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148 Vo1.l7: no.3 AN ANNOTATED SUPPLEMENT TO THE STATE LIST OF LOUISIANA BUTTERFLIES AND SKIPPERS by GARY N. Ross and EDWARD N. LAMBREMONT INTRODUCTION Additional collections and information gathered since the publication of an annotated Louisiana list of Rhopalocera (Lambremont, 1954) are sufficient to require the publication of a supplementary revision. Except for one report of a mass flight of Panoquina ocola (Edwards) by PENN ( 1955), another report of a new larval food plant of Erynnis zarucco (Lucas) by KENDALL (1960), and of a sight record of Speyeria diana (Cramer) reported by MATHER and MATHER (1958), no further infor mation on the butterflies of the state has been published. The present supplement adds eleven new names to the state list, n.ine of which are new state records based on collected material. This supplement generally follows the original format. Nomenclature usage follows EHRLICH and EHRLICH (1961), except for the Hesperiidae which follows DOS PASSOS (1960). Only those species that constitute Significant extensions of flight date, abundance, or range, or that are new state or parish records will be discussed. Many additional specimens duplicating the original information were also examined, but no further mention of these will be made at this time. Actual collection data will be given only for new state records, and for a few additional species that modify the original concept of range, flight dates, or larval food plants. The following abbreviations are used: ETA (EDWARD T. ARMSTRONG), ENL (Dr. EDWARD N. L.<\MBREMONT), BLM (BURT L. MONROE), LDN (Dr. L. DALE NEWSOM) , COP (CAHHOLL O. PHILLIPS), WPR (W. PAT HICKEY), LWR (LYMAN W. HORERTS), GNR (GARY N. Hoss), WTS (Dr. WILLIAM T. SPINK) , JRS (JAMES R. STEWART), LSU (Louisiana State University, Department of Entomology Insect Collections, Mrs. JOAN B. CHAPIN, Curator). We are indebted to all of these persons (all of Baton Rouge, La. with the exception of C. O. PHILLIPS and J. R. STEWART who are from Shreveport, La.) who contributed material which is in corporated into the collection data in the annotated list. In addition, we wish to thank the following persons who contributed specimens, or who helped in certain taxonomic identifications, and other related problems: KEITH A. ARNOLD (Baton Rouge, La.), Dr. :\1. S. BLUM, Dr. 1963 ] ournal of the Lepidopterists' Society 149 DAN F. CLOWER, and A. D. OLIVER, (Dept. of Entomology, Louisiana State University), Dr. N. W. EARLE (United States Dept. of Agriculture), J. R. HEITZMAN (Independence, Missouri), HENRY R. HERMANN (New Orleans, La.), Mr. & Mrs. BRYANT MATHER (Jackson, Miss.), DALE K. POLLET (Gramercy, La.), Dr. WALFRIED J. REINTHAL (Knoxville, Tenn.), and Dr. STEPHEN M. RUSSELL (Louisiana State University in New Orleans) . ANNOTATED SUPPLEMENT SATYRIDAE Lethe portlandia portlandia (Fabricius). Although this insect had not been recorded since 1897 (Skinner), it has now been found to occur at several localities. These are: EAST BATON BOUGE: Balton ~ouge, 11 Oct. 1914, l'i' (LSU), 20 Sept. 1959, 1 ~ & 22 Sepit. 1959, 2 ~ ~ (ENL), 10 June 1960, 1 ~ (LSU); IBERIA: Avery Island, 5 July 1958, 15 (GNR); WEST FELICIANA: Bailli'i, 29 April 1961, U ~, 2~ ~ (GNR), Weyanoke, 24 March 1962, l'i' (BLM), 29 March 1962, 1 ~ (GNR). This species seems to be quite local in occurrence and this is perhaps the reason for j1ts scanty appearances. However, at Avery Island it was very abundant, flying low to the ground in the bamboo sites. At Bains, it was common in a circle of approximately 50 ft. in diameter. It did not stray £>rom this area, but alighted on the leaves and trunks of the hardwood trees. When approached it would dalt away, but would soon return to its former position. Lethe creola (Skinner). This species was erroneously omitted from the original list, and an account of the rectification of this error is presented by MATHER and MATHER (1958). We feel that it is of some significance that L. creola has not been taken in Louisiana since its original description by SKINNER ( 1897) from the Opelousas area. MATHER and MATHER (1958) reported only 9 specimens for the state of Mississippi. Flight dates were predominantly in July, August, and September. However, Dr. C. L. REMINGTON (personal communication) has indicated that Yale University has collections of L. creola taken by F. R. ARNHOLD in Louisiana. Euptychia cyrnela cymela (Cramer). The one new parish record is WEST FELICIANA. Euptychia hermes sosybius (Fabricius). The new parish records are BEAUREGARD, DESOTO, EAST BATON ROUGE,andLAFOURCHE. Euptychia areolata areolata (J. E. Smith). The new parish listing is BEAUREGARD. 150 Ross & LAMBREMONT: Louisiana Vo1.l7: no.3 Euptychia gemma gemma (HUbner). The new parish records are BEAUHEGAHD and DESOTO. Cercyonis pegala pegala (Fabricius). The only new parish record is BEAUHEGAHD. DANAIDAE Danaus pZexippus pZexippus (Linne). The four new parish listings are CAMEHON, EAST BATON HOUGE, LAFOUHCHE, and PLA QUEMINES. Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer). This rare straggler was recorded previously from only four parishes and these were all in the southern part of the state. The new listings are: CADDO: Shreveport, 10 Oct. 1957, 1 (COP); Hobson, 30 Oct. 1957, 1 c;> OHS); DESOTO: Pelican, 9 Nov. 1957,10 OHS). NYMPHALIDAE Agraulis vanillae nigrior ( Linne) . The one new parish record is EAST BATON HOUGE. Euptoieta claudia claudia (Cramer). The new parish records are EAST BATON HOUGE, JEFFEHSON DAVIS, and ST. JAMES. Speyeria diana (Cramer). This species is included on the basis of a reliable sight record noted by MATHER and MATHER (1958). One female was sighted in Tallulah, MADISON Parish. This is a new name for the list, but in the authors' estimation is probably a stray from the northeast. Chlosyne gorgone gorgone (HUbner). The trivial name gorgone appeared in the original list in the genus Phyciodes. The reference there was to Phyciodes phaon, of which P. gorgone is a synonym (Holland, 1931). ChloSlJne gorgone therefore represents a new state record. The listings are : CADDO: Blanchard, 5 April 1958, 2 c;> c;> OHS); Fluornoy, 25 May 1958, 10 OHS); Shreveport, 9 March 1958, 10, 2 April 1958, 20 0 (JHS ); DESOTO: Pelican, 30 May 1958, 20 0, 1 '? (JHS ) . Mr. STEWART states that aU of these individuals were captured in grassy spots which were surrounded by mixed hardwood-coniferous forests. Further collecting must be done in this northwestern comer of the state to prove whether or not this species is a permanent resident. Phyciodes phaon (Edwards). This species was originally listed as P. gorgone (see above) and is not a new species for the state. However, the additional parish records for P. phaon are BEAUHEGAHD and EAST BATON ROUGE. Phyciodes tharos tharos (Drury). The one new parish is BEA UHE CARD. 1963 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 151 Phyciodes texana seminole (Edwards). This species has not been previously recorded from the state. The new records are: CADDO: Shreveport, 15 Nov. 1958,10" (JRS); EAST BATON ROUGE: Baton Rouge, 17 June 1960, 10" (ENL), 28 June 1960, 20" 0", 1 <;> & 29 June 1960,1<;> (WPR), 5 July 1960,1;1;,1 <;> (WPR & LWR); ST. TAMMANY: Slidel, 17 July 1956, 10" (GNR). This insect always was captured in or near forest cover while flying low to the ground. Polygonia interrogationis (Fabricius). The new parish records are EAST BATON ROUGE and ST. JAMES. Nymphalis antiopa antiopa (Linne). To the three records previous to this (two from New Orleans), one more must be added from this same locality. This specimen is: ORLEANS: New Orleans, 12 Oct. 1958, 1 <;> (GNR). This individual was captured in the fall of the year at 7 :30 P.M. with the temperature at 55°F. This female was flying around a spot light on the home grounds of the senior author. Considering the fact that the other two New Orlearu; captures were made in the late summer and early fall, it appears that this species tends to migrate further south at that time of year. Vanessa atalanta atalanta (Linne) . The new parish records are BEAUREGARD, CAMERON, DESOTO, EAST BATON ROUGE, and SABINE. Vanessa cardui cardui (Linne). The new parish records are EAST BATON ROUGE, POINT COUPEE and ST. TAMMANY. Vanessa virginiensis (Drury). The one new parish record is EAST BATON ROUGE. M estra amymone (Menetries). This species is a new state reoord. The listings are: CADDO: Shreveport, 24 Sept. 1957, 1 & 8 Oct. 1957, Id' (JRS), 10 Oct. 1957, 1 (COP), 18 Oct. 1957, 2d' 0" & 2 (COP & JRS), 20 Oct. 1957, 4 (COP), 29 Oct. 1957, 1 d' & 30 Oct. 1957, 1 <;> & 31 Oct. 1957,1 & 2 Nov. 1957, Id' (JRS), 14 Nov. 1957,3 (COP & JRS), 17 Nov. 1957, 1 (COP), 10" (JRS). Mr. STEWART reports that the majority of these 20 specimens were flying in a northeasterly direction. He states further that he and Mr. PHILLIPS visited the site of these captures (along a grassy road) many times since their original visits but that they have not seen any additional individuals. Limenitis astyanax (Fabricius) . The new parish record is EAST BATON ROUGE. Limenitis archippus watsoni (dos Passos). The new parish record is DESOTO. Anaea andria (Scudder). The new parish listings are DESOTO, EAST BATON ROUGE, and WEST FELICIANA. 152 Ross & LAMBREMoNT: Louisiana Vo1.l7: no.3 A5Iterocampa clyton clyton (Boisduval & LeConte). The new parish records are EAST BATON ROUGE and PLAQUEMINES. Asterocampa celtis alicia (Edwards). The new parish records are EAST BATON ROUGE and ST. CHARLES. LIBYTHEIDAE Libythea bachmani bachmani (Kirtland). The new parish records are EAST BATON ROUGE and POINT COUPE£. LYCAENIDAE Atlides halesus halesus (Cramer). This beautiful, irridescent species has been reported only from Orleans Parish (J ung, 1950). The new palish records are: EAST BATON ROUGE: Baton Rouge, 15 May 1920, 1 <f' & 15 Oct.