RAC Report on Motoring 2018 The frustrated motorist


OF THE REPORT ON MOTORING Mark Souster, RAC Patrol #OrangeHero of the Year 2018



RAC Report on Motoring Contents

Foreword 4 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car 66 Executive summary 6 5.1 Car use rising, not falling 70 5.2 Choice of next car: 1 What’s on motorists’ minds? 10 a confusing picture 74 1.1 The state of our roads 16 1.2 The behaviour of other drivers 20 6 Calls to action 80 1.3 The cost of motoring 22 7 Our campaigns 84

2 The state of our roads 26 8 Our successes 86 2.1 The condition of local roads 32 2.2 The strategic road network 38 9 Who is the motorist? 88 2.3 Congestion and journey 10 Appendix 89 times on all roads 40 10.1 Research methodology 89 3 The dangers on our roads 42 10.2 Statistical reliability 89 3.1 Mobile phone use: concern versus compliance 46 11 30 years of the Report on Motoring 90 3.2 Drink- and drug-driving 49

3.3 Speed limits and speed 12 Always innovating to awareness courses 50 help our members 92 3.4 Traffic law enforcement and 53 13 Company overview/Contacts 94

4 Air quality and the environment 56 4.1 Local air quality concerns 58 4.2 Policies to tackle pollution 62

3 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 Foreword

Foreword More details at Wing Commander Andy Green OBE bloodhoundssc.com

I am delighted to introduce the 2018 RAC Report As in previous Reports, road safety The range of pure electric vehicles is an important theme. There is still is improving and batteries will get on Motoring. This is the 30th annual Report and much debate about speed limits but cheaper, but without common charging like previous editions, tracks motorists’ changing (at the risk of stating the obvious) standards, investors in recharging speed must be appropriate to the infrastructure will worry they are opinions, priorities and concerns. road and the conditions. This is true buying the 21st century equivalent whether you are doing the school run of Betamax video. or trying to break the World Land As the quest for safe and In 1988, when the first Report on Bloodhound is generations ahead Speed Record. In October 1997, we environmentally sustainable road Motoring was published, the World of its predecessors, using the latest had to wait for several days of perfect travel continues, we should look to Land Speed Record stood at 633mph, jet and hybrid rocket propulsion, weather because our dry lake-bed ourselves for solutions, as Britain after Richard Noble’s heroic efforts controlled by multiple high-speed track was damp and inconsistent. remains one of the world’s leaders forced ‘Thrust 2’ to its limit in 1983. computers, with on-board video and We were about to set the world’s in innovation and technology. In 1997, new technical solutions data streaming to a global audience. first ever supersonic record and we allowed Thrust SSC to blast its way It’s been created as an ‘engineering This is the key principle of the needed the right conditions, so we to a spectacular 763mph, becoming adventure’ to showcase science Bloodhound project, as we engage waited until it was safe. This same the only car in history to achieve and technology. directly with more than 100,000 principle applies equally to driving a supersonic land speed record. students every year, and millions Road vehicle technology has arguably a family car. While the car may be Jumping forwards to the present, more online, to inspire and excite advanced even more dramatically, capable of reaching speeds of over Bloodhound SSC is now targeting them about the science, technology, with electronic systems finding 100mph, the national speed limit has the almost unimaginable speed of engineering and mathematics of the their way into almost every part of been set at 70mph for motorways 1000mph. world’s fastest car. These are the young passenger cars, making them more and dual carriageways to provide scientists and engineers of tomorrow, fuel efficient, cleaner, more pleasant an acceptable level of safety for all who will build the high-technology, to drive and ride in, and a lot safer. vehicles on the road. If it is dark, with low-carbon world of the future, and we However, the quality, capacity and rain and poor visibility, then the safe are grateful for the support of the RAC safety of our roads have not made limit may well be substantially lower. in helping to promote the work of the the same progress. Another theme that emerges from Bloodhound Project. Together with the continuing high costs this year’s Report is one of motorists’ Motorists’ own assessment of their of motoring and its environmental uncertainty on what is needed to dependence on their cars has hardly impact, these are key themes of this improve air quality in our towns and changed over the last 30 years and year’s Report. cities. How do we reduce carbon cars remain a central part of life for dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and most of us. As a result, this Report is particulate emissions? What type relevant to anyone that uses the roads of vehicles should we be choosing? and I commend it to you. While the Government has set the Andy Green OBE target to remove new conventional petrol and diesel-powered vehicles from showrooms by 2040, the path to get there is not clear.

4 5 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 Executive summary

Executive summary

The views of the UK’s Below is a summary of the key Car use has risen for the first time The dangers posed by other motorists’ findings in the 2018 Report: in four years. careless, aggressive or illegal driving approximately 40m remains a significant issue. 1 The top concern among motorists In 2018, 27% of motorists say they are motorists are of the is now the condition and maintenance using their cars more than in 2017, The use of handheld mobile phones utmost importance of local roads. while only 18% say their use has by other drivers at the wheel is the reduced; this follows three years where second most common concern this The state of local roads – in particular, to politicians, local a greater number of drivers reported year: 38% say this is one of their top road surface quality and the presence using their car less. Not surprisingly, four concerns, only slightly down from authorities and the of potholes – has become the most 33% of motorists say they are more 40% in 2017. The percentage of frequently cited concern among motor industry when dependent on their car now than a drivers admitting to using a handheld Britain’s motorists. it comes to developing year ago compared with 27% in 2017. phone while driving has not fallen in This year, 42% of motorists say the Of those who are driving more, 24% the last year despite the stiffer policies and plans condition and maintenance of local blame a deterioration in public penalties introduced in early 2017. roads is one of their four main transport services. for the future. The aggressive behaviour of other concerns, a significant rise on the 33% The 2018 Report on Motoring provides Of motorists who are in work, 62% motorists – which could include recorded in 2017. Almost one in five a detailed picture of drivers’ attitudes say their car is their main way of the likes of tailgating, undertaking drivers (17%) say this issue is their and opinions on important topics – commuting, while for motorists or even road rage – has been named number-one concern. from understanding the continuing with school-age children, 61% drive as a top-four concern by 28% of UK role the car plays in so many people’s Meanwhile, 78% of motorists believe to school – although only 18% of this motorists this year, while drink- lives to the condition and maintenance the state of both local and strategic group do not then go on to drive to driving is a concern shared by 27%. of the UK’s roads and the behaviour roads – major dual carriageways and work. This highlights how difficult it Sadly, the percentage of drivers of other road users. motorways – is ‘generally poor’; 66% is for the majority of those taking their admitting to drink-driving has risen say the condition of their local roads children to school by car to switch to The Report also compares the most to its highest level in recent years. has deteriorated in the past 12 months, alternatives such as walking, cycling recent findings with those from while 40% say the same of major or public transport. These findings are particularly previous annual Reports on Motoring roads. interesting in light of motorists’ views in order to highlight changes and on traffic law enforcement: this year trends in motorists’ views. The majority of drivers (83%) would there has been an increase in drivers like to see a proportion of the motoring The research contained within who believe they will not be caught taxes they pay ring-fenced to fund the Report is based on interviews if they break most motoring laws – maintenance of local roads. conducted with a representative up to 28% from 24% in 2017 – while sample of more than 1,800 drivers more than two-thirds (68%) think from across the UK. there are not enough dedicated roads police officers to enforce existing laws (up from 62% in 2017).

1. https://data.gov.uk/dataset/driving-licence-data 6 7 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 Executive summary

Executive summary

The cost of fuel is the third most There has been a fall in the proportion While environmental issues do A significant proportion of motorists important concern in 2018, with most of motorists who admit to speeding, not rank high in the overall list of say they are confused about what car drivers saying their expenditure on apart from on 30mph urban roads. motorists’ major concerns, a large to buy next. fuel has increased over the last year. number say they are increasingly Following similar trends seen in 2017, Two-thirds of motorists (66%) say worried about the impact of vehicles Owners of plug-in hybrid vehicles fewer drivers are saying they exceed they are either confused or unsure on local air quality. are more likely to say their fuel speed limits on the UK’s roads. In whether they are confused or not expenditure has fallen – most particular, compliance on 60mph Only 12% of drivers say the about which vehicle to buy next probably as a result of having country roads and in 20mph urban environmental impact of motoring is as a result of media and political switched from a conventional zones has improved. However, a top-four concern this year, although coverage of the environmental diesel or petrol vehicle. 57% of motorists still say they have this is up from 9% in 2017. But 44% impact of motoring, while only frequently or occasionally broken the say they are more concerned about 30% say they are not confused. Concern about the cost of insurance 70mph-limit on Britain’s motorways the impact of vehicles on local air has fallen over the past 12 months, Almost half (47%) say they are unsure in the past 12 months, but this is a quality than they were 12 months with 10% of motorists saying their whether new diesel vehicles are bad significant decline from 66% and ago – an increase of four percentage premiums have fallen compared for the environment, while there is 70% in 2017 and 2016 respectively. points since 2017. to 6% in 2017. strong support (69%) for the idea of A fifth (20%) of motorists say they More than half (52%) think the a central database that could enable More than half of drivers (56%) say have been caught speeding at some Government is unfairly targeting motorists to look up the Euro general parking charges have risen point over the past 10 years, and diesel drivers as a key source of air emissions standard of any vehicle. since last year, a figure which is there is support for speed awareness pollution. Drivers clearly want to see consistent with many local authorities There has been a fall in the proportion courses: 48% of those who have greater financial incentives for the increasing parking charges, possibly to of drivers who plan to buy a petrol car attended courses say they have not take-up of zero emission vehicles, help balance their books at a time of next time they change their car, from deliberately broken the speed limit and of the policies that local or ever-increasing pressure on budgets. 58% in 2017 to 52% this year, while since and a further 44% claim central government could introduce 18% still expect to buy a diesel next, to have slowed down but still speed to improve air quality, action to a similar level to last year. There is, sometimes; 38% of all motorists restrict older, more polluting vehicles however, little sign that either plug-in think such courses are a good idea. from areas with poor air quality is hybrid or pure electric vehicles are both popular and seen as likely to While road safety campaigners taking off yet, with only 10% saying be effective. consistently call for changes and they expect to choose amendments to the Highway Code, one as their next car. worryingly only 49% of all motorists Four in 10 motorists state that a pure say they have consulted it at any electric vehicle needs to be no more time in the last 10 years. expensive to purchase or lease than an equivalent petrol, diesel or hybrid vehicle for them to choose one as their next vehicle, and 67% say they would require a minimum range of 300 miles. Only 36% of motorists expect to opt for a pure-electric vehicle within the next 10 years and 49% within 15 years.

