Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper 7997 Presented at the 128th Convention 2010 May 22–25 London, UK

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Modeling Effects in Class-D 8094 Amplifier Filter

Arnold Knott1, Tore Stegenborg-Andersen 1, Ole C. Thomsen 1, Dominik Bortis 2, Johann W. Kolar 2 Gerhard Pfaffinger3 and Michael A.E. Andersen1 1Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark 2ETH Zurich / Power Electronics System Laboratory, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland 3Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, 94315 Straubing, Germany Correspondence should be addressed to Arnold Knott ([email protected])

ABSTRACT Distortion is generally accepted as a quantifier to judge the quality of audio power amplifiers. In switch- mode power amplifiers various mechanisms influence this performance measure. After giving an overview of those, this paper focuses on the particular effect of the nonlinearity of the output filter components on the audio performance. While the physical reasons for both, the and the induced distortion are given, the practical in depth demonstration is done for the inductor only. This includes measuring the inductors performance, modeling through fitting and resulting into simulation models. The fitted models achieve distortion values between 0.03 % and 0.2 % as a basis to enable the design of a 200 W amplifier.

1. INTRODUCTION it makes sense to break the origin of the distortion Even other measures, like intermodulation distor- mechanisms down into the various parts of an am- tion are more in depth measures, a distortion figure plifier. For linear audio power amplifiers this was is the fundamental starting point to distinguish am- done in [2]. For the more efficient switch-mode au- plifiers. It reveals the noise level of the amplifier dio power amplifiers a number of publications cov- and provides the basics for more advanced tests as ered these mechanisms. The different stages of these described in [1]. As the desired figures necessitate amplifiers can be broken down according to the block the precision of levels to be in the µV range, diagram in figure 1. Knott et al. Modeling Distortion Effects in Class-D Amplifier Filter Inductors

The blocks and their distortion sources are: Fig. 2 Tradeoffs in output filter design. audio Fig. 1 Block diagram of a switch-mode audio power performance amplifier A B C D E F

electromagnetic energy A. Input and Control The distortion is dom- compatibility losses inated in the input stage and regulator by either the used operational amplifier for Fig. 3 Circuit of an output filter for an audio power time-continuous inputs and specified in their amplifier. datasheets or, for time-discrete inputs, by the L sampling process [3, 4, 5] or clock induced noise level [6].

Vps C R B. Modulator The modulator induced distortion is mainly based on linearity of the carrier [7].

C. Level Shifter The impact of the level shifter on the audio performance has not been researched up to now and leaves room for further research. power stage and Vout the output voltage of the am- plifier, which is applied across the speaker terminals. D. Power Stage The power stages influence on the audio performance has been described in [8]. Equation 2.1 of filter in figure 3. E. Output Filter This paper is dealing with the V 1 H (s) = out = influence of the output filters properties on lin- L 2 V ps 1 + s R + s LC earity of the amplifier.

F. Loudspeaker The transducers influence on au- dio performance has been described in [9] and This paper is specifically investigating the nature broken down into single mechanisms in [10] and impact of the output filter on the audio per- formance. Therefore both filter components, the ca- pacitors and the inductors physical properties are 2. OUTPUT FILTER investigated in this section. The output filter is required to suppress the energy, 2.1. Capacitor which is used to operate the output stage in an effi- Capacitance C is defined as stored charge q per cient mode. The frequency of this energy is beyond voltage V 2.2. the audible frequency range [11] and generally caus- ing trouble in electromagnetic compatibility. The Equation 2.2 Definition of capacitance. insertion of the filter is solving those, however gen- q erating audible effects and losses, which leads to the C = V tradeoffs visualized in figure 2. A simplified circuit diagram of the output filter is shown in figure 3 and its transfer function is given in 2.1 where Vps denotes the output voltage of the Applying Gauss Law to the charge allows itemiza-

