42Nd Annual Report of the Bank for International Settlements
BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT 1st APRIL 1971 - 31st MARCH 1972 BASLE 12th June 1972 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction i I. The Crisis of the Dollar and the Monetary System 3 The US balance of payments (p. ß) ; US measures to limit the deficit (p. 11) ; the balance of surpluses and deficits (p. iß); the growing disequilibrium of the system (p. 16); prelude to 15 th August 1971 (p. 2ß); floating exchange rates (p. 27); the Smithsonian agreement (p. 29); post-Smithsonian developments (p. ßo) II. Survey of Economic and Monetary Developments and Policies 34 The domestic economic scene (p. ß4); money, credit and capital markets (p. ß8); developments and policies in individual countries: United States (p. 4;), Canada (p. 49), Japan (p. JI), United Kingdom (p. jß), Germany (p. JJ), France (p. 60), Italy (p. 6ß), Belgium (p. 6j), Netherlands (p. 66), Switzerland (p. 68), Austria (p. 69), Denmark (p. 70), Norway (p. 71), Sweden (p. 72), Finland (p. 74), Spain (p. 7j), Portugal (p. 76), Yugo- slavia (p. 77), Australia (p. 78), South Africa (p. 79); eastern Europe: Soviet Union (p. 80), German Democratic Republic (p. 80), Poland (p. 80), Chechoslovakia (p. 81), Hungary (p. 81), Rumania (p. 82), Bulgaria (p. 82) III. World Trade and Payments 83 International trade (p. 8ß); balances of payments (p. 8j): United States (p. 87), Canada (p. 89), Japan (p. 91), United Kingdom (p. 9ß), Germany (p. 94), France (p. 96), Italy (p. 98), Belgium-Luxemburg Economic Union (p. 100), Netherlands (p. ioi), Switzerland (p. 102), Austria (p.
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