Sunbird books | 64 pages | 02 Aug 2012 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9781409391210 | English | London, United Kingdom Skylanders Video Game - Official Site,Skylanders Video Game - Official Site

Penguin recently announced that they would be publishing a series of Skylanders books. It's interesting to see the marketing machine working in reverse here. Rather than books becoming a videogame, we have a videogame franchise generating spin-off books. The first four books have just popped up on Amazon and provide more information on how these titles will tackle the videogame world as well as a possible release date for Skylanders Giants. This looks likely to be a collectible sticker book where you purchase the book and a starter set of stickers and then buy packs of stickers separately to complete the collection. I would like see this tied in with purchasing Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders figures themselves so that you get a few free stickers in each pack. At just 16 pages this is one of the shorter Skylanders books to be published, but this is in keeping with other sticker collection books of this nature. It's interesting that it has a recommended age of six years up which is younger than the other books and the game itself. Machine of Doom - A Skylanders fiction book that expands on the story in the games. The idea of story books around the Skylanders characters is an interesting one. However, it will be important that the videogame story and book both work together — both in terms of the Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders but also how each character is written. Kids will soon pick up on any inconsistencies. This is aimed at children eight years up and at pages offers a substantial read. With Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders release date at the end of the year it will be important for these titles to include the giant, new and re- posed Skylanders characters in each element. At 80 pages each of these books should offer quite a bit of detail. Along with fleshing out details on each character this will be an opportunity to share hints and tips in the game such as the benefit of owning certain Skylanders figures. They are aimed at children aged eight up. It sounds like this will have more of a fiction angle on things as it will be written from the perspective of Master Eon rather than a straight up tip book. I suspect that even with this angle it won't be worth owning both guides. At pages and aimed at children eight years and older it sounds like a very similar proposition. Perhaps one of the most interesting things about these books Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders on Amazon is their release date of October 11, The original game was released on October 16th last year. It looks like Skylanders Giants will be getting a similar release date this year. Armchair Geek Books Skylanders toys. View Comments. Sponsored Stories Powered By Outbrain. More Stories. Author: Caitlin Kelly Caitlin Kelly. Author: Will Knight Will Knight. Author: Matt Simon Matt Simon. Author: Rhett Allain Rhett Allain. Author: Alisha Mughal Alisha Mughal. Gilad Edelman Deals. Cynder - Portal Masters of Skylands unite!

He is available only in the Dragon's Peak Adventure Pack. Sunburn was originally more reptilian with no hint of avian features on him. His prototype name was Fire Dragonand he existed back during the early days of 's Kingdom. Nat Loh developed this character, using inspirations from Star Control 2 for Sunburn's teleportation abilities. Unlike the random teleportation of the Arilou Lalee'lay SkiffSunburn needed to reflect the player's intentions so that he always teleported to where the player wanted. In his Guided Teleportation upgrade, Nat built upon this concept to layer in complexity which comes together beautifully in his Flame Lord path. Like all dragonsSunburn is quite the prankster, but hates evil with a passion. He doesn't like to stay in one place for more than a minute at a time. He is very proud of his unique heritage, and is the only dragon and phoenix hybrid known to exist in Skylands. Joining the Skylanders gave Sunburn a way to help defend the world from evil, but also provided him with protection, as he remains one of the most sought after creatures in Skylands. For years, soothsayers and psychics had predicted the birth of a dragon-phoenix cross. So, when the newly hatched Sunburn was catapulted into the world from his cozy volcanic nest, he became the drag-nix or phoe-gon? Sunburn became a target for every thief, bandit and evil sorcerer who wanted a piece of his powers. Thankfully, being able to both throw flames and teleport was a handy defense. Still for Sunburn, Skylands was not a safe