TCU Daily Skiff Wednesday, September 1, 1993 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 91st Year, No. r; University trio works on Salvadorans' speech disorders

By VICKI LOGAN would benefit from various types of some cases, their parents had to be palate, she said. "If someone has a lot of problems anything about it." TCU Daily Skiff correctional operations, yet they interviewed, Anderson said. They Another type of procedure is that you can fix through surgery, but One of the major differences found themselves helping in many were questioned about medical back- designed for those suffering from then they are not worked on in direct between the cleft problems in the Speech pathology professor other ways as well. Anderson said grounds, allergies, previous treat- either an open lip or an open palate, speech therapy it will not get United States and in El Salvador is Raqucl Anderson and graduate stu- she served as an interpreter for par- ments and other vital information, Anderson said. Finally, there is a resolved," she said. the number of people who are dents Normie Rodriquez and Julie ents, doctors, nurses and patients. she said. Each patient was also given speech-only surgery which is called El Salvador has very few places to treated. Anderson said. She said both Betts said they were shocked to see "It ended up that I had to interview several tests to measure the extent of secondary surgery, she said. It receive any speech therapy, so those of the two hospitals m El Salvador hundreds of people lining up to seek all of the adults because 1 was the his or her problem. involves connecting a piece of the who did not need surgery continue to for patients to receive speech therapy their help in speech pathology after only native Spanish speaker." she Anderson said the articulation test pharynx to the soft palate to block air suffer. Anderson said. Other patients are military hospitals. arriving in El Salvador. said. "None of the doctors knew involved a series of pictures the from escaping. had to be turned away because they To be eligible for treatment, the The three had an opportunity to Spanish, except one anesthesiolo- patient had to name. There were four plastic surgeons. did not have cleft palate problems, patient's fainiK must somehow be travel with a nonprofit organization gist." This allowed the speech patholo- four anesthesiologists, four nurses she said. connected with the military, Ander- called Austin Smiles, which per- During the 4-day trip, the trio eval- gists to hear each patient individually and three post-surgery nurses who Parents would bring their adoles- son said. forms surgery free of charge in dif- uated approximately 30 people rang- in order to determine the best treat- made up the four surgical teams. cents to receive treatment for their T he other option is the Bloom ferent parts of the world to those ing in age from infants to the elderly. ment. Each person was also given a These doctors worked nine hours a speech problems, yet manv time Children's Hospital, which has suffering from cleft lips or palates. Anderson said. The extent of their mouth examination, Anderson said. day and were able to perform they did not know the extent of their excellent state-of-the-art equipment. Rodriquez and Betts were selected conditions varied as well, she said. After these initial tests, Anderson between 80 and 100 surgeries at a problems. Anderson said. yet no one to work it. Anderson said to be part of the project because they For some, these Americans were said it was possible to evaluate which military hospital during the four Some patients were diagnosed as In the limed Stales, an elderly per- were able to pay their own ways, the first people to ever examine type of surgery, if any. would best days. Anderson said. being deal, and this was the first time son is rarely seen with a cleft prob- were fluent in Spanish and had com- them; others had already been benefit the patient. Although most of the work that their families were able to under- lem that has not had some treatment. pleted special courses in voice and through some surgery and were She said the first basic type of was done in El Salvador was encour- stand why they had not been able to she said articulation disorders. returning for additional procedures, surgery has two parts, and is for those aging and successful, Anderson said speak, she said. Anderson said she felt confident While in El Salvador, the TCU Anderson said. born with an open lip and palate. The there were other times when the "Basically, what they wanted was bet work in II Salvador was a iuc- team was told they were responsible Before any medical procedures lip is repaired, and after it has healed patient's diagnosis was heartbreak- a miracle." she said. "They wanted us tor evaluating patients to see if they were performed, the patients and, in it is possible to go back in to close the ing. to fix it. and we really could not do see TriOtpage 6 Professors say NAFTA brings hope of success Free trade agreement faces challenge in congressional vote, public opinion

By GINGER RICHARDSON of the Masici of Business Adminis- TCU Daily Skiff tration program in the M.J Neeley School oi Business, agreed with One of the issues Congress faces Carter. in the upcoming months is a vote on "If the Mile were held today. I the North American Free Trade think it would he \cr\. very close' Agreement. Rhodes said. "If it did pass, it would The three-way pact that would probably be bj the same margin as open trade barriers m Norih America Bill Clinton's budget plan " TCU Daily Skiff/ Jenny Putchinski has been the cause of much contro- NAFTA's opponents also feel a Here in Texas, we do everything bigger. Like the childrens' game "Duck Duck GMtt," here played with cars over the versy, especially on environmental tree trade agreement would be detri- weekend on South Drive behind Tom Brown flail. and labor issues. mental because ii would cause the But three university professors loss of some manufacturing iohs m said the I lined Stales should benefit the 1 .S from the trade agreement While Carter, Fortenberry and "Mexico currently has no work- Rhodes agree that Job loss is a real- ers' rights laws, minimum wage laws it\. all three believe the positive or environmental protection laws." aspects of NAFTA will cancel out said Sally Fortenberry, assistant pro- the negative. Coalition presses political agenda fessor ol design and fashion "The job shift is inevitable and "However, there are ways in com unavoidable," Carter said. "It is true that we may lose manufacturing jobs ByTASHAZEMKE that picture by building Christianity questionnaire to candidates, asking life," Fisher said. "If we can win at bai these issues." she said, "such as TCU Daily Skiff in the government. them to give their view on issues the local level, the state and national the numerous side agreements, sane and the like, bin other lobs will be Christian candidates retain and such as abortion, homosexuals in the level will follow " tions and. most importantly, the Tri- created as a result. A nationwide Christian coalition reflect thei" religious values. Fisher military and crime in today's Fisher observed that prayer is pre- National (ommission. an arbitration "Nationally, it will balance out." is claiming thai America has moved said. schools. sent in our government's large leg- panel consisting of U.S.. Mexican lie said "Some economists saj that from a predominantly Chriiitan "Religion spills over into political Their responses are sent back to islative bodies but not in our schools. and Canadian officials." NAT I A will actually he a plus." nation to a largely anti-Christian, office. It is ridiculous to think it the coalition, which prints and dis- "When I was in elementary school, Ralph Carter, chairman of the Rhodes tailed \ \l 1 A a political pagan nation. won't." he said. "A person's reli- tributes the answers in the form of a we opened our classes in prayer; each political science department, said issue "Christianity is an attitude," said gious base affects everything a per- voters' guide. Every candidate has a morning our teacher lead the student disagreement over environmental "It is true that we arc exporting Scott Fisher, director of communica- son does." chance to reflect their positions body in prayer. That is out the door issues is one of the greatest problems jobs lo Mexico," he said " I lie has!, tions for the Texas Christian Coali- The coalition hopes that political because the coalition wants to see today," Fisher said. "The president of facing NAFTA. question is. will the jobs created oil tion. "The kinds of issues we're leaders will keep their faith and use it responsible legislative process at all the I nited States and the Senate can "Right now. the side agreements sei the jobs that arc lost?" dealing with politically today are not towards their decisions in office, he levels. Fisher said. open in prayer, but school children that have been made in regards to the Fortenberry said NAFTA will reflecting Christian society," Fisher said. The guide includes information can not," he said. cm ironment are not strong enough to open I S markets to consumers said. The Texas Christian Coalition ranging from congressional to local The national and state levels of appease Rep Richard Gephardt (D- from all over North America. "Today we have problems with retains a nonpartisan stance, and its school board candidates. All levels Christians have decreased, he said. Mo.) and Rep. David Bonior ID- "Although NAFTA will eliminate drugs, teen pregnancies, weapons." goal is to increase public awareness are important, he said. and the coalition would like to bring Mich), two of NAFTA's strongest some jobs, we (the U.S) will still be he said. "We believe the kinds of of all candidates running for office, The coalition hopes to restore some of it back. opponents." tarter said a distribution center." Fortenberry problems in society today can bene- not just Christian candidates. morality both in Texan and national The Rev. Charlie Calabrcsc. "(iephardt and Bonior have a lot of said. "We need NAT 1 A because we fit from Christianity." "The coalition wants to inform the government, and in return, effect the adviser to the TCU Catholic Com- credibility in Congress, and it the need Mexico to purchase out goods." I be coalition, a political organiza- people of the candidates they will be Texan and American people. munity, disagrees. He believes that vote were held today. I don't think n "Retailers in the l s and 1 exas tion affiliated with the National electing," Fisher said. "We need to bring Christian val- would pass m the House." Christian Coalition, hopes to change Every year the coalition sends a ues back to the American way of til Agenda, page 2 Robert Rhodes, academic director sec NAF'I K,page 2 Engineering to add INDEX Jewish students and staff adapt A New Utopia? What are motives behind the Mars exploration? to life at a Christian university faculty, lab in future Page 3

