Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 fteEFc ngnrlcruainmdl 1) rvdn a providing (12), models in change circulation the calculate general to strength in method the on ERFaci constraint” has the “emergent (5) useful of sensitivity a be This to 11). shown 10, been strength (7, It the interactions of factors. estimates aerosol– these observational of of in independent used often largely therefore be is to factors of thought sensitivity meteorological is the of (AOD) 9), and variations 8 to refs. attributed (e.g., prop- be cloud and can 4–7). aerosol erties refs. between variation (e.g., the properties of cloud spatiotem- much Although and present-day aerosol the of of variability is poral observations properties from cloud on inferred aerosols often of influence the properties, cloud (ERFaci). forcing radiative effective or total the of cloud ponent in in changes changes other to to with due only Together properties work). (referring this (1) in forcing radiative (RFaci) liquid or interactions (2) aerosol–cloud effect cloud Twomey from the the increasing as by known forcing brightness, radiative instantaneous (N an concentration concentration ating number number droplet cloud aerosol on the the form clouds change can droplets in and cloud changes aerosols As particles, uncertainty. between aerosol this interaction of much the generating with (1), forcing T aerosols data. satellite in of interactions strength aerosol–cloud the the underestimates the significantly using proxies depth that aerosol optical confirming different aerosol investigated, is of RFaci accuracy the within The diagnosing to value. for diagnosed actual be can its RFaci contribu- of the anthropogenic 20% known, the is raised aerosol if the issues that to the shows tion of It many studies. between for previous histograms account by can joint properties how aerosol demonstrates and study mod- aerosol– this global els, of suitable ensemble an be Using not perturbations. the may of sensitivity climate the and present-day determining aerosol for the between recent in However, relationships properties RFaci. that cloud the of suggested strength have the studies on constraint the a of as sensitivity ties the (N used strong concentration have a number studies have droplet ous cloud can Because the nuclei forcing. on condensation radiative influence cloud effective as or (RFaci), serving total interactions aerosols the aerosol–cloud of effect Twomey from component the forcing a as radiative known the , cloud instantaneous or on the aerosols in 2016) of uncertainties 4, November from effect review comes forcing for change anthropogenic (received the climate 2017 of 17, of estimates March in approved uncertainty and the CA, of Pasadena, Much Technology, of Institute California Seinfeld, H. John by Edited and China; Kingdom; Nanjing, United 210023 University, 3PU, Nanjing OX1 Sciences, Oxford Oxford, Japan; of 816-8580, University Fukuoka University, Physics, of Department Sweden; Physics, Stockholm, Planetary Sweden; 91 Stockholm, SE-106 91 University, SE-106 Stockholm University, Chemistry, Analytical and Science Environmental 80305; CO Boulder, Kingdom; United 2AZ, a Wang Minghuai Morrison Hugh Gryspeerdt Edward albedo on cloud influence aerosol instantaneous the Constraining nttt o eerlg,Universit Meteorology, for Institute u otesas aueo ridsra P)osrain of observations (PI) preindustrial of nature sparse the to Due erdaiefrigdet nhooei eoosi the radiative is anthropogenic the aerosols of anthropogenic component to uncertain due most forcing radiative he | clouds | aitv forcing radiative e d topei cecsadGoa hneDvso,Pcfi otws ainlLbrtr,Rcln,W 99352; WA Richland, Laboratory, National Northwest Pacific Division, Change Global and Sciences Atmospheric e,k,l,m ai Neubauer David , c nttt o topei n lmt cec,EHZrc,89 uih Switzerland; Zurich, 8092 Zurich, ETH Science, Climate and Atmospheric for Institute a,b,1 n a Zhang Kai and , oansQuaas Johannes , N d tLizg 40 epi,Germany; Leipzig, 04109 Leipzig, at ¨ k eg,rf ) h Fc sacom- a is RFaci the 3), ref. (e.g., nttt o lmt n lblCag eerh ajn nvriy 103Nnig China; Nanjing, 210023 University, Nanjing Research, Change Global and Climate for Institute N h d N eateto ahmtc,Uiest fEee,Eee X Q,Uie Kingdom; United 4QF, EX4 Exeter Exeter, of University Mathematics, of Department N c ailG Partridge G. Daniel , d rmteP otepresent the to PI the from d oatrpgncaerosol anthropogenic to e oarslotcldepth optical