8 9 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds? 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

Life on the roads is never easy for the UK’s motorists. And 2018 is no different, with many issues frustrating drivers as they go about their daily lives, whether that’s commuting to and from work, driving for business or for social and domestic purposes. >

Page 16 Page 20 Page 22 The state of The behaviour of The cost of 10 our roads other drivers motoring 11 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1 What’s on motorists’ minds? Top 10 overall concerns

This year’s Report on Motoring has In 2018, 42% of motorists say the state 2018 01 The condition and 42% found that motorists’ most often of local roads is an issue of concern, maintenance of 33% 2017 local roads 38% cited concern is now the condition and this proportion is significantly 2016 Drivers using 38% and maintenance of local roads. higher than the 33% recorded 12 02 handheld mobile 40% months ago. The 42% figure translates phones 41% The Report asks drivers to name to around 16m UK drivers who are Cost of fuel 29% the four motoring-related issues 03 dissatisfied with the state of the 28% that concern them most from a list 24% country’s local roads, and it represents of the 20 most commonly raised, Aggressive behaviour 28% the highest level of concern for any 04 of other drivers* to produce a percentage that shows 19% single issue at any point over 21% the level of overall ‘concern’ about the last four years. Drivers under the 27% each particular issue. 05 influence of drink 24% 22% Cost of insuring 25% 06 a car 28% 26% People driving cars 25% 2008 Flashback 07 without insurance 29% 27% In the 2008 Report on Motoring, 60% of Traffic congestion 24% drivers said they thought the increased cost 08 /slower journey times 26% of motoring was one of the biggest changes 27% of the previous 20 years – although that 09 Drivers breaking 22% year’s Report found that motoring-related traffic laws 25% 23% expenses had actually fallen in real terms Drivers under the since 1988. 20% 10 influence of drugs 19% 17%

*In 2016-2017 we asked about the rudeness of other drivers

12 13 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

The second largest concern in 2018 Concern about congestion rose in is motorists’ use of handheld mobile 2016 but there has not been a further phones: 38% say this is a concern, increase since then. In fact, there has down slightly on last year’s 40%. been a small decrease – from 26% to The cost of fuel is the third-ranked 24% – in the percentage of motorists concern, although this was mentioned who say congestion or slower journey by just 29% of motorists. times is a concern, positioning this as the eighth-ranked concern. The fourth-ranked issue of total concern this year is the aggressive Figures from the Department for behaviour of other road users (28%), Transport2 (DfT) indicate that traffic while drink-driving (27%) is ranked volumes increased in 2017 by 1.3%. fifth – up from eighth place in However, motorists appear less phased 2017 (24%). by this and more worried about road conditions than the number of cars on A quarter of motorists (25%) say that the roads this year. the cost of insurance is a concern, and a similar proportion feel that Concern about the environmental about people driving without tax or impact of motoring and the negative insurance, although in both cases effects of diesel emissions on health this is a slightly lower percentage have increased to some extent than 12 months ago. this year, but these issues remain well down the overall ranking of motorists’ priorities.

1988 Flashback In 1988, the Report on Motoring asked drivers for their predictions of life on the road in the then-distant year of 2001: • 85% expected all cars to be required to use unleaded petrol which 77% believed would only be sold in litres not gallons • 56% expected cars to be banned from all town centres • 53% thought ’s cars would only be able to travel at walking pace during rush hour

2. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/ file/722302/road-traffic-estimates-in-great-britain-2017.pdf 14 15 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1.1 The state of our roads However, as we highlight in Chapter 2, The state of the UK’s local roads, and in further data collected in this year’s particular the hazards presented survey confirms there has been to road users by the apparently ever- a definite step change – very much increasing number of potholes, has for the worse – in motorists’ views on been among the leading concerns the state of our roads. Significantly cited by the motorists surveyed for for policymakers, this comes at a the Report for several years. time when both official government statistics and this Report’s own In 2018, however, our research findings (see Chapter 5) suggest has identified a sharp rise in the road use in the UK is on the rise. proportion of drivers who say the condition and maintenance of such roads is a top concern: this is now 42% of all those questioned against just 33% in 2017 and 38% a year earlier. It should be pointed out that these figures are a measure of relative of drivers say concern – in some cases, falling the condition concern about certain issues, % and maintenance for example the cost of motoring 42 of the UK’s roads is a top concern or handheld mobile phone use, will inevitably result in rising concern in other areas and vice versa. 33% in 2017

“I think there is a strong case to be made that the weather conditions experienced in many parts of the UK at the end of winter have had a significant impact on the condition of both local and major roads, and that this has been reflected in this year’s Report.” MIKE QUINTON Chief Executive, IAM RoadSmart

16 17 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

As well as highlighting motorists’ overall concerns, the Report on of motorists say Motoring also asks respondents to the condition identify their single ‘top concern’: and maintenance this year, 17% of motorists say the 17% of local roads is their condition and maintenance of local number-one concern roads is their number-one issue. Again, this represents a significant 10% in 2017 increase on the 2017 figure (10%). litter Concern about the condition and maintenance of Britain’s motorways and major A-roads (or so-called ‘strategic’ roads) remains far lower than for local roads. Just 2% 40 % (unchanged from 2017) of drivers say the condition of strategic cite this issue as their top concern, roads has worsened over the ranking it 14th on the list of top last year, up from 29% in 2017 concerns. Nevertheless, there is a significant increase in the percentage of drivers claiming that the surface condition of strategic roads is worse now than 12 months ago.

1998 Flashback The RAC urged the Government to recognise the inevitability of people using their cars more and to ensure they invested sufficiently in the road infrastructure and road More motorists this year management to enable it to cope with say the condition and the increase in demand. maintenance of local roads is their number-one issue.

18 19 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1.2 The behaviour of other drivers Drug-driving is less of a concern: The issue that ranks second on the list 20% of motorists say this is one of the of total concern this year is the use of four most important issues, ranking it handheld mobile phones at the wheel: in 10th place overall. When combined, 38% of drivers say this is a current however, 38% of drivers say that concern, although this is marginally either drink- or drug-driving – or both down on the 40% in 2017, when it was – are issues of significant concern, motorists’ biggest overall concern. up from 34% in 2017. When asked about the aggressive There has been a fall in overall behaviour of other drivers, a total concern both about people driving of 28% name this as one of their without tax or insurance (25% from top concerns in 2018. This makes 29% in 2017) and drivers breaking aggressive behaviour one of the most traffic laws (22% against 25% in significant overall concerns, ranking 2017). These issues rank seventh fourth behind the state of local roads, and ninth respectively this year. handheld phone use and the cost We report further data about of fuel. motorists’ views on the hazards In fifth place this year is drivers under outlined above, as well as attitudes the influence of drink: 27% say this is to speeding and measures to tackle a major concern, which represents dangerous behaviour, in Chapter 3 a small but statistically significant of this Report. increase on the 24% in last year’s Report.

27 % 28% of drivers are concerned of drivers say the aggressive about other drivers under behaviour of other drivers is the influence of drink one of their top-four concerns

20 21 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: RAC call to action: 1 What’s on motorists’ minds? Fuel duty: see page 80 Insurance Premium Tax: see page 80 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1.3 The cost of motoring These figures are consistent both with However, the timing of the survey for However, industry figures3 suggest The cost of fuel is the third biggest the increase in vehicle miles reported this year’s Report means that some typical comprehensive premiums issue for motorists, with 29% citing by the DfT (traffic volumes increased of the fuel price increases seen in have nonetheless declined during the it as one of their top-four concerns in 2017 by 1.3%) and also the fact that May 2018 will not be reflected in the period covered by this year’s Report this year – this represents a slight forecourt prices have steadily increased figures set out in this section. (the 12 months to May 2018). increase on 2017’s 28%. Eight per over the past year. At the end of May Total concern about the cost This trend may help to explain the cent of drivers say their petrol, diesel 2017, for example, the average cost of of insurance has fallen from 28% fact that 10% of motorists report or electricity costs for their vehicle a litre of unleaded was just over 116p, to 25% – a statistically significant their premiums have fallen over the have fallen in the past year, up from but 12 months later it was over 126p decrease – over the past 12 months, past year compared with 6% who 6% who took this view in 2017. largely due to rising oil prices and a and this issue now ranks sixth overall. said the same in 2017. Nonetheless, a majority (61%) say weakening pound against the dollar. their fuel expenses have increased It should be noted the rate of insurance The proportion of motorists who say since last year; the same proportion premium tax was raised to 12% in their car tax bill has increased (39%), as 12 months ago, while 27% report June 2017, the third increase in the stayed the same (51%) or fallen (6%) no change (down from 32% in 2017). tax in less than three years. in the past 12 months has not changed 61% when compared with the 2017 Report. of drivers say their fuel expenses have increased since last year

Retail diesel Wholesale diesel The cost of fuel Retail unleaded Wholesale unleaded

RAC Fuel Watch provides a daily insight into how petrol and diesel prices are changing – both on the wholesale market and on the forecourt – as well as a detailed monthly analysis of how much prices have gone up or down.

See rac.co.uk/fuelwatch

3. https://www.abi.org.uk/news/news-articles/2018/07/cost-of-motor-insurance-falls-for-second-successive-quarter/ 22 23 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

1 What’s on motorists’ minds?

A similar picture emerges on car At the same time, a third (33%) The percentage of those saying their How motorists respond to this maintenance and repair costs: 45% of plug-in hybrid drivers say their residents’ parking charges have risen question is likely to depend on where say they have increased, the same insurance costs are lower than is greater in London (29% vs 16% they live. For those who, for example, proportion say they have remained the a year ago. Concern about the cost of average) and this may have been regularly use the Dartford Crossing same and 3% report they have fallen. parking has barely changed over the influenced by some London boroughs or the M6 Toll, the response will past 12 months: 16% say this is a introducing surcharges for diesel be heavily influenced by what has This year’s data shows some top-four concern against 17% in 2017. vehicle owners. happened to the charges on differences between drivers of plug-in these roads. hybrid vehicles and the average: for More than half of motorists (56%) Finally, 23% of motorists say their example, they are, not surprisingly, say general parking charges have expenditure on road tolls has risen far more likely to report that fuel costs increased since last year (24% say over the past 12 months, while 21% have fallen. Almost two-thirds of they have stayed the same), while 16% say they have remained static (and plug-in hybrid drivers (63%) say their report a rise in residents’ parking 38% say this does not apply to them). fuel expenditure is lower this year, a permits (16% no change and 59% said reflection of the fact that motorists who this charge does not apply to them). have switched from a conventionally Many cash-strapped local authorities fuelled vehicle since 2017 are likely to have increased parking charges to Fuel costs have seen their bills fall. help balance the books and this is Breakdown of current cost of unleaded petrol reflected in these figures. and diesel. Drivers pay over £46bn in motoring taxes to the Treasury per year.

Running costs The percentage of motorists who have felt a rise in fuel and other types of running costs.

Fuel costs Insurance Cost of repairs Car tax

61% 55% 45% 39%

61% in 2017 58% in 2017 46% in 2017 38% in 2017

24 25 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 2 The state of our roads 2 The state of our roads

The condition and maintenance of the UK’s road network – and in particular local roads – has long been a major theme of the Report on Motoring. >

Page 32 Page 38 Page 40 The condition The strategic Congestion and journey 26 of local roads road network times on all roads RAC Report on Motoring 2018 2 The state of our roads

2 The state of our roads

This year we have seen a marked increase in the proportion of drivers who say the state of local roads is The state of local roads their top overall concern, up from is the single biggest 33% in 2017 to 42% in 2018. More 17% concern at 17% specifically, 17% cite this as their number-one concern compared to 10% in 2017. 10% in 2017 The state of local roads is the issue of litter greatest concern for motorists this year. While these figures only indicate levels of concern about local road conditions relative to other issues, it is clear from responses to more specific questions 26% on this topic there has been a significant of those who stated the condition of their local roads was worse increase in drivers’ dissatisfaction over than a year ago blamed the the past 12 months, as we will make amount of litter clear later in this chapter.