QandA "Everyone thinks it's so cool when More developments for the depart- By DENA RAINS TCU staff in 198S. they made TCU ByR. BRIAN SASSER Sports editor starts first of ment are planned, as the program TCU Daily Skiff seem so attractive," he said. "I asked, you tell them you're Jewish." she TCU Daily Skiff weekly interviews with grows in number of students and 'Just how Christian is Texas Chris- said, "it's like they've never seen a Pat Sullivan. The university's newly-developed classes offered. Nelson said. Freshman pre-ma|or Reesa Shiff- tian University?' because, of course. Jew before." Page 5 engineering department is focusing "By cultivating the confidence and man said her decision to come to I'm Jewish. Ciotzman's mother was not on hiring a new faculty member and credibility of the program, at some TCU made some of her high school "They said. 'David, you don't extremely happy about bet attending developing a mechanical lab during point the different ingredients will METROPLEX friends laugh. know anything about the Disciples ol a Christian university, she said the upcoming year, said Harold D come together and culminate in the "It was a big joke in high school Christ, do you'.'' and. of course. I "She likes the school, so that Nelson, professor of engineering and construction of the engineering Todays weather will before 1 left: the little Jewish girl is admitted my ignorance. 1 have never makes it better." she said. "Her chairman of the department. building," he said. be partly sunny with a going to a Christian university," she felt anything than totally accepted biggest fear is that I'll meet some "Our primary developmental goal Another goal for the program is to high temperature of 87 said. here." Christian guy and fall in love with is to get the first phase of the mechan- hire a new faculty member, who will degrees. Even though they are teased some- But that's not always the case. him." ical lab developed." Nelson said. teach mechanical engineering, for Thursday's weather times about going to a "Christian" Sometimes. Jewish students said, Cioing to a Christian school made Since the engineering department the fall of 1994. Nelson said. will be sunny with a high university, many Jewish students at they do feel out of place. her more aware of her faith, she said. is only in its second year, the devel- "I think TCU offers an excellent temperature of 96 TCU said life at TCU is not very dif- "I used to be in a sorority, and they "TCU is a very diverse campus." opment of the program grows with teaching environment," he said. "We degrees. ferent from any other college. would say prayers. It was kind of she said. "It's more about many dif- the students. Nelson said. have a great opportunity to have one- David Metz, senior associate uncomfortable." said Michelle Gotz- ferent faiths coming together rather "We are trying to phase in our pro- on-one contact with the students." director of admissions, said he felt man, a junior theater major and pres- than all being Christian." grams one year at a time," he said. Edward S. Kolesar Jr. was hired uneasy about working for a Christian ident of the TCU Jewish Association. Metz also praised the university's "We offer courses and labs as university at first. Other times, Shiffman said, Jew- .vee Jewish, page 2 needed." see Changes, page 2 "When I was asked to join the ish students can feel like novelties. I\i«c Wednesday,September i, 1993 l( l DAILY SKII I

Non-credit classes CAMPUSlines A\J; GvuU U, "WA-rk. CAMPUSHaes is provided as ba<0 krf X CUA efijoUinm » service to the TCU commu- discuss publishing, nity. Announcements of cvcnls, meetings and other general campus information Kennedy shooting, should he hroug>ht hv the Skif) office. Moudy 29IS or sen! to TCU Box 32929. Tfct SUffrtttn es the right to edit nutritious cooking for style and taste.

