New Development Comprising New Development Comprising Offices, Convenience Food Store, Care Home, assisted Flats Housing, Club House/ Assembly Room And Assisted Single Storey Housing

Old Station Yard,


Design and Access Statement

May 2018

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

Introduction The Eastern Boundary is the Main Road from Reepham to the adjoining village of Cawston and the market town This design and access statement has been prepared of . It is bounded on this side by Housing. to accompany a Full Planning Application for a new Food Retail Store, Offices and Care Village together with The Southern Boundary is bounded by a village access associated infrastructure, landscaping and play space. road and housing. The South Western edge adjoins a large Public open space known as Stimpsons Piece. The purpose of this document is to explain the rationale behind design proposals forming part of the planning The Western Boundary has a private house albeit some application and follows guidelines set in ‘Design and distance away. The immediate boundary is a public access statements: How to write, read and use them’ footway between Marriots Way and Stoney Lane to the published by CABE. These guidelines set up an Public open space. assessment-involvement-evaluation-design process which explain how the final design has been informed by The Proposed development will integrate with the the wider context of the site in terms of its physical, existing established area both functionally and physically. social, economic and planning policy context; how the The bigger site presently has a large warehouse sited to final design has considered and responded to different its centre which is now a retail unit known as Kerries opportunities and constraints surrounding the project. Pine. Immediately to the north of the building is a large concrete apron which has the existing Station buildings CAM Architects Limited has prepared this Design and sited on the edge between the footpath. This building is Access Statement in consultation with Commercial currently being used as cafe and food/craft retail and Development Projects, Carton Hall Village, Canham both uses create a visitor’s attraction to this part of Consulting Engineers, Chris Yardley arboricultural, Mick Reepham. The application proposals are designed to Finnemore ecologist, Reepham Town Council, Broadland work in conjunction with the existing cafe and retail uses District Council, County Highways, Local Lead to offer a mix of employment and assisted residential Flooding Authority, parks. accommodation.

Site Location and General Context The proposal represents a high quality development, which has taken into consideration the opportunities The site is located in Reepham Norfolk a Market Town and constraints of the site and wider locality to ensure since 1277 approx 15 miles to the NNW of . It that the local economy is assisted in terms of is on the North Edge of the town The northern boundary commercial uses that are required within the area. has open views across the countryside to the North and These consist of provision of small offices for business’s across the Marriots Way which has public access at all wishing to trade from Reepham, a Care Home offering times of the year. This path was once the site of the employment to approximately 80 persons from around Railway being part of the Great Eastern Railway system the town in a mix of health and administrative roles, a since 1881 and latterly British Railways until its closure food store and assisted residential areas. in 1964.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

Site Analysis therefore consulted the Local Lead Flooding Authority The development of the site was generally welcomed and agreement in principle has been sought. with interests on the uses and layout. The site currently has no development to the south or west of Kerries Pine and is a mix of open space and Opportunities Questions about the size of the food store were raised poor quality trees and shrubs spread sparsely over the as there is some concern about its impact on the entire site. A section of hedgerow lines the southern These proposals have been formulated to interpret the existing town centre businesses. It is understood the boundary and the western edge has thicket. Due to its policies in the Local Plan and The Site Allocations (DPD) importance of this and a sequential test report has previous uses linked with railway and light industrial a document, which provides for a mixed use development been commissioned and included with this planning detailed environmental study is enclosed with this and to propose a scheme that is economically viable. application. application. This land has been unused for many years and will Reepham Life, community newspaper has published an Site Constraints continue to be unused unless a viable use or uses can article on the development on its website and also on be found that will also increase the employment their Twitter feed. The site is constrained by the footpaths and roads possibilities within the town. The existing businesses on surrounding the site. Topography also plays an the site will be benefited by further growth around. important role given the historical use of the site and surrounding context. The biggest opportunity is that of developing the site to assist the delivery of the Council’s Site Allocation. Existing properties in the area have faced a brownfield site with overgrown vegetation. Although there is no The site itself due to its location and context provides right to view we have considered the distances from the opportunities for high quality development that works site to existing properties to allow for privacy. with the existing uses, surrounding buildings and general setting. The existing trees on-site subject to a blank TPO, have been assessed and advise has been sought from the Public Planning Consultation Council’s tree officer who has agreed in principle to tree works to be carried out to allow for development. Planning and design work has been happening on this site for several years. On-going public consultations have The existing road network needs improvements and taken the form of presentation to Reepham Town discussions have taken place with Norfolk County Council over the years and exhibition on the Town Hall. Council Highways to agree their requirements. The last presentation was done on the 9th May 2018 Marriot’s way is in need of improvements to alleviate at the Reepham Town Council annual general meeting. flooding problems. Negotiations have taken place with CAM architects presented the purpose and concept of Norfolk County Council. the scheme and the applicants, Comercial Development Projects and Carton Hall Village Ltd were present to The site is considered for surface drainage purposes as explain what they are providing and to answer questions a green field site. Canham Consulting Engineers have from the public.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