aerosol to N a d yvieFerrachat Sylvaine , oarslproper- aerosol to m olbrtv noainCne fCiaeCag,202 ajn,China Nanjing, 210023 Change, Climate of Center Innovation Collaborative d d ,gener- ), ,previ- ), f,g,h N b pc n topei hsc ru,Ipra olg odn odnSW7 London London, College Imperial Group, Physics Atmospheric and Space d hlpStier Philip , c nrwGettelman Andrew , 1073/pnas.1617765114/-/DCSupplemental IadP eoo niomns(7.Adtoal,i a been has it Additionally, interac- differing (17). the the environments to of aerosol due PD strength properties and true cloud PI and the aerosols of between representative tion be not may bu mle eoo atce htaeotneitdfrom emitted often are that particles (16). information activities missing anthropogenic weighted aerosol is (4), smaller and particles about particles larger the toward of infor- lacks preferentially composition also the It aerosol. about the mation of vertical location provide have the not about AOD does information studies the it Because measurement, (15) column-integrated CCN. a and is model-based AOD between and disconnect a shown (14) Observational tion. aerosol to properties cloud of sensitivity perturbations. and actual aerosol the between of indicative relationships the that at the and concentration base (CCN) suitable nuclei cloud a condensation main the is cloud AOD Two the the 13). that of ref. process: proxy this as correspond- in (such the made are AOD of assumptions in estimate change an anthropogenic with ing combined when (PD), day hsatcecnan uprigifrainoln at online information supporting contains article This at archive AeroCom the in 1 available is history model The deposition: Data Submission. Direct PNAS a is article This interest. of conflict analyzed no E.G. declare authors tools; paper.The the reagents/analytic wrote new J.Q. and contributed E.G. D.G.P., K.Z. and D.N., data; and H.M., U.L., M.W., S.G., H.W., A.G., S.F., T.T., research; P.S., performed K.Z. and M.W., H.W., T.T., P.S., uhrcnrbtos ..dsge eerh ...... D.G.P., D.N., H.M., U.L., S.G., A.G., S.F., E.G., research; designed E.G. contributions: Author owo orsodnesol eadesd mi:[email protected]. Email: addressed. be should correspondence whom To oeacrt siae ftearsliflec nclimate. improved on influence an aerosol for the provide way of the estimates to accurate paving more RFaci, data the anthro- of satellite estimate the observations-based with provided results combined model properties, The variabil- known. are cloud is the aerosol the and of of component pogenic aerosol observations of present-day within to ity instantaneous only calculated be using the can 20%, (RFaci) to forcing reflectivity radiative cloud due on the effect interactions of aerosol–cloud component work from This the forcing. that aerosol which the demonstrates forcing, of the strength determining shortcom- the for highlighted underestimate data forcing have satellite anthropogenic using studies in the Previous ings climate. in interactions the uncertainty aerosol–cloud of current of the strength drive the in Uncertainties Significance eod thsbe hw htteP AOD–N PD the that shown been has it Second, ques- into assumptions these of both called has work Recent N d nteP dtrie ysaitmoa aiblt)are variability) spatiotemporal by (determined PD the in i ohhk Takemura Toshihiko , j eerhIsiuefrApidMteais Kyushu Mathematics, Applied for Institute Research PNAS g etBlnCnr o lmt eerh Stockholm Research, Climate for Centre Bolin Bert d | tvnGhan Steven , a ,2017 9, May d ainlCne o topei Research, Atmospheric for Center National . j aln Wang Hailong , | o.114 vol. e lieLohmann Ulrike , i topei,Oenc and Oceanic, Atmospheric, f l eatetof Department colo Atmospheric of School | o 19 no. e d , relationship | 4899–4904 aerocom. c ,

EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES shown (18) that in many global aerosol–climate models the PD a saturation at higher AOD, where the Nd only weakly increases sensitivity of Nd to CCN variations (the slope of the linear regres- with increasing AOD. Others show a weak AOD–Nd relation- sion between Nd and CCN concentrations) is in many cases not ship at low AOD, followed by a stronger relationship as the AOD representative of the sensitivity of Nd to the anthropogenic per- increases (ECHAM6-HAM and SPRINTARS). The enforced turbation of CCN (the PD–PI change in Nd divided by the cor- lower bound to the Nd apparent in some simulations may be responding change in CCN evaluated from climate simulations). dNd