Parabola, the math honor ByKRISTABURNHAM the three are experts in the field and society, presents speaker Ken TCU Daily Skiff residents of the Dallas/Ion Worth area Clarke af 3:30 p.m. Thursday in Wtnton-Scott Hall Room I his icniciler, the university is I MI v Row, editor for the TCU ciik-nnr "ii nun credit li.isscs open I'ress. firings his expertise in the field 145. Clarke will speak ahout Coffege 6y Dan JClffeen In stink-UN iiml OIL- ci'iiliniiintv .IIHI of publishing to the puhlie in his "Tennis Anyone'.': A Schedul- ing Problem." weic... I CAM LOOK HIOD iraoe i Line TO IT'S THE PAPS* Vc* tOV covering topici front Honk publish- course "What's in a Hook." This STUDENT 06ujS 6)0 THt" FR6WT 1*66 AMD] LOOIS AT-me Focice- THAT ALLOWS \ COULD BLOTTER TO see IF x ing to race reading class w ill focus on the stages ofbook fM>6R HERE. See WHICH OF MY FRteUD^ WE T0KEEPLJP JUST CALL I he International Stu- IT KeAccY 6WES j Rec06Wtze AUY UAVES. I he ikisscs will he held in the publishing from the author's com- 6tv6ei^ nouses WAS rve MlD I CJCCts. THE dents Association will hold its llOFORMHTIOkJ evenings, »i'h the exception ol some puier to the bookstore or supermar- R6LEVI0HT TO / LATEST TO 66T WAILED IT,VTORIALS IW case fust meeting at 5 p.m. Iluirs- . Mfc. e# THE DeAW. trWmL weekend ehisses ITie cost r.iiiftcs ket, Row said, lie said he will also ^ secF-(?Me*5RAssiU6 from S23 toSI2S Anyone interested discuss the carious types of publish- day. Ihe location is available at the Student (enter Informa- can registei through the Office of ing such as New York-, textbook- tion Desk. Call Ingrid Koa at I (tended I ducation, where copies ol and self-publishing. Row said he also I he I earner's ' mule ;i catalogue of hopes tn dispel the myth that all puh- 926-4038, current non credit courses, are avail- lishuiL' arrangements ate multi-mil- Ihe Kegistrar's Office €^ able lion dollar deals must he notified ot student "Health) I ifestj le < ooking "I have faith that there will always address changes before Sept. (hisses" will he conducted In Chef In- hooks and jobs loi people like 1(1 Change* will he made in Dave Coopet .mil dietitian Eileen me." he said Ihe new I rog (alls. (lold t< 'ii both with the Marriott Row said he hopes to show that the I noil Sen it e Staff 1 he class will community Still holds an interest in Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson on basii nutrition information, hooks as a form ol entertainment Explore, a nonprofit questions on nutritioui i ooking, "People lake hooks tor granted." women's organization, is cur- rently holding registration for DAD. WILL lew 1 THINK. XOvJ SHOULD WOT WAT KIHO OF BELL! recipes .tint demonstrations, accord- he said c lasses I he ICC class will he FMT fv BELL LEARN HOW TO RvOE I WftUT ONE THAT'LL inr m I he I earner's ' iuide ( hiss Row said he also wants 10 help OH MX B\KE p BEfORE fCW WORRS WARN ME WHEN THE held from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Mon- members will receive coupons and people see thai hooks are an impor- (vBCWT HiVUNG ft DftRN BU& SNEftWNG days starting Sept. 22. Call pamphlets .is well us partii ipating in tant part ol out daily life, whether it BELL TO RING -^ UP ON ME ' a tasting session of foods prepared in he reading lor pleasure or simply 861-4434. class looking over an instruction manual. Ihe IW (,olf Spectacu- Ajiothet i ourse ol being offered is "Twenty seats ago people were I be Kenned) v .1 ination What saying the honk was dead." Row lar, benefiting the Circle T W Know Now.' which marks the said. "Hut this just hasn't happened." (iirl Scouts, hcgllls at X approai King .tv id I'cny and llliedl Alier. authot ol "Ballad fot Sallie" iworth \icordingtotheguide, ami directoi »i H r Press Jewish Association is trying to help other people understand Ihe faith. page I Changes/, Jewish/ "We want to have discussions with will see a tariff phase out OVCt a those of other faiths," (iotzman said. period ol III \eals tins summer to join the faculty in the religious diversity. "We want to become more involved NAFTA/.page I "Products that ate on the "('" list Agenda/./ 1993 fall semester and hold the uni- "TCU welcomes all faiths and with Uniting Campus Ministries." include items like men's and hoc versity's W. A. "lev" Moncric! .It views them as interesting, pluralistic Two years ago. the Jewish Associ- wool spoils coat and suits, as well as should Sim thinking about expand the Texas Christian Coalition wants Founding ( hair of Engineering. and reflective of life in the United ation held a I lanukkah party, and half i ntton sheeting broadcloth," I orten- ing to Mexico," she said "As the a "hard and last way" of defining a Kolesar was a professor of electri- Slates." he said. "I try to impart these of those who attended weren't Jew- hens said. "These arc categories in standard ol living in that countr) Christian moral response. cal engineering at Ihe Air force Insti- thoughts on prospective students. ish. which the United States dominates uk teases the) w ill have more money I lie coalition is trying to define t u I c o I I cchnaltigy at We owe il to the student body to "Kveryone is really curious," she ihe market and feels strongly aboul what it is to be a Christian, he said, to spend in \ retail stores " Wrighl Patterson An Force Base in bring m people from other races, reli- said. not having a ctrcat import surge. I ortenbeiT) said il the I S fails to and people who stray from that defi- Ohio before joining TCU. gions, and geographical areas." The Jewish Association met last We ate aheady moving forward establish international trade with nition are not who they would call Along with recruiting teachers, the Many people don't take (iot/man Saturday for their annual Bagel in our revolution,'' she said "Mexico Me ■ '1 0, someone else will. "< hiistiaii " department and university arc trying as Jewish because her hlonde hair Brunch. Members of the Jewish is pist beginning theirs. We will be "Right now we have a satin.lied "They're saying, Here's the way to recruit engineering students. doesn't match their stcreofype that Association plan to attend temple the instigators of their industries. market as fat as textiles and apparels you must respond if you're Chris- "We don't have a specific nutnhcr Jews have darker complexions. together and to host Hanukkah and I hrough NAI I A the) can start are 1 oncemed," she said "Eat h one tian,"' Calahrcsc said goal of students, but we warn to reach "I played in 'fiddler on the Roof I'urim parties and a Sukkot, which is increasing then skill level " ot us consumes about ''0 to 70 l don't believe the nation is an equilibrium enrollment level com- twice," she said, "and both times they like the Christian Thanksgiving. Cartel said there are two princi- pounds annually, yet we produce becoming less Christian and non- fortable for the university." Nelson would not cast me as a member of the I'he-y tire hoping to serve food and pal goals within the agreement. u- than that pagan." Calahrcsc said. "As we said. " I hat number is prohahly in the family because I didn't look Jewish." have a rabbi say the traditional "NAI I A basicall) provides lot " I hrough \ \l I \ we can giadu glow, life changes and vvc change 2011 100 range." Under (jot/man's leadership, the prayers. ally phase out tariffs on main prod the lice movement ol capital appropriate!) with it nets." he laid and thus use Mexico throughout the three countries ( hiistian political leaders won't involved and provides for the protec- as .1 new market." influence the American family's *\ I here .lie three si hedules fot prod tion ol investment," he said morals. ( alahiese said. r Drink and drive nets I anils tot products on the V 'Right now there is an economic "Just because we're Christian list will he eliminated immediatel) boom overall," Cartel said "You doesn't mean we're going to do the and you could be and include denim 1.11 ills on the "H" have capital and technology in the right thing, "hesaid. "Ifwebelieve in dead wrong. s what WC print on our coins, shouldn't 01'South list will he phase mil ovel a seal I S and labor in Mexico. That is a period, and products on the "< " list complimentary mix." we be trusting in Ood?" v and family $gstaurant 10% OFF with TCU ID TRAFFIC TICKETS DEFENDED A %reat place la Muily late /li^'/ir I'ronclly serving Maxwell coffee, free refills SAFE SEX Home owned & operated since 1962 by Marvin & Mindy Brozgold DOESN'T STOP CRABS 1507 S. 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Last Thursday afternoon I had much the same way — too many Not a bad price, but 1 later noticed a prices. He said the price of a new One would think a handout would gone to each of my five classes books to buy at inflated prices and tag pasted inside of the book from book is set by the publisher, with an have been sufficient in this ease, but once, and the hookstore line didn't yet always a book or two shcrt. Sev- the University of Southern Missis- included margin of 20 to 25 percent. maybe there is a faculty award for stretch all the way to the fountain, enteen books later (keep in mind I sippi dated 1972 which quoted the Used book prices are set at 75 the most hernias given to book-car- so I waded into the masses to buy am only taking 15 hours and still price of the book at S3.75. percent of the new price. The book- rying students. my books. have several books left to buy), I The price you'd have to pay for store buys back all textbooks at the Everyone's total book bill would Armed with only a blue basket went through the line and watched that used book this year is just under end of the semester for 50 percent of be lower if instructors would stay and my class schedule. 1 found the the checkout lady overdose her S24. The frayed little volume, is the new book value, providing the with a limited number of texts for books for the first class on my list computer on my purchases. appreciating at a rate that makes me instructor who previously used the several years at a time. Supplemen- by bravely asking a store employee To add insult to bankruptcy, wish my parents had bought me a book will be needing it again. tal materials could be handed out if how I could get out of the engineer- someone stole the two spirals I had truckload of them the year 1 was Instructors eager to make bold necessary, and Kinko's is usually ing- theater textbook department. I been using for those first two days born. 1 could have saved them until academic footprints are constantly quite a bit cheaper than Houghton- CLAY can't say I was surprised to find out while I was inside. now and paid for my college educa- changing or adding texts to get just Mifflin. that first class required the purchase Books are expensive. There is no tion with the money. the combination of information they It's noble of the university faculty GAILLARD of seven books, two of which were getting around that. But doesn't it After digging a little deeper, I want. to try to give the best information already sold out. So after shopping seem our little university store is believe the instructors and the aca- Worse still are those who have available, irrespective of cost, but for one class. I had already commit- gouging us more than a little bit'.' demic administration deserve the you buy a book, perhaps a 40-pound most of know that sometimes it isn't ted S45 with more to buy later. For instance, this summer 1 had a bulk of the blame rather than the trifle on Euripidean theories of golf, priceless, just expensive. Maybe they run out of books on class requiring a small paperback bookstore. Mike Gore, manager of for what you paid for your first car. purpose to cut down on hot checks. book of English poetry, purchased the university store, explained how then use no more than three pages (lay Gaillard is a senior English The rest of the purchasing went used in the bookstore for about S20. the bookstore strives at textbook out of it. major from Texhoma, Oklahoma