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tion into electrical field E~ with vacuum permittivity This reveals the Pockels effect to be responsible for ~ ε0 and displacement vector P via charge density ̺ second order nonlinearities and the Kerr Effect to be and electric displacement D~ 2.3. the reason for third order effects. For ferroelectric materials, the description of non- Equation 2.3 Gauss Law. linearity is getting somewhat more complicated, as the displacement vector has a hysteretic dependency ~ ~ ~ on the electrical field. Theses hysteretic curves have q = ̺δVol = D δ~s = ε0E + P δ~s ZZZ I I   been shown quantitativelty in [13]. A A 2.2. Inductor The equivalent physical derivation of the reasons for The denominator of 2.2 can be expressed by Far- the nonlinearity of the inductor start with the defi- radys law 2.4. nition of inductance 2.7 in dependency on magnetic flux Φ and electrical current I. Equation 2.4 Farradays Law. Equation 2.7 Definition of inductance. V = E~ δ~s I φ s L = I

Through both of those physical principles, the defi- nition of capacitance can be rewritten as in 2.5 Through Gauss Law of Magnetism Φ is expressed Equation 2.5 Definition of capacitance taking in 2.8 as a function of magnetic field H~ and the Gauss and Farradays Law into account. magnetization M~ with the aid of the permeability ~ ~ in vacuum via the magnetic flux density B~ . ε0E δ~s P δ~s C = AH + AH ~ ~ E δ~s E δ~s Equation 2.8 Gauss Law of Magnetism. Hs Hs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ linear part polarization Φ = B δA = µ0 H + M δA | {z } | {z } I I   dependent S S

The nonlinearity of the capacitor is therefore origi- nated in the polarization defined through the electric Through Amperes Circuit Law the current is ex- susceptibility χ 2.6 for anisotropic dielectric materi- pressed as a function of the magnetic field H~ as in als [12]. 2.9. Equation 2.6 Linear and nonlinear parts of dis- placement vector. Equation 2.9 Amperes Circuit Law. I = H~ δ~l ~ P (1) (2) (3) I = χ E~ + χ E~ E~ + χ E~ E~ E~ C ǫ ij j ijk j k ijkl j k l 0 Xj Xjk Xjkl linear Pockels Kerr Effect |suscepti-{z } | Effect{z } | {z } bility Taking both of those two laws into account, the def- inition of the inductance is rewritten in 2.10.

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Equation 2.10 Definition of inductance taking 3. MODELING Gauss and Amperes Law into account. Section 2 showed the duality between capacitor and ~ ~ ~ ~ inductor in theory. Consequently the rest of the pa- µ0H δA µ0M δA per is dealing with one of them only, without loosing L = SH + SH H~ δ~l H~ δ~l generality for the other one. It is the inductor, which CH CH is generally dominating size constraints, electromag- netic compatibility challenges and showing the most linear part polarization interesting saturation effects. Therefore the induc- | {z } dependent| {z } tors linearity is pursued furtheron in this paper. Through the desired power rating of an amplifier and neglect of the current, the current rat- The polarization dependent part M~ is not following ing of the filter inductor is given. For the following the BH-curve, which has been numerically fitted analysis of inductors, a power rating of 200 W into in [14], but rather the Rayleigh Loop [15] which a 4 Ω transducer is arbitrarily chosen. This leads has been extended to symmetry of the loop as to a peak current of 10 A through the filter induc- only limitation, by [16] as described in [17]. While tor. Only few technical documentations of suitable the current I is linear dependent on the magnetic components give the dependency of inductance on field H~ , its relation to the magnetic polarization the current flowing through the windings like in [18]. M~ contains higher order terms. This nonlinear Therefore a measurement setup is described follow- dependency of magnetization on the magnetic field ing, allowing to derive this curve. is covered by the high order terms in 2.11 by the named references. 3.1. Measurement Setup To measure the linearity of the inductor, it needs to be biased with the desirable current and simul- Equation 2.11 Peterson relation. taneously measured with an impedance analyzer. If an analyzer with current bias option is not available ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ M = χH + µ0a11H + µ0 (a12 + a30) H the bias can be done externally as shown in figure 4. Through the inductor Linject the device under test