DESIGN PROPOSALS The orientation, configuration and siting of the buildings have been considered to provide places of interest, focal USE points and landmarks to allow for orientation and belonging among users and residents. This planning application is for offices, convenience food store, care home, assisted flats housing, club house/ The layout treats highways as streets rather than roads assembly room and assisted single storey housing in for the use of all types of movement and for social line with Broadland District Council site allocation REP2 activity too. A connected network of streets and other routes proposed link the site with the surrounding AMOUNT street network in a way that is not only easier but also interesting for people to travel to and from their homes. The development will comprise: There is a clear hierarchy of streets on the development 320m2 of B1(a) Offices to accommodate vehicular movement and car parking, 418m2 of A1 Food Store whilst ensuring that this does not dominate the layout of 70no. beds C2 Care Home buildings and spaces. There is choice of access points 24no. 2 bedroom C2 assisted flats into the development with clear views, easy orientation 82m2 of D2 Assembly room/Club house and direct routes. 15no. 2 bedroom C2 assisted bungalows The street network provides a framework for LAYOUT development blocks within the layout. These are spaces well-defined by buildings to create a frontage to the Following a lengthy masterplanning process to establish street or space to allow for enclosure and supervision of the principles of development public and private spaces communal areas, making them feel comfortable and has been designed to provide a safe and pleasant safe for people to walk around. environment for the residents and users, this distinction of space is emphasised by the configuration of the All of the development blocks feature strong building roads, pavements, drives and communal gardens. lines overlooking streets and communal spaces. There is diversity on their configuration which is appropriate to Great consideration has been given to the configuration, the character of specific areas within the development. siting and orientation of different buildings within the scheme, especially their relation to the surrounding Building lines within the development are influenced by buildings and environment, with the aim of maximising the character of the areas, in some cases buildings views for all residents and creating a sense of feature front garden whilst others sit in front of community and belonging. communal or parking areas.

The careful planning of space, layout and relationships of Public and private space are well defined and reinforced the buildings has resulting in a design, which is not only by means of high quality and robust landscaping and specific to the scheme, but high quality design. The boundary treatment that contribute to the character of layout exploits existing trees and topography of the site. the development.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

The layout and form of buildings reinforce a clear space The scheme balances a degree of consistency and hierarchy, so that the movement patterns, activities and variety to create different character areas and to spaces, and the scale and massing of buildings all reinforce street hierarchy whilst respecting and support one another to create a memorable and responding to the existing site features and the wider recognisable space. context.

The buildings and landscape associated with each part The scale of the development is one which allows for a of the development have been designed to reinforced its variety of character areas that create distinctive places. position within the development. This translates into the The architecture of the buildings and the landscape link width of the space, how close the building line is set these otherwise, unrelated spaces and add a back from the pavements, how continuous the street consistency to the development as a whole. frontage is and the formality of the street design including street features and planting. SENSE OF PLACE

Different areas feature a distinctive character that In general, sense of place describes our relationship helps people find their way around. These also with places, expressed in different dimensions of human contribute towards creating distinctive character life: emotions, biographies, imagination, stories, and generators within the development. personal experiences (Basso, 1996). Place attachment reflects a bond between people and places, and place Key views and vistas into and out of the scheme or meaning reflects symbolic meanings people ascribe to between different parts of the scheme help people to places. In short, “sense of place is the lens through orientate themselves. Landmark buildings act as visual which people experience and make meaning of their markers that reinforce the legibility of the scheme. In experiences in and with place” (Adams, 2013). In cities, some cases a group of dwellings configured as a sense of place echoes the intersections of culture, courtyard or as a terrace create these visual clues environment, history, politics, and economics, and is which are distinctive to other areas within the impacted by global mobility, migration, and blurred development. boundaries between the natural and built environment.

