health, Housing and Community Services Portfolio- Department of Health, Housing and Community Services... 2699 Erratum ...... 2943 Department of Veterans' Affairs ...... 2699 Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs ...... 2699 C orrigenda...... 2716 Industrial Relations ...... 2699 Industry, Technology and Commerce...... 2699 Primary Industries and Energy...... 2699 C orrigenda...... 2716 Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet ...... 2699 Governor-General's Office...... 2699 Social Security ...... 2699 Corrigenda...... 2716 2752 Tourism ...... 2699 Transport and Communications ...... 2699 Treasury...... 2699 Estimates of proposed additional expenditure for year- 1989-90-Explanatory notes- Parliamentary Departments- Joint House Department...... 45 Parliamentary Library ...... 45 Parliamentary Reporting Staff...... 45 Senate ...... 45 Portfolios and Executive Departments- Administrative Services ...... 45 Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories...... 45 Attorney-General's...... 45 Community Services and Health- Department of Community Services and Health...... 45 Department of Veterans' Affairs ...... 45 Defence ...... 45 C orrigenda...... 112 Employment, Education and Training- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission...... 45 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ...... 45 Department of Employment, Education and Training ...... 45 Finance...... 45 Foreign Affairs and Trade...... 45 Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs...... 45 Industrial Relations ...... 45 Industry, Technology and Commerce ...... 45 Primary Industries and Energy...... 45 Prime Minister and Cabinet- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet ...... 45 Governor-General's Office ...... 45 Social Security ...... 45 Transport and Communications...... 45 Treasury ...... 45 1990-91-Explanatory notes- Parliamentary Departments- Joint H ouse...... 890 Parliamentary Library ...... 890 Parliamentary Reporting Staff...... 890 Senate ...... 878 Portfolios and Executive Departments- Administrative Services ...... 890 Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories ...... 890 Attorney-General's...... 890 Community Services and Health- Department of Community Services and Health ...... 879 Department of Veterans' Affairs...... 879 D efence ...... 890 Employment, Education and Training Portfolio- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission...... 891 Department of Employment, Education and Training ...... 891 Finance ...... 891 Foreign Affairs and Trade...... 891 Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs...... 879 Industrial Relations ...... 891 Industry, Technology and Commerce ...... 891 Primary Industries and Energy...... 891 Prime Minister and Cabinet- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet...... 879 Governor-General's Office ...... 879 Social Security ...... 891 Transport and Communications ...... 891 Treasury ...... 891 1991-92- cccxvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Program Performance Statements- Parliamentary Departments- Parliamentary Library ...... 2053 Parliamentary Reporting Staff ...... 2081 Senate ...... 2053 Portfolios and Executive Departments- Administrative Services ...... 2054 Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories...... 2054 Attorney-General's...... 2054 Defence ...... 2054 Employment, Education and Training Portfolio- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission...... 2054 Department of Employment, Education and Training ...... 2054 Corrigenda...... 2106 Finance...... 2054 Foreign Affairs and Trade...... 2054 Health, Housing and Community Services Portfolio- Department of Health, Housing and Community Services205 Corrigenda...... 2106 Department of Veterans' Affairs ...... 2054 Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs ...... 2054 Industrial Relations ...... 2054 Industry, Technology and Commerce ...... 2054 Primary Industries and Energy...... 2054 Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet ...... 2054 Corrigendumn...... 2123 Governor-General's Office ...... 2054 Social Security...... 2054 Tourism ...... 2054 Transport and Communications ...... 2054 Treasury...... 2054 Reports- Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 1992-93 and Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 1992-93-

Report, December 1992...... 3249 .. 1992 539 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3249 Additional information ...... 3268 Particulars of certain proposed expenditure in respect of year ending 30 June- 1991- Committee A-

Report ...... 388 .. 1990 447 Erratumn to report ...... 391 Hansard records of proceedings...... 388 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Committee B-

Report, together with attachments (11)...... 365 . 1990 447 Hansard record of proceedings ...... 365 Committees C, D, E and F-

Reports...... 365 .. 1990 447 Hansardrecords of proceedings...... 365 1992- Committee A-

Report ...... 1597 .. 1991 474 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 1597 Committee B-

Report ...... 1541 .. 1991 474 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 1541 Committee C-

Report ...... 1541 .. 1991 474 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 1541 Addendum to report ...... 1569 Addendum to report ...... 1599 Committees D and F-

Reports...... 1552 .. 1991 474 Hansardrecords of proceedings...... 1552 Committee E-

Report ...... 1552 .. 1991 474 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 1552 Addendum to report ...... 1626 1993- Committee A- Department of the Senate-Answers to questions asked during consideration of Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill 1992-93 on 10 November 1992, 11 November 1992 and attachment ...... 3049 Report ...... 2954 1992 539 Hansardrecord of proceeding...... 2954 Committee B- Department of Finance-Answers to questions asked during consideration of Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 1992-93- Minute from Acting First Assistant Secretary, Labour and International Division, Department of Finance to Manager of Government Business (Senator McMullan), 12 November 1992 ...... 3056 Table-Appropriations and expenditure to 11I November 1992-Certain program subdivisions. 3056 Report ...... 2960 1992 539 cccxviii Index to PapersPresented to ParUament Presented Printed Paper Journas VA&P. Year Paper 7Page] Page No.

Hansard record of proceedings...... 2960 Committee C-

Report...... 2975 .. 1992 539 Hansard record of proceedings...... 2975 Committee D- Department of Social Security-Answers to questions asked by Senator Patterson during consideration of the report of Estimates Committee D on 16 and 17 November 1992, and attachments...... 3070

Report...... 2975 .. 1992 539 Hansard record of proceedings...... 2975 Special Report, November 1992 ...... 2940 Committee E- Addendum to report ...... 2957

Report...... 2954 .. 1992 539 Hansard record of proceedings...... 2954 Committee F- Report...... 2954 1992 539 Hansard record of proceedings...... 2954 Particulars of proposed additional expenditure and particulars of certain proposed additional expenditure for year ending 30 June- 1990- Committee A- Report ...... 112 1990 437 Hansard records of proceedings ...... 112 List of questions taken on notice: Supplement to report ... 123 Committee B3-

Report ...... 112 .. 1990 437 Hansard record of proceedings ...... 112 List of questions taken on notice: Supplement to report ... 123 Committee C-

Report ...... 113 .. 1990 437 Hansard record of proceedings- 14 May 1990 ...... 113 17 May 1990...... 124 List of questions taken on notice: Supplement to report ... 124 1990 437 Committee D-

Report ...... 112 .. 1990 437 Hansard record of proceedings ...... 112 Committee E-

Report ...... 112 .. 1990 437 Hansard record of proceedings ...... 112 List of questions taken on notice: Supplement to report ... 124 Committee F- Report ...... 112 1990 437 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 113 List of questions taken on notice: Supplement to report..... 119 Estimates committee meetings September/October 1990-Time spent examining departmental estim ates...... 525 1991- Committees A, B, C, D and F- Reports...... 985 .. 1991 472 Hansardrecords of proceedings ...... 985 Committee C-Erratum to report ...... 1043 Committee E- Addendum to report...... 994 Answers to questions taken on notice during hearing on 18 April 1991 ...... 1083 Report ...... 986 .. 1991 472 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 986 Committee F-Addendum to report...... 988 1992- Committee A- Reports ...... 2212 .. 1992 244 Hansardrecords of proceedings...... 2212 Committee B- Attachments to report (6)...... 2207 Report ...... 2207 .. 1992 244 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 2207 Committees C and D- Reports ...... 2207 .. 1992 244 Hansardrecords of proceedings ...... 2207 Committee E- Department of Veterans' Affairs-Answers to questions asked during consideration of the report of Estimates Committee E on 2 June 1992...... 2433 Report ...... 2255 .. 1992 244 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 2255 Committee F- Report ...... 2207 .. 1992 244 Revised Appendix to report ...... 2303 Hansardrecord of proceedings...... 2207

Euphron Pty Limited-Australian Securities Commission-Historical company extract, 14 September 1992 and attachments (6)...... 2906

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development-Treaty- Text of-Agreement establishing Bank ...... 383 287 cccxx cccxx Index to PA ers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper ______Page Page No.

European Parliamentary Institutions. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Euthanasia-Copy of letter from Richard Alston, Senator for Victoria, Shadow Minister for Superannuation and Child Care, to Hon. Dr Blewett, MP, together with attachment, 24 June 1992...... 1621

Euthanasia and biotechnology-Copy of letter from Neal Blewett to Senator R. Alston, Shadow Minister for Superannuation and Child Care, 24 June 1992 ...... 1621 And see "Misrepresentation".

Evidence-Treaty-Text of-Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil and Commercial Matters...... 2972 1847

Excise Act- Approval by Comptroller-General pursuant to section 4AA- 5 February 1990...... 23 28 9 October 1990 ...... 376 286 Instrument of approval-I 991-No. 31...... 2009 1315 Notices- 1990- No.1I...... 23 28 No. 2...... 173 1991-No. 1 ...... 805 554 Regulation s-S tatutory Rules- 1989-No. 408 ...... 23 28 1990- No. 7...... 23 28 Nos. 124, 218, 221, 223, 236...... 217 146 1991- No. 110...... 1202 911 No. 317...... 1626 1111 No. 383...... 1839 1301 1992- No.62 ...... 2098 1378 No. 327...... 2941 1817 No. 345...... 3085 1905

Exotic Animal Disease Control Act-Exotic Animal Disease Preparedness Consultative Council (EXANDIS)-Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1890 1268 1991 321 1991-92...... 3411 1973 1992 411

Explanatory Memorandum. For details of the presentation of explanatory memoranda relating to Bills in the Senate and Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament cccxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

House, see entries under "Bills" relating to the respective Bill, in Index to Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives and under "Explanatory Memorandum" in Index to Journalsof the Senate.

Explosives Act- Explosives Regulations-Order under Regulation 67-Refuelling of Vehicles Engaged in Long Distance Haulage of Commonwealth Explosives, 15 December 1989 ...... 23 28 Regulations-Statutory Rules 1991-No. 329 ...... 1626 1111

Explosives Factory Maribyrnong. See- "Audit Act" "Department of Defence".

Export Control Act- Export Control (Orders) Regulations-Orders- 1990- No. 1-Export Control (Quality Assured Foods) ...... 23 28 No. 1-Livestock Export (Merino)...... 217 146 No. 2-Export Control (Animals) as amended (Amendment) ...... 61 48 No. 2-Livestock Export (Merino) (Amendment) ...... 258 173 No. 3-Export Meat as amended (Amendment)...... 81 81 No. 4-Export Control (Dairy Produce) as amended (Amendment)... 217 146 No. 5-Prescribed Goods (General) as amended (Amendment)...... 620 468 No. 6-Export Control (Fish) as amended (Amendment and Consolidation)...... 377 286 No. 7-Export Control (Fees) as amended (Amendment)...... 586 468 No. 9-Export Meat as amended (Amendment)...... 717 483 1991- No. 1-Export Control (Fresh Fruits and Vegetables) as amended (Amendment)...... 932 639 No. 1-Livestock Export (Merino) (Amendment) ...... 1172 911 No. 2-Export Control (Mung Beans)...... 974 708 No. 3-Prescribed Goods (General) as amended (Amendment)...... 1453 975 N o. 4...... 2652 1641 No. 5-Export Control (Fees) as amended (Amendment)...... 1376 952 No. 6-Export Control (Fees) Orders as amended (Amendment)...... 1525 1041 1992- No. 1-Export Control (Dried Fruits)(Amendment) ...... 2099 1364 Nos. 3, 4-Prescribed Goods (General) (Amendment) ...... 2314 1507 No. 5-Prescribed Goods (General) (Amendment)...... 2355 1507 No. 6-Export Control (Fees) (Amendment) ...... 2355 1507 N o. 7...... 2652 1641 Livestock Export Orders- 1991-No. 2...... 1741 1211 cccxxii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1992-No. 1 ...... 2652 1641

Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act- Export Finance and Insurance Corporation-Report for period 1 November 1991 to 30 June 1992...... 2954 1823 1992 293 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 337 ...... 1626 1111 1992-No. 373 ...... 3304 1964

Export Inspection Charges Collection Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 406 ...... 24 28 1992-No. 251 ...... 2652 1641

Export Inspection (Establishment Registration Charges) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 405 ...... 23 28 1990- No. 303 ...... 304 225 No. 420...... 717 483 1991-No. 175 ...... 1345 952 1992-No. 252...... 2652 1641

Export Inspection (Quantity Charge) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 305 ...... 304 225 N o. 419 ...... 717 483 1991-No. 176...... 1345 952 1992-No. 250...... 2652 1641

Export Inspection (Service Charge) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 304 ...... 304 225 No. 418 ...... 717 483 1991-No. 174...... 1346 952 1992-No. 249 ...... 2652 1641

Export Market Development Grants Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- N o. 45 ...... 892 611 No. 246 ...... 1364 952 1992-No. 215 ...... 2652 1641

Export Market Development Grants Amendment Bill 1990- Second reading-Copy of extract from speech notes...... 1404 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Extradition-Treaties-Text of-Between Australia and- Indonesia ...... 2372 1541 Republic of Korea ...... 383 287 United M exican States ...... 383 287 United States of America-Protocol amending Treaty...... 383 287

Extradition Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 372...... 24 28 1990- Nos. 117, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 243 ...... 217 146 Nos. 268, 269 ...... 258 173 N o.374...... 545 468 N o. 470...... 717 489 1991- N o . 36 ...... 89 2 6 11 N os. 94, 96 ...... 1058 771 1992- N o. 67...... 2143 1400 N o. 128...... 2406 1556 N o.333 ...... 2977 1845 F

Fair shares for all: Insider trading in Australia. See "Legal and Constitutional Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Family Allowance Supplement (FAS): a cash payment for working families with children-Evaluation report-Department of Social Security policy research paper No. 57, July 1990...... 585 436

Family Law Act- Australian Institute of Family Studies-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 133 115 1990 85 1989-90 ...... 732 500 1991 12 1990-91 ...... 2238 1447 1992 85 Family Court of Australia-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 661 436 1990 332 1990-91 ...... 2032 1334 1992 42 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920 1992 332 Erratum ...... 3326 1944 Family Law Council-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 507 394 1990 268 1990-91 ...... 1810 1268 1991 398 1991-92 ...... 3082 1898 1992 260 cccxxiv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 37, 67 ...... 24 28 No. 294...... 304 225 No. 373...... 545 468 1991- No. 401...... 1978 1301 No. 447 ...... 2009 1315 1992- Nos. 33, 34 ...... 2009 1315 Nos. 159, 160 ...... 2652 1641 No. 287 ...... 2753 1695 No. 376 ...... 3304 1964 Rules of Court-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 20, 74...... 24 28 No. 348...... 390 297 No. 474...... 717 489 1991- No. 122 ...... 1202 911 No. 414 ...... 1978 1301 Nos. 475, 476 ...... 2009 1315 1992- No.8 ...... 2009 1315 No. 45...... 2099 1378 No. 161 ...... 2652 1641 No. 304 ...... 2827 1743 And see "Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act".

Family Law Council-Reports- Family mediation, June 1992 ...... 2726 1684 Patterns of parenting after separation, April 1992...... 2608 1620 Power of the Family Court to require the provision of information for the recovery of children, September 1992 ...... 3247 1944 The interaction of bankruptcy and family law, June 1992...... 2726 1684 And see "Family Law Act"'.

Farrow/Pyramid Group of Building Societies-Copies of- Letter from A. Elder, Partner, Dunhill Madden Butler, to Mr Scholes, MP, 6 September 1990, together with appendix...... 183 Newspaper cuttings (13) ...... 183 Note stating the Administrator had reported to State Government on progress in the administration of the Farrow Group of Building Societies ...... 183 Notice from Mr Scholes to all Branch members ...... 183 Notice-Government fails to honour the Pyramid promise...... 183 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament CCCXXV Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Federal Airports Corporation. See "Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport".

Federal Airports Corporation Act-Federal Airports Corporation- Federal Airports (Amendment) By-laws- 1990-No.1I...... 217 146 1992- No. I ...... 2652 1641 No.2 ...... 2717 1680 Regulations-Statutory Rules-]1992-No. 255...... 2652 1641 Report for year ended 31Marchl1990 ...... 314 221 1990 178 Report for- Period 1 April 1990-30 June 1991...... 1947 1268 1991 448 1991-92 ...... 3267 1944 1992 331

Federal Court of Australia Act- Federal Court of Australia-Report for- 1989-90...... 374 261 1990 179 1990-91 ...... 1625 1093 1991 265 1991-92...... 3247 1920 1992 333 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 448...... 2009 1315 Rules of Court-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 72...... 24 28 No. 102...... 205 134 No. 276...... 258 173 No. 319...... 366 278 No. 414...... 697 483 No. 453...... 717 483 1991- No. 70 ...... 974 708 No. 249 ...... 1364 952 No. 395 ...... 1839 1301 No. 461 ...... 2009 1315 1992- Nos. 43, 44 ...... 2099 1378 Nos. 86, 87 ...... 2194 1433 No. 186 ...... 2652 1641 No. 330 ...... 2977 1846

Federal election 1999. See "Electoral Matters-Joint Standing Committee".

Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal. See "Complaints (Australian Federal Police) Act".

Federal Proceedings (Costs) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules 1991-No. 267...... 1479 993 cccxxvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Fightback!-The way to rebuild and reward Australia-Liberal and National Parties' program, 21 November 1991- Background notes-Question without notice asked by Senator Kemp...... 2079 It's your Australia-Policy overview ...... 1203 Order form...... 1203 Summary ...... 1203 Supplementary papers ...... 1203 Taxation and expenditure reform for jobs and growth ...... 1203 Transcript of Radio 8DDDFM Morning Program interview between Senator Tambling and Clare Martin, 9 December 1992 ...... 327 1 And see- "Coalition response to Government attacks on 'Fightback!'" "Goods and Services Tax" "Opposition's 'Fightback' package" "Opposition's taxation and expenditure proposals".

Film and Literature Classification and Film and Literature Board of Review. See "Office of Film and Literature Classification and Film and Literature Board of Review"

Film Australia Pty Limited. See- "Australian Film Commission Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Films Co-production-Treaties-Text of-Agreement between Australia and- Canada...... 384 287 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ...... 383 286 Finance- Advance to Minister for Finance- Statement of heads of expenditure and amounts charged thereto pursuant to section 36A of the Audit Act 1901, for the year ended 30 June- 1990...... 233 163 1990 143 1991 ...... 1434 970 1991 218 1992...... 2690 1673 1992 219 Statements for- December 1989 and January, February, March and April 1990...... 87 87 May, June and July 1990...... 225 153 August 1990 ...... 268 175 September 1990...... 322 227 October 1990 ...... 396 292 November 1990...... 516 403 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxxvii Presented Printed Paper ournaf V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

December 1990 and January 1991...... 744 514 February 1991 ...... 839 575 March 1991...... 900 616 April 1991...... 1012 727 May 1991...... 1170 885 June and July 1991...... 1357 936 August 1991...... 1506 1010 September 1991 ...... 1595 1077 October 1991...... 1665 1123 November 1991 ...... 1890 1266 December 1991 and January 1992 ...... 2031 1324 February 1992 ...... 2097 1360 March 1992 ...... 2192 1420 April 1992...... 2293 1476 May 1992 ...... 2451 1562 June and July 1992 ...... 2675 1633 August 1992...... 2764 1697 September 1992...... 2915 1776 October 1992...... 3082 1890 November 1992...... 3280 1942 Supporting applications of issues from Advance during- December 1989 and January, February, March and April 1990 ..... 87 87 May, June and July 1990 ...... 225 153 August 1990...... 268 175 September 1990 ...... 396 227 October 1990 ...... 396 292 November 1990 ...... 516 403 December 1990 and January 1991...... 744 514 February 1991...... 839 575 March 1991...... 900 616 April 1991...... 1012 727 May 1991...... 1170 885 June and July 1991 ...... 1357 936 June 1991-Corrigendumn...... 1373 936 August 1991...... 1502 1010 September 1991...... 1592 1077 October 1991...... 1665 1123 November 1991 ...... 1890 1266 December 1991 and January 1992 ...... 2031 1324 February 1992 ...... 2097 1360 March 1992 ...... 2192 1420 April 1992...... 2293 1476 May 1992 ...... 2451 1562 June and July 1992 ...... 2675 1633 August 1992...... 2764 1697 September 1992...... 2915 1776 cccxxviii cccxvii'Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper ______Page Page No.

October 1992 ...... 3082 1890 November 1992 ...... 3280 1942 Australia's overseas aid program- 1990-9 1 (Budget related paper No. 4)...... 214 142 1990 122 1991-92 (Budget related paper No. 4)...... 1389 935 1991 188 1992-93 (Budget related paper No. 4) ...... 2650 1637 1992 220 Budget statements- 1990-91 (Budget paper No. 1)...... 214 141 1990 115 1991-92 (Budget paper No. 1) ...... 1389 934 1991 174 1992-93 (Budget paper No. 1) ...... 2650 1637 1992 183 Commonwealth financial relations with other levels of Government- 1990-91-(Budget paper No. 4) ...... 214 142 1990 118 1991-92-(Budget paper No. 4)...... 1389 934 1991 177 1992-93 (Budget paper No. 4) ...... 2650 1637 1992 186 Commonwealth public account- 1990-91 (Budget paper No. 2)...... 214 141 1990 116 1991-92 (Budget paper No. 2) ...... 1389 934 1991 175 1992-93 (Budget paper No. 2) ...... 2650 1637 1992 184 Expenditure- Particulars of certain proposed additional expenditure in respect of year ending 30 June- 1990...... 44 1991 ...... 876 1992...... 2079 1993...... 3090 Particulars of proposed further additional expenditure for the service of year ending 30 June 1992 in respect of the Department of Employment, Education and Training and the Department of Health, Housing and Community Services...... 2128 Particulars of proposed additional expenditure for service of year ending 30 June- 1990...... 44 1991 ...... 876 1992...... 2079 1993...... 3090 Particulars of proposed additional expenditure in relation to Parliamentary Departments for service of year ending 30 June- 1990...... 44 1991 ...... 876 1992...... 2079 Particulars of certain proposed expenditure in respect of year ending 30 June- 1991 ...... 214 1992...... 1389 1993...... 2650 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Particulars of proposed expenditure for service of year ending 30 June- 1991 ...... 214 1992...... 1389 1993...... 2650 Particulars of proposed expenditure in relation to the Parliamentary Departments in respect of year ending 30 June- 1991 ...... 214 1992...... 1389 1993...... 2650 Government securities on issue at 30 June- 1990 (Budget related paper No. 1) ...... 214 142 1990 119 1991 (Budget related paper No. 1)...... 1389 934 1991 178 1992 (Budget related paper No. 1)...... 2650 1637 1992 188 Health care in Australia: Directions for reform in the 1991-92 Budget (Budget related paper No. 9)...... 1389 934 1991 181 Improvements to self-assessment: Priority tasks-an infor-mation paper...... 1389 934 1991 182 Income tax statistics- 1988-89 income year (Budget related paper No. 3) ...... 214 142 1990 121 1989-90 income year (Budget related paper No. 3) ...... 1389 934 1991 180 1990-91 income year (Budget related paper No. 3)...... 2650 1637 1992 190 Joint Advance to the President and the Speaker- Application for funds ...... 2715 1677 Explanation of requirement from the Joint Advance to the Presiding Officers and attachments(3)...... 2715 Letter to Clerk of the Senate from Assistant Secretary, Corporate Management Branch, Department of the Parliamentary Reporting Staff, relating to the tabling of the Joint Advance, 3 September 1992 ...... 2715 Medicare-So much stronger now-Budget 1992-93 (Budget related paper No. 8)...... 2651 1637 1992 223 National income and expenditure- 1989-90 (Budget related paper No. 2) ...... 214 142 1990 120 1990-91 (Budget related paper No. 2) ...... 1389 934 1991 179 1991-92 (Budget related paper No. 2)...... 2650 1637 1992 189 Portfolio program estimates- 1990-91 (Budget paper No. 3)...... 214 141 1990 117 199 1-92- (Budget paper No. 3) ...... 1389 934 1991 176 (Budget paper No. 3)-Corrigenda...... 1463 978 1992-93 (Budget paper No. 3) ...... 2650 1637 1992 185 Science and technology statement- 1990-91 (Budget related paper No. 7) ...... 214 142 1990 124 1991-92 (Budget related paper No. 6) ...... 1389 935 1991 190 1992-93 (Budget related paper No. 6)...... 2650 1637 11992 191 cccXXX Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Social justice for indigenous Australians- 1991-92 (Budget related paper No. 7)...... 1389 935 1991 191 1992-93 (Budget related paper No. 7)...... 2651 1637 1992 222 Statement of savings expected in annual appropriations made by- AppropriationAct (No. 1) 1990-91, AppropriationAct (No. 2) 1990-91 and Appropriation(Parliamentary Departments)Act 1990-91 ...... 876 AppropriationAct (No. 1) 1991-92, AppropriationAct (No. 2) 1991-92 and Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments)Act 1991-92 ...... 2128 Women's budget statement- 1990-91 (Budget related paper No. 5)...... 214 143 1990 123 1991-92 (Budget related paper No. 5)...... 1389 935 1991 189 1992-93 (Budget related paper No. 5)...... 2650 1637 1992 221 And see "Working for the future: Jobs, skills, innovation".

Finance and Expenditure-New Zealand Parliamentary Committee- Visit to Australia-Seminar with Australian Academics, Experts and Parliamentary Officers at Parliament House, Canberra, Thursday 15 October 1992, December 1992...... 3424

Finance and Public Administration-Senate Standing Committee- Department of the Senate response to report-Estimates committee documentation and procedures, 22 August 1991 ...... 1451 Government response to report- Annual reports tabled July to December 1991, 29 May 1992...... 2523 Development of the Senior Executive Service...... 1568 Development of the Senior Executive Service: Performance based pay ...... 348 Government companies and their reporting requirements ...... 2859 Review of the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman ...... 3346 Timeliness and quality of annual reports...... 1245 Reports- Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Bill 1990, December 1990 ...... 536 .. 1990 439 Departmental annual reports for 1988-89, May 1990 ...... 42 .. 1990 4 Development of the Senior Executive Service- Letter from Minister for Industrial Relations to Chairman relating to Government's response to report, 20 February 1990 ...... 785 Report, September 1990...... 361 .. 1990 206 Submissions and incorporated documents (1 Vol.) ...... 361 Development of Senior Executive Service: Performance based pay-Report, May 1990...... 41 . 1990 3 Estimates Committee documentation and procedures- Report, April 1991...... 1004 .. 1991 458 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Transcript of evidence (3 Vols.) ...... 1004 Examination of annual reports- July-December 1989, May 1990...... 190 1990 88 July1990to Junel1991, June 1991l...... 1281 1991 476

July to December 1991, March 1992 ...... 2129 .. 1992 543 January to June 1992, September 1992...... 2779 1992 545 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Bill 1991 and 3 related Bills-

Report, November 1991 ...... 1740 .. 1991 487 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 1740 General Insurance Supervisory Levy Amendment Bill 1991, Insurance Laws Amendment Bill 1991],Life Insurance Policy Holders' Protection Levies Bill 1991, Life Insurance Policy Holders' Protection Levies Collection Bill 1991, Life Insurance Supervisory Levy Amendment Bill 1991, Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Bill 1991-

Report, October 1991 ...... 1527 .. 1991 487 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 1527 Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Bill 1991 (Clause 7)-

Report, June 1991...... 1218 .. 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (I Vol)...... 1218 Income Tax Assessment Amendment (Foreign Investment) Bill 1992, Income Tax (Dividends and Interest Withholding Tax) Amendment Bill 1992, Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 5) 1992, Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 6) 1992 and Taxation Laws Amendment (Car Parking) Bill 1992- Report, December 1992 ...... 3305 1992 544 Submissions (4 Vols.)...... 3328 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3328 List of Commonwealth bodies-

June 1990...... 227 .. 1990 90 June 1991...... 1344 1991 460 Management and Operations of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade- Report, December 1992 ...... 3416 1992 525 Submissions (8 Vols.)...... 3416 Transcript of evidence (8 Vols.) ...... 3416 Military Superannuation and Benefits Bill 1991, Defence Force Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 1991 - Letter from Minister for Defence to Chairman of Committee, 27 May 1991...... 1060 Report, May 1991...... 1059 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 1059 Petroleum Resource Rent Legislation Amendment Bill 1991, cccxxxii Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Bill 1991 (Clause 15) and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Royalty) Amendment Bill 1991 (Clause 4)- Report, June 1991 ...... 1130 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (4 Vols.)...... 1130 Review of the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman- Report, December 1991 ...... 2007 1992 519 Submissions (4 Vols.)...... 2007 Transcript of evidence (6 Vols.) ...... 2007 Sales Tax Laws Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1992 (Clauses 4-6)-

Report...... 2100 .. 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.) ...... 2100 Swimming Pools Tax Refund Bill 1992- Report, September 1992...... 2764 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.) ...... 2764 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1992 and Taxation Laws Amendment (Self Assessment) Bill 1992- Letter from Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer to Chairman of Committee ...... 2481 Report, June 1992 ...... 2452 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 2452 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1991- Report, May 1992...... 2255 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 2255 Taxation Laws Amendment (Foreign Income) Bill 1990, Taxation (Interest on Non-resident Trust Distributions) Bill 1990 and Taxation Laws Amendment (International Agreements) Bill 1990, December 1990...... 587 1990 439 Taxation Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 and Taxation Laws Amendment (Fringe Benefits Tax Measures) Bill 1992- Report, December 1992...... 3328 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 3328 And see "Banking, Finance and Public Administration- House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Finance minutes. See "Public Accounts Committee Act".

Financial assistance granted to each State. See "States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988".

Financial Management Improvement Program. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Financing the Australian Capital Territory. See "Commonwealth Grants Commission Act". Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Finland. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

First home owners-Copy of letter from Minister for Community Services and Health to State and Territory Ministers for Housing...... 362

First Home Owners Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 139...... 217 146 1991-N o.297...... 1525 1041 1992-N o.242 ...... 2652 1641 And see "Department of Community Services and Health".

Fiscal equalisation issues. See "Commonwealth Grants Commission Act".

Fisheries Act- Agreement between Commonwealth of Australia and- Australia Japan Tuna Pty Limited, 27 April 1990...... 105 109 Australian Longline Industries Pty Ltd, 13 May 1991...... 1154 881 Bluefin Exporters Pty Ltd- 19 December 1990 and 11 January 1991 ...... 717 496 10 M ay 1991 ...... 1154 881 KKFC Proprietary Limited, 17 October 1990...... 484 394 Lukin Enterprises Pty Ltd, 18 December 1990...... 718 496 Tuna Longline Development Cooperation Pty Limited- 8 M ay 1991 ...... 1154 881 21 November 1991 ...... 2009 1305 Management plans 1991- South East Fishery (Individual Transferable Quota) (Amendment) ...... 3085 1905 South East Fishery (Individual Transferable Quota) (Amendment) (No. 2)...... 3085 1905 Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority-Report for- 1989 ...... 225 137 1990 107 1990...... 1123 856 1991 142 Notices- N o. T LT 2...... 61 48 Nos. NIF 1, ORF5, 187A ...... 24 28 N o. O RF 7 ...... 217 146 Nos. BSS1, NWS1, ORF6, ORF8, ORF9, SET1, SET2, TEC2, TLT3, WNW ...... 293 192 No. KCP 2 ...... 377 286 Nos. BSS 2, NTF 2, NWS 2, SBT 1 ...... 489 400 N o. O RF 10...... 586 468 Nos. ORF 11, TEC 3 ...... 666 468 No. GAB 1 ...... 718 496 Nos. SET 1, SET 2, SET 3 ...... 805 552 Nos. GEM 3, ORF 12...... 718 554 Nos. NPF 8, NPF 9, NPF 10, NPF 11, NPF 12, NPF 13, cccXXXiv Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

NPF 14, ORF 14, ORF 15, SSF 1, SSF 2, TEC 4...... 1043 762 Nos. AFZ2, BS4 ...... ******* 1364 952 Nos. GEM4, ORF16, ORFL7, ORFI8, TEC5, TEC6...... 1365 952 1991- Nos. 7(NED 1), 8(NTF 3), 9(ORF 13) ...... 842 579 Nos. BSS3, ECC2, ECF1 ...... 1172 911 Nos. ORF 19, BSS 5 ...... 1525 1041 Nos. SSF 3, SSF4 ...... 1741 1211 No. ORF 20...... 1764 1211 Nos. NTF 4, TEC 7, TEC 8, TEC 9...... 2009 1305 Nos. NSF 1, EGC I...... 2009 1315 Nos. ECF 2, SEF I...... 2044 1339 No. SSF 5...... 2066 1354 1992- Nos. BSS 6, ORF 21, SSF 6, SSF 7...... 2044 1339 Nos. 77E, NPF 15, NPF 16, NPF 17, NPF 18, NPF 19, NPF 20, NPF 21l...... 2314 1507 Plan of Management- No. GAB 1-Great Australian Bight Trawl Fishery Preliminary Management Plan ...... 24 28 No. GAB3 ...... 2153 1426 No. NPF 1-Northern Prawn Fishery ...... 217 146 No. 27-Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Management Plan (Amendment)...... 294 192 No. NPF 2-Northern Prawn Fishery Management Plan (Amendment). 401 307 Nos. NPF 3, NPF 4, NPF 5-Northern Prawn Fishery Management Plan (Amendment)...... 511 400 No. NPF 6-Northern Prawn Fishery Management Plan (Amendment) 570 468 No. 31 ...... 2452 1612 No. 32 ...... 2496 1612 1991- No. 28-Southern Shark Fishery Management Plan (Amendment) ... 843 579 No. GAB 2-Great Australian Bight Trawl Fishery Preliminary Management Plan (Amendment)...... 843 579 No. GEM 5-Gemnfish Fishery Management...... 1365 952 No. BSS 1-Bass Strait Scallop Fishery Preliminary Management Plan ...... 1172 911 No. NPF7-Northern Prawn Fishery Management Plan (Amendment)...... 1172 911 No. 29-Southern Shark Fishery Management Plan (Amendment) ...1365 952 No. BSS2-Bass Strait Scallop Fishery Preliminary Management Plan (Amendment) ...... 1525 1041 Nos. NPF 8, NPF9 ...... 1764 1211 No. SEF I...... 2066 1354 1992-Nos. 30, BSS 2 ...... 2044 1340 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament CCCXXXV Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 78, 79...... 24 28 No. 200...... 217 146 1991-No. 438...... 2009 1315 1992-No. 14 ...... 2009 1315 Subsidiary agreement between Government of Australia and Government of Japan concerning Japanese tuna long-line fishing- 15 Decemberl1989...... 217 146 30 November 1990...... 666 468 6 December 1991...... 2044 10 December 1991...... 1339 Variation agreement between Commonwealth of Australia and- Darabick Pty Ltd, 18 December 1989...... 88 61 Emerald Fisheries Pty Ltd "Labrador" 30 March 1990...... 61 48 KKFC Pty Ltd- 12 December 1989 ...... 88 61 10 March 1990...... 88 61 Longvatraal Australia Pty Ltd- John Longva- 20 March 1990...... 61 81 16 Augustl1990O...... 294 192 Longva III- 20 March 1990...... 61 81 16 Augustl1990O...... 294 192 Seabay Fisheries Pty Ltd "SJOVIK"' 30 March 1990...... 61 48 Seanorth Pty Ltd, 28 May 1990 ...... 225 137 Western Australian Fisheries Joint Authority-Report for- 1989...... 332 244 1990 180 1990 ...... 1499 998 1991 207

Fisheries Administration Act- Australian Fisheries Management Authority-Report for period 3February to 30Junel1992...... 3412 1973 1992 453 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 15 ...... 2009 1315

Fisheries Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 410 ...... 24 28 1990- Nos. 49, 80, 81, 82...... 24 28 Nos. 210, 211 ...... 217 146 Nos. 364, 365 ...... 524 427 Nos. 421, 423 ...... 718 483 Nos. 462, 463, 464, 465...... 718 489 1991- Nos. 111, 112, 113, 114...... 1202 911 cccXXXvi Index to Pt ers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper ______Page Page No.

