Thoroughfare Map of Brazoria County, Texas

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Thoroughfare Map of Brazoria County, Texas A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T P E Y G A B L W R ! R O E K O L N B P Y A B D N D R ! Y ELLA ST A D N M D RD S KNAPP S A A P T T L N Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location X ! K STATE ROAD INDEX R M W R A A D Y 2 29M,30M 311 418 L E 19B 52 10K 129, A-D 5P 186 8O 242, A 28I 363 21D 6L 472 20C 528, A-B 12H, 11I OMA I Harris C P N ! Road Location S 1 3 20L 312 419 ! 21D,22C 53 9K 130 3P,4P 187, A 6O 243 27I 364 11Q 19D 474A 3M 529A 7O RICE R T 1 M D D D ARD R ! R MCH 4 14C,16D,17D,18E 54 9J 131 3P 188 11N 244, A-J 24F,24G 313 25D 365, A-B 4N 420, A-B 21M,22N 475 14E 530, A 16M ARD DEE RD Y FM 1462 11I Y K H C ! M K ! County! I E R A 5 23G 314 421 L P W 17E,18D,20D 55 9J 132 4P 190 6K,7N,8O 245 27H 366 17M 9K 476, A-F 22O 531 9Q W B ! E S FM 1495 29M Y O 234 A A G FM 2 ! ! 6 6N 315 422 R ! 14P 56 7K 23C 532 24I O 133, A 6P 191 11O 247 25H,26I 367 7Q 8P 477 D I R 8 N S L I Harris ! R D 8 D A FM 1128 3N,6M !L ! ! K ! 2 ! Y ! 7 20C 316 423 ! A N 14D 57 7K,7L 136, A 9Q 191, A-C 11O 248 27F,29G 368 6O 9Q 478 3N 533 16K ! ! ! ! ! ! Brooksi!de Villag e D H ! R R ! ! !! ! P S !! ! ! FM 1301 19C,20E D D ! 8 14D 58 4L 138, A-E 8N, 8O 192 11N,12N 249 9Q 317 29G 369 9P 424, A-D 10P 479 3N 534 14C ! ! ! ! ! K ! Y W! ! ! County 9 14D 59 3L 139 6O 193 12O 251 25M 318 29G,30F 370 10Q 426 27F 480 6O 535 14D E Y FM 1459 20C,22E,24E L R 8 ! ! C S ! 8 O R 10 4P 319 427 13D 60 10K,10L,10M 24H 536, A 7O 2 D 141 7O 194 11N 252 26G,28G 371 23D 16N 481 G Y ! R 2 ! FM 1462 9O,10M,14D ! O N 9 ! M ! H I R R N 4 2 A ! A F S 11 3P,4P 320 428 ! L 13D 61 9L 142 8P 195 13O 253 27E 372 24E 19L,20L 483 19F 537, A 6N,6O K D ! IE ! K C S IX ! E ! D FM 2004 14R,20M,23K,26J ! K C R D R V ! 8 12 15G 321 429 S ! 13D 62 9K 143, A-B 4O,5O,6O 196 13O 255 25D,27C 373 24I 25H 484 21F 538, A-D 8N A R A R ! 8 D D 4 H ! 6 O T 2 R 9 Y ! 6 S L 9 S FM 2234 1K 13 23R,25Q,26P,26Q 322 430 ST !2 A ! ! 19G 63 9K,9L 144 6O,7O 197, A-E 13P 257, A-G 25D 374 23D 4P 485 17E 539 7O ADWAY ! 6 ! A M RO ! 0 B ! H O ! ! R M 8 C K ! ! ! ITE ! G Y M ! ! F S 1 8 9 R C CR A R E A ! 14 13O 64 8K,8L 145 6N,7O 198 13O 257, J-M 27P,25Q,26Q 323, 324 25C 375, A 22C 431 10Q 486, A 27J,28J 540 6O D I P R H M FM 2403 11O C! N S 2 E C R P ! ! ! Y C 9 A H 7 S R 8 B 4 ! 