Curso De Legislación Ambiental

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Curso De Legislación Ambiental WATER QUALITY MONITORING IN THE JUCAR RIVER BASIN Beirut, October 2009 02/10/2009 Superficial Water status according to the Water Framework Directive. Ecological Water Status. *Biological indicators *Physical-chemical indicators (temperature, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, Ph, Ammonia...) *Hydromorphological indicators Chemical Water Status. * Priority on List I and List II 02/10/2009 QUALITY NETWORKS INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPT. QUALITY NETWORKS: ICA BIOLOGICAL RESERVOIRS SAICA DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES GROUNDWATER 02/10/2009 ICA NETWORK Integral Water Quality Network or ICA Network: Controls superficial water quality in the main rivers of the basin. 260 active stations. Analysis, interpretation and diagnose of physical-chemical and microbiological parameters. Verifies the water quality evolution. The different sub-networks are designed according to the different environmental objectives and uses of the resource 02/10/2009 Superficial Water Bodies 297 Water Bodies –Non Controlled •63 Dry •2 Brackish •22 Reservoirs –210 Controlled according to the risk of not attaining Good Status •108 Water bodies with HIGH risk •55 Water bodies with MEDIUM risk •47 Water bodies 02/10/2009 with LOW risk ICA Network Stations 02/10/2009 ICA NETWORK Formed by 260 stations belonging to different sub-networks to control physical-chemical and microbiological status: •Prepotable network •Fish network •Irrigation network •Water quality control network for bathing areas •Control network for areas sensitive to nitrate contamination •COCA network (Official Control of Water Quality) •Basic Control network •Intercalibration network •Reference network •Control network for emissions to the Med Sea (Barcelona Agreement) •EUROWATERNET network Superficial water status assessment 02/10/2009 Prepotable networks 11 control stations in pre-potable sections, defined in article 63 of JHP 17 control stations upstream of the catchments for urban supply Determination and follow-up of controlled parameters according to Prepotable Directive and WFD Frequency depending on town size and obtained Quality 02/10/2009 Fish network Types of control according to ecological requirements: •33 Salmonid stations (in high sections and small basins). •88 Cyprinid stations (in middle/low sections and antrophised basins). Determination and follow-up of limiting parameters for fish life: •nitrites, dissolved oxygen, chlorine... Frequency •monthly -UE •quarterly 02/10/2009 SALMONID SPECIES IN HIGH SECTIONS AND SMALL BASINS Fish Network CYPRINID SPECIES IN MIDDLE/LOW SECTIONS AND ANTROPHISED BASINS 02/10/2009 Irrigation Network Water quality in superficial or mixed sections in agricultural demand units (ADU) with 81 control stations. Determination and follow-up of parameters defining water quality for irrigation: Chlorides, DBO5, Boron, Coliform, pH, permeability. Quarterly Frequency 02/10/2009 Water Quality control network for bathing areas•7 stations in bathing areas declared to the EU and designated by the Autonomous Communities (coordination between Administrations) •16 in fresh water spots for recreational use according to art. 63 of JHP. Determination and follow-up of parameters Microbiological and physical- chemical. Frequency from May –Sept. Fortnightly - EU 02/10/2009 •Monthly -Rest Basic Control Network •Control of 210 water bodies with 215 stations •Will result in the Surveillance and Operative networks of WFD. •Determination and follow-up of general parameters: nutrients, salinity, oxygen balances... Quarterly Frequency 02/10/2009 Control Network for Areas Sensitive to Nitrate Contamination In the Júcar River Basin geographical scope these were declared Sensitive Areas: - 3 sections in the Júcar river Also, due to the conditions of high nutrients and the lenitic character of the Júcar river, control is carried out in: - 2 spots in the low section of the Júcar river Intercalibration Network Define good ecological status of water bodies (WFD) –10 Intercalibration stations. Defined by the Ministry of Environment. Comparison exercises in the evaluation systems for ecologic quality of different countries of the EU. 02/10/2009 Reference Network Define the good ecological status of water bodies (WFD) –15 reference stations, redefined by the ICA network •Definition of good ecological status for each ecotype. •9 ecotypes. 02/10/2009 Emissions to the sea control network (Barcelona agreement) • Contamination of the Mediterranean Sea due to emissions •Only Metals, Nutrients, and Solids. •Stations at permanent discharges and occasional sampling. •Formed by 7 control points. 02/10/2009 Eurowaternet •Stations for the information exchange with the European Environment Agency. •Formed by 44 control spots. 