EDITORIAL Earthling frets Let's talk trash Cleanliness is next to godliness, except in the Main over Martian Noontime in the Main cafeteria is a hectic sight. Every line is Although there is a new self-bussing area, many students exploitation long, every seat is taken and every table is full. don't bother to use it. Unfortunately, the tables are also filled with dirty plates, cups The self-bussing station was added with the conveyor belt and even chewing tobacco. And we are not talking about one device replacing the rolling cabinets. The bussing area was a cup or line plate, but trays piled with trash. part of Marriott's renovation of the Main cafeteria two years And there are also those students that hand the employees ago. occur. This will create a surface similar to their trash as they sit and talk. "Actually, it's just a matter of common courtesy, especially wAt exactly 4:42 EDT on August 24. the surface of Earth. A familiar scene is that of two or three tables pulled together when you are in a 300-dining room facility and there are still 1993. the Mars Observer was supposed to Not only will the newest vacation stop fire its engines and for partying college students be Mars, but so more people can sit together. Of course, this leads to two or students waiting to get a seat," Fjelstul said. make a famous turn. it also sounds a little like society may be three times the trash. Common courtesy. It seems to be a luxury rather than some- CRAIG Soon the craft was to playing God. thing expected. We live in a society where people in service ori- A Marriott employee has to dash from the kitchen area, clean MARTIN be circling Mars. Society will have created a planet we up the tables, rearrange them and then dash back into the ented roles arc suddenly viewed as subservient. This may have hap- can all move to and make countless more kitchen. On a slow day, the employee running the cash register Whether it be the Main, a grocery store or a clothing store, pened, or it might nol stabs at creating a Utopia. A more impor- is asked to do the task. we as consumers must remember that the person behind the have: NASA can't tell us where the craft is tant question is. what will this type ol sci- "We have had to ask employees who are doing other jobs cash register or the food line is a person, too. or what has happened to it. They have lost entific advancement do lo our theory of to start helping in this area," said James Fjelstul, senior food Common courtesy. How simple. To steal a line from one of all contact with the ship. creation'.' service director. "We do ask our employees to keep the area Marriott's earlier attempts to get students' attention: Your While a lost spacecraft may seem rou- I he ecological evidence ol water ero- neat, but that does not include bussing the tables." mother doesn't work here! tine in the wake of the Hubble Space tele- sion present on Mars laises some questions scope and the recent shuttle problems, the about time and evolution. It Water can be loss of the ship signifies something we found there, then it will be easy to argue need to be aware of: The international thai a cycle of evolution lasting billions of community is making an effort to survey years, and similar lo ours, has already LETTER POLICY and explore Mars. come and gone TCU Daily Skiff Mars has always intrigued l-.arthlings. In Also, if we can create a planet, what will The TCU Daily Skiff is produced by the effects be not onl) on our creation the- the students of Texas Christian Univer- An All-American Newspaper 1938, Orson Welles was able to cause utter ory, but also on various religious beliefs.1 sity, sponsored by the journalism depart- Editor Andy Grieser panic with his famous radio broadcast. ment and published Tuesday through Managing Editor Sarah Yoest "War of the Worlds." Speculation of what Will we have lo ihrovv out Genesis, or will Friday during the fall and spring Ad Manager Andy Zmugg Martians will look and behave like has not we be able to make a paradigm shift allow- semesters except during finals week and ceased since that time. ing societal creation lo coexist with God's holidays. Unsigned editorials represent the Assignments Editor Christina Barnes News Editor Angela Wright The 20th century has brought many almighty power? view of the Skiff editorial board. Signed Opinion Editor Clay Gaillard Sports Editor Tom Manning explorations of Mars. The Mariner expedi- These questions are incredibly frighten- letters and columns represent the opinion Mosaic Editor Julie Rae Applegath Insight Editor Kristi Wright tions in the 1960s and 1970s led to close- ing. However. I imagine we will have to of the writers. Copy Desk Chief Ann Lawrence Photo Editor Jenny Putchinski up photographs, some limited mapping and deal with them. Nol only will there he The Skiff is a member of the Associ- Graphics Editor David Fisher Football Focus Editor Ty Benz space advertising, nuclear-waite dumps far ated Press. soil tests. The Skiff welcomes letters to the edi- This expedition was to provide detailed off in space and tremendous tourism pack- ages, hul humans will have virtually guar- tor. Letters must be typed, double- Student Publications Director Paul LaRocque topologies! and meteorological maps, spaced, signed and limited to 500 words. Production Supervisor Debra Whitecotton monitor volcanic activity (the largest vol- anteed their staving power in the universe. Letters should be turned in two days cano in the solar system. Olympus Mons. After we burn up the Earth, we can all before publication. They must include the Business Manager Jayne Akers author's classification, major and phone Journalism Department Chairman Anantha Babbili stands Id miles high on Mars), monitor move to Mars, let the Earth heal for a tew number. The Skiff reserves the right to movement of surface materials and record million years, then move hack. edit or reject any unacceptable letters. magnetic and gravitational fluctuations. Isn't it wonderful'.' While these types of scientific experi- Isn't it scary? ments are fun for scientists and members Maybe this time scientists are going too of Congress, what is their significance to far. but maybe not. Maybe the issue is us? going to be deciding whose lob it is to play What does it matter if we know about God. Conservatism vs. liberalism the weather on Mars or can look at a map Whoever il is. I imagine that sometime of the planet? in my life, realtors will be peddling ocean It is important because there are 20 front propertv on Mars. holding up nation's progress nations committed to the Mars project. Their final hope is that by inducing chlo- ('raii: Martin is a senior history major rofluorocarbons into the atmosphere of from Bedford, Texas, andalready has a There are no quick weight-loss solutions Mars, a reverse greenhouse effect will one-way ticket an the first flight t" Mars

