Seventh International Conference on Mars 3394.pdf THE RECENT GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF ATHABASCA VALLES, MARS, AS REVEALED BY HiRISE. W. L. Jaeger1, L. P. Keszthelyi1, A. S. McEwen2, C. M. Dundas2, and P. S. Russell3, 1U.S. Geol. Survey, Astrogeol- ogy Team, 2255 N. Gemini Dr. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (email:
[email protected]); 2Lunar and Planetary Lab., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; 3Physikalisches Institüt, Univ. Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. Introduction: Athabasca Valles is an “outflow” (c.f., giant current ripples), and longitudinal lineations, channel system located in the Elysium Planitia region all of which are also observed in the Channeled Sca- of Mars at ~9˚N, 156˚E [1-3] (Fig. 1). It begins at the bland in Washington State, which was scoured by Cerberus Fossae (an array of volcano-tectonic fis- Pleistocene floods [3, 5]. However, Athabasca Valles sures), extends southwest for ~300 km, and debouches differs from the Channeled Scabland in that, at a into a holding basin named Cerberus Palus. A spill- smaller scale, it exhibits a pristine and apparently way on the eastern margin of Cerberus Palus feeds into uneroded surface. Several competing hypotheses at- Lethe Vallis, which then empties into eastern Elysium tempt to reconcile these incongruous observations. Planitia. The main channel of Athabasca Valles is They describe the current channel floor as: (i) the icy ~10-30 km wide, !75 m deep and has an exceedingly or desiccated dregs of a sediment-laden aqueous flood shallow slope that is typically less than 0.1˚ [3]. It runs that waned and then froze [6], (ii) a CO2- and/or H2O- along the northwest side of a NE-SW trending wrinkle rich debris flow that degassed explosively as it stag- ridge, but smaller distributary channels breach the nated [7], (iii) a primary flood-carved surface, perhaps ridge in several places.