15 24Q,25Q,24R,25R 325 432 7 R 14E 65 9L 146 7N 199 20K 257, N-S 12O 376 20E 28I 487 17F 541 6O ! C L T 0 4 2 L R ! E 4 FM 2611 27I,28H,30G 9 I 6 A 8 8 ! ! K A N 16 22D 326 433, A-D 8 ! 14E 67 8L 21B 543 19L,20L R 147 7O 200 13P,14P 262, A-C 9Q 377 10N 23L 488, A-C G R N ! D 3 ! C C ! C 8 P FM 2852 20F ! C C ! R ! ! 17 14F 69 8M 148 7O 201, A-B 23K 264, A-Y 14C 327 4N 378, A-D 9Q 434, A 25M,26M 489 25G 544, A-D 8M, 9M R R C K C ! R R R 59 D ! C W 59 ! M CR C R 59 ! ! 4 CR CR 59 ! ! C !! R Y 1 1 A 8 ! ! 3 CR 59 ! ! FM 2917 13P,15Q 18 10Q 328 435 14G,15D 72, A-Z 2M 24H 545 8P ! ! 9 C 149 7O,8O 202 11J 266 23G 379, A-B 24J 10N 490 ! 0 0 I 3 R ! C ! ! ! ! ! ! N 3 ! 0 ! 9 R 6 ! ! DE 7 7 C R EA 9 2 G M S C 5 B F S 9 R 2 19 10Q 329 436 ! R ! R H 16E 74, A-J 3M 150 7O 203, A 15P,16P,17P 267 28L 380, A 13G 10O 492 10Q 546, A-B 11L 6 T 9 0 C ! C FM 2918 30I,31J C C 2 ! 4 C R 4 5 4 R 2 M ! R ! D ! R 3 ! Y R AILE C 1 8 B 20 11K 330 437 8 16E 77, A-C 2M 19F 547, A-D 19L 152 6O 204 23G 269, A-D 27L 381 15N 20G 493 ! A 3 Pearland ! ! 1 R ! 8 1 C 8 I 8 ! 0 ! ! N 4 1 FM 517 8P 8 !! C 9 R ! 7 ! 2 2 21 14O 331 438, A R 101 !! 16E,17E 80 6L 153 8P 205 22L 272A-B 10M 382 9K 17M 494 22F 548 4P 1 C 4 ! ! ! S ! 1 5 R 0 ! ! ! ! ! 829A ALK 1 ! ! 7 CR T 2 ORW C R N ! 5 CR 564A R CR 90A 3 C 3 FM 518 2L,2O 22 4N 332, A 439 R 17E 81 6K,6L 154 9Q 206 5N 279, A 24E,25D,26D 383 6K 9L 495 27F 549 6K CR 88 C 6 CR 327 ! B 112 M S CR 101E CR R 894 8 A C ! ! H 7 C B C C 23 9O 333, A 440 17E,17F,17G,18G 82, A-B 3M 155 9P,9Q 207 17M 280 8L 384, A-B 13G,13H 21D 496 28I 550, A-C 11O CR 564 C ! 0 I ! FM 521 9J,14K,21I,23H,27F ! 5 9 CR C N ! C R R R 2 R B 10 R 1 C R 8 R S C C CR 110 1 8 7 ! 24, A 6O 334 441, A-F 4 16G,17F 84 4L 156, A 10P 208 17N,19O 281 25E,25F 385, A-H 17I,18H,18I 31K,32K 497 21L 552 9K 8 T R R ! 8 0 8 3 R 100 9 C FM 522 21F,23F 8 ! 9 C C ! 7 4 8 6 ! 0 00 M 2 8 R 1 100 8 C CR 9 ! R 1 25 9N 335 442, A R 100 ! 13G,17G, 19G 85 4L 22F 557 10N 2 CR ! A 157 10P 209 17N 282 29H 386 16M 10N 498 3 ! ! C !! 6 ! R 7 ! I 1 8 !! 8 ! 5 9 8 ! ! ! N 2 C FM 523 18J,21L,22M,24N,26N ! 8 4 8 7 ! C 25A 19G 86 7N 158 10P 210 16O,18M 283 9O 336 27L 387 12N 443 18L 499 6O 558 11Q S ! R C 2 R R 8 O T R C C ! 4 4 R 2 ! I C ! R 58 9 1 FM 524 20B,23C,24D,26F C 7 ! L 26 8O 337 444 16H 89, A-B 4M 159 10Q 211 17N 284 17K 389 3M 16J 500 9P 559 18O ! 8 ! 58 1 R 9 ! 58 C ! 3 8 CR ! F ! 5 35 CR ! 0 9 ! R CR 8 6 CR 5 ! ! M I ! CR 58 ! ! 