It's surprising there are still people out there who believe one example, take the tax-and-spend philosophy: It's aimed at doing a race or gender is superior to the other. Looking back at our coun- good thing, yet falls short of curing the problem. When you tax the try's history, it appears that our laws backed up that mentality. rich and give it away to someone who needs it more, it takes away Therefore, it only makes sense for people from money that would have been invested. Tax-and-spend post- to associate problems like racism, sexism pones the problem, and investment cures it. RYAN and oppression with the past. But hey, I shouldn't be talking about the economy because I'm MCCARTHY That poses a problem. If we see history nowhere near being an economist. It just seems that when 1 look at hand-in-hand with these problems, soci- liberal and conservative viewpoints, a certain pattern consistently ety will rebel against it in both the bad appears. On the surface, liberal approaches are so appealing in and good tendencies. It might improve the problems minorities and contrast to the conservatives' that only a jerk would oppose them. women face, but it might also mean we lose touch with some or But look forward and the inconsistencies begin popping up, and many of the things we were doing right. pretty soon we need more money and pro- With issues like AIDS, drugs, crime and —^-^^^^— grams to solve problems we didn't foresee. the economy crowding the headlines, it The more I look at liberalism, the more 1 seems like our problems must be growing think it looks like a quick weight-loss pro- worse. People naturally look to more imme- X he more I look at gram, but the extreme right also has major diate solutions. This may have led to the liberalism, the more I faults. Most extreme conservatives have such birth of special interest groups and the grow- think it looks like a quick an unappealing philosophy that no one would ing popularity of liberalism. These people weight-loss program. even look beyond the surface to see if it aim to cure our problems as soon as humanly would work. possible. If you are someone who views conserva- Let me make an analogy. We all know about those diet plans tives as a bunch of uneducated bigots, stop it. If you are a conser- that claim to make you lose 80 pounds in one week. We also know vative bigot, drop the bigot part. Somehow we have to meet in the PURPLEPOLL the weight lost mysteriously reappears once the diet has stopped. middle and begin working as a nation. Then there's exercise, the tougher alternative. This doesn't show Sure, that's much easier said than done. Especially when the gap results right away, but in the long run the weight disappears and between the left and the right has been steadily drifting farther the exercise seems to get easier. If someone is portly, they've got a apart. Do you really expect to see anybody changing their views at Do you bus your own table in the Main? weight loss choice. It's tough to make the right decision when a gay rights march or a pro-life rally? Of course not. Extremity on there are immediate needs to be satisfied. either side of the fence worsens the problem. Yes - 95% No - 5% 1 believe the same problem exists in our society. It's apparent something needs to be done right away, but it's hard to believe the Rvan McCarthy is a sophomore premajor from Leawood, solutions will be found in the appealing immediate answers. For Kansas. 100 students were polled outside the Main at dinner on Tuesday Page 4 Wednesday, September 1, 1993 TCU DAILY SKIFF Sports NFC championship hinges on Emmitt's return to Cowboys

This trend could spell doom to the NFC where the Forty Niners have several ques- The Packers signed All-World defensive would have a great quarterback, but since you ByTYBENZ end Reggie White to lead the defense and will can't do that, it means one thing for Detroit: TCU Daily Skiff this year, but more than likely that won't hap- tions of their own to answer. pen. The NFC still contains the best the NFL The first is the health of quarterback Steve rely on third-year QB Brent Farve to have failure. I'tic National Football Conference has has to offer, despite the free agent sigmngs Young, who fractured a finger on his throw- another spectacular year offensively. The darkhorse team in the NFC in 1993 dominated the NFL throughout the '80l and and trades that have changed the looks of ing hand and was forced to miss most of the In all likelihood, though, the Packers will will be the Washington Redskins. Last year, '<>0s Period mam teams. preseason (poor Steve). Backup Steve Bono take an early exit from the playoffs because quarterback Mark Rypien went from Super The only AH team to win a Super Howl There are. however, two major questions seperated his shoulder as well, leaving Bill of a defense that has too many holes. Bowl MVP to Super Goat, throwing more since I WD has been the Oakland I us Ange- which need to be answered before we can just Musgrave the starting QB (1 bet that sends Minnesota is relying on fragile QB Jim interceptions than touchdowns. Look for him loi Haiders, who won it twice I hat's two chalk up another NFC title. chills down the spine of coach George McMahon to lead them to the promised land. to rebound from last year and have a solid Whatever. I hope they have a good backup, Super Howls in 14 yean (mod job. The first is right here in the Metroplex. Seifert). Young better get healthy fast if the season for the Skins. because McMahon won't make it to the sec- This is a trend that has made the Ml where the Cowboys must either sign Emmitt Forty Niners hope to contend. New Washington coach Richie Pettibone Championship dame seem like the Super Smith last or lose their running game alto- ond week, let alone get through the entire sea- Another big problem for the Niners will be will rejuvinate his club and have them back Howl whoever wins that game gets the gether. son. When you add in the loss of star running their pass rush, as They lost two of their three in Super Bowl contention, only to fall short right 10 plaslel lomc pool Al < team like the Whether or not you support Smith or back Terry Allen (out for the year with an starting defensive linemen and are relying on to San Francisco in the playoffs for the sec- Hills or the BroncOf Hut the annual Super owner , the thing you cannot injury) you equal an offense that will have their draft picks. Todd Kelly and Dana Stub- ond consecutive year. Howl slaughter might end this season, due to escape is that rookie Derrick Lassie simply trouble scoring two touchdowns a game. This leaves us with the Niners and the tree agency and trades isn't close to Smith. And that will put more blefield, to pick up the slack. Could be a long The Lions bolstered their offensive line by Cowboys. If Smith can be signed before the Future Hail-off ame quarterback Joe pressure on QB and the pass- year for the Niners' defense. signing three free agents and added New Montana wen! from San I rancisco to the ing game. Remember all those play-action 1993 will be a year for the next generation Orleans' star Pat Swilling to bol- Washington game, then mark it down. Dallas Chiefs I he Eaglet lost all-pro tight end run fakes to Emmitt? Gone. If Smith doesn't of teams in the NFC Central Division: Green ster the pass rush. This immediately put repeats as NFC champion. But if he doesn't, Keith Jackson to the AH last year ami then get signed, and it doesn't look like he will, Bay. Detroit artd Minnesota. These three Detroit back into contention, but the Lions then San Francisco will defeat the Cowboys running back Keith H\ars this year And the then the Cowboys will struggle to win 10 teams will win around 10 games each, but fall forgot one thing: a quarterback. If you com- in the NFC Championship Game and have Vikings lost All-Pro offensive tackle dar\ games. short in the playoffs because of one weak- bined Rodney Peete's agility. Andre Ware's the chance to give another poor AFC team a Zimmerman to the Broncos. The second question is in San Francisco, ness. arm and Erik Kramer's intelligence you Super Bowl shellacking. TCU athletic director Women's soccer set to begin With a schedule full of nation- And according to Rubinson, the injury still unhealed from last year. ally ranked teams like Stanford. freshmen look very promising. He Regardless of the last minute remains force in SWC plans on starting three of the seven problems and frustrations, the SMU and Colorado College, the team will have to perform at its best newcomers immediately: Sarah women's team looks ahead to their By MATT NEWTOWN director there have been many significant changes within if it hopes to improve upon last sea- Suess. Abbey Ross, and Clari Fen- first game with high hopes. TCU Daily Skiff the conference, and at TCU. son's 9-7-3 record. nell. "We all have a positive atti- "Obs lousls. Arkansas leaving the conference has been But head coach David Rubinson Fennell. the first African-Amer- tude," said sophomore Erin Tru- lor the past five scars. Southwest Conference athlet- the biggest change." he said. "Now the conference is feels that with the talent on this ican to ever play soccer for TCU, jillo. "People want to succeed and ics has been in a state ol mediocrity, lo sa> that each made up of all Texas schools. At TCU. our women's pro- year's team, improvement will be brings the club something that it do well, and we're ready to play," ichool'l athletic department has been under a lot of pres- gram has become stronger as a whole. Our men's golf'and on the horizon. desperately needs: speed. she said. sure would be an understatement. tennis teams have really excelled and we've also had "We're an all-around better "Clari is our fastest player," said "We have high goals set," said l Diversities within the conference have been making some good basketball teams ' team than we've been," said head Rubinson. "She's an excellent Danielle Shaver, also a sophomore changes left and right ( mint I call stepped down as lias- The men's tennis team is a perennial top 20 power and coach David Rubinson. "We have sprinter." and one of two goalies on the club. lot s head football coach and then athletic director. John two years ago the men's basketball team was very close more good plavers than we've ever With their first game less than a "We feel we can surpass our record Mackovic is still relatively new as lev,is' bead football to receiving a bid to the NCAA tournament. had." week away. Coach Rubinson does from last year, and our goal this coach, and here al K I Pat Sullivan is beginning only his Windegger explained that when thinking of the future. This year's addition of seven have concerns. Lisa Wells and Jen year is to be ranked as one of the second sear as head football coach he specifically has one goal in mind: improving the foot- freshmen is keeping the women's Thompson, two of the team's start- top twenty teams in the nation." There have not been too mans mainstays in the SWC ball program. team young and strong. Over half ing forwards, are presently healing And that may just be possible. in recent scars "My main goal is to build our football program up to the team is made up of underclass- injuries. Tammie Whites, a start- Last year the Lady Frogs moved Al i ( I . however, there has been at least one constant the level of those nationally known, tough teams." he men, and the club lost only two ing midfielder, also has been out athletic director Frank Windegger. said. seniors from a year ago. most of the season with a knee see Soccer, page 5 Windeggei has a history at TCU thai spans over 36 In reference to the state of SWC athletics today. sears He first came lo 1(1 as a student-athlete and Windegger feels that the keys to building the conference immediately knew be made the right choice In 1959, hack up are marketing and promotion. Many different v\ indeggei became 1 (T I's head baseball coach, where he things are being done to achieve this goal. experienced unparalleled success In fact, he remains the "I think the hiring ofSteve llatchell as Southwest ( on all-time winningcst baseball coach in school history ferencc ( ommissioner was a great asset." Windegger After 11< scats,is baseball coach. Windegger mined up said. "He is a great street person who can really commu- to the position ol athletic director He has held that post nicate with people. We've also hired a big New York firm for the p.isi 1 S sears, giving him the longest tenure of any to realls help promote the conference." athletic director in the SW( More specifically. Windegger feels that the SWC bas- Windegger credits the friendly atmosphere ol Id as ketball programs need to improve. Also, the SWC needs being the main reason lor his si,is to place more emphasis upon intra-conference games in "I realls lose the Iannis type atmosphere here at order to restore the prestige within the league SUPERCUTS l( I'." be said "The people are so nice and it really It is quite obvious that Frank Windegger has some def- makes M i a pleasant and comfortable place to be." inite ideas and plans for the SWC in the future. I lirouL'h his terms as athletic director and baseball So. as another year of SWC athletics passes by. another coach, Windeggei has formed a sers good relationship step is taken towards achieving the goal of nation wide with the university and with the enure conference respect for TCU, with Frank Windegger at the helm, that Windeggei pointed out that during Ins term as athletic goal just might become possible.