“It is surely time that central and local government got to grips with the state of the UK’s roads, whether they are local or motorways and main dual carriageways. The overwhelming key concern for motorists is the road surface, with litter being a consistently strong second. “Highways and local authorities need to make a concerted effort to improve the condition and appearance of our roads so that motorists can feel safer and a little prouder of their country – and so we do not continue to lag behind many other developed economies.” THEO DE PENCIER Non-executive Board Member, Transport Focus; Former Chief Executive, Freight Transport Association

28 29 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 2 The state of our roads

2 The state of our roads

Concern about the state of strategic Those living in villages and rural roads – that is, motorways and high- areas are more likely to agree (86%), speed dual carriageways – has not as are those over the age of 45 (85% increased significantly this year agreement). However, those living in relative to other issues. However, urban areas (69%) or London (71%) a growing number of motorists feel are less likely to agree that road the condition of these roads has also conditions are poor, as are drivers deteriorated over the last 12 months. aged between 25 and 44 (69%). As well as identifying widespread unhappiness When asked specifically for their about the state of road surfaces, the views on the state of the UK’s roads, Report has also sought motorists’ 78% agree the state of them – including views on how best to fund investment motorways and major dual carriageways in the network and to what extent they as well as local roads – was ‘generally would be willing to pay for such poor’. Less than one in 10 (9%) investment in the form of higher disagree with this. motoring taxes.

78 % of drivers agree the state of UK roads is generally poor 66% of motorists say the condition of local roads has deteriorated over the last 12 months. “There is a clear message in this year’s Report that, at a time when car usage is on the rise, motorists believe there has been a clear deterioration in the condition of the UK’s roads. This is an issue that urgently needs to be addressed.” STEVE GOODING Director RAC Foundation

30 31 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 2 The state of our roads

2 The state of our roads

2.1 The condition of local roads Among those who say conditions are There is little doubt local road Concerns about the state of As stated, the condition and worse in 2018, the overwhelming conditions in many parts of the maintenance of local roads is majority (98%) blame road surfaces country are substandard and local roads and motorways the biggest concern for motorists. – this is an even higher proportion have been so for quite some time. The Report has identified a significant than the 92% who did so last year. The most recent edition of the Road surface 98% worsening of sentiment: in 2017, annual independent survey 82% Other problems cited by motorists for example, 51% of drivers said carried out by the Asphalt Amount of litter 26% in this group include litter by the the condition of local roads had Industry Alliance (AIA) shows by the road 25% roadside (26%), grass and foliage deteriorated in the previous 12 the backlog in terms of road maintenance (18% – down from 22% Lane marking n/a months. This year that figure repairs and maintenance in 2017) and street lighting (11%, visibility 23% has leapt to 66%. continues to grow: the AIA’s 2018 down from 16% a year ago). Grass/foliage 18% Annual Local Authority Road Motorists who live in the East maintenance Maintenance (ALARM) report, 14% of England (81%), the East Midlands which was published in March4, Street/carriageway 11% (82%) or Scotland (78%) have a shows around 20% of local roads lighting 18% greater tendency to say conditions are in ‘poor structural condition’, have become worse. of drivers said the Signage 8% condition of local roads which is defined as meaning they 11% Just one in 10 (9%) of motorists say have five years of life or less 66% had deteriorated in the Safety barriers 3% last year remaining. This proportion has conditions have improved (7% in 2017) 7% – urban (20%) and London (35%) risen from 17% in 2017, and residents are far more likely to take continues a trend seen over Other 1% this more positive view. 51% in 2017 recent years. 3%

Local roads Motorways & high-speed dual carriageways

4. http://www.asphaltuk.org/alarm-survey-page/ 32 33 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 2 The state of our roads Local roads: see page 80 2 The state of our roads RAC Pothole Index

Often, periods of particularly cold and However, this needs to be seen in the The RAC has used its database of over two million breakdowns attended each wet weather can exacerbate road context of the maintenance backlog year to develop the RAC Pothole Index as an ongoing monitor of the state of the surface problems and it may be that of over £9.3bn reported by the AIA UK’s roads. The index is essentially a measure of how often the average RAC the exceptional wintry storms – which is their estimate of the one-off member requests roadside assistance for a breakdown where the fault was in particular, ‘the Beast from the East’ investment required to return local of a type where damage from a pothole or other road surface defect was the and Storm Emma which were roads to a state that is fit-for- most likely cause i.e. damaged shock absorbers, broken suspension springs experienced by much of the UK in late purpose. and wishbones and distorted wheels. This ‘call-out rate’ is aggregated over February and early March – led to a rise the previous 12 months to remove seasonal effects. The AIA’s report found that while in the number of potholes shortly before local authorities had benefitted from this year’s survey was carried out. an increase in average highway 4.0 The RAC’s own Pothole Index found maintenance budgets this year, the that in the first three months of 2018, shortfall between current spending 3.5 the proportion of breakdowns caused and what is actually required to keep 3.0 by road surface problems almost roads in ‘reasonable order’ stands at 2.5

doubled from 1.2% in the final quarter £556m – an average of £3.3m for each 2.0 of 2017 to 2.3% of total breakdowns local authority and these sums are 1.5 attended – the highest rate since what is required to maintain the status early 2015. quo and do not address the huge 1.0 preventative maintenance backlog. 0.5 The second three months of 2018 led to RAC patrols dealing with more 0 pothole-related breakdowns than in 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 any other second quarter since 2015. Between April and June, an analysis The index uses the call-out rate at After 2010 it suggests there was some of RAC breakdown data showed there the start of 2006 as a benchmark and overall improvement in road quality, were a total of 4,091 call-outs for the value of the index is therefore but progress is heavily influenced by damaged shock absorbers, broken a measure of how likely a motorist’s extreme weather and the availability suspension springs or distorted vehicle is to suffer pothole damage of emergency funding from central wheels – faults which are most likely compared to 2006. Thus an index government. However, since the to be directly attributed to poor of 1.2 would mean the likelihood of beginning of 2017 the index indicates quality road surfaces. pothole damage had increased by 20%. the condition of roads across the UK has deteriorated steadily. The Government has continued to The index shows there was a steady make some efforts to address the Over deterioration in the condition of issue. In March 2018, transport roads between 2005 and 2010 as secretary Chris Grayling announced highways authorities’ budgets were a further £100m would be made £9.3bn tightened and many cut back on available to help local authorities investment required to return preventative maintenance. rac.co.uk/potholeindex repair potholes and storm damage local roads to state that is fit that had resulted from the recent for purpose harsh weather.

34 35 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 2 The state of our roads

2 The state of our roads

Clearly, extra central government Meanwhile, almost half (47%) of funding to help alleviate the most motorists say they would be willing serious road surface problems to pay more in motoring taxes if the is welcome, but it is clear that extra money was devoted to road sustained long-term investment improvements – this proposition is is needed to fully address the more likely to be supported by London condition and maintenance issues residents (63%) as well as those who frustrating millions of UK motorists. frequently drive for business (60%). Motorists are concerned at the Encouragingly, there are signs the absence of a long-term central Government may consider a fresh The problem has got so bad government plan and funding to approach to how local road address the problem of effective that in August 2018 the House maintenance is dealt with. During local road maintenance. a House of Commons debate on of Commons Transport Select potholes and road maintenance The percentage who say they would Committee announced an inquiry in early June, for example, transport not be happy to pay more in tax for minister Jesse Norman said he thought this purpose has, however, risen into the condition of local roads there was a case for “a more long- from 25% in 2017 to 29% this year, which has been widely welcomed. term, strategic approach to local though it is broadly similar to the roads”.5 Policymakers should take level recorded four years ago. note that there is widespread support This suggests that more needs among drivers for a proportion of the to be done to better fund local road motoring taxes they pay being ring- maintenance using current levels fenced to fund the maintenance of of taxation – and 78% of motorists local roads: this year’s Report found agree the motoring taxes they pay that 83% would back such a move. aren’t sufficiently re-invested into local roads. 83% of motorists would like to see a 1988 Flashback proportion of the motoring taxes they pay ring-fenced to fund Two out of five (39%) of Britain’s drivers maintenance of local roads were dissatisfied with the road system in the area where they live and nearly three out of 10 (28%) expressed dissatisfaction with the national motorway network. 47% Almost half of motorists are willing to pay more in motoring taxation to improve roads

5. https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2018-06-05/debates/ 03FC8C46-D1AA-413F-BC95-FFDC57864E04/PotholesAndRoadMaintenance 36 37 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 2 The state of our roads Major roads: see page 80 2 The state of our roads

2.2 The strategic road network The main factors responsible for this When compared with the other pressing deterioration are road surface quality issues facing motorists, the state of (cited by 82% of those who said the country’s strategic roads – conditions had worsened; 76% in motorways and high-speed dual 2017), as well as litter (25%) and carriageways – does not rank as a lane-marking visibility (23%; down major concern in its own right. Just from 31% a year ago). 14% of drivers say it is among their As with local roads, it may be the four main concerns (a small rise on increase in the number of motorists last year’s 12%) and only 2% say this who think strategic road conditions is their top concern. have worsened in the past 12 months However, there has been a significant is as a result of the poor weather the increase in the proportion of motorists country experienced in late 2017 and who think the condition of these roads the first few months of 2018. has worsened in the last 12 months: Unlike local roads, the strategic 40% believe this to be the case, up road network benefits from the from 29% who held this view in 2017. Government’s Road Investment Less than half (46%) think conditions Strategies which are five-year plans have stayed the same (59% in 2017), and associated funding allocated to while 9% say they have improved maintain and develop the network. (8% last year). From 2020, taxes raised through vehicle excise duty will be ring-fenced Drivers who live in the East of to directly fund strategic road England (54%) or who are aged maintenance and development. between 45 and 64 (50%) are more likely to report conditions have got worse.

say the condition of strategic roads 82% 40% has worsened in of those who said conditions the last 12 months on strategic road network have worsened believe the main factor responsible is 29% in 2017 road surface quality

38 39 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 2 The state of our roads

2 The state of our roads Road and rail travel since 1952

2.3 Congestion and journey times Billion passenger km per year on all roads 700 674 Concern about congestion and slower 600 journey times has fallen slightly this 71% 500 year: 24% of motorists say this is one agree local journey times are becoming less predictable. 400 of their top four concerns, down from The same percentage (71%) think 300 26% in 2017, while 6% say this is their the same about motorways and 200 93 top concern (8% last year). high-speed dual carriageways 100

Nonetheless, there is strong 80 80 agreement that both local journey times and those involving motorways 60 and/or high-speed dual carriageways Source: are becoming less predictable 40 Department (71% agreement in both cases). for Transport 23 statistics: One of the reasons for this might 20 Modal comparisons be the fact private cars continue to 11 – Table account for the majority of journeys 0 TSGB0101 people make – and as data from the 1952 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2016 National Travel Survey shows, there has been a long-term reduction in the total distances travelled using other forms of transport, with only journeys Cars, vans Buses and Rail Bicycles Motorbikes by rail recently bucking this trend. and taxis coaches = peak

40 41 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 3 The dangers on our roads 3 The dangers on our roads

Motorists unquestionably face many dangers at the wheel, but research for this year’s Report very clearly reveals their greatest safety concerns centre on the actions of other drivers. >

Page 46 Page 49 Page 50 Page 53 Mobile phone use: Drink- and Speed limits and Traffic law & the 42 concern vs drug-driving speed awareness Highway Code compliance courses RAC Report on Motoring 2018 3 The dangers on our roads

