Springfield, N.J
Your want ad The 2ip Code is easy to place --Phone 686-7700 VbL. 38 - No. 22 Moiling Addr<»: - SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1967 nRato Second Clou Poil<.r> 15 Centt-P»r Copy P.O. Box 69, 5p.lngll.ld, NJ. 07081 $5.00 _V.~I, Paid of S»fl*g<Urj; N.J. Town budg^xa lied ftoo tight 'in so m e Student pnoll unit gives views ends sfi on Vietnam on finances Teenagers back LBJ, '• Pre-Iiearing Saturday WQuld-preler-Ke lewn open house' The Township Committee not only wait at By MYRON MEISEL far as It could In holding down expense* in. The students of Jonathan Dayton Regional the 1967 .budgeLwhtch will receive its official lf^i School strongly oppose .President Lyn- hearing next Tuesday evening, but perhapt ~36h Johnson personally, yet concur with most of the report presented this week by tho recently dy. over anyone else for President, formed cltlrens' budget review committee. and support with .equal strength Sen. Jacob The commute* urged ievertl step» lap Javits of New York 'and CQV.'Ronald-Reagan, of California for the Republican-nomination future Among UieJe ira a predicted w«g* • for President in 1968;" S8""show the figures guide andLgloser employee supervision, stop- of a recent Student Council-conducted poU ped-up use of-a«HAmarion, closer coonlinatloa of the entire student body on Issues of current between Uie Township Committee and Board" interest. of Education on' financial matters, rentudy of The poll shows a -nearly complete lack of .contracted services and'a continuing review —radical "sentiments~in"the sbjdenl body, and of Income and ujipeiiaiM.to-tiva-advance.notlca-- that, the little which is evidenced tends to be of needed adjustments.
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