Volume 3 Issue 38 לעלוי נשמת אברהם בן גרסיה Donated by the Accad Family
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בס״ד פרשת ואתחנן Volume 3 issue 38 לעלוי נשמת אברהם בן גרסיה Donated by the Accad Family ! 21 Cedar Street Lakewood NJ Shabbat Schedule Torat Hashem Temimah ערב שבת /Friday Minyan #1 Shir Hashirim 6:47 The Hatam Sofer zt”l writes that most people are under the impression that one must learn secular studies in order to understand our Torah. For instance, the Beit Minyan #2 Din must know the full solar and lunar systems in order to declare Rosh Hodesh. Mincha 7:52 Since the moon and the sun have various travelings in the heavens, they must Hadlakat nerot 7:57 know exactly when the new moon appears and not be fooled by false witnesses. This would cause a mistake in which days the holiday would fall out, such as Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, etc. Similarly, in order to know how to distinguish between an animal which is Taref they must know the anatomy of all animals שבת/Shabbat Shachrit #1 netz Amida 5:52 which would make any limb unhealthy or faulty that would deem it Taref. Similarly, they would have to be knowledgeable about all the types of Kosher Shachrit #2 korbanot 8:00 and Unkosher birds and fish. When dealing with the laws of Shabbat they would Shema Magen Abraham 8:32 have to learn all types of trades, such as what constitutes the laws of building and Shiur Chovot Halevavot demolishing not only in structures but also in utensils and farming; they must know all the laws of agriculture in order to decide what is permitted to do in the Shemita years in Israel and also regarding Shabbat. Medicine is a vital field to שבת Afternoon/ know in order to deal with violating Shabbat for sick people and what Halacha Shiur 5:45 medications or herbs are used for each sickness. Knowing the human anatomy is Kids Tehilim n/a vital in order to know what the symptoms are of all types of illnesses and disease. Business laws are vital for any Rabbi to know in order to deal with the everyday Mincha 7:00 arbitrations in the business world. Above all is the knowledge of human psychology in order to help a person function happily and overcome his desires, vices and problems that face almost everyone. Where did our Rabbis find this סעודת שלישית Shekia 8:15 wealth of knowledge? By the secular scholars and their writings? Where else was it found? We see that kings had in the royal palace Rabbis as advisors in all areas Rabbi’s lecture 8:45 of health, politics etc. The greatest doctors where Hachmei Hatorah; how did all Arbit the Hachmei Hatalmud, Rishonim, Aharonim know every fact of every Hochma? The Mishna in Rosh Hashana mentions that Raban Gamliel had outlined the Rabenu Tam 9:26 whole diagram of the moon and sun in every manner and would interrogate the witnesses in which way they saw the moon. This was common for all of Gedolei Bachurim Program Yisrael. The answer to all of this is, everything is found in our Torah Hakedosha. Hafoch Ba V’Hafoch Ba, Vekula Ba. Keep digging in deeper to our Torah and Learning n/a everything in the world is in it. This is really the answer to all of the Hochma in the world. Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Who created the world, put all of the Hochma Mincha into the Torah and told us. Seudat shelishit The Goyim will envy you because of your great .כי היא חכמתכם ובינתכם לעיני הגוים Arbit wisdom and praise Hashem, our G-d showing that this is our treasure and was only given to us. To sponsor a bulletin, please call (732) 703-4310 !1 בס״ד פרשת ואתחנן Volume 3 issue 38 לעלוי נשמת אברהם בן גרסיה Donated by the Accad Family ! The Ramban zt”l in his preface to the Torah said: All of the deep mystical secrets of the Torah and Prophecies, including all of the physical powers and energies that exist and will be were given over to Moshe Rabeinu. All were alluded to in the Torah in various methods of finding these secrets and were handed down from generation to generation from Moshe Rabeinu. As Shlomo Hamelech proclaimed that the knowledge of the whole creation was known to him, even the language of the trees, birds and animals. As our Rabbis say, there are fifty gates of wisdom. Why look for knowledge .