responsible for the lower sensitivity of Nd to AOD ( dln(A) ) at This suggests that it would be challenging to constrain the mag- low AODs in these models (12), although low sensitivities at low nitude of the RFaci using only PD observations of the sensitivity AOD have also been observed in satellite data (11). of Nd to aerosol variations. All of the models show some difference in the AOD–Nd rela- In this work, techniques are presented to address these chal- tionship between the PD and the PI (Fig. 1, third column), mostly lenges. To account for nonlinearity in the aerosol–Nd relation- with higher Nd s for a given AOD in the PD simulation com- ship and the differing PI and PD aerosol environments, normal- pared with the PI. It is stronger at high AODs, suggesting that ized joint histograms are used to characterize the relationship this effect is due to the different composition of aerosols in (following ref. 11). A variety of different global aerosol–climate the PD compared with the PI. When the atmosphere is clean models that contributed to the AeroCom intercomparison (18, (low AOD), the aerosol composition is similar in the PI and the 19) are used to investigate the utility of different aerosol prox- PD simulations. However, high-AOD conditions occur mainly in ies for diagnosing the anthropogenic change in cloud-top Nd . dusty regions in the PI simulation (where the aerosol is a poor Together with joint histograms, this work investigates how accu- CCN), but in the PD simulation these high-AOD conditions are rately the RFaci could be diagnosed under ideal conditions, using often the result of anthropogenic (which on average is PD relationships between aerosol and cloud properties. a much better CCN). The situation is very different when using CCN at 1-km alti- Results tude and 0.3% supersaturation (CCN1km ) instead of the AOD Aerosol–Nd Relationships. Two-dimensional (“joint”) histograms as the parameter representing the aerosol (Fig. 1, fourth col- of Nd and aerosol properties are used in this work to account umn). The CCN1km –Nd relationships are still mostly nonlin- for the influence of nonlinearities in the relationship (11). Each ear, although there is less variation between the models than column of the joint histogram is normalized so that it sums to 1, for the AOD–Nd joint histograms. Importantly, the PD and such that it becomes an array of conditional probabilities. For PI CCN1km –Nd relationships are very similar, showing much example, the top left histogram in Fig. 1 shows the probabil- smaller differences in the joint histograms than are evident for ity of finding a specific Nd , given that a certain AOD has been the AOD–Nd relationship (Fig. 1, sixth column). At lower super- observed. saturations (0.1%) the CCN is weighted toward larger particles Joint histograms of cloud-top Nd versus an aerosol proxy for and the PD and PI relationships are not as close (Fig. S1). How- a selection of models from the AeroCom intercomparison (18, ever, the PD global CCN1km –Nd joint histogram is a reasonable 19) (gridded to 2.5◦ by 2.5◦) are shown in Fig. 1. Although there indicator of the PI relationship, as long as there is enough data is a general increase in cloud-top Nd with increasing AOD (Fig. at low CCN concentrations to properly create a joint histogram. 1, first and second columns), the nature of this increase varies It is also clear that the nonlinearity of these relationships significantly among the models. Some of the models (the CAM5 will influence any calculations made using a linear regression, variants) show a strong increase in Nd at lower AOD, followed by where the sensitivity would otherwise depend on the prevailing

Fig. 1. Joint histograms between aerosol properties (AOD and CCN1km, respectively, x axis) and cloud-top Nd (y axis) for each of the general circulation models (GCMs) used in this study. The first and second columns show the AOD-Nd joint histograms for the PD and the PI simulations, respectively. The histograms are normalized so each column sums to 1, such that the histograms show the probability of observing a specific cloud-top Nd, given a certain AOD (or CCN1km). The black line shows the mean Nd at each AOD and gray regions indicate missing data. The third column shows the difference between the PD and the PI relationships. The second set of three columns are the same as the first three but use CCN1km at 0.3% supersaturation instead of AOD as the independent variable.