3 The dangers on our roads

In the 2018 Report on Motoring, Just as worrying is the proportion five of the top 10 causes for concern of motorists who say they have driven among motorists relate to the while over the legal drink-drive limit dangerous or reckless behaviour which has risen to its highest level of other drivers. in several years. Chief among these remains the use of Policymakers looking to address these handheld mobile phones at the wheel, issues should note there have been and this is the second most widely statistically significant increases both reported overall concern, behind only in the percentage of motorists who the state of local roads. For the first believe there are not enough police time this year, motorists were also on the road to enforce driving laws asked their views on the aggressive (68% in 2018, up from 62% last year) behaviour of other drivers: almost three and the proportion who think they are in 10 (28%) said this was a major not very likely to get caught if they break concern, ranking the issue fourth most motoring laws (28% from 24%). overall. Nevertheless, for the second Drink- and drug-driving, as well as consecutive year, motorists say their general lawbreaking by other motorists, compliance with speed limits has also ranked in the top 10 concerns with improved, while questions relating to worries about drink-driving specifically speed awareness courses for drivers appearing to have increased. who are caught exceeding the limits suggests there is a belief that this kind Unfortunately, however, there is no of training can be effective in reducing evidence the use of handheld mobile the number of repeat offenders. phones among motorists over the last 12 months – whether to make calls, or to send or receive messages – has fallen. This is despite the recent introduction of stiffer penalties for this “We know there is widespread concern about general offence and the large volumes of media 1988 Flashback levels of policing – indeed, it was a major issue at last coverage around the issue. When asked in 1988 what safety features year’s General Election. But there are certainly far motorists would particularly look for the fewer dedicated road police today than at the start of next time they bought a car, 29% said rear the decade.” seatbelts and 27% anti-lock brakes DAVID DAVIES – the most popular answers by far. Executive Director Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS)

44 45 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 3 The dangers on our roads Handheld mobile phones: see page 82 3 The dangers on our roads Nature of mobile phone use while at the wheel

3.1 Mobile phone use: While there has been no change in the Making or receiving calls: Check texts, email or social media: concern versus compliance proportion of motorists who say they The percentage of drivers who say make or receive handheld calls while Driving Stationary Driving Stationary other motorists’ use of handheld driving – 75% never do this and a further mobile phones is one of their four 10% do this only rarely – there has leading concerns has decreased only been an increase (from 6% to 8%) slightly in 2018, from 40% to 38%. in the percentage of drivers who say This means the issue is now the they make or receive calls most 25% 39% 19 % 40% second most common concern, or all of the time if they are stationary behind the state of local roads. with the engine running. The proportion of motorists who say While last year, 87% of motorists said 24% in 2017 40% in 2017 18% in 2017 38% in 2017 handheld mobile phone use is their top they never wrote texts, emails or social concern has fallen from 16% to 13%. media posts while driving, this number has fallen to 84% in 2018. And although While these differences may simply 86% of respondents this year say they reflect the fact that other issues have Text, email or post on social media: Take photos/videos with phone: never take photos or record videos with risen in prominence over the past 12 their phones while driving, this is a fall Driving Stationary Driving Stationary months, the statistics in this year’s from 2017’s 89%. Report relating to drivers’ own reported handheld phone usage while driving In March 2017, shortly before the make for somewhat grim reading. research for last year’s Report was carried out, the Government introduced tougher penalties for 16% 33% 14% 22% handheld mobile phone use while driving6. While the Government had already been consulting on stiffer 13% in 2017 29% in 2017 11% in 2017 16% in 2017 penalties, media coverage of the findings in the 2016 Report on 25% Motoring on the level of illegal phone use by drivers prompted them to of motorists admit to making or receiving handheld calls while bring forward their introduction and driving – this includes only 10% to set the new penalties at higher who say they do this rarely levels than suggested in the consultation proposal.

6. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/double-penalties-for-motorists-using-mobiles 46 47 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 3 The dangers on our roads Drink-driving: see page 82 3 The dangers on our roads

The 2017 Report showed a welcome and This year, 16% say they think it is safe 3.2 Drink- and drug-driving These points are significant and in not unsurprising increase in reported to text or check social media while Concern about drivers under the some cases surprising given that compliance – but, regrettably, it is now stationary (15% in 2017), while 13% influence of alcohol has risen over younger drivers under 25 are often evident this did not mark the start say it is acceptable to take a quick the past 12 months: while the issue seen as more likely to drink and drive, of year-on-year reductions in illegal call on a handheld phone, up from ranked in eighth place on the list of and generally, city dwellers have better phone use among motorists. 11% in 2017. major concerns in 2017, cited by 24% public transport alternatives to the car of motorists, this year 27% of drivers compared to those living in rural areas. Drivers were also asked for their views Clearly, there is still a need to convince identified it is as a major concern on the acceptability of handheld phone those drivers who persist in using There has been no change since 2017 in placing drink-driving in fifth place. use at the wheel: here there has been handheld phones while driving of the the percentage of motorists (10%) who little change in opinion over the past dangers of doing so, and for new There has been a small but not say they either know they have driven 12 months, suggesting those who were technology to help those responsible statistically significant increase in while over the limit the morning after prepared to change their behaviour for enforcement of the law on mobile concern about drug-driving (from 19% a night out or think they have done so. have done so but worryingly there is phone use to detect their illegal use. to 20%), and this ranks 10th for the still a hard-core of drivers who have Similarly, technology can help drivers second consecutive year. Driving under no intention of doing so. stop using their smartphones when Eight in 10 motorists (81%) say they do in a moving vehicle such as ‘Do Not the influence not think they have driven under the Disturb’ or ‘drive safe’ modes. influence of alcohol over the past Motorists who know, or think, they have driven over the limit 12 months, down from 84% in 2017 shortly after having drinks. but generally in line with the figures seen over the past four years. All respondents 1 3% 2018 12% think it is acceptable to take a However, there has been a statistically 2017 8% long call on a handheld phone Age significant increase – from 8% to 13% while driving 17-24 12% – in the proportion of drivers who 11% 24% admit they have driven in the past 25-44 15% 12 months when they think or know 3% 45+ they were over the legal limit shortly 3% after drinking. Gender 15% Men Motorists aged between 25 and 44 9% 9% Women (24%) are more likely to admit to doing 7% “A possible explanation for the increase in reported so than those in other age groups, Socio-economic background 16% while those who live in London (32%) ABC1 drink-driving is the fact that people simply feel they 9% are less likely to be caught: there are fewer police or in other cities (23%) also have a 7% C2DE on the roads, and this is a crime that a camera greater propensity to drink-drive. 7% cannot detect.” Location 32% London DAVID DAVIES 16% 23% City Executive Director 16% Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety 7% Suburb (PACTS) 6% 5% Rural 4%

2018 2017 48 49 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 3 The dangers on our roads Driver re-training: see page 83 3 The dangers on our roads

3.3 Speed limits and speed There has been much debate about Three-quarters (76%) of drivers say awareness courses the effectiveness of speed awareness they were caught on the most recent For the second consecutive year, courses and how best to treat occasion by a speed camera – most 1998 Flashback there has been a fall in the number offenders, so this year’s Report on commonly a mobile speed camera In 1998, the Report found strong support of motorists who admit to speeding. Motoring asked drivers for their views (42% of those caught by a camera) or for certain road safety improvements: there The proportion of drivers who say on both topics. A fifth (20%) of a fixed speed camera on a road other was +45% net support – the difference they frequently or occasionally exceed motorists told us they have been than a motorway (35%). between the proportion that supported 70mph on the UK’s motorways caught speeding on at least one Across the country, the proportion the measure versus those against it – for has fallen to 57% in 2018, down occasion in the past decade. who say they were caught most ‘a 20mph speed limit in built-up areas and significantly from 2017’s 66% and Of this group, more than one-third recently by a police officer was 23%, safer conditions for cycling and walking’. the 70% in the two previous years. (35%) have been caught multiple but this rises to 39% in London and Compliance on 60mph country roads times. There has been a greater 35% in other urban areas. (36% admit breaking limits) and incidence of being caught speeding However, it is likely many of these 20mph urban area zones (39%) has in the past 10 years for men (27%), officers will have been using approved also improved. However, there has drivers from higher income groups handheld or vehicle-mounted been no change in reported speeding (24%) and, in particular, those who equipment to measure the speed of on roads with 30mph limits (39% say drive for business (37%). offending motorists. they occasionally or frequently exceed these limits). Almost half (47%) of speeding motorists say they chose to attend a speed awareness course on the most recent occasion they were caught.

Percentage of drivers who frequently or occasionally speed

“It is possible that the reduction in the proportion 80% of motorists who say they exceed motorway speed 70% limits is at least partly a result of the cameras that are being used for enforcement on smart 60% 66% motorways. Similarly, improved compliance in 50% 57% 20mph zones may also be the result of speed 40% limits being enforced by technology.” 39% 39% 39% 41% 39% 30% 36% SUZETTE DAVENPORT 20% Former Chief Constable, Gloucestershire Police, and National Lead for Roads Policing in England and Wales 10% 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 0% Motorways Urban roads Country roads Urban area zones 70mph 30mph 60mph 20mph

50 51 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 3 The dangers on our roads Enforcement of traffic offences: see page 82 3 The dangers on our roads

Overall, 77% of motorists caught believe all drivers – not just those 3.4 Traffic law enforcement and It should be pointed out the April RAC speeding since 2008 chose to attend caught speeding – should be required the Highway Code research related solely to penalty an awareness course: among this to attend such a course. Only 14% In this year’s Report, motorists were charge notices, which are usually group, 48% say they have not believe they do not challenge asked about their experiences of issued by local authorities – it did deliberately broken the speed limit speeding behaviour. receiving fixed penalty or penalty not cover the fixed penalty notices since, while a further 44% say they charge notices, after being caught by issued by the police. These findings complement those have slowed down – although they a traffic enforcement camera, for of a report published by the Despite the large number of do still speed occasionally. However, transgressions other than speeding Department for Transport in May associated penalties issued, the a third of drivers (33%) who have offences: 27% of drivers say they have 20187. The analysis of speed Report concludes there is a fair level attended speed awareness courses in been caught at least once since they awareness courses in England of support for traffic enforcement the past 10 years say they have been obtained their licence. and Wales between 2012 and 2017 cameras among motorists: almost caught speeding since. indicated such training ‘has The most common transgression half (48%) of motorists say they are There is a reasonable level of support a larger effect in reducing speed is driving in a prohibited bus lane necessary to reduce lawbreaking for the concept of speed awareness reoffending than the penalty points (16%), followed by going through – a view that is more likely to be held courses: 38% of all motorists think and fine associated with fixed a red light (12%) and stopping by Londoners (61%) or those in the they are a good idea, while 26% penalty notices’. in a yellow box junction (also 12%). North West of England (60%). According to data compiled by the RAC in April 2018, more than 1.1m penalty charge notices were issued for drivers’ misuse of bus lanes in the UK’s 20 Which of the following statements best represents your largest cities over the course of 2017. view on road traffic enforcement cameras for various We have now called for a review of infringements other than speeding offences? national signage guidelines as well as for the introduction of smart bus lanes to make it clearer to motorists when They are necessary to There are too many Cameras are not I understand the need they can and cannot use bus lanes. reduce people breaking road traffic cameras necessary, we need more for cameras to enforce road traffic laws on the road now police officers enforcing certain types of traffic road traffic laws laws but not all

48% 24% 18% 46%

Percentage agree

7. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/706208/ national-speed-awareness-course-evaluation.pdf 52 53 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 3 The dangers on our roads Highway Code: see page 83 3 The dangers on our roads

Finally, the 2018 Report also asked At the same time, there is strong motorists how recently they had support for regular mandatory checks consulted the Highway Code. Road on drivers’ knowledge of the Highway safety campaigners often call for Code: 56% of motorists believe drivers changes to the Highway Code, should at the very least be required to but clearly such changes cannot demonstrate they understand the ‘rules be fully effective if motorists are of the road’ regularly, most commonly not aware of them. agreeing every time they renew their licence, which would mean every 10 Our findings suggest a relatively years for drivers under the age of 70. small proportion of motorists update their knowledge of the Highway Code with any regularity: 38% of drivers say they have consulted it within the last five years and less than half (49%) have done so in the last decade.