place. Luckily, Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders Eon also noticed his amazing abilities and made Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders a Skylander. This not only provided Sunburn with protection, but gave him a license to incinerate evil. It also provided plenty of opportunities to play teleporting pranks on his new teammates. Sunburn was one of the assembled Skylanders who attempted to fight against the rampaging Bone Dragon in the Giggling Forestbut was turned to stone. He was soon returned to normal when the Dragon agreed to un-freeze the petrified present characters. Sunburn has the ability to breathe streams of fire. He also has a unique ability to teleport from one place to another, leaving a trail of flames behind. Sunburn is able to perform a fiery dash, where his speed increases while burning enemies in his path, which ends in an fiery explosion. It is said that his body temperature is so hot that his very molecules can't remain in one place and will teleport to a new location. Truth to be told, this ability has nothing to do with temperature, but is in fact a side effect of Sunburn being the only known half-dragon half-phoenix to exist. These are the starting and maximum Statistics for this Skylander in the Skylanders games. Warning: These stats are not used in any of the Skylander games. They are only listed for completeness reasons. Skylanders can use abilities depending on their level. Starting Powers. Sunburn's prototype version identified as Hot Flash as seen in the packaging of prototype Bash. Krankcase - Ro-Bow - Dr. Skylanders: Imaginators Kaos - Imaginators. This wiki. This wiki All wikis. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Sunburn's early toy form designs for Spyro's Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders. Health: max. Strength: 60 Defense: 65 Agility: 65 Luck: Basic Abilities These abilities are available from the start of the game. Blaze Dragon View Flame Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders. Flame Lord View Blaze Dragon. Sunburn can keep moving during a Flamethrower attack. Sunburn damages nearby enemies whenever he teleports. Upgrades Sunshine requires level: 2 : When Sunburn damages an enemy with a Fireblink Xhe will glow with energy for a few seconds. While glowing, he will move faster and deal more damage. Solar Flare requires level: 5 : Sprint A to form a circle of flares around Sunburn. These flares will damage any enemies they touch. Blue Sunburst requires level: 8 : Damage an enemy with a Flamethrower Y for a few seconds to shift to a blue flame. Release Y when the flame is blue to create an explosion, damaging nearby enemies. The scroll for this upgrade can be found in The Wingwarrens. Basic Quests Monster Masher : Defeat enemies. Chow Hound : Eat 50 pieces of food. Arena Artist : Complete an arena without taking any damage. Battle Champ : Win 10 PvP matches. Heroic Challenger : Complete a heroic challenge without taking any damage. Elemental Quests Elementalist : Cause elemental bonus damage. Bombardier : Defeat 25 enemies with bombs. Steamer : Defeat an evil Water Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders. Unique Quest Immolation Itinerant : Travel 1 mile feet using Immolation Teleport one full teleport is about 22 feet. Fruit Frontiersman : Eat 15 fruit. Flawless Challenger : Complete a non-Story Mode level at full health. Elemental Quests Elementalist Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders Deal elemental bonus damage. Mega Melter : Defeat a total Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders 25 Ice Geargolems. Bombardier : Defeat 30 enemies with bombs. Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders Skylanders. Dark Skylanders. Earth Skylanders. Fire Skylanders. Life Skylanders. Light Skylanders. Magic Skylanders. Tech Skylanders. Undead Skylanders. Water Skylanders. Other Skylanders. Categories :. Universal Conquest Wiki. Flamethrower Breath. Immolation Teleport. Flight of the Phoenix. Primary Ability Unleash a stream of flame breath. Secondary Ability Teleport to another location, leaving a damaging flame behind. Price: Phoenix Dash lasts longer, does more damage, and ends with a blast. Guided Teleportation. Phoenix Dash. Immolation Inflammation. Price: Control the direction of your teleport. Price: Flamethrower Breath does increased damage. Price: Perform a Phoenix Dash. Price: Flames left behind after teleporting do increased damage. View Flame Lord. Infinite Flame. Intense Heat. Phoenix Grand Blaze. Price: Endlessly use the Flamethrower Breath attack. Price: Hold the Flamethrow Breath attack longer for extra damage. Price: Hold Flamethrower Breath long enough to be surrounded by flame and do extra damage. Sunburn - Portal Masters of Skylands unite!