The layout features special elements such as The proposed development successfully conciliates landmarks, gateways and focal points. These elements nature and buildings in a way that creates spaces with a reinforce the scale and sense of place of individual unique and distinctive character, which in turn provide character areas and at the same time, provide focal the background for people to work, visit, live and enjoy points to help people to navigate through the their lives. This, overall, will create a sense of place and development. Landmarks, gateways and focal points belonging among residents take the shape of individual buildings with strong design features, narrow places that precede more open areas and focal points such as open spaces and communal areas.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

LANDSCAPING By implementing an appropriate lighting strategy the However, due to the dense scrubby nature of the site risks to pedestrians can be minimised and the safety and its proximity to the railway line it is essential that a Soft and hard landscaping are envisaged to be an maximised during evenings and early morning. watching brief be kept for potential outlying badger sets integral part of the scheme in order to create a sense and that all vegetation removal is undertaken outside of of space and a definition between private and public Parking for all the properties has been considered and the bird nesting season (1st September – 28 Feb) spaces. parking provision has been allocated to comply with However if the latter is not accomplished during this current parking standards and generally they are out of season a competent ornithologist should conduct The car parking areas will blend with soft landscaping to sight of the view for the dwellings. surveys to ensure such areas are free from nesting the front of the dwellings. The palette of materials will birds prior to any clearance works being undertaken. define the public and private spaces and at the same Parking for the offices is provided in a parking court and time will blend with the finishes of the houses. overflow parking for the care home staff provided Also several trees contain bat roosting potential whilst alongside the old railway line out of the view. these are to be retained they may need tree surgery on New hedges and trees along the boundaries of the site H&S grounds – the roosting niches should be inspected will enhance the existing vegetation and will add to the Parking for the food store is provided in a landscaped and deemed bat free prior to any remedial works. qualities of communal gardens while allowing for parking court in a suitable place. improved privacy. Please refer to Finnemore Associates protected Parking for the care home is segregated to minimise its species survey for detail. Required turning circles for the refuse and emergency impact and it is provided on different levels to relate to vehicles have been integrated in a way that they do not the topography. dominate the street scene but integrate with the buildings. Please refer to separate landscaping statement produced by Chris Yardley. Defensible space is provided to all buildings in a way that does not break the relation between buildings and roads ECOLOGY whilst soft landscaped areas will enhance the street scene. The proposed development site was evaluated by a visual inspection on 22 September 2018 by Mick The layout, position and orientation of spaces in the Finnemore and Rebecca Evans (Finnemore Associates). buildings have been considered to provide natural The impact potential is assessed as non-significant for surveillance to enhance the sense of safety among any local/parish bat, breeding bird, or great crested residents. newt populations The survey found no indication that the proposed development should reasonably be expected Thought has been given to ensure that pedestrians to result in impacts to protected species such as would routes are safe to use. By having clearly defined spaces be considered an offence under the Conservation of safety is encouraged whilst soft landscaping Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. complements the street scene without obscuring views or reducing natural surveillance. Therefore an EPS licence is not anticipated as a legal requirement to complete the proposed development.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

Access and Roads There are two proposed accesses off Stony Lane, which The food store will be open 7 days a week. It is will serve the assisted bungalows, assisted flats and the understood that there will be one HGV delivery per day, The existing site coverage mainly consists of overgrown care home. There is also an exit only access for the food the time of which could vary, however, it is likely that it land and is currently accessed via Stony Lane which store delivery vehicles onto Stony Lane. The accesses to will be outside the highway network peak periods of 8am forms the southern boundary. There is an existing the care home, assisted flats and assisted bungalows to 9am and 5pm to 6pm. access off Station Road which provides access to a pine could potentially be gated to create a secure area for shop and tea room. residents. If gated, the gates shall be set back to allow It is understood that the nursing home will have at least vehicles to pull off Stony Lane. 10 dementia beds. It is considered that most residents There is a restricted 30mph speed limit along the within the nursing home will be unable to leave the site B1145 Station Road along the stretch of road adjacent The access to the site on B1145 Station Road has a unless attended. Therefore, most of the movements to the site, the 30mph speed limit extends along B1145 visibility splay of 2.4m x 59m in both directions. The associated with this aspect of the development will be by Station Road both north and south of the site. There is a visibility splay for the Stony Lane / Site accesses will be staff and visitors. The staff shift hours are not known at restricted speed limit of 30mph along Stony Lane along 2.4m x 43m in both directions. The left turn exit only this stage, although the end user will try to align the shift the majority of its stretch adjacent to the site. At the access to the site will have a visibility splay of 2.4m x pattern to tie in with times of local bus timetables where western end of the site the national speed limit applies 43m. possible. on Stony Lane A footway will be provided along the frontage of the site A Travel Plan for the development has been prepared. The local area benefits from street lighting within the on the northern side of Stony Lane. The proposed The Interim Travel Plan will be developed into a Full vicinity of the site. Street lighting is present along footway will extend around to the eastern side of the site Travel Plan once the end users are identified and base B1145 Station Road, however, there is no street and will connect with the existing footway on B1145 Travel Surveys completed three months after lighting along Stony Lane. Station Road. occupation of the site. The Travel Plan’s focus will be on staff and visitors to the nursing home, sheltered There are footways present along the southern side of The proposed development intends to increase the road housing, B1 use and food store. Stony Lane (from Station Road up to the private access) width along Stony Lane to 6m. This widening extends and along both sides of Station Road within the vicinity of from the Stony Lane / B1145 Station Road junction the site. along the site frontage and terminates just west of the most westerly site access along Stony Lane. There is a footway that runs from Stony Lane to the recreation ground which is known as Stimpson’s Piece. It is proposed to extend the 30mph zone to the west of The location of Stimpson’s Piece. the new access junctions along Stony Lane.

