November 18,19X5

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November 18,19X5 The NC&i November-- 18,1985,~~~~ Volume 22 Number 41 ~~~~ Offkinl Publication-, of th ational Collegiate Athletic Association Commission proposals to face early decision at Convention Eiiitor ‘s Note: This is the first in a Academics the I l-course core curriculum, and national test scores would not be serirs of articles covering legislution 10 The academics sectton probably be considered UI the 80th annual wilt attract the most attention at the involved. NCAA Convention. This article covers Convention, at least from the news That proposal was submitted by the academic proposuls and a special media. Three of the five proposals in the members of the Southwestern grouping of three other amendments that grouping are proposed amend- Athletic Conference and others- 11 endorsed jointly by the Presidents ments to NCAA Bylaw S-l-(j), the instttuttons in all. So was the next Commission and the NCAA Council, requirements for initial eligibility in proposal to be voted upon, an alter- native that would strike references in as well as the items in the consent Division I that were adopted in the Bylaw 5- I4j) to any specific test scores packagrs. In thr remaining issuer of 19X3 Convention and will go into but would require the qualifier to the News leading to the Convention, effect next August t as written if this have taken either the SAT or the ACT other topical grouping.7 will he pres- Convention does no_thing to alter tests “for placement purposes only.” ented in the order IN which they will br them. coMderrd at the Convention.) It will have three options for alter- See Commission. page 13 The first two major grouprngs of atton, and each will be voted upon by legislation at the 19X6 NCAA Con- a roll~call of all Division I voting In the News vention carry a clear stamp of prcsi- member instituttons and voting con- dential intrrest, if the actions of the ferences Notes, stats NCAA Presidents Commission are In tact, all five 01 the academtca l-oothall notes and statistics tn proposals rclatc to I>ivision 1 only; an indication. all divisions. Pages 3-6 After the customary two consent thcrcforc, they will he voted upon III packages of notlcoIltrovcrsI;II Icgisla- the IUII Dtvtsron I husinrss session the Previews tion, which gcncrally are .tctcd upon afternoon of January I3 1 he results C‘hampionstitps previews In Di- in a total of IWO 01 three nnnutcs. the welt bc announced in the general visions I-AA, II and 111 football Convention facts a grouping 01 fivr: hu\inrs\ scss~onearly on the morning and water polo. Page 8. proposals under the beading of “Acam ol January 14, and the Divrsron I dcmics” ‘fhree of those have been voting result ~111 stand if it is not Big victory The biggest victory 111the foot designated hy the Presidents Corn rescinded hy the full Convention at hall carccl~of(;rrgCurtis, tailhack mtssion tor rotl~call votes. that time. for I .awrcncr tfnivcrsity. was Then comes a special grouprng of First up for vutc tn the academics against cancer. Page 12. Title hopes three other proposals ---fall spconsorrd scctton 1san amendment IO Bylaw 5- jointly by the Commisston and the l-(j) that would eliminate from the David Irnbernino. one oj’ Starzford University’s leading scorers, Players paid? NCAA Council and placed early in irequirements adopted in 1983 all ref- A former all-Amertcan fnotbalt will help the Curdinal Troy to reguin the NCAA Water Polo the agenda to lacilitatr altcndance erences to testtscorc requirements. In player claims that many current Championship November 2Y-December I in Lung Brcrch Cul$>r- and parttctpation by as many rnstitu short, the requirement for initial eligi- top student-athletes are paid by nia. Khe Universit-y of California Berkeley, is the defending tronal chief rxecutivc officers as pas hihty in Division I then would be at sports agents. Page 16. chumpion. sible. least a 2.000 grade-point average in Three new vice-presidents head list of NCAA nominations Nominees to serve as Dtvtstons I, II only for one year inasmuch as his serve a full four-year term. Each Division I fcrencc). Elect Clayne R .lensen, and 111vice-presidents of the NCAA term on the council ends in January division will fill its own vacancies on Divrsion I-A conlcrcnces: Etcct B. Brigham Young tlnivrrsity (Western head the list 01 nominations being 19x7 the Council during the division husi- J. Skrlton, laculty athletics represent- Athletic Conference). recommended to the membership by Green will replace Ade I.. Spon- ness sessions January 13. ative, Clemson IUnivcrsity (Atlantic Dtvrston I-A Independent. South: the NCAA Nominating Committee. berg, director of athletics at North ‘1 he committee’s nominations fat Coast Conference) to term endmg Reelect Ccc11 W. Ingram, director of The committee’s slate ofcandidatcs Dakota State University, who has Council positions arc iiS follows, all