ATTENTION M NEW HOURS ' ■ UNO MAJORS T T.C.U. STUDENT Need Extra $$$? FOOTBALL TICKETS Student Ticket Office - Basement of Brown Lupton Center ♦ Worth Hills Cafeteria I I 1 HOME FOOTBALL GAMES (TCU STADIUM)

■ A Your ID Card will serve as your identification in obtaining your stu- dent football ticket B If you lose or misplace your ID Card, a replacement may be pur- chased through the Business Office for $J0 00 C You will be issued a RESERVED SEAT TICKET BOTH your ticket and your ID CARD will be needed for admittance to the game The 1 D TCU students are admitted ONLY through the Student Gate at the south end of the East Stands. E You are allowed ONE ticket per ID Card: however, one student is Best Deals allowed to pick up as many as SIX student tickets with six ID Cards F If the TCU ID Card is used by anyone other than the owner for admission to the game, the card will be taken up and the owner (TCU Anywhere student) will forfeit all athletic privileges G All tickets other than student tickets in the student section are full We Have Lowered price

2 STUDENT TICKET OFFICE HOURS (HOME GAMES) San Francisco $120 A The Ticket Office for student tickets to HOME football games is Our Price!!! located in the basement of the Brown Lupton Center, and in the Worth New York $179 Hills Cafeteria London $279 B Hours Monday- Friday Noon - 3p m

Costa Rica $199 3 OUT OF TOWN GAMES Buenos Aires $429 All tickets away from home are FULL PRICE and should be pur- All chased as soon as possible; our ticket allotment is limited Tokyo $455 $ Haircuts Denpasar $650 ALL OUT OF TOWN TICKETS ARE MAILED BACK AT NOON ON 95 AJI lares art each w*/ from DallaVTt Worth f WPS WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO SATURDAY'S GAME. »f bavrd rounotnp pure ha« «rxl trwoVeek Irovr I !«wsareno«inducted fteyncljomapply Callus for othei worloVvxte ctestirudorfi 4 TCU BASKETBALL POLICY A Student will need lo get their ID'S validated for the basketball sea- BuraWpaeeee son When students pick up their football tickets for the last two games issued on the spot! of the season their ID will be marked allowing them admission to the 6 basketball games Council Travd B The student section is "G" through "K." 6923 Snider Plaza #B C Limited Seating - Arrive early to get a seat At This Location Only Dallas, TX 75205 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE TCU TICKET OFFICE AT 214-363-9941 921-7967 Metro 214-988-7139 Student Ticket Policy Approved by House of Representatives, 5-1-85- 3008 W. 7th 870-2090 Jack Larson, President Cill for your FREE issue of Student Travele magazine TCU DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, August 31,1993 Page 5 Questions and Answers with Coach pat Qullivan

Each Wednesday for the remainder of the football season TCU head coach Pat Sullivan will answer questions from the TCU Daily Skiff Sports staff regarding Frog football