אשרינו מה טוב חלקינו ומה נעים גורלינו .from the Goyim, when our holy Torah possesses it all STORIES OF OUR GEDOLIM Towards the end of his life, Rav Elya Meir Bloch zt”l, beloved rosh yeshiva of the Telshe Yeshiva suffered from a debilitating disease, which weakened him very much. When some talmidim came to visit him, Rav Elya was so weak he could not even greet them with the customary “Shalom Aleichem” or even a nod of the head. He was only able to acknowledge their presence with his eyes and it took him a while to finally be able to speak. “A shvere mishpat,” “A hard judgement” was what his talmidim heard him say. His talmidim were surprised by the rosh yeshiva’s choice of words, the man who had lost his wife and children in the Holocaust and who never complained. What did he mean? The rosh yeshiva explained, “All my life I was busy doing, whether learning, teaching, reviewing, even just helping around the house. But now I am forced to just sit and do nothing, and that is something that is very challenging for me.” To the rosh yeshiva who understood the value of time and accomplishment it was a great challenge. Rav Elya had always learned as much as possible, allowing interruptions only in cases of emergency, and devoted one hour a day that was not to be interrupted under any circumstances, even extenuating ones. Once, when he was ill and hadn’t learned his hour, he asked the talmid who was with him to begin learning. The talmid proceeded to learn the parsha and the rosh yeshiva, after checking that a half hour had passed told him to stop and rested. After regaining some strength, Rav Elya asked that the talmid continue and did not allow him to finish until another half hour had elapsed and was relieved to have been able, despite his incredible weakness to keep his hour of learning. But soon even this became too much for Rav Elya, and when he was visited by the other Telshe roshei yeshiva, Rav Mordechai Gifter zt”l and Rav Chaim Mottel Katz zt”l he explained the predicament he was in. “All my days from when I was able, I strictly adhered to my uninterrupted hour of learning. But now even just that had become too much for me, and might constitute pikuach nefesh in my state. I refuse to give it up, however unless you pasken that I should” And the roshei yeshiva paskened that he should. To sponsor a bulletin, please call (732) 703-4310 !2 בס״ד פרשת ואתחנן Volume 3 issue 38 לעלוי נשמת אברהם בן גרסיה Donated by the Accad Family ! נפלאות הבורא /HASHEM’S AMAZING WORLD Let’s say you’re a baby bird. In particular, you’re a chick belonging to the species Laniocera hypopyrra, which also goes by the elegant common name of the cinereous mourner. You hatch out of your egg and find yourself in a nest up in tree in a rain forest in Peru. You can’t fly. You can only wait for your parents to bring you food. You are, in other words, easy pickings. So what might you do to avoid getting snatched up by a predator? Perhaps you might hold very still so as not to attract attention. Perhaps you might also grow dull, bark-colored feathers to help you blend into you background. If you’re a cinereous mourner, however, this is not what you do. You grow brilliant orange plumage. You make yourself absurdly easy to see. Scientists first pointed out how odd it was that cinereous mourner chicks were so bright. Weirder still, the chicks become drab as they grow up. The researchers based their study solely on museum specimens of the bird, so they couldn’t learn all that much about what it’s like to be a bright orange chick in a predator-rife jungle. But they proposed that the chicks were actually ensuring their safety by growing bright feathers. They might be poisonous, for example, with toxic chemicals in their feathers. Their bright colors were thus a warning. Or perhaps they were harmless, but they were mimicking some unknown animal that was harmful. Now Scientists have observed cinereous mourner chicks in the wild. They were struck by the way that the chicks creep around their nests, like a caterpillar. Not just any caterpillar mind you. This bizarre caterpillar, which lives near cinereous mourner nests is enormous. It’s 12 centimeters long, or about the size of a cinereous mourner chick. And its hairs are tipped with an irritating toxin. They propose that the chicks both behave and look like this caterpillar (which belongs to a yet-to-be-described species). The resemblance goes beyond just color, the scientists observe. The chicks grow unusual feathers with long white tips–which resemble the hairs of the caterpillars! The cinereous mourner chicks practice something called Batesian mimicry. It’s a strategy that scientists have found in many species, especially butterflies. But this is the first time anyone’s found a possible case of Batesian mimicry in a bird.