Her Series 3 counterpart is called Phantom Cynderand she has a skeletal October counterpart called Skeletal Cynder. During the development of the Skylanders universe, it was important for Toys For Bob to establish a brand new universe that could introduce a league of new heroes, but to also honor Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders history of Spyro and Cynder. The end of series left both Spyro and Cynder in a place that was open to interpretation and purposely left mysterious. This allowed the team the freedom to reintroduce these characters in a way that was very fitting for the world of Skylands — while also leaving it Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders longtime fans to use their own imaginations to fill in the blanks. For many fans, Skylanders represents a fresh start for both Spyro and Cynder. But there are enough nods to previous games to allow longtime fans the freedom to imagine their own connections with the past. From Paul Reiche III 's own perspective, Cynder was an opportunity to show an inverted image of Spyro — different gender, different original 'alignment' and very different approach to solving problems. While Spyro is a natural hero upon whom fortune has smiled most of his life, Cynder comes from a more troubled origin and has had to earn every ounce of her heroism the hard way. This contrast not only gives greater breadth to the role of dragons in our universe, but it also makes the friendship between Spyro and Cynder more interesting. When Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure was in development, Alex Nessformer Toys For Bob producer and chief-of-staff, revealed that the villain Vathek was originally planned to be the Undead dragon Skylander of the game, but the role was already taken by Cynder. Cynder's appearance has a few differences compared to her "Legend of Spyro" counterpart aside from retaining her bracelets and steel neck collar. Her scales are violet purple, her eyes are sky blue and the Brand of the Undead is marked on her forehead. Her head is narrow and flat, giving her a more serpent-like appearance while the edge of her head is Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders with the horns. A short spike protrudes from each of her wings and as well as one on her tail. Kidnapped as an egg by the evil MaleforCynder was brainwashed and trained in the ways of evil and darkness. She was a sinister dragon, a harbringer of despair and Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders taught to strike fear into the hearts of Malefor's subjects and spread terror far and wide. However a speck of goodness burned somewhere in her black heart, which made her internally aware of the evil she was committing. After being freed from Malefor's spell, Cynder desires to make amends by battling evildoers with her dark powers, but she still struggles with her past. As a Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders of being corrupted under the Undead element, Cynder retains a wicked side and can occasionally be menacing, but she is trying hard to control her Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders impulses from Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders to time. This omnious trait causes most of the Skylanders to try and keep a safe distance from Cynder just in case her inner darkness takes over. While she is loyal to the Skylanders, she is snarky, spiky when riled, witty, fierce and can be a terrifying force for good in the battle against the Darkness. Cynder also possesses a liking towards dark and brooding places, a trait shared by all Undead Skylanders. However Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders doesn't enjoy pranks or jokes of Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders kind. While just an egg, Cynder was stolen by the henchmen of an evil dragon named Malefor and raised to do his bidding. For years, she spread fear throughout the land until she was defeated by Spyro the Dragon and freed from the grip of Malefor. But dark powers still flow through her, and despite her desire to make amends for her past, most Skylanders try to keep a safe distance Cynder is a dangerous dragon with a dark past. While still in her egg, Cynder was stolen by the henchmen of the evil Dragon King named Malefor. He brought the youngster up as a black-hearted harbinger of despair, but deep inside Malefor's monstrous apprentice shone a small speck of goodness. It was none other than Spyro who released Cynder from Malefor's grip by defeating her in battle. Once defeated, the red mist lifted and the spell of evil was broken. Cynder quickly renounced her evil ways and vowed to fight for good. She even joined Spyro on a dangerous quest and came out smiling. However Kaoswho had claimed to be turning over a new leaf by battling evildoers, dealt with the problem long before the two Undead Skylanders arrived on the scene. Cynder and Zook were relaxing in the sunrays at the Cloudless Desertthough the violet dragon felt that they