4900 | Gryspeerdt et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 rserte al. et Gryspeerdt l htteei ute aiblt in variability further is there controlling that in in ble variability role the of a 20% play remaining the also may CCN. cloud-base updrafts about provided Regime-dependent information extra the column to the due 3 total bly (Fig. improves ECHAM6-HAM the for (“colCCN”) diagnosis often RFaci using the supersaturation and more in analysis 0.3% is than at the (20) level CCN Repeating regions 1-km stratocumulus models. the simula- in other where tops ECHAM6-HAM cloud 2), the the (Fig. for above ocean important over be tion to differ- remaining seems to CCN This mean due daily partially the models, between ence the between varies single between actual 2 vari- difference a the The the and if 3A). diagnosed (Fig. of slightly the used decrease 85% is histogram correlations and joint These global 70% 3A). between (Fig. explaining actual ance 0.92, and and diagnosed 0.84 the between ficients actual the column. second the in shown 2. N Fig. The of emissions. “actual” horizon- column aerosol the same the that first to such nudged the winds, are in tal simulations PD shown and PI is the simulations) Both PI and PD “actual” of distribution geographic the histograms probability and CCN 1, Fig. for from those to similar regions), i.2. Fig. aerosol Diagnosing to clouds of the sensitivity of actual approximation the perturbations. good thus and a CCN variation as is PI (such variability proxy spatiotemporal aerosol with PD of and removed choice is histograms appropriate dependence the joint this occurrence, the aerosol normalizing the by By (17). environment aerosol ∆N CCN the in change diagnosed the and histogram joint “actual” annual-mean the shows d hr sago orsodnebtentedansdand diagnosed the between correspondence good a is There d on itga n h DP CCN PD–PI the and histogram joint igoe rmteP eainhp oprdwt h culvle h aeclrsaei sdfralmp n l fthe of all and maps all for used is scale color same The value. actual the with compared relationships PD the from diagnosed sn on itgaso CCN of histograms joint Using ∆N 1km ∆N ∆N ∆N d d n h nlclm hw h bouedfeec ewe h igoe n h actual the and diagnosed the between difference absolute the shows column final the and , rmteP n Dsmltos rdcinfor prediction a simulations, PD and PI the from o ahmdl(h ifrnein difference (the model each for d d . Fg ,tidclm) h orlto coef- correlation The column). third 2, (Fig. sn einljithsorm (15 histograms joint regional Using ∆ N d ∆N igoe sn h DCCN PD the using diagnosed ∆ ∆ d N N ∆N 1km (the d d 1km ntefut ouno Fig. of column fourth the in scntutdi i.2 The 2. Fig. in constructed is versus d 1km N sdet h ifrnein difference the to due is d ∆N ∆N n h lu-aeCCN. cloud-base the and ifrnebtenteP n Dsmltos.Tescn shows second The simulations). PD and PI the between difference ewe h IadP iuain.Tetidclm hw h eainhpbtenteata n the and actual the between relationship the shows column third The simulations. PD and PI the between 1km N d d d .I spossi- is It 3B). (Fig. rmP–Ddiffer- PI–PD from rm15 from ∆ hne(Eq. change N N B d d and r between are ◦ ewe the between y15 by ,possi- C), ◦ 1km y15 by ◦ ∆N the ) is 1) ein odiagnose to regions 1km d ◦ - nmn ae rdcn nacrt siaeof estimate accurate an aerosol, producing the cases characterizing diagnosing many for for in parameter proxy reasonable a a mov- as provides when colCCN ability predict the predictive to in to weakening ability ing slight CCN the a in again decrease joint is slight There a global in ECHAM6- results single (excluding global) here A investigated models HAM). the of each joint for full a generate and to are box there as grid method, each OLS within the histogram. data with used enough only not is scale local The 15 2.5 by scales: different several at determined aerosol–N regressions PD linear the ize work, earlier the with between comparison For proxies). h eoo hmsr.Frec fteepois h determi- the proxies, these ∆N (r of coefficient each For nation currently chemistry. about not informa- information aerosol Although extra the AOD. provides more colCCN the satellites, provides than by retrieved size and aerosol satellites about tion by the by observed multiplied routinely diagnosing AOD for [AI, proxies index aerosol other of use CCN CCN PD of the Proxies. through Aerosol nosed of Comparison known. is perturbation that as long as turbations, the of estimate accurate N hs eut hwta hog h blt fteP CCN PD the of analysis. ability this the in through N considered the that further of show not component results is small These reduced so a be is and