61 % 56% of London motorists say believe drivers should be traffic enforcement cameras required to demonstrate the are necessary rules of the road regularly

“I am surprised that as many as 38% of motorists have consulted the Highway Code within the last five years. There is strong support I would have imagined that the overwhelming majority for regular mandatory of drivers last consulted the Code when they were about to take their driving test.” checks on drivers’ MIKE QUINTON knowledge of the Chief Executive, Highway Code. IAM RoadSmart

54 55 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 4 Air quality and the environment 4 Air quality and the environment

The harmful effects of vehicle emissions – in particular nitrogen dioxide from diesel engines – have again been widely reported in the media over the past 12 months. >

Page 58 Page 62 Local air quality Policies to tackle 56 concerns pollution RAC Report on Motoring 2018 4 Air quality and the environment

4 Air quality and the environment

Both central and local government 4.1 Local air quality concerns Unsurprisingly, the greater the are now proposing, and in some cases Although the environmental impact personal financial cost of any change, implementing, measures to tackle of motoring ranks in 16th place on the less support it is likely to receive. 1998 Flashback air quality problems, especially in the list of the top 20 concerns put The changes that motorists say they The Report on Motoring found in 1998 that urban areas. to drivers in the 2018 Report – and are most likely to have made already the environmental damage caused by the the harmful effects of emissions from are switching off their engines more This year’s Report on Motoring shows car was ‘well understood but seen as a less diesel vehicles on health ranks 19th often in traffic (25% of drivers already that while worries about air quality significant contributor to environmental – almost half of drivers (44%) say do this, though they may have stop- and the environment rank well below problems than many other sources’. their concern about the impact start technology engaged), and issues such as the state of roads, ‘However,’ the Report continued, ‘old cars vehicles have on local air quality walking or cycling rather than irresponsible driving and the cost in particular are seen as highly polluting.’ has increased in the past 12 months driving on short journeys (19%). of motoring, concern has increased (40% said this in 2017). in the past 12 months. More than half of drivers (56%) say Drivers of diesel vehicles are the they would welcome understanding While only 12% of motorists say the least likely (36%) to say their local air more about their own vehicle’s environmental impact of motoring quality concerns have increased over impact on air quality, while the is one of their top-four concerns this the past year, while among owners same proportion say they would year, this is a clear rise on 2017’s 9%. of low-emissions vehicles such as buy a zero emissions car if the Similarly, 9% now say the impact plug-in hybrid or pure electric cars, Government increased the financial of harmful diesel emissions on health concern is not surprisingly the incentives to do so (see Chapter is a major concern, up from 7% in the highest (65%). 5 for more information about previous Report. drivers’ views on such incentives). For this year’s Report, drivers were When asked specific questions about asked what changes to their motoring the effect of motoring on the behaviour they would be willing environment, there has been a clear to make – or have already made – increase in concern about the impact in order to reduce their own impact vehicles have on local air quality. on the environment. 69 % Despite this, a majority of motorists agree the Government needs believe diesel drivers are being unfairly to develop a website that targeted by the Government as a key allows any driver to check how source of air pollution, as was polluting their vehicle is, based the case a year ago. 44% on its Euro emissions rating A significant proportion of drivers say of drivers say they are more they are willing to make changes to concerned about the impact vehicles have on air quality in their own behaviour in order to reduce the area where they live than their emissions footprint, and this they were 12 months ago year’s Report has also asked motorists about which, among a range of potential policies, they believe would have the greatest impact on improving air quality, and which policies they would most like to see introduced.

58 59 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 4 Air quality and the environment

4 Air quality and the environment Willingness to reduce personal emissions footprint

More than four in 10 drivers (42%) 56% are willing to switch off their engines London will introduce of motorists are willing to buy more frequently while stationary in a zero emissions vehicle if the 56% an Ultra-Low Emission Government increased the traffic, and the same percentage of motorists want to financial incentive to do so would share a car with a friend or Zone in 2019 understand more colleague in order to improve local Birmingham, Leeds, Southampton, about how their air quality – findings which may be Nottingham, Derby, Bristol, Cambridge and vehicle’s emissions 42% impact on air quality useful to local authorities. Oxford have announced plans to introduce of motorists are willing Clean Air Zones in England. And in Scotland, Those who are willing to walk to switch off their Glasgow and Edinburgh have drawn up engines more often or cycle rather than drive short plans and Dundee is expected to follow. journeys outnumber those unwilling when in traffic to to do so (31% willing while 28% are reduce their emissions unwilling). But when asked about footprint their willingness to buy a zero- emissions vehicle if there are no financial incentives to do so, those unwilling outnumbered those willing (23% are willing against 30% unwilling). 42% 22% of motorists are of motorists are The least popular behavioural change willing to share willing to pay a charge of the options was paying a charge to a car with a friend to enter a city centre enter a city centre as part of a plan or colleague to as part of a plan to to improve local air quality: only 22% reduce their improve air quality would be willing to do so, while 40% emissions footprint are unwilling.

31% 23% of motorists are willing of motorists are willing to walk or swap their car to buy a zero emissions for a bicycle for short vehicle even if the journeys to reduce their Government doesn’t emissions footprint provide any financial incentives to do so

60 61 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 4 Air quality and the environment Local measures to improve air quality: see page 81 4 Air quality and the environment

4.2 Policies to tackle pollution This information provides Motorists also support providing building (supported by 32% and The proportion of motorists who policymakers with a valuable insight more public information about local 38% believe it would be effective in believe the Government is unfairly into which proposals are likely to have air quality (43%) but fewer (39%) reducing pollution) and doing more targeting diesel drivers as a key both a significant level of public believe it would be effective in to encourage cycling as an alternative source of air pollution remains high: backing and high perceived benefit. reducing pollution. Policies aimed at to a car (supported by 30% and 52% take this view (53% in 2017). reducing how much motorists drive 39% believe it would effectively Three policies in particular appear Only 17% of motorists disagree their cars are also seen as relatively reduce pollution). to fall into this category: a ban on with this statement. effective: investing more in public older, more polluting vehicles from transport at the expense of road Over the past four years, however, entering areas with the poorest air there has been a steady increase quality is favoured by 31% of in the proportion of drivers who motorists, while 47% believe this believe the current level of motoring would cut pollution. Similarly, the Policies that could be implemented taxation is a fair price to pay for the introduction of charges for more environmental damage motoring can polluting vehicles entering such areas to improve local air quality cause. In 2018, 37% agree with this is supported by 30%, while 45% would sentiment, up from 34% in 2017. expect this policy to be effective. Provide more public information 43% A smaller proportion of motorists Enforcing ‘no-idling’ zones – where about local air quality 39% (28%) disagree with this viewpoint. drivers are required to switch their Invest more in buses, trains and other alternative 32% The 2018 Report presented motorists engine off in traffic or when stopped modes of transport at the expense of road building 38% with a series of potential or existing – has slightly lower support (27%), 31% environmental policies related however a high proportion (40%) Ban older, more polluting vehicles from entering areas with the poorest air quality 47% to motoring to assess both the level believe this will have a high of support for such measures and impact on reducing pollution. Do more to encourage cycling 30% also drivers’ views on how effective as an alternative to the car 39% the policies could be in improving Introduce charges for more polluting vehicles 30% local air quality. entering areas with the poorest air quality 45%

Enforce 'no-idling' zones in town and city centres 27% 40%

Introduce charges for all vehicles entering 20% areas with the poorest air quality 34%

2008 Flashback Introduce more bus lanes 20% 23% Two-thirds of motorists in 2008 agreed that 19% taxing a vehicle based on CO2 emissions was, Ban all vehicles apart from zero emission ones in principle, a good thing. But the Report entering areas with the poorest air quality 36% found that drivers’ understanding of the Introduce tolls on certain main roads 15% emissions generated by different fuel types 22% was ‘somewhat confused’. Ban households from having more than one car 13% 20%

I would like to see this policy introduced

I believe this policy will reduce pollution 62 63 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 4 Air quality and the environment

4 Air quality and the environment

A lower percentage (19%) would The findings outlined above suggest support a ban on all traffic with a significant proportion of motorists the exception of zero emissions believe a number of the clean-air zone vehicles from areas with poor air or low-emissions zone policies being quality, but 36% say this would considered in major UK cities are improve local air quality. likely to be effective. Policies motorists perceive likely While there appears to be a good to be less successful include the degree of support for policies to introduction of charges for all improve air quality we have to balance vehicles in areas with poor air quality this with the latest evidence which (only 20% would like to see this suggests car use is increasing. measure introduced although 34% However, as we explain in the next think it would be effective), the section of this Report, drivers are introduction of additional bus lanes asking for more information to be (20% support, 23% think effective), made available, in particular with introducing tolls on certain main regard to establishing the emissions roads (15% support, 22% think rating of any vehicle. effective) and, least popular, is limiting household car ownership to a single vehicle (13% support, 20% think effective).

2008 Flashback According to the 2008 Report, more than two-thirds of motorists said they would buy a more environmentally friendly car if the tax incentives were better, while half said

they considered CO2 emissions carefully when buying a new vehicle.

64 65 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

Britain’s drivers are using their cars more than they did a year ago, research from the 2018 Report on Motoring reveals. >

Page 70 Page 74 Car use rising, Choice of next car: 66 not falling a confusing picture RAC Report on Motoring 2018 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

5 Vehicle use and choice of next car They use their motor vehicle more because...

For the first time in several years, When asked about what type of car Percentage of motorists More need to transport family members 34% who say they are a greater proportion of drivers (27%) they would choose as their next vehicle, Have a longer commute 32% say their vehicle use has risen over the motorists admit to a considerable using their car more than 12 months ago Family/friends moved further away 27% past 12 months than say it has declined degree of confusion. Two-thirds of Public transport has got worse 24% (18%). A significant number of those drivers (66%) say they are confused Working from home less 14% whose car use has increased say this about whether to choose a petrol, Higher income 10% is in response to worsening public diesel or an alternatively fuelled car as Shop online less than I used to 10% transport services in their areas (24%). a result of media coverage of proposals Easier to park 8% aimed at improving air quality. % The car is by far the most popular 27 Lower fuel costs 7% mode of transport when it comes Following the Government’s Decrease in motor insurance costs 7% to commuting for those in paid announcement in summer 2017 that Decrease in other costs, e.g. tax 7% employment, and taking children new diesel and petrol cars would no 20% in 2017 Decrease in car maintenance costs 6% to school for those with school-aged longer be sold from 2040, this year’s children. Indeed 82% of those who take Report asked motorists for their views their children to school by car say they on electric vehicles. Almost three- also use their car to get to work. quarters (73%) say pure electric cars would have to be priced at the same “There was a drop in car usage levels during the last level or less than diesel or petrol recession, but the rate has increased steadily since equivalents before they would consider then and the figures in this year’s Report are not a buying one, and just under half of surprise. Certainly, this is clear evidence that we have motorists (49%) do not expect to not reached ‘peak car’.” purchase a pure electric DAVID LEIBLING vehicle in the next 15 years. Transport and Motoring Consultant What’s on Founder of the Report on Motoring our roads?