were wasting time when they should looking for the next fragment to the Mask of Power. Soon, Hex arrived via portal to inform Cynder and Zook that Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders Eon has requested their presence, but were forced into action when a freak rainstorm caused the sand dunes of the desert to start pulling the surrounding Mabu beachgoers underground like quicksand. After saving the inhabitants, the trio of Skylanders returned to Eon's citadel where they learned that there have been numerous unusual weather strikes in parts of Skylands. A seemingly reluctant Cynder enjoying the sunrays of the Cloudless Desert with Zook. They were escorted to Ghost Town where they learn from the Night Mayor Morbo of the unusual sunny weather conditions surrounding the area. The weather was caused by a powerful wizard named Hurrikazamwho suddenly arrived in town and demanded tributes in the form of Batterson 's pies to him all the while whisking away the villagers offering the pies. In spite of Cynder trying to rescue the undead villagers, Hurrikazam retreated, promising that if the inhabitants don't tend to his demands for pies, and if Skylanders angered him further, the weather wizard would bring an endless sunlight that would destroy the undead crops. Morbo soon revealed what happened to the villagers Hurrikazam had taken along with the pies: they have been turned back into living, breathing creatures, the opposite of undead. The Skylanders soon realized that Hurrikazam is innocent and was forcefully Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders his evil deeds by none other than Kaos. The evil Portal Master gloated that he was draining the undead villagers of their undeadliness to store it up in a tank of Undead energy to shower every island of Skylands with undead rain to turn the living into undead and destroy the other Elements. When Hurrikazam refused to drain the Skylanders of their element, Kaos clipped the wizard's precious flower for defying him and tried to proceed with the draining process anyway, but inadvertanty released the Skylanders from their hold. Just as the Skylanders had Kaos cornered, Hex suddenly trapped Cynder and Zook in her bone fortresses. The elf sorceress revealed that she has switched sides, now serving Kaos but was concerned if the Undead Energy Extractor was still functional. When it still was, Hex allowed herself to provide Kaos with her powerful Undead energy, claiming that she was tired of being feared and longed to be normal again. Kaos eagerly began the procedure, however the machine was overloading with Hex's power, which the elf sorceress planned all along and never actually defected to Kaos. The machine soon exploded, and after a brief moment of seeing Hex's true form, the Skylanders returned their attention to Kaos. While Cynder was busy repelling the evil Portal Master's pottery spells, she tricked Kaos into going near Dogwood, who became revived and seized both Kaos and Glumshanks upon being awakened. With Kaos driven away, the Skylanders celebrated their victory back in Ghost Town, where the Undead were returned to their normal forms and Hurrikazam apologized for his actions. Cynder along with the other Skylanders attempting to stop Kaos from using the Mask of Power. Cynder was one of the Skylanders who assembled to stop Kaos from reforming the Mask of Power. Despite getting through Kaos's defenses in his castlethe Skylanders were unable to stop Kaos from putting on the Mask of Power, which allowed him to steal the powers of the Skylanders, including Cynder's, rendering them defenseless. Cynder and the other Skylanders were teleported back to Eon's Citadel by Master Eon before they can be finished off. Without her ghost powers, she worked with the Skylanders in creating a makeshift tower to protect the Core of Light from Kaos. Despite their efforts, Kaos once again overwhelmed the heroes by using their powers against them. Trigger Happyalong with Cynder and the other Skylanders, tricked Kaos into Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders all of their powers at the same time, causing him to lose control. At that moment of weakness, the Mask of Power was yanked off of Kaos's face by Trigger Happy, allowing the Skylanders to recover their abilities and use them to fully destroy the Mask of Power once and for all. Cynder was putting on a exhibition show at the Rumbletown Arena by taking on many challengers, including Enfuego Chompies and a Crystal Golem. After the battle, the dragoness goes to meet and greet her eager fans, one of them being the fairy, Calliope. The two shook hands, and while Cynder suddenly felt weak, the sensation Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders away almost instantly. As she and Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders parted ways, Cynder was unaware that the fairy had unwillingly stolen Cynder's powers under orders of a returning enemy. After feeling weak from shaking hands with Calliope, Cynder began tracking down the