going to feel more comfortable with it. By TOM MANNING Is that your biggest concern about this sus experience, and we'll have tojust go from tionship with TCl's fans at this point, TCU Daily Skiff tcam' there and what would you like it to be? How did you feel about the job you did The key word around practice this as a coach last season? Are there any Well, it can go one or two different ways. It summer has heen "attitude". What Have you set any concrete goals for Number one. the fans are a very integral part changes that you plan to make for is a concern because you don't know how the has caused this change in attitude, and this season? of whatever success we have. Our kids feed yourself this year? younger guys will react, but on the other hand how has it affected the team both on off of the fans, and w ith the way they work if you can get that youth and enthusiasm Obviously I've got some goals that I want our and off the field? Sure. Obviously last year in some areas there and the kind of people they are. they deserve channelled in the right direction it can really football team to reach. I don't want to put any to have our fans come out and watch them were mistakes that I made as a coach and that be a strength. pressure on the kids by making those goals play. I think that the number one thing is that the we made as a football team. I think that each public, but my main goal is that from the As far as last year goes. I know it was a kid's attitude and my attitude agree. I feel that year you make mistakes and you try to rec- It hasn't really been the trend around opening whistle on Saturday to the final gun rocky start, both football wise and relation- we have as fine an attitude on our football tify those mistakes. But going back to the here to start the season against a against Texas A&M the kids play to the best ship wise with the fans and the students. team as any that I have been around. I think overall philosophy, we are not going to national powerhouse like Oklahoma. of their ability. If they do that that we will There were a lot of honest mistakes, and I that the kids have worked awfully hard, and change that at all. I know and the kids know Is starting off against tougher compe- reach the goals that I've set. emphaiize the word honest. One of those was through that hard work some of them have that sticking to our plan is the way to win and tition a positive thing in your mind? the situation with the singing of the Alma learned how to push themselves that extra to be competitive each week. mile. And what that's done is given them Do you have a set schedule as far as Mater. I was not informed about that situa- To get our program to where we want it to be when you expect TCI! to become one tion, and as a matter of fact. I didn't learn confidence in themselves. How do you feel about the overall tal- we've got to play the Oklahoma's and the of the championship caliber teams in about the controversy until 1 got back from ent on this team as compared to last M iami 's and those types of teams, and 1 enjoy What about your attitude? Has it the Southwest Conference? out of town the next Monday. But we playing those teams. You need to be able to changed at all from last year? addressed that litustiofl and hopefully we can play to the best of your ability against each 1 think that we will know exactly where we move on I don't even think there is any comparison. and every team week in and week out if you stand w ith our program after we've had three I want the students involved with us. I 1 don't think that ms attitude towards our Our talent level is up compared to this time a want to get stronger. or four years to totally recruit the type of peo- think that it is extremely important for us to football program or our kids has changed in year ago. The drawback to that, however, is ple we need for our scheme of things. But on build a relationship that stresses that even any way. In fact. I'm more convinced that the the youth on this team. Some of the guys that How do you see TCU matching up with the other hand, there is no reason we can't get though we are the most visible department at things we are doing are the right things. Obvi- are the most talented were in high school a Oklahoma next Saturday? there a heck of a lot quicker. 1CU. we are no different from the commu- ously, each year you will always change year ago. A lot of the teams that we play will some things, but overall there are no whole- nications department or business department be playing four or five year guys, and when 1 like our football team. Again, their attitude sale changes in the attitude or philosophy Finally, your relationship with the in that we are all part of TCI I hat is the kind we line up on Saturday we will only have two and work ethic have been exceptional, not towards what we are doing. But, obviously, overall TCU community, and in par- of attitude that I hope we can project to our seniors on either side of the ball. only in practice but in conditioning and train- ticular the student body, was rocky after you have done something once you are students. We need them and hopefully they ing. What it will come down to is youth ver- last year. What do you feel is your rela- need us A&M names new athletic director _ Foster named

from page 4 associate SWC By MICHAEL A. LUTZ Groff came to the athletic department at business man- Soccer/ Associated Press ager in 1966 and was promoted to assistant athletic direc- commissioner tor in 1975. through teams like Centenary, assisted by what the players feel HOUSTON - Wally Groff. a part of the Texas A&M "1 don't see any major changes coming," Groff said. Arkansas at Little Rock. Texas are assets to the coaching staff: DALLAS (AP) - Bill Foster, the University athletic administration since 1966, was named "We'll bring all the coaches and staff in and make eval- A&M. and Oregon State with ties Mark Wayland. a graduate and first basketball coach to direct lour athletic director Tuesday, replacing John David Crow, uations and see which we'll go." or victories. With teams like goalie from the University of Vir- Div ision I schools to 20-victory sea- who resigned in May. Groff said he had not been a part of the NCAA inves- SMU, one of the top ten teams in ginia, and Derek Missimo, gradu- sons, was Damed associated commis- Groff has been associate athletic director since 1988 tigation but planned to get involved. the nation, added to this year's ate and player from the University and serves as the athletic department's chief fiscal offi- sioner of the Southwest Conference A&M President William Mobley said he had confi- schedule, this season should be of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I uesday. cer. dence in Graffs ability to take charge of the department. even more challenging than last. Both universities have nationally I OSter, interim athletic director ai "Shortly after I came into the athletic department we "Wally is part of the solution at Texas A&M," Mobley What makes this Frog team dif- ranked soccer programs, and the won the SWC football championship and it got in my Northwestern University since said. "We do have a problem with compliance but 1 don't ferent from most of its opponents assistant coaches are bringing resigning as basketball coach this blood." (iroff'said. "From that point on. it's something think it's to the depth of previous years." is that TCU does not offer schol- their experience and talents to the spring, will begin his dunes later in (becoming athletic director) that was in the back of my Faculty representative Tom Adair chaired the selection arships for women's soccer, team. mind. September, said SWC Commis- committee and strongly supported Groff. whereas most of the teams that the "Derek has high goals for us.He sioner Steve Hatchell. "I just didn't expect the way it came." "We prepared a position specification profile of the Frogs will play will have scholar- makes us push ourselves," said Foster's main duties will be to Groff, 51. inherits a department that is being investi- perfect person for the job," Adair said. "As the weeks ship athletes on the field. That fac- sophomore Shaver. "He has oversee basketball operations of the gated by the NCAA for violating rules involving players went by, it became obvious that Wally fit the position tor may give the Frogs a little focused our energies into a posi- league. Foster is the second person being paid for summer jobs they did not perform. specifications best." more fire as they head into their tive, winning attitude," she said. hired b\ Hatchell to help strengthen Five players, including starting running back Greg Groff said he's inheriting a good job. contests. Most of the team's season will the league. In July, Hatchell hired Hill, are under suspension by the school until the matter "I want to thank John David Crow because he left the The women's team hopes to be played away from home. The Dale Kelley as supervisor of SWC is resolved. department in the best shape it probably ever been," Groff win at least as many games as they team will compete in tournaments basketball officials. Groff laid compliance with NCAA rules would be a said. "We have the facilities to be among the top 10 teams did last year, as well as surprise in Austin. Albuquerque, and at The newly-created position top priority. in all areas." some national powerhouses. Stanford. Their first game will be includes day-to-day basketball "Of all the areas. I'm picking out compliance in par- Crow resigned to become a partner in a dog racing "Hopefully we can knock more of played at home this weekend administrative responsibilities as ticular." Groff said. "We won't tolerate any violations of facility at La Marque but he remains with the university the big teams off." said Rubinson. against Southwestern at 6 p.m. It well as the planning the 1994 SWC NCAA rules. We've tried to set up a model compliance in the newly created position of director of development "Our goal is to work more than will be the first test to see if the men's and women's basketball tour- program but you can't be with everyone 24 hours." for the athletic department. before and make it to the play- practice, attitude and dedication nament. He also will be tournament offs." has paid off. director of the 1994 NCAA Midwest The women's team will be Regional at Reunion Arena. Orientation. "\\ e are extremely pleased to have a gentleman of Bill Foster's reputa- Alarm clocks. tion and capabilities in the Southwest Conference.'' said Hatchell. "He Parking. adds a new dimension to our entire No parking. basketball operation from his \cars of experience and from the high com- Classes, FR€€ BIGGI€ DRINK petitive level that his basketball Or teams have achieved, -classes, "He is high!) regarded in the You need FR€€ BIGGI6 FRV national basketball community as classes. well as in collegiate administrative with the purchase circles. He will help us to take S\\ t Political Science. basketball to a higher level with his History. of onu large sandwich connections and know-hem in the field." Hatchell said. Composition. Good only .11 Bony Slrccl location "I'm really excited about nj) new Chemistry. I rcu expires 12-31-93 position with the Southwest Confer- I ence and Commissioner Steve a party! Hatchell." said Foster. Statistics. Notes, And we've got one! notes, 'Phis Saturday, ihe Oklahoma Sooners are rollin' into town notes. fora season-opener showdown against the Frogs! To kick Lectures, oil the game, we've planned one powerful pre-game lectures, parly, the R1P-R0ARINC RED RIVER RUCKUS! lectures. Show up on the east side of the stadium at 4:45. The Pop quizzes. Walk of Frogs, free Olive Garden hors d'oeuvres (for the Still can't find a first 300 partiers) and live tunes from theSTRATORLAST- place to park. ERS all await you, as well as a chance to win $100 Kroger Cafeteria food. gift certificates, Cotton Bowl tickets, and two sets of round- Four years of college Cafeteria prices. trip airlines tickets, courtesy of Southwest Airiines. assistance for one weekend a month. More notes. BE SURE TO PUT ON YOUR PURPLE! One set of plane Yt>u re mi vour way to college And you're looking fur a part-time job to help you pay (or tickets will be given away, at the party, to the crowds it Join the Army National C.uard1 For about More lectures. two days a month and two weeks a year, you'll most purple-clad person, the PARTYINC PURPLE work a part-time joh that makes a difference 175 days and Wu II be eligible for up to S5.000 in edu A collection of cation assistance with the PARDNER!! IISIIVHI great works Montgomery Cl Bill And, dur 27 exams until inft the course of your six year Be sure to pick up your student ticket now through HULEN enlistment, you'll also earn a Christmas. OPG^OIC] STARTS minimum salary of $ 11,(MM) Hulen St. South ot Mall Join the Army National C.uard 346-4994 (Fl. Worth) Friday, noon to 3 p.m., at Worth Hills or The Pit. Sept. 10! today! Call You need a break. 817-921-2091 Page (> Wednesday, September 1. 1903 TCU DAILY SKIFF News State universities feature multicultural courses