Nos. 141, 142, 143 ...... 1346 953 No. 313 ...... 1626 1111 No. 371 ...... 1839 1301 No. 417 ...... 1978 1301 1992- Nos. 11, 12, 13, 16, 18 ...... 2009 1315 No. 220...... 2652 1641 No. 340...... 2977 1846 No. 368...... 3304 1964 Fisheries Management Act- Copy of agreement between the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and Trawling Industries (Aust) Pty Limited, 25 February 1992 ...... 2153 1426 Regulations-Statutory Rules-I 992-No. 20...... 2009 1315

Fishing-Treaties-Text of- Agreement between Australia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics relating to cooperation in fisheries...... 89 82 Convention for prohibition of fishing with long driftnets in South Pacific ...... 88 81 Fisheries Cooperation Agreement with Indonesia...... 2372 1541 Niue Treaty on Cooperation in Fisheries Surveillance and Law Enforcement in the South Pacific Region ...... 2971 1846 Subsidiary Agreement with Japan on Tuna Fishing...... 1030 747 Subsidiary Agreements between Australia and Japan concerning Japanese tuna long-line fishing- 15 December 1989 ...... 89 82 10 December 1991...... 2373 1542

Fishing Industry Act-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 50 35 1990 19 1989-90...... 516 404 1990 269 1990-91 ...... 1733 1181 1991 399 1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 348

Fishing Industry Research Act-Report for- 1988-89...... 286 191 1990 144 1989-90...... 585 436 1990 333 1990-91 ...... 1540 1037 1991 232 1991-92 ...... 3082 1898 1992 261

Fishing Industry Research and Development Act-Fishing Industry Research and Development Council-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 88 61 1990 20 1989-90...... 776 528 1991 19 1990-91...... 12422 1562 1992 L~~~__ _ _ 1I _ Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cccxxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Fishing Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 59...... 2099 1378

Follow the yellow brick road. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Food Labelling Bill 1992- Draft bill for com ment...... 3421 Draft amendments to the bill ...... 3421

Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1991, No. 302 ...... 1525 1041

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade- Joint Committee- Government response to reports- Australia's current account deficit and overseas debt, 10 October 1991...... 3394 1944 Australia's relations with Papua New Guinea- Copy of letter from Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, to Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, relating to the delay in the Government's response ...... 1420 Response, December 1991 ...... 2301 1485 Review of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, August 1992...... 2697 1673 The Australian Defence Force Reserves, April 1992...... 2354 1527 Third world debt: an Australian view ...... 524 416 Reports- Australian Defence Force Reserves- Copy of letter from Minister for Defence, to Chairman of the Defence Subcommittee, relating to delay in the Government's response, 27 February 1992...... 2080 1360 Report, November 1991...... 1811 1227 1991 292 M inutes of proceedings (2 Vols.) ...... 1811 Transcript of evidence (25 Vols.)...... 1811 Australia's current account deficit and overseas debt- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 10 October 1991...... 1614 1090 1991 312 M inutes of proceedings...... 1614 1090 Australia's relations with Papua New Guinea- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 19 December 1991 ..... 1977 1257 1991 219 Evidence received by the committee...... 1977 1257 Minutes of proceedings...... 1977 1257 Review of Australia's efforts to promote and protect human rights- Report, December 1992 ...... 3249 1969 1992 514 Evidence received by the committee (9 Vols.)...... 3249 1969 Submissions (12 Vols.)...... 3249 cccxxxviii cccxxxviiiIndex to Paners Presente~d to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Review of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research- Report, April 1992 ...... 2224 1445 1992 100 Evidence received by the committee (5 Vols.)...... 2224 1445 Submissions (5 Vols.) ...... 2224 Stockholding and sustainability in the Australian Defence Force- Report, December 1992...... 1969 1992 517 Evidence received by the committee ...... 1969 Visit to- Adelaide, July 1991 ...... 1614 1091 1991 391 Exercise Kangaroo '92, 19-21 March 1992-May 1992 ...... 2301 1484 North Queensland and the Torres Strait, August 1991...... 1513 1017 1991 390 Nurrungar-Woomera and Northern Territory, October 1991, April 1992...... 2224 1451 Papua New Guinea, February-March 1991 ...... 1152 862 1991 146 (From April 1992 these reports were not ordered to be printed) Senate Standing Committee- Government response to report- Australia and Latin America, November 1992...... 3083 Australia-India relations: Trade and security ...... 685 Perestroika: Implications for Australia-USSR Relations, 17 April 1991...... 952 United Nations Peacekeeping and Australia, November 1991...... 1779 Visits to Australia by nuclear powered or armed ships- Further Government response in the form of a letter, 21 November 1991 and attachment...... 1779 Reports- Australia and Latin America-

Report, June 1992 ...... 2489 .. 1992 233 Transcript of evidence (12 Vols.)...... 2489 Australia-India relations: Trade and security-

Report, July 1990...... 228 .. 1990 96 Transcript of evidence (7 Vols.)...... 228 Examination of annual reports- May 1990 ...... 178 1990 88 December 1990...... 687 1990 443 No.1Iof 1991, June 1991l...... 1281 1991 476 No. 2of 1991, Decemberl1991l...... 1915 1991 475 No.1Iof 1992, JuneI1992...... 2623 1992 543 No. 2 of 1992, December 1992 ...... 3348 1992 545 Implications of United States policies for Australia- Report, December 1992...... 3396 1992 523 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.) ...... 3396 Perestroika-Implications for Australia-USSR Relations- Report, December 1990 ...... 687 1990 425 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Transcript of evidence (3 Vols.)...... 687 United Nations Peacekeeping and Australia- Report, May 1991 ...... 1068 .. 1991 140 Transcript of evidence (7 Vols.)...... 1068

Foreign Aid: A blueprint for an improved program, 28 October 1992...... 3013

Foreign investment in Australia-Copy of letter to Senator Jenkins from Acting First Assistant Secretary, Treasury, 18 January 1990...... 129

Foreign Investment Review Board-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 971 694 1991 99 1990-91 ...... 2005 1310 1992 41

Foreign Investment Review Commission Bill 1992- Draft bill for comment...... 3421 Explanatory statem ent...... 3421

Foreign Judgments Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 321 ...... 2941 1817

Forest management- Copy of letter from various signatories to the Prime Minister...... 2829 The Future of Australia's Forests-Policy statement prepared by Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments (version 4), 10 April 1992 ...... 2316

Forestry Technical Services Pty Ltd. See "Australia's role in international tropical timber industry".

Freedom of Information Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 132...... 217 146 1991- Nos. 320, 321 ...... 1626 1111 N o. 399...... 1978 1301 Report by Attorney-General for- 1989-90 ...... 531 416 1990 334 1990-91 ...... 1890 1268 1991 400 1991-92 ...... 3126 1910 1992 262 And see "Ombudsman Act".

Fringe Benefits Tax-Applicability to payment of Camp Allowance- Exempt food component-Documents (8) ...... 1816

Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 68...... 24 28 1992- cccxl Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N o . 76 ...... 2194 14 33 N o.130...... 2407 1556

Fuel payments and road use charges-Copies of tables (2) prepared by Inter-State Commission...... 1203

Fuel prices-Effect of GST on fuel prices to transporters- Table attached to press release issued by Mr Hawker MP ...... 1203

Funding of peak health and community organisations. See "Community Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Futures Industry Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 371 ...... 24 28 1990-N o. 41 ...... 24 28

Futures Industry (Fees) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 160 ...... 217 146 G

Gallipoli. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

GDP(I) at average 1984-85 prices: Trend estimate-Change from previous quarter, 1975 to 1991-Graph...... 798

General Insurance Supervisory Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 188 ...... 217 146

Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee-Report for- Period 22 August 1988 to 30 June 1989...... 109 115 19 89-90 ...... 776 528 1990-91 ...... 1921 1268 1991-92...... 3126 1920

Genetic manipulation: The threat or the glory? See "Industry, Science and Technology-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Geostationary Meteorological Satellite-4 System-Treaty-Text of- Agreement between Australia and Japan concerning cooperation on the project for the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite-4 System...... 385 288

Gillespie children-Removal from Australia-Copies of- Annexures (5) to the affidavit of Yasmin Binti Abdullah Raja Bahrin, 7 M arch 1986...... 1741 Letters from- Mr D. Fulford, Ministerials Officer, Department of the Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxli Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Prime Minister and Cabinet, to Mr R.D. MacArthur, Hughesdale, Vic., 5 August 1992...... 1741 Mr R. Hamilton, Acting Assistant Secretary, Consular and Passports Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to Mr R.D. MacArthur, Hughesdale, Vic., 4 September 1992...... 1741 Mrs J. Gillespie, Hawthorn, Vic., to Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, 16 September 1992...... 1741 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, to Mrs J. Gillespie, Hawthorn, Vic., 17 September 1992...... 1741 List of facts released by Lillian Webb, Price Brent, Solicitors, M elbourne, Vic...... 1741 Report by G. Glenn, 2 October 1992 ...... 2858 1758

Girls in schools 3-Report on national policy for education of girls in Australian schools, by Department of Employment, Education and Training, November 1990 ...... 613 436

Girls in schools 4-Report on national policy for education of girls in Australian schools, by Department of Employment, Education and Training, November 1991 ...... 1757 1205

Goat Fibre Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1989-No. 386...... 24 28

Goods and Services Tax- Airline ticket pricing-Copy of extract from Aviation Report, 28 September 1992 (Vol. 4, No. 17)...... 2857 Letter from the Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce to the President of the Senate, 8 December 1992, relating to the order of the Senate of 7 December 1992...... 3262 New Zealand-Copies of- R eturn ...... 1849 GST Guide, September 1991 ...... 1849 Transcript of Radio 4QR interview between Joan Sheldon, Deborah Richards and Rod Henshaw, 7 May 1992 ...... 2297 Transcript of Radio 8DDD FM Morning Program interview of 12 December 1991 with Senators Collins and Tambling...... 1950 Treasury Distributional Analysis of Opposition Fightback Package, 13 February 1992...... 2359 Visit to New Zealand-Copy of Minute from Assistant Project Director, Microeconomic Modelling Unit and Assistant Secretary, International and Indirect Taxation Branch to Secretary, Department of the Treasury, 27 September 1991-As released with deletions pursuant to the Freedom of InformationAct 1982 ...... 3228 cccxlii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Government funding of academic and related research in Australia: An international comparison. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Government House strategic plan. See "Official Establishments Trust".

Government/industry meeting on road transport-Joint statement- Media release (77/88) by Minister for Transport and Communications, 14 July 1988 ...... 868

Government leadership-Copy of Australian FinancialReview article, 9 Novem ber 1982 ...... 544

Government responses to parliamentary committee reports- Schedules of. See "Committee reports".

Government securities on issue. See "Finance".

Governor-General Act-Office of Official Secretary to Governor- General-Report for- 1989-90...... 314 221 1990 1990-91 ...... 1470 991 1991 1991-92...... 2764 1703 1992

Grain Legumes Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 47...... 892 611

Grain Legumes Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Grains Research and Development Corporation. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Grape and Wine Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Grape Research Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 144...... 1346 1 953 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority- Report- 1989-90...... 477 394 1990 1990-91 ...... 1910 1269 1991 199 1-92...... 3247 1944 1992 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park-Cairns section zoning plan ...... 1588 1080 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 367, 368 ...... 24 28 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxliii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1990- N os. 9, 35 ...... 24 28 No. 35 (in substitution for paper presented on 8 May 1990)...... 205 134 1991- N o. 63 ...... 974 708 N o. 257 ...... 1479 994 N o. 296 ...... 1525 104 1 1992-No. 69...... 2143 1400

Greater opportunities for debate on reports from parliamentary committees. See "Procedure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Greece. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Guidelines for preparation of departmental annual reports. See "Public Service Act".

Gulf crisis- French peace plan ...... 488 Impact on insurance-Copies of- Document-The Gulf Crisis-The insurance position for UK policyholders...... 710 Media release by National Insurance Brokers Association of Australia, 18 January 1991...... 710 Memoranda (2) from National Operations Manager, Insurance Council of Australia, 17 January 1991 ...... 710 Questions without notice, 22 January 1991-Extract from Senate H ansard...... 710 Incidents of harassment of, and racism towards, Australians of Arab descent and Australian Muslims, August-October 1990- Report by Committee on Discrimination Against Arab Australians in association with Committee of Arab Australians, October 1990...... 488 M inisterial statement, 5 M arch 1991...... 553 Soviet forces in the Baltic States-Notes...... 488 United Nations- Secretary-General-Statement, 15 January 1991 ...... 488 Security Council Resolutions relating to- Invasion of Kuwait- No. 677, adopted 28 November 1990...... 488 No. 678, adopted 29 November 1990...... 488 Palestine and the occupied territories-Copy of press release, 20 December 1990...... 488 The crisis in the Gulf-Nos. 660-2, 664-7, 669, 670, 674...... 488 cccxliv Index to PapersPresented to Parliamtent Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Gungahlin's transport links. See "Australian Capital Territory- Joint Committee". H

Hansard proof reports of Senate and Senate Committees- Daily Hansard- 13 Septem ber 1990...... 271 14 September 1990...... 273 17 September 1990...... 278 18 September 1990...... 292 Estimates Committees- A, 11 September 1990 ...... 266 A, 18 September 1990 ...... 292 B, 11 September 1990 ...... 271 C, 11 September 1990 ...... 271 D, 13 September 1990 ...... 271 E, 13 September 1990 ...... 292 F, 13 September 1990...... 292 Standing Committees- Environment, Recreation and the Arts, 12 September 1990 ...... 266 Industry, Science and Technology, 12 September 1990 ...... 266

Hazardous chemical wastes: Storage, transport and disposal. See "Environment and Conservation-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 130 ...... 217 146 Report on operation for 1990-91 ...... 2020 1310 1992 40

Hazardous Wastes-Treaty-Text of-Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal ...... 2373 1542

Headlight bicycle helmets-Response to allegations by Ms Fran Bailey, MP, about headlight helmets by the Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs, 9 November 1992...... 1864

Health Insurance Act- Approvals and/or revocations pursuant to subsections- 23DB(1), 31 M ay 1990 (2)...... 304 225 20 June 1990 (2)...... 304 225 23DN(6), Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxlv Presented Printed Paper journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

29 Octoberl1991l...... 1741 1211 4June 1992 ...... 2452 1612 Determinations- No. HS/4/1992 ...... 2652 1641 Nos HS/6/1992, HS/7/1992 ...... 2941 1817 Pursuant to- Paragraphs- 23DC(2)(c)- 31 May 1990 ...... 304 225 15SMayl1991l...... 1172 911 23DF(2)(c)- 31 May 1990 ...... 304 225 15 May 1991...... 1172 911 Subsections- 3C(1)- 14 Januaryl1992(2)...... 2010 1315 20 February 1992...... 2083 1354 1 April 1992 ...... 2195 1433 23DU(), 14 March 1991...... 932 639 23DNB(6) and 23DNC(5)- IlIDecemberl1991l...... 1915 1301 30 January 1992...... 2010 1315 10OAugustl1992...... 2717 1675 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 25, 83, 84...... 24 28 No. 250...... 217 146 No. 312...... :...... 366 278 Nos. 342, 343...... 390 297 No. 436...... 718 483 1991- Nos. 82, 83, 86 ...... 988 708 No. 314 ...... 1626 1111 Nos. 351, 352, 353, 365...... 1839 1301 Nos. 441, 442 ...... 2010 1315 1992- No. 23...... 2010 1315 Nos. 42, 46...... 2099 1378 No. 70...... 2143 1400 No. 95...... 2195 1433 Nos. 111, 119, 120...... 2314 1507 Nos. 191, 239, 240 ...... 2652 1641 No. 273 ...... 2753 1695 No. 297 ...... 2827 1743 Nos. 335, 336, 337, 338...... 2977 1846 No. 347 ...... 3085 1905 cccxlvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Statements of particulars of Ministerial determinations made pursuant to section 106AA, relating to- Dr Blair Russell Taylor, 23 January 1990 ...... 24 28 Dr Harold Strong, 14 February 1990...... 24 28 Dr Clive Aloysius Frank, 30 May 1990 ...... 217 146 Dr Pietro Raneri, 17 July 1990...... 217 146 Dr Lin Fatt Kenneth Soo, 3 July 1990...... 217 146 Dr Patrick Glen McCabe, 16 January 1991...... 718 496 Dr Roger John Masse Dunlop, 8 February 1991...... 759 520 Dr John Stanley MacPherson, 12 February 1991...... 767 520 Dr Vincent Chiu, 17 April 1991 ...... 974 708 Dr Thung Sing Tiong, 26 July 1991...... 1346 953 Dr Ashok Kumar Gupta, 10 September 1991 ...... 1525 1041 Dr William Peter Gover Jones, 30 October 1991...... 1653 1145 Dr Michael George Papps, 3 November 1991...... 1741 1175 Dr Chee Keong Thoo, 29 June 1992...... 2652 1641 Dr Antonio Giorgio, 20 October 1992 ...... 2941 1817

Health Insurance Commission. See "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act"

Health Insurance Commission Act- Health Insurance Commission-Report for- 1989-90...... 473 381 1990 271 1990-91 ...... 1967 1269 1991 447 1991-92...... 3301 1944 1992 350 Paper accompanying the Health Insurance Commission Annual Report by Mr Staples (Acting Minister for Health, Housing and Community Services) ...... 1269 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 443 ...... 2010 1315 1992-No. 241 ...... 2652 1641

Health insurance organisations. See "National Health Act".

Health Legislation and Health Insurance-Senate Select Committee- Government response to report-Hospital costs and health insurance ...... 920 Reports- Hospital costs and health insurance, December 1990 ...... 589 .. 1990 446 Vocational Registration and General Practitioners-Final Report, December 1990 ...... 661 .. 1990 445

Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Act- Joint review by the Auditor-General and Department of Finance- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: Review of estimated savings from proposed system for eligibility checking...... 1883 1266 1991 311 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxlvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act-Ordinances- 1990-No. 1-Environment Protection and Management (Amendment) .... 474 400 1991-No. 1-Environment Protection and Management (Amendment).....1346 953

Hearing Services Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1 992-Nos. 188, 234 ... 2652 1641

High Court of Australia Act-High Court of Australia- Report for- 1989-90...... 344 255 1990 182 1990-91 ...... 1605 1083 1991 233 1991-92 ...... 2939 1784 1992 263 Rule of Court, 4 September 1992...... 2753

High Court of Australia-Decision. See- "Postage entitlement of Members of Parliament" "Remuneration and liability for income tax of federal judges" "Remuneration of Solicitor-General, etc.".

Higher Education: Quality and diversity in the 1990's-Policy Statement, October 1991 ...... 1056

Higher Education Council. See "Employment, Education and Training Act".

Higher Education Funding Act- Declaration-1 991 No. T32-Declaration amending Table of Higher Education Institutions ...... 1346 953 Determinations- 1990- Nos. TI to T4, T8 and T9...... 24 28 No. T5...... 24 Nos. T6 and T7 ...... 113 125 Nos. TlOto T14...... 258 174 Nos. T15to T19...... 340 253 Nos. T31to T41l...... 974 708 1991- Nos. TI 1 to T20...... 974 708 Nos. T21 to T26...... 974 709 Nos. T27 to T40, T42 to 44...... 1346 953 Nos. T41to T46 ...... 1525 1041 No. T47...... 1952 1301 Nos. T48 toT56 ...... 1952 1302 Nos. T58 and T59...... 2533 1612 1992- Nos. TItoT8 ...... 2010 1316 Nos. TIOtoT12 ...... 2026 1328 Nos. T13to T16 ...... 2180 1414 cccxlviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. T 7 and T18 ...... 2533 1612 Nos. T19 and T20...... 2625 1612 Nos. T21 to T24 ...... 2652 1641 Nos. T25 to T29 ...... 2717 1680 Nos. T30 to T34 ...... 2827 1743 Nos. T35 and T36...... 3000 1861 Report detailing determinations made under Act in respect of- 1989...... 613 436 1990 335 1990 ...... 1123 856 199 1 153 1991 ...... 2451 1562 1992 156

Higher education funding for 1991-93 triennium-Report by Minister for Higher Education and Employment Services...... 776 528 Higher education funding for 1992-94 triennium- Report by Minister for Higher Education and Employment Services...... 2053 1337 Supplementary report by Minister for Higher Education and Employment Services...... 2825 1739

Historic Shipwrecks Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 115...... 217 146 Honey Export Charge Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 369 ...... 524 427 1991-No. 407 ...... 1978 1302 Honey Export Charge Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o. 385 ...... 545 468 N o. 425 ...... 718 483

Honey Levy Act (No. 1)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 367 ...... 524 427 1991-No. 405 ...... 1978 1302

Honey Levy Act (No. 2)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 368 ...... 524 427 1991-No. 406 ...... 1978 1302

Honey Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o. 386 ...... 545 468 No. 426 ...... 718 483 Honey Marketing Act-Australian Honey Board-Report for- 1989-90 (27th)...... 484 394 1990 312 1990-91 (28th)...... 1947 1269 1991 319 1991-92 (29th)...... 3412 1973 1992 412 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxlix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Honey Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Honeybee Research and Development Council Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Hong Kong. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Horticultural Export Charge Act and Horticultural Export Charge Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 307...... 304 225

Horticultural Export Charge Act and Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 203...... 1346 953

Horticultural Levy Act and Horticultural Levy Collection Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 306...... 304 225

Horticultural Policy Council Act-Horticultural Policy Council- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 678 471 1990 369 1990-91 ...... 2020 1310 1992 39 1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 351

Horticultural Research and Development Corporation Act- Horticultural Research and Development Corporation- Regulations-Orders- 1990-No. 1 ...... 81 81 1991- No. 1...... 932 633 N o. 2...... 1952 1302 1992-No. 1...... 2717 1680 Report for- Period 1 August 1988 to 30 June 1989...... 50 35 1990 44 1989-90 ...... 531 416 1990 336 1990-91 ...... 1852 1269 1992 45 1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 352

Hostages-Treaty-Text of-International Convention against the taking of hostages...... 385 288

House of Representatives and joint committees-Release of evidence and records-Report by Speaker for period 5 June 1987 to 5 December 1990 ...... 418 House of Representatives-Schedules- Showing the allocation of departments or authorities to the various general purpose standing committees and the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ...... 87 cccl Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Showing the allocation of departments and an authority to the various general purpose standing committees and the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade...... 1370 And see "Incident in House of Representatives on Monday, 21 January 1991". House records in court proceedings-use of. See "Request to use House records in court proceedings". Housing Assistance Act- Report on operation of Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement for- 1988-89...... 314 222 1990 183 1989-90...... 1967 1269 1991 402 1990-91...... 3412 1973 1992 353 Variations to the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement...... 3348 1964 Housing Loans Insurance Act-Housing Loans Insurance- Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 (26th)...... 566 436 1990 337 1990-91 (27th)...... 1967 1269 1991 446 Human contacts, humanitarian cooperation and protocol- Agreement between Australia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on human contacts and humanitarian cooperation, and protocol ...... 89 82 Human pituitary-derived gonadotrophin injections and Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease-Copies of letters from- Mr P. Costello, MP, to Dr P. Schiff, Consultant Services Director, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, 26 July 1991...... 1224 Peter Tuohy, Company Secretary, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Limited, to Mr P. Costello, MP, 8 August 1991 ...... 1224 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission- Government response to report-Racist violence: National inquiry into racist violence in Australia...... 1967 1269 Reports- Australian Defence Force policy on homosexuality ...... 3082 1898 1992 264 Inquiry into sex discrimination in overaward payments-Just rewards...... 3381 1944 1992 370 Insurance and the Sex DiscriminationAct 1984...... 303 203 1990 184 Provision of health and medical services for Aboriginal communities of Cooktown, Hopevale and Wujal Wujal, September 1991 ...... 1523 1020 1991 234 Racist violence: National inquiry into racist violence in Australia ...... 971 694 1991 100 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccli Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Report for- 1989-90 ...... 532 416 1990 338 1990-91 ...... 1967 1269 1991 403 1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 354 Review of consistency with human rights of Family Law Act provisions concerning guardianship orders...... 409 302 1990 244 Review of permanent exemptions under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984...... 2750 1693 1992 216 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1989-No. 407 ...... 24 28 Human Rights Delegation to China. See "Australian Human Rights Delegation to China".

Human rights of Family Law Act provisions concerning guardianship orders. See "Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act". I

Illegal entrants in Australia: Balancing control and compassion. See "Migration Regulations-Joint Standing Committee".

Images, information, freedom and liberalism. See "Liberalism". Immigration (Education) Act. See "Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs".

Immigration Review Tribunal-Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1852 1269 1992 38 1991-92 ...... 3082 1898 1992 265 Implantable breast prostheses-Copy of circular letter, from Mr T. McPherson, Acting Director, Therapeutic Goods Administration, to all breast implant sponsors, July 1991...... 1077 Implementation of program evaluation. See "Audit Act".

Implementation of waterfront reform. See "Waterfront reform".

Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials- Treaties-Text of- Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural M aterials...... 2373 1542 Protocol to the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural M aterials...... 2373 1542

Incident in House of Representatives on Monday 21 January 1991- Letter of apology from Senator J. Valletine, to Speaker, 7 March 1991 ...... 569 ccclii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Income and assets testing. See "Audit Act".

Income tax-Trusts with non-resident beneficiaries-Copies of Australian Taxation Office documents (9)...... 569

Income Tax Assessment Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 19 ...... 24 28 N os. 126, 151, 152, 192 ...... 217 147 No. 347 ...... 390 297 N os. 390, 398 ...... 545 468 No. 468 ...... 718 489 1991- N o. 20 ...... 805 554 No. 121 ...... 1202 911 N os. 156, 158 ...... 1346 953 No. 240 ...... 1365 953 N os. 300, 301 ...... 1525 1041 N os. 390, 39 1 ...... 1839 1302 1992- No. 38 ...... 2010 1316 No. 129 ...... 2407 1556 N o. 216 ...... 2652 1641 N o. 313 ...... 2941 1817

Income tax gifts provisions: New arrangements for donations to cultural organisations-Media release by Minister for the Arts, Tourism and Territories, 10 April 1991 ...... 626

Income tax statistics. See "Finance".

Independent Air Fares Committee Act-Independent Air Fares Committee-Report, for period 1 July 1989 to 30 October 1990 (9th and final) ...... 6611 436 1990 340

Indonesia. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act- National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme-Report for 1991-92 ...... 3326 1944 11992 355 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 231 ...... 218 147 N o. 440 ...... 718 483 1991-No. 165 ...... 1346 953 1992- No. 29 ...... 2010 1316 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cccliii Presented Printed Paper Journas V.& P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

No. 245 ...... 2652 1641 No. 282 ...... 2753 1695 Industrial disputes-Table relating to working days lost per thousand employees...... 429 478 Industrial relations- Contract of employment-Letter from Director, Copperart Pty Ltd to unnamed addressee, and attachment (conditions of employment) ... 3170 Financial assistance for union amalgamations-Copy of Department of Industrial Relations minute, 20 September 1989...... 2140 Impact of unionisation on housing costs...... 2470 Media releases issued by- Minister for Industrial Relations, Offering choice to Australian workers, 2 December 1992...... 3207 Prime Minister, Protecting Australian employees, 2 December 1992 ...3207 Procedures for dealing with industrial disputes-Department of Labour and National Service, Australian Council of Trade Unions and National Employers' Policy Committee, 1970 ...... 3289 Reforming the industrial relations system-Ministerial statement by Minister for Industrial Relations, 17 October 1991 ...... 1614 1093 Submission by Senator Cook-Re: Copperart Pty Ltd, 17 December 1992, and exhibits (9) ...... 3422 And see "Wage fixing guidelines".

Industrial Relations Act- Australian Industrial Registry-Report for- PeriodlIMarch to 30June 1989...... 74 61 1990 73 1989-90...... 516 416 1990 406 1990-91 ...... 1823 1269 1991 336 1991-92 ...... 3247 1944 1992 413 Australian Industrial Relations Commission-Report by President- Period IMarch to 30Junel1989 (1st)...... 74 61 1990 74 1989-90 (2nd) ...... 661 436 1990 384 1990-91 (3rd)...... 1967 1269 1991 377 1991-92 (4th) ...... 3247 1944 1992 451 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 328...... 366 278 No. 461...... 718 489 1991- Nos. 9, 11 ...... 735 506 No. 73 ...... 975 709 No. 137 ...... 1346 953 No. 366 ...... 1839 1302 1992- No. 81...... 2195 1433 cccliv Index to Paners Presentrd to Pnrlinmpnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N o. 139...... 2476 1612 Nos. 158, 225, 232 ...... 2653 1641 No. 274...... 2753 1695 No. 339 ...... 2977 1846 Nos. 351, 357 ...... 3085 1905 And see "Department of Industrial Relations".

Industrial Relations Amendment Bill 1990-Copies of- Press release issued by Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations 2 March 1990...... 3049 Private Senator's Bill (Senator Chaney)...... 3049

Industrial Relations Commission- Inquiry into the meat industry-Copies of- Curran critique...... 965 Letter from Victorian Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs to Premier of Victoria, 21 November 1990...... 965 Memoranda from- Chief General Manager to Victorian Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 15 January 1991 ...... 965 General Manager, Rural Policy and Marketing, to Acting PAEL, 8 January 1991 ...... 965 Victorian Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs to Chief General Manager, 15 January 1990...... 965 Note from Terry Trusworth to Judy, 29 November 1990 ...... 965 Submissions (2) to Australian Industrial Relations Commission inquiry, by Government of Victoria, July 1990 and January 1991 ...... 965 Media release by Minister for Industrial Relations relating to Commonwealth Government's submission to Commission, 14 September 1990 ...... 271

Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1992- Independent contractors and the AIRC jurisdiction-Copy of letter from William Szekely of Taylor, Szekely and Kelso, Lawyers, to Dr Ron Silverberg, National Executive Director, Housing Industry Association, 24 June 1992...... 1611 Legal advice-Letters to National Executive Director, Housing Industry Association from- Gallens Crowley and Chamberlain, 3 June 1992 ...... 2439 Taylor Szekely Kelso (2), 3 and 4 June 1992...... 2439 Industries Assistance Commission- Forward work program ...... 95 Reports- Apples and pears (Export underwriting), 19 January 1990 (No. 425) .... 88 61 1990 21 Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament ccclv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Concessional entry of aluminised steel for use in mufflers and exhaust systems, 21 September 1989 (No. 421)...... 225 137 1990 108 Food processing and beverages industries, 15 December 1989 (No. 424)...... 50 36 1990 22

Industry Commission Act-Industry Commission- Government response to report No. 18-Availability of capital...... 1620 Reports- No. 1-Pulp and paper: bleaching and the environment, 21 May 1990... 225 137 1990 109 No. 2-Paper recycling-Interim report, 21 May 1990 ...... 225 137 1990 110 No. 3-Aids and appliances for people with disabilities, 18 July 1990... 269 170 1990 145 No. 4-Product liability, 18 July 1990...... 296 203 1990 185 No. 5-Automotive industry, 17 December 1990...... 714 487 1991 20 No. 6-Recycling, 22 February 1991- Volume I-Recycling in Australia...... 971 704 1991 101 Volume II-Recycling of products ...... 971 704 1991 102 No. 7-Mining and minerals processing in Australia, 25 February 1991- Volume 1-Report ...... 971 694 1991 103 Volume 2-Commentary, statistics and analysis ...... 971 694 1991 104 Volume 3-Issues in detail...... 971 694 1991 105 Volume 4-Other supporting material...... 971 694 1991 106 No. 8-Construction costs of major projects, 11 March 1991 ...... 971 704 1991 107 No. 9-The commercial tariff concession and by-law systems, 8 M arch 1991 ...... 971 704 1991 108 No. 10-Statutory marketing arrangements for primary products, 26 March 1991 ...... 999 718 1991 109 No. 11-Energy generation and distribution, 17 May 1991- Volume I-Summary and recommendations ...... 1295 936 1991 197 Volume II-Report...... 1295 936 1991 198 Volume Ill-Supporting appendixes...... 1295 936 1991 199 No. 12-Exports of education services, 14 August 1991 ...... 1523 1037 1991 235 No. 13-Rail transport, 21 August 1991- Volume I-Report...... 1625 1101 1991 268 Volume II-Appendices ...... 1625 1101 1991 269 No. 14-Australian dairy industry, 26 September 1991 ...... 1665 1123 1991 264 No. 15-Costs and benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, 15 November 1991- Volume I-Report...... 2005 1310 1992 37 Volume H-Appendixes ...... 2005 1310 1992 36 No. 16-Exports of health services, 5 December 1991 ...... 2005 1310 1992 35 No. 17-Cost recovery for managing fisheries, 3 January 1992...... 2005 1310 1992 34 No. 18-Availability of capital, 9 December 1991...... 2005 1310 1992 33 No. 19-Australian Sugar Industry, 6 March 1992 ...... 2220 1438 1992 103 No. 20-National procurement development program, 31 March 1992 .. 2344 1514 1992 124 ccclvi Inden to PaDers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 21-Raw material pricing for domestic use, 1 April 1992...... 2313 1485 1992 123 No. 22-Review of overseas export enhancement measures, 3 April 1992- Volume I-Report...... 2313 1495 1992 120 Volume II-Country studies...... 2313 1495 1992 121 No. 23-Commercial restrictions on exporting (including franchising), 27 April 1992...... 2570 1571 1992 157 No. 24-The Australian Horticultural Corporation: Effectiveness in increasing international competitiveness, 30 June 1992...... 2715 1678 1992 212 No. 25-Intrastate aviation, 17 July 1992...... 2715 1678 1992 213 No. 26-Water resources and waste water disposal, 17 July 1992...... 2825 1739 1992 239 No. 27-Book production, 15 October 1992...... 3082 1898 1992 266 No. 28-Mail, courier and parcel services, 30 October 1992...... 3247 1944 1992 356 Report for- 1989-90...... 409 302 1990 245 1990-91...... 1733 1181 1991 405 1991-92...... 3267 1920 1992 357 Report for 1990-91-Copy of extract-Average effective rates of assistance for the manufacturing sector: 1968-69 to 2000-01-Graph...... 1397

Industry Research and Development Act-Industry Research and Development Board-Report for- 1988-89...... 50 36 1990 23 1989-90 ...... 396 302 1990 246 1990-91...... 1586 1077 1991 236 1991-92 ...... 3126 1920 1992 358 Industry, Science and Technology- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to report- Genetic manipulation: The threat or the glory?- Ministerial statement, 15 October 1992...... 1785 Schedule of responses to committee recommendations, 15 October 1992...... 1785 Small business in Australia: challenges, problems and opportunities...... 323 The North West Shelf-A sea of lost opportunities?: First report on Australian industry participation in second stage of North West Shelf Project- Joint statement by Minister for Resources and Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce ...... 184 Response ...... 184 Reports- Genetic manipulation: The threat or the glory?- Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccclvii Presented Printed Paper journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Report, incorporating a dissenting report, February 1992 ...... 1388 1992 52 Evidence received by the committee...... 1388 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1388 Copy of letter from the Minister for Science and, Technology, to Chairmnan, relating to the delay in the Government's response ...... 1634 Small business in Australia: challenges, problems and opportunities, January 1990- Recommendations and main conclusions ...... 112 Report...... 112 1990 13 Evidence received by committee...... 112 Minutes of proceedings ...... 112 The shipbuilding industry: In the wake of the bounty- Report, 26 May 1992 ...... 1560 1992 139 Evidence received by the committee...... 1560 Minutes of proceedings...... 1560 Copy of letter from Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, to Chairman, relating to the delay in the Government's response...... 1703 Senate Standing Committee- Government response to report- Annual reports tabled July-December 1989...... 1245 Australia's anti-dumping and countervailing legislation, together with a copy of letter from the Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, 4 December 1991 ...... 1882 People and technology: New management techniques in manufacturing industry, June 1991...... 1245 Rescue the Future: reducing the impact of the greenhouse effect ... 1375 Reports- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Amendment Bill 1992-

Report, June 1992...... 2389 .. 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.) ...... 2389 Consideration of the appropriations for the Department of Industrial Relations, Divisions 365-372, 910 and 912- Report, December 1992 ...... 3234 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.) ...... 3234 Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Bill 1992, May 1992...... 2240 1992 520 Customs Tariff Amendment Bill 1992- Report, June 1992...... 2534 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.) ...... 2534 Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1992- Report, November 1992...... 3090 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3090 ccclviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper ______Page Page No.

Examination of annual reports-

July-December 1989, May 1990...... 205 . 1990 88 Autumn sittings, December 1990...... 687 1990 443

Budget sittings 1990, June 1991 ...... 1281 .. 1991 476

No. 2of 1991, Decemberl1991 ...... 1925 .. 1991 475

No.1Iof 1992, Junel1992 ...... 2624 .. 1992 543

No. 2 of 1992, December 1992...... 3348 .. 1992 545 Fisheries Administration Bill 1991, Fisheries Management Bill 199 1, Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Bill 1991, Fisheries Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1991, Fishing Levy Bill 1991, Foreign Fishing Licences Levy Bill 1991 and Statutory Fishing Rights Charge Bill 1991 - Report, June 1991...... 1201 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 1201

Second Report, August 1991...... 1297 .. 1991 487

Third Report, October 1991...... 1541 .. 1991 487 Transcript of evidence (5 Vols.) ...... 1541 Gas and Electricity-Combining Efficiency and Greenhouse-

Report, December 1992 ...... 3286 .. 1992 516 Submissions (I Vol.)...... 3286 Transcript of Evidence (12 Vols.) ...... 3286 Inquiry into Australia's Anti-dumping and Countervailing Legislation-

Report, June 1991 ...... 1271 .. 1991 162 Transcript of evidence (I11Vols.)...... 1271

Patents Bill 1990 ...... 265 .. 1990 439 People and technology: New management techniques in manufacturing industry-

Report, Mayl1990O...... 162 .. 1990 10 Transcript of evidence (6 Vols.)...... 162 Primary Industries (Industry Councils) Bill 1991- Report, June 1991 ...... 1201 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (1 vol) ...... 1201 Reducing the impact of the greenhouse effect-

Report, Januaryl1991 ...... 716 .. 1991 44 Transcript of evidence (10 Vols.)...... 716 And see "Anti-dumping legislation".

Injured coastline: Protection of the coastal environment. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Innovative Agricultural Marketing Program-Department of Primary Industries and Energy and Australian Trade Commission-Report for 1991-92...... 3381 1943 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccclix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act-Inspector- General of Intelligence and Security-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 383 281 1990 247 1990-91 ...... 1967 1269 1991 406 1991-92 ...... 3247 1944 1992 334 Insurance. See- "Gulf crisis" "Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act".

Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 68 ...... 2143 1400

Insurance Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 446...... 718 483 1992-N o.177 ...... 2653 1641 And see "Insurance and Superannuation Commission".

Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 447...... 718 483

Insurance and Superannuation Commission-Report pursuant to requirements of Life Insurance Act, Insurance Act, Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Act and Occupational Superannuation Standards Act for- 1989-90 ...... 314 222 1990 186 1990-91 ...... 1540 1037 1991 237 1991-92 ...... 2939 1784 1992 269

Insurance claims for loss of liquor in transit-Copies of- Goods consignments schedule ...... 626 Letters from- C.D. McPherson, Manager for Queensland, Steeves Lumley Pty Ltd, to K. and V. Furber, National Hotel, Normanton, Qld, 22 February 1991 ...... 626 B.J. Matthews, Manager for Queensland, Lumley General Insurance Ltd, to Manager for Queensland, Steeves Lumley Pty Ltd, 19 February 1991 ...... 626 Statutory declaration of W.E. Simmich, 11 April 1991...... 626

Insurance Contracts Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 444 ...... 718 483

Insurance Supervisory Levies Collection Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 186...... 218 147 1992-N o. 37...... 2010 1316 ccclx Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Integrating forestry and farming: Commercial wood production on cleared agricultural land-Report of the National Plantations Advisory Committee, November 1991...... 1757 1205

Inter-governmental agreement on the environment-Peak conservation organisations meeting-Copy of extract from transcript of meeting held on 4 September 1991 between Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories and representatives of conservation organisations ...... 1010 And see "Tape recording-Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories".

