Percy Priest Flotilla 11-04 Volume 8, Issue 8 March 2016
Percy Priest Flotilla 11-04 Volume 8, Issue 8 March 2016 Halldorsson and Phil Mammano with mentoring of the new candidates provided by crewmembers Kevin Gallagher, DFSO 8ER; Ralph Underwood, SO-NS 11; Jim Grant, IPFC 11-05; Brad Cochrane, FC 11-05 and Richie Papineau, SO-VE 11. The new Crewmember Candidates for 2016 are James Mayo, VFC 11-04; Todd Smith, 11-04; Buell Noteboom, 11-04; Angie Perrault, 11-04; Michael DeBiase, 11-05; and Cecil Stout, 11-07. The training was also attended by 11-04 prospective member Ramon Lloren. Topics covered included first aid, marlinspike seamanship, navigation, aids to navigation, lights and sounds, line handling, USCG File Photo watchstander reporting, firefighting, handling emergencies, and communications. Boat Crew Training Candidates and instructors are looking forward to NASHVILLE, TENN. (February 13, 2016)—Phil beginning on-the-water (OTW) training any day now, Mammano, SO-MT 11, 8ER as surface temperatures return to 60°F and above. The surface operations program in Middle Tennessee is vitally important to the Coast Guard’s ability to carry Flotilla 11-04 sponsored Division-wide dockside training of new Boat Crew Crewmember Candidates. out its statutory missions of port safety and security. The training was led by Flotilla 11-04 Last year Flotilla 11-04, along with Crewmembers from Coxswains/Instructors Bill Weeks, Rosemary all five Division 11 flotillas, saved several lives, assisted dozens of souls, and prevented nearly one-million dollars in property damage, as well as directly providing lifesaving education to hundreds of boaters I N S I D E T H I S I SSUE underway on Old Hickory Lake, Lake Barkley, Cheatham Lake, Percy Priest Lake, Center Hill Lake, 2 Customs & Courtesies: U.S.C.G.
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