fairy with a charm she bought from Auric. Realizing that she, Hex and Spyro were the only ones targeted by the fairy, Cynder joined her fellow Skylanders to the caves and followed Calliope to its depths. While navigating through the tunnels, Cynder felt as if she had been through the caves before. She and the other Skylanders soon spotted Calliope and quickly gave chase. Unfortunately, they arrived too late to stop Calliope from releasing their powers to a hidden shadow who absorbed their magic and became revived. Upon discovering the mastermind behind Calliope's actions, Cynder, Hex, Spyro, and Wallop were easily overwhelmed and knocked unconscious by the renewed fire power of the Undead Dragon King Malefor. She expressed animosity towards Calliope for allowing Malefor to return at full strength and insisted that the fairy must pay for what she had done. When it was revealed that Malefor was going after the to make her, Spyro and Hex suffer for the trouble they caused him, Cynder struggled in vain to Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders free to go and stop Malefor. In a fit of fustration, she lashed out at Spyro then Calliope before the purple dragon stopped her remarks. With some encouragement from Spyro, Cynder shared her experiences as Malefor's minion from the day she was hatched and how Spyro and Master Eon gave her a second chance despite her previous actions. She, along with the group, tried to convince Calliope that she could make up for what she had done. They immediately set off to stop Malefor, arriving at the demolished Skylanders Academy in time to challenge the evil dragon to a fight. With Spyro, Hex and Wallop, Cynder began distracting Malefor in order to lead him away from the Academy and its students. They used Mags to trap Malefor using chewing gum and redirected the Dread-Yacht into crashing into the evil dragon. However the collision only slightly damaged his armor, further angering Malefor who directs his fury to Spyro, angrily swearing that the young dragon will fall no matter how many times Spyro has stopped the evil dragon. This confused the four Skylanders as Hex was the who defeated Malefor. Unable to do any further damage, they were starting to lose the fight until Calliope and Persephone intervened, and directed Spyro to attack Malefor's chestplate to reveal Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders crystal he used to drain the Skylanders' powers. To destroy the chestplate, Hex used a spell on Spyro that would redirect his speed into a stronger impact with an orb. Cynder assisted Spyro by increasing his speed fast enough to smash Malefor's chestplate. Once it was out of the way, Spyro destroyed the crystal inside and released the powers of all defeated Skylanders. As Cynder spoke true about Malefor's persistent nature, the Undead Dragon King attempted to continue his attack despite now facing against a large number of rejuvenated Skylanders. Now back at full power, the Skylanders quickly tied Malefor's tail to the Dread-Yacht's anchor and Malefor was dragged towards the endless abyss when Wallop knocked the ship over the island's edge. Despite his pleas for help to Calliope, she and the others only watched as Malefor fell to the lower parts of Skylands. The fairy regretted having started the trouble to begin with, but Master Eon assured that the Academy would be rebuilt and the Skylanders and their allies would help her regardless. Cynder first appeared in Dragon Temple as a cameo with a non-speaking role, helping the other dragons to undo Brain 's mind control over Skylands. She later appeared in the Cursed Tiki Temple as the chapter's Storyteller, assisting the player in restoring the stolen Skull Tiki to his rightful place in the temple by evacuating the nearby islands. When Spyro defeated Cynder, he gave her a second chance despite her evil actions in the past, and they have been friends ever since. It is mentioned that after a dangerous quest with Spyro, Cynder came out smiling, presumably for the first time. While most Skylanders try to keep out of Cynder's way to be on the safe side, Wrecking Ball once thought it would be funny to trip up Cynder with his long tongue as a joke. However Cynder didn't find that funny, and she zapped Wrecking Ball's tongue with her Spectral Lightning, leaving the grub worm to not eat properly for a fortnight. At first, Cynder was happy to meet Calliope, who was another fan of hers. When Cynder discovered that the fairy was responsible for stealing her powers and allowing Malefor to return, the dragoness was hostile towards Calliope, proclaiming that the fairy must face the consequences for her actions. Spyro soon reminded Cynder that the one to blame for their predicament is Malefor, and Cynder apologized to Calliope for her behavior. Cynder expresses animosity towards Malefor as he was the cause of her dark past. Having been brought up under his control, she is fully aware of what the evil dragon is capable Skylanders Official Sticker Book: Meet the Skylanders.