Interjection during question time, 15 November 1990-Copy of letter from Mr R. Atkinson, MP, to Prime Minister, 22 November 1990...... 415

International Air Services Commission Act- Instrument under section 54- 22 July 1992 ...... 2700 1675 20 August 1992 ...... 2717 1680 Policy statement amendment No. 1 ...... 3304 1964 Policy statement under section 11, 1 July 1992...... 2653 1641 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 233 ...... 2653 1641

International Air Services Commission Bill 1992-Second reading speech ...... 2438

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (General Capital Increase) Act-Report for- 1988-89...... 50 36 1990 24 1989-90...... 501 394 1990 272 1990-91...... 1967 1269 1991 407 1991-92...... 3126 1910 1992 267

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination-Opened for signature at New York on 7 March 1966-United Nations Treaty Series 1969-No. 9464...... 1914

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights-Treaty- Text of-(First) Optional Protocol to the Covenant...... 1734 1213

International exhibitions-Amendments of 31 May 1988 to Convention relating to international exhibitions, as amended...... 90 82 International Labour Organisation- Convention No. 87: Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise, 1948-Direct request 1991-Australia...... 1497 International Labour Conference- Index to Pi ers Presentedto Parliament ccclxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Australian delegation report- 76th session, 1989...... 74 61 77th session, 1990 ...... 585 436 78th session, 1991 ...... 2939 1797 76th session, 1989-Convention No. 169-Indigenous and tribal peoples-A position paper by Minister for Industrial Relations ...... 517 416 77th session, 1990- Conventions- No. 170-Safety in the use of chemicals at work...... 1952 1302 No. 171-Night work ...... 1952 1302 Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention (revised), 1948 ...... 1952 1302 Recommendations- No. 177-Safety in the use of chemicals at work...... 1952 1302 No. 178-Night work ...... 1952 1302 Statement by the Minister for Industrial Relations relating to instruments adopted by the Conference...... 1952 1302 78th session, 1991- Convention 172-Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments ...... 2939 1797 Recommendation 179-Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments...... 2939 1797 Statement by Minister for Industrial Relations ...... 2939 1797 Treaties- ILO Convention (No. 58) Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea...... 2971 1847 ILO Convention (No. 92) concerning Crew Accommodation on B oard Ship...... 2971 1847 ILO Convention (No. 133) concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (supplementary provisions)...... 2972 1847 ILO Convention (No. 156) concerning equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers: workers with family responsibilities ...... 90 82 And see "Vocational rehabilitation and employment (Disabled persons)".

International Maritime Satellite Organization-Amendments of 19 January 1989 to convention on International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), and Operating Agreement...... 90 82

International Monetary Agreements Act-Report on operations of Act, for- 1989-90 ...... 501 394 1990 273 1990-91 ...... 1967 1269 1991 408 1991-92 ...... 3126 1910 1992 268 ccclxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

International Monetary Fund-Treaty-Text of-Third amendment of the Articles of the International Monetary Fund...... 1734 1213

International Organizations (Privileges and Immunities) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o . 26 ...... 24 29 Nos. 143, 228 ...... 218 147 1991- N o . 4 2 ...... 892 611 Nos. 259, 260, 261 ...... 1479 994 N o.3 19 ...... 1626 1111 Nos. 444, 457 ...... 2010 1316 1992- N o.110 ...... 2211 1442 Nos. 162, 238 ...... 2653 1641 No. 272 ...... 2753 1695

International profit shifting. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

International Telecommunication-Treaty-Text of-International Telecommunication Regulations of the ITU...... 2972 1847 Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference- Reports of Australian Delegations- 83rd, Nicosia, 2-7 April 1990...... 365 268 84th, Punta Del Este, Uruguay, 15-20 October 1990 ...... 511 398 85th, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 29 April-4 M ay 1991 ...... 1524 1022 86th, Santiago, Republic of Chile, 7-12 October 1991 ...... 2098 1371 87th, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon, 2-11 April 1992...... 2429 1565 Resolution-Promotion of peace and security in Mediterranean region in the light of developments in Europe and the new spirit prevailing internationally- Annex XXI-Vote on proposal of Australian group...... 56 Annex XXIV-Vote on resolution...... 56 Series-Reports and documents- No. 18, 1991-Distribution of seats between men and women in national parliaments-Statistical data from 1945 to 30 June 1991.. 2429 1565 No. 19, 1992-Women and political power...... 2429 1565 Inter-State Commission- Report-Road use charges and vehicle registration: A National Scheme-Copies of- Letter from B.R. Lunn, Secretary-General, Australian Automobile Association, to Minister for Land Transport, Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccclxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

10 July 1990...... 194 Newspaper cuttings- Article by Mr R. Gittins published in Sydney Morning Herald of 10 September 1990...... 194 Letter to Editor published in Australian Financial Review of 19 September 1990, from B.R. Lunn...... 194 And see "Fuel payments and road use charges".

Inter-State Commission Act-Inter-State Commission- Reports- Efficiency of interstate transport arrangements-3rd Report-Volume loading of livestock for transport by road, November 1989...... 51 36 1990 25 Road use charges and vehicle registration: a national scheme, March 1990- Volume 1-Report ...... 119 61 1990 26 Volume 2-Appendices ...... 119 61 1990 27 And see "Inter-State Commission".

Interstate distribution of general purpose grants for local government 1991. See "Commonwealth Grants Commission Act".

Interstate Road Transport Act- Determination under section 43A, 7 October 1992...... 3000 1861 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 144...... 218 147 N o. 4 35 ...... 7 18 483 1991-No. 343 ...... 1741 1211 1992-No. 350...... 3085 1905

Interstate Road Transport Charge Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-N o. 344...... 1741 1211 1992-N o.349...... 3085 1905

Invalid pension. See "Social Security".

Investments-Treaties-Text of- Agreement between Australia and Independent State of Papua New Guinea for the Promotion and Protection of Investments...... 284 287 Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with- Czechoslovakia ...... 1733 1212 H ungary ...... 1733 12 12 Poland ...... 1733 1212 Vietnam ...... 1029 747 ccclxiv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Iranian Embassy Incident and Diplomatic Security Arrangements- Canberra-Report on incident at the Iranian Embassy on 6 April 1992 ...... 2185

Iraqi nationals and organisations-List of individuals and organisations determined to be specially designated nationals of the Government of Iraq ...... 941

Ireland. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Irish Senate-Copy of letter from Clerk of Irish Senate to Clerk of Senate relating to death of Australian nationals in the Netherlands...... 241

Is retirement working?-Community involvement of retired persons. See "Community Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Islands in the sun: Legal regimes of Australia's external territories and the Jervis Bay Territory. See "Legal and Constitutional Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee". J Japan. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act-Ordinance-1990- No. 1-Administration ...... 718 489

Jobs, Education and Training (JET)-Evaluation report by Departments of Social Security; Employment, Education and Training; and Health, Housing and Community Services, May 1992...... 2569 1571

JOBTRAIN. See "Audit Act".

Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand-Treaty- Text of-Agreement with New Zealand concerning the Establishment of the Council of the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) ...... 1734 1213

Joint Advance to the President and the Speaker. See "Finance".

Joint Coal Board-Review-Terms of reference ...... 221 And see "Coal Industry Act".

Joint Commonwealth and New South Wales Scientific Committee. See "Biological conservation of south-east forests". Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccclxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Joint House Department- Corporate plan-July 1992-June 1995, June 1992 ...... 2662 1633 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 510 403 1990 282 1990-91 ...... 1738 1204 1991 435 1991-92 ...... 3139 1920 1992 364 And see "Parliamentary catering staff'.

Judge Advocate General. See "Defence Force Discipline Act".

Judicial and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Allowances) Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 229...... 218 147 N o. 472...... 718 489 1992-No. 243 ...... 2653 1641 Judiciary Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 449...... 2010 1316 1992-No. 80...... 2195 1433 Rules of Court- 14 August 1990 ...... 258 174 28 August 1991 ...... 1525 1041 25 August 1992 ...... 1695 Rules of Court-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 349...... 474 400 1991- N o. 318...... 1626 1111 N o. 473...... 2010 1316 1992- N o. 40...... 2034 1336 N o.85...... 2195 1433

Jury Exemption Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 205 ...... 218 147 1992- N o.123...... 2314 1507 N o.289...... 2827 1743

Justice-Delay in court proceedings- M agna Carta ...... 435 Supreme Court of NSW notice of motion...... 435

Jute and Jute Products-Treaty-Text of-International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products...... 1734 1213 ccclxvi Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.


Kakadu Conservation Zone- Report to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs by Hon. Justice D.G. Stewart, M ay 1991 ...... 984 704 And see- "Bula Sickness Country" "Resource Assessment Commission Act".

Kakadu National Park. See- "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-Senate Standing Committee" "Resource Assessment Commission Act".

Korea. See "Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference". L

Labour costs-Document detailing distinction between "average annual" increases and "over the year" increases in labour costs...... 337

Labour market program-Proportion of participants and Department of Social Security beneficiaries in employment, August 1989 to A ugust 1991-G raphs...... 1180

Labour productivity growth 1983-84 to 1989-90 and union membership by industry-Table ...... 1114

Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Land claims. See "Aboriginal Land Commissioner".

Land transport reform-Statement by Mr R.J. Brown, Minister for Land Transport, M ay 1990 ...... 88 Landcare Australia Limited- Report for period 10 October 1989 to 30 June 1990...... 532 416 Report for- 1990-91 (2nd) ...... 1921 1269 1991-92 (3rd)...... 3247 1920 Lands Acquisition Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 291 ...... 304 225 Statements of lands acquired by agreement authorised under subsection- 40(1)- (1) ...... 205 125 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccclxVii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

(3) ...... 218 147 (1) ...... 300 197 (1) ...... 304 225 (1) ...... 474 390 (1) ...... 556 468 (1) ...... 759 517 (1) ...... 815 564 (1) ...... 849 579 (1) ...... 975 709 (1) ...... 1032 746 (1) ...... 1130 840 (1) ...... 1280 953 (1) ...... 1392 953 (1) ...... 1467 986 (1) ...... 1599 1080 (1) ...... 1626 1112 (1)...... :...... 1665 1146 (1) ...... 1800 1249 (3) ...... 2010 1316 (1) ...... 2054 1340 (1) ...... 2099 1378 (1) ...... 2113 1386 (1) ...... 2195 1433 (1) ...... 2314 1507 (1) ...... 2431 1568 (1) ...... 2452 1612 (1) ...... 2523 1612 (1) ...... 2653 1641 (2) ...... 2717 1680 (1) ...... 2908 1780 (1) ...... 3085 1905 40(3)-(2)...... 24 29 125(3)- (1)...... 113 125 (1) ...... 474 400 (1)...... 843 579 (1) ...... 975 709 (1) ...... 1058 771 (1) ...... 1346 953 (1) ...... 1902 1302 (1) ...... 2238 1456 (1) ...... 2753 1699

Language and culture: A matter of survival-Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language maintenance. See "Aboriginal and Tonres Strait Islander Affairs-House ccclxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parhiament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

of Representatives Standing Committee".

Language of Australia-Discussion paper on an Australian literacy and language policy for the 1990s, released by Minister for Employment, Education and Training, December 1990- Volum e 1...... 566 436 Volume 2-Appendices...... 566 436 And see "Australia's language".

Law applicable to trusts-Treaty-Text of-Convention on the Law applicable to trusts and on their recognition...... 1734 1213

Law Reform Commission Act-Law Reform Commission-Reports- No. 48-Criminal admiralty jurisdiction and prize...... 477 394 1990 275 No. 55-Censorship procedure ...... 1512 1011 1991 468 No. 57-Multiculturalism and the law ...... 2207 1430 1992 105 No. 58-Choice oflaw ...... 2372 1527 1992 122 No. 59 (A joint report of the Commission and the Companies and Securities Advisory Committee)-Collective investments: Superannuation...... 2207 1430 1992 104 No. 60-Customs and excise- Volum e I ...... 2313 1485 1992 136 Volum e II...... 2313 1485 1992 137 Volume III...... 2372 1527 1992 138 No. 61-Administrative penalties in customs and excise...... 2739 1684 1992 217 Report for- 1988-89 ...... 109 115 1990 43 1989-90...... 477 394 1990 274 1990-91...... 1947 1269 1991 409 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920 1992 335 Laying Chicken Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o.112 ...... 205 134 1991-No. 101 ...... 1058 771 1992-No. 140...... 2476 1612

Laying Chicken Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 121 ...... 218 147

Leave of absence-Copy of certificate of sickness for Senator Morris, from Castle Hill Medical Centre...... 41

Legal aid for the Australian community: Legal aid policy, programs and strategies-Report by National Legal Aid Advisory Committee, July 1990- Government response, December 1990...... 678 471 Report...... 678 471 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament ccclXiX Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper IPage IPage No.

Legal and Constitutional Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to report- Corporate practices and the rights of shareholders, November 1991 ...... 1973 Fair shares for all: Insider trading in Australia ...... 244 Half way to equal: Report of the inquiry into equal opportunity and equal status for women in Australia, 14 April 199 1- Interim response, 19 September 1992...... 1745 Response, 17 December 1992 ...... 1973 Islands in the sun: Legal regimes of Australia's external territories and the Jervis Bay Terrtory...... 1002 Reports- Australian Law in Antarctica- Report, incorporating 2 dissenting reports, 14 October 1992 .... 1834 1992 252 Evidence received by the committee...... 1834 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1834 Corporate practices and the rights of shareholders- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, November 1991 ...... 1227 1991 293 Evidence received by the committee...... 1227 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1227 Half way to equal: Report of the inquiry into equal opportunity and equal status for women in Australia- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 14 April 1992 ..... 1444 1992 98 Evidence received by the committee ...... 1444 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1444 Islands in the sun: Legal regimes of Australia's external territories and the Jervis Bay Territory- Report, March 1991 ...... 566 1991 47 Evidence received by committee...... 566 Minutes of proceedings ...... 566 Senate Standing Committee- Discussion papers- Background papers- A survey of reforms to the English legal profession ...... 1951 Access to legal services: The role of market forces, February 1992 ...... 2025 Inquiry into cost of legal services and litigation in Australia today- No. 1-Cost of legal services and litigation: Introduction to the issues...... 953 No. 2-Lawyers' fees ...... 953 No. 3-Contingency fees, May 1991...... 1041 No. 4-Methods of dispute resolution, September 1991...... 1478 No. 5-Legal ethics, February 1992 ...... 2025 ccclxx Index to Piers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 6-The courts and the conduct of litigation, March 1992 .. 2081 No. 7-Legal Aid-For richerand for poorer, April 1992...... 2179 No. 8-The Legal Profession-A case for microeconomic reform, M ay 1992 ...... 2337 Government response to report- Aboriginal Development Commission-Legal costs in relation to a Senate privileges matter, 30 October 1992...... 3110 Annual reports referred to committee, May 1990 ...... 1245 Debt recovery under the Social Security and Veterans' Entitlem ents Act ...... 747 Mergers, Monopolies and Acquisitions: Adequacy of Existing Legislative Controls...... 2976 Proposed tax file number provisions and data-matching program ...... 1158 Scrutiny of Annual Reports- No. 2 of 1991-Interim Response...... 2033 No. 2 of 1991, 15 December 1992...... 3394 No. 1 of 1992, 8 December 1992...... 3301 Social and Fiduciary Duties and Obligations of Company Directors, November 1991 ...... 1779 Unauthorised procurement and disclosure of information ...... 1569 Reports- Aboriginal Development Commission-Legal costs in relation to a Senate privileges matter, May 1991...... 1018 .. 1991 451 Copyright Amendment Bill 1991, August 1991 ...... 1386 .. 1991 487 Corporations Legislation Amendment Bill 1990, December 1990 ...... 566 .. 1990 439 Crimes (Investigation of Commonwealth Offences) Amendment Bill 1990, April 1991...... 894 .. 1991 471 Debt recovery under Social Security Act and Veterans' Entitlements Act- Report, June 1990 ...... 228 .. 1990 91 Submissions (48 Vols.)...... 228 Transcript of evidence (5 Vols.) ...... 228 Doctrine of the Shield of the Crown (See Index to the Papers Presented to Parliamentfor the 37th Parliament) Examination of annual reports- M ay 1990 ...... 190 .. 1990 88 For period 1 January to 30 June 1990, December 1990 ...... 687 .. 1990 443 No. 1 of 1991...... 1099 .. 1991 476 No. 2 of 1991,December 1991 ...... 1892 .. 1991 475 No. 1 of 1992, June 1992 ...... 2495 .. 1992 543 No. 2 of 1992, December 1992...... 3348 .. 1992 545 Excise Tariff Amendment Bill 1990- Report, December 1990...... 536 .. 1990 439 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccclxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.)...... 536 Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment

Billl1991 -Clause11, Junel1991l...... 1192 .. 1991 471 Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1992-

Report, December 1992 ...... 3356 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3356 Mergers, Monopolies and Acquisitions: Adequacy of Existing Legislative Controls-

Report, December 1991...... 1969 .. 1991 389 Transcript of evidence (8 Vols.)...... 1969 Privacy Amendment Bill 1989 [1990]-

Report, October 1990 ...... 376 .. 1990 439 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.)...... 376 Product Liability-Where should the loss fall? Proposed amendments to the Trade PracticesAct 1974 (See Index to the Papers Presented to Parliamentfor the 37th Parliament) Proposed tax file number provisions and data-matching program-

Report, December 1990 ...... 542 .. 1990 439 Transcript of evidence (5 Vols.)...... 542 Review of determinations of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Privacy Commissioner-

Report, November 1992 ...... 3030 .. 1992 454 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.) ...... 3030 Sex Discrimination Amendment Bill 1991-

Report, May 1991...... 1066 .. 1991 471 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 1066 Territories Law Reform Bill 1992-

Report, June 1992...... 2556 .. 1992 520 Submissions (I Vol.)...... 2556 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 2556

Trusts (Hague Convention) Bill 1991, April 1991 ...... 894 .. 1991 471

Twentieth Anniversary of the Committee, December 1991...... 1811 .. 1991 298 Unauthorised procurement and disclosure of information-

Report, June 1991...... 1130 .. 1991 461 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 1130 Veterans' Entitlements Amendment Bill 1992-

Report, November 1992...... 3090 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3090

Legislative process in the Parliament of the Commonwealth- Advice from the Clerk of the Senate, 20 November 1992 ...... 3139 Amendments and requests: Background paper, 9 November 1992...... 3139 1852 And see- "Amendments and requests" "Constitution, Section 53". ccclxxii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Liberal and National Parties. See "Fightback!".

Liberal and National Parties' science and technology strategy-An innovation statement, June 1992 ...... 1704

Liberal Party-1945 to 1990: A brief history perspective-Copy of address by Sir Robert Southby, 6 October 1990 ...... 458

Liberalism-Images, Information, Freedom and Liberalism-Text of Dorothy Peters Memorial Address, by Dr M. Goldsmith, MLC, 26 February 1990...... 450

Life Insurance Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 445...... 718 483 And see "Insurance and Superannuation Commission".

Life Insurance Supervisory Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 187 ...... 218 147 1992-No.217 ...... 2653 1641

Lighthouses Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 181...... 218 147

Literacy needs in the workplace. See "Employment, Education and Training-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Live sheep trade. See "Saudi Arabian live sheep trade".

Live-stock Export Charge Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 47 ...... 24 29 1991- No. 49...... 892 611 N o.369 ...... 1839 1302

Live-stock Slaughter Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N os. 46, 51...... 24 29 1991- N o. 48 ...... 892 611 No. 102...... 1058 771 N o. 368 ...... 1839 1302 1992-N o. 152...... 2476 1612

Live-stock Slaughter Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o.387 ...... 545 468 N o. 427 ...... 718 483 1991-No. 67 ...... 975 709

Loan Council-Copies of documents (33) relating to Victoria's borrowings-1991-92 ...... 1794 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccclxxiii Presented Printed Paper Jurn- VA P. Year Paper "Page Page No.

Local Capital Works Program- Notional allocation by federal electorate-Table ...... 1655 Tables-Federal electorates of- Barker ...... 1671 Ballarat...... 1671 Bendigo...... 1671 Blaxiand ...... 1671 Corinella ...... 1671 McPherson...... 1671 Moncrieff...... 1671 Wentworth...... 1671

Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act-Recommendations by State and Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commissions- 1990-91...... 322 227 1991-92 ...... 1577 1063 1992-93 ...... 2916 1776

Long Service Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 327 ...... 390 297 1991- No. 224 ...... 1346 953 No. 264 ...... 1479 994 No. 325 ...... 1626 1112 1992- No. 56...... 2099 1378 No. 99...... 2195 1434 No. 138 ...... 2476 1612 Nos. 353, 354, 355 ...... 3085 1905

Long-term funding requirements for education and training. See "Education and training".

Long Term Strategies-House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government response to report- Australia as an information society: Grasping new paradigms, 15 May 1991...... 1944 Expectations of life: Increasing the options for the 21 st century, April 1992, November 1992...... 1864 Reports- Australia as an information society- Grasping new paradigms- Report, 15 May 1991...... 862 1991 145 ccclxxiv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

M inutes of proceedings...... 862 The role of libraries/information networks- Report, September 1991...... 1017 1991 223 Copy of letter from Minister for the Arts and Territories, to Mr Jones, MP, Chairman, relating to the delay in the Government's response...... 1370 The role of Parliament in an age of Executive dominance- Issues paper ...... 1694 Expectations of life: Increasing the options for the 21st century- Report, April 1992 ...... 1444 1992 99 M inutes of proceedings...... 1444 Patterns of urban settlement: Consolidating the future?- Report, August 1992 ...... 1691 1992 201 M inutes of proceedings ...... 1691

Lotteries Gaming and Betting Act [Victoria]-Copies of authorities (2), letters (10), minutes (4) and note from files of Victorian Department of Sport and Recreation ...... 591

LPG industry-Copy transcript extracts of interviews by Philip Satchell on Radio 5AN with- Alexander Downer, 23 April 1992...... 1447 Alan Griffiths, Alexander Downer and Leon Byass, Energy Information Centre (Office of Energy Planning), 28 April 1992...... 1447 M

Mainly urban: Inquiry into the needs of urban dwelling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. See "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs- House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Major National Research Facilities. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Management and Investment Companies Act-Management and Investment Companies Licensing Board-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 517 416 1990 341 1990-91...... 1625 1101 1991 263

Managing for drought. See "Drought Policy Review Task Force".

Marine Geoscientific Research-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America concerning continuation of Marine Geoscientific Research and Mineral Resource Studies in the South Pacific Index to Pd ~ers Presentedto Parliament ccclxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Region (Tripartite Phase II Extended Agreement)...... 384 287

Marine Navigation Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-N o. 153...... 1346 953 1992-N o.199...... 2653 1641

Marine Navigation Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 182...... 218 147

Marine Navigation (Regulatory Functions) Levy Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 198 ...... 2653 1642

Marine Navigation (Regulatory Functions) Levy Collection Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 152...... 1346 953

Maritime claims-Treaty-Text of-Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims ...... 1030 747

Maritime College Act-Council of Australian Maritime College- Report for- 1989 ...... 269 170 1990 168 1990 ...... 1577 1056 1991 255 1991 ...... 2726 1678 1992 226

Marriage Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 246...... 218 147 1991-N o. 328 ...... 1627 1112 1992- N o. 32...... 2010 1316 N o. 294...... 2827 1743

Marshall Islands- Austrade documents (48) ...... 2424 Background note, 14 M ay 1992...... 2306 Bankruptcy Act 1966- Certificate by trustee of composition, 16 November 1991 ...... 2352 Documents relating to bankruptcy proceedings (9) ...... 2307 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade documents (81)...... 2424 Extract from file note of telephone conversation between Mr O'Leary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Ambassador to Micronesia and Marshall Islands, 6 April 1992...... 2332 Hong Kong-Visits- Consular cable relating to visits by Senator Richardson...... 2351 Facsimiles from- Consul General, Hong Kong to Assistant Secretary (International and Review Branch), Department of Social Security, 7 August 1990...... 2427 ccclxxvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

International Branch, Department of Social Security to Australian Consulate General, Hong Kong...... 2427 Letter from Assistant Secretary, International and Review Branch, Department of Social Security to Consul General, Hong Kong, 2 August 1990...... 2427 Letters from- Minister, Embassy of Australia, Washington to President of the Senate, 4 December 1991...... 2306 Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs to Minister for Justice, 2 June 1992...... 2389 Memo from Gregory B. Symons to Senator Richardson, 18 Septem ber 1991 ...... 2306 Minute from Deputy Secretary, Foreign Affairs and Trade to Senior Adviser, Senator Evans' office, 8 May 1992, and attachments (5) ...... 2333 Reference for Mr Gregory B. Symons from Minister for Social Security, undated ...... 2234 Statement to the Senate by the President, and attachments (15) ...... 2306 Statutory declaration by Miles Kupa, 26 May 1992, and attachments (6)... 2306

Matching and catching. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 383 ...... 545 468 No. 473 ...... 718 489 1991- No. 223 ...... 1346 953 No. 326 ...... 1627 1112 1992- N o. 10 ...... 2010 1316 N o . 57 ...... 2099 1378 N o.137 ...... 2476 1612

Meat Chicken Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 52 ...... 24 29 N o.113 ...... 205 134 1991-N o.103 ...... 1058 771 1992-No. 144...... 2476 1612

Meat Export Charge Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 99...... 205 134

Meat Exports-Treaty-Text of-Agreement with the United States of America concerning Meat Exports by Australia to the Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament ccclxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

United States of America during- 1991 ...... 2373 1542 1992 ...... 2971 1846

Meat Inspection Act- Meat Inspection (Orders) Regulations-Orders- 1990- N os. 1 to 3 ...... 218 147 Nos. 4 and 5 ...... 718 484 N o . 6 ...... 5 86 4 6 8 1991- Nos. I and 2 ...... 1627 1112 N o . 3 ...... 1376 9 5 3 N o. 4...... 1525 104 1 N o. 5 ...... 20 10 13 16 1992- N o. 1 ...... 2388 1549 N o. 2...... 2653 1642 Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 247...... 218 147

Meat Research Corporation Act- Meat Research Corporation-Annual Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1586 1063 1991 238 1991-92 ...... 2825 1739 1992 240 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 435...... 2010 1316 1992-N o. 257...... 2700 1675 And see "Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Corporation Act".

Medical Research Endowment Act-National Health and Medical Research Council-Report for- 1989...... 374 26 1 1990 187 1990...... 1123 856 1991 141 1991 ...... 2177 1411 1992 60

Medical treatment-Treaty-Text of-Agreement with- Finland on Medical Treatment for Temporary Visitors...... 2971 1846 The Netherlands concerning Provision of Medical Treatment, done at Canberra on 5 April 1991...... 1029 746

Medicare- Estimates of 1993-94 and five year allocations using 1990-91 base data-Table ...... 1866 Schedule of medical practitioner fees for attendances ...... 1583 ccclxxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Members' Interests-House of Representatives Standing Committee- Register of Members' Interests for 36th Parliament- Register incorporating notifications of alterations of interests to 2 July 1990- Volum e 1-A -F...... 141 Volum e 2-G -M ...... 141 Volum e 3-N -Z...... 141 Notifications of alterations of interests and a statement of registrable interests received during the period 28 November 1991 to 24 June 1992 ...... 1621 Notifications of alterations of interests received during period- 3 July to 20 August 1990 ...... 141 3 July to 5 December 1990...... 418 6 December 1990 to 5 June 1991 ...... 875 6 June to 27 November 1991 ...... 1232 24 June 1992 to 15 December 1992...... 1947 Reports-Operations of committee, including minutes of proceedings, for- 1989 ...... 108 1990 89 1990 ...... 514 1991 94 1991 ...... 1360 1992 79 Members of Parliament (Staff) Act-Report on consultants engaged under section 4, for- 1989-90...... 492 394 1990 276 1990-91...... 1967 1269 1991 410 1991-92 ...... 2998 1852 1992 270

Merit Protection (Australian Government Employees) Act- Enactments (8) under section 37A...... 2827 1743 Merit Protection and Review Agency-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 643 436 1990 342 1990-91...... 1852 1269 1992 32 1991-92 ...... 3301 1944 1992 336 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 411 ...... 24 29 1992-No. 301 ...... 2827 1743

Meteorology Policy Committee-Report for 1989...... 233 163 1990 146

Microeconomic reform in transport and telecommunications- Microeconomic reform: Progress-Telecommunications-Report by Minister for Transport and Communications, November 1990...... 400 303 Transport and telecommunications reform-Ministerial statement, 8 November 1990...... 400 303 Index to Pi ers Presentedto Parliament ccclXXiX Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

Micronesia-Resolution of the Seventh Congress of the Federated States, 19 May 1991 ...... 2152

Midford Paramount. See "Public Accounts-Joint Committee".

Migration Act- Direction under section 179, 18 August 1991 ...... 1570 Instrument under section 179- 18 Augustl1991l...... 1525 1049 26 November 1992...... 3348 1964 Notices pursuant to subsections- 32(1)- 11 January 1990(2) ...... 25 29 9 May 1990(2)...... 163 125 9 May 1990(2)...... 218 147 15 and 21 September 1992...... 2827 1743 32(2)- 11 December 1989(2) ...... 29 6 March 1990(2) ...... 25 29 9 andl10Mayl1990 ...... 163 125 9 and 10May 1990 ...... 218 147 21 September 1992(2)...... 2827 1743 Policy directions- 1991-Nos. 1,2 ...... 1525 1035 1992-Nos. 1,2 ...... 2653 1642 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 412, 413, 414, 416...... 25 29 1990- Nos. 1, 34, 69, 75...... 25 29 Nos. 109, 110...... 205 135 Nos. 204, 237, 238, 242,251, 261...... 218 147 Nos. 272, 279, 280, 281 ...... 258 174 Nos. 320, 339...... 390 297 Nos. 371, 400...... 545 468 No.402...... 718 484 No.452...... 718 496 1991- Nos. 2,3 ...... 718 496 No. 8...... 736 506 No. 18 ...... 805 554 No.25 ...... 849 584 Nos. 37, 43...... 892 611 Nos. 60, 61...... 944 683 No. 88 ...... 989 709 Nos. 201, 202, 222, 226...... 1346 953 Nos. 229, 230, 243 ...... 1365 953 ccclxxx Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. 285, 295, 298...... 1525 1041 Nos. 342, 349 ...... 1742 1211 Nos. 418, 481, 484 ...... 2010 1316 1992- No.22...... 2010 1316 No. 51...... 2099 1378 Nos. 96, 97 ...... 2195 1434 Nos. 112, 113...... 2211 1442 No. 125 ...... 2314 1507 No. 157 ...... 2476 1612 Nos. 183, 231 ...... 2653 1642 No.278 ...... 2754 1695 Nos. 291, 292 ...... 2827 1743 Nos. 311, 315...... 2941 1817 No.346 ...... 3086 1905 No. 367 ...... 3304 1964 Statements pursuant to- Section 137- (1) ...... 2180 1426 (1) ...... 2754 1699 Subsection 115(5)- (4) ...... 1525 1041 (1) ...... 2143 1400 (4) ...... 2180 1426 (6) ...... 2879 1764 Subsection 137(1), of reasons for setting aside a decision of Immigration Review Tribunal...... 805 550

Migration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991-Supplementary Explanatory Document...... 2152

Migration legislation review-Ministerial statement, 9 May 1990 ...... 38

Migration Regulations-Joint Select Committee- Copy of letter from- Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs to Dr Theophanous, Chairman, 20 December 1989...... 113 105 Dr Theophanous to Senator Ray, 14 February 1990...... 113 105 Reports-1989- lst, 28 November 1989...... 113 105 1990 172 2nd,12 DecemberI1989 ...... 113 105 1990 173

Migration Regulations-Joint Standing Committee- Government response to reports- Change of status on grounds of spouse/de facto relationships (Report No. 2)...... 2080 1360 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccclxxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Illegal entrants in Australia: Balancing control and compassion...... 339 255 Special report No. 1, September 1991...... 3269 1944 Reports- 1st-Illegal entrants in Australia: Balancing control and compassion- Report, including 4 dissenting reports, September 1990 ...... 270 171 1990 210 Evidence received by committee ...... 171 M inutes of proceedings...... 171 2nd-Change of status on grounds of spouse/de facto relationships- Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 7 May 1991...... 1041 755 1991 115 Evidence received by committee ...... 755 M inutes of proceedings...... 755 Australia's refugee and humanitarian system: Achieving a balance between refuge and control- Report, incorporating 2 dissenting reports, August 1992 ...... 2752 1697 1992 204 Evidence received by the committee...... 2752 1697 Minutes of proceedings...... 2752 1697 Transcript of evidence (12 Vols.)...... 2752 Interim report (in the form of a letter to Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs) concerning issue of change of status on basis of marriage and de facto relationships, 7 N ovem ber 1990...... 401 304 Special report No. 1-Recommendations to the Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, incorporating a dissenting report, September 1991...... 1471 989 1991 287 And see "Privileges-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Military Superannuation and Benefits Act- Instruments- 1991-No. 1 ...... 1525 1041 1992- N o. 1...... 2254 1465 No. 2...... 2407 1556 N o. 3...... 3142 1914 Military Superannuation and Benefits Board of Trustees No. 1-Report for period 1 October 1991 to 30 June 1992...... 3267 1944 1992 337 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 334 ...... 2977 1846 Minister for- Aboriginal Affairs. See- "Aboriginal Deaths in Custody-Royal Commission". "Kakadu Conservation Zone". Administrative Services. See- "Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures Bill 1991" "Postage entitlement of Members of Parliament". Aged, Family and Health Services. See "Pharmaceutical ccclxxxii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper SPage Page No.

Benefits Scheme". Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories. See "Tape recording". Arts, Tourism and Territories. See "Income tax gifts provisions: New arrangements for donations to cultural organisations". Community Services and Health. See "First Home Owners". Defence. See- "Defence in the 21st century" "North West Cape Naval Communications Station". Defence Science and Personnel. See "Asbestos in Defence". Employment, Education and Training. See- "Adult English as a second language program" "Australia's language" "AUSTUDY" "Education exports industry-Regulation" "Language of Australia" "Road to Olympus" "States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1984". Finance. See "Finance". Foreign Affairs and Trade. See- "Aid program 1990" "Australia adopts economic measures against Yugoslavia" "Australia's International Development Cooperation Program" "Burke, Mr Brian" "Gulf Crisis" "Papua New Guinea" "Russia and the Baltic Nations" "Situation in the Persian Gulf' "Sugar-Access to United States Market" "States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1984". "Western Australia". Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs. See- "Australia's criminal deportation policy". "Migration legislation review" "Migration Regulations-Joint Select Committee" Industrial Relations. See- "APPM" "Industrial Relations Commission" "International Labour Organisation" "Western Australia". Industry, Technology and Commerce. See- "Building a competitive Australia" "Industry, Science and Technology-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Pharmaceutical Industry". Justice and Consumer Affairs. See "Drug trial". Index to Pt ers Presentedto Parliament ccclxxxiii Presented Printed Paper IJournals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Land Transport. See- "Inter-State Commission". "Land transport reform". Primary Industries and Energy. See- "Commonwealth Primary Industry Statutory Marketing Authorities" "Drought Policy Review Task Force" "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "Rehabilitation of former nuclear test sites in Australia" "Sugar-Access to United States Market" "Wool Marketing Amendment Bill 1990". Resources. See- "Biological conservation of south-east forests" "Industry, Science and Technology-House of Representatives Standing Committee" "National gas strategy" "Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act". Science and Technology. See- "Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service: The next five years" "Australian Science and Technology Council Act". "Industry, Science and Technology-House of Representatives Standing Committee". "Research and technology: Future directions". Shipping and Aviation Support. See "Department of Transport and Communications". Social Security. See- "Client Service Delivery in the Department of Social Security" "Data-Matching Program" "Privacy Commissioner". Trade and Overseas Development. See- "A success story-Australia's trading performance". "Burke, Mr Brian" "Uruguay round of trade negotiations". Transport and Communications. See- "Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA)" "Broadcasting Act" "Broadcasting Services Bill 1992" "Directorship of 2HD Broadcasting Pty Ltd" "Government/industry meeting on road transport" "Microeconomic reform in transport and telecommunications".

Ministerial portfolios. See "Audit Act".

Ministers' overseas travel-Financial arrangements, guidelines and procedures ...... 1092

I __ _ __jI _ I._ _ ccclxxxiv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Ministers' private interests- R eturns for 1991 ...... 1921 1269 Returns of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries appointed since tabling of 1991 returns, June 1992...... 2451 1562 And see- "Building Workers' Industrial Union" "Senate Ministers' private interests".

