Activity SMR: 2707

Workshop on Water at the Interface between Biology, , and Materials Sciences

5 October 2015 - 9 October 2015 Trieste - ITALY


AIP - The Journal of Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung

Final List of Participants

Total Number of Visitors: 70

Strada Costiera, 11 I-34151, Trieste, Italy • Tel. +39 0402240111 • Fax. +39 040224163 • [email protected] • ICTP is governed by UNESCO, IAEA and Italy, and is a UNESCO Category 1 Institute No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

DIRECTOR Total number in this function: 3

1. CAMPEN R. Kramer UNITED STATES OF DIRECTOR AMERICA 1. Permanent Institute: Fritz Haber Institut der Max Planck Gesellschaft Department of Physical Chemistry Faradayweg 4-6 D-14195 Berlin GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

2. CERIOTTI Michele ITALY DIRECTOR 2. Permanent Institute: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL Lab. of Computational Science and Modelling COSMO EPFL STI IMX COSMO MXG 338 (Batiment MXG) Station 22 CH-1015 Lausanne SWITZERLAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

3. HASSANALI Ali UNITED REPUBLIC OF DIRECTOR TANZANIA 3. Permanent Institute: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Section Strada Costiera 11 34151 Trieste ITALY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 2 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

SPEAKER Total number in this function: 29

4. BAKKER Huib SPEAKER 4. Permanent Institute: FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics AMOLF Molecular Nanophysics Department Science Park 104 1098 XG Amsterdam NETHERLANDS Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

5. BARBOSA Marcia Cristina BRAZIL SPEAKER 5. Permanent Institute: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Instituto de Fisica Caixa Postal 15051 Av. Bento Goncalves 9500 Campus do Vale 91501-970 Porto Alegre RS BRAZIL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

6. BEN-AMOTZ Dor UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 6. Permanent Institute: Purdue University Department of Chemistry Chemistry Building 1393 Brown Building 560 Oval Drive IN 47907-1393 West Lafayette UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

7. BONN Mischa NETHERLANDS SPEAKER 7. Permanent Institute: Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Ackermannweg 10 55128 Mainz GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

8. CHAPLIN Martin Frank UNITED KINGDOM SPEAKER 8. Permanent Institute: London South Bank University Borough Road London SE1 0AA UNITED KINGDOM Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 3 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

9. D'AMICO Francesco ITALY SPEAKER 9. Permanent Institute: Elettra Sincrotrone Strada Statale 14 - km 163,5 34014 TRIESTE ITALY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

10. DELLAGO Christoph ITALY SPEAKER 10. Permanent Institute: University of Vienna Institute for Experimental Physics Boltzmanngasse 5 1090 Vienna AUSTRIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

11. HALLE Bertil SWEDEN SPEAKER 11. Permanent Institute: Lund University Division of Biophysical Chemistry Center for Molecular Protein Science CMPS Kemicentrum Box 118 221 00 Lund SWEDEN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

12. HAMM Peter GERMANY SPEAKER 12. Permanent Institute: University of Zurich Department of Chemistry Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH 8057 Zurich SWITZERLAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

13. HAN Songi REPUBLIC OF KOREA SPEAKER 13. Permanent Institute: University of California at Santa Barbara Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 9510 Santa Barbara CA 93106 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

14. HEYDEN Bjoern Matthias GERMANY SPEAKER 14. Permanent Institute: Max Planck Institut fuer Kohlenforschung Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1 D-45470 Muelheim an der Ruhr GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 4 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

15. HYNES James Thomas UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 15. Permanent Institute: University of Colorado Dept. Chemistry & Biochemistry Colorado 80309-0215 Boulder UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

16. LEVIN Yan UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 16. Permanent Institute: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Instituto de Fisica Caixa Postal 15051 Av. Bento Goncalves 9500 Campus do Vale 91501-970 Porto Alegre RS BRAZIL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

17. LIMMER David UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 17. Permanent Institute: Condensed Matter Physics Princeton Center for Theoretical Science Princeton University 413B Jadwin Hall NJ-08544 Princeton UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