this variability might but total (which procedure), nudging updrafts the parameterized by the in ences d d sn eaaergoa Djithsorm ewe CCN between histograms joint PD regional separate Using eainhpt rvd nomto nte“cul CCN “actual” the on information provide to relationship eainhp h Drltosi a eue opoiean provide to used be can relationship PD the relationship, d N ◦ ssoni i.3A Fig. in shown is d “einl) n igegoa eainhp(“global”). relationship global single a and (“regional”), 1km itrgoa)i etal opredict to able best is regional) Hist 3A, (Fig. ∆N r prei ohsaeadtm,ncsiaigthe necessitating time, and space both in sparse are d N Hs C einl.Frec oe sd h rtcolumn first the used, model each For regional). CCN (Hist d n eoo rxe r loue ocharacter- to used also are proxies aerosol and 2 d PNAS ewe h igoe n h actual the and diagnosed the between ) eainhp(L) h eainhp are relationships The (OLS). relationship ∆ ∆N N | (see d d ihrdidctn noeetmto in overestimation an indicating red with , a ,2017 9, May ∆N 1km u oatrpgncarslper- aerosol anthropogenic to due d is S2–S10 Figs. Although –N igoe sn h DCCN PD the using diagnosed d Angstr ˚ eainhp observations relationship, 1km | N ◦ –N o.114 vol. d y2.5 by mepnn 4]is (4)] exponent om ¨ nt r centimeters are units ∆N d ∆ ∆N o te aerosol other for N itga (Hist histogram d ∆ ◦ d d | a ediag- be can h aerosol The . h Ialso AI The . “oa”,15 (“local”), N o 19 no. d Fg 3B). (Fig. 1km | ∆N ∆ 1km 1km 4901 1km –N N −3 d d – – ◦ d . .

EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES A CCN1km when attempting to diagnose ∆Nd and the RFaci (Fig. 3C). Given this improved accuracy compared with using AOD as an aerosol proxy, AI and Nd data from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) are used to generate both regional joint histograms (Hist AI regional, 15◦ by 15◦ regions) and a single global joint histogram (Hist AI global), using 10 y of data (2004–2013). These are then combined with the annual mean MODIS liquid cloud fraction and the cloud susceptibil- ity derived from MODIS and Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant B Energy System (CERES) (Eq. 3) to provide an updated estimate of the RFaci (Fig. 4). Using the PI-to-PD AI changes from each of the models gives a range of RFaci estimates for the regional method between −0.18 and −0.58 Wm−2 and between −0.29 and −1.01 Wm−2 if using a single global AI–Nd joint histogram (Fig. S11). The RFaci is generally higher over the ocean due to the higher liq- C uid cloud fraction and cloud susceptibility, despite the smaller oceanic ∆Nd (Fig. 2). Although this is not a large selection of models, the mean value of −0.29 Wm−2 for the regional method and −0.49 Wm−2 for the global histogram are instructive to com- pare with the −0.2 Wm−2 mean value using a single global AOD- −2 Nd histogram (Fig. 4C), −0.2 Wm using local OLS with AOD (7) and −0.4 Wm−2 using local OLS and AI (21). There are some caveats to this estimate. First, the MODIS AI has little quantitative skill over land (22) and in some regions a positive RFaci is diagnosed from changes in the Nd (Fig. 4). This has a larger impact on the regional histogram method and may result in a reduction in the strength of the implied aerosol forc- ing. However, only a small fraction of the forcing comes from continental regions, similar to the findings from ref. 7, so this

Fig. 3. Comparison of different methods and proxies for calculating ∆Nd. may not result in a large bias in the global mean RFaci. Also, “Hist” indicates the use of a joint histogram and “OLS” the use of an ordi- the global histogram method is more likely to overestimate the nary least-squares regression. (A) The determination coefficient between RFaci (Fig. 3C), suggesting that the actual value is between the ◦ ◦ −2 the diagnosed and the actual values of the ∆Nd at a 2.5 by 2.5 resolution two estimates, perhaps around −0.4 Wm (this only includes globally. (B) The relative size of the global mean ∆Nd.