Ministries and shadow ministries-Copy of schedule...... 1375

Misrepresentation-Allegations-Copies of letters to President of the Senate from- Minister for Social Security (Dr Blewett), 30 June 1992...... 2695 Senator Alston, 3 August 1992...... 2696

Monetary policy and interest rates-Copies of- Newspaper articles (2)...... 500 Press releases (4) by Dr Hewson, MP...... 500 Proof transcripts of interviews with- Dr Hewson, 23 January 1990 (2)...... 500 Senator Stone, 24 January 1990...... 500

Mongolian People's Republic. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Mosul War Cemetery-Agreement between Iraq and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India concerning the Mosul War Cemetery...... 88 81

Motor Vehicle Standards Act- Determination of Motor Vehicle Standards-Order-1990- N o. 1 ...... 258 174 N o. 2 ...... 511 410 N o . 3 ...... 7 18 496 Determinations-1990-No. 1-Procedures for inspection of steps in manufacture and testing of motor vehicles...... 258 174 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- N o. 66...... 975 709 N o. 330...... 1627 1112 1992-N o.222 ...... 2653 1642 Road vehicle (National Standards) Determinations- 1991- N os. 1, 2 ...... 1376 953 No.3...... 1742 1211 1992- N o.1 ...... 2143 1395 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament ccclxxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N o. 2 ...... 23 14 1507 N o.3...... 2956 1831 N o. 4...... 3304 1964

Mount Jerrabomberra,NSW-Background paper on environmental planning procedures and proposed development, 21 May 1990...... 115

Moving pictures inquiry. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Multilateral Aid: The urgency for parliamentary scrutiny- Text of address by Senator Baden Teague, 7 November 1991...... 1740

Murray-Darling Basin Act-Murray-Darling Basin Commission- Report for- 1988-89 ...... 296 203 1990 188 1989-90 ...... 1404 936 1991 196 1990-91 ...... 2691 1655 1992 211

Mutual Assistance in Business Regulation Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules 1992-No. 331 ...... 2977 1846

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 22...... 25 29 N o. 254...... 218 147 N o.311 ...... 304 225 N o. 44 1 ...... 7 18 484 1991- N o. 69...... 975 709 N o. 95...... 1058 771 N o. 244...... 1365 953 N o. 400...... 1978 1302 1992- N o. 167...... 2653 1642 No. 263...... 2754 1695 No. 372...... 3304 1964

Mutual Legal Assistance-Treaty-Text of-Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Mexico...... 1733 1212

Mutual recognition-Intergovernmental agreement, 11 May 1992...... 1804

I I_ I _ I_ _ ccclxxxvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.


Namadgi National Park. See "Environment and Conservation- House of Representatives Standing Committee".

National Advisory Committee on Skills Recognition- Migrant skills reform strategy-Progress Report, June 1991 ...... 1577 1056 National AIDS Program See "Audit Act".

National Board of Employment, Education and Training. See "Employment, Education and Training Act".

National Capital-Joint Committee-Our bush capital: Protecting and managing the National Capital's open spaces- Report, 16 October 1992...... 2977 1835 1992 253 Evidence received by the Committee...... 1835 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1835 National Capital Plan. See- "Australian Capital Territory-Joint Committee" "Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act".

National Capital Planning Authority. See "Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act".

National Committee on Violence. See "Violence: Directions for Australia".

National Common Police Services-Australian Police Ministers' Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 296 204 1989-90...... 1295 913 1990-91 ...... 2207 1438

National Companies and Securities Commission. See "Company information"

National Companies and Securities Commission Act-National Companies and Securities Commission-Report for- 1989-90 (llth)...... 517 404 1990 277 1 July to 31 December 1990 (12th)...... 1967 1269 1991 411 And see "Corporations Legislation Amendment Act".

_ _ _ I _ _ I _ _ I_ _ Index to PapersPresented to Parliament ccclxxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

National Crime Authority-Joint Statutory Committee- Government response to report- 3rd, November 1989...... 275 176 Drugs, crime and society, May 1989...... 275 184 Examination of the annual report for 1990-91 of the National Crime Authority, March 1992 ...... 1973 Operation Ark...... 1586 991 Who is to guard the guards?: An evaluation of the National Crime Authority, November 1991...... 2375 1539 Reports- Examination of National Crime Authority Annual Report for- 1988-89 ...... 243 141 1990 431 1989-90, June 1991...... 1153 876 1991 296 1990-91, March 1992 ...... 2129 1388 1992 51 Legal casinos and organised criminal activity- Incorporating a dissenting report, June 1992...... 2429 1560 1992 198 Operation Ark- Letter to Mr E.J. Lindsay, RFD, MP, Chairman, from Mr Justice D.G. Stewart, Resource Assessment Commission, 30 November 1990 ...... 790 543 Report, including dissenting report, October 1990...... 354 273 1990 430 Statement by Chairman of Committee ...... 543 Who is to guard the guards?: An evaluation of the National Crime Authority- Report, incorporating 2 dissenting reports, November 1991 ... 1780 1226 1991 297 Evidence received by the committee (12 Vols.) ...... 1780 1226

National Crime Authority Act- National Crime Authority-Report for- 1989-90...... 661 436 1990 343 1990-91 ...... 1947 1269 1991 412 1991-92 ...... 3082 1890 1992 271 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 38...... 25 29 No. 270...... 258 174 1992- No.9 ...... 2010 1316 No. 280 ...... 2754 1695

National Cultural Heritage Fund. See "Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act".

National Debt Commission. See "National Debt Sinking Fund Act". ccclxxxviii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

National Debt Sinking Fund Act-National Debt Commission- 67th Report, for 1989-90...... 269 184 1990 147 68th Report, for 1990-91 ...... 1540 1037 1991 239 69th Report, for 1991-92 ...... 2825 1719 1992 237

National drought policy. See- "Drought Policy Review Task Force" "Rural and Regional Affairs-Senate Standing Committee".

National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Council-Report, including a report on operations of Coal Research Assistance Act, for- 1989-90 ...... 375 271 1990 251 1990-91 ...... 1512 1011 1991 205 1991-92...... 2954 1823 1992 272

National Film and Sound Archive-Review- 1989-90...... 532 416 1990-91 ...... 1835 1269 1991-92...... 3082 1898

National Food Authority Act- National Food Authority-Report for period 19 August 1991 to 30 June 1992...... 3381 1944 1992 338 Direction and statement of reasons, 1 July 1992...... 2732 1680

National Gallery Act-Australian National Gallery-Report for- 1989-90...... 396 292 1990 233 1990-91 ...... 1757 1205 1991 335 1991-92...... 3247 1920 1992 414

National gas strategy-Ministerial statement by Minister for Resources...... 1233

National Health Act- Amendment of principles No. PC 2/1992 ...... 2942 1817 Common form of agreement between proprietors and residents of approved nursing homes, formulated pursuant to section 40ABB, 14 September 1990...... 282 190 Declarations-1992- Nos. PB8, PB9...... 2653 1642 N o. PB 11...... 2827 1743 Nos. PB13, PB14...... 3086 1905 Determinations- 1989-Nos. BPT1, BPT2, BPT3, BPT4 ...... 25 29 1990- No. BT1 ...... 25 29 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ccclXXXix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. BT2 ...... 61 29 Nos. BPT2, BPT3(2), BPT4, BPT5 ...... 218 147 Nos. BPT6, BPT7 ...... 256 174 No. BPIT8...... 304 238 No. BPT12...... 377 286 Nos. BPT9, BPT1O...... 475 400 No. BPT9 (in substitution for paper presented on 26 Novemberl1990)...... 511 No. BPTIO (in substitution for paper presented on 26 November 1990)...... 495 No. BPTIlI...... 495 400 No. BPT12...... 511 400 No. BPTI 3...... 524 410 No. BPT14 ...... 718 484 1991- No. BIT]I...... 718 496 No. PB1 ...... 748 517 Nos. BIT2, BIT 3 ...... 828 564 Nos. BIT4, BIT5, BIT6 ...... 1058 771 No. PB4...... 1154 859 Nos. BIT7, BITS, BIT9, BIT]I0, BITI I...... 1346 954 Nos. BITI2, BIT13, BIT14 ...... 1392 954 No. BIT 15 ...... 1525 1035 No. BIT]I6...... 1525 1041 Nos. BITI17, BIT 18, BITI19...... 1742 1211 1992- Nos.11B 2,HSB 6...... 2010 1316 No. HSB I...... 2010 1340 Nos. IISB 7, HSB 9...... 2314 1507 Nos. HSB 10, HSB 11, HSB 12, HSB 13, PBIO ...... 2653 1642 Nos. HSB 14, HSB 15, HSB 16, HSB 17 ...... 2717 1681 No. PB12 ...... 2827 1743 Nos. HSB 19, HSB2O, HSB2 1, HSB22, PB 15...... 3086 1905 1991-92/28...... 2653 1642 Pursuant to paragraph 4OAH(b)- 18SJune 1990 ...... 218 147 18 Junel1991l...... 1346 954 Guidelines under section 82F7- 20 January 1992...... 2010 1316 24 April 1992...... 2314 1507 Instrument for purposes of paragraph 4OAA(6)(ce)- 19 September 1990 ...... 304 225 16 October 1990 ...... 377 286 15 January 1992...... 2010 1316 4 September 1992 ...... 2827 1743

Notice No. DSP NHA 1-92...... 3086 1905 __ Cccxc Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Notice of determination of amount for purposes of- Subparagraph 47(2)(b)(iii)- 22 March 1990...... 25 29 30OMay 1990...... 218 147 30 August 1990 ...... 258 174 22 February 1991 ...... 828 573 3March 1992 ...... 2099 1378 Subsection 47(1)- 15SFebruary 1990...... 25 29 11 September 1990...... 304 225 9September 1991...... 1525 1041 Notice pursuant to subsection 4(1)-1992-GNH 1 ...... 2195 1434 Nursing Homes Patients Classification Principles, formulated under subsection 4OAFA(3), 27 July 1990 ...... 271 185 Pharmaceutical Benefits- Declarations- 1990- Nos. PBI, PB2, PB3 ...... 25 29 Nos. PB4, PBS ...... 258 174 Nos. PB6, PB7 ...... 588 468 1991- Nos. PB2, PB3 ...... 892 611 Nos. PBS, PB6, PB8 ...... 1376 954 Nos. PB11I,PB12...... 1800 1249 1992- Nos. PB2, PB3...... 2099 1378 No. PBS ...... 2195 1434 Nos. PB6, PB7...... 2314 1507 Determinations- 199 1- Nos. PB7, PB9...... 1376 954 No. PB13...... 1800 1249 No. PBIO...... 1902 1302 No. PB14...... 1978 1302 1992- No. PB4 ...... 2099 1378 No. PB1O...... 2655 1642 Rules- 1991 -No. PBS ...... 1374 954 1992-No. PB1 ...... 2066 1354 Principles and Amendments formulated under subsection- 39AB(4), 6June 1990...... 218 147 39BA(4)- 14 September 1990...... 282 190 22 June 1992...... 2625 1630 39BB(5)- Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cccxci Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

14 September 1990...... 377 190 22 June 1992...... 2625 1630 4OAA(7)- 18 April 1990...... 218 147 23 August 1990 ...... 276 190 1 October 1990...... 410 321 3 Decemberl1991l...... 1926 1302 40AD(1 BE), 6June 1990 ...... 218 147 Principles-] 992- ISP 1, OTP,1, NGP 1, PCI...... 2195 1434 NNH 1, 24SH1I...... 2476 1613 NHPI1/1992...... 3234 1964 Private Health Insurance Administration Council- Report on operations of registered health insurance organisations for 1988-89...... 159 115 1990 28 Report on operations of registered health insurance organisations for 1989-90, financial statements 1989-90 and statistical supplement...... 1239 886 1991 163 Report on operations of registered health insurance organisations for 1990-91, financial statements 1990-91 and statistical supplement ...... 2021 1310 1992 31 Report on the operations of the registered health benefits organisations for 1991-92...... 3381 1944 1992 339 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 24, 86...... 25 29 Nos. 114, 226...... 218 147 No. 267...... 258 174 No. 292...... 304 225 Nos. 335, 337, 338...... 390 297 No. 396...... 545 468 Nos. 404, 437...... 718 484 1991- No. 1 ...... 719 496 Nos. 40, 41...... 892 611 No. 232 ...... 1365 954 Nos. 262, 263 ...... 1479 994 No. 310 ...... 1627 1112 No. 339 ...... 1742 1211 No. 474 ...... 2010 1316 1992- No. 136 ...... 2476 1613 Nos. 187, 226 ...... *************...... ****...... "***2653 1642 Report by Privacy Commissioner under section 135AA, 28 May 1992 ... 2375 1541 Statement of rights and responsibilities of patients of approved nursing homes, formulated pursuant to section 4SF, cccxcii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

14 September 1990...... 282 190 And see "Nursing home and hostel standards".

National Health and Medical Research Council- Reports- 108th session, Canberra, November 1989...... 119 115 109th session, Melbourne, May 1990...... 375 271 11Oth session, Canberra, November 1990...... 1012 727 111th session, Brisbane, June 1991 ...... 1577 1056 112th session, Canberra, October 1991 ...... 2293 1476 113th session, Hobart, June 1992...... 2850 1745 And see "Medical Research Endowment Act".

National income and expenditure. See "Finance".

National Legal Aid Advisory Committee. See- "Commonwealth Legal Aid Act" "Legal aid for the Australian community: Legal aid policy, programs and strategies".

National Legal Aid Representative Council. See "Commonwealth Legal Aid Act".

National Library Act-National Library of Australia-Report for- 1989-90 (30th)...... 396 292 1990 252 1990-91 (31st) ...... 1733 1181 1991 413 1991-92 (32nd)...... 3082 1898 1992 273 National Measurement Act- National Standards Commission-Report for- 1989-90...... 474 394 1990 278 1990-91...... 1947 1269 1991 414 1991-92 ...... 3301 1944 1992 340 Regulations-Statutory Rules 1991-No. 146 ...... 1346 954

National Museum of Australia-Copy of Bulletin article, 8 January 1991 ..... 786

National Museum of Australia Act-National Museum of Australia-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 783 542 1991 40 1990-91...... 2059 1346 1992 30 1991-92...... 3412 1973 1992 341 National Occupational Health and Safety Commission Act- National Occupational Health and Safety Commission- Report 1989-90 ...... 502 394 1990 279 Report, including the 1st report under the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act, for 1990-91 ...... 1910 1269 1991 415 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxciii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Report for 1991-92...... 3381 1944 1992 342 And see "Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment)Act".

National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act- Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve- Comments on representations concerning Plan of Management by Director of National Parks and Wildlife...... 233 153 Plan of M anagement ...... 233 153 Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 661 436 1990 407 1990-9 1 ...... 202 1 13 10 1992 5 Kakadu National Park and Uluru (Ayers Rock-Mount Olga) National Park- Comments on the representations concerning each Plan of Management by the Director of National Parks and Wildlife...... 1706 1173 Plan of Management for each national park...... 1706 1173 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 319...... 2942 1817

National Party of Australia. See "Tourism Action Plan".

National Plantations Advisory Committee. See "Integrating forestry and farming: Commercial wood production on cleared agricultural land".

National Rail Corporation Limited-Report for period 19 September 1991 to 30 June 1992 ...... 2939 1979 1992 274

National report on schooling in Australia. See "Australian Education Council".

National road safety strategy...... 2825 1739

National Road Transport Commission. See "Audit Act".

National Road Transport Commission Act-National Road Transport Commission-Report for 1991-92...... 3247 1945 1992 343

National Road Trauma Advisory Council-Report for 1991 ...... 2659 1634 1992 218

National Science and Technology Centre-Report of activities for- 1988-89 ...... 51 36 1989-90 ...... 643 437 1990-91 ...... 1967 1269 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920

National Standards Commission. See "National Measurement Act".

National Training Board- 2nd report, for 1990-91 ...... 1890 1269 cccxciv Index to PaDers Presentedto ParLinment Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

3rd report, for 1991-92 ...... 3082 1898 National Union of Students-Copies of- Minutes of emergency meeting of national executive held on 29 October 1990...... 539 Reminder to NUS delegates of court charges against former General Secretary ...... 539 National waste minimisation and recycling strategy-Public discussion paper, June 1991 ...... 856 National Wool Day. See "Australian Wool Corporation".

NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System-Agreement to provide for the accession to Memorandum of Understanding for cooperative support of the NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System of- A ustralia ...... 88 81 Spain...... 2372 1542

Naval Defence Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 94 ...... 205 135 N o. 287 ...... 276 190 N o. 376 ...... 545 468 1991- N o. 134 ...... 1346 954 No. 234 ...... 1365 954 1992- N o. 25 ...... 2010 1316 N o. 264 ...... 2754 1695 Navigation Act- Navigation (Orders) Regulations-Orders- 1989-No. 6-Marine, Part 2...... 25 29 1990- No. 1-Marine, Part 93...... 25 29 No. 2-Marine, Part 13...... 25 29 No. 3-Marine, Part 20...... 25 29 No. 4-Marine, Part 29...... 25 29 No. 5-Marine, Part 14...... 218 147 No. 6-Marine, Part 31 ...... 218 147 No. 7-Marine, Part 2...... 305 225 No. 8-Marine, Part 1 ...... 719 484 1991- No. 1-Marine, Part 30...... 1346 954 No. 2-Marine, Part 26...... 1346 954 No. 3-Marine, Part 43 ...... 1525 1041 Index to A oers Presentedto Parliament cccxcv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1992- No. 1-Marine, Part 25...... 2066 1365 No. 2-Marine, Part 26...... 2010 1328 No. 3-M arine, Part 6...... 2010 1328 No. 4-M arine, Part 26...... 2010 1328 No. 5-M arine, Part 32...... 2452 1613 No. 6-Marine, Part 25...... 2066 1365 No. 7-Marine, Part 34...... 2407 1549 No. 8-M arine, Part 14...... 2452 1613 N o . 9 ...... 2827 1743 Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13 ...... 2942 1817 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 381, 382, 383 ...... 25 29 1990- N o. 14...... 25 29 Nos. 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 ...... 205 135 N o. 257...... 218 147 Nos. 314, 315, 316, 318 ...... 366 278 N o.317...... 377 278 1991- N os. 334, 335 ...... 1627 1112 Nos. 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381...... 1839 1302 N o. 411 ...... 1978 1302 Nos. 429, 462 ...... 2010 1316

NAVSTAR Global Positioning System-Treaty-Text of- Agreement with United States of America concerning NAVSTAR Global Positioning System...... 1029 747

Nestdale, R.-Death- Message from Emeka Anyaoku, Commonwealth Secretary General...... 47 Speech made by Joan Hall ...... 47

Net external debt and liabilities- Net external debt-Minute from G.R. Potts, First Assistant Secretary, Economic Division, Treasury, to Treasurer, 7 M arch 1991, with graph ...... 569 Net external liabilities-Graph ...... 569

New Parliament House-Joint Standing Committee-Government response to reports relating to proposed works in Parliamentary zone- Community based child care centre...... 2523 1571 2nd report relating to a community based child care centre...... 2523 1571

Nicosia. See "Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference". cccxcvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No Jobs For More Than One in Three Young Australians- Press release by Senator Baume, 16 February 1992...... 2024

Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons-4th Review conference of parties to treaty-Geneva, 20 August to 15 September 1990- Report of Australian delegation...... 566 437

Norfolk Island Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 164...... 2653 1642

North Atlantic Assembly. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

North West Cape Naval Communications Station- Future of Joint Australia-United States Defence Facility- Copies of correspondence between the Australian Minister for Defence and the United States Secretary of Defense, 17 October 1991 and 29 November 1991 ...... 1779 Outline for the phased transition of NAVCOMSTA Harold E. Holt from a Joint Defence Facility to an Australian Defence Facility, October 1991 ...... 1779 Statement to Parliament by the Minister for Defence, 28 Novem ber 1991 ...... 1779 Treaty-Text of Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement, done at Canberra on 8 May 1992, with the United States of America to amend the United States Naval Communications Station Agreement of 9 May 1963, as amended (North West Cape)...... 2373 1542

Northern Land Council. See "Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act".

Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority. See "Fisheries Act".

Northern Territory-Goods and Services Tax-Copies of- Media release by the Treasurer, Hon. Barry Coulter MLA, 21 M ay 1992...... 2350 Reports by- KPMG Peat Marwick, Adelaide, February 1992 ...... 2350 Northern Territory Treasury, May 1992 ...... 2350 Prof. John Freebairn, Monash University, February 1992 ...... 2350 Tabling statement by the Treasurer, Mr Barry Coulter, 21 May 1992...... 2350

Norway. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Not dollars alone: Review of Financial Management Improvement Program. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee". Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cccxcvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nuclear energy and materials-Treaties-Text of- Agreement between Australia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy ...... 88 81 Agreement to amend the Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement between Australia and Japan establishing an implementing arrangement pursuant to the Agreement between Australia and Japan for cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy...... 385 288 Agreement with the United States of America to bring International Obligation Exchanges under the Coverage of the Agreement concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, and Agreed M inute ...... 2971 1847 Exchange of Notes between Australia and Singapore concerning cooperation on the physical protection of nuclear materials...... 89 82 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement with Sweden concerning Nuclear Transfers to Third Countries...... 1029 747 Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with Mexico ...... 2372 1541 And see "CERN".

Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act- Australian Safeguards Office-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 51 36 1990 1989-90 ...... 430 309 1990 1990-91 ...... 1691 1161 1991 Declaration pursuant to subsection 11(7), 14 May 1990...... 218 147 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 298...... 305 225

Nuclear Science and Technology-Treaty-Text of Agreement to extend the Regional Co-operative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology...... 2972 1847

Nursing education. See "States Grants (Nurse Education Transfer Assistance) Act".

Nursing home and hostel standards-List of monitoring reports published between- 1 July 1990 and 30 April 1991 ...... 1037 758 1 May and 31 July 1991 ...... 1470 991 1 August and 31 October 1991...... 1757 1205 1 November 1991 and 31 January 1992...... 2059 1346 1 February and 30 April 1992...... 2422 1553 1 May and 31 July 1992...... 2726 1678 1 August and 31 October 1992...... 3382 1945

Nursing Home Standards Review Panel-Report for- 1990-91 (Victoria)...... 1947 1269 cccxcviii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991-92...... 2939 1784

Nursing homes-Charter of residents' rights and responsibilities...... 539 Nursing Homes Assistance Act- Notice No. DSP NHAA 1-92 ...... 3086 1905 Notice for the purposes of paragraphs 13(1)(a) and (d), 28 March 1991 ..... 975 709 Notice of determination of amount for purposes of subsection 12(4C)- 11 September 1990...... 305 225 9 Septem ber 1991...... 1525 1041

Nursing homes payment system. See "Audit Act". 0

Obstetrics Procedures-Crown Street Women's Hospital-Copy of audio cassette recording of Daybreak interview with Senator Crowley, 4 December 1992...... 3295

Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act- Declaration pursuant to subsection 7(2), 3 December 1991...... 2011 1316 Notices of approval-1992- No. 1, together with codes of practice (6), standards (2) and guidance notes (3)...... 2314 1507 N o. 2 ...... 2942 1817 Notice of declaration 1992-No. 3 ...... 3171 1964 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 266 ...... 1479 994 1992-No. 244...... 2653 1642

Occupational rehabilitation policy-Department of Senate...... 241

Occupational Superannuation Standards Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 149, 150, 185, 202 ...... 218 147 No. 275 ...... 258 174 1991- N o. 16 ...... 736 506 N o. 58 ...... 892 611 Nos. 148, 150, 155 ...... 1346 954 No. 458 ...... 2011 1316 1992- Nos. 192, 218, 223, 224 ...... 2653 1642 No.387 ...... 3304 1964 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cccxcix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

And see "Insurance and Superannuation Commission".

Odgers, J.R. See "Australian Senate Practice".

OECD-Appointment of Ambassador-Copies of- Letters from Treasurer to Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade 18 September and 15 October 1992...... 2932 Ministerial submission from Acting Assistant Secretary, Personnel and General Services Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade 14 March 1991..... 2955

Office of Film and Literature Classification and Film and Literature Board of Review-Reports for- 1989-90 ...... 455 366 1990-91 ...... 1810 1270 1991-92 ...... 3126 1910

Office of Parliamentary Counsel. See "Parliamentary Counsel Act".

Official Establishments Trust- Government House, Canberra-Strategic plan...... 1470 991 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 269 184 1990 148 1990-91 ...... 470 991 1991 203 1991-92 ...... 2691 1655 1992 210

Oil Pollution Preparedness-Treaty-Text of Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation ...... 2972 1847

Oilseeds Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 309...... 305 225

Oilseeds Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Olympic Games bid-Copies of- Interdepartmental committee report...... 369 Media release by- Prime M inister, 28 January 1990 ...... 369 Senator Short, 7 October 1990...... 369 Ombudsman Act- Commonwealth and Defence Force Ombudsman-Report and reports made pursuant to Freedom of Information Act and Complaints (Australian Federal Police) Act, for- 1989-90 ...... 430 309 1990 258 1990-91 ...... 1774 1220 1991 445 1991-92 ...... 2825 1739 1992 249 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 431 ...... 2011 1316 cd Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

And see "Finance and Public Administration-Senate Standing Committee".

One Nation- Ministerial statement, 26 February 1992...... 2027 1326 Statement by Prime Minister, 26 February 1992...... 2027 1326

Operation Ark . See "National Crime Authority-Joint Statutory Committee".

Opposition's "Fightback" package-Copy of newspaper article published in the Sunday Mail [Qld] of 19 April 1992 entitled "Hewson threat to jobs"...... 1430

Opposition's taxation and expenditure proposals- Briefing papers from 19 November to 17 December 1991 provided to the Treasurer, March 1992 ...... 2053 1346 Estimated price effects-Copy of table...... 1417 Ministerial Statement by the Treasurer...... 2053 1346 And see- "Coalition response to Government attacks on "Fightback!" "Fightback!".

Orders of the Senate-Copy of letters from- Clerk of Senate to Minister for Defence and Manager of Government Business in Senate, 17 May 1990...... 108 Senator Coates to President of Senate, 21 May 1990...... 108

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development- Agricultural policies, markets and trade: Monitoring and outlook 1991-Summary and conclusions, 16 May 1991 ...... 865

OTC Limited-Report for year ended- 31 M arch 1990...... 303 204 1990 189 31 M arch 1991...... 1523 1020 1991 240 Period 1April 1991 to 31 January 1992...... 2400 1553 1992 132

And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Our bush capital. See "National Capital-Joint Committee".

Overseas student program- Attendance requirements-Copies of letters from- Ms D. Walburn, Bursar, L.V.International Business College to- Mr R. Gregory, Overseas Students Office, 27 June 1990...... 189 M r J. Checutti, 9 July 1990 ...... 189 P.J. Ibbotson, The Academy of English in Australia, to Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Manager, Overseas Students Section, Department of Employment, Education and Training, 16 July 1990...... 189 Copy of cable regarding Muhammed El Herma Amer, from Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, 24 May 1990...... 389 Department of Employment, Education and Training-Copies of- Central Office- Circular- No. 87/31-Entry from China for English studies, 15 Novem ber 1987...... 291 No. 1988/12-Overseas students-Attendance requirements, 6 July 1988...... 291 Minute from Mr R.D. Peacock, Assistant Secretary, Overseas Students Policy Branch, to Regional Director (Education), Victoria State Office, 13 May 1988...... 291 Private overseas student statistics as at 30 June 1989...... 291 Victoria State Office-Overseas Student Section-Minute from Mr B. Hogan, Manager, to all staff, 26 July 1990...... 291

Overseas Students Charge Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 464...... 2011 1316

Overseas Students (Refunds) Act- Determination of education institutions under section 4- 5 June 1991 ...... 1172 911 29 M ay 1991 ...... 1346 954 22 April 1992 ...... 2238 1456 23 June and 1 July 1992...... 2653 1642 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 284...... 1525 1041 1992-No. 26...... 2011 1316

Ozone Layer Depletion-Treaty-Text of Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer...... 2972 1847

Ozone Protection Act- Notices in relation to exemptions under- Subsection 40(3)- 17 September 1990(4)...... 377 286 14(3) and 19(11) December 1990 ...... 759 520 1 and 2 February 1991 ...... 849 579 14 M ay 1991 ...... 1247 911 18(3) and 19 December 1991 and 13(3) January 1992...... 2044 1340 11(10) August 1992...... 2840 1748 29 September 1992...... 2942 1817 Subsection 40(7)- cdn1 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

19 December 1989 and 17 January 1990 ...... 29 19 Decem ber 1989 ...... 25 25 September 1990(3) ...... 318 225 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 283 ...... 276 190 1992-No. 348 ...... 3086 1905 Report for- Period 16 March 1989 to 30 June 1990...... 643 437 1990 344 1990-91 ...... 1810 1231 1991 416 Ozone Protection (Licence Fees-Imports) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1990-No. 325 ...... 366 278

Ozone Protection (Licence Fees-Manufacture) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 326 ...... 367 278 P

Pacific School Games-Darwin 1992-Copies of- Handbook (Vols. 1 and 2)...... 2481 Pictorial Souvenir of the Games...... 2481 Souvenir Program ...... 2481 Statistical summary ...... 2481 Papua New Guinea- Transcript of press statement given by Prime Minister Namalu, 26 April 1990 ...... 44 Transcript of statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, on arrival in Papua New Guinea, 24 April 1990 ...... 44 And see "Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade-Joint Committee".

Papua New Guinea (Staffing Assistance) Act-Commissioner for Superannuation-Report on Papua New Guinea Superannuation Scheme and certain other schemes, for- 1989-90...... 492 394 1990 280 1990-91 ...... 1910 1270 1991 417 1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 506

Parliament Act-Parliamentary Zone-Proposals and site plans- Administrative building carpark...... 2779 1737 Australian National Gallery-Baldessin "Pears" sculpture...... 2021 1310 Commencement column plaque ...... 2779 1737 Electricity upgrade...... 2779 1737 Forward planting and path system...... 3030 1964 High Court cooling tower ...... 2021 1310 National Library lakeside podium...... 2779 1737 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Parliament House interpretive trail...... 2779 1737 Parliament House-Loading dock and carpark/gardeners' storage area...... 2779 1737 Parliamentary parklands interpretive trail system-Stages 2 and 3...... 3030 1964 Signs within the zone ...... 2779 1737 And see "Parliamentary Zone-Joint Standing Committee".

Parliament House Construction Authority. See- "Acts Interpretation Act" "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act" "Parliament House Construction Authority Act" "Project Parliament: The management experience".

Parliament House Construction Authority Act-Parliament House Construction Authority-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 811 563 1991 41 1990-91 ...... 2005 1310 1992 29

Parliamentary accountability-Audit provisions-Copy of letter from Minister for Primary Industries and Energy to Mr J.C. Taylor, Auditor-General, 14 June 1991 ...... 1212

Parliamentary agenda-A Notice Paper for the 36th Parliament- Paper by M r B. Loton...... 450

Parliamentary catering staff (Joint House Department)- Agreement for settlement of dispute ...... 1436 963

Parliamentary Christian Fellowship-Service of worship, 25 February 1992-Copy of sermon by the Reverend D. Gill, General Secretary, Australian Council of Churches ...... 1359

Parliamentary committee reports. See "Committee reports".

Parliamentary Counsel Act-Office of Parliamentary Counsel- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 532 416 1990 345 1990-91 ...... 1757 1205 1991 418 1991-92 ...... 2939 1784 1992 275

Parliamentary Information Systems Office (PISO): Unofficial account. See "Public Accounts Committee Act".

Parliamentary privilege- Disclosure of information covered by statutory secrecy provisions to Parliamentary Committees- Australian Sports Drug Agency Act- Advice from Clerk of the Senate to Senator Crichton-Browne, 25 M ay 1991 ...... 1078 codv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Opinion of Senior General Counsel, Attorney-General's Department, 15 April 1991 ...... 1078 National Health Act- Advice from Clerk of the Senate to Senator Crichton-Browne, 3 June 1991 ...... 1114 Opinion of Principal Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department, 14 May 1990...... 1085 Opinion of Solicitor-General, 12 August 1991 ...... 1385 Memorandum to Speaker prepared by G. Downes, QC, and S. Gageler ...... 535

Parliamentary Secretaries-Guidelines-Role and function in relation to procedures of the House and its committees...... 1391

Parliamentary security equipment-Payment queried by Auditor-General-Copy of memorandum by Clerk of Senate to President, 27 April 1990, together with correspondence...... 46

Parliamentary Zone-Joint Standing Committee-Reports- Proposed works in the Parliamentary Zone- Administration Building carpark-Parliament House interpretive trail-Signs within the zone, May 1992...... 2428 1562 1992 180 High Court cooling tower and Baldessin "Pears" sculpture, February 1992 ...... 2081 1360 1992 49 National Library lakeside podium; Electricity upgrade; Commencement column plaque; Parliament House loading dock carpark/gardeners' storage area, July 1992 ...... 2698 1672 1992 192 Parliamentary parklands interpretive trail system; Forward planting and path system-Report, November 1992...... 3050 1890 1992 502 The future of the old Parliament House, November 1992...... 3110 1909 1992 286 And see "Parliament Act".

Particulars of expenditure. See "Finance".

Passports Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o.225 ...... 218 147 1991-No. 204 ...... 954 1992- N o. 211 ...... 2653 1642 No. 296 ...... 2827 1743 Pasture Seed Levy Act- Declaration-1992-No. 1...... 3426 2002 Notice under subsection 9(1), 9 October 1990...... 377 286 Patents Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 390 ...... 25 29 1990-No. 119 ...... 219 148 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991- N o. 71...... 1058 771 No. 71 (Corrigendum) ...... 1543 N o . 4 56 ...... 20 11 13 16 1992-N o. 148 ...... 2476 1613

Patents Bill 1990. See "Industry, Science and Technology- Senate Standing Committee".

Pathology-Formula for determination of number of licensed collection centres ...... 1795

Pay comparisons-Chart depicting comparative rates of growth in pay from 1982-83 to 1989-90 ...... 273

People and technology: New management techniques in manufacturing industry. See "Industry, Science and Technology-Senate Standing Committee".

Petitions-Not in accord with standing and sessional orders of House of Representatives- Banning of kangaroo exports ...... 163 Banning of sexually related messages from 0055 telephone netw ork...... 867 Continued funding for the Adult Migrant Education Program (AMEP) (Mr Keating, 431 petitioners)...... 1899 Crisis in Persian G ulf ...... 867 East Timor (Mr Nugent, 13 petitioners)...... 1655 Funding of ABC ...... 867 Human rights in Syria (302) to Mr Brereton...... 1020 Land Council, South East Arnhem Land ...... 163 Petitions (3) to various Members on several subjects ...... 417 Protection of world heritage-Exit cave (Mr Kerr, 160 petitioners) ...... 1975 Recognition of the independent and sovereign state of Macedonia (Mr R.F. Edwards, 4805 petitioners)...... 1776

Petrol prices and taxes in International Energy Agency countries- M arch quarter 1991-Graph...... 1147

Petroleum Excise (Prices) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991- N o. 68...... 975 709 N o. 177...... 1346 954 N o. 299...... 1525 1041

Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act- Report, November 1992 ...... 3138 1923 1992 344 Statement by the Minister for Resources ...... 1923 cdvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Petroleum Retail Marketing Sites Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 98 ...... 205 135 N o. 232 ...... 219 148 1991- N o. 46 ...... 892 611 N o. 72 ...... 975 709 1992-No. 52 ...... 2099 1378

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 54...... 25 29

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Exploration Permit Fees) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 55 ...... 25 29

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Pipeline Licence Fees) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 57 ...... 25 29

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Production Licence Fees) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 56 ...... 25 29

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Registration Fees) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 58 ...... 25 29

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Retention Lease Fees) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 59 ...... 25 29

Pharmaceutical Benefits Pricing Authority-Report for- 1989-90...... 532 4 16 1990 346 1990-91 ...... 1757 1205 1991 419 1991-92...... 3247 1945 1992 345 Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme-Letters from- Chairman, Pharmaceutical Benefits Remuneration Tribunal, to First Assistant Secretary, Health Care Access Division, Department of Community Services and Health, 26 November 1990.... 493 First Assistant Secretary, Health Care Access Division, Department of Community Services and Health, to Chairman, Pharmaceutical Benefits Remuneration Tribunal, November 1990 (2).. 493 Minister for Aged, Family and Health Services, to Mr K. O'Connor, Privacy Commissioner, concerning Government's intention to announce significant changes to the scheme in 1990 Federal Budget...... 238 162

Pharmaceutical Industry-Statement by the Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, 31 March 1992...... 2152 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Philatelic services by Australia Post. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Philosophy behind the provision of aged care services in Australia-Government response...... 296 195

Pig Industry Act- Australian Pig Industry Policy Council-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 484 394 1990 315 1990-91 ...... 2075 1360 1992 4 1991-92 ...... 3247 1945 1992 450 Australian Pork Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 (3rd) ...... 507 394 1990 316 1990-91 (4th)...... 1947 1270 1991 342 1991-92 (5th)...... 3412 1973 1992 449

Pig Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Pig Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Pig Slaughter Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-N o. 104...... 1058 771 1992-No. 145...... 2476 1613

Pig Slaughter Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o.388...... 545 468 No.428...... 719 484

Pigs-Importation from Denmark-Copies of- Austrade-Guide to documents and documents relating to the Danpork project-Austrade files 90/1651 and 10 1500(76)...... 3422 Background paper, The importation of pigs, their genetic material and products, 29 January 1992...... 2760 Cablegram from Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS), Department of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE) to Minister Commercial, Brussels, 7 July 1992 ...... 2760 Extract from- Agra Europe, 16 April 1992...... 3047 Facsimile from Austrade, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 November 1990, and attachments (4) ...... 3285 Minute from AQIS, DPIE to Minister for Resources, 23 June 1992 ...... 2857 Letters from- AQIS, DPIE to unnamed addressees, 3 June and 21 July 1992...... 2745 cdviii Index to PaDers Presentedto Parlia~nent Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Executive Officer, Meat & Livestock, NSW Farmers' Association, to Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, 4 March 1991...... 2745 Executive Officer, West Australian Pig Producers Association, to AQIS, 23 April 1991 ...... 2745 Manager, Pig Improvement Company (2), to AQIS, 8 and 27 February 1991 ...... 2746 Minister for Primary Industries and Energy (Mr Crean) to Senator Boswell, 9 November 1992...... 3047 Senior Assistant Director, Animal Quarantine and Exports Branch, AQIS, to Manager, Pig Improvement Company, 13 February 1991 ...... 2746 Minute from Acting Executive Director, AQIS, DPIE to Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, 15 October 1992...... 2925 Telex from DPIE, Brisbane to AQIS, Canberra, 5 March 1991...... 2760 And see "Pleuron Pty. Limited".