18. MARKLAND Thomas Edward UNITED KINGDOM SPEAKER 18. Permanent Institute: Stanford University Department of Chemistry CA 94305 Stanford UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

19. MARX Dominik Christian Paul GERMANY SPEAKER 19. Permanent Institute: Ruhr-Universitat Bochum Lehrstuhl fur Theoretische Chemie 44780 Bochum GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 5 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

20. MICHAELIDES Angelos IRELAND SPEAKER 20. Permanent Institute: University College London London Centre for Nanotechnology 17-19 Gordon Street London WC1H 0AH UNITED KINGDOM Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

21. NILSSON Anders SWEDEN SPEAKER 21. Permanent Institute: Stockholm University Department of Molecular Biosciences The Wenner Gren Institute SE-106 91 Stockholm SWEDEN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

22. PAESANI Francesco ITALY SPEAKER 22. Permanent Institute: University of California at San Diego Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA 92093 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

23. PALMER Jeremy Cord UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 23. Permanent Institute: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering University of Houston Engineering Bldg 1 Houston TX 77204-4004 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

24. PHAM Tuan Anh VIET NAM SPEAKER 24. Permanent Institute: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 7000 East Avenue Livermore CA 94550 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

25. REITER George UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 25. Permanent Institute: University of Houston Department of Physics 4800 Calhoun Road TX 77204-5506 Houston UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 6 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

26. ROKE Sylvie NETHERLANDS SPEAKER 26. Permanent Institute: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Laboratory for Fundamental Biophotonics Station 17 CH–1015 Lausanne SWITZERLAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

27. ROMANELLI Giovanni ITALY SPEAKER 27. Permanent Institute: ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Fermi Avenue Chilton OX11 0QX Oxfordshire UNITED KINGDOM Permanent Institute e mail [email protected], [email protected]

28. ROSSI CARVALHO Mariana BRAZIL SPEAKER 28. Permanent Institute: University of Oxford Department of Chemistry Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory South Parks Road OX1 3QZ Oxford UNITED KINGDOM Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

29. ROTENBERG Benjamin FRANCE SPEAKER 29. Permanent Institute: Physicochimie des Electrolyes et Nanosystemes Interfaciaux Laboratoire PHENIX CNRS 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

30. SORELLA Sandro ITALY SPEAKER 30. Permanent Institute: SISSA & DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center Via Bonomea 265 34136 Trieste ITALY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 7 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

31. TOKMAKOFF Andrei UNITED STATES OF SPEAKER AMERICA 31. Permanent Institute: University of Chicago Department of Chemistry 929 East 57th Street Chicago Illinois 60637 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

32. VEGA DE LAS HERAS Carlos SPAIN SPEAKER 32. Permanent Institute: University Complutense of Madrid Faculty of Chemistry Department of Physical Chemistry Av. Complutense, s/n 28040 Madrid SPAIN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 8 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

PARTICIPANT Total number in this function: 38

33. ARAUJO VILA VERDE Ana Celia PORTUGAL PARTICIPANT 33. Permanent Institute: Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces Theory and Bio-Systems Department Am Muhlenberg 1 OT Golm 14476 Potsdam GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

34. ASATRYAN Arevik ARMENIA PARTICIPANT 34. Permanent Institute: Yerevan State University 1 Alex Manoogian 0025 Yerevan ARMENIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

35. AZIZI Khatereh ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PARTICIPANT IRAN 35. Permanent Institute: Department of Physics University of Tehran North Kargar Avenue Tehran ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

36. BAFFOUR AWUAH Joel GHANA PARTICIPANT 36. Permanent Institute: Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology College of Science Department of Physics Knust 00233 Kumasi Ashanti GHANA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected], [email protected]

37. BORDIN Jose Rafael BRAZIL PARTICIPANT 37. Permanent Institute: Campus Cacapava do Sul Universidade Federal do Pampa Av. Pedro Anunciacao 111 - Vila Batista Cacapava do Sul 96570-000 Rio Grande do Sul BRAZIL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 9 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