87. 8 k Buses & coaches 595.5k Trucks & lorries 155k 22m 12 m Electric/hybrid 4.2m Diesel cars & plug-in Petrol cars Vans

68 69 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

5 Vehicle use and choice of next car Why are drivers using public transport less?

5.1 Car use rising, not falling (24%) say they are driving more due to a In 2018, 27% of motorists say they deterioration in local public transport are using their vehicles more than services. 12 months ago while only 18% say Of this group – a cohort that represents % % % % their use has declined since last year. 44 39 33 30 2.6m UK motorists – 44% say the This is the first time in four years the problem is poorer public transport former group has outnumbered the reliability, 39% blame higher fares latter – a net increase of 9%. Services are less Higher fares Services I normally Public transport and 33% say it is due to cuts to the reliable than used have been cut doesn’t serve the By comparison, in 2017, only 21% said number of their local services they used to be places I need to go their vehicle use had increased over (respondents were allowed to cite the previous year while 24% said it more than one factor). Department had declined. In 2018, a third of for Transport figures indicate traffic drivers (33%) also say they feel more volumes increased in 2017 by 1.3% dependent than 12 months ago on when compared to 20168. their car, compared to 27% last year. The research for this year’s Report Worryingly, 25% of 17 to 24-year-olds was completed two days before the 1988 Flashback and 22% of newer drivers saying they new rail timetables were introduced In comparison with 1988, almost twice are ‘much more dependent’ on their on some networks and parts of the rail as many motorists used buses, coaches car (compared to 14% of all motorists) network descended into meltdown so and trams in 2008, while the use of trains – this is a serious concern. it is possible that respondents would by car owners had increased by 56% over have been even more critical of the The most common reasons drivers say the previous 20 years. But 72% of motorists reliability of public transport, had they their car use has risen since 2017 in 2008 said there was a ‘pressing need responded a few weeks later. include an increased need to transport for improvements and investment in public transport’ if they were to make the shift family members (34%), longer The chart to the right illustrates some from their cars. commutes (32%) and family or friends of the key reasons why drivers say being further away (27%). But more public transport does not represent interestingly, a quarter of this group a viable alternative.

“In many rural areas, bus services have been scaled back dramatically over the past 10 years, often as a result of local authority cuts. In many cases, if there is no longer a reliable bus service, the only alternative is to cycle or, more likely, use a car.” STEPHEN JOSEPH Former Chief Executive Campaign for Better Transport

8. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/722302/ road-traffic-estimates-in-great-britain-2017.pdf 70 71 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

In July this year, a Report published by Cars also remain very popular on the the Campaign for Better Transport9 school run. Department for Transport found local authority funding for figures for England show that 35% bus services in England and Wales (or 2.5m) of school-aged children (five had been cut by 45% since 2010/11, to 16 years) are taken to school by car with more than 3,000 routes altered, – the figure is 44% for children aged reduced or withdrawn since the five to 10, and 25% for children aged start of the decade. 11 to 16 years. Of the 18% of all motorists who say While a third (30%) of drivers say they use their vehicle less in 2018 walking is their usual way of taking than they did a year ago, the most children to school. Six in 10 (61%) of common explanation is a shorter motorists with school-aged children commute (28%), while 22% cite higher say the car is their primary means of fuel costs. It is worth noting 20% of taking children to school, although those whose use has declined say it this group would obviously include is at least partly due to improvements those who then also drive to work. in local public transport. Interestingly, 82% who use their car When asked about travelling to work, for the school run also use it to get to Trips to and from school 62% of motorists who are employed work which suggests the ability to say their car is their main mode of drop their children off at school on the transport. For this group, the most way to work is one of the key factors ages 5-10 Walk 49% common feasible alternative is a bus in the decision to use their car. It also ages 11-16 39% 44% service (32%). The second most suggests for these parents, switching ages 5-16 popular main mode of commuting is to alternative modes such as walking, Cycle 1% walking, although this represents just cycling or public transport, would 3% 13% of all motorists in paid be difficult. 2% employment. Car/van 44% 25% 35% “Looking at the figures that show a high proportion of Private bus 2% school journeys are made by car, a key factor is likely 6% to be the parent’s onward journey: if they are going on 4% to work or to do some shopping, it may make more Local bus 3% sense to use the car rather than walk and this seems 23% to be borne out by the figures.” 12% 0% GEMMA BRAND Train Head of Statistics 3% Roads and Freight, Department for Transport 1% Other 1% 1% 1%

9. http://bettertransport.org.uk/media/02-july-2018-buses-in-crisis-report-2018 Source: National Travel Survey 2017 – Table NTS0613 72 73 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

5 Vehicle use and choice of next car 2008 Flashback In 2008, the vast majority of motorists – 92% – held the view that drivers in the 5.2 Choice of next car: Mixed messages about diesel vehicles UK had become more dependent on their cars and more car-focused than in 1988. a confusing picture appear to be among the key factors Media and political coverage of the behind this confusion: many local environmental impact of motoring – authorities either have or are planning much of it related to policies to introduce charges or restrictions on introduced by central and local all but the latest diesels in urban areas government to tackle poor air quality due to the impact of their nitrogen – has made motorists’ decisions over dioxide emissions on air quality, while what car to buy next particularly the transport secretary, Chris difficult, this year’s Report has found. Grayling, made the point in June 2018 that diesel cars remain a ‘perfectly Two-thirds of motorists (66%) say they sensible option’ for many drivers10, in are confused about whether their next particular given the role they can play car should be petrol, diesel, hybrid, in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. electric or alternatively fuelled because of the headlines around Another factor in the confusion vehicle emissions and air quality. over diesels may be the different However, given that a further 26% approaches local councils are taking are unsure as to whether they are to reduce pollution by proposing confused, the overall level of confusion charges or restrictions on some is higher than the 40% would suggest diesel vehicles – private cars, vans (total level of confusion is 66%)! and HGVs – entering certain urban areas. The primary contributors to And, almost seven in 10 of motorists nitrogen dioxide emissions in areas (68%) say they are confused about with poor air quality vary from city to whether or not new diesel cars are city depending on the mix and volume bad for the environment. But 42% of of local traffic and the extent to which drivers say they would still consider sources other than road traffic are buying a diesel car, against 39% who contributing to the problem. Not would not. surprisingly therefore, different cities may apply different measures to achieve the required improvement in air quality. However, this only creates uncertainty and confusion Confusion about next car purchase 42 % for the current or prospective owners would still consider buying of diesel cars who want to know how such restrictions will affect them. a diesel car I am confused about whether my next car I am confused about should be a petrol, whether new diesel diesel, hybrid, electric or vehicles are bad for the 66% something else given all 68% confused confused environment or not of the headlines around vehicles and air quality

10. https://www.motoringresearch.com/car-news/diesel-valuable-role-chris-grayling-mp/ 30% not confused 29% not confused 74 75 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 RAC call to action: 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car Online emissions look-up: see page 81 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

In this year’s Report, motorists were Frequent business drivers (28%) and asked whether the Government should current diesel owners (47%) are more develop a website that allows drivers likely to choose diesel next time. to check how polluting their vehicle is, Interestingly, petrol cars have (i.e. to what Euro emissions standard declined in popularity as the likely their vehicle complies). This information choice of next vehicle, falling from can be hard to obtain, and only the 58% in 2017 to 52% this year, possibly manufacturer can give guidance with because of the announcement that certainty for vehicles manufactured new petrol vehicles will no longer during the two-year transition period be sold from 2040. There has been between Euro emissions standards. only a very modest increase in the Close to seven in 10 motorists (69%) proportion of drivers who say their say they would like to see a service next car will be a conventional hybrid introduced by which a vehicle’s (17% against 15% in 2017), a plug-in Choice of next car registration number can be entered to hybrid or extended-range electric car The decline in intent to purchase a diesel vehicle seen in 2017 has now stabilised. establish an accurate Euro emissions (7% versus 5%) or a pure electric Motorists are also now less likely to buy a petrol car. standard for the vehicle concerned: this vehicle (3% versus 2%). is something the RAC has been calling The 2018 Report asked drivers under for for nearly a year. what circumstances they would ConventionalConventional ConventionalConventional ConventionalConventional After falling to a low of 16% in 2017, consider buying a pure electric car. diesel engine petrol engine hybrid engine the proportion of motorists who say In terms of price, 33% say electric diesel engine petrol engine hybrid engine they are most likely to buy a diesel as vehicles would have to be at least their next car, while still well below 10% cheaper than the petrol, diesel the 28% figure in both the 2015 and or hybrid equivalent, while a further 2016 Reports, has actually risen 40% would need prices to be no more slightly to 18%. expensive. 18% 52% 17%

16% in 2017 58% in 2017 15% in 2017

“It is a real problem that there is no central log of Plug in hybrid vehicle vehicle emissions data. But if local and central Plug-in hybrid vehicle Pure electric battery- Hydrogen fuel government are going to continue to introduce clean- or oran an extended extended range range Purepowered electric vehicle battery Hydrogencell vehicle fuel electric vehicle air policies that are directly related to engine electric vehicle powered vehicle cell vehicle emissions levels, motorists need a clear and reliable source of information about their own cars.” DAVID BIZLEY Chief Engineer, RAC 7% 3% 1%

5% in 2017 2% in 2017 2% in 2017 76 77 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

5 Vehicle use and choice of next car

Almost two-thirds (62%) of drivers These figures suggest we are still say charging points away from home some considerable way from pure would have to be available within electric vehicles becoming the vehicle a maximum five-minute detour from of choice for the majority of motorists their chosen route or destination. and that further progress is needed on vehicle price and range, charging In terms of vehicle range, two-thirds standards, and infrastructure, before of drivers (67%) say they would require they become so. They are clearly not a minimum range of at least 300 yet the immediate route to ‘zero miles before having to recharge, and emissions’ motoring that some half (50%) said the maximum time to politicians believe them to be. fully recharge a vehicle mid-journey would need to be no more than 30 minutes. Just over a third (36%) see themselves buying a pure electric car within the next 10 years and 49% within 15 years.