Pipeline Authority- Copy of joint press release by Australian Chamber of Commerce, Australian Chamber of Manufactures, Australian Mining Industry Council, Business Council of Australia and Confederation of Australian Industry, 30 November 1990 ...... 418

Pipeline Authority Act-Pipeline Authority-Report for- 1989-90 (17th)...... 447 323 1990 253 1990-91...... 1706 1173 1991 262 1991-92...... 3082 1898 1992 276

Plant Variety Rights Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990- N o . 15 ...... 25 29 No. 201 ...... 219 148 Pleuron Pty Limited- Australian Securities Commission- 1991 Annual return of a company, and cover note, 1 June 1992 ...... 2384 Income tax return-Letter from Deputy Commissioner of Taxation to Hon. P.J. Keating MP, 3 November 1986...... 2384 And see- "Euphron Pty Limited" "Pigs".

Points of order-Response to question without notice by Senator McKiernan on 5 December 1991 ...... 1886

Political advertising-Proposed ban on broadcasting-Copy of letter from Minister for Administrative Services to Federal Director, Federation of Australian Radio Broadcasters, with attachments (3), 15 April 1991 ...... 960 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures-Senate Select Committee- Report, November 1991 ...... 1775 .. 1991 486 Subm issions (5 Vols.)...... 1775 Submissions from- Doodney, A., 17 December 1991...... 2025 Henricks, R.J., 17 December 1991...... 2025 Queensland Industrial Relations Commission, 6 December 1991..... 1977 Tabling speech by Chairman of the Committee...... 1775 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.) ...... 1775

Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures Bill 1991-Copies of- Letters from B. Burdekin, Federal Human Rights Commissioner, to- Leader of the Opposition, 28 May 1991 ...... 766 Minister for Administrative Services, 20 May 1991...... 1053 766 Minute from H. Burmester, Principal Adviser, Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department, 27 May 1991 ...... 1053 766

Political exchange program-Australian Political Exchange- Committee-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 454 381 1990-9 1 ...... 1733 1205 Council-Report for-1991-92 ...... 3280 1945

Pollution from ships-Treaty-Text of-Annex V (Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) of the Protocol relating to the International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973, as amended ...... 385 289

Pooled Development Funds Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1992-N o. 374...... 3304 1964

Population control- Background document relating to Australian aid for China's population control program, June 1990 ...... 196 Coercive Family Planning and Australian Aid Policy- Selected documents-October 1987-October 1992, December 1992...... 3284 Copy of letter from Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, to Senator Harradine, 17 December 1990, together with attachments (3).. 673 Foreign Assistance to Coercive Family Planning in China- Report by Dr John S. Aird, 1992...... 2333

Pornography-Copy of PornAgain: Cause and Defect, by John H. Court and Judith Reisman, April 1992...... 2225

Portfolio program estimates. See "Finance".

I _____ L _____ I _____ I _____ co x Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Postage entitlement of Members of Parliament- Certain Commonwealth payments to Australia Post for postal items-Opinion by Solicitor-General, 25 May 1990...... 302 High Court decision-Copies of- Brief to Counsel to advise re decision of High Court of Australia in Brown v. West and Anor...... 52 Letter from- Attorney-General, to Mr N.A. Brown, QC, MP...... 52 Mr A.A. Hillier, Acting Secretary, Department of Administrative Services, to Mr S.E Skehill, Australian Government Solicitor, 2 March 1990...... 52 Media release from Minister for Administrative Services, 1 M arch 1990 ...... 52 Memorandum from J.A. Mackay, Senior Private Secretary, Office of Minister for Administrative Services, to M r A. Hillier, 12 M arch 1990 ...... 52 Minute from Mr P. O'Neill, Assistant General Manager, Parliamentary and Ministerial Services Group, Department of Administrative Services to Minister for Administrative Services, 2 M arch 1990...... 52 Schedule relating to write-off of irrecoverable payments to A ustralia Post ...... 485

Poultry Industry Assistance Act-Report for- 1988-89...... 36 1989 426 1989-90...... 566 437 1990 347 1990-91...... 1947 1270 1991 420 1991-92...... 3412 1973 1992 346

Prescribed health. See "Community Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Press release-Mr Reith, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, 16 May 1990...... 104

Prices Surveillance Act-Prices Surveillance Authority (PSA)- Report for- 1989-90...... 566 437 1990 348 1990-91...... 1967 1270 1991 421 1991-92...... 3247 1920 1992 347

Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act- Chicken Meat Research and Development Council-Report for 1990-91 ...... 2021 1310 1992 20 Cotton Research and Development Corporation-Report, for period October 1990 to June 1991, including the final report of the Cotton Research Council, for period 1 July to 30 September 1990, and the 1990-91 report of the Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxi Presented Printed Paper ournals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Cotton Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee ...... 2032 1324 1992 3 Cotton Research and Development Corporation and the Cotton Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee-Report for 1991-92...... 3412 1973 1992 447 Dairy Research and Development Corporation- Report for period 1 April to 30 June 1990, and Dairy Research Council report for period 1 July 1989 to 31 March 1990, pursuant to Rural Industries Research Act...... 455 366 1990 261 Report for- 1990-91...... 1757 1205 1991 382 1991-92...... 2998 1837 1992 303 Determinations pursuant to subsection- 89B3(1), 18 September 1991 ...... 1599 1086 89C(1), 18 September 1991 ...... 1599 1086 Egg Industry Research and Development Council-Report for 1990-91...... 1947 1270 1991 381 Energy Research and Development Corporation-Report for- 1990-91...... 1890 1270 1991 380 1991-92 ...... 3247 1920 1992 436 Grains Research and Development Corporation-Report for 1990-91, including the 1990-91 report of the Grains Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee...... 2123 1383 1992 61 Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation-Report for 1991-92...... 3412 1973 1992 505 Honeybee Research and Development Council-Report forl1990-91...... 2021 1310 1992 44 Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation-Report for- 1990-91...... 1967 1270 1991 444 1991-92...... 3412 1973 1992 504 Pig Research and Development Corporation-Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1947 1270 1991 425 1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 359 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 16, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 ...... 25 30 Nos. 145, 198, 199, 212, 234, 235...... 219 148 1991- No. 75 ...... 975 709 No. 91 ...... 988 709 Nos. 178, 179 ...... 1346 954 No. 277 ...... 1365 954 No. 331 ...... 1627 1112 No. 471 ...... 2011 1316 cdxii cdxiiIndex to Paners Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1992- No. 17...... 2011 1316 No. 115 ...... 2211 1442 No. 131 ...... 2407 1556 Nos. 201, 202 ...... 2653 1642 No. 310 ...... 2859 1760 Report, including reports by Dairy Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee, Energy Research and Development Corporation's Selection Committee, Pig Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee, Chicken Meat Research and Development Council Selection Committee, Egg Industry Research and Development Council Selection Committee and Honeybee Research and Development Council Selection Committee, for period 17 January to 30 June 1990, and a report by Research Councils' Selection Committee, pursuant to Rural Industries Research Act, for 1989-90 .... 566 437 1990 349 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation- Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1947 1270 1991 437 1991-92 ...... 3083 1898 1992 277 Sugar Research and Development Corporation-Report for period 1 October 1990 to 30 June 1991, including the report of the Sugar Research Council, for period 1 July to 30 September 1990, and the 1990-91 report of the Sugar Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee ...... 2123 1383 1992 62 Tobacco Research and Development Council-Report for 1990-91, including the final report of the Tobacco Research Council, for July 1990, and the 1990-91 report of the Tobacco Research and Development Council Selection Committee ...... 2032 1324 1992 28 Tobacco Research and Development Council and Tobacco Research and Development Council Selection Committee- Report forl1991-92 ...... 3412 1973 1992 360 Wool Research and Development Corporation- Report for 1991-92 ...... 3247 1945 1992 361 Erratumn...... 3326

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991- Nos. 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 196...... 1347 954 Nos. 269, 270, 271,272,273, 275...... 1479 994 Nos. 439, 440...... 2011 1316 Nos. 228, 229...... 2653 1642 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Coarse Grains Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 306...... 2859 1760

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Deer Slaughter Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 203 ...... 2653 1642

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Grain Legumes Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992- N o. 378...... 3304 1964

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Horticultural Export Charge Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- N o.208...... 1347 954 N o.277 ...... 1479 994 N o. 404...... 1978 1302 1992- N o. 147...... 2476 1613 N o.247...... 2653 1642

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Horticultural Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- Nos. 197, 205, 206 ...... 1347 954 N o. 276...... 1479 994 N o. 403...... 1978 1302 1992- N o. 146 ...... 2476 16 13 No. 248 ...... 2653 1642

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Oilseeds Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 379...... 3304 1964

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act and Sugar Cane Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 274...... 1479 994

Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act, Horticultural Levy Act and Horticultural Export Charge Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- Nos. 195, 207 ...... 1347 954 Nos. 434,437 ...... 2011 1316 1992- No.50...... 2099 1378 N o. 116...... 2211 1442 cdxiv Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Prime Minister. See- "Aboriginal deaths in custody" "Building a competitive Australia" "Drug trial" "Economy and employment" "Interjection during question time, 15 November 1990" "Olympic Games bid" "One Nation" "Visit to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea" "Visit to Japan, Singapore and Cambodia" "Visit to Zimbabwe and the 1991 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Harare".

Print Media-House of Representatives Select Committee- News & fair facts: The Australian print media industry- Report, incorporating dissenting reports, March 1992...... 1382 1992 53 M inutes of proceedings ...... 1382 Privacy Act- Code of conduct for credit reporting, 11 September 1991 ...... 1525 1041 Determinations pursuant to- Paragraph 18K(3)(b), 19 February 1992(2)...... 2054 1350 Sub-subparagraph 11B(1)(b)(v)(B)-ll September 1991...... 1525 1041 Subsection 18E(3), 11 September 1991 ...... 1525 1041 Guidelines under section 17-Tax file number information- 29 May 1990...... 190 125 30 September 1992...... 2827 1743 Privacy Commissioner-Reports- Advice and report to Ministers-Disclosure of arrest details of AIDEX demonstrators: Australian Federal Police and Department of Social Security- Ministerial statement, 25 June 1992...... 2636 1621 Report, 18 June 1992...... 2636 1621 Period 1 January to 30 June 1989 (lst)-Corrigenda ...... 109 115 1989 392 1989-90 (2nd) ...... 732 493 1991 21 1990-91 (3rd)...... 1967 1270 1991 439 1991-92 (4th)...... 3412 1973 1992 371 Public Interest Determinations- Pursuant to section 72- 16 July 1990 and 14 August 1990...... 276 190 29 October 1990...... 462 390 29 October 1990 (in substitution for paper presented on 26 November 1990)...... 475 7 M arch 1991 ...... 892 611 22 August 1991 ...... 1463 986 Index to Pi ers Presentedto Parliament cdxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N os. 4, 5 ...... 1172

Privacy Commissioner. See- "Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme" "Privacy Act".

Private Health Insurance Administration Council. See "National Health Act".

Private Members' business. See "Procedure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Privilege- Corporations and Securities-Joint Committee- Copies of letters raising a matter of privilege relating to material contained in the report of the Joint Committee on Corporations and Securities, "Privilege-Mr James Gaffey" from- Senator Reid to Deputy-President, 7 October 1992...... 2845 Senator Spindler to Deputy-President, 7 October 1992 ...... 2845 Copy of letter from Mr James Gaffey to Senator Kemp, 1 October 1992 and attachment...... 2845 Letter from Senator Hill to President of the Senate raising a matter of privilege relating to material contained in report of Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority-Operation Ark...... 395 Use of asbestos in Royal Australian Navy and evidence given to Estimates Committee B, May 1990-Letter from Senator Newman to President of Senate relating to evidence given to Estimates Committee B, together with attachments (7)...... 232 And see "Parliamentary privilege".

Privileges- House of Representatives Standing Committee-Reports- Concerning a letter received by Mr Nugent, MP- Report, including minutes of proceedings, 7 May 1992...... 1487 1992 118 Copies of letters from Dwyer and Company, Solicitors, to Mr Nugent, MP, apologising to Mr Nugent and the Parliament in response to the resolution agreed to by the House on 3 June 1992 ...... Matter referred to committee on- 17 September 1990-Report on letter of 6 September 1990 from Mr A. Elder of Dunhill Madden Butler to Hon. Member for Corio- Report including minutes of proceedings, 18 October 1990 ... 1990 428 Evidence received by committee ...... 19 September 1990-Report on article in Melbourne Sunday Herald, 16 September 1990 concerning I I I cdxvi ndex to Pi ers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Joint Standing Committee on Migration Regulations- Report, incorporating dissenting report, 15 November 1990... .. 398 1990 429 M inutes of proceedings...... 398 11 September 1991-Report on whether misleading evidence was given to the Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration on 30 April 1991, including minutes of proceedings, 14 November 1991...... 1186 1991 456 Possible intimidation of Mr W. Willis in respect of his involvement with an inquiry by the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs- Report, including minutes of proceedings, 21 June 1991 ...... 920 1991 455 Senate Standing Committee-Report- Person referred to in Senate-Reports- 23rd-Mr A.E. Harris, May 1990...... 144 .. 1990 45 24th-Dr P. Ingram Cromack, September 1990...... 293 .. 1990 438 25th-Mr A.E. Harris, October 1990...... 345 .. 1990 438 27th-Sir William Keys, November 1990...... 493 .. 1990 438 28th-Mr C.H. Cannon, December 1990...... 644 .. 1990 438 29th-Hon. T. Uren, December 1990 ...... 646 .. 1990 438 31st-Sir William Keys, March 1991 ...... 842 .. 1991 258 32nd-Ms P. Harmsen, June 1991 ...... 1280 .. 1991 258 33rd-Dr A. Proudfoot, September 1991 ...... 1452 .. 1991 470 34th-Ms J. Cameron, November 1991...... 1724 .. 1991 470 38th-The Hon. Paul B. Toose, October 1992...... 2891 .. 1992 540 39th-Mr Dale E. Hennessy, November 1992...... 3158 .. 1992 540 40th-Ms Margaret Piper, Ms Eve Lester and Mr Seth Richardson, December 1992...... 3426 .. 1992 540 Possible improper influence or penalty on a witness in respect of evidence before a Senate Committee-30th report, March 1991 ...... 812 .. 1991 258 Possible Improper Interference with a witness and Possible Misleading Evidence before the National Crime Authority Committee- 36th Report...... 2623 .. 1992 194 Committee documents (1 Vol.)...... 2623 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.) ...... 2623 Possible Improper Interference with Witnesses before the Community Affairs Committee-37th Report...... 2731 .. 1992 235 Possible misleading evidence before a Senate Estimates Committee-Department of Defence-Asbestos in RAN ships-26th report, November 1990 ...... 398 .. 1990 438 Possible unauthorised disclosure of Senate committee submission-22nd report, May 1990...... 41 .. 1990 45 Report on the committee's work since passage of privilege resolutions of 25 February 1988 (35th report) ...... 1811 .. 1991 467 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Procedure- House of Representatives Standing Committee-Reports- Citizen's ight of reply- Report, 4 June 1991 ...... 863 1991 168 Minutes of proceedings...... 863 Disclosure of in camera evidence- Report, 12 Novemberl1991l...... 1179 1991 295 Minutes of proceedings...... 1179 Greater opportunities for debate on reports from parliamentary committees- Report, 18 September 1990 ...... 242 1990 176 Minutes of proceedings...... 242 Private Members' business: Speech time limits for individual Members-Priority to notices for private Members' bills- Report, 6March 1991 ...... 563 1991 51 Minutes of proceedings...... 563 Responses to petitions- Report, 13 November 1990 ...... 413 1990 267 Minutes of proceedings...... 413 Seconding of private Member's notices of motions, 31 March 1992 ... 1444 1992 102 Standing orders governing disorder and strangers- Report, 13 October 1992 ...... 1782 1992 243 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1782 Standing orders governing: General rule for conduct of business and procedures for opening of Parliament- Report, 4June 1991...... 863 1991 167 Minutes of proceedings ...... 863 Standing orders governing questions seeking information- Report, 2June 1992...... 1618 1992 179 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1618 Standing orders governing the Speaker, Chairman, Deputy Chairmen and Officers, 31 March 1992 ...... 1444 1992 101 Senate Standing Committee- Discussion paper-Estimates Committees and Appropriation Bills, 19 December 1991...... 1971 Reports- Ist of1990, Augustl1990O...... 227 1990 436 2nd of 1990, December 1990 ...... 686 1990 435 Ist ofl1991, 22Augustl1991l...... 1429 1991 462

2nd of 1991, 12 September 1991...... 1512 .. 1991 466

Ist ofl1992, 24 March 1992 ...... 2097 .. 1992 527 2nd of 1992, 30April 1992...... 2221 1992 542 3rd of 1992, October 1992...... 2924 1992 510 cdxviii Index to Paers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Procedures Advice Manual-Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs. See "Regulations and Ordinances- Senate Standing Committee".

Proceeds from Crime-Treaty-Text of Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime...... 2971 1846

Proceeds of Crime Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991, No. 460 ...... 2011 1316

Proclamations by His Excellency the Governor-General fixing the dates on which the following Acts and sections of Acts shall come into operation- Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 ...... 27 30 Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory)Act 197 ...... 27 30 Aged or Disabled PersonsHomes Amendment Act 198...... 2957 1817 Air Navigation (Charges) Amendment Act 1989...... 220 148 Albury-Wodonga Development Amendment Act 1991...... 1800 1250 2012 1317 AUSSATAmendment Act 1990...... 975 709 AUSSAT Repeal Act 1991...... 2012 1317 Australian and Overseas Telecommunications CorporationAct 1991 ... 2012 1317 Australian FederalPolice Legislation Amendment Act...... 27 30 Australian Securities Commission Act 1989...... 719 484 Australian Securities Commission Amendment Act 1990...... 220 148 Banking LegislationAmendment Act 1989...... 27 30 Bankruptcy Amendment Act 1991 ...... 2655 1642 BroadcastingServices Act 1992...... 2879 1743 Builders Labourers' FederationLegislation Amendment Act...... 1348 954 Cash TransactionReports Act 1988...... 1348 307 Cash TransactionReports Amendment Act 1991...... 2655 1630 Cattle TransactionLevy Act 1990...... 720 496 Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989...... 27 Circuit Layouts Act 1989...... 305 225 Civil Aviation Amendment Act 1990...... 220 148 Coal Industry Amendment Act 1992...... 2655 1642 Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding)Act 1992 ...... 2754 1695 Commonwealth Banks RestructuringAct 1990...... 920 620 720 484 1004 713 3086 1896 Commonwealth Employees' Rehabilitationand Compensation Amendment Act 1990...... 272 186 Commonwealth Employment (MiscellaneousAmendments) Act 1992.... 2655 1642 Commonwealth Serum Laboratories(Conversion into Public Company) Act 1990...... 921 620 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1988 ...... 28 30 Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 ...... 28 30 220 148 Companies (Insolvency Assistance) Amendment Act 1991...... 1348 954 Control of Naval Waters Amendment Act 1978...... 220 148 Copyright Amendment Act 1989...... 28 81 30 220 148 305 225 CorporationsAct 1989...... 720 484 CorporationsLegislation Amendment Act 1990...... 720 484 921 620 CorporationsLegislation Amendment Act 1991...... 2655 1642 1453 954 Courts and Tribunals Administration Amendment Act 1989 ...... 28 30 Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991 ...... 2099 1378 Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 ...... 220 148 Crimes (Investigation of Commonwealth Offences) Amendment A ct 1991 ...... 1653 1118 Crimes Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989...... 220 148 Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 1991...... 975 709 Crimes Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991...... 1926 1302 Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act 1990 ...... 1154 954 Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act 1992 ...... 2754 1695 Customs Legislation (Tariff Concessions and Anti-Dumping) Amendment Act 1992 ...... 2655 1642 2957 1817 Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1992...... 2957 1817 Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Amendment Act 1989...... 28 30 Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Amendment Act 1992...... 2655 1642 D efence Act 1903 ...... 220 148 Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990...... 720 496 Defence Legislation Amendment Act 1990...... 587 468 (in substitution for paper presented on 17 December 1990)...... 692 Defence Legislation Amendment Act 1992...... 2655 1642 Disability DiscriminationAct 1992...... 3234 1964 Electoral and Referendum Amendment Act 1989...... 27 30 Export Inspection (EstablishmentRegistration Charges) Amendment Act 1987 ...... 28 30 FederalAirports CorporationAmendment Act 1990...... 220 148 FisheriesAdministration Act 1991...... 2012 1317 FisheriesAgreements (Payments) Act 1991...... 2013 1317 FisheriesLegislation (Consequential Provisions)Act 1991...... 2013 1317 FisheriesManagement Act 1991...... 2013 1317 cdxx Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Fishing Levy Act 1991...... 2031 1317 Foreign Fishing Licences Levy Act 1991 ...... 2013 1317 Geneva Conventions Amendment Act 1991...... 921 620 Grain Legumes Levy Legislation Amendment Act 1989...... 28 30 Great BarrierReef Marine ParkAmendment Act 1991...... 1453 954 Health Legislation (PharmaceuticalBenefits) Amendment Act 1991 ..... 1453 954 HorticulturalLegislation Amendment Act 1989...... 28 ICSID Implementation Act 1990...... 709 Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment A ct 1992...... 2655 1642 Industrial Relations Act 1988...... 2655 1642 Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1990 ...... 496 Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990...... 921 620 Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1991...... 1952 1302 Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No.2) 1991 ...... 1348 954 1453 954 IndustrialRelations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991...... 2655 1630 2196 1434 IndustrialRelations LegislationAmendment Act 1992...... 2717 1681 2655 1642 Industry Commission Act 1990...... 28 30 Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1991...... 2131 1395 InternationalMonetary Fund (Quota Increase and Agreement Amendments) Act 1991...... 2002 InterstateRoad TransportAmendment Act 1991 ...... 1744 1211 Interstate Road TransportCharge Amendment Act 1991...... 1744 1212 Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1988...... 28 30 Law and Justice LegislationAmendment Act 1990...... 720 496 Law and Justice LegislationAmendment Act 1991...... 1953 1303 Laying Chicken Levy Act 1988...... 221 148 Migration Amendment Act (No. 3) 1992...... 2828 1737 Minerals (Submerged Lands) Act 1981...... 28 30 Mutual Assistance in Business Regulation Act 1992...... 2957 1817 National Food Authority Act 1991 ...... 1453 954 National Rail CorporationAgreement Act 1992...... 2655 1642 Nursing Homes and Hostels Legislation Amendment Act 1986...... 1453 955 OccupationalSuperannuation Standards Act 1987 ...... 221 148 Ozone ProtectionAmendment Act 1992...... 3086 1896 Patents Amendment Act 1989...... 28 30 Petroleum (Australia-IndonesiaZone of Cooperation)Act 1990...... 805 564 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Registration Fees) Act 1967...... 136 125 PoliticalBroadcasts and PoliticalDisclosures Act 1991...... 2013 1317 2013 1317 Primary Industriesand Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989...... 28 30 Primary Industriesand Energy Legislation Amendment Act Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

(No. 3) 1989 ...... 29 30 Protection of the Sea LegislationAmendment Act 1986...... 475 401 Public Service Amendment Act 1991 ...... 2013 1317 Public Service and Statutory AuthoritiesAmendment Act 1980...... 29 30 921 621 2131 1395 Social Security Legislation Amendment Act 1983...... 221 148 Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 4) 1991...... 2655 1642 2656 1643 Statutory Fishing Rights Charge Act 1991...... 2013 1317 Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991...... 2013 1317 Trade Practices(Misuse of Trans-TasmanMarket Power) Act 1990..... 221 148 Training Guarantee(Administration) Act 1990...... 286 Transport and CommunicationsLegislation Amendment Act 1989...... 148 Transport and CommunicationsLegislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 ...... 221 148 Trusts (Hague Convention) Act 1991...... 1303 Veterans' Entitlements (Provision of Treatment) Amendment Act 1992 ...... 3304 1965

Proclamations dissolving the House of Representatives- Correspondence relating to the wording of dissolution proclamations made by the Governor-General-Copies of- Letters from- Clerk of the Senate to Official Secretary to the Governor- General, 1 March 1990 and 28 February 1991 ...... 1364 First Assistant Secretary, Government Division, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, to Official Secretary to the Governor-General, 18 July 1991...... 1364 Official Secretary to the Governor-General to the Clerk of the Senate, 6 March 1990 and 26 February 1991 ...... 1364 Opinion of the Solicitor-General, 12 April 1990 ...... 1364

Proformas-headed "FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE MINISTER" on- Briefing ...... 302 Visit ...... 30 2

Program-carrying signals-Treaty-Text of-Convention relating to distribution of program-carrying signals transm itted by satellite...... 385 288

Program Performance Statements-Letters from- Clerk of the Senate to Secretary, Department of Finance, 10 June 1992..... 2662 Minister for Finance to President of the Senate, responding to resolution of the Senate of 2 June 1992, 10 August 1992...... 2662 Secretary, Department of Finance to Clerk of the Senate, cdxxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

14 August 1992 ...... 2662

Project Parliament: The management experience-Report by Parliament House Construction Authority, March 1990 ...... 50 36 1990 68

Promotion of peace and security in Mediterranean region in the light of developments in Europe and the new spirit prevailing internationally. See "Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference".

Proportion of labour market program participants and Department of Social Security beneficiaries in employment August 1989 to August 1991-Graphs...... 1180

Prosecution policy of Commonwealth: Guidelines for making of decisions in prosecution process-Report by Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions...... 613 437

Protected Zone Joint Authority. See "Torres Strait Fisheries Act".

Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 116 ...... 219 148 N o. 293 ...... 305 225 Nos. 293 (in substitution for paper presented on 9 October 1990) ...... 401 No. 350...... 475 401 1991-N o. 27 ...... 849 584 Report on working of Act, including Auditor-General's Report on National Cultural Heritage Fund, for- 1989-90...... 532 416 1990 350 1990-91...... 1947 1270 1991 436 1991-92...... 3412 1973 1992 362

Protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organisations-Treaty-Text of International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations ...... 2972 1847

Protection of the coastal environment. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1991-No. 332 ...... 1627 1112

Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 13 ...... 26 30 1991-No. 333 ...... 1627 1112 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1992-No. 101 ...... 2195 1434

Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1990-No. 429...... 719 484

Provisional tax on salary income of federal judges-Copy of letter from Mr R. Highfield, First Assistant Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office, to Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, 17 October 1990 ...... 688

Public Accounts Committee Act-Joint Committee of Public Accounts- Department of Finance Minutes on reports- 302nd-Engagement of external consultants by Commonwealth departments...... 271 184 303rd-Review of Auditor-General's efficiency audits: Department of Defence-Safety principles for explosives and ordnance ...... 271 184 305th-Review of Finance Minute on Report 270- Implementation of Offsets Program...... 271 184 Supplement ...... 1513 1021 Supplem ent ...... 2083 1362 308th-Parliamentary Information Systems Office (PISO): U nofficial account...... 1569 1058 309th-Annual reporting guidelines for statutory authorities ...... 1780 1233 310th-Business migration program ...... 2083 1362 313th-Control of visitor entry, 28 May 1992...... 2810 1721 315th-Social responsibilities of Commonwealth statutory authorities and Government business enterprises, 30 October 1992...... 2976 1838 Government response to report-The Auditor-General: Ally of the people and parliament-Reform of the Australian Audit Office-Supplementary response ...... 525 416 Presiding Officers' response to report-308th-Parliamentary Information Systems Office (PISO): Unofficial account- Interim response...... 1342 Response ...... 1513 1020 Reports- 306-Finance minutes ...... 688 442 1990 440 307-Activities 1989-90...... 688 442 1990 441 308-Parliamentary Information Systems Office (PISO): Unofficial account...... 877 599 1991 172 309-Annual reporting guidelines for statutory authorities ...... 1041 756 1991 171 310-Business migration program ...... 1282 913 1991 170 311-Activities 1990-91 ...... 1513 1021 1991 222 312-Finance minutes, December 1991 ...... 1925 1258 1991 304 cdxxiv Index to Pa~ers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

313-Control of visitor entry, December 1991...... 1983 1258 1991 305 314-Eight performance audits, 1 April 1992...... 2194 1422 1992 80 315-Social responsibilities of Commonwealth statutory authorities and Government business enterprises, 1 April 1992... 2194 1422 1992 81 316-The administrative and financial relationships between Medicare and Medibank Private, June 1992...... 2431 1564 1992 140 317-A champagne appetite but only a beer income: Defence's supply systems redevelopment project, 24 June 1992 ...... 2625 1621 1992 169 318-Public sector research and development: Volume 1 of a report on research and development, 24 June 1992 ...... 2625 1621 1992 170 319-Review of the Independent Auditor: Watching the watchdog, 4 November 1992 ...... 2976 1838 1992 250 320-Review of six performance audits, 12 November 1992...... 3050 1892 1992 288 321-Finance minutes, 16 December 1992 ...... 1986 1992 487 322-Activities 1991-92, December 1992...... 1986 1992 489 323-Managing people in the Australian Public Service: Dilemmas of devolution and diversity, 16 December 1992...... 1986 1992 488 324-Commonwealth support for private sector investment in research and development: Volume 2 of a report on research and development, 16 December 1992...... 1986 1992 490 325-Midford Paramount case and related matters-Customs and Midford shirts: The Paramount case of a failure of Customs, incorporating a dissenting report, 17 December 1992 ...... 2001 1992 491

Public Lending Right Act-Public Lending Right Committee-Report for- 1989-90...... 478 394 1990 281 1990-91 ...... 1577 1056 1991 241 1991-92...... 3301 1945 1992 363

Public sector borrowings information incorporated in the budget papers-Copy of letter from Mr I. Castles, Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics, to Mr P. Reith, MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, 6 November 1992...... 1849

Public Service (Abolition of Compulsory Retirement Age) Amendment Bill 1992- Draft...... 1947 Draft bill for comment...... 3421 Notes on the bill ...... 3421 Public Service Act- Clerk of the Senate's Determination-1991-No. 1...... 1418 963 Departmental annual reports presented pursuant to Public Service Act. See entries under individual Departments. Determinations- 1989-Nos. 152, 153, 166, 168 to 180 ...... 26 31 Index to Pavers Presentedto Parliament cdxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.A P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1990- Nos. I to 31, 33 to 45, 47 ...... 26 31 Nos. 32, 46, 48 to55...... 145 125 Nos. 56, 57, 59, 60, 62 to67, 69 to71, 73, 74, 77, 79 to81, 83 ...... 219 148 Nos. 61, 72, 75, 78, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 100 to 102, 104, 105, 107 to 1 10, LES 1, LES 2, LES 3, LES 4, LES 5...... 258 174 Nos. 58, 68, 76, 87, 90, 92, 94 to 96, 98, 99, 103, 106, 111 to 113, 115, 117, 118 ...... 294 197 Nos. 91, 93, 97, 116, 119 to 126, 128, 129, 132, 150, 152 to 155, 161...... 305 225 Nos. 114, 133, 134, 136, 156, 158, 160, 162 to 166, 178 to 180 .... 377 286 Nos. 127, 137, 138, 141, 144, 145, 159, LES 6, LES 8, LES 9,LES 10, LES 12, LES 13 ...... 401 308 No. 177...... 449 364 Nos. 86, 131, 139, 140, 142, 149, 151, 157, 182, 184, 201 to 203, LES 7,LES 11, LES14 ...... 480 401 Nos. 135, 143, 181, 188, 200, 204, 209, 210, LES 15 ...... 511 401 Nos. 147, 148, 169, 170, 183,186, 187, 191, 205, 206, 208, 212,217,218 ...... 534 427 Nos. 130, 171, 185, 189, 190, 192, 195, 196, 207, 213, 216, 220, LES16 ...... 586 468 Nos. 146, 167, 168, 172 to 176, 193, 194, 197 to 199, 214, 215, 219, 221 to 223, 234 to 237, 239 to 244 ...... 719 484 No. 229...... 805 554 1991- Nos. 2, 3,5 to 12, 21, 22, 27, 28, 100, 101 to 107, 110 to 118, 120, 12 1, LES 1, LES 2, LES 3, LES 4, LES 5, LES 6...... 805 555 Nos. 4, 13...... 843 573 Nos. 1, 14, 20, 23, 25, 29, 30, 32 to 36 ...... 892 603 Nos. 122 to 131...... 892 611 Nos. 26, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44 ...... 932 639 Nos. 73, 92, 93, 197, 200 to 216, 256 to 258, 260...... 1526 1041 Nos. 15 to17, 31, 38, 40, 108, 109, 119, 132 to 134, 136, 137...... 975 709 Nos. 140 to 142, 144 to 146, LES 8, LES 9, LES 10...... 1012 725 Nos. 18, 19, 46 to 51, 60 to62, 135, 138, 147 to 151, LES 7, LES 11...... 1058 771 Nos. 139, 143, 153, 154...... 1092 814 Nos. 24, 52, 63 to67, 69, 72, 152, 156, 157, 160, 162...... 1172 911 Nos. 155, 158, 159, 161, 164...... 1247 911 Nos. 53, 54, 70, 71...... 1280 911 Nos. 42, 45, 55 to 58, 74 to 78, 80, 83, 84, 165, 167, 169 to 174, 176, LES12 ...... 1347 955 Nos. 163, 166, 168, 173, 175, 177 to 182, 184 to 188...... 1376 955 Nos. 59, 79, 81, 82, 85 to 88, 90, 91, 250 to 255 ...... 1453 982 Nos. 183, 189 to 196, 198, LES 13, LES 14, LES 15, LES 16, LES 17, LESI18...... 1515 1035 cdxxvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. 68, 89, 94 to 96, 259, 261, 262, 265, 267...... 1588 1080 Nos. 199, 217 to 227, 229, 230, 232 to 239, 241, LES 19, LES 20,LES 21 ...... 1627 1112 Nos. 97 to 99, 268, 269, 271, 273 to 275, 279 ...... 1665 1160 Nos. 264, 270, 272,277, 278,280, 290,292, 293...... 1742 1212 Nos. 228, 240, 242 to 249, LES 22, LES 23 ...... 1811 1303 Nos. 263,276,281,291,294,295 ...... 1892 1303 Nos. 235, 266, 297, 298, 301 to 303, 320 to 322 ...... 1952 1303 Nos. 282 to 285, 296, 299, 300, 304 to 310, 312, 313, 323 to 332, LES 24, LES 25 ...... 2011 1317 No.231 ...... 2054 1354 1992- Nos.lIto 6,8to 13, 50 ...... 2011 1317 Nos. 7,10...... 2045 1340 Nos. 100 to 104, 108, LES 1, LES 2, LES 3 ...... 2054 1354 Nos. 105, 107, 109 to 112, 115, LES 4...... 2131 1386 Nos. 106, 116, 117, 120, LES 7...... 2153 1400 Nos. 14 to 17, 21 to25, 27, 31, 33, 51, 52, 54 ...... 2153 1405 Nos. 113, 114, LES5, LES6 ...... 2168 1414 Nos. 20, 26, 30, 35, 36, 38, 55, 118, 119, 121 to 123, 125, LES 8..2195 1434 Nos. 127, 129, 130 ...... 2238 1456 Nos. 19, 28, 29, 34, 37, 39 to 46, 53, 56...... 2301 1494 Nos. 124, 126 ...... 2314 1494 Nos. 128, 131, 132 ...... 2286 1465 Nos. 133 to 135, 137, 138, LES 10, LES I11...... 2314 1507 No. 136 ...... 2375 1541 Nos. 18, 32, 47 to 49, 57 to 60, 62, 64, 65 ...... 2407 1549 Nos. 139 to 141 ...... 2452 1613 Nos. 142 to 144 ...... 2523 1613 No. 145 ...... 2625 1613 Nos. 61, 63, 66, 68 to 71, 73 to 80, 84 to 87, 90 to 99, 146 to 153, 157, LES 9, LES 12, LES 13, LES 14, LES 15, LES 16, LES 17, LES 19...... 2654 1643 Nos. 158 to 160, LES 20, LES 21...... 2681 1643 Nos. 67, 72, 81 to 83, 88, 250 to 253, 260 to 265, LES 23 ...... 2717 1681 Nos. 155, 161, 162 ...... 2732 1688 Nos. 154, 163 to 165 ...... 2765 1707 Nos. 89, 254, 255, 266 to 274, 276, 278...... 2779 1713 Nos. 156, 166, 167, 169 to 171, LES 18, LES 22, LES 24, LES 25, LES 26, LES 27...... 2828 1743 Nos. 256, 275, 277, 279, LES 28...... 2879 1764 Nos. 174, LES 29, LES 30...... 2891 1764 Nos. 168, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 257 to 259, 280 to 284, 290,292...... 2942 1817 Nos. 179, LES 31I...... 3001 1846 Nos. 291, 293, 294 ...... 3013 1876 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxxvii Presented Printed Paper journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Nos. 176, 180, LES 32 ...... 3086 1905 Nos. 181 to 183, LES 33, LES 34, LES 35...... 3191 1965 Nos. 184, 186 ...... 3191 1965 No. 185 ...... 3348 1965 Nos. 297, 300, 303 to 306 ...... 3287 1965 Nos. 187 to 192, LES 36...... 3304 1965 Nos. 193 to 195, LES 37...... 3397 1965 Nos. 285 to 289, 295, 296, 298, 299, 302 ...... 3158 1965 Guidelines for preparation of departmental annual reports, April 1991 .... 917 616 Parliamentary Presiding Officers' Determinations- 1989-No.5 ...... 26 31 1990- Nos. 1,5...... 26 31 Nos. 3,4...... 61 48 Nos. 6, 7...... 26 Nos. 10, 11, 12, 15...... 219 148 No. 16 ...... 219 225 No. 18 ...... 294 225 Nos. 20, 21...... 333 249 No. 22 ...... 305 225 Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27...... 377 278 No. 28 ...... 475 401 Nos. 32, 33, 34, 36...... 666 468 No. 35 ...... 759 520 No. 37 ...... 719 496 Nos. 38, 39 ...... 787 496 Nos. 29, 30, 31 ...... 892 611 1991- No. 2...... 787 532 Nos. 1, 4,5, 6...... 892 611 Nos. 10, 11 ...... 1058 771 Nos. 12, 13 ...... 1347 955 Nos. 3, 8 ...... 1453 982 No. 14...... 1588 1080 No. 15...... 1578 1062 No. 16...... 1526 1041 No. 17...... 1627 1112 1992- No. 1 ...... 2011 1317 No.2 ...... 2195 1434 No.3 ...... 2681 1663 No. 4 ...... 2654 1643 No.5 ...... 2942 1791 No.6 ...... 3030 1883 No.7 ...... 3001 1846

No.8 ...... 3191 1965 __ cdxxviii cdxxviiiIndex to Paners Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

Public Service Commissioner-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 517 404 1990 283 1990-91 ...... 1921 1270 1991 434 1991-92...... 3280 1945 1992 365 Regulation s-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 399...... 26 31 1990- No. 214...... 219 148 No. 277...... 258 174 1991- No. 286 ...... 1526 1041 No. 338 ...... 1627 1112 No. 370 ...... 1839 1303 No. 477 ...... 2011 1317 1992- No. 53...... 2099 1378 No. 65...... 2143 1400 No. 303 ...... 2828 1743 No. 324 ...... 2942 1817 Royal Australian Mint-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 661 437 1990 371 1990-91...... 1967 1270 1991 426 1991-92...... 3382 1945 1992 366 And see "SuperannuationAct 1976".