38. CHEN Wei PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF PARTICIPANT CHINA 38. Permanent Institute: Department of Physics Fudan University 220 Handan Road 200433 Shanghai OT PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

39. CRESPO HERNANDEZ Yanier CUBA PARTICIPANT 39. Permanent Institute: IIP International Institute of Physics Av. Odilon Gomes de Lima, 1722 Natal 59078-400 Rio Grande Do Norte BRAZIL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

40. CUNHA Ana Maria De Carvalho Vicente Da PORTUGAL PARTICIPANT 40. Permanent Institute: Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials Centre for Theoretical Physics University of Groningen Nijenborgh 4 NL-9747 AG Groningen NETHERLANDS Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

41. DE ALMEIDA James Moraes BRAZIL PARTICIPANT 41. Permanent Institute: THEOS Theory and Simulations of Materials Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne STI-IMX MXC338 1015 Lausanne Vaud SWITZERLAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected], [email protected]

42. DE LA CALLEJA MORA Elsa Maria MEXICO PARTICIPANT 42. Permanent Institute: Instituto de Fisica- Luis Rivera Terrazas- Universidad AutA3noma de Puebla Av. San Caludio y 18 sur s/n Edificio 110A Puebla C.P. 72570 MEXICO Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 10 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

43. EL SAYED EL HABASHY Hadeer Abdel Karim EGYPT KFAS PARTICIPANT 43. Permanent Institute: Physics Department, Science and Engineering School, American University in Cairo. New Cairo Cairo EGYPT Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

44. FATEMA Konica Jannat BANGLADESH PARTICIPANT 44. Permanent Institute: Chemistry Division Atomic Energy Centre Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission 4 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue 1000 Dhaka Dhaka BANGLADESH Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

45. GASPAROTTO Piero ITALY PARTICIPANT 45. Permanent Institute: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne STI- IMX- COSMO Batiment MXG 339 Station 12 1015 Lausanne Vaud SWITZERLAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected], [email protected]

46. GEBREMICHAEL Zekarias Teklu ETHIOPIA PARTICIPANT 46. Present institute: Permanent Institute: Istituto Officina dei Materiali IOM CNR Laboratorio Addis Ababa University TASC College of Natural and Computational Sciences S.S. 14 Km 163,5 Department of Chemistry Basovizza Trieste 34149 Haileselassie Street ITALY Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA Until when: 28 February 2016 Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

47. GEH Wilson Ejuh REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON PARTICIPANT 47. Permanent Institute: University of Dschang Department of General and Scientific Studies IUT Fotso Victor of Bandjoun Tamdja Bafoussam REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 11 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

48. IZZO Maria Grazia ITALY PARTICIPANT 48. Permanent Institute: Area di Ricerca Sincrotrone - Laboratorio Elettra - Divisione Esperimenti Padriciano. 99 I-34012 Trieste ITALY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected] / [email protected]

49. KANCHANAWARIN Chalermpol THAILAND PARTICIPANT 49. Permanent Institute: Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Department of Physics Faculty of Science Kasetsart University 50 Paholyothin Rd. Jatujak Ladyao 10900 Bangkok THAILAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

50. MAGHSOODI Fahimeh ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PARTICIPANT IRAN 50. Permanent Institute: Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology University of Kashan 6 Km Ghotbravandi Blvd, Kashan 8731751167 Kashan Isfahan ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

51. MISHRA Pankaj Kumar INDIA PARTICIPANT 51. Permanent Institute: Center for Free Electron Laser Science DESY Notkestrasse 85 22607 Hamburg Hamburg GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

52. MORAWIETZ Tobias GERMANY PARTICIPANT 52. Permanent Institute: Computational Physics Faculty of Physics University of Vienna Sensengasse 8/9 1090 Vienna AUSTRIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 12 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

53. OKON Paul Bassey NIGERIA SENIOR ASSOCIATE 53. Permanent Institute: Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture University of Calabar