Fig. 4 Measurement Setup. The coefficients a11, a12 and a30 are the first Peter- son Coefficients, describing both, the nonlinearity of Linject the magnetization curve and ensure the fulfillment of the energy conservation law. As shown in [17] the HP4194A lost energy in the magnetic field corresponds with Idc LDUT Impedance the hysteresis losses in the material. Also in [17] the Peterson Coefficients got used to quantitatively de- Analyzer scribe the nonlinearity of the magnetic flux density for single sinusoidal tones as well as double sinu- soidal tones and their intermodulation products. For the choice of output filter inductors for switch- LDUT is biased to the desired current level. To pre- mode power amplifiers those coefficients are of quan- vent damage on the gain phase analyzer, which is titative interest. However the Peterson Coeffi- both superimposing the test signal as well as tak- cients where derived for small field excitations only, ing the measurement data, the voltage limitation of whereas the linearity of an amplifier is affected by the current source shall be set below the maximum the large signal behaviour of the magnetization loop. input rating of the analyzer. Otherwise a voltage Therefore the next logical step is to measure the leading to destruction in the input of the analyzer large signal behaviour of inductors and use the quan- might occur in case the DUT fails. The purpose of tized data for estimation of the impact on the audio the injection inductance is, to provide a high ohmic performance. This is done in the next section. path for the measurement signal. Therefore the in-

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jection inductance needs to be significantly bigger Fig. 5 Inductance curves.

than the inductance of the DUT. Also the injection 102 inductance needs to be more linear than the device

under test. This results into a high volume consum- 100 ing inductor compared to the DUT. The parameters

of the injection inductor are given in table 1. 98 Three possible output filter inductors have been

96 Table 1 Design of injection inductor.

relative Inductance 94

core air gap turns Linject ETD59-N97 1.6 mm 32 306 µH 92 DUT−A DUT−B DUT−C 90 0 1 3 5 8 10 Current in Ampere chosen based on their rating. Their main parame- ters are compared in table 2. The inductance curves Equation 3.1 Transfer function taking nonlinearity of inductor into account. Table 2 Parameters of the three devices under test.

DUT-A DUT-B DUT-C V out 1 H (s,IL) = = µ µ µ V L(IL) nominal 22 H 10 H 10 H ps 1 + s + s2L (I ) C inductance R L current rating 11 A 10 A 10 A DC resistance 11 mΩ 8.8 mΩ 17.2 mΩ resonant 9.3 MHz 41 MHz 20 MHz Applying ohms law to the load impedance, removes frequency one degree of freedom and gives 3.2 boxed volume 9.2 cm3 1.6 cm3 2.3 cm3 footprint area 2.3 cm2 1.9 cm2 3.3 cm2 Equation 3.2 Transfer function only dependent on datasheet [19] [20] [21] voltages.

V out 1 H (s,V out) = = V L(V out) ps 1 + s + s2L (V ) C have been captured with the above described mea- R out surement method and the results are visualized in figure 5. The inductance droop varies from less than 1 %, around 3 % up to nearly 10 % with respect to with the unbiased inductance measurement. These relative variations shall not be confused with Equation 3.3 Inductors dependence on signal level. the distortion of an amplifier. The fitting of the in- µ H~ (V ) δA~ µ M~ (V ) δA~ ductance droop to a distortion number is done in the 0 out 0 out L = SH + SH following section. ~ ~ ~ ~ H (V out) δl H (V out) δl CH CH 3.2. Fitting Through the above shown nonlinear behaviour of the inductor, equation 2.1 is getting another depen- Taking into account, that Petersons Coefficients, dency on the inductor current as shown in 3.1. which are describing the nonlinearity of the inductor,

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are a series of polynoms, also the transfer function Fig. 7 Distortion residual for second order fitting. can be modeled by a series of polynoms, which is 0.15 done in 3.4 up to second order for one signal fre- quency with the fitting coefficients α, β and γ. 0.1