Public Service Commission revised structure-Media release...... 301

Public Service Commissioner. See "Public Service Act".

Public Works Committee Act- Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works- Plans in connection with proposed works- Aeronautical Research Laboratory site, Fishermens Bend, Vic-Redevelopment...... 128 Air Traffic Service Centres at Brisbane and Melbourne...... 1321 Army Aviation Centre, Oakey, Qld-Redevelopment ...... 63 Australian Customs Service, Bruce, ACT-Purpose built computer centre...... 443 Australian Embassy complex in- Jakarta, Indonesia-Construction...... 472 Suva, Republic of Fiji-Construction ...... 1721 Australian High Commission complex, Islamabad, Pakistan-Construction of...... 531 Australian Taxation Office, Bruce, ACT-Dedicated computer centre...... 129 Badgerys Creek Airport development, stage I ...... 1554 Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament cdxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Borneo Barracks, Cabarlah, Qld-Redevelopment ...... 283 Brisbane Air Traffic Services Centre...... 185 Christmas Island rebuilding program...... 1384 Civil Aviation Authority-Construction of Perth office and warehouse complex...... 129 Command Headquarters, Pyrmont-Relocation of Naval Support Command Headquarters...... 1022 Commonwealth Law Courts, Brisbane-Construction of ...... 63 Construction of Australian Embassy staff apartments, Attakarn Prasit, Bangkok, Thailand...... 1746 Construction of a new permanent repository for Australian Archives at East Burwood, Vic...... 1291 CSIRO redevelopment, Parkville, Vic ...... 1011 Development of a new international terminal complex, Brisbane airport...... 1622 Development of RAAF Base Scherger at Peppan, Cape York Peninsula, Qld ...... 1656 HMAS Albatross, Nowra, NSW- Development, stage 2...... 627 HMAS Waterhen facilities modernisation, Waverton, NSW...... 1911 Housing development, Flinders view near Ipswich, Qld...... 1911 Housing development, Palmerston, NT...... 1824 Housing development, Kellyville, NSW ...... 1911 Housing developments at Laverton and Macleod, Vic and Bullsbrook, WA by Defence Housing Authority ...... 63 Installation of fire sprinklers to the International Terminal Building, Sydney Airport...... 1292 Jindalee Over-the-Horizon Radar...... 164 Myambat, NSW-Construction of major explosives storehouses...... 443 Oakleigh multi-user Army Reserve Depot, Vic ...... 63 Office construction- Corner of Adelaide and Creek Streets Brisbane ...... 1622 Section 45, Belconnen ACT...... 1622 Puckapunyal, Vic.-Stage 1 redevelopment...... 63 RAAF Base, Tindal, NT...... 1011 Refurbishment and fitout of Juliana House, Phillip, ACT ...... 1384 Refurbishment of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Perth...... 1515 Seaward Village, Perth- Redevelopment by Defence Housing Authority...... 687 Singleton, NSW-Redevelopment, Stage 1...... 443 Special Broadcasting Service, relocation of radio and television, Artarmon, NSW ...... 1048 Storage/display facility for the Australian War Memorial, Mitchell, ACT ...... 1777 York Park Offices, Barton, ACT...... 1721

L _____ ± .1 _____ j _____ cdxxx cdxxxIndex to Paners Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Reports- Aeronautical research laboratory site, Fishermens Bend, Vic.-Redevelopment (I10th report 1990) ...... 460 384 1990 378 Army Aviation Centre, Oakey, Qld-Redevelopment (I streport 1990)...... 97 88 1990 97 Australian Customs Service, Bruce, ACT-Purpose built computer centre (5th report 1991) ...... 1018 736 1991 154 Australian Embassy complex in Jakarta, Indonesia- Construction (4th report 1991)...... 1004 720 1991 98 Australian High Commission and defence housing, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea-Construction of (9th report 1990) ...... 460 384 1990 377 Australian High Commission complex, Islamabad, Pakistan-(6th report 1991) ...... 1452 979 1991 225 Australian Taxation Office, Bruce, ACT-Dedicated computer centre (6th report 1990)...... 272 184 1990 138 Badgerys Creek Airport development stage 1 (18th report of 1992) ...... 3396 1933 1992 468 Borneo Barracks, Cabarlah, Qld-Redevelopment (I1st report 1991) ...... 849 582 1991 49 Brisbane Air Traffic Services Centre (11Ith report 1990) ...... 460 384 1990 379 Christmas Island rebuilding program (5th report 1992)...... 2779 1704 1992 509 Civil Aviation Authority-Construction of Perth office and warehouse complex (7th report 1990) ...... 276 188 1990 375 Commonwealth Law Courts, Brisbane-Construction of (5th report 1990)...... 97 89 1990 101 Construction of a new permanent repository for Australian Archives at East Burwood, Vic. (2nd report 1992) ...... 2152 1404 1992 83 Construction of an Australian Embassy complex in Suva, Republic of Fiji (14th report of 1992)...... 3303 1933 1992 465 Construction of Australian Embassy staff apartments at Attakarn Prasit, Bangkok, Thailand (15th report of 1992) ...... 3303 1933 1992 497 CSIRO redevelopment, North Ryde, NSW (1st report 1992)...... 2152 1404 1992 82 CSIRO redevelopment, Parkville, Vic. (10Oth report 199 1)...... 1925 1291 1991 301 Defence Logistics Redevelopment Project- Air Force aspects (7th report 1992)...... 2891 1768 1992 462 Defence National Storage and Distribution Centre (I12th report 1992)...... 3000 1853 1992 461 Development of a new international terminal complex at Brisbane Airport (19th report of 1992)...... 3396 1933 1992 469 Development of RAAF Base Scherger at Peppan, Cape York Peninsula, Qld (13th report of 1992) ...... 3303 1933 1992 466 Facilities for an increased Army presence in the north (10th report 1992)...... 3000 1853 1992 459 General Report- 1990 (53rd)...... 266 184 1990 139 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991 (54th) ...... 1082 799 1991 137 1992 (55th) ...... 2586 1574 1992 152 HMAS Albatross, Nowra, NSW-Stage 2 (7th report 1991) ...... 1452 979 1991 226 Housing developments at Laverton and MacLeod, Vic. and Bullsbrook, WA, by Defence Housing Authority (2nd report 1990) ...... 97 89 1990 98 Installation of fire sprinklers to the International Terminal Building at Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport (3rd report 1992)...... 2152 1404 1992 84 Jindalee Over-the-Horizon-Radar (1 2th report 1990)...... 511 398 1990 380 Myambat, NSW, Stage 1-Construction of major explosives storehouses (3rd report 1991) ...... 988 712 1991 96 Oakleigh multi-user Army Reserve Depot, Vic. (4th report 1990)...... 97 89 1990 100 Office construction at section 45, Belconnen, ACT (9th report 1992)...... 2908 1777 1992 458 Office construction at the corner of Adelaide and Creek Streets, Brisbane (8th report 1992) ...... 2891 1768 1992 463 Puckapunyal, Vic.-Stage 1 redevelopment (3rd report 1990)...... 97 89 1990 99 Redevelopment of Larrakeyah Barracks, Darwin (11Ith report 1992)...... 3000 1853 1992 460 Redevelopment of Lavarack Army Barracks in Townsville, stage 1 (16th report of 1992)...... 3303 1933 1992 499 Refurbishment and fitout of Juliana House, Phillip ACT (4th report 1992) ...... 2387 1545 1992 161 Refurbishment of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Perth (6th report 1992)...... 2779 1704 1992 464 Relocation of Naval Support Command Headquarters, Pyrmont, NSW (IlIth reportl1991) ...... 1925 1291 1991 302 Relocation of the Australian Hydrographic Office to Wollongong, NSW (211st report of 1992, incorporating a dissenting report)...... 3396 1933 1992 467 Reserve Bank of Australia Head Office, Martin Place, Sydney, NSW-Refurbishment (8th report 1990)...... 431 325 1990 376 Seaward Village, Perth-(8th report 1991) ...... 1452 979 1991 227 Singleton, NSW-Redevelopment of Military Area, Stage 1 (2nd report 1991) ...... 988 712 1991 97 Special Broadcasting Service, relocation of radio and television, Artarmon, NSW (1 2th report 199 1) ...... 1925 1291 1991 303 Stage 3-Development of RAAF Base Tindal, NT (9th report 1991)...... 1925 1291 1991 300 Storage/display facility for the Australian War Memorial, Mitchell, ACT (I17th report of 1992) ...... 3303 1933 1992 498 York Park Offices, Barton, ACT (20th report of 1992, incorporating a dissenting report) ...... 3396 1933 1992 470 cdxxxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992- No. 108 ...... 2211 1442 No. 134...... 2476 1613

Publications- House of Representatives Standing Committee-Reports- 1st ...... 167 2nd ...... 204 3rd...... 273 4th...... 382 5th...... 418 6th...... 543 7th...... 599 8th ...... 699 9th...... 759 1Oth ...... 875 11th...... 971 12th ...... 1021 13th ...... 1094 14th ...... 1186 15th ...... 1361 16th...... 1422 17th ...... 1487 18th...... 1564 19th ...... 1720 20th ...... 1785 21st ...... 1924 22nd ...... 1977 Senate Standing Committee-Reports- Ilst, 30 May 1990...... 175 2nd, 23 August 1990 ...... 243 3rd, 20 September 1990 ...... 299 4th, 18 October 1990 ...... 365 5th, 15 November 1990 ...... 460 6th, 6 December 1990...... 525 7th, 21 December 1990...... 688 8th, 21 February 1991 ...... 786 9th,14 Marchl1991l...... 876 10th, 18 April11991...... 963 IlIth, 16 May 1991...... 1042 12th, 6Junel1991l...... 1153 13th, undated...... 1282 14th, 22 August 1991 ...... 1434 15th, 12 September 1991...... 1514 16th, 17 October 1991...... 1614 Index to Pi ers Presentedto Parliament cdxxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

17th, l4 November 1991...... 1738 18th, 19 December 1991...... 1972 19th, 5Marchl1992 ...... 2082 20th, 2April11992...... 2179 21Ist, 7May 1992 ...... 2302 22nd, 4 June 1992...... 2430 23rd, 25 June 1992...... 2624 24th, 17 September 1992 ...... 2809 25th, 15 October 1992 ...... 2924 26th, 26 November 1992 ...... 3140 Q Qantas Airways Limited-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 474 381 1990 284 1990-91 ...... 1921 1270 1991 427 1991-92...... 3412 1974 1992 367

Quarantine Act- Determinations-under section 86E- 1990- No.1I...... 81 81 No. 2...... 587 468 1991- No.1I...... 805 555 No.2 ...... 1172 911 No.3 ...... 1526 1041 1992- No. I ...... 2717 1681 No. 2 ...... 2828 1743 No.3 ...... 2956 1831 No. 4 ...... 3287 1965 Quarantine (Exemption) Instrument No. QEI/1 991, 10 Septemberl1991l...... 1588 1081 Quarantine Proclamation- No. 143A, 17 December 1990...... 484 No. 119P, 18 April 1991...... 975 709 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 352 ...... 475 401

Questions on notice-Summary for period- 14 September 1987 to 7 May 1990...... 18 8 May 1990 to- 30OJune 1990...... 241 31 December 1990 ...... 720 30OJune 1991...... 1344 cdxxxiv Index to PanersPresenten to PnrlinmPnt Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

31 December 1991...... 2007 30 June 1992 ...... 2661 R

Racist violence in Australia. See "Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act".

Radar-Treaties-Text of- Agreement with the United States of America concerning Cooperation in Radar Activities...... 2372 1542 Project Arrangement with the United States of America on Radar Synoptic Performance Modelling ...... 2372 1542 Project Arrangement with the United States of America on Residual Clutter in Radars...... 2372 1542

Radio revenue-Percentages (adjusted for CPI) based on 1986/8-Graph...... 1189

Radiocommunications Act- Australian spectrum plan-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 413 ...... 719 496 Australian spectrum plan (Amendment)-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 48..... 2099 1378 Band plan-Statutory Rules-1991-Nos. 354, 355...... 1839 1303 Frequency Band Plan-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 449 ...... 719 484 1992- No. 47...... 2099 1378 No. 156 (Amendment)...... 2476 1613 No. 305 ...... 2859 1760 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 358 ...... 524 427 1991- No. 78 ...... 975 709 N o. 119...... 1202 911 No. 293 ...... 1526 1041 Nos. 346, 360 ...... 1742 1212 1992- No. 197...... 2654 1643 Nos. 307, 309 ...... 2859 1760 Revocation of Standard-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 163...... 2654 1643 Standards-Statutory Rules- 1990- N os. 70, 71 ...... 26 31 Nos. 262, 263 ...... 259 174 N o. 344...... 391 297 Nos. 353, 354 ...... 475 401 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 358 ...... 524 427

Radiocommunications (Frequency Reservation Certificate Tax) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 362...... 524 428 1991-N o.387...... 1839 1303 1992-No. 384...... 3304 1965

Radiocommunications legislation-Extract of analysis prepared by M r Sm ith, M P...... 1900

Radiocommunications (Receiver Licence Tax) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 361 ...... 524 428 1991- N o.345...... 1742 12 12 N o.386...... 1839 1303 1992-No. 385...... 3304 1965

Radiocommunications Taxes Collection Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1991-No. 361 ...... 1742 1212

Radiocommunications (Temporary Permit Tax) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 363...... 524 428 1991-No. 388...... 1839 1303 1992-No. 382...... 3304 1965

Radiocommunications (Test Permit Tax) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 360...... 524 428 N o.389...... 1839 1303 1992-No. 381 ...... 3304 1965

Radiocommunications (TransmitterLicence Tax) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 359...... 524 428 1991- Nos. 347, 362 ...... 1742 1212 N o.385...... 1840 1303 1992- N o.196...... 2654 1643 No. 308...... 2859 1760 N o. 383...... 3304 1965 cdxxxvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Rail: Five systems, one solution-The efficiency of Australian National's east-west operations. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Ravenshoe sawmill-Assistance agreement between Commonwealth Government and Plywood and Plastic Pty Ltd- Background paper...... 337 1031 Copies of documents- (2) ...... 33 1 (2) ...... 354 (1) ...... 479 (3) ...... 1067 (2) ...... 1078

Ready or not: Refining the process for election '93. See "Electoral Matters-Joint Standing Committee".

Real estate (income and assets test). See "Audit Act".

Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters-Treaty-Text of Agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland...... 383 287

Reform of Australian Tax System-Draft White Paper, June 1985...... 104

Reforming Australian Workplaces, 12 March 1991...... 848

Refugees-Questions from Marion Le, Indo-China Refugee Association ACT (Inc.) ...... 1529 Refurbishment of NESCA House- Letter to Mr A. Morris, MP, from Mr B. Challen, Managing Director, Killen & Thomas (NSW) Pty Limited, 17 August 1990...... 155 Memorandum from Mr B. Thomson, Acting Assistant Director, Marine Crews, Department of Transport and Communications, 7 June 1990 ...... 155

Register of Senate Committee Reports. See "Senate Committee Reports".

Regulation of Video Material Bill 1992- Draft bill for comment...... 2811 Explanatory statement ...... 2811 Film and Video Classification-Copies of- Draft classification guidelines for 'M' and 'MA' categories, Index to Pi ers Presented to Parliament cdxxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

and attachm ents(3) ...... 3287 Extract from communique-Council of Australian Government, Perth, 7 December 1992...... 3287

Regulations and Ordinances-Senate Standing Committee- Copies of correspondence relating to- Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 89...... 100 Therapeutic Goods Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 90...... 100 Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs-Procedures Advice Manual...... 299 Reports- 86th-Overview, issues and roles; guidelines on application of Committee's principles; legislation considered 1988-89, M ay 1990...... 189 .. 1990 93 87th-Special report on subdelegation of powers, November 1990...... 494 .. 1990 427 88th-Report for 1989-90, May 1991 ...... 1041 .. 1991 228 89th-Scrutiny by the Committee of regulations made under the Sex DiscriminationAct 1984, October 1991...... 1599 .. 1991 465 90th-Report for 1990-91, December 1991 ...... 1925 .. 1991 454 91st-Scrutiny by the committee of delegated legislation made under Acts providing superannuation for Commonwealth employees, June 1992 ...... 2586 .. 1992 181 92nd-Scrutiny by the committee of Public Service Determinations 1992/27 and 1992/46, November 1992...... 3142 .. 1992 528 93rd-Report on scrutiny by the committee of regulations imposing United Nations sanctions, December 1992...... 3397 .. 1992 513 Scrutiny of the Child Care Centre Fee Relief Eligibility Guidelines-Statement by the Chairman...... 2355 And see "Delegated legislation".

Rehabilitation of former nuclear test sites in Australia- Paper by Minister for Primary Industries and Energy...... 455 366 Report by Technical Assessment Group to Minister for Primary Industries and Energy...... 455 366

Remuneration and allowances-Senate Committees-Travelling payments to Senate Chairs and members of committees- Copies of- Department of the Senate-Travelling allowance claim form...... 2801 Explanation of printouts...... 2801 Remuneration Tribunal Act-Determination 1992 No. 9- Members of Parliament-Travelling allowance ...... 2801 Schedules- Payments of travelling allowance to- Senate chairs of committees, 1991-92 ...... 2801 cdxxxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Senators, other than committee chairs, who are members of committees, 1991-92...... 2801 Summary of payments of travelling allowance to- Committee chairs, 1991-92 ...... 2801 Members of committees other than chairs, 1991-92...... 2801 Senate Committee Office-Details of meetings of Senate Standing, Select and Joint Committees for the year ended 30 June 1992, Septem ber 1992...... 2801

Remuneration and liability for income tax of federal judges- Copies of- Letter from B.M. Nolan, Second Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office, to Hon. Sir Anthony Mason, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia...... 687 Newspaper articles (2)...... 688 Opinion of Solicitor-General, 6 May 1990...... 688

Remuneration for executives and directors-Australia's largest companies-Tables (3)...... 389

Remuneration of Solicitor-General of Commonwealth and other holders of public office-Copy of letter from Hon. Sir Anthony Mason, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia ...... 687 Remuneration Tribunal Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o.230 ...... 219 148 N o. 439 ...... 719 484 N o. 471 ...... 719 489 1991- N o. 44 ...... 893 6 11 N o. 98...... 1059 771 N o. 164 ...... 1347 955 N o. 324 ...... 1627 1112 1992- N o. 28...... 2011 1317 No. 98 ...... 2195 1434 No. 193 ...... 2654 1643 Remuneration Tribunal- Determinations- 1989/23, 1989/24, 1990/1 to 1990/5 ...... 26 31 1990/6 to 1990/10...... 145 125 1990/16...... 259 174 1990/17...... 190 123 1990/18 to 1990/20...... 305 226 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxxxix Presented Printed Paper journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1990/21 to 1990/27 ...... 377 286 1990/28 ...... 719 484 1990/29 to 1990/32 ...... 787 532 1990/33 to 1990/37 ...... 788 533 1991/1...... 893 611 1991/2 to 1991/5 ...... 932 633 1991/6 ...... 1069 793 1991/8 and 1991/9 ...... 1172 881 1991/10...... 1479 1000 1991/11 and 1991/12 ...... 1347 955 1991/13...... 1280 931 1991/14...... 1347 955 1991/15...... 1392 955 1991/16...... 1526 1041 1991/17...... 1627 1112 1991/18...... 1742 1212 1991/19, 1991/21, 1991/24 ...... 2180 1425 1991/20 and 1991/22 ...... 2011 1426 1991/23, 1991/25 to 1991/29...... 2181 1426 1991/30, 1992/1, 1992/3...... 2181 1425 1991/31, 1992/2 ...... 2181 1427 1992/4 to 1992/6, 1992/8 to 1992/11 ...... 2195 1434 1992/12 ...... :...... 2375 1535 1992- Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16...... 2942 1817 No. 17 ...... 3001 1846 Reports- Report and determinations on remuneration of Ministers of State, Parliamentary Office-holders, Senators and Members, Judiciary, Secretaries of Departments and senior public office holders, 23 May 1990 ...... 183 123 1990 129 Report for- 1988-89...... 74 61 1990 29 1989-90 ...... 859 585 1991 42 1990-91 ...... 2177 1420 1992 106 1991-92 ...... 3280 1945 1992 368 1990/1-Vice-Chancellors, Principals, Chief Executive Officers and Deputy Chief Executive Officers-Rates of salaries. 145 125 1991/1-Vice-Chancellors, Principals, Chief Executive Officers and Deputy Chief Executive Officers-Rates of salaries. 1172 881 1991/2-Ministers of State-Salary additional to the basic parliamentary salary ...... 1172 881 1991/3-Vice-Chancellors, Principals and other Chief Executive Officers of higher education institutions and Deputies- Rates of salaries...... 2181 1425 cdxl Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Rent assistance reform 1989-90: Housing affordability- Evaluation report-Department of Social Security policy research paper No. 61, February 1992...... 2569 1571

Repatriation Commission-Proposed National Treatment Monitoring Committee and State Monitoring Committees-Draft profiles and term s of reference ...... 1638 And see "Veterans' Entitlements Act and Public Service Act".

Repatriation General Hospital, Concord. See "Audit Act".

Repatriation hospitals-Letters from- National Secretary, RSL to Senator Lees, 23 April 1992...... 2431 Senator Lees to National Secretary, RSL, 27 February 1992...... 2431

Repatriation Institutions (Staff) Bill 1991-The Repatriation Private Patient Principles-Draft ...... 2426

Repatriation private patient principles-Copy of draft instrument ...... 1116 Republic of Skopje-Recognition- Letters from- Ambassador of Greece to President of the Senate, 12 June 1992 ...... 2475 President of the Greek Parliament to President of the Senate, 9 June 1992, and English translation...... 2475 Text of a resolution of the Greek Parliament, Athens, 9 June 1992...... 2475

Request to use House records in court proceedings-Facsimile copy of a letter from Arthur Robinson and Hedderwicks, Solicitors and Notary, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, 19 February 1992...... 1309

Research and technology: future directions-Ministerial statement by Minister for Science and Technology...... 1094 And see "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Research Councils' Selection Committee. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Reserve Bank Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 224 ...... 219 148 Reserve Bank of Australia-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 241 163 1990 150 1990-91...... 1433 970 1991 204 1991-92...... 2699 1672 1992 208 And see "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act". Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxli Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Reserve Bank of Australia. See "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act".

Resource Assessment Commission Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 35...... 2011 1317 Resource Assessment Commission-Reports- 1989-90 ...... 532 417 1990 351 1990-91 ...... 1757 1205 1991 428 1991-92 ...... 3083 1891 1992 278 Forest and timber inquiry: Final report, March 1992- Volum e 1 ...... 2192 1420 1992 107 Volume 2A-Appendices A-M...... 2192 1420 1992 108 Volume 2B-Appendices N-W...... 2192 1420 1992 109 Kakadu Conservation Zone inquiry: Final report, May 1991- Volume 1 ...... 984 704 1991 110 Volume 2 ...... 984 704 1991 111

Resource Security Legislation-Copies of- Letter from Mr Bruce Lloyd MP, to the Minister for Resources, 23 March 1992, together with attachments (5) ...... 2117 University of Queensland-Survey Research and Consultancy Unit-Impact Assessment-World Heritage Listing (Report No. 22.8), February 1991 ...... 2136

Responses to petitions. See "Procedure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Review of Australia's anti-dumping system-Ministerial statement, 5 December 1991 ...... 1882

Review of Commonwealth criminal law (Chairman: Rt Hon. Sir Harry Gibbs, GCMG, AC, KBE)- Paper accompanying final report by Attorney-General, December 1991 ...... 1966 1270 Reports- Interim report-Principles of criminal responsibility and other matters, July 1990...... 268 176 1991 195 4th Interim report, November 1990 ...... 473 381 1990 319 5th Interim report, June 1991 ...... 1295 913 1991 194 Final report, December 1991...... 1966 1270 1991 371

Rice Levy Act-Rates instrument-1992 No. 1 ...... 2654 1643

Rights of the Child-Treaty-Convention on Rights of the Child, done at New York 20 November 1989...... 383 287 And see "Convention on the rights of the child". cdxlii Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Risky business-The 37 000 kilometre challenge. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Road safety-Proposed initiative for resolution of problem of high number of road deaths in Australia, by W. Monks, 24 December 1989...... 49 Road to Olympus?- Report commissioned by Minister for Employment, Education and Training on five Melbourne schools sponsored by Greek Orthodox communities, 16 December 1991...... 2005 1270 Government response, 19 December 1991...... 2005 1270

Road use charges and vehicles registration: a national scheme. See- "Inter-State Commission" "Inter-State Commission Act".

Romania. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Royal Australian Air Force Boeing accident inquiry-Accident involving No. 33 Squadron Boeing 707-368C A20-103 near East Sale on 29 October 1991-Summary of inquiry, November 1992 ...... 3025 1879 And see "Department of Defence".

Royal Australian Air Force Veterans' Residences Act-Royal Australian Air Force Veterans' Residences Trust-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 233 153 1990 111 1989-90 ...... 1463 978 1991 220 1990-91 ...... 2152 1403 1992 63

Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund. See "Services Trust Funds Act".

Royal Australian Mint. See- "Audit Act" "Public Service Act".

Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund. See "Services Trust Funds Act".

Royal Commission. See "Aboriginal deaths in custody".

Rural Adjustment Scheme. See "States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural Adjustment) Act".

Rural and Regional Affairs-Senate Standing Committee- Government response to report- Examination of annual reports-No. 1 of 1992, 8 December 1992...... 3301 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cdxliii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Reports- A National Drought Policy-Appropriate Government responses to the Recommendations of the Drought Policy Review Task Force- First Report, February 1992...... 2007 1992 193

Final Report, July 1992...... 2662 .. 1992 234 Transcript of evidence (17 Vols.) ...... 2662 Appropriations of the Department of Primary Industries and Energy-

Report, December 1992...... 3327 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (2 Vols.)...... 3327 Beef Cattle Feedlots in Australia-

Report, December 1992...... 3416 .. 1992 538 Transcript of evidence (8 Vols.) ...... 3416 Deer Slaughter Levy Bill 1992, Deer Velvet Levy Bill 1992, Deer Velvet Export Charge Bill 1992, Deer Export Charge Bill 1992, and Primary Industry Levies and Charges Collection Amendment Bill 1992-

Report, May 1992...... 2254 .. 1992 520 Submissions (2 Vols.)...... 2254 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 2254 Examination of annual reports- No. 1 of 1991, December 1991...... 1926 1991 475

No.1Iof 1992, June 1992 ...... 2624 .. 1992 543 Transcript of evidence (I Vol.)...... 2624

No. 2of 1992, December 1992...... 3348 .. 1992 545 Forest Conservation and Development Bill 1991 - Report, April 1992 ...... 2182 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (3 Vols.)...... 2182

Imported Food Control Bill 1992-Report, December 1992...... 3305 .. 1992 544

Rural crisis- Pittsworth and Millmerran district-Copies of- Media release ...... 379 Meeting format...... 379 Resolutions ...... 379 Western Australia-Copies of- Memorandum from T. White to Senator Crane, 7 March 1991...... 831 Report-Special Rural Task Force-Executive summary and recommendations to Minister for Agriculture, 31 January 1991 .... 831

Rural Industries Research Act- Australian Special Rural Research Council-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 88 61 1990 75 1989-90...... 811 553 1991 36 Barley Research Council-Report for 1989-90 (5th) ...... 585 437 1990 411 Chicken Meat Research Council-Report for- cdxliv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1988-89 ...... 36 1989 444 1989-90 ...... 566 437 1990 414 Cotton Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 88 61 1990 72 1989-90 ...... 732 493 1991 14 Dried Fruits Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 51 36 1990 82 1989-90 ...... 811 553 1991 37 1990-91 ...... 2021 1310 1992 2 Egg Industry Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 36 1989 445 1989-90 ...... 507 395 1990 329 Grain Legumes Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 51 36 1990 30 1989-90 ...... 613 437 1990 352 Grape and Wine Research Council-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 566 437 1990 353 1990-91 ...... 1947 1270 1991 429 Honey Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 51 36 1990 31 1989-90 ...... 613 437 1990 354 Oilseeds Research Council-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 225 138 1990 112 1989-90 ...... 585 437 1990 355 Pig Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 51 36 1990 32 1989-90 ...... 783 542 1991 43 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 387...... 26 31 1990- Nos. 48, 77 ...... 26 31 No. 120...... 219 148 Research Councils' Selection Committee- Report forl1988-89...... 88 61 1990 33 For subsequent report see "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act". Sugar Research Council-Report for 1989-90 ...... 566 437 1990 356 Tobacco Research Council-Report for 1989-90 ...... 732 493 1991 22 Wheat Research Council-Report for- 1988-89...... 51 36 1990 34 1989-90 ...... 484 395 1990 286 And see "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

I I_ _ _ _ Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxlv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee. See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Russia and the Baltic Nations-Letter from the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade to President of the Senate, responding to the resolution of the Senate of 9 September 1992, 25 September 1992...... 2839

Russian Federation-Russia and the Independent Republic of Ukraine. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation". S

Safety Review Committee. See "Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act".

Sales Tax Assessment Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 365...... 3086 1905

Sales Tax Assessment Act (No. 1)-Regulations-Statutory-Rules 1991-N o. 238...... 1365 955

Sales Tax Assessment Acts (Nos. 1 to 10)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 346...... 391 298 1991-N o. 239 ...... 1365 955

Sales Tax Assessment Acts (Nos. 1 to ll)-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 362 ...... 3086 1905 Sales tax exemptions-Sales tax lodgement date extended-Media release 92/61 issued by the Australian Tax Office, 24 November 1992 ...... 1907

Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1935-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 361 ...... 3086 1905

Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1992-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 363 ...... 3086 1905

Sales Tax Legislation-Senate Select Committee- Report-Sales Tax Assessment Bill 1992, Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Bill 1992, Sales Tax Amendment (Transitional) Bill 1992, Sales Tax Imposition (Customs) Bill 1992, Sales Tax Imposition (Excise) Bill 1992, Sales Tax Imposition (General) Bill 1992, August 1992...... 2680 .. 1992 455 Submissions (142 Vols.) ...... 2680 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 2680 cdxlvi Index to PapersPresented to Parfiament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Sales Tax on inputs for the road transport industry-Copies of- D iscussion paper...... 1760 Letter from the Treasurer to the Chairman of the Caucus Economic and Industrial Relations Committee, 26 November 1991...... 1760

Sales Tax Procedure Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 360...... 3086 1905

Sallyanne's slush fund-Copy of document headed Liberal Party of Australia, Queensland Division...... 718

Saudi Arabian live sheep trade-Copies of letters from- R.G. Levy, Director, Australian Livestock Exporters' Association, to R. Austen, Chairman, Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation, 6 December 1990...... 587 R. Trivett, Chairman, Australian Livestock Exporters' Association, to- Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, 16 November 1990 ...... 587 R. Austen, Chairman Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation, 16 November 1990...... 587

Save Australia Now Committee-Australian People's Log of Claims, February 1992...... 2013

Schooling in Australia. See "Australian Education Council".

Schools Council. See "Employment, Education and Training Act".

Schools program-Effect of a voucher system on non-government schools-Table ...... 527

Science and Industry Research Act- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 532 417 1990 412 1990-91...... 1947 1270 1991 337 1991-92...... 3412 1974 1992 432 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 330 ...... 367 278

Science and technology budget statement. See "Finance".

Science, technology and Australia's future. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Scientific and technical cooperation-Treaty-Text of- Agreement with the United States of America concerning the Conduct of Scientific Balloon Flights ...... 2971 1847 Exchange of Notes extending the Scientific and Technical Co-operation Agreement with the United States of America of 16 October 1968...... 1029 747 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cdxlvii Presented Printed Paper JournalsJ VA&P. Year TPaper

______Page I Page _ _ No.

Scrutiny of Bills-Senate Standing Committee- Alert Digest- 1990- No. 1, 16Mayl1990...... 97 No. 2,23 May 1990 ...... 130 No. 3, 30Mayl1990 ...... 175 No. 4, 22 August 1990 ...... 230 No. 5, 12 September 1990...... 265 No. 6, 19 September 1990...... 293 No. 7, 10 October 1990...... 318 No. 8, 17 October 1990...... 348 No. 9, 7 November 1990 ...... 390 No. 10, 14 November 1990 ...... 449 No. 11, 28 November 1990 ...... 489 No. 12, 5 December 1990...... 511 No. 13, 12 December 1990...... 555 1991- No. 1, 13 February 1991 ...... 735 No. 2, 20 February 1991...... 778 No. 3,6Marchl1991l...... 815 No. 4, 13 March 1991 ...... 864 No. 5, 10 April 1991...... 904 No. 6, 17 April 1991...... 953 No. 7, 8 May 1991...... 988 No. 8, 15 May 1991 ...... 1032 No. 9,29 May 1991 ...... 1069 No. 10, 5 June 1991 ...... 1129 No. 11, 19 June 1991 ...... 1230 No. 12, 14 August 1991...... 1364 No. 13, 21 August 1991...... 1418 No. 14, 4 September 1991...... 1463 No. 15, 11 September 1991 ...... 1507 No. 16, 9 October 1991 ...... 1543 No. 17, 16 October 1991...... 1599 No. 18, 6 November 1991...... 1637 No. 19, 13 November 1991 ...... 1701 No. 20, 27 November 1991 ...... 1763 No. 21, 4December 1991...... 1839 No. 22, 18 December 1991 ...... 1951 1992- No. 1, 26 February 1992...... 2034 No. 2, 4 March 1992 ...... 2065 No. 3, 25 March 1992...... 2113 No. 4, 1 April 1992...... 2167 No. 5, 29 April 1992 ...... 2211 cdxlviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 6, 6 May 1992 ...... 2286 No. 7, 27 May 1992...... 2338 No. 8, 3June 1992 ...... 2406 No. 9, 17 June 1992...... 2475 No. 10,19 Augustl1992...... 2681 No. 11, 9September 1992 ...... 2731 No. 12, 16 September 1992...... 2779 No. 13, 7 October 1992 ...... 2840 No. 14, 14 October 1992...... 2907 No. 15, 4 November 1992 ...... 2956 No. 16, 11 November 1992 ...... 3029 No. 17, 25Novemberl1992 ...... 3111 No. 18, 2 December 1992 ...... 3191 Background paper relating to improvement of legislation...... 663 Corporations Legislation Amendment Bill 1991-Copy of letter from Attorney-General to Chairman of Committee, 20 June 1991...... 1247 Insurance Laws Amendment Bill 1991 -Copy of letter from the Treasurer to the Chairman, 14 July 1991...... 1435 Reports-

Annual-1988-89 ...... 688 .. 1990 434 1990- 1lst, 23 May 1990...... 130 1990 444

2nd, 30 May 1990 ...... 175 . 1990 444

3rd, 22 August 1990 ...... 230 .. 1990 444 4th, 12 September 1990...... 265 1990 444 5th, 19 September 1990...... 293 1990 444

6th, 17 October 1990...... 348 . 1990 444

7th, 7 November 1990 ...... 390 .. 1990 444

8th,14 NovemberI1990O...... 449 .. 1990 444

9th, 28 November 1990...... 489 .. 1990 444 10th, 5Decemberl1990...... 511 1990 444

11 th, 12 December 1990...... 555 .. 1990 444 12th, 19 December 1990 ...... 646 1990 444 1991- 1st, 13 February 1991...... 735 1991 457 2nd, 20February 1991...... 778 1991 457 3rd, 6Marchl1991I...... 815 1991 457 4th,l10AprilI1991l...... 905 1991 457

5th, 17 April 1991...... 953 .. 1991 457 6th, 8 May 1991...... 988 1991 457 7th, 15 May 1991 ...... 1032 1991 457 8th, 29 May 1991 ...... 1069 1991 457 9th, 5Junel1991l...... 1129 1991 457 1lOth,19 JuneI1991l...... 1230 1991 457 11lth,14 Augustl1991I...... 1364 1991 1457 Index to Pi ers Presented to Parliament cdxlix Presented Printed Paper Journahs VA&P. Year Paper IPage Page No.