(C) The relative size changes to cloud albedo and not other rapid cloud adjustments). of the implied global mean RFaci, with a percentage less than 100% indicat- It is also possible that systematic biases in the MODIS AI or N ing an underestimate in the estimated RFaci. The horizontal bars are at 80% d and 120%. The plots summarized in this figure are shown in Figs. S2–S10. retrieval could further affect this result, although the magnitude and sign of these effects is unclear. It should also be noted that this estimate is strongly dependent on the estimate of the anthro- Using regional AI–Nd joint histograms for diagnosing ∆Nd gives pogenic aerosol fraction. Because all of the AeroCom models in 2 r values between the diagnosed and the actual ∆Nd (0.61 to this work use the same emissions database, the diversity in the 0.81) approaching those of the CCN1km . Because the models do not provide the RFaci, the relative error in the RFaci is esti- mated by weighting ∆Nd by the observed liquid cloud fraction A and cloud albedo susceptibility (Fig. 3C, see Materials and Meth- ods for details). In general, the regional joint histograms pro- vide a more accurate diagnosis of RFaci, although using a sin- gle global histogram results in only a small increase in the error, even though the r2 value decreases for all of the models (Fig. 3A). The AOD performs worst as a parameter for characteriz- ing aerosol in the models when diagnosing ∆Nd and RFaci. The B local linear regressions have the lowest r2 values of all of the methods and proxies investigated, although the RFaci estimate when using AOD is slightly improved compared with the regional linear regression, possibly due to the reduced aerosol type vari- ability for a local regression (Fig. 3C). From these results, it is clear that estimates of the aerosol forcing that rely on the relationship between AOD and Nd for C characterizing the strength of aerosol–cloud interactions (such as many observational estimates) are likely to underestimate the anthropogenic perturbation of Nd by at least 30% (up to 90%). This would lead to an underestimate in the strength of the radia- tive forcing from aerosol indirect effects in these studies of at least 20% (up to 90%). Fig. 4. The mean of the individual model RFaci estimates (Fig. S11), using Satellite-Based Estimate. Although using the AOD as an aerosol MODIS data to create (A) regional histograms, (B) a single global AI–Nd his- proxy can lead to an underestimate when diagnosing the aerosol togram, and (C) a single global AOD–Nd histogram, combined with model forcing, the AI is almost as good a proxy for the aerosol as the estimates of the anthropogenic AI/AOD contribution.

4902 | Gryspeerdt et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 ifiutpolmuigol Drltosis(8,determining (18), relationships PD only using problem difficult a 1). (Fig. proxy aerosol of choice correct the aerosol–N aerosol– N PI the and of PD the strength environ- the aerosol on the of ment influence the removes aerosol–N also the It in relationship. nonlinearities for accounting demonstrated, is in used change been relationships. have a aerosol–cloud models how aerosol–climate investigate multiple to work, this In Conclusions (24). abil- interactions the aerosol–cloud AOD–N limit (vertical the that factors of composition) three ity and aerosol the distribution, on of size important information location, least that the pre- suggesting is in CCN change, composition change column-integrated smallest to The the AI AOD. from is moving with than when compared smaller ability AI is dictive the using forcing in when radiative increase the that this diagnosing GCMs), most when for accuracy also colCCN is (CCN than information there proxy vertical Although better including simulations. from type PD benefit aerosol clear the a in and changes PI strong the the between of given measure especially a of size, importance aerosol the shows aerosol the characterizing increase of large ability ben- The predictive significant interactions. in calculating offers aerosol–cloud when from also proxy forcing it tive aerosol that an cloud-base shows the as with work efits AOD This the (15). than better CCN correlates shown has AI work the of Previous that properties. estimates cloud making on impact when aerosol information the size aerosol including of does RFaci. ocean idea total southern the the the as dominate supporting such not regions (23), remote in Hemisphere) RFaci the concen- Northern that less the (albeit in models CMIP5 trated the for strong stronger perturbation of 11), regions aerosol ref. in occur changes (e.g., also effects albedo CCN interaction top-of-atmosphere aerosol–cloud between in pathway change the a and in his- nonlinearities joint CCN other the the are of for many 1 in Fig. evident of the tograms not of is saturation behavior this a centrations, North- in 2). result the (Fig. that parameter- land, here activation izations investigated aerosol (over implement models models CCN the these of Although in all changes in Hemisphere) large ern with regions in RFaci. rserte al. et Gryspeerdt large a is there where regions in ∆ enough representative CCN is the ship that demonstrates work this in updrafts, contribu- variability small the a global reduce only the