8 58 CR E 27 4P 338 445 58 C C F C 17G 90 4M 15K 560 2M I 160 10Q,11P 212 19M 285 27L 390 9M 29G 501, A R 8 R FM 528 7P C ! O C L R 176A 2 R ! 8 2 CR 709M ! 5 D W ! 28 4P 339 447, A 1 19K 91 3M 161 10P 213 19L,19M 286 17K 391 3P 20F 502, A-C, E 23E 564, A-B 4K H R ! 7 A Fort Bend D FM 655 13J,14H S 8 ! 4 8 2 S 1 D CR ! ! 2 ! L ! ! ! ! ! R A ! 1 29 27N 340 448 H 8 19J 94 2L,3L 25M 566 3L C 162 4O 214, A-H 23J 287, A-C 18K 392 9N 13D 503 N 1 8 ! R R R 3 FM 865 2M 2 M ! A E 5 F 30 22K 341 449 17J,18J 95, A-C 7N,6N,6M 163 10P,10Q 215, A 6N 288 18K,18L 393, A-D 6N 21F 504, A-B 21N 567 12K 4 M ! H Y S 8 County H S C I 31 17J 98 5N 21D 342 450 27E,28E 568 11J 6 ! R R W LOOP 274 19K 164 10Q 217 27L 289 24G 395 11K 19E,20D 505 A ! E 98 S S UR Z H T ! L BELLO SP WA C C DE 32 20K 343 451, A-B 6 KIO S 16J,17J 99 6N 165 10Q 219 20K,20L 290 23G 396 11Q 8L,8M,9M 506, A 25G,26H 569 12I D LOOP 409 8P ! R H 8 C R W S ! R H 2 33 5P, 6O 344 452 6 4 8 I 3 14M 100, A-C 4M,4N,4O 166 10Q 220, A-B 21K,21L 291, A-B 23F,24F 397 6N 22D 507 23G 570 10H O 5 1 9 5 ! E S C H 8 8 8 R 5 6 1 SH 288 4L,14K,17K,23K,27M 2 W 1 B 9 0 SH ! B 34 11Q 345 453, A-F H ! A S 15J 101, A-E 3M,4M 167 11Q 221 10M 292 23F 398 6N 17K 508, A 23I 571, A 20D 6 M D S S R H F C H L C ! 6 R SH 288B 6K,18K,20L,24L N N R ! S 35 27J 346 454, A 13K,13L 103 4N 168 11Q 223 23M 293 24H 399 6N 21K 509 18E 572, A 9K 1 H 8 I 9 3 90 6 ! 8 C 5 8 A R ! C C 2 L 14! 36, A 6O 347 455 C 3A SH 332 24K R 14I,14J,15I 104 4N 169 11P 224 21M 294 24F,24G 400 24I,25J,25K,27L 25F 510 A-Z 26H,27H 573 6K R H CR 956 S 8 C H ! T S H R 2 3 4 E 6 ! A M V 1 ! E 3 C 8 I 38 28K 348, A 456 8 S 9M 107,A-F 3M 170 11P 225 7N 295 23F,23G,23H 401 19H,20G 17F 511 11M 574, A 10M,11M S 1 F L R H S 9 C CR V 1 3 8 L 3 SH 332 24I,26M,27N S 6 T 3 C O A 3 5 C R 13 C 3 8 C R I H Manvel M 3 S R H A 2 H R 7 R ! ! R 39 3N 349 457 R 12H 110 4O 20L 575 7N 6 F A 171 15N,17M 226, A 23M,24M 297, 298 24H 402 17M 20D 513 A 7 ! C L H R C 4 1 W S SH 35 1N,8P,16M,20H,23C B 3 3 ! 57 H D R 1 CR N S IS 8 573 6 2 S 6 CR 7 3 Galveston E L 3 40 26K 350, A-E 458, A-D C E N 12H 112 4O 172 10O,12N 227, A-B 21P,22O,24N,26M 299 9Q 403 2M 22M 515 23H 576, A 9N,10N 0 L S W 4 9 B 8 R L 9 CR 418 R H I L 9 S ! 8 2 CR 41 R D 6 S L D D H R ! LL N ! E M ! BARR SH 36 15D,22F,26I,28L ! S R 42 20G 351 459, A-M ! T 8 H A 10H,10J,11H 113 4O 173 5K 228 24L 300, A-J 7P 405 23L 23O 516 20C 577 8O ! C 6 3 0 B S H 6 6 I R 81 S 5 CR 81 C S K ! E ! 