43 Holman Close, NR11 6DD


Two Storey Extension and Material Alteration to elevations to the Existing Dwelling.


The application site is a detached dormer chalet located within the settlement limits of Aylsham. The site is within a residential area of mixture of detached and semi-detached dwellings and is located on a linear pattern. The application site is located to the west of the harmer head of Holman Close a cul de sac. To the west of the site is open field. Boundary treatment consists of 1 .6 close boarded fence to the north, west and south of the site and mature trees to the west of the site.

THE PROPOSAL The Application seeks full planning permission for the erection of a two storey rear extension to the rear of the property and material alterations to elevations to the existing dwelling.


There is no planning history on the site


Parish Council: The Parish Council was consulted with regards to the proposed development and they noted

“The Council considered the above numbered plan and have No OBJECTIONS to the proposal

The Town Council has an adopted policy regarding lighting for any new planning application. This policy states the following:

National Planning Policy Framework Clause 125 and County Council‘s Environmental Lighting Zones Policy both recognise the importance of preserving dark landscapes and dark skies. In order to minimise light pollution, Aylsham Town Council recommend that any outdoor lights associated with this proposed development should be:

1. fully shielded (enclosed in full cut-off flat glass fitments)

2. directed downwards (mounted horizontally to the ground and not tilted upwards)

3. switched on only when needed (no dusk to dawn lamps)

4. white light low-energy lamps (LED, metal halide or fluorescent) and not orange or pink sodium sources

The Town Council requests that this policy forms part of any planning approval in this application”.

Environmental Health – Pollution Control Officer:

The PCO was consulted with regards to the proposed extension and had no objections to the proposal.

Neighbours: The neighbouring residents were consulted by letters of notification with regards to the proposed development. No representations have been received.

PRE-APPLICATION ADVICE: No pre application advice was sought from the Planning Department prior to the submission of the application.


Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states "if regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the planning Acts the determination must be, made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise".

The development plan for the Broadland District Council comprises of three main documents firstly the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, and [2014], secondly, The Broadland District Council Development Management Document DPD [2015] which outlines the District’s Development Management policies and thirdly the Site Allocations Development Plan [2016].

Section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) provides that a local planning authority in determining planning applications must “have regard to the provisions of the development plan, so far as material to the application, and to any other material considerations”. Within Broadland District Council some parishes have neighbourhood plans that have been adopted through referendum as such these would be material consideration in making any decision within that particular parish.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) [2018] sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system and reinforces the position that planning applications must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise [paragraphs 2 & 47, [2018]]. The NPPF is a material consideration to be taken into account in all development proposals.

The National Planning Practice Guidance adds further context to the National Planning Policy Framework [“NPPF”] and it is intended that the two documents should be read together. The guidance is also a ‘material consideration’ when taking decisions on planning applications. This means that if a local policy is deemed out of date, local authorities may be directed by the national guidance’s requirements.

The following policies are relevant for the assessment of this application.

Broadland District Council Development Management Council DPD [2015]

GC1- Presumption in Favour of sustainable development

GC4- Design

TS3- Highway safety

The Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk [2014]

Policy 1- Addressing climate change and protecting environmental assets

Policy 2- Promoting good design

Impact to the character of the area

The proposal would be located to the rear of the property No. 43 Holman Close as such would not be visible to the front. The dwellings on Holman Close are a mixture of semi-detached and detached dwellings and with reasonable large gardens. It is considered that by virtue of the scale, location, massing of the proposed extension would not have any adverse effects on the character of the area or the street scene. The proposed extension would not have a domineering impact to the existing dwelling as such would not have a significant visual impact to the character and appearance of the area and the host dwelling. The proposed extension would not be viewed in isolation from the host property. It is considered that the proposal would be subservient to the host property.

It is considered that the proposal is acceptable and in compliance with policies GC1 and GC2 of Broadland District Council Development Management DPD [2015] and Policy 2 of the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk [2014].

Impact to the neighbouring residential Amenity

With regards to the neighbouring amenity, it is considered that the proposal would be located to the rear of the host property where there is adequate screening ( in the form of a mature trees to western boundary and 1.6 meter high Close boarded fence to the southern and northern boundaries) to neighbouring properties (northern boundary). It is considered that by virtue of its location (to the rear), massing, scale and height, the proposal would not have an adverse impact on residential amenity of neighbouring properties. To the west of the site is open field which would not be affected by the proposed extension. Furthermore, it is considered that due to adequate separation distance of approximately 48 metres to the neighbouring house Rowangarth [to the west of The Laurels on Heydon Road]. The proposed extension would not result in any significant amount of overlooking to the rear garden of No. 41 Holman Close. The proposed rear extension would be acceptable as it is considered that it would not be an incongruous feature to the rear of the host property to cause any disamenity to neighbouring residents.

The comments from the Pollution Control officer are noted and it is considered that the proposal would not result in an adverse impact to the amenity of the neighbouring residents. Furthermore the proposal is not located in a polluted area and would not result in any kind of pollution. It is considered that the proposal would be acceptable and would be in accordance with policy GC4 of the Broadland District Council Development Management DPD [2015].

Impact on highway safety

It is considered that the proposed extension due to its size would not increase traffic activities to the application site. The existing dwelling has two bedrooms and it is considered that the increase by one to make the dwelling a three bedroomed dormer bungalow would not necessarily create an increase in the volume of traffic on Holman Close which is a cul de sac. The proposed extension would not create conditions prejudicial to highway safety. It is considered that the proposal due to its location, size, scale and massing would not have a significant harmful impact to highways safety and would be compliant to TS3 of Broadland District Council Development Management DPD [2015].


The proposal does not significantly harm the character of the existing dwelling or the surrounding area. It is also considered that there would be no adverse effect upon the levels of privacy currently enjoyed by the surrounding properties. It is considered that due to its size and scale the proposal would not have an adverse impact to amenity of neighbouring residents. The proposal is therefore considered to be acceptable and to accord with policies GC1, GC3 and TS3 of Broadland District Council Development Management DPD [2015] and Policies 1 and 2 of the Joint Core strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk [2014].


It is recommended that planning permission for two storey rear extension and material alterations to existing dwelling be granted subject to the following conditions.


1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than THREE years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted.

Reason The time limit is imposed in compliance with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the plans and documents PL01 received on 19th November 2018

Reason For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with the specified approved plans and documents

3. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those of the existing building in colour and texture, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in order to comply with Policy GC4 of the Broadland District Council Development Management DPD [2014].