In consultation with NCC, it was determined that the The existing access to the pine shop and tea room from critical junction is deemed as the B1145 / Station Station Road will be improved and relocated north of the Road / Market Place / School Road crossroad junction existing access. This access will serve the food store to the south of the site. It is known that local residents and the office buildings. Access to the pine shop and have a concern over this junction, possibly due to the team room will be maintained. narrow nature of Station Road to the north of the junction. Within the site the road layout is designed so the maximum speed is 20mph.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

Public Transport Access for Pedestrians

Currently there is an unmarked bus stop adjacent to the Pedestrian access to the site is along the spine road site on B1145 Station Road (Stop ID: NFODPJAW). T and not out onto Stoney Lane. Marriots Way takes Full bus timetables and route maps can be found at: people to the countryside. Car Share In addition to the bus services shown in Table 1, the 414 bus service, which is a school bus route, serves Staff and visitors will initially be encouraged to car share Reepham. However, this route does not travel past the amongst themselves. In addition, users will be made site. The 414 bus route is Billingford to Reepham and is aware of Norfolk’s car share scheme, which is operated operated by Norfolk Green. There are no bus services by Liftshare. Norfolk’s lift share website helps individuals that serve Reepham on a Sunday. find others travelling along the same journey and aids matching them up to other car sharers The nearest mainline train station is Norwich train station which is approximately 15 miles south-east from Inclusive Access the site. Connections from Norwich Station can be made to , , , Access to the principal entrance of the shop is designed Lowestoft, Nottingham, Liverpool Lime Street, and to meet current standards for disabled access. All London Liverpool Street. entrances will be provided with flush access type thresholds. In order to ensure inclusive access for all There are 96 cycle stands at Norwich train station and the design will follow the guidance and requirements of car parking for 62 cars. In addition, there are car Part M of the current Building Regulations. parking spaces at the multi-storey car park opposite the train station. There is a taxi rank at the station.

A good bus service operates from Reepham and it is proposed to construct a lay by and shelter at the site frontage to enable stops to serve this site. 6 no services to Norwich per day; 1 no service to Aylsham.

Access for Cyclists

The National Cycle Route 1 runs from Norwich and Drayton, through Reepham, and on to . The cycle route through Reepham runs along Ollands Road, Station Road, Marriott’s Way and Stony Lane. Some stretches of the route are on road and some are traffic free.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

REFUSE COLLECTION The care home will have a bin store on its service area. The collection of the refuse will be done by a commercial Waste collection for the development has been waste collection service. assessed and discussed with the Council and the The assisted flats and assisted bungalows will have Planning Guidance Notes June 16 have been followed. separate bin stores with adequate capacity to cater the amount of properties to be served. Their location takes The access for waste collection guidance for residential into consideration the distance that resident will need to developments has been followed as is also applicable in travel to dispose of their waste. many cases in a commercial setting. Any area that the waste collection vehicle is expected to access will be Each bungalow will have the equivalent refuse space to built to a level that will withstand the size of vehicle cater for the equivalent of three 240 litre wheeled bind needed to collect the waste container. Adequate and a food caddy. turning heads have been incorporated to assist with waste collection. Assisted flats will have an equal quantity of grey (recycling) and green (rubish) 1100 litre bins . Each bin In terms of uses commercial premises require store will cater for 12no. flats. Therefore the additional consideration when it comes to planning requirement will be (12 no. flats x 240 litres) divided by waste storage and collection. Operators of commercial 1100 litres) multiplied by 2 giving a total of 3 1100 premises are required by law to have a collection with a litres containers of each type. registered waste carrier for the disposal of any waste generated in the course of business. Any waste Part of the care provided to residents on assisted produced must also be stored securely. Waste is less properties is to collect their waste from their properties easily categorised and waste storage capacity and and to take it to the bins stores. collection arrangements will vary from business to business, with several different contractors likely to service a commercial development.