January 1988. Elect Robert R. Snell, athletic<, Florida State University. for NCAA otfices and vacancies on served as Division II vice-president for four-year terms except where in faculty athletics representative, Kan- Division I-AA East region: Elect the NCAA Council is being an- for the maximum two years. Green dicated. sas State University (Big Eight Con- See Three, page 13 nounced this week in The NCAA also will serve only one year because News and in the Official Notice of the his Council term ends in January 19X6NCAA Convention, to be mailed 1987. to all members Frtday, November 22. Sweet will have a two-year term as Nominated to serve as division Division 111vice-president replacing vice-presidents are I.ewis A. Cryer, Elizabeth A. Kruczek, director of commissioner of the Pacific Coast athletics at Fitchburg State College, Athletic Association, Division I; Asa whose term on the Council ends. N. Green, president of Livingston Elections of the three division vice- University, Division II. and Judith M. presidents will take place during the Sweet, director of athletics at the Divisions I, II and III business sessions University of California, San Diego, January 13 at the Convention in New Division III. Orleans. Their selections then will be Cryer is nominated to replace Arliss ratified by the full Convention prior L. Roaden, former prestdent 01 Ten-- to the adjournment January 15. nessee Technological University, who The Nominating Committee’s slate now is executive director of the Ten- of candidates to fill Council vacancies nesseeHigher Education Commission mcludes several recommended reelec- and thus wilt relinquish his office and tions of Council members who have his Council position at the end of the served half a term (two years) or less. January Convention. Cryer will serve Each such individual is eligible to Lewis A. Cryer Asa N. Green Judith A4. Sweet More than 175 basketball games sclleduled for I:lational TV CBS, NBC and ESPN will combine (1 I I live and five on tape delay). In York) 2 UCLA; 28- Louisville at ifornia at Arkansas (double-header, Indiana at Michigan or UCLA at to telecast 177 regular-season basket- addition to the championship games, Kentucky. split-national). Oregon (split-national); 9 -. NCAA ball contests during the 198586 sea- CBS also will carry Division 1 men’s January: Georgetown at St. John’s February: 2--Louisiana State at Basketball Championship Preview son. ESPN begins the new season championship preview and selection (New York) (national); Notre Dame Georgetown; 8 ~ Memphis State at and Selection Show (national); 13- when UCLA visits North Carolina shows and I9 other tournament con- at DePaul or Southern California at Nevada-Las Vegas; Notre Dame at NCAA championship, first round; November 24. CBS will conclude the tests. Washington (double-header, splittna- $miCUSC (double-header); f 5 ~ Louis- 14 --First round; I5 ~ Second round season with telecasts of the Division I Here are the 1985-86 schedules of tional); t8- Ohio State at Boston ville at DePaul or UCL.A at Arizona (triple-header, regional); I6-Second men’s and women’s championship the networks: College or Kentucky at Florida (spiit- State (split-national); 22-Alabama- round (triple-header, regional); 20- games, March 30 and 3 I. CBS national); Syracuse at Louisville or Birmingham at Michigan; Oklahoma Regional semifinals (double-header, Including regional and split-na- November: 30-Georgia Tech vs. Arizona at Miami (Florida) (double- at Duke (double-header); 23 --&or- national or splittnational; 21 -Re- tional broadcasts, CBS will carry 28 Michigan (at Springfield, Massachu- header, split-national); 19 -‘North getown at Syracuse. gional semifinals (double-header, na- regular-season games, NBC will carry setts). Carolina at Marquette; 25 -Indiana March: I ~.~Boston College at Vil- tional or split-national); 22-Re- 33 regular-seasoncontests, and ESPN December: 7-Kansas at North at Illinois (national); St. John’s (New lanova; Illinois at Georgia Tech (dou- gional finals (double-header, national); will telecast 116 regular-season games Carolina State; t4-St John’s (New York) at Pittsburgh or Southern Cal- ble-header); Z-Iowa at Indiana; X- t November 18,19X5 The NCAA News . C omment In show-biz terms, pros can’t match Letters to the Editor . 1 I appeal of an old hoofer like Bevo Chamberlain’s comment disturbs coach Mickey Hcrskowitz, columnist To the Editor: The Houston Parr “With no disrespect to the pros, there are at least two I cannot believe the comments made by Wilt Chamberlain (October I8 issue ways the Hessians can’t compete with the amateurs. of The NCAA News) concerning stipends for scholarship athletes. Mr. “They don’t have their own campuses, where people Chamberlain suggested a stipend (“standardized and above-board”) of $300 to can park their Winnebagos overnight; and if they want a S4OOper month.
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