
Main Characters in the

BOOK 9 Who are they? Visual

Calypso A sea goddess who lives on the island of

She tries to keep on the island and stop him from going home

Alcinous The king of the Phaeacians

Odysseus tells King his adventure stories

Father of Odysseus

father and son

A goddess and who lives on the island of

She has mystic powers and turns men into pigs

Zeus The chief of the Greek and goddesses

Father of and

Inhabitants of a land Odysseus visits

The men ate the flower and did not want to Lotus Eaters return to the ship Odysseus forces the men to return to the ship

Cyclopes A group of one-eyed

Odysseus and his men poke the eye out of Polyphemus – the one eyed using a 6 foot stake

The god of the sea, Poseidon earthquakes, and horses; father of the Polyphemus who battles Odysseus

Book 10

Tiresias of Thebes A blind prophet whose spirit Odysseus visits in the underworld

Book 12

Sirens Creatures, part woman and part bird, whose songs lure sailors to their deaths.

Scylla 6 headed sea who devours sailors

Charybdis A dangerous whirlpool of water personified as a female sea monster

The sun god who pastures his cattle on the island of Thrinacia

Books 21-23

Telemachus The son of Odysseus

son of Odysseus

goddesses Muse of music, poetry, and literature

Odysseus Main Character = Odysseus conquers many difficulties to achieve his goal

to return to his wife and homeland