Equation 3.4 Second order fitting of transfer func- 0.05 tion. 2 H (V load) = αH + βH + γ 0

−0.05 Distortion Residual in Volt

A quantitative representation of the distortion for −0.1 DUT−A a 6.665 kHz sinusoidal test signal is the difference DUT−B DUT−C between an undistorted and a distorted signal. The 0 0.375 0.75 1.125 1.5 undistorted signal as reference is taken from the out- −4 Time in Seconds x 10 put voltage of the signal after passing a linear filter as reference. The difference of those two voltages are known as distortion residual and for the modeled in- Table 3 Estimated total harmonic distortion (THD) ductors shown in figures 6 and 7 for first and second for the modeled inductors. order fitting respectively. From those the root means square (RMS) DUT-A DUT-B DUT-C 1st order fitting 0.034 % 0.053 % 0.165 % Fig. 6 Distortion residual for first order fitting. 2nd order fitting 0.036 % 0.053 % 0.171 %


0.1 Therefore the above model needs to enabled to con-

0.05 nect with the other distortion mechanisms to reveal their interaction. This can be done with circuit an-

0 alyzers like "GeckoCircuits". Therefore the nonlin- ear model of the above DUTs was simulated against

−0.05 their linear representations as shown in figure 8.

Distortion Residual in Volt "GeckoCircuits" was chosen as simulation tool, be-

−0.1 cause of its ability to directly deal with nonlinear DUT−A passive components and its ability to process large DUT−B DUT−C simulation data very fast. The later property is rel- 0 0.375 0.75 1.125 1.5 Time in Seconds −4 evant, because the distortion signal of an audio am- x 10 plifier is generally very low compared to the signal. Therefore, both very precise simulation and large values can be numerically calculated and set in re- dynamical range of the simulator are required. In lation to the RMS of the desired signal according to many software tools, this either leads to excess simu- the definition of total harmonic distortion (THD). lation time or large memory usage. "GeckoCircuits" This leads to the distortion figures, which are the requires neither one of them. ratio between the distortion residual and the signal The simulation parameters and the duration of the before the filter, as shown in table 3. simulation are given in table 4. The solver of this simulator takes all six modeled datapoints and inter- 4. SIMULATION polates the circuit behaviour linearly between those. As has been described above, the inductors influ- The distortion residuals are shown in figures 9, 10 ence on distortion is only one of several influences. and 11. The simulated distortion numbers are given

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Fig. 8 Simulated circuit with the three nonlinear models and their equivalent linear models.

Table 4 Simulation parameters and duration. Fig. 9 Simulated distortion residual based on the above model for DUT A. (x-axis: 150 µs . . . 300 µs; start time 150 µs y-axis: −0.150 V . . . 0.15 V) time step 10 ps stop time 300 µs simulation time ≈ 12 min

in table 5. The distortion is slightly higher here, however

Table 5 Estimated total harmonic distortion (THD) for the modeled inductors. DUT-A DUT-B DUT-C 0.060 % 0.094 % 0.215 %

is on the output filters distortion and in particular showing the same tendency as in the model above. the audio degradation induced by the inductor. Af- ter reviewing the physical reasons for the nonlinear- 5. CONCLUSION ity of both, the capacitor and the inductor, a pro- With distortion being a quantitative qualifier for an cedure for modeling the nonlinearity of the inductor amplifier as starting point, the influences on this fig- was shown. By fitting the transfer function of the ure where revisited here. The focus within this study output filter to this nonlinearity, an estimation on

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Fig. 10 Simulated distortion residual based on the ductance drop at the rated current is the only known above model for DUT B. (x-axis: 150 µs . . . 300 µs; parameter — which is in some cases given in induc- y-axis: −0.150 V . . . 0.15 V) tor datasheets.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors want to thank Uwe Drofenik and An- dreas Müsing from "Gecko Research" for his discus- sions and providing licenses for Gecko Circuits.

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