02/10/2009 Control stations in surface water bodies 02/10/2009 Ecotypes defined for the Júcar River Basin District Nº ECOTYPE 5 Rivers in La Mancha 9 Mineralised rivers in middle and low mountains 10 Mediterranean rivers with karst influence 12 Mediterranean calcareous mountain rivers 13 Highly mineralised Mediterranean rivers 14 Mediterranean axis in low altitutes 16 Mineralised Mediterranean - Continental axis 17 Big axis in Mediterranean environment 18 Mediterranean coastal rivers 1000 Reservoirs 02/10/2009 INDICATORS FOR WATER QUALITY IFH Index of fluvial habitat Parameters: Physical-chemical Hydromorphological (PARDO et al., 2002) Nutrients indicators indicators Good BOD5 Dissolved Oxygen... Ecological Status QVR Biological Indicators Quality of the vegetation along the river (MUNNE et al., 1998) IBMWP, IM, IBD, IPS, ID IBMWP: Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (ALBA-TERCEDOR et al., 2002) IM: Index of Macrophytes (SUAREZ et al., 2004) IBD, IPS, ID: Indexes of Diatoms 02/10/2009 MACROINVERTEBRATES Tricladida Oligochaeta Hirudinea Bivalvia Gastropoda 02/10/2009 Biological Network Quality types according to IBMWP !! ! in the sampling ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! stations in the Júcar ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! river basin during the ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! autumn-winter ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! campaign 2008-2009. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! % Estaciones por clase de calidad del índice IBMWP ! ! ! ! ! ! % Stations by quality types ! ! !! ! ! Otoño-Invierno 2008-2009 ! ! ! ! ! ! according to the IBMWP ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! index. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! M U Y B U E N A ! ! ! 8% ! !! BUENA ! ! ! ACEPTABLE ! ! ! ! ! DEFICIENTE! ! ! ! ! MALA! ! 52% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! 13% !! ! ! ! ! ! ! 24% !! ! ¬ ! MUY BUENA ! Km. ! BUENA ! 0 5 10 20 30 40 ! ACEPTABLE ! DEFICIENTE Masa de Agua ! MALA Subcuencas C.H.J. 02/10/2009 BIOLOGICAL NETWORK-Index IBMWP Ecotyp Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V e (very good) (good) (acceptable) (poor) (bad) 5 >75 60-75 35-59 11-34 <11 9 >90 65-90 35-64 14-34 <14 10 >80 60-80 40-59 13-39 <13 12 >120 75-120 45-74 18-44 <18 13 >65 45-65 25-44 10-24 <10 14 >65 45-65 25-44 10-24 <10 16 >75 60-75 35-59 11-34 <11 17 >65 45-65 25-44 10-24 <10 18 >65 45-65 25-44 10-24 <10 02/10/2009 Reservoirs Network Objectives Reservoirs are heavily modified water bodies. Some of them have strong consumptive water demands in the summer (mainly due to water supply and irrigation). The network realises a special follow up of the presence of allochthonous species, paying special attention to the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). 02/10/2009 Limnologic diagnose of reservoirs Thermal stratification and other gradients (materialisation, turbidity) EPILIMNION Water transparency, chlorophyll, phytoplankton, zooplankton GRADIENT OF TEMPERATURE AND MINERALISATION Nutrients, Fe and Mn HYPOLIMNION Oxygenation of the hypolimnion, NH4 and SH2 Sediment (grain size, SH2, CH4), zoobents and chemisty (M.O., P total and N total 02/10/2009 SAICA Network The SAICA (Automatic Water Quality Information System) network is a system that consists of 13 fixed automatic alert stations that measure water quality, two mobile stations and one self-positioning probe in reservoirs, at the present the number of mobile stations and self-positioning probes is increased. The determination of water quality parameters is realised constantly with basic parameters and is transmitted via mobile telephone to the Data Processing Centre, the frequency is every 15 minutes, permitting the activation of quality alerts, due to different incidences. SAICA Network The basic parameters measured are: Conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, water temperature, turbidity and level of flow. In determined situations, due to the range of protection required areas, additional analytes are measured like ammonium, nitrates, phosphates and organic material. 02/10/2009 Distribution of the automatic alert stations. 02/10/2009 DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES CONTROL NETWORK (RCSP) The selection of the spots was carried out: Historic discharges. Non-fulfilment of qualitative objectives (ICA Network) Poor ecological status (Biological Network) The RCSP was initially composed by 35 stations: Sub-network to control diffuse contamination at 10 sampling spots Sub-network to control punctual contamination at 25 sampling spots 02/10/2009 Dangerous substances control network •Punctual origin •Diffuse origin 02/10/2009 Status of groundwater according to WFD 2000/60/CE CHEMICAL STATUS OF GROUNDWATER QUANTITATIVA STATUS OF GROUNDWATER 02/10/2009 Chemical groundwater control network u o F a l Bco. Tenalla e d . o c Lidón Rillo B Fuentes Calientes Bco. Pobla de BenifassarE. Ulldecona ArgenteVisiedo Pobla de Benifassà (la) la Hoz R. Galve Ce Sénia (La) rvo Camañas Bco. de la Gallera l Rossell Perales del Alfambra Vallibona Ulldecona Camarillas
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