“This research suggests that while many people might welcome the local environmental benefit of zero- emission electric vehicles, the perceived limited range combined with the lack of convenient charging infrastructure and excessive time taken to ‘refuel’ compared to conventional combustion engine vehicles are real hurdles that need to be overcome before the public may consider widespread adoption. “The majority of motorists appear to want pure electric vehicles with a minimum range in excess of 300 miles. “From personal experience, the complexity involved in dealing This probably reflects a lack of confidence in the with a variety of different charging network providers and charging infrastructure. If drivers are uncertain having to have individual cards for each one is a real disincentive to take-up. If there was a free national charging whether they will be able to recharge their vehicle network the picture would be completely different! Or more where and when they need to do so, they will demand realistically, why can’t charging networks be accessed by ranges that make recharging en route unnecessary a simple tap of a contactless bank card?” for all but the longest of journeys.” MATTHEW AVERY MIKE HAWES Director of Insurance Research, Chief Executive Thatcham Research Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders

78 79 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 6 Calls to action

6 Calls to action Have your say: #ROM2018 on Twitter

The RAC uses the results of its annual State of the roads Air quality and Cleaner vehicles Report on Motoring survey to inform its Local roads: The condition and the environment Vehicle choice: Given the confusion among campaigning activity and identify the key maintenance of local roads is the top Local measures to improve air quality: motorists and businesses highlighted in the issues which matter most to motorists. concern for motorists in 2018. The vast With local authorities across many Report over the best environmental choice Our ‘calls to action’ focus on the biggest majority of all journeys begin and end towns and cities drawing up plans for for their next vehicle, both to improve air of these concerns. on local roads and their upkeep is Clean Air Zones, we continue to quality and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, essential to the UK’s economic health encourage authorities to prioritise the RAC calls on the Government to: Cost of motoring and to minimise safety risk and costs Fuel duty: The cost of fuel continues targeting the most polluting vehicles • Maintain a technology-neutral position for all road users. The RAC believes to be a major concern for drivers and covering the most miles in urban areas. recognising that one technology solution the Government should develop a long- an increase in duty would have We strongly urge authorities to adopt will not offer the best option for all user term strategy to bring local roads back a detrimental effect on economic an evidence-based approach when requirements. to a state that is fit-for-purpose over growth. The RAC reiterates its call creating measures for diesel vehicles. an agreed period of between five and • Recognise that an adequate charging to the Government not to increase fuel For example, we would discourage local 10 years, and that the Treasury should infrastructure across the UK is a duty for the entirety of this Parliament, authorities from implementing parking ring-fence additional funds for this. pre-requisite for mass-market take-up giving motorists and businesses surcharges for diesel vehicles as there The RAC estimates that ring-fencing of pure electric vehicles and that further clarity and certainty on costs. is no evidence of their effectiveness. 2p from the existing 57.95p fuel duty common standards for recharging of The increasing uptake of ultra-low paid by motorists on every litre of fuel We also call on local authorities to electric vehicles are needed before carbon vehicles will result in a longer- purchased over 10 years would publicise and enforce anti-idling stakeholders will have the confidence to term decline in Treasury revenues earmark £9.4bn for local roads – measures that encourage drivers to invest in mass recharging facilities. from fuel duty and the RAC calls on enough, according to the recent survey switch off their engines when stationary. • Include road user representation in all the Government to lead a public of councils conducted by the Asphalt Online emissions look-up: With many initiatives aimed at accelerating progress debate on how best to restructure Industry Alliance, to largely eliminate local authorities developing plans for on the Government’s ‘Road to Zero motoring taxation in a way that is fair the maintenance backlog on roads in the introduction of Clean Air Zones in Strategy’ which aims for at least half of to road users and maintains Treasury England and Wales. areas with poor air quality, it is essential new cars to be ultra-low emission by 2030. revenues. Major roads: There has been a sharp that individuals and businesses have • Follow the lead given by Norway and Insurance Premium Tax (IPT): The RAC rise in the number of motorists who access to a database which allows create more attractive financial incentives urges the Treasury to freeze IPT for the believe the condition of the strategic them to look up the Euro emissions to switch to ultra-low emissions vehicles, remainder of this Parliament as road network has deteriorated over standard for any vehicle by entering such as reduced VAT rates for new insurance costs continue to be a top the last 12 months. We urge Highways registration details. The RAC calls zero-emission vehicles. The Government concern for motorists. The RAC also England to re-examine the criteria it on the Government to develop and should also reintroduce worthwhile calls on the Government to reduce the applies to determine when preventative introduce such a system as a reductions in vehicle excise duty rates in IPT rate for those younger drivers who maintenance is required and to put in matter of urgency. years two to five for plug-in hybrid and take up telematics ‘black box’ place processes capable of responding extended-range electric vehicles. insurance policies. more rapidly to fix surface defects when they arise following periods of extreme weather.

80 81 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 6 Calls to action

6 Calls to action Have your say: #ROM2018 on Twitter

Fair motoring We urge the Government to continue Driver re-training: Recent findings Roadside safety: The recent fatal Enforcement of traffic offences: The investing in high-level public awareness have demonstrated that drivers caught accident involving an RAC patrol RAC encourages the Government to campaigns to highlight the dangers and speeding who attend speed awareness working at the roadside and other review the guidance given to local to give further consideration as to how courses are less likely to reoffend than accidents involving roadside authorities on the implementation of new technology can assist in enforcement. those who do not. Research for this technicians have served to re- bus lanes and particularly on signage We also encourage police forces across year’s Report also shows that 90% emphasise the dangers to vehicle requirements where bus lanes the UK to step up the number of high of those who have attended such occupants and roadside assistance operate. More generally, we call on profile enforcement campaigns so courses claim to have reduced their providers at the scene of a the Government to review the penalty there is a greater probability that speed. The RAC therefore calls on breakdown. The RAC calls on the charge notice system for certain motorists will be caught if they flout the Government to consider making Government to introduce guidance in ‘moving’ traffic offences, such as the law on handheld mobile phone use. attendance on courses for those the Highway Code to encourage caught speeding and similar offences drivers to ‘slow down and move over’ driving in bus lanes and through bus Drink-driving: The number of compulsory for first time offenders. if it is safe to do so when approaching gates, and to consider promoting motorists admitting to driving over a broken-down vehicle. The RAC also tiered penalties where first-time the limit immediately after drinking Highway Code: Few drivers appear calls on all stakeholders to work offenders are issued with a lower appears to have increased. The RAC to update their knowledge of the together to further improve red-X than standard penalty. calls on the Government and police Highway Code with any regularity. compliance, particularly on smart forces to continue communicating There is majority support for drivers motorways, and for Highways Road safety the dangers and that enforcement being required to demonstrate England to consider further reducing Handheld mobile phones: The RAC is given sufficient priority so that a knowledge of the Highway Code the distance between emergency remains concerned by the stubbornly offenders can expect to get caught. every 10 years as part of the process of refuge areas on new smart high level of handheld mobile phone The UK Government should also renewing a driving licence and motorways. use evident in this year’s Report on reconsider reducing the blood the Government should consider Motoring despite the introduction of alcohol limit to 50mg/100ml. the cost/benefit case for introducing stiffer penalties in 2017 and enforcement such a process. campaigns initiated by the National Police Chiefs’ Council.

Join the debate today Follow the conversation on Facebook and Twitter: RAC on Facebook @TheRAC_UK and @RACPress on Twitter Share your thoughts directly with us, use #ROM2018 on Twitter 82 83 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 7 Our campaigns

7 Our campaigns

The RAC works hard to make motoring RAC Pothole Index Be Phone Smart RAC Child Road Safety a better experience. Here are just a The condition of the UK’s roads is Despite the The RAC thinks every few examples of how we’re making UK always a top concern in the findings penalty for using child should know driving fairer, safer and more affordable. of the Report on Motoring. As a result a handheld how to stay safe the RAC decided to use its wealth of phone while around roads RAC Fuel Watch breakdown data to create a reliable driving being and vehicles. RAC Fuel Watch is the RAC’s fuel price method of monitoring the state of doubled in March To help spread monitoring initiative. We monitor both our roads – the RAC Pothole Index. 2017 to a £200 the road safety wholesale and retail fuel prices daily This is done by tracking faults fine and six message we worked to make sure retailers are charging attended by patrols that could be penalty points with Aardman motorists a fair price on the forecourt. attributed to potholes such as there remains a hard core of drivers Animations to In times of falling wholesale prices damaged shock absorbers, broken who continue to flout the law. The create Horace – our we use this information to call on springs and wishbones, and distorted RAC wanted to do more to help break road safety mascot retailers to pass on savings at the wheels, alongside rain and frost this deadly habit so we launched for the 21st century. pump. This regularly leads to retailers statistics. We use the findings from Be Phone Smart – a campaign which reducing the price of petrol and diesel, We are also working in partnership the RAC Pothole Index on a quarterly encourages motorists to make a helping to keep the cost of motoring with The Scout Association to basis to highlight the scale of the personal commitment not to use their down for everyone. promote road safety education among problem as part of our campaign for handheld phone when at the wheel. the UK’s 440,000-plus Beavers, Cubs, better quality roads. Be Phone Smart has the backing Scouts and Explorers and their of a wide range of organisations and 154,000 volunteer supporters to initiatives including the National bring child road deaths to zero. Police Chiefs’ Council, the Government’s THINK! campaign, IAM RoadSmart, the Road Haulage Association, Road Safety GB and Transport Scotland. Visit BePhoneSmart.uk

84 85 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 8 Our successes

8 Our successes

Safer roads Better roads Lowering the Cleaner air cost of motoring

Safer motorways: Representations by the Roadworks: The RAC has actively Fuel prices: RAC Fuel Watch, which Air quality strategy: We have campaigned RAC and other stakeholders to the contributed to a working group targeting monitors pump prices against wholesale vigorously for an evidence-based approach Department for Transport and Highways better managed roadworks to help reduce costs, was again instrumental in in which measures are targeted in areas England have resulted in new guidelines congestion and improve journey times. encouraging retailers to reduce prices with the poorest air quality at those vehicles which will see more prominent and frequent Highways England has trialled increased rapidly when wholesale costs dropped. contributing most to the problem. We have emergency refuge areas (ERA) on new speed limits through roadworks on As recently as 13 June 2018, following had some success though some local all-lane running motorways and better motorways with a view to a wider roll-out pressure from the RAC, supermarkets authorities appear intent on demonising signage for drivers so they can see how far where safe to do so, improving the announced a 2p per litre reduction. all diesel vehicles. they are away from the nearest ERA. These experience and reducing delays for drivers. Fuel duty: The RAC was one of those We campaigned for the urgent introduction new designs will be retrofitted to existing At a local level, we welcomed plans to roll organisations that campaigned actively of a database that allows individuals and all-lane-running smart motorways in areas out lane rental schemes more widely where to maintain the freeze on fuel duty and businesses to enter a vehicle’s registration of greatest risk. utility companies pay to use highways for the Chancellor responded positively last to look up its Euro emissions rating. The need the time their works take to complete Driving standards: The RAC campaigned for April by extending the freeze for a for this has been acknowledged by the as this should help to reduce congestion learner drivers to be given the opportunity minimum of a further 12 months. Government but we remain concerned in urban areas. to have lessons on motorways under the about the speed of progress. supervision of approved driving instructors Local roads: The RAC’s Pothole Index is now in a dual-controlled car, so we welcomed the widely quoted as an authoritative source on Government introducing this in June 2018. the condition of local roads. Our campaign throughout the spring highlighted some of the worst defects on our roads which, in A better deal A review of turn, has led to an extra £100m being on parking bus lanes invested into the Government’s Pothole Fund. However, the real solution to better Fairer parking: The RAC’s campaign for Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs): RAC policy local roads lies with a long-term strategy fairer private parking regulation influenced research on the issuing of bus lane PCNs in and ring-fenced funding. Sir Greg Knight MP to introduce a Private spring 2018 contributed to the Government Parking (Code of Practice) Bill which now acknowledging there are genuine concerns has the support of the Ministry for Housing, about the high volume of PCNs being issued Communities and Local Government. The RAC and agreeing to review its guidance to local submitted suggestions for protecting the authorities. The RAC wrote to the Secretary interests of motorists to the working group of State for Transport specifically requesting set up to develop the new statutory code. the inclusion of signage within the scope of Our public consultation responses can be found at: the review. media.rac.co.uk/documents