make anthro- to so small tion and a contribution with regions CCN usually sensitiv- pogenic are the regions in these errors However, large little consequently the and to variation due the partially of is ity This of PI. sensitivity the “actual” represen- the necessarily of not is tative variability spatiotemporal CCN–N from PD pled the that shown has work Previous Discussion cloud in represent changes fully from forcing to albedo. radiative unlikely the in is uncertainty models full the the from estimates forcing N lhuhdansn h resniiiyof sensitivity true the diagnosing Although occurrence aerosol by normalized histograms joint of use The importance the demonstrate work this of results the Finally, in increases big the that note to interesting also is It d omk nacrt rdcino h global the of prediction accurate an make to N d oCNi la ein,weeteei iteCCN little is there where regions, clean in CCN to d ∆N eainhpt hrceietesrnt of strength the characterize to relationship ∆N d lhuhtendigpoesmight process nudging the Although . d ∆ eainhp r eryietclwith identical nearly are relationships d N hnmvn rmADt Ifor AI to AOD from moving when d 1km rmvrain ntein-cloud the in variations from N N essthe versus d d N aito nteP climate. PD the in variation a epeitdfo PD from predicted be can d oarslcagssince changes aerosol to d eainhp uhthat such relationship, N ∆ d N N d N thg C con- CCN high at d d eainhpsam- relationship 1km d lhuhthere Although . oCNremains CCN to n h radia- the and –N d ∆ N relation- N 1km d d occur and sa is d sn h C metric ACI the using rbblt itgaso h IadP eoo aaee nec rdbox: grid each in parameter aerosol PD and PI the of histograms probability and Eq. aerosol simulations. the PI between and togram PD the between how parameter aerosol the and the (A) in parameter aerosol the between ship etmdln ftearslo h lu rprisde o fetthe affect not does properties imper- cloud the an or that aerosol such conclusions. the self-consistent, of microphysics are ice and modeling themselves models fect an of models selection with wide The boxes a schemes. provide grid to only selected g were clouds, 5 a tions than to less of liquid regridded path on are water focuses data model analysis The this properties. precipi- com- cloud more the the 2.5 to as leading on well autoconversion, effects as via plex radiation clouds liquid the in affects formation This tation inter- of fluxes. modification that radiative a modules and via aerosol tion, natural cloud interactive and the include temperatures, with models (2006–2010) act surface the winds PD sea of horizontal Both gases, All atmospheres. same greenhouse forcings. PI the PD and to include PD nudged the and are of simulations simulations PI provide and (18, to project used intercomparison model is simula- AeroCom 19) aerosol–climate the of global part several as performed from tions output work, this Throughout Methods and Materials future for considered be investigations. should observation-based in possible RFaci where and of clouds strength when liquid the use to on parameter constraints This useful observational (25)]. a calculating potentially situations is certain AI the in that possible suggests be may [although CCN CCN instruments satellite using retrieving by over retrieved advantage currently the is it has along- because AI calculated Using be changes. could AOD change of mod- AI side from estimates PD–PI the generated Because of often estimates here. stud- are els, investigated previous environment not than aerosol PD–PI is ERFaci the this larger but a (11), suggests ies also work estimates, this model by the between diversity from large ranging a is around there of estimate although RFaci revised a AI–N provide data with lite models combined the by work provided this AI esti- in in The change (15). anthropogenic work the previous of to mates similar AOD, the the over to gains cant of contribution predictions dominant the a of accuracy makes distribution size aerosol predicting (RFaci). albedo cloud in changes to diagnosing of and sn on itgast con o olnaiisi h CCN– the in 3). nonlinearities (Fig. for N account simulations to climate histograms the joint by Using determined in value change the PD–PI of the 20% CCN diagnose to between in enough relationship change is PD the the If then (CCN 2). known, altitude (Fig. 1-km accuracy can at relationship greater CCN the with where CCN, determined in be change larger a with regions ∆N 2) sn nygi oe ihzr c lu.Ti scmie ihthe with combined is This cloud. ice zero with boxes grid only using (27), leoi acltdfo h EE O Walsyabd n h MODIS the and albedo all-sky (MYD08 SW TOA L3 