This volume is dedicated to Gerry Tremewan, a famous Cornish entomologist who worked on Lepidoptera from the age of 12 until his death aged 85, specialising for over 60 years on the Zygaenidae. A foreword by his son Malcolm is followed by contributions from Emmanuelle Briolat, Roger L. H. Dennis, Eric Drouet, Konstantin A. Efetov, Axel Hofmann, Marc Nicolle, Adrian Spalding, Gerhard M. Tarmann, John R. G. Turner, Zoya Yefre- mova and Hossein Rajaei. The book lists his complete bibliography of 220 papers and books, all the 68 taxa Supplement 20, 224 Seiten ISSN 0250-4413 Ansfelden, 20. Juni 2017 described by him and the 7 taxa dedicated to him. This – 2016) (1931 special illustrated memorial book also includes Gerry’s own memoirs in a separate section entitled Have Net, Will Travel: Reminiscences of an old entomologist. Gerry Tremewan Gerry Tremewan Iran: Fars, Dasht-e Arzhan, 27.5.2013 Hofmann, Spalding, Tarmann & Witt (eds.) & Witt Hofmann, Spalding, Tarmann Axel Hofmann, Adrian Spalding, Gerhard Tarmann & Thomas Witt (eds.) Gerry Tremewan (1931 – 2016) The adventurous life of a Cornish entomologist Entomofauna_Suppl WGTremewan_02_US_02.indd 1-3 23.05.17 16:19 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung durch die Thomas-Witt-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaft und Forschung im Bereich der Zoologischen Systematik Entomofauna, Supplementum 20 ISSN 0250-4413 © Maximilian Schwarz, Ansfelden, 2017 Edited and Published by Maximilian Schwarz Konsulent f. Wissenschaft der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Eibenweg 6 4052 Ansfelden, Austria E-Mail:
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