PO Box 3641, UNICAL PO Etta Agbor Road Calabar 540004 Cross River State NIGERIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

54. ORTEGA CRUZ Maria SPAIN PARTICIPANT 54. Permanent Institute: Departamento de Fisica Teorica de la Materia Condensada Facultad de Ciencias Modulo C-5 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid C- Francisco Tomas y Valiente 7 Madrid SPAIN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

55. PAESLACK Christopher GERMANY PARTICIPANT 55. Permanent Institute: Max-Planck-Institut fur Kohlenforschung Theoretical Chemistry Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1 D-45470 Muelheim an der Ruhr Nordrhein-Westfalen GERMANY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

56. PANTHA Nurapati NEPAL PARTICIPANT 56. Permanent Institute: Central Department of Physics Tribhuvan University University Campus Kirtipur 44618 Kathmandu NEPAL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

57. PERAZZI Marco ITALY PARTICIPANT 57. Permanent Institute: Universita degli Studi di Trieste Dipartimento di Fisica Via Valerio, 2 Trieste ITALY Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 13 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

58. PEREPELYTSYA Sergiy UKRAINE PARTICIPANT 58. Permanent Institute: Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics NAS of Ukraine 14-b Metrologichna Kiev 03680 UKRAINE Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

59. PINILLA CASTELLANOS Carlos Celimo COLOMBIA PARTICIPANT 59. Permanent Institute: Universidad del Norte Km 5 Via Puerto Colombia Barranquilla COLOMBIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

60. PIYAWATTANAMETHA Wibool THAILAND PARTICIPANT 60. Permanent Institute: King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 1 Soi Chalong Krung 1 10520 Ladkrabang Bangkok THAILAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

61. POKHAREL Sunil NEPAL PARTICIPANT 61. Permanent Institute: Central Department of Physics Tribhuvan University Kirtipur Kathmandu NEPAL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

62. PURQON Acep INDONESIA PARTICIPANT 62. Permanent Institute: Physics of Complex Systems Research Group Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institute of Technology Bandung Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 West Java INDONESIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 14 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

63. RIZZI Leandro Gutierrez BRAZIL PARTICIPANT 63. Permanent Institute: Instituto de Fisica Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Avenida Bento Goncalves 9500 Porto Alegre 15051 Rio Grande do Sul BRAZIL Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

64. SEYED YAZDI Jamileh ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PARTICIPANT IRAN 64. Permanent Institute: Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran. Vali-e-Asr University Rafsanjan ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

65. SIDDIQI Mohammad Imran INDIA PARTICIPANT 65. Permanent Institute: Central Drug Research Institute Molecular and Structural biology Division Sector -10 Jankipuram Extension Sitapur Road Lucknow 226031 Uttar Pradesh INDIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

66. SINHA Neeraj INDIA PARTICIPANT 66. Permanent Institute: Centre of Biomedical research SGPGIMS Campus Raibarelly Road Lucknow 226014 uttar pradesh INDIA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

67. SOSSO Gabriele Cesare ITALY PARTICIPANT 67. Permanent Institute: London Centre for Nanotechnology University College London 17-19 Gordon Street London WC1H 0AH UNITED KINGDOM Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

Participation for activity Workshop On Water SMR Number: 2707 Page 15 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function

68. TOCCI Gabriele ITALY PARTICIPANT 68. Permanent Institute: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL STI IMX COSMO MXG 338 Batiment MXG Station 12 CH-1015 Lausanne SWITZERLAND Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

69. VAN DER MERWE Marina Mikhailovna SOUTH AFRICA PARTICIPANT 69. Permanent Institute: University of Pretoria Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Department of Chemistry cnr Lynnwood Road and Roper Street Hatfield Pretoria 0181 Gauteng SOUTH AFRICA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

70. WANG Chunlei PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF PARTICIPANT CHINA 70. Permanent Institute: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Jialuo Road 2019 Shanghai PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Permanent Institute e mail [email protected]

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