86 87 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 10 Appendix

9 Who is the motorist? 10 Appendix

10.1 Research methodology 10.2 Statistical reliability Miles per year Number of cars Age of vehicles* The RAC Report on Motoring 2018 Any figures taken from a sample per household is based on a large-scale online survey of a population should not be taken carried out by Quadrangle on behalf as a precise indication of the actual of the RAC. In total, Quadrangle figures for that population. The interviewed 1,808 UK motorists (i.e. reported figures are estimates, within those who hold a full, current driving a small margin of error, of the actual licence, drive at least once a month figures. The margin of error varies 0-5,000 Households Average age and have a motor vehicle in their with sample size – the larger the with one car miles 35% 53% of vehicles in 4.82 household). The survey was sample is, the lower the error will +3% -2% 2018 (years) -0.08 conducted from 2-18 May 2018, be. It also varies with the proportions 5,001-10,000 Households Motorists who with the questionnaire taking around answering: the margin of error miles % with two cars % 33 37 own a car less 16% 30 minutes to complete. The sample is smaller for a 90% or 10% result -3% +3% than a year old +3% was nationally representative of age, than for a 50% result. In order >10,001 Households gender, socio-economic groups, all UK to illustrate the use of varying sample miles 22% with three cars 8% Motorists who regions, and car ownership (company sizes and their effect on the statistical -1% no change own a car 15% car drivers vs. private car owners). significance of results, the table 1-2 years old Households -1% below outlines the degree of statistical with four cars 2% error broadly associated with an no change Motorists who example sample size of 1,000, and the own a car 13% actual sample size of the survey, 1,808. Households with 2-3 years old -2% five or more cars 1% Average annual no change Motorists who own a car mileage Average number 15% (all motorists) of cars 62 3-4 years old +1% in household 1. +0.04 Motorists who Average number own a car between 25% of cars in ABC1 1.69 5 and 10 years old -3% households -0.01 Motorists who Sample size Reported percentage at 95% level of confidence Average number of own a car more % cars in C2DE 1.54 16 10% or 20% or 30% or 40% or 50% households than 10 years old +1% 0 9 5 7 8 +0.1 90% 80% 70% 60% Average number Miles +142 This does not reflect the total UK 1,000 ±1.86% ±2.48% ±2.84% ±3.04% ±3.10% of cars in rural 1.75 car parc – Department for Transport households -0.01 figures show the average age of a car on the road in 2017 was 8.1 years. 1,808 ±1.38% ±1.84% ±2.11% ±2.26% ±2.31% Average number Report on Motoring respondents were of cars in city 6 asked to indicate the age of the vehicle households 1. they drive most often, and as such How to read the above table: Assume the reported percentage, with a sample base of 1,808, is 23%. +0.15 does not account for any additional The closest column to this reported percentage is the ‘20% or 80%’ column. The significant vehicles they may own or drive. difference on the table shows ±1.84%. This means that 95 out of 100 surveys (reflecting the 95% level of confidence) with a sample size of 1,808 will produce a percentage of 23%, plus or minus 1.84%, or within the range of 21.16% and 24.84%.

The 2018 survey results are in orange. The blue numbers underneath show the change since 2017. Please note that the margin of error will be marginally different for each reported percentage, *Age of vehicle driven most often. however, the above table can serve to find the closest estimate. 88 89 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 11 30 years of the Report on Motoring

11 30 years of the Report on Motoring Much has changed on the UK’s roads in the 30 years the Report on Motoring has been published. Here are some of the highlights.

1991 1992 1996 Research begins Becomes TVR launches the Opening of 1997 2000 2001 2003 for the first compulsory for adults Chimaera, which went second Severn Launch of the Ariel launches the Toyota launches the Law is introduced banning edition of the to wear seatbelts in on to be the British Crossing UK-built Atom Prius in the UK, the first use of handheld phones Report on the rear of cars company’s biggest seller Freelander commercial hybrid vehicle while driving 1988 Motoring

1989 1992 1994 1997 2000 2001 2003 Ford launches First Gatso speed camera is Channel Tunnel European New Car New generation launches London congestion five-door Fiesta and introduced on the westbound passenger Assessment Programme Hatch the Vanquish, the first charge is introduced iconic Ford Escort A316 over Bridge service opens (Euro NCAP) voluntary is introduced production Aston Martin XR3i; Mazda launches in vehicle safety rating that could hit 200mph the MX5 system is created

2003 2005 2007 2011 2011 2012 2013 M6 toll is Scotland’s first average Portsmouth becomes first Nissan Leaf becomes Toyota launches the Mirai, the EU introduces new rules forcing New penalties are opened speed camera system is to introduce a city-wide the UK’s first mass- world’s first mass-produced insurers to charge men and introduced to tackle to traffic installed on a 32-mile 20mph speed limit on produced electric hydrogen fuel cell vehicle – women the same prices for tailgating and middle stretch of the A77 all residential streets vehicle emitting just water and heat the same car insurance products lane hogging

2004 2006 2007 2010 2011 2011 2012 End of production of the UK’s first stretch of Nissan launches the UK-built Automatic emergency Islington Council Fuel duty on petrol and Wheel clamping of vehicles Lotus Esprit which famously ‘managed motorway’ – the Qashqai, setting the braking is introduced becomes the first diesel is reduced by 1p on private land is banned in turned into a submarine forerunner to today’s smart trend for a whole on high-end vehicles London borough to 57.95p from its highest England and Wales in ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ motorways – opens on the new crossover to introduce a blanket ever level of 58.95p M42 in the West Midlands segment 20mph zone

2014 2015 2015 2017 Tesla Model S – the Drug-driving law in England and Scotland reduces the The Government confirms it will end follow-up to Tesla Motor’s Wales is updated to include eight legal alcohol limit from the sale of all new conventional petrol Roadster electric sports car general prescription drugs and 80mg to 50mg in every and diesel cars and vans by 2040, as it – launches in the UK eight illicit drugs 100ml of blood unveiled new plans to tackle air pollution 2018

2014 2014 2014 2016 2017 2018 Mitsubishi launches a Plug-in First ‘smart’ all-lane Vehicle Production of Penalty for using a handheld phone 30th edition of the Hybrid Electric Vehicle version of running motorway section tax disc is the Land Rover while driving is doubled to six Report on Motoring the Outlander which goes on to opens on M25 J23-J25 scrapped Defender ends points and a £200 fine after the is published become the most popular PHEV 2016 Report on Motoring found illegal phone use at the wheel had reached epidemic proportions 90 91 RAC Report on Motoring 2018 12 Always innovating to help our members

12 Always innovating to help our members

We are constantly investing in new 2. Reducing future breakdowns: 3. No spare wheel? No problem: 4. The UK’s first ‘All-Wheels-Up’ technology and training for our patrols class-leading battery testing The UK’s first multi-fit wheel rapid recovery trailer to ensure our members continue to Failing batteries are responsible for A majority of cars being sold today The RAC was the first UK breakdown receive a superior service at the a large number of breakdowns – and come without a spare wheel included service to equip all its vans with roadside. Here are just four examples a lot of lost time for our members. as standard. This is often a surprise to a built-in trailer, allowing its patrols of how we go further to help drivers. Sometimes a jump-start is the right motorists who look for it when their to tow many vehicles in the event 1. Fixing more faults: an advanced thing, but what if the underlying vehicle gets a puncture. The RAC a roadside fix was impossible. fault diagnostics capability health of a battery is failing? was the first organisation to give all We’ve now evolved the system and its patrols a multi-fit spare wheel As cars have become more advanced, have launched what we believe is specifically designed to tackle this working out what is wrong with them a UK-first – a trailer that can lift all problem and help prevent our becomes increasingly complex. This the wheels of a broken-down vehicle. members from being caught out. is why we give all our patrols tough It means RAC patrols can recover book laptops that allow them to fix more vehicles than ever – including more of our members’ vehicles SUVs, 4x4s, and electric and hybrid at the roadside as quickly as possible. vehicles, reducing the need for our members to have to wait for The capability complements the a recovery truck. 500-plus parts and tools each patrol van carries, and means that every RAC patrol can diagnose more faults This is where our class-leading and carry out repairs by programming battery tester comes in. It not only Rescue. Repair. Recover. new parts while a member is present. checks a battery’s ability to start This reduces the need for a visit to the All from one orange patrol van a vehicle, it also assesses the longer- garage in the event of a breakdown. term endurance of the battery and advises when a replacement is needed. This helps prevent members having to call us out again when their vehicle won’t start for a second time.

The unique ‘All-Wheels-Up’ rapid recovery trailer is being rolled-out across the UK

92 93 RAC Report on Motoring 2018

13 Company overview Contacts

With more than eight million members the RAC is one Advisory Panel of the UK’s most progressive motoring organisations, This Report was guided by the expert providing services for both private and business drivers. contributions of the RAC Report on Motoring Advisory Panel. Driven by its ambition to provide first-class service for all its members, the RAC is committed to bringing Chaired by Mike Hawes peace of mind to drivers, whether that’s by rescuing David Bizley Chief Executive, them when they break down or by giving them simple, Chief Engineer, RAC Society of Motor Manufacturers and trusted access to all the motoring services they need Matthew Avery Traders for their driving lives. Its additional services for drivers Director of include a full range of insurance products and loans, Insurance Research, Stephen Joseph an online shop, a new and used car buying website, and Thatcham Research Former Chief a nationwide network of approved repair garages and Executive, Gemma Brand Campaign for used car sales dealerships. Head of Statistics, Better Transport Roads and Freight, The RAC is constantly innovating in breakdown Department for David Leibling technology to keep ahead of its rivals as well as Transport Transport and maintaining its record of fixing four out of five Motoring Consultant breakdowns at the roadside. As the first breakdown Suzette Davenport and Founder of the Former Chief company to develop a trailer deployable from the rear Report on Motoring Constable, of a patrol van to tow a stricken vehicle by either its front Gloucestershire Theo de Pencier or rear wheels, the RAC has now taken this a stage Police, and National Non-executive further by launching an ‘All-Wheels-Up’ trailer capable Lead for Roads Board Member, of towing cars with all four wheels off the road, allowing Policing in England Transport Focus; its patrols to rescue many more cars without having and Wales Former Chief to call out additional recovery vehicles. Executive Officer, David Davies Freight Transport In addition to its breakdown and motoring services Executive Director, Association work, the RAC campaigns at a national level in the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Mike Quinton interests of its members and UK motorists on a variety Transport Safety Chief Executive, of issues including the condition and maintenance IAM RoadSmart of roads, road safety, the needs of young drivers and Steve Gooding the increasing cost of motoring. Director, RAC Foundation

RAC Press Team Connect Tel: 01454 664123 The RAC’s news releases and a selection Email: [email protected] of images are available from the RAC’s online press centre media.rac.co.uk Credits Report author: Chris Torney Follow us on Twitter: Design: milestonecreative.co.uk @TheRAC_UK @RACPress Join the conversation: #ROM2018 Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/RAC 94 #ROM2018

September 2018 ISBN 978-0-9576829-4-8 RAC House Brockhurst Crescent Walsall WS5 4AW Website: rac.co.uk © Copyright 2018 210918