43 27K 352 461, A-B RD RD ! ! ! E R 8 9J 115 4O 22F 580 20E ULLA ! L ! SH 6 5L,6L,7O 174 5K 229 27N 301 23F 407 20L 26G,26H,27G,27H 517 B ! ! J L 2 N County ! ! O R S N A C R D H I 9 A 6 M R ! ! D W P C R 6 44 13O 353 462, A-B ! A 18J,19K 116 4O 175, A-F 5O 230 27N 302, A-C 23F,23G 409 24E 23M 518 18I 581 14S R ! C 8 N 9 C 3 SPUR 28 16M 8 5 6 ! ! C R R ! 2 SH 3 9 36 78 D 6 C 3 CR 9 R O 45 15L,15M,16K 117 4O 176, A-C 5O 231 23M 303 4P 354 23G 410, A-D 4N 463 25G,26G 519 27I 582, A-B 23G FC D R A 3 L H R ! R SH 9 ! L 8 S P K ! SPUR 300 15K 6 5 C O ! 3 R 46 26K,27J 355 464, A ! A 5 16M 121 10M 179 9O 232 23M 304 23G 411 6O 11M 520, A-B 26H 583, A-B 8N D L 4 R CACTUS N 6 C 9 0 E 39 ! ! Y 5 ! R 9 J 6 9 C R 47 5N,5O,6O 356 466 ! 15M 122 10L 180 8O 233 20L 305, A-B 23F,23G 412 7L 13O 521 14O 584 5K RE O 8 7 9 SH JULIF 57 L ED R 8 6 C F M CR L ! ANVEL! N 4 RD O R D R 8 3 7 CR 57 A C C 6 5 O R ! S 48 3L,9K,13K,18K 123,A 14O 181 7N,8O 235 7O 306, A 29I,30G,30H 357, A 7Q 413 4O 467 20F 522 14B,14C 586 23G C N R H 0 ! C 6 ! C R ! 5 P R 1 AC ST 8 C W 8 LUL D 4 D S C CITY INDEX 48A 31K 359 468 8 1 H 17K 124 4P 182 9N 236 25H 307 23D,23E,24D 414, A 4O,5O 20G 523 16E 588 9L R 9 R 6 ! 2 4 C W N ! C ! C ! R 9 S ! 4 R R H ! H C B 8 6 49 9M 360 469 15K 125 3P,4P 183 9N 237 9O 308 24D 415, A-D 26G,26H 30J 524, A-C 7L 589 3M C R C 9 5 Y S ! C R 6 8 C City Location R 4 R P C 3 ! 9 C 19 ! A I 0 0 R O ! ! 50 27H,28H 361 470 ! R C D 4O 127 4P 20C 595 21M,21N 5 D R S 184, A 10N 240 15M 309 23G 416 27H 11N 525 8 R 9 R MUNSON P C 7 2 1 ! S 8 W 3 ! 4 K 1 8 R 7 CR 357 U 4 7 ! E 2 4 1 8 ! 3 9 S C 51 13K 128 5O 26I,27I,28H 362 471 11J 596 21M A C 9 185 9N,9O,10O 241 30N 310 20D 417, A 22F 28H 526 R 7 LU N C 37 ELE RD 5 Alvin 9O H E R L R ! ST R ! 6 ! 79 ! R 6 CR 56 CR 56 CR 56 S S VA A C ! CR 6 56 S ! 1 R 5 CR 7 8 C ! 1 ! R 56 C ! C R C ! C 6 56 L 6 R CR ! ! ! 8 1 9 2 ! ! ! F R 9 E 1 ! E ! ! R 0 1 C H ! 2 5 C E 1/ D R 9 ENUE ! C AV Angleton 17L C 6 Y C 0 R O E 8 C 4 7 R R ! 8 E S Road 3 Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Road Location Location Road Location Location M 6 C S Road 8 O R 3 O 5 1 H ! 5 H ! F 5 8 R 6 1 ! R ! D R E 4 L R 1 7 1 H R S 4 C 5 H 20J 2 C 9 Baileys Prairie C 5 802 26F 16P 892 S 2 20L 637 18E 677 26H 715,A-F 5K 758 8K 847 8Q R C 8 0 6 597 943, A 20E, 20F 8 4 R ! 1 D 8 8 R C ! ! 2 ! 2 4 C 803 25G,26F 17O 893, A-C R 7 1 20L 638 21D 678 23G 716
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