12th, 21 August 1991...... 1418 1991 457 13th, 4September 1991...... 1463 1991 457

14th,lIlISeptemberl1991l...... 1507 .. 1991 457

15th, 9Octoberl1991l...... 1543 .. 1991 457 l6th,16 Octoberl1991l...... 1599 1991 457

l7th, 6November 1991 ...... 1637 .. 1991 457 18th,13 Novemberl1991l...... 1701 1991 457

19th, 27 November 1991...... 1763 .. 1991 457

20th, 4December 1991...... 1839 .. 1991 457 21lst,lIlIDecemberl1991l...... 1915 1991 457 22nd,18 Decemberl1991l...... 1951 1991 457 1992- 1 st, 4March 1992...... 2065 1992 546 2nd, 25Marchl1992...... 2113 1992 546

3rd, 1 April 1992 ...... 2167 .. 1992 546

4th, 29April 1992 ...... 2211 .. 1992 546

5th, 6 May 1992 ...... 2286 .. 1992 546 6th, 27 May 1992 ...... 2338 1992 546 7th, 3 June 1992 ...... 2406 1992 546

8th, 17 June 1992...... 2475 .. 1992 546

9th, 24 June 1992...... 2586 .. 1992 546

1IOth,19 Augustl1992 ...... 2681 .. 1992 546

11lth, 9 September 1992 ...... 2731 .. 1992 546

12th, 16 September 1992 ...... 2779 .. 1992 546

13th, 7 October 1992 ...... 2840 .. 1992 546

14th, 14 October 1992...... 2907 .. 1992 546

15th, 4 November 1992 ...... 2956 .. 1992 546

16th, 11I November 1992...... 3029 .. 1992 546

17th, 25Novemberl1992...... 3111 .. 1992 546

18th, 2Decemberl1992 ...... 3191 .. 1992 546

19th, 9 December 1992 ...... 3270 .. 1992 546

20th, 16 December 1992...... 3396 .. 1992 546 Ten years of scrutiny-A seminar to mark the tenth anniversary of the Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, 25 November 1991 ...... 2907

Seamen's Compensation Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- No. 122 ...... 219 148 No. 389 ...... 545 468 1991-No. 106 ...... 1058 771 1992-No. 151 ...... 2477 1613

Seamen's War Pensions and Allowances Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 389...... 26 31 CCUi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991-No. 392...... 1840 1303 1992-No. 74 ...... 2143 1400

Seat of Government (Administration) Act- Canberra Institute of the Arts-Report for- Period 8 February to 31 December 1988...... 516 404 1989...... 531 417 1990 ...... 1463 978 1991...... 2569 1571 And see "Acts Interpretation Act". Criminal Injuries Compensation Ordinance-Report for 1989-90...... 344 255 Notice of Variation of plan of layout of City of Canberra and its environs-1I990-No. I...... 318 226 Ordinances- 1989-Nos. 60 to 62 ...... 26 31 1990-Nos.lto12 ...... 219 149 1992-No.1I...... 2113 1386 Regulations- 1990-No.5 ...... 219 149 1992-No. 9...... 2654 1643 Variation of plan of layout of City of Canberra and its environs-Variation- 1989/1-Item 1, 8 February 1991...... 759 520 1989/1-Item,l11Marchl1991l...... 893 611

Securities Industry Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 369 ...... 26 31 1990- No. 138 ...... 219 149 No. 351 ...... 475 401

Securities Industry (Fees) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 161 219 149

Security Appeals Tribunal. See "Australian Security Intelligence Organization Act".

Selection-House of Representatives Standing Committee- Reports- General principles relating to selection of Private Members' business, 15 May 1990 ...... 78 Program of business prior to 12.30 p.m. on Thursday- 31 May 1990...... 112 23 August 1990 ...... 144 13 September 1990...... 166 20 September 1990...... 185 11 October 1990...... 204 18 October 1990...... 244 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdli Presented Printed Paper jiournals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

8 November 1990 ...... 272 15 November 1990...... 303 6 December 1990 ...... 381 Next sitting Thursday...... 418 14 Februaryl1991l...... 477 21 February 1991 ...... 514 7 March 1991...... 542 14 Marchl1991l...... 570 11lApril1991l...... 600 18 April 1991...... 627 9 May 1991...... 699 9 May 1991 (amended report) ...... 705 16 May 1991 ...... 719 30 May 1991 ...... 759 30 May 1991 (amended report)...... 767 6June 1991...... 799 Next sitting Thursday...... 867 22 Augustl1991l...... 923 5 September 1991 ...... 974 5 September 1991 (amended report) ...... 979 12 September 1991...... 992 10 October 1991...... 1021 17 October 1991 ...... 1056 7 November 1991...... 1093 14 November 1991...... 1125 28 November 1991...... 1186 28 November 1991 (Amended)...... 1210 Next sitting Thursday...... 1233 27 February 1992...... 1288 27 February 1992 (Amended) ...... 1312 5 March 1992 ...... 1334 26 March 1992 ...... 1362 2 April 1992 ...... 1392 2 April 1992 (Amended) ...... 1413 30 April 1992 ...... 1422 30 Apnil 1992 (Amended)...... 1441 7 May 1992 ...... 1448 7 May 1992 (Amended)...... 1479 28 May 1992...... 1486 4 June 1992...... 1528 4 June 1992 (Amended) ...... 1556 Next sitting Thursday...... 1563 25 June 1992 (Amended)...... 1599 20 August 1992...... 1621 20 August 1992 (Amended)...... 1636 cdlii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament ______Presented Printed P a erJo r a l V .&P . Year P ap er ______Page Page No.

10 September 1992 ...... 1672 17 September 1992 ...... 1693 17 September 1992 (Amended) ...... 1704 8 October 1992...... **'' 1719 15 October 1992 ...... 1759 15 October 1992 (Amended) ...... 1776 5 November 1992...... 1785 12 November 1992 ...... 1837 26 November 1992 ...... 1891 17 December 1992...... 1923 17 December 1992 (Amended) ...... 1947 25 February 1993 ...... 1976

Selection of Bills-Senate Standing Committee-Reports- 1990- No. 1, 24 August 1990 ...... 248 No. 2, 14 September 1990 ...... 269 No. 3...... 314 No. 4...... 322 No. 5...... 328 No. 6...... 351 No. 7, 8 November 1990...... 397 No. 8...... 464 No. 9, 28 November 1990 ...... 487 1991- No. 1,14 Februaryl1991l...... 747 No. 2,19 Februaryl1991l...... 771 No. 3, 7Marchl1991I...... 822 No. 4,14 Marchl1991I...... 870 No. 5,14 Marchl1991l...... 873 No. 6,l11Aprill1991l...... 917 No. 7,17 Aprill1991l...... 948 No. 8, 7May 1991 ...... 973 No. 9, 30May 1991 ...... 1079 No. 10, 4June 1991 ...... 1098 No. 11, 4Junel1991l...... 1098 No. 12, 6Junel1991l...... 1147 No. 13, 18 June 1991...... 1201 No. 14, 20August 1991 ...... 1391 No. 15, 21 August 1991 ...... 1427 No. 16, 21 August 1991 ...... 1440 No. 17, 10 September 1991...... 1500 No. 18, 8 October 1991 ...... 1534 No. 19, 9 October 1991 ...... 1540 No. 20,l15OctoberI1991l...... 1587 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdliii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 21, 7November1991...... 1645 No. 22,13 Novemberl1991 ...... 1692 No. 23, 26 November 1991...... 1737 No. 24, 27 November 1991...... 1763 No. 25, 28 November 1991...... 1774 No. 26, 19 December 1991...... 1968 1992- No. 1, 25 February 1992...... 2021 No. 2, 4 March 1992...... 2059 No. 3, 25March 1992 ...... 2124 No. 4, 2April 1992 ...... 2178 No. 5, 6May 1992 ...... 2280 No. 6, 28 May 1992...... 2345 No. 7,28 May 1992...... 2354 No. 8, 2 June 1992 ...... 2387 No. 9, 3 June 1992 ...... 2400 No. 10, 4 June 1992...... 2429 No. 11, 16 June 1992...... *-* ... *2451 No. 12, 19 August 1992 ...... 2675 No. 13, 9 September 1992 ...... 2726 No. 14, 15 September 1992...... 2764 No. 15, 15 October 1992...... 2916 No. 16, 5 November 1992 ...... 2972 No. 17, 12 Novemberl1992...... 3042 No. 18, 12 November 1992...... 3050 No. 19, 25November 1992...... 3102 No. 20, 1 December 1992 ...... 3166 No. 21, 8 December 1992 ...... 3248

Senate Committee Reports-

Register (1970-1990)...... 972 .. 1991 479 1991 Supplement...... 2081

Senate Committees-Remuneration and Allowances-Copies of- Letter from the President of the Senate to Chairmen of Senate Committees, November 1991...... 1665 Response to questions on notice asked by Senator Vanstone on 17 Octoberl1991l...... 1665 Schedules (3) together with attachments (3)...... 1665

Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees- The First 20 Years-1970-1990...... 1392

Senate Ministers' private interests-Returns submitted to Prime Minister, 1990 ...... 225 153 And see "Building Workers' Industrial Union". cdliv Index to Paners Presentrd tn PnrlinmPnf Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Senate-Presentation of Documents-Advice from the Clerk of the Senate to Senator Alston, 1 June 1992...... 2405 Senate proceedings- Letter from the President to Senators, 17 November 1992 ...... 3157 Paper on Rulings by the President-Motions for suspension of standing orders ...... 3157 Statements by the President- Criticism of the Senate by the Prime Minister ...... 3157 Questions relating to Opposition policy...... 3157 Submissions by Mr J. Richardson to the Clerk of the Senate- 17 and 19 February 1992...... 2007 30 April 1992 ...... 2238

Senate question time-Document, 21 May 1990...... 123

Senior Executive Service: Development of performance based pay. See "Finance and Public Administration-Senate Standing Committee".

Sensor Fusion System Development-Treaty-Text of-Agreement concerning Sensor Fusion System Development with the United States of America ...... 1734 1213

Services Trust Funds Act- Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund-Report by Trustees for- 1989 ...... 269 176 1990 193 1990 ...... 1463 983 1991 224 1991 ...... 2608 1620 1992 171 Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992, Nos. 54, 55...... 2099 1378 Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund-Report by Trustees for- 1989...... 233 153 1990 113 1990...... 1463 978 1991 221 1991 ...... 2570 1571 1992 159 Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund-Report by Trustees for- 1989...... 233 154 1990 114 1990...... 1463 978 1991 208 1991 ...... 2608 1620 1992 158

Setting directions for Australian research. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Sex Discrimination Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 244...... 219 149 And see "Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act".

Sexual harassment-Inquiry into allegations of misconduct- Copy of letter from Mallesons Stephen Jacques, Solicitors and Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdlv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Attorneys, to Clerk-Assistant (Management), Department of the Senate, 10 December 1991 ...... 1659 Extract from report of Clerk Assistant (Management), 20 October 1988.... 1659 Memorandum by Mr R. Arthur on additional issues...... 1659 Sexual Harassment Allegations-Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade-Copies of extracts from- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade-Equal Employment Opportunity Program ...... 2679 Public Service Commission-Eliminating Sexual Harassment- Guidelines for Sexual Harassment Contact Officers and Personnel Officers ...... 2679

Shadow Ministry-List of Members ...... 10

Shipping Registration Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-N o. 384 ...... 26 3 1 1990-N o. 313...... 367 278 1991-N o.430...... 2011 1317

Ships (Capital Grants) Act- Guidelines-1990-No. 1...... 26 31 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 385 ...... 26 31 1990- N o. 256 ...... 2 19 149 N o. 410...... 719 484 1991- N o. 53...... 893 611 N o. 412...... 1978 1303 Return itemising grants paid to shipowners in- 1989-90 ...... 219 149 1990-91 ...... 1578 1075 1991-92 ...... 3158 1965

Ships of Shame. See 'Transport, Communications and Infrastructure- House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Singapore. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Situation in the Persian Gulf-Ministerial statement, 4 December 1990 ...... 502 396

Skopje. See "Republic of Skopje".

Skyhawk aircraft-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia and New Zealand concerning Royal New Zealand Air Force Skyhawk Aircraft involvement in Australian Defence Force Air cdlvi Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Defence Support Flying...... 384 288 Small Business in Australia- First annual report by Department of Industry, Technology and Com m erce ...... 109 1 798 Second annual report by Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, June 1992...... 2421 1562

Small business in Australia: challenges, problems and opportunities. See "Industry, Science and Technology-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Small Country-Big Science: Australian participation in major international accelerator and beam facilities. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act".

Smoking in Parliament House-Memorandum from Secretary, Joint House Department to Senior Adviser, Office of President of the Senate, 7 May 1991, with attachments (3)...... 1087

Snowy Mountains Council-Report for- 1989-90...... 492 395 1990 287 1990-91 ...... 1899 1270 1991 430 1991-92...... 3012 1864 1992 279 Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Act-Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Limited-Report for- 1989-90...... 375 271 1990 254 1990-91 ...... 1625 1093 1991 261 1991-92 ...... 3042 1879 1992 283

Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Power Act-Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority-Report for- 1989-90...... 613 437 1990 357 1990-91 ...... 1810 1231 1991 442 1991-92...... 3412 1974 1992 372

Social justice for people with disabilities-Tabling statement by the Minister for Health, Housing and Community Services...... 991 Social Security- Copy of- Memorandum relating to Social Security Amnesty 1990 ...... 326 Table relating to clients granted invalid pension 1988-90...... 326 Treaties-Text of-Agreements between Australia and- A ustria ...... 2372 1541 Canada-Protocol amending reciprocal agreement ...... 384 287 C yprus ...... 2971 1846 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Ireland on Social Security ...... 1029 747 Malta on Social Security ...... 383 286 Netherlands on Social Security ...... 1029 747 Portugal ...... 1733 1213 Spain on Social Security ...... 88 81 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland...... 384 287 Am endm ent...... 2372 1542 And see "Department of Social Security".

Social Security Act 1946- Determination of guidelines under subsection 19(4B)-1991-No. 1 ...... 975 709 Determinations- 1990-No. 1-Fees and allowances payable to witnesses appearing before the Social Security Appeals Tribunal...... 259 174 1991-Instrument-Nos. 3, 4, 5...... 984 713 Social Security Appeals Tribunal-Reports- Period 1 November 1988 to 30 June 1989...... 51 36 1990 39 Report for- 1989-90 ...... 502 395 1990 288 1990-91 ...... 1810 1270 1991 431 For later reports see "Social Security Act 1991".

Social Security Act 1991- Determinations-1992-Instruments- N os. 4, 5, 6 ...... 20 11 1317 N o. 92-11 ...... 2314 1507 N o. 92-30 ...... 2717 1681 Nos. 92-32, 92-33, 92-34 ...... 2828 1713 N o. 46 ...... 2879 1764 Notice under subsection 1237(3), 8 July 1991...... 1347 955 Social Security Appeals Tribunal-Report for 1991-92...... 2877 1761 1992 241 For earlier reports see "Social Security Act 1946".

Social Security Act and Public Service Act-Department of Social Security. See "Department of Social Security".

Social Security Appeals Tribunal. See "Social Security Act (1946 and 1991)".

Social Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1991-Copy of note prepared by the Office of Clerk of the House of Representatives, 17 December 1991 ...... 1298

Social welfare-Copy of article by David Washington published in the ANU Reporter of 9 September 1992 entitled " 'Welfare cheat' myths exploded"...... 1693 cdlviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Soil Conservation (Financial Assistance) Act-Soil Conservation Advisory Committee-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 484 395 1990 289 1990-91 ...... 1947 1270 1991 441 1991-92...... 3412 1974 1992 369

Solicitor-General- Copies of- Determination of terms and conditions, 21 April 1988...... 1123 Instruments of appointment, 21 December 1983 and 17 December 1990 ...... 1123 Terms and conditions of appointment-Response to question without notice ...... 1655 And see- "Postage entitlements of Members of Parliament" "Remuneration and liability for income tax of federal judges" "Remuneration of Solicitor-General, etc.".

South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission-Treaty-Text of- Agreement establishing the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission...... 1029 747

South Pacific Forum-Treaty-Text of-Agreement establishing the South Pacific Forum Secretariat...... 1733 1212

Space vehicle tracking-Exchange of Notes to amend and extend Agreement between Australia and United States of America concerning space vehicle tracking communication facilities ...... 90 82

Speaker. See- "Compensation claim" "House of Representatives and joint committees" "Incident in House of Representatives on Monday 21 January 1991".

Special Broadcasting Service. See "Broadcasting Act".

Special Broadcasting Service Act-Special Broadcasting Service Corporation-Report for 1991-92...... 3413 1974 1992 373

Special Investigations Unit. See "War Crimes Act".

Special purpose aircraft. See "Department of Defence".

Special purpose flights. See "Department of Defence".

Sport and Recreation Ministers' Council-Summary record of proceedings- 18th meeting, Brisbane, 8 July 1988 ...... 233 154 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

19th meeting, Canberra, 10 March 1989...... 233 154 20th meeting, Wellington, New Zealand, 17 August 1990 ...... 1427 970

Stamp of approval: A review of administration of philatelic services by Australia Post. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Standing orders governing: General rule for conduct of business and procedures for opening of Parliament. See "Procedure- House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Standing orders (revised) [Senate]-Supplementary explanatory memorandum...... 18

State Government Insurance Commission-Copies of- Extract of special meeting of Board of Commissioners of WA State Government Insurance Commission, 19 November 1990...... 478 Extract from special meeting of Western Australian State Government Insurance Commission, 19 November 1987 ...... 663 Questions without notice, 18 November 1987...... 663 Western Australia-Legislative Assembly-Questions without notice, 18 November 1987 ...... 478

States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural Adjustment) Act- Rural Adjustment Scheme-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 585 437 1990 358 1990-91 ...... 2044 1334 1992 27

States Grants (Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 163...... 1347 955 1992-N o. 30...... 2011 1317

States Grants (Education Assistance-Participation and Equity) Act 1983-Statement of financial assistance granted in 1986 and 1987 ...... 101 88 1990 35

States Grants (Nurse Education Transfer Assistance) Act- Transfer of nursing education from hospitals to tertiary sector-Progress report, February 1990...... 51 36 1990 36 And see "Department of Community Services and Health".

States Grants (Petroleum Products) Act- Amendment to schedule to subsidy schemes in relation to the States and the Northern Territory- 12 June 1990 ...... 219 149 21 M arch 1991 ...... 905 611 19 June 1991 ...... 1386 931 5 July 1991...... 1347 955 cdlx Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

8 April 1992...... 2195 1434 Amendments of schemes-No. 92/02 ...... 2654 1643

States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1984-Report on financial assistance granted to each State in respect of 1988- Report...... 314 222 1990 190 Paper by Minister for Employment, Education and Training, 9 October 1990 ...... 314 222

States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988- Determinations- Nos. SEP 92/1, SEP/92/2, SEP/92/3...... 2011 1317 No. SEP 92(9) ...... 2811 1737 Determinations of amount and/or approval of payments under- Sections 16 and 17- 27 March 1990 ...... 136 125 11 October 1990...... 367 278 17 Decemberl1990O...... 719 484 17 December 1990 and 21 January 1991(4) ...... 788 533 14 February 1991 ...... 788 552 7 March 1991l...... 864 584 30OMay 1991...... 1130 859 7 and 10 February(2) 1992...... 2011 Nos. SEP 92/1, SEP 92/2, SEP 92/3 ...... 2011 1317 Nos. SEP 92/4, SEP 92/5, SEP 92/6 ...... 2066 1354 No. SEP 92/7...... 2195 1434 Section 17- 8 January 1990...... 26 16 February 1990, 13 and 23(4) March 1990 and 3 April 1990 ...... 136 125 6, 15and 25(2) Junel1990O...... 219 149 5 and16 Julyl1990O...... 259 174 3 September 1990 ...... 271 186 13 September 1990...... 305 226 No. SEP 92/8...... 2254 1465 Reports- Application of financial assistance granted to non-government schools in respect of- 1989...... 887 606 1991 56 1990 (and 2errata)...... 2192 1421 1992 110 Financial assistance granted to each State in respect of- 1989 ...... 887 606 1991 57 1990...... 2192 1421 1992 111

States Grants (TAFE Assistance) Act-Determinations- 1990-TAFE- I to 10...... 163 126 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cdlxi Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

I1Ito 17 ...... 271 186 18, 19 ...... 401 298 20 to24 ...... 719 489 25, 26...... 828 564 1991-TAFE- Ito 15 ...... 1058 771 16 to 18...... 1280 912 19 ...... 1347 955 20 ...... 1653 1146 21,22 ...... 1680 1169 23, 24, 28...... 1892 1303 25, 29to 36...... 1952 1303 37 ...... 2011 1317 38,39 ...... 2011 1336 I992-TAFE- Ito 10 ...... 2011 1317 11, 12 ...... 2099 1378 13 ...... 2452 1613 14 ...... 2315 1507 15 ...... 2654 1643 16, 17 ...... 2828 1743 18 to 23...... 2942 1817 24 ...... 3171 1965

States Grants (Technical and Further Education Assistance) Act-Determinations-1989-Nos. 30 to 34...... 124 126

Statutory authorities-Annual reporting guidelines. See "Public Accounts Committee Act".

Statutory Declarations Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-I 991-No. 398 ... 1978 1303

Statutory Marketing Authorities. See "Commonwealth Primary Industry Statutory Marketing Authorities".

Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 15...... 736 506 Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 74 61 1990 42 1989-90...... 585 437 1990 359 1990-91...... 1968 1270 1991 440 1991-92 ...... 3280 1945 1992 503

Stevedoring Industry Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 401 ...... 26 31 1991-No. 13 ...... 736 506 1992-No. 84...... 2195 1434 cdlxii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Stevedoring Industry Levy Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-Nos. 12, 14 ...... 736 506

Stockholding and sustainability in the Australian Defence Force. See "Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade-Joint Committee".

Strengthening super security-New prudential arrangements for superannuation-Statement by the Treasurer 21 October 1992...... 3424

Structural Adjustment Package-Commonwealth financial commitment to Wet Tropics World Heritage Area- Expenditure 1987-88 to 1990-91...... 1600 Projects approved under SAP but not funded due to unavailability of displaced timber workers ...... 1600 Student Assistance Act- D eterm ination-1992-No. 1 ...... 2717 1681 Determination of guidelines under section 44, 5 February 1992...... 2011 1317 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-Nos. 402, 403, 404 ...... 26 31 1990-Nos. 442, 443 ...... 719 484 1991-No. 480...... 2011 1317 1992-N o. 24...... 2011 1317 Report by Minister for- 1989 ...... 502 395 1990 290 1990...... 1947 1270 1991 432 1991 ...... 2691 1655 1992 207

Student Assistance Amendment Bill 1992-Student Loans Scheme- Copies of letters (14) from student representative organisations to Senator Sowada, November 1992 and attachments ...... 2983

Student financial assistance. See "Employment, Education and Training-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Subscription Television Broadcasting Services-Senate Select Committee- Final Report, September 1992...... 2773 .. 1992 534 Minutes of proceedings and submissions (7 Vols.) ...... 2773 Transcript of evidence (4 Vols.)...... 2773

Subsidy (Cultivation Machines and Equipment) Act-Return for 1989-90.. 259 173

Subsidy (Grain Harvesters and Equipment) Act-Return for 1989-90...... 259 173

Sugar-Access to United States Market-Joint statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade and Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, 29 September 1991 ...... 1598 Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament cdlxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Sugar cane farmers- Copies of letters from- Department of Social Security, 22 November 1991 and 28 October 1991 ...... 2090 Queensland Industry Development Corporation, 17 October 1991...... 2090 Representative of unnamed person, 14 January 1992...... 2090 Profit and loss statement, year ended 30 June 1992...... 2090 And see "States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural Adjustment) Act".

Sugar Cane Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 233 ...... 2 19 149 1992- N o. 127 ...... 2407 1557 N o. 300 ...... 2828 1743

Sugar Research and Development Corporation See "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act".

Sugar Research Council See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Sun times in Australia-Copies of graphs indicating times at various Australian localities ...... 919

Superannuation-Answers to questions-Copies of letters and answers from A. J. Preston, Deputy Secretary (Structural and Taxation), the Treasury, to the- Secretary, Senate Estimates Committee B, 5 May 1992...... 1457 Secretary, Senate Select Committee on Superannuation, 5 May 1992...... 1457 Superannuation Act 1976- Commissioner for Superannuation-Report and report on administration of Australian Government Retirement Benefits Office pursuant to Public Service Act for- 1989-90 ...... 532 437 1990 413 1990-91 ...... 1910 1270 1991 326 1991-92 ...... 3382 1945 1992 429 Commonwealth Superannuation Board-Report for 1990-91...... 1910 1270 1991 325 Commonwealth Superannuation Board of Trustees No. 2- Report and financial statements for 1991-92 ...... 3382 1945 1992 430 Declarations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171 ...... 219 149 N o.355...... 524 428 N o. 412...... 719 484 1991- N o.128 ...... 1347 955 N o.304 ...... 1526 1042 cdlxiv Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

No. 393 ...... 1840 1303 N o. 422 ...... 2012 1317 1992- N o. 39 ...... 2012 1317 N o. 78 ...... 2195 1434 No. 105 ...... 2211 1442 Nos. 185, 200 ...... 2654 1643 N o. 329 ...... 2977 1846 Determinations under- Sections- 133- No. 1-Assets Transfer (Telecom Superannuation Scheme)...... 219 149 Superannuation (CSS) Assets Transfer (Australia Post Superannuation Scheme) No. 1...... 1280 912 Assets Transfer (Telecom Superannuation Scheme) No. 2...... 1280 912 4 November 1992...... 3086 1905 238-Period-No. 5...... 2654 1643 240- Federal Airports Corporation Superannuation Fund No. 1...... 2654 1643 SMEC Superannuation Plan-No. 1...... 2654 1643 241-SMEC Superannuation Plan-No. 1...... 2654 1643 248-Superannuation Fund No. 1-Nos. 1 and 2...... 2654 1643 Subsection 134(4)- Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (Australia Post Superannuation Scheme) No. 1 ...... 1280 912 Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (Telecom Superannuation Scheme) No. 1...... 1280 912 Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (Australia Post Superannuation Scheme)...... 2315 1507 4 November 1992...... 3086 1905 Subsection 153AC(3)-1990- Nos. 1 to 32 ...... 26 31 No. 33 ...... 62 58 Subsection 153AD(4)-1990-No. 1 ...... 62 31 Subsection 238(1)- No. 1-Period ...... 219 149 No. 2-Period ...... 377 278 No. 3-Period...... 449 375 No. 4-Period ...... 692 468 N o. 5-Period...... 719 497 No. 6-Period...... 805 555 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Period...... 893 611 No. 2-Superannuation (CSS) Period...... 1347 955 N o. 3-Period...... 1543 1042 No. 4-Superannuation (CSS) Period...... 2012 1318 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Subsection 240(1)- No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Assets Transfer (CAA Staff Superannuation Fund)...... 815 555 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Assets Transfer (CSL Superannuation Plan)...... 1638 1112 No. 2-Superannuation (CSS) Assets Transfer (CAA Staff Superannuation Fund)...... 1347 955 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Assets Transfer (AMLC. Superannuation Fund)...... 2012 1318 15 September 1992...... 2828 1743 Subsection 241(1)- No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (CAA Staff Superannuation Fund)...... 815 555 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (CSL Superannuation Plan) ...... 1653 1112 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (Federal Airports Corporation Superannuation Fund)...... 1680 1160 No. 2-Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (CAA Staff Superannuation Fund)...... 1347 955 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (AMLC Superannuation Fund)...... 2012 1318 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Employer Component Payment (OTC Staff Superannuation Scheme)...... 2054 1340 No. 1-Superannuation (CSS) Additional Employer Component Payment (Australia Post Superannuation Scheme)...... 2315 1507 15 and 17 September 1992...... 2828 1743 28 September 1992...... 2859 1760 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 73...... 26 31 Nos. 96, 97 ...... 205 135 Nos. 127, 128, 140, 141,142, 177, 178, 179, 180 ...... 219 149 No.271 ...... 259 174 N o.379...... 545 468 N o.451...... 719 484 1991- N o.22...... 849 584 N o. 97...... 1058 771 Nos. 161, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 191, 192...... 1347 955 No.312...... 1627 1112 Nos. 445, 446, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469...... 2012 1318 1992- N o.27...... 2012 1318 N o. 94...... 2195 1434 Nos. 169, 170, 212, 213, 219...... 2654 1643 Nos. 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271 ...... 2754 1695 cdlxvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

N o. 290 ...... 2828 1743 N o. 323 ...... 2942 1817 Superannuation Fund Investment Trust-Report for- 1989-90...... 532 438 1990 360 1990-91 ...... 19 11 1270 199 1 396

Superannuation Act 1976 and Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 1990-Declaration-StatutoryRules-1991-No. 190 ...... 1347 955 Superannuation Act 1990- Amending Deed to establish an Occupational Superannuation Scheme for Commonwealth employees and certain other persons, pursuant to section 5, 21 June 1990 ...... 219 149 Commonwealth Superannuation Board of Trustees No. 1- Report for- 1990-91...... 1910 1271 1991 324 1991-92 and financial statements...... 3382 1945 1992 425 Declarations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 163, 164, 165, 183 ...... 219 149 N o. 321 ...... 367 278 No. 411 ...... 719 484 1991- No. 17...... 736 506 N o. 34...... 893 611 N o. 107...... 1058 771 Nos. 151, 189 ...... 1347 955 Nos. 253, 254 ...... 1479 994 No. 303 ...... 1526 1042 No. 394...... 1840 1303 Nos. 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 463 ...... 2012 1318 1992- N o. 77...... 2195 1434 N o. 106...... 2211 1442 Nos. 184, 214 ...... 2654 1643 N o. 318 ...... 2942 1817 Second amending deed to the deed to establish an occupational superannuation scheme for Commonwealth employees and certain other persons, pursuant to section 5, 1 July 1991...... 1347 955 Third amending deed to the deed to establish an occupational superannuation scheme for Commonwealth employees and certain other persons, pursuant to section 5, 30 June 1992 ...... 2654 1643

Superannuation Benefit (Interim Arrangement) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 378 ...... 27 31 Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament cdlxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1990-No. 43 ...... 27 31

Superannuation Benefits (Supervisory Mechanisms) Act- Determinations- 1990- Nos. 1,2, 3,4,5, 6...... 219 149 Nos. 7, 8 ...... 587 468 1991- No.1I...... 805 555 No. 2...... 893 611 No. 3...... 975 709 No.4 ...... 1092 829 Nos. 5,6,7 ...... 1347 955 No.8 ...... 1453 982 No.9 ...... 1526 1042 No. 10...... 1599 1081 No. 11...... 1638 1118 1992- Nos. 1, 2...... 2012 1318 No.3 ...... 2195 1434 No.4 ...... 2238 1452 No.5 ...... 2315 1507 No. 6 ...... 2654 1643 Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ...... 2732 1681

Superannuation Fund Investment Trust. See- "Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act" "Superannuation Act 1976".

Superannuation Guarantee-Copy of letter from the Commissioner of Taxation to all employers, March 1992...... 2889

Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-1992-No. 288...... 2754 1695

Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Bill 1992-Copies of- Letters from- Clerk of the House of Representatives to Clerk of the Senate, 28 August 1992...... 2731 Clerk of the Senate to the President of the Senate- 2, 3,and 28 July 1992...... 2645 2 September 1992...... 2731 Statement by the President...... 2645 cdlxviii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Superannuation (Productivity Benefit) Act- Declarations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 172, 173, 174, 175, 176 ...... 220 149 No. 322...... 367 278 No. 415 ...... 697 485 N o. 416 ...... 719 485 1991-Nos. 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 ...... 1347 955 1992- N o. 21 ...... 2012 1318 Nos. 179, 180, 181 ...... 2654 1643 N o. 366...... 3086 1905 Determination-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 182 ...... 2654 1643

Superannuation-Queensland-Extract from Australian Financial Review, $278m hole found in Qld Police super scheme fund, 10 November 1992 ...... 3047 Superannuation-Senate Select Committee- Copy of letter, 8 October 1991, from Mr Alex Somlyay, MP, to Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Superannuation, together with a copy of a submission to the committee from Mrs M. Belshaw...... 1461 Government response to report- 1st-Safeguarding Super: The regulation of superannuation...... 3424 Inquiry into superannuation-Super system survey- Background paper, December 1991 ...... 1891 Letters from Committee to- Executive Director, Life Insurance Federation of Australia Inc., 1 June 1992...... 2402 Treasurer (Byrnwood Ltd, WA), 24 March 1992...... 2113 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 2113 Proceedings of the Super Consumer Seminar, 4 November 1992...... 3050 .. 1992 530 Reports- 1st-Safeguarding Super: The regulation of superannuation, June 1992...... 2422 .. 1992 182 Interim-Fees, commission and charges in the life insurance industry ...... 2402 2nd-Super Guarantee Bills-Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Bill 1992, Superannuation Guarantee Charge Bill 1992, Superannuation Legislation (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 1992 and Superannuation Guarantee (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1992, June 1992...... 2489 .. 1992 177 3rd-Super and the Financial System, October 1992...... 2850 Letter from Treasurer of Queensland to chairman Index to Pi ers Presented to Parliament cdlxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

of committee, 5 November 1992...... 3093 .. 1992 379 4th-Super-Fiscal and Social Links-Taxation Laws Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1992, Social Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1992, Divisions 16-19 (inclusive) and related terms of reference- Report, December 1992 ...... 3303 .. 1992 535 Submissions (1 Vol.) ...... 3303 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3303 Submission by Life Insurance Federation of Australia Inc., 18 M ay 1992 ...... 2402 Super Charges-An Issues Paper on Fees, Commissions, Charges and Disclosure in the Superannuation Industry, A ugust 1992 ...... 2681

Superannuation Supervisory Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-N o. 154...... 1347 955 1992-N o.283...... 2754 1695

Superannuation (Supervisory Mechanisms) Act-Determinations- 1992-N os. 1, 2 ...... 2012

Supervising Scientist for Alligator Rivers Region. See "Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act".

Supply and Development Act-Regulation-Statutory Rules-1990-No. 297.. 305 226

Supported Accommodation Assistance Act-Variation agreement in relation to Supported Accommodation Assistance Program between Commonwealth of Australia and- Australian Capital Territory, 16 October 1991...... 1764 1212 Northern Territory, 18 November 1991...... 2012 1318 State of- New South Wales, 13 February 1990...... 27 31 Queensland, 17 May 1991 ...... 1377 956 South Australia, 26 September 1990...... 697 485 Tasmania, 11 October 1990...... 401 308 Victoria, 26 October 1990...... 697 485 Western Australia, 9 March 1992...... 2153 1405

Surface combatants for RAN and RNZN-Agreement between Australia and New Zealand concerning collaboration in acquisition of surface combatants for the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal New Zealand Navy...... 89 82

Survey of internal audit in Commonwealth public sector. See "Audit Act". cdlxx Index to PaDers Presented to Parliament

Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Sweden. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA) and the Australia Taxation Office-Copies of letters from- Mr A.J. Firmstone, Partner-Indirect Taxes, Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, Sydney, to Mr J. Landau, First Assistant Commissioner, Sales Tax, Australian Taxation Office, Canberra, 15 November 1990 and 19 November 1990...... 1686 Mr J.L. Harwood, for First Assistant Commissioner, Sales Tax, Australian Taxation Office, Canberra, to Mr A.J. Firmstone, Partner-Indirect Taxes, Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, Sydney, 27 November 1990 ...... 1686 Mr P.A. McCullough, Regional Co-ordinator, Sales Tax, South Western Region, Australian Taxation Office, Adelaide, to Mr A.J. Firmstone, Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, 28 July 1992 ...... 1686

Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport-Consultant selection for proposed third runway environmental impact statement- Letter from Mr D.J. Faber, Director, T.W. Crow Associates to Mr B. Armstrong, Federal Airports Corporation, 2 June 1989 ...... 109

Sydney Morning Herald 14 July 1990...... 137 T

Tabling of Government documents-Schedule of Government documents tabled in the Senate on 18 and 19 December 1991...... 2013

TAFE in the 1990s: Developing Australia's skills. See "Employment, Education and Training Act".

Tape recording-Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories-Copies of- Extract from the transcript of a meeting of peak conservation organisations on 4 September 1991 ...... 1509 Letter from the Leader of the Government in the Senate to the Clerk of the Senate, 11 September 1991 ...... 1509

And see "Intergovernmental agreement on the environment-Peak organisations meeting".

Tasmanian World Heritage Area Ministerial Council-Summary records of meetings- 9th, Hobart, 24 January 1989 ...... 269 170 10th, Launceston, 17 M arch 1989...... 269 170 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1th, Hobart, 24 August 1989...... 269 170 12th, Cradle Mountain, 2 December 1989...... 269 170

Tax expenditures statement-Report by Department of Treasury- December 1990 ...... 661 438 D ecem ber 1991 ...... 1968 1271 December 1992 ...... 3326 1945 Tax file number system- Facsimile from Mr K. O'Connor, Privacy Commissioner, relating to an article in The Age...... 239 Legal advice from Blake Dawson Waldron to Clerk Assistant (Procedure), 16 June 1992...... 2497 Taxation- Alleged tax avoidance- Copy of letter from the Treasurer to Senator Bishop, 13 October 1992.... 2887 Transcript of ABC news item, "Labor MLC Eddie Obeid denies he took part in a tax avoidance scheme", 7 July 1992...... 2887 Commissioner of Taxation- Report and a report pursuant to Child Support Act for- 1988-89-Corrigendum (Auditor-General's Report)...... 105 1989 367 1989-90 ...... 532 416 1990 339 Report for- 1990-91 ...... 1967 1267 1991 404 1991-92 ...... 3381 1943 1992 507 Copies of- Australian Taxation Office- Income tax compliance/enforcement strategy, 15 September 1992... . 1709 Minute No. 221 from Mr T.P. Boucher, Commissioner of Taxation, to the Treasurer, 15 September 1992...... 1709 Statement on tax policy circulated by Treasurer, 16 September 1992.... . 1709 Copy of pages 4 to 16 of submission relating to income tax assessment, prepared by KPMG Peat Marwick, Melbourne, 14 M ay 1990 ...... 191 Legislation-Answer to question on notice No. 152 (Senate)...... 493 Policy and administration-Arnold Bloch Leibler and company-Copies of- Administrative Appeals Tribunal-case extracts (3) ...... 990 Numinous No. 3 Limited, Numinous No. 4 Limited and Numinous No. 5 Limited to shareholders, 14 November 1988 .... . 991 Circular letters (3) from M.M. Leibler, Chairman ...... 991 Prosecution of Phillip Smiles-Copy of letter from Michael Rozenes QC, Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions to Senator Bishop, 4 June 1992...... 2491 cdlxxii Index to Pa~ers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Rulings- IT No. 2569 (Extensions of time to pay under section 206)...... 1953 IT No. 2570 (Remissions under subsection 207(1A) of additional tax payable under 207(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 ...... 1953 Statistics- 1988-89...... 566 438 1990 361 1989-90...... 1968 1271 1991 433 1990-91...... 3382 1945 1992 374 Treaties-Text of-Agreement for avoidance of double taxation and prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to taxes on income between Australia and- Fiji ...... 384 287 H ungary ...... 1029 747 India...... 1733 12 12 Indonesia ...... 2372 1541 Kiribati ...... 1029 747 Poland...... 1733 1212 Spain (and Protocol)...... 2372 1541 Sri Lanka ...... 88 81 Vietnam ...... 2372 1541 And see- "Income tax gifts provisions: New arrangements for donations to cultural organisations" "Reform of Australian Tax System".