CERES (α Aqua the albedo from cloud in calculated change is the albedo investigate calculate to To used diagnosing distribution. is (26) in a formula errors over that average impact an the denotes overbar the where d fteOSmto sue,tecluainfor calculation the used, is method OLS the If ∆N in important be to shown is information vertical Although ◦ d eainhp igegoa eainhpbtenCCN between relationship global single a relationship, y2.5 by N ∆N d smc airbcuei egt h aclto toward calculation the weights it because easier much is d sdansdfrec 2.5 each for diagnosed is d a eue,wt nyasalrdcini h accuracy the in reduction small a only with used, be can sdansdwti ahgi o sn on rbblt his- probability joint a using box grid each within diagnosed is ◦ ∆N ∆N eouinadaeae odiytmoa eouin Because resolution. temporal daily to averaged and resolution d .8to −0.18 ∆ d = 3 olcin6codotclpoete lu fraction cloud properties optical cloud 6 collection D3) hs eut ml htifrainaotthe about information that imply results these , N ∆N X N  d d ACI d n h ntnaeu aitv ocn due forcing radiative instantaneous the and N PNAS = d A .1Wm −1.01 X · = ACI A m dln(A) −2 dN P A | (N d × ◦ r sd i ftenn vial simula- available nine the of Six used. are N 1km a ,2017 9, May d PD d  ∆N y2.5 by |A)  ln(A rae rmP eainhp n the and relationships PD from created ∆N ewe h IadteP is PD the and PI the between ) PD rmrf 5: ref. from −2 d d PD d N ihteA hwn signifi- showing AI the with , × ◦ on itgasfo satel- from histograms joint h larger The . d aeo h Fc,teTwomey the RFaci, the on have ) rdbxuigteP relation- PD the using box grid c rsa ubrconcentra- number crystal ice , − P ( | ln(A A) ∆N N o.114 vol. PD d PI d N n h nw change known the and ) − scnetal similar, conceptually is  d , P (∆N ( 1km ∆ A) | N PI . Wm −0.4 o 19 no.  cld d d n the and . owithin to ) .Tecloud The ). suggested 1 | shows 4903 1km −2 N [1] [2] d ,

EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES MODIS annual mean liquid cloud fraction (fliq) and the down-welling solar Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Pro- flux (F↓) to produce a simple estimate of the RFaci (∆F↑) (28): gram (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC Grants FP7-306284 (“QUAERERE”), FP7-280025 (“ACCLAIM”), and FP7-603445 (“BACCHUS”); Natural Environment Research ↑ ↓ αcld(1 − αcld) ∆F = −F fliq ∆Nd. [3] Council Grant NE/I020148/1; Austrian Science Fund J 3402-N29 (Erwin 3Nd Schrodinger¨ Fellowship Abroad); Environment Research and Technology The MODIS AI is used to provide an observational constraint on the RFaci by Development Fund S-12-3 of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grants JP15H01728 and generating AI–Nd joint histograms from observations. For these histograms, JP15K12190; National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants 41575073 the Nd is calculated using the adiabatic approximation, as specified in ref. and 41621005; Swiss National Supercomputing Center Project s431; and the 11. The AI is calculated from the AOD–Angstr˚ om¨ exponent joint histogram supercomputer system of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, in the MODIS MYD08 D3 product using only grid boxes where no ice cloud is Japan. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is operated for the Department of Energy (DOE) by Battelle Memorial Institute under Con- detected (to reduce possible cirrus contamination). Because the relative error tract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830. Work at PNNL was supported by the US DOE of the MODIS AOD and hence the Angstr˚ om¨ exponent and AI is large at low Decadal and Regional Climate Prediction using Earth System Models pro- AOD (<0.03), the Nd is assumed constant at AI values below 0.03. gram and by the US DOE Earth System Modeling program. The ECHAM6- HAM model was developed by a consortium composed of ETH Zurich, Max ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Helen Brindley (Imperial College London) Planck Institut fur¨ Meteorologie, Forschungszentrum Julich,¨ University of for her comments on the manuscript. The model data were provided Oxford, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, and the Leibniz Institute for through the AeroCom initiative. The MODIS data were provided by the Tropospheric Research and is managed by the Center for Climate Systems NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the CERES data from the NASA Modeling (C2SM) at ETH Zurich, which also provided technical and scientific Langley Research Center. This work was supported by the European support.

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