Madagascar I Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity – Madagascar I PREFACE
Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity – Madagascar i Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity – Madagascar i PREFACE The 5 th national report to the Convention on the biological diversity of Madagascar has a remarkably specific character following a context social, economic and political rather difficult to manage and persist that both during the implementation of its activities as the development of its content. But thanks to the good will to persevere all everyone involved closely or from afar, the report could still be developed and without having experienced various vicissitudes during the implementation of the activities set out. We know that the development of the content of this report is the result of a collaboration of about 200 people resources working in the field of biodiversity at the national level and willing to give a good image of the country commitments to the Convention on biological diversity signed by our country in 1997. We know that the various departmental sectors, institutions, associations, various NGOs, platforms and civil society itself are given hand to walk together towards the same direction, which is to give value to this unique heritage and yet in danger. Therefore, that collaboration should continue and be strengthened in the sense that the current national strategy update must also be the subject of concerted action of all stakeholders foregoing. We know that this report is far from perfect, but at least it reflects the reality lived by the biodiversity conservation malagasy between 2010-2013 unfortunately coinciding to the crisis which persist during the after 2009.
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