Taxation Administration Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 317. 2942 1817

Taxation Administration Act 1953-Proposed amendments-Copy of letter from D.F. Wicks, Principal Solicitor, Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and Related Matters, to Mr Phillip Foster, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, Perth, 22 M ay 1992 ...... 1566

Taxation Administration Amendment Bill 1992-Western Australia- Royal Commission-Letter from Principal Solicitor to Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, 22 May 1992...... 2423 Taxation avoidance-Copies of- Extract from article entitled "Taxation in Australia" February 1989 ...... 1039 Letter from Secretary-General, Law Council of Australia, to Messrs Minter Ellison, 12 June 1990 ...... 1039 Newspaper articles (2)...... 1039

Taxation Boards of Review (Transfer of Jurisdiction) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules 1992 No. 176 ...... 2654 1643 Index to Paers Presentedto Parliament cdlxxiii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Taxation (Interest on Overpayments) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 178...... 2654 1643

Taxation rulings. See "Taxation".

Technical cooperation-Treaty-Text of-Exchange of Notes amending the Technical Co-operation Agreement with the People's Republic of China of 2 October 1981...... 1030 747

Telecom. See "Australian Telecommunications Corporation".

Telecom Discovery Service-List of conditions...... 476

Telecommunications. See "Microeconomic reform in transport and telecommunications".

Telecommunications Act- Australian Telecommunications Authority (AUSTEL)-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 661 438 1990 418 1990-91 ...... 1774 1220 1991 379 Determination of- Price control arrangements and price-cap arrangements- No. 2, 23 January 1991 ...... 748 517 Technical Standards pursuant to section 106- 16 M ay 1990 ...... 259 174 28 November 1990...... 666 479 Direction pursuant to subsection 73(2)-No. 2, 9 Novem ber 1990...... 511 401 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 418...... 27 32 1990-N o.370...... 524 428 And see "Telecommunications Act 1991".

Telecommunications Act 1989-Determinations-TechnicalStandard and Variations to Technical Standards pursuant to section 106-15 May 1991... 1347 956

Telecommunications Act 1991- Australian Telecommunications Authority (AUSTEL)-Report for 1991-92...... 3042 1891 1992 321 Code of Practice-No. ICP 1/1992...... 2891 1764 Declarations under- Section-64-Nos. GCL 1/1991, GCL 2/1991, MCL 1/1991, M CL 2/1991 ...... 1742 1212 Subsection- 267(1), 3 June 1992...... 2453 1613 280, 3 June 1992 ...... 2453 290(1), 9 June 1992...... 2453 1613 cdlxxiv cdlxxiv Index to Paners Presented tn Pariame~rnt Presented Printed Paper Journals VA&P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Deeds of Agreement (2) pursuant to section 70...... 2012 1318 Determination-1992-No. APML I...... 2654 1643 Determination under subsection- 16(1)-I 991-No. I...... 1348 956 140(1)-1991-No. 1 ...... 1742 1211 Determinations of technical standards- No. TS 003/92 ...... 2828 1743 Pursuant to subsection 246(1)- 17 July 1991...... 1453 982 1992- TS 002,TS004,TS 006, TS 020 ...... 2012 1318 TSO005...... 2238 1456 Directions- No. ICPD 1/1992 ...... 2891 1764 Pursuant to subsections- 50(1)-1992-No. 1 ...... 2453 1613 106(1)-1991-No. I...... 1348 956 204(1)-1991-No. 1 ...... 1348 956 204(1)-1991-No. I...... 1742 1212 244(1)-1991-No. 1 ...... 1742 1212 244(1)-1992-No. 1 ...... 2453 1613 250(2)-1991-No. 1 ...... 1742 1212 250(2)-1992-No. I...... 2453 1613 Form of agreement pursuant to section 70...... 1578 1075 Form of licence to operate as a general (or mobile) telecommunications carrier pursuant to section 63...... 1578 1075 Licences (4) to operate as general telecommunications carriers...... 1742 1212 Licences (3) to operate as public mobile carriers ...... 1742 1212 Notice of declaration under section 267, 2 September 1992 ...... 2754 1699 Notice under sections- 267 and 280, 28 August 1992 ...... 2717 1681 280-3 June 1992...... 1613 Regulations-Statutory Rules-i 991- No. 200...... 1348 956 Nos. 356, 357...... 1742 1212 No. 425...... 2012 1318 Technical Standard-1992-No. TS 012...... 2654 1643 Telecommunications (Application Fees) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules-199 1-No. 359 ...... 1742 1212

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Fees) Act-Regulations- Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 358...... 1742 1212 1992-No. 227...... 2654 1643 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Telecommunications (Interception) Act- Declaration under subsection 34(1)- Independent Commission Against Corruption, 15 May 1990...... 190 126 Police Force of South Australia, 21 June 1991 ...... 1434 963 Report pursuant to Division 2, Part IX, for- Period 1 September 1988 to 30 June 1989...... 128 115 1990 71 1989-90 ...... 888 606 1991 58 1990-91 ...... 2097 1360 1992 64 1991-92 ...... 3248 1920 1992 437

Telecommunications (Public Mobile Licence Charge) Act- Regulations-Statutory Rules-1992-No. 386...... 3304 1965

Telecom's handling of customer complaints. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Telephone message services-Extract from People magazine, 4 November 1992 ...... :...... 3029

Televising of the House of Representatives-Select Committee- The eyes have it: Inquiry into the televising of the House of Representatives and its committees- Report, August 1991 ...... 970 1991 464 Evidence received by the committee...... 970 Minutes of proceedings ...... 970

Television Licence Fees Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 3 ...... 27 32 199 1-N o. 79 ...... 975 709

Tenure of Appointees to Commonwealth Tribunals-Joint Select Committee-Government response to report, November 1989...... 364 271

Territories Law Reform Bill 1992-Second reading speech prepared for the M inister...... 1627

Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Development Authority-State of the industry report 1990 ...... 339 261

Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Development Authority Act- Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Development Authority-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 375 282 1990 255 1990-91 ...... 1810 1271 1991 424 1991-92 ...... 3326 1945 1992 375 cdlxxvi Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Textiles, clothing and footwear industries-Inquiry into tariffs and industry development-Copies of- Extract from proof Senate Hansard,4 November 1992...... 2966 First, Second and Third Interim Reports, November 1992 ...... 2958 Therapeutic Goods Act- Determinations- 1991-No. MPI, including Codes of Good Manufacturing Practice for Sterile Therapeutic Devices and for Therapeutic Goods- M edicinal Products...... 815 555 1992-No. MP ...... 2556 1613 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 88 ...... 27 36 No. 394...... 545 468 1991- N o . 84 ...... 989 709 N o. 485 ...... 2012 1318 1992- N o. 19 ...... 2012 1318 N o. 89 ...... 2 195 1434 N o. 109...... 2211 1442 No. 332...... 2977 1846 N o. 370...... 3304 1965 Therapeutic Goods Orders- No. 38-Single-use urethral catheters (sterile) for general medical use... 1154 859 No. 39-Contraceptive devices-rubber condoms...... 1154 859 No. 40-Dental materials...... 2238 1456 N os. 41,42 ...... 3270 1965

Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 89 ...... 27 32 No. 395 ...... 545 468 1991-N o. 85 ...... 989 709 1992-No. 88 ...... 2195 1434

Third Commonwealth Conference on Delegated Legislation. See "Delegated legislation".

Tiwi Land Council. See "Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act".

Tobacco Charge Act (No. 1)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 21 ...... 27 32 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Tobacco Marketing Act- Australian Tobacco Board-Report for 1989 ...... 269 170 1990 169 Australian Tobacco Marketing Advisory Committee-Report for- 1990 ...... 1404 936 1991 193 1991 ...... 2691 1655 1992 227 Tobacco Research Council. See- "Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act". "Rural Industries Research Act".

Torres Strait Fisheries Act-Protected Zone Joint Authority-Report for- 1988-89 ...... 88 61 1990 37 1989-90 ...... 714 487 1991 23 1990-91 ...... 2021 1310 1992 26

Tour of duties: Final report of inquiry into aspects of Australian Customs Service. See "Banking, Finance and Public Administration-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Tourism Action Plan-Copy of policy paper by Liberal Party of Australia and National Party of Australia, March 1990...... 252

Tourism in the Indian Ocean Territories. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Toxic Chemicals (Community Right to Know) Bill 1992- D raft bill for com m ent...... 3421

Trade-Treaties-Text of- Agreement between Australia and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan...... 384 288 Agreement (PATCRA II) with Papua New Guinea, Agreed Minutes and two Exchanges of Letters...... 1029 747 Agreement to delete Article 20.3 and Annex F from the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations-Trade Agreement...... 2971 1846 Exchange of Letters amending Agreement between Australia and European Economic Community on trade in mutton, lam b and goat meat ...... 89 82 Exchange of Letters between Australia and United States of America embodying an arrangement concerning trade in certain steel products and a framework for arrangement on steel trade liberalization ...... 89 82 Exchange of letters constituting an Agreement to amend Article 3.1 of the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations-Trade Agreement...... 2971 1846 cdlxxviii Index to P4 ers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Trade and economic cooperation-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam...... 384 288

Trade clearances of shorn wool 1946-47 to 1994-95. See "Wool Marketing Amendment Bill 1990".

Trade Marks Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N o. 30 ...... 27 32 N o. 241 ...... 220 149 1991- N o. 64 ...... 975 709 N o. 454 ...... 20 12 1318 1992-No. 150 ...... 2477 1613

Trade Practices Act- Declaration of designated secondary shipper bodies- Australian Dried Fruits Shippers' Association, 9 May 1990...... 163 126 Dairy Industry Shipping Association, 3 May 1990...... 163 126 MAMSAAL, 17 May 1990...... 163 126 Meat Industry Shippers Association, 17 May 1990 ...... 163 126 Tasmanian Shippers Association, 9 May 1990...... 163 126 Wool Industry Shipping Group, 17 May 1990...... 163 126 1990- Nos. 1 to 4 ...... 305 226 Nos. 5 to 7 ...... 449 375 N o. 8...... 525 428 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1989-No. 375 ...... 27 32 1990-No. 434...... 719 485 1991-No. 327 ...... 1627 1112 1992- N o. 71 ...... 2143 1400 N o. 92...... 2195 1434 Trade Practices Commission-Reports- 1989-90 ...... 344 255 1990 191 1990-91...... 1586 1063 1991 243 1991-92 ...... 2890 1767 1992 242

Trade Practices Commission-Revival for trade practices law and competition policy-Observations of Professor R. Baxt (former Chairman) . 1077

Trade Union Training Authority Act-Australian Trade Union Training Authority-Report for- 1989-90...... 566 438 1990 421 1990-91...... 1911 1271 1991 378 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdlxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991-92 ...... 3248 1945 1992 426 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991-No. 265 ...... 1479 994 1992-No. 352...... 3086 1905

Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1992-N o. 275 ...... 2754 1695 And see "Department of Industrial Relations".

Training for Aboriginals Program-Review, November 1991...... 2005 1271

Training Guarantee (Administration) Act- Industry Training Agents' Guidelines- 1990-N o. 1...... 367 279 1991- N o. 1 ...... 1099 840 N o. 2...... 1811 1303 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 323 ...... 367 279 1991- N o. 59...... 944 683 Nos. 308, 309 ...... 1570 1062 1992- N o. 190...... 2654 1643 N o. 295...... 2828 1743 No. 322...... 2942 1817

Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1992-Commercial television program classification-Letter from Chairman, Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations to Minister for Transport and Communications, 4 December 1992...... 3391

Transport, Communications and Infrastructure- House of Representatives Standing Committee- Government responses to reports- Canberra leasehold system ...... 438 Inquiry into possible uses of the sixth high power television channel...... 1945 Management of the radio frequency spectrum- Interim response...... 1271 R esponse ...... 1703 Rail: Five systems, one solution-The efficiency of Australian National's east-west operations...... 404 Stamp of approval: A review of administration of philatelic services by Australia Post ...... 438 Telecom's handling of customer complaints...... 991 Supplem entary response ...... 1421 cdlxxx Index to Papers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Jounals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Warehouse to wharf. Efficiency of the interface between seaports and land transport, 2 April 1992-Government response, November 1992 ...... 1823 Report- Inquiry into possible uses of the sixth high power television channel- Report, 10 September 1992...... 1691 1992 202 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1691 Management of the radio frequency spectrum- Report, 14 October 1991 ...... 1091 1991 299 Minutes of proceedings...... 1091 Ships of shame: Inquiry into ship safety- Report, 3 December 1992 ...... 1968 1992 494 Minutes of proceedings ...... 1968 Stamp of approval: A review of administration of philatelic services by Australia Post- Report, 22 August 1990...... 201 1990 170 Minutes of proceedings ...... 201 Telecom's handling of customer complaints- Report, 29 May 1991 ...... 863 1991 147 Minutes of proceedings...... 863 Warehouse to wharf: Efficiency of the interface between seaports and land transport- Report, 2April 1992...... 1416 1992 67 Minutes of proceedings...... 1416 Senate Standing Committee- Government responses to reports- Adequacy of international terminal and aircraft landing facilities at Sydney airport ...... 229 Aspects of proposal for a Very Fast Train ...... 1246 Canberra leasehold system...... 1246 Developing Satellite Launching Facilities in Australia and the role of the Government ...... 3110 Organisation and operation of Federal Airports Corporation and Civil Aviation Authority...... 229 Reports-

Airlines Agreement (Termination) Bill 1990, September 1990...... 265 . 1990 439 Aspects of heavy road vehicle charges- Report, December 1992...... 3270 1992 526 Submissions (2 Vols.)...... 3270 Transcript of evidence (7 Vols.) ...... 3270 Aspects of proposal for a Very Fast Train- Interim report, May 1990 ...... 163 1990 46

Final report, March 1991...... 864 .. 1991 463 Transcript of evidence (8 Vols.)...... 864 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxxi Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Broadcasting Amendment Bill 1991- Report, October 1991 ...... 1607 .. 1991 487 Carriage of Goods by Sea Bill 1991- Report, Septem ber 1991...... 1455 .. 1991 487 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 1455 Developing Satellite Launching Facilities in Australia and the role of the Government- Report, April 1992...... 2193 .. 1992 522 Transcript of evidence (7 Vols.)...... 2193 Examination of annual reports- M ay 1990 ...... 163 .. 1990 88 December 1990 ...... 688 .. 1990 443 No. 1 of 1991, June 1991 ...... 1171 .. 1991 476 No. 2 of 1991, December 1991 ...... 1915 .. 1991 475 No. 1 of 1992, June 1992...... 2388 .. 1992 543 No. 2 of 1992, December 1992...... 3303 .. 1992 545 Motor Vehicle Standards (Headlights) Amendment Bill 1992- Report, May 1992 ...... 2254 .. 1992 520 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 2254 National Road Transport Commission Bill 1991, December 1991.... 1948 .. 1991 487 Seafarers legislation- Report, December 1992 ...... 3305 .. 1992 544 Transcript of evidence (1 Vol.)...... 3305

Travel entitlements of parliamentarians-Copies of- Airways ticket order No. 6337, 15 June 1990...... 569 Fax message from A. Woodward, Clerk of Parliament, Qld, to Mr K. Wright, MP, 1 March 1991 ...... 569 Internal travel request, June 1990...... 569 Letter from M. Fishpool, National Media Liaison Service, to Mr K. Wright, MP, 28 February 1991 ...... 569 Newspaper article from Brisbane Courier Mail, 23 February 1991 ...... 569 Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation account number 000042, 26 June 1990 ...... 569 Treasurer. See- "Building a competitive Australia" "Net external debt and liabilities" "Unemployment rate and participation rate".

Treaties. See- "Agricultural and mineral commodities" "Agriculture cooperation" "Air services" "Asian-Pacific Postal Union" "Australian ores containing uranium or thorium" cdlxxxii Index to P, ers Presentedto Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

"Biological diversity" "Cambodia" "CERN" "Climate Change" "Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation" "Communications" "Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals" "Consular relations" "COSPAS-SARSAT Program" "Criminal matters-Mutual assistance" "Cultural, educational and scientific cooperation" "Customs offences" "Customs-Temporary Admission" "Death penalty" "Defence" "Development cooperation" "Digital chart of the world" "Drug trafficking" "Economic cooperation" "Educational and Cultural Exchange" "Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" "Environment" "European Bank for Reconstruction and Development" "Evidence" "Extradition" "Films Co-production" "Fishing" "Geostationary Meteorological Satellite-4 System" "Hazardous Wastes" "Hostages" "Human contacts, humanitarian cooperation and protocol" "Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials" "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" "International exhibitions" "International Labour Organisation" "International Maritime Satellite Organization" "International Monetary Fund" "International Telecommunication" "Investments" "Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand" "Jute and Jute Products" "Law applicable to trusts" "Marine Geoscientific Research" "Maritime claims" "Meat Exports" "Medical treatment" Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxxiii Presented J Printed Paper Jounals VA&P. Yer aer

______Page IPage _ _ N.

"Mosul War Cemetery" "Mutual Legal Assistance" "NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System" "NAVSTAR Global Positioning System" "North West Cape Naval Communications Station" "Nuclear energy and materials" "Nuclear Science and technology" "Oil pollution preparedness" "Ozone Layer Depletion" "Pollution from ships" "Proceeds from Crime" "Program-carrying signals" "Protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organisations" "Radar" "Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters" "Rights of the Child" "Scientific and technical cooperation" "Sensor Fusion System Development" "Skyhawk aircraft" "Social Security" "South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission" "South Pacific Forum" "Space vehicle tracking" "Surface combatants for RAN and RNZN" "Taxation" "Technical cooperation" "Trade", "Trade and economic cooperation"

"UNIDROIT Statute" "Violence at airports serving international civil aviation" "Vocational rehabilitation and employment (Disabled persons)" "War cemeteries" "Wetlands of international importance" "Zone of cooperation".

TV violence in Australia. See "Broadcasting Act".

2HID Broadcasters Pty Ltd-Copies of letters from Senator Richardson to- General Secretary, NSW Branch ALP, 20 January 1992 ...... 2210 Prime Minister, 29 April 1992 ...... 2210 Secretary, 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd, 20 January 1992...... 2210

± ______L ______L ______I _____ cdlxxxiv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.


Unemployment-Copy of extract from Australian Regional Labour Markets-Departmentof Employment, Education and Training- Three months to September 1992...... 3007

Unemployment beneficiaries and job search allowances: Australia- 1978 to 1991-Copy of table ...... 1600

Unemployment rate and participation rate-Copy of minute from I.J. Watt, Assistant Secretary, Domestic Economy Branch, Treasury, to Treasurer, 14 May 1991...... 733

UNIDO-Treaty-Text of-Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)...... 2373 1543

UNIDROIT Statute-Treaty-Text of-Amendment to UNIDROIT Statute of 15 March 1940, as amended ...... 1030 747

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

United Kingdom. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

United Nations-Report of Australian Delegation to-General Assembly- 44th session, 1989 ...... 269 170 45th session, 1990 ...... 1470 991 46th session, 1991 ...... 2715 1678 And see- "Cambodian peace initiative" "Convention on the rights of the child" "Gulf crisis".

United States-Trade-Letter from United States Ambassador (Mel Sembler) to President of the Senate, responding to the resolution of the Senate of 3 June 1992, 22 June 1992...... 2662

United States of America-Wheat subsidies-Letter from United States Ambassador (Mr Mel Sembler) to President of the Senate, responding to the resolution of the Senate of 10 September 1992, 25 Septem ber 1992...... 2826

University of Canberra Act- Council of the University of Canberra-Report for- 1990 ...... 1577 1056 1991 245 1991 ...... 2939 1784 1992 280 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxxv Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Statutes- N os. 6, 7 ...... 525 4 10 N o. 8...... 1172 912 N os. 9 to 15 ...... 20 12 13 18 N o . 16 ...... 2586 16 13 N o. 17...... 2654 1643 N o. 18 ...... 3 171 1965 Nos. 19, 20, 21 ...... 3397 1965

Unparliamentary language-Copy of letter from President of the Senate to Senator Crichton-Browne relating to a matter arising from a question without notice on 19 December 1991, 26 February 1992...... 2034

Unproclaimed legislation-Document providing details of all provisions of Acts which come into effect on proclamation and which have not been proclaimed, including statements of reasons for their non-proclamation and information relating to the timetable for their operation- 25 M ay 1990 ...... 178 14 November 1990...... 462 29 M ay 1991 ...... 1082 28 November 1991 ...... 1800 28 M ay 1992 ...... 2355 26 November 1992...... 3142

Urban and Regional Development (Financial Assistance) Act- Agreement between Commonwealth of Australia and Australian Capital Territory relating to National Estate (1990), 30 May 1990...... 244 149

Uruguay. See "Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference".

Uruguay round of trade negotiations-Ministerial Statement by Minister for Trade and Overseas Development...... 1094

Use immunity provisions in the corporations law and the Australian Securities Commission law. See "Corporations and Securities-Parliamentary Joint Committee".

Use of ionising radiation. See "Environment, Recreation and the Arts-House of Representatives Standing Committee". V

Vacancy in the representation of Western Australia-Letter from the Premier of Western Australia to the President of the Senate, 27 M arch 1992...... 2193 cdlxxxvi Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Variations to plan of layout of City of Canberra and its environs. See "Australian Capital Territory-Joint Committee".

Venezuela. See "Australian Parliamentary Delegation".

Very Fast Train. See "Transport, Communications and Infrastructure-Senate Standing Committee".

Veterans' Entitlements Act- Approval, pursuant to subsection 29(3)- Of(1), instrument revoking Guide to the Assessment of Rates of Veterans' Pensions and (2) the Guide to the Assessment of Rates of Veterans' Pensions to come into force on- 17 December 1990, 6 November 1990...... 391 298 1 July 1992, 28 M ay 1992...... 2375 1543 1 July 1992, 28 May 1992 (in substitution for papers presented on 1 June 1992)...... 2477 1613 Varying instrument 6 November 1990, revoking the Guide to Assessment of Rates of Veterans' Pensions, 13 December 1990 ...... 646 468 Instruments-1992- Nos. 1,2, 3 ...... 2045 1340 N os. 7, 8 ...... 2654 1643 N os. 10, 11...... 3111 1930 Instruments varying- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme- 10 September 1990...... 305 226 24 September 1990...... 377 289 21 November 1990...... 512 401 20 December 1990 ...... 719 497 1 August 1991 ...... 1392 956 4 November 1991 ...... 1638 1112 Treatment Principles- 26 July 1990 and 15 and 23 August 1990 ...... 305 226 26 Septem ber 1990...... 318 226 4 October 1990...... 333 253 10 October 1990...... 377 279 6 November 1990...... 475 401 Nos. 12 and 14 of 1991 ...... 2012 1318 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1991- No. 33 ...... 849 584 No. 241 ...... 1365 956 No. 280...... 1479 994 1992-No. 75 ...... 2143 1400 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdlxxxvii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Veterans' Review Board-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 344 255 1990 192 1990-91 ...... 1540 1037 1991 244 1991-92 ...... 2939 1797 1992 281

Veterans' Entitlements Act and Public Service Act-Reports of Repatriation Commission and Department of Veterans' Affairs for- 1989-90- Volume 1-Reports ...... 554 438 1990 362 Volume 2-Repatriation hospitals ...... 554 438 1990 363 1990-91- Volume 1-Reports ...... 1947 1271 1991 422 Volume 2-Repatriation hospitals ...... 1947 1271 1991 423 1991-92- Volume 1-Reports ...... 3413 1974 1992 377 Volume 2-Repatriation hospitals ...... 3413 1974 1992 376

Veterans' Review Board. See "Veterans' Entitlements Act".

Victorian Building Industry Agreement, 1989-1992 ...... 1454

Video Material-Joint Select Committee-Government response to report, 28 April 1988...... 502 395

Violence at airports serving international civil aviation-Treaty- Text of-Protocol for Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation ...... 1030 748 Violence: Directions for Australia- National Committee on Violence- Government response...... 663 471 Ministerial statement...... 663 Report ...... 51 36 Progress reports on implementation of recommendations compiled by the National Violence Monitoring Unit, Australian Institute of Criminology...... 2372 1528

Visit to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea-Statement by the Prime Minister, 7 M ay 1992...... 1486 Visit to Japan, Singapore and Cambodia- Asia-Pacific perspectives-Joint press statement by Mr Keating and His Excellency Mr Kiichi Miyazawa, Prime Minister of Japan, Tokyo, 21 September 1992 ...... 2890 1767 Statement by the Prime Minister...... 2890 1767 cdlxxxviii Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Visit to Zimbabwe and the 1991 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Harare-Statement by the Prime Minister, 6 N ovem ber 1991 ...... 1115

Vocational rehabilitation and employment (Disabled persons)- Treaty-Text of-ILO Convention (No. 159) concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons)...... 385 289

Volume loading of livestock for transport by road. See "Inter-State Commission Act". W

Wage fixing guidelines-Copies of- Agreement between Commonwealth Government and ACTU on a framework for implementation of Accord Mark VI in Australian Government employment ...... 1040 B ackground paper...... 1040 Government guidelines for workplace bargaining ...... 1040 Media release by Minister for Industrial Relations, 15 M ay 1991 ...... 1040

War cemeteries-Treaty-Text of-Agreement between Australia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and India, and the Tunisian Republic concerning Commonwealth War Cemeteries, Graves and M emorials in Tunisia...... 384 287 And see "Mosul War Cemetery".

War Crimes Act- Report for- 1989-90 ...... 984 704 1991 112 Erratum ...... 1091 798 1991 112 1990-91 ...... 1645 1114 1991 260 1991-92...... 2939 1797 1992 282 Special Investigations Unit-Report-Period 25 January to 30 June 1989..... 128 115 1990 38

War Graves Act-Office of Australian War Graves, Department of Veterans' Affairs-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 532 417 1990 381 1990-91 ...... 1947 1271 1991 438 1991-92...... 3413 1974 1992 378

War Precautions Act Repeal Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1989-No. 419 ...... 27 32 Index to A ers Presented to Parliament cdlxxxix Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Warrah Village, Dural, NSW-Copies of- Having our say: Collection of letters written by people with a disability, parents, advocates and staff, 24 May 1991...... 864 Resolution of parent meeting held on 24 May 1991 ...... 864

Warrama Living History Centre Pty Ltd-Copies of reports of- Liquidator for presentation to creditors on 19 June 1991, 4 June 1991 ...... 1243 Receivers and managers as at 8 November 1990...... 1243

Waterfront and foreign shipping-Port action and inspection of vessel Lok Maheshwari-Copiesof documents (2)...... 1216

Waterfront reform-Copy of speech by J. Manser- Implementation of waterfront reform...... 863

Waterfront reform-Hobart-Copy of statutory declaration by Mervyn Lee, 15 September 1992...... 2804

Webster, Bruce-Retirement-Extract from the News Leader, 30 May 1975.... 2613

Western Australia-Royal Commission- Appointment of Hon. B.T. Burke as Ambassador to Ireland- Copy of approval by Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade relating to salary, allowances and terms and conditions of appointment, 20 July 1988 ...... 928 Commercial activities of Government and other matters- Letter from Speaker of the Legislative Assembly to President of the Senate conveying the text of a resolution, 14 May 1992...... 2337 Involvement of Mr B. Burke in Australia's trade relations with Eastern Europe-Copies of- Letter from Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to Hon. B. T. Burke, Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See, 16 January 1989 ...... 967 Ministerial submission, 6 September 1988, together with an attachment ...... 967 Letter from Minister for Industrial Relations to Editor of Sydney Morning Herald relating to publication of articles by columnist Max W alsh, 15 April 1991 ...... 941 Official vehicles-Copies of- Administrative Circular No. 180/87, Diplomatic and consular privileges, 10 December 1987...... 2644 Cable from Acting First Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Ambassador to Ireland and Holy See, Dublin, 11 January 1989...... 2679 Chronology of Events: Brian Burke: Purchase of vehicles and attachm ent ...... 2696 Inventory-Private vehicle register, Dublin and attachments (9)...... 2696 cdxc Index to PapersPresented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Minute from Brian Burke, Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See to Peter Davin ...... 2644 Report from Deputy Secretary, Foreign Affairs and Trade to Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Senator Evans), 17 August 1992, and attachments (2)...... 2644 Private use of telephones-Australian Embassy, Dublin- Copies of letters (2) from Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade to Mr Burke, 6 and 7 May 1991, together with related correspondence and documentation...... 987 Termination of appointment of Mr Burke as Ambassador- Copy of letter from Chief General Counsel, Attorney- General's Department to Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 9 May 1991 ...... 1009 Termination payment to Mr Burke-Copies of- Background paper...... 1003 Commission of appointment of Mr Burke to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Australia to Ireland, 8 M arch 1988 ...... 1003 Letter from Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen to Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, 9 March 1988...... 1003 And see "Taxation Administration Amendment Bill 1992".

Western Australia State Government Insurance Commission. See "State Government Insurance Commission".

Western Australian Fisheries Joint Authority. See "Fisheries Act".

Westpac Banking Corporation and Partnership Pacific Limited (PPL)-Copies of- Memorandum to- T. Booker, State Manager, Queensland, PPL, from G. Carter, Head of Funding and Liquidity, PPL, 24 July 1987...... 561 G. Carter, Head of Funding and Liquidity, PPL, from T. Booker, State Manager, Queensland, PPL, 31 July 1987...... 561 Notes, June and July 1987, including letters (3) of appointment of staff and Memorandum from State Manager, Queensland, PPL, to Group Treasurer, PPL, 5 June 1987 ...... 561

Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. See "Structural Adjustment Package".

Wetlands of international importance-Treaty-Text of-Amendments to Articles 6 and 7, to the Convention on wetlands of International Importance especially as waterfowl habitat...... 385 288

Wheat Industry Fund Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 103 ...... 205 135 Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxci Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

1991-N o. 268...... 1479 994

Wheat Industry Fund Levy Act and Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 306...... 1526 1042

Wheat Marketing Act- Australian Wheat Board-Report for year ended 30 September- 1989 ...... 5 1 36 1990 8 1 1990 ...... 714 487 1991 15 1991 ...... 2005 1310 1992 1 1992 ...... 3413 1974 1992 427 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- Nos. 27, 28 ...... 27 32 N o. 4 17 ...... 7 19 485 1991- N o. 198...... 1348 956 N o. 3 15 ...... 1627 1112

Wheat Research Council. See "Rural Industries Research Act".

Wholesale sales tax legislation-Simplification-Copy of press release issued by the Treasurer, 2 April 1992 ...... 1418

Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act- Declarations- Under subsection 9(1)- 1990-Nos. 1, 2, 3 ...... 244 149 1991-No. 1...... 1069 771 28 May and 7 July 1992...... 2655 1643 6 August 1992 ...... 2717 1681 1992-N o. 2...... 2828 1738 Wildlife smuggling- Confidential Notes-File of Gary Sturgess, NSW Government...... 2515 Transcripts of- Conversation between Raymond Hoser and Commissioner for Aboriginals (NSW Western Region), 27 March 1992 ...... 2515 Interview by Fia Cumming with Steve Gordon, May 1992...... 2515

Wills electoral division-Order of the Court of Disputed Returns- Letter from the Registrar of the High Court, 26 November 1992...... 1921 Order of the High Court sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns, 26 November 1992 ...... 1922

Wine Grapes Levy Act-Regulations-Statutory Rules-1991-No. 145 ...... 1348 956

Withdrawal of university enrolment of Mrs Dawkins-Copy of I cdxcii Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

letter from Professor P.J. Boyce, Vice-Chancellor, Murdoch University to Rattigan and Fiocco, Barristers and Solicitors, 3 July 1990... .. 202

Women and TAFE: A national plan of action-Report by Department of Employment, Education and Training...... 1634 1102

Women's budget statement. See "Finance".

Wood for the trees-Report of inquiry into criticisms of "Four Corners" program by WA Department of Conservation and Land Management...... 332

Wool Council of Australia. See "Wool Marketing Amendment Bill 1990".

Wool industry-Copy of journal article-"Chronicle of a crisis"...... 837 Wool Marketing Act- Australian Wool Corporation-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 386 282 1990 237 1989-90 (Corrigendum )...... 1037 758 1990-91 ...... 2192 1421 1992 87 Direction pursuant to section 120, 31 May 1990...... 220 149 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990- N os. 17, 18, 53 ...... 27 32 N o. 203 ...... 220 149 1991- N o. 35 ...... 893 611 N o. 105 ...... 1058 771 Wool Research and Development Council-Report for- 1989-90 ...... 386 282 1990 256 1990-91 ...... 1947 1271 1991 443 And see "Australian Wool Corporation Act".

Wool Marketing Amendment Bill 1990- Australian Wool Corporation news service 32/90, 31 May 1990...... 128 NSW Farmers' Association-Questions that need to be answered for benefit of Australian wool industry by Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, 31 May 1990...... 128 Trade clearances of shorn wool 1946-47 to 1994-95 (actual and AWC projections)-Graph...... 127 Wool Council of Australia news release 19/90, 31 May 1990 ...... 128

Wool production- Graphs relating to production by State (2) ...... 457 Table relating to production by State...... 457 Index to Papers Presented to Parliament cdxciii Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Wool Research and Development Council. See "Wool Marketing Act".

Wool tax- Calculation of rate for 1991-92-Extract from document...... 1215 Report-ACIL Australia Pty Ltd-Financing the wool industry's debt, M ay 1991 ...... 1215

Wool Tax Act (No. 1)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 193...... 220 149 1991-No. 209...... 1348 956 1992-No. 206...... 2655 1643

Wool Tax Act (No. 2)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 194...... 220 149 1991-N o. 210...... 1348 956 1992-No. 207...... 2655 1644

Wool Tax Act (No. 3)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 195 ...... 220 149 1991-No. 211 ...... 1348 956 1992-No. 208...... 2655 1644

Wool Tax Act (No. 4)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-N o. 196...... 220 149 1991-No. 212 ...... 1348 956 1992-No. 209...... 2655 1644

Wool Tax Act (No. 5)-Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 197...... 220 150 1991-No. 213...... 1348 956 1992-No. 210 ...... 2655 1644

Woorabinda Aboriginal Council-Competency of consultants-Reports- Jeff James (Constructions) Pty Ltd, 18 March 1992...... 2638 Rutland Contractors, 19 March 1992 ...... 2638

Words at work: Literacy needs in the workplace. See "Employment, Education and Training-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Work in progress: Award restructuring and industry training. See "Employment, Education and Training-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Working for the future: Jobs, skills, innovation-Statement on employment and growth in the 1990s by the Treasurer, 18 August 1992.... 2651 1637 1992 187 cdxciv Index to Papers Presented to Parliament Presented Printed Paper Journals V.& P. Year Paper Page Page No.

Workplace bargaining: The first 100 agreements-Report by the Department of Industrial Relations, August 1992...... 1776

Workplace reform-Making time: Flexibility in the workplace- Report on flexible working time arrangements by the Department of Industrial Relations, October 1992...... 1863

Workplace reform program-Overview, end June 1991-Extracts...... 1562

World Heritage Properties Conservation Act- Notice of consent pursuant to section 9- 29 August 1990 ...... 259 174 4 February 1991...... 719 497 2 June 1992...... 2453 1613 9 October 1992 ...... 2891 1771 Proclamations under subsection 6(3)- 25 July 1990 ...... 245 150 3 August 1992 ...... 2717 1681 Refusal of consent under section 9- 14 September 1992...... 2765 1707 30 October 1992 ...... 2942 1817 Regulations-Statutory Rules- 1990-No. 249 ...... 220 150 1992-No. 262 ...... 2700 1675

World Wing Chun Kung Fu Organisation and enrolment of overseas students-Copy of letter from J. Ledgar, Assistant Secretary, Overseas Students Programs Branch, Department of Employment, Education and Training, to Mr W. Cheung, World Wing Chun Kung Fu Organisation, 16 January 1989...... 252 X-Y

Yass Shire Council and Department of Water Resources- Failure to take proper action in relation to a sand-mining operation on the Murrumbidgee River-Report under section 26 of Ombudsman Act [NSW], 1 August 1990...... 409

You have your moments: A report on funding of peak health and community organisations. See "Community Affairs-House of Representatives Standing Committee".

Your word is my command: Towards an Australian capability in human-computer interface design. See "Australian Science and Technology Council Act". Index to PapersPresented to Parliament cdxcv Presented Printed Paper [JournasT VA . Year Paper

______I Page IPage j _ No. z Zone of cooperation-Treaty between Australia and Indonesia on zone of cooperation in an area between the Indonesian Province of East Timor and Northern Australia...... 88

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