"We implemented this in hopes ton, tried to pass a law this year schools around the state surpassed By JERI CLAUSING leges should require students to take A&M debate is likely to kick in again Associated Press "mum-cultural" classes, a number of later this year when the faculty is that students would get something requiring all state college students to 900,000 last year. They should top college! are including optional expected to vote on whether to that would help them be better pre- take a multi-cultural class. That was 943.000 by 1995 and break 1 million DALLAS I he temperature courses in orientation thai focus on require students in all of its colleges pared for the global market place," he prompted by parties at Texas Tech by 2000. ma> slill be near the CCOtUT) m.irk. ethnic differences this sear to meet the multi-cultural prerequi- said. and Texas A&M with themes and Of those enrollment increases, the but sumiiK-r is ovei for iRjrK 1 mil- So far, le\as A&M istheonl) uni- sites Opponents say the programs are costumes derogatory to African- officials expect the biggest jumps to lion Texm versit) in Texas that makes such The University of Texas at Austin attempts at "political correctness" Americans. One had a "party in the continue to be in the enrollment of ( ollegUte enrollment statewide ia courses a requirement 'I exas fiercely argued the issue last year. that infringe on educational freedom. projects." Another had a jungle Hispamcs and African-Americans. expected to be nuht above the \&M's College of 1 iberal Arts The proposed requirement was But Jones said with projections theme. In addition to looking at multi-cul- 900,000 mart this year, includ voted this summer to require all ol its finally rejected by the faculty senate, that the state will be "majority minor- "People have dismissed the inci- tural classes, universities are adopt- record number ct minorit) students. students entering school m luu4 or which decided that its curriculum ity" by the year 2003. institutions dents ... as kids will be kids," said ing programs to lure minorities into sa> at least sp. hours nl class already had a broad range of required won't be able to ignore the need for Wilson's administrative assistant, fields such as engineering, which At the stale • iccond-largeit col- work focusing on ethnic groups or classes ottering non-Western views breaking down racial and ethnic bar- Eric Glenn. "But we think it speaks have traditionally been dominated by lege, rexai K&M i itation, countries and international topics ol the world. riers. to a deeper-rooted type of problem. I white males. lent! wen: bask In other than the Western culture that Texas A&M's interim dean for the "The whole state of Texas is don't know if I want to say racism or A UT program that includes peer- Monda) So did students al rexas has long dominated American cur- liberal arts college Woodrow Jones changing rapidly, so it's kind of hard total insensitivity toward people." tutoring, workshops and special Inch in l.ubhcK.k and the I Iniversit) riculum. Jr.. said feedback on his school's to avoid it." Jones said. "How could According to a report from the summer programs has brought nl North I exas in Demon. Such requirement! have sparked action has been divided, but he anyone expect to appropriately deal Texas Higher Education Coordinat- minority enrollment to 19 percent Prompted in pan b) the growing intense debates on campuses in believes the school did the right with the diversity that's out there'.'" ing Board, total enrollments at col- and put its minority graduation rate at national debate over whether col- I exas and across the country, and the thing State Rep. Ron Wilson, D-Hous- leges, universities and technical an all-time high. Jimmy Johnson: We can beat Redskins without

By DENNEH. FREEMAN The Cowboys are offering about club. Associated Press S2.5 million and Smith is asking "Lassie has made tremendous about S4 million, which would make improvement, and I've been very DALLAS — Emmitt Smith didn't him the highest-paid running back in pleased." Johnson said. "In the last pop out from behind a curtain this the NFL. two preseason games he has showed time at the coming home luncheon. Johnson gave every indication that steady improvement." lea\ ing a stem coach Jimmy Johnson the NFL's leading running back Five veterans, who were cut on to proclaim the defending world won't be available for the season Monday, were re-signed and champion can beat opener on Monday night, against the returned to the team Tuesday. the Washington Redskins without Redskins in RFK Stadium. They were fullback Totnmie him. Agee. center Dale Hellastrae. special When Smith was a rookie, he teams standout , linebacker ended his training camp holdout by Bobby Abrams. and defensive back lumping on stage much to the sur- "W,e believe we can Robert Williams. prise of the audience in a scenario win in RFK against The Cowboys were negotiating crafted by owner Jerry Jones. Washington even if with third-team quarterback Hugh Smith, who wants SI.5 million a Emmitt is not part of the Millen. who was supposed to receive year more than the Cowboys are team ." SI million but was cut after Jason offering him. was in I'ensacola. Fla.. Garrett had such a strong training JIMMY JOHNSON, instead of Dallas on Tuesday, leav- camp. ing a somber Jones to say only: "I Head Coach. Dallas Cowboys Johnson got emotional at the lun- hope Emmitt is on the field, but cheon, saying. "I just wish we could you've got to put yourself in my "We believe we can win in RFK bottle the feelings we had after the shoes.*1 against Washington even if Emmitt Super Bowl. 1 would have liked to Jones said the Cow boys ha\ e been is not part of the team." Johnson said. have saved it and just unscrewed the negotiating by telephone all week "We're a better team with him." cap during tough times. with Smith's agent. Richard Howell, Rookie Derrick Lassie of national "When you reach that level, it but nothing has changed. collegiate champion Alabama will makes you so hungry to do it again. Asked if he had made a new offer, start if Smith doesn't end his holdout. You know you can't bottle it so you Jones said. "No new offer has been Johnson said the Cowboys "were want to do it again. It gives me chills made " very fortunate" to have Lassie on the to just talk about it."

TCU Daily Skiff/ Jenny Putchmski Ava Jade, a freshman pre-major, takes time after class to work out on the new Nordic- Track in the kiekel weigh) room. City Park Cafe Fort Worth's Best Price Value Gets Better.

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