Commercial containers will be stored within the external space of the commercial premise with suitable screening of views and security taken into account.

The offices will have a commercial contract in place and have a bin store located adjacent to the size 3 turning for the refuse vehicle to collect easily. Its location also responds to the topography of the site.

The food store will have a bin store within its yard and that will be collected by the letting supermarket.

Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM

RENEWABLE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY Broadland can do to fight climate change and reduce Norfolk. It identifies key locations for growth and sets STATEMENT fuel bills. According to the Department of Energy and out policies to ensure future development is sustainable. Climate Change’s sub-regional data, in 2011, 15% of The Council’s policy on energy efficiency of new dwellings The Climate Change Act 2008 established legally households in Broadland were fuel poor, which is when; is “to address climate change and promote binding targets to reduce UK emissions by at least 34% in order to heat their home to an adequate standard of sustainability, all development will be located and below 1990 levels by 2020 and at least 80% by 2050. warmth the household needs to spend more than 10% designed to use all resources efficiently, minimise There are two key aims underpinning the Act. Firstly to of its income to maintain an adequate heating regime. greenhouse gas emissions and be adapted to a improve carbon management and help the transition This is below the 17.4% average for Norfolk, however changing climate and more extreme weather. towards a low carbon economy in the UK and secondly above the regional average of 13.9% for the East of Development will therefore be ‘energy efficient to demonstrate strong UK leadership internationally, . signalling that we are committed to taking our share of In 2012 the Council adopted a Sustainable Energy responsibility for reducing global emissions. Increasing the amount of energy that is generated from Strategy providing guidance to potential developers and renewable energy significantly contributes to reducing residents relating to renewable energy, the construction The Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 (HECA) carbon emissions in the UK as fossil fuels are not burnt of new dwellings and the reduction of water required all English Local Authorities to prepare a report to produce energy, which results in the release of consumption in new dwellings. by 31 March 2013 setting out energy conservation carbon. Renewable energy generation was responsible measures the Authority considers practicable, cost- for 9.5% of all electricity supplied in the UK in 2011 and The proposed development will meet the council’s effective and likely to result in significant improvement in as a result carbon emissions fell by 7% in the same relevant policies by means of following a ‘fabric first’ the energy efficiency of residential accommodation in its year. The 2009 Renewable Energy Directive sets a approach to focus on fabric and services improvements area. Further reports will be required at two-yearly target for the UK to achieve 15% of its energy to increase energy performance in new buildings. intervals, up to and including 31 March 2027. consumption from renewable sources by 2020 so more needs to be done to encourage the installation of Four fabric improvements will be considered on the Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost- renewable energy generating technologies such as detailed of the buildings: effective ways to reduce carbon emissions. Most of the ground source heat pumps, biomass, solar PV, energy that is used in homes and businesses is hydropower. • Reducing U-values of mass or thermal elements produced using processes that release carbon dioxide • Reducing the effects of thermal bridging (CO ) emissions, the main greenhouse gas causing The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to 2 • Effective airtightness and ventilation strategies climate change, into the air. Reducing the waste of the achievement of sustainable development. There are • Consideration of other service improvements energy, where energy which is consumed but not three dimensions to sustainable development: required (eg. when buildings are over-heated) or not economic, social and environmental. Planning plays a There seems to be a widely held belief in the house- used (eg. when heat escapes from an un-insulated key role in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, building industry that to achieve reductions in CO minimising vulnerability and providing resilience to the 2 building) will reduce the amount of CO which is emitted emissions, it will be necessary to use a form of 2 impacts of climate change, and supporting the delivery microgeneration technology such as solar thermal hot unnecessarily. of renewable and low carbon energy and associated water or heat pumps. Taking a fabric first and improved infrastructure across the district. Energy used in homes is responsible for over a quarter services approach can also be a viable option. of all UK emissions of CO so making all buildings as 2 The Joint Core Strategy, being developed by the Greater Optimising the performance of the fabric first limits the energy efficient as possible and saving energy at home Norwich Growth Board (of which Broadland District need to add microgeneration technology. Even where is one of the most important things that residents of Council is a member), sets out the over-arching strategy microgeneration policies are needed to offset some for growth across Norwich, Broadland and South Design and Access Statement - Old Station Yard - REEPHAM proportion of overall energy demand, many of the forthcoming regulations suggest that improving energy efficiency should be considered first. Consideration will be also given to the use of air source heat pumps and solar panels.

New Development Comprising New Development Comprising Offices, Convenience Food Store, Care Home, assisted Flats Housing, Club House/ Assembly Room And Assisted Single Storey Housing

Old Station Yard, REEPHAM

Design and Access Statement

May 2018