Class – 7th Chapter – 4 (history) The Mughal

1. Match the following: mansab – Mongol – governor Sisodiya – Uzbeg Rathor Rajput – – rank subadar –

Answer: mansab – rank Mongol – Uzbeg Sisodiya Rajput – Mewar Rathor Rajput – Marwar Nur Jahan – Jahangir subadar – governor

2. Fill in the blanks:

The capital of , ’s half-bro: her, was …………………

The five Deccan Sultanate were Berar, , Ahmadnagar,

If zat determined a ’s rank and salary, sewer indicated his………………………

Abul Faze, Akbar’s friend and counsellor, helped him frame the idea of …………. so that he could govern a society composed of many religions, cultures, and castes.

Answer: , Golconda number of horses maintained administration

1. Why was it a difficult task for rulers of the Middle Ages to rule the ? Answer: It was because people of diverse backgrounds and cultures lived here.

2. Who was Genghis ? Answer: He was the ruler of the Mongol tribes, China and .

3. Who was ? Answer: He was the first Mughal emperor and reigned from 1526 to 1530

4. Name the battlefield where Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur? Answer: .

5. To whom did Babur defeat at ?[V- Imp.] Answer: Babur defeated the at Chanderi

6. What forced Hwnayun to flee to ? Answer: After being defeated by Sher Khan at in 1539 and Kanauj in 1540 fled to Iran.

7. At what age did Akbar become the emperor of the ? Answer: Akbar became the emperor of the Mughal Empire at the age of 13.

8. Who was the regent of Akbar? Answer: .

9. How is Prince Khurram better known as in Indian History? Answer: Price Khurram is better known as Emperor Jahan in Indian History.

1o. Who was victorious in the conflict over succession amongst ’s sons? Answer: was victorious.

11. Who fought guerrilla warfare? Answer: The Marathas fought guerrilla warfare.

12. What do you mean by the rule of primogeniture? [V. Imp.] Answer: Under the rule of primogeniture the eldest son inherited his father’s estate.

13. What was the Timurid custom of coparcenary inheritance? [Imp.] Answer: It was a division of the inheritance amongst all the sons.

14. What qualities of the Mughals enabled them to extend their influence over many kings and chieftains? [V. Imp.] Answer: The careful balance between defeating but not humiliating their opponents enabled the Mughals to extend their influence over many kings and chieftains. is.

15. What was zat? Answer: Mansabdar’s rank and salary were determined by a numerical value called zat The higher the zat, the more prestigious was the noble’s position in the court.

16. What was ? Answer: received their salaries as revenue assignments known as .

17. What was zabt? Ans. It was the revenue collected on the basis of the schedule of revenue rates for individuals crops.

18. With whom did Akbar hold a discussion on religion? Answer: Akbar held discussions on religion with the , Brahmanas, Jesuit priests who were Roman Catholics, and Zoroastrians. 19. When did Mehrunnisa receive the title of Nur Jahan? Answer: After Mehrunnisa got married to Emperor Jahangir, in 1611 she received the title of Nur Jahan.

20. What power did the nobles exercise during Akbar’s reign? Answer: During Akbar’s reign the nobles commanded large armies and had access to large amounts of revenue.

Question 1. The name of residence of in was (a) the (b) the Old Fort. (c) the Siri Fort (d) none of these Answer Answer: (a) the Red Fort

Question 2. Genghis Khan was a ruler of this tribe: (a) Turkish (b) Mongols (c) Huns (d) None of these

Question 3. Which Mughal Emperor was defeated by ? (a) Babur (b) Humayun (c) Akbar (d) Jahangir Answer Answer: (b) Humayun

Question 4. What is the ruling period of Jahangir? (a) 1526-1530 AD (b) 1530-1556 AD (c) 1556-1605 AD (d) 1605-1627 AD Answer Answer: (d) 1605-1627 AD

Question 5. Which Sikh ’s Martyrdom took place during Jahangir’s reign? (a) Singhji (b) Guru Gobind Singhji (c) Guru Aijun Singhji (d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Singhji Answer Answer: (c) Guru Aijun Singhji

Question 6. What was the capital of Mirza Hakim Akhar’s half brother? (a) Kabul (b) Afghan (c) Morocco (d) Sind Answer Answer: (a) Kabul

Question 7. Rathor Rajput was related to (a) Marwar (b) Mewar (c) Amber (d) Ranthambore Answer Answer: (a) Marwar

Question 8. Which ruler was insulted by Aurangzeb? (a) Man Singh (b) Pratap (c) (d) All of these Answer: (c) Shivaji

Question 9. The salary of the Mansabdars was called (a) mansab (b) jat (c) jagi (d) zabt Answer Answer: (c) jagi

Question 10. Who was Revenue minister? (a) Todar Mai (b) (c) Abul Fazl (d) Answer Answer: (a) Todar Mai

Question 11. Akbar, a great Mughal Emperor was known for his (a) tolerant religious policy (b) good administration (c) economic reforms and works (d) all of these Answer Answer: (d) all of these

Question 12. The minister-in-charge of religious and charitable patronage was known as (a) (b) bakhshi (c) sadr (d) bigot Answer Answer: (c) sadr

Question 13. The literal meaning of Sulh-i kul is (a) peace (b) religion (c) universal peace (d) inheritance Answer Answer: (c) universal peace

Question 14. What was the approximate number of mansabdars in Shah Jahan reign? (a) 6000 (6) 4000 (c) 8000 (d) 10,000 Answer Answer: (c) 8000