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CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE in FULL 2000 -11ELINIC INFORMAIION SERVICE E Partil Tnt It A r NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT- NWDCA c;1 rr • , . OSS rollection• Document Fly Page 1226 1907128 FP;‘>atPanZM 11 72 :4.'.V3'4'41...AUIla: f I pkg: ii 1G R K DocID 11318 DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELL IGENCE AGENCY SOURCES METHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CR IMES DISCLOSURE DATE 2000 2007 NAZI WAR GRIMES DISCLEPSUREAOT MOO CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE IN FULL 2000 -11ELINIC INFORMAIION SERVICE E PARTil tNT It A 7 B.1),L.,1. ET I • • . , •• - ". • 25T-14 MARCH 1944 GREEK INDEP ENDANCE DAY ■ WIZJVR CRRTs DCWSL ir CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE IN FULL 2000 In this Bulletin, we recount a number of characteristio feats about atroci - ties perpetrated by the invaders and the heroic undaunted resistance of the Greek People and their Guerilla Forces. This Bulletin which gives but an im- perfect picture of the Creek Tragedy is PART No dedicated :- NM THE UitICNOWN HEROES OF FIGRTIM GREECE " WHAT GREECE SUFFERS ft c 5 th MAROH 1 a 2 1 - 1944 ORM INGEPING2NCE DAY On Arch 1021, to the amazement of the whole world, the Greek nation took up arms against the great Empire under whose yoke they had lived for mare than four oentu kieS . After at epic struggle, the Greek pee- Ia not only freed part o2 their enslaved country, but aroused by their example the .:her subjugated 3alkan nations . F.olloving olosely thoir historical traditions, they 1.,:aved once more that the priviledges of .ioerty can only be obtained through hard fi g hting and sacrifioes. Once again or October 20th 1 94O, the Greek. n ation roused the admiration of the whole , orld by refusing to surrender before the onslaught of the Axis powers . Opposing their own moral strength to the enemys material ores, they set an example to mankind and • .treugthoned the conviction of all free p- -le in final victory. %I. e.oe to-day, 1.:hioh can be likened to a nODERN FRONETEitiS IN CHAINS", torn by the • vultures, faces with indomitable eou- .age her martyrdom, faithful ever to her " Yre bring you here " seid the German officer in iharze, so monastery was about to be destroyed, drew lots amongst that you may SCE hol nicely your ton end your homes burn. themselves fora guard of honour of 3 who were to remain and -"What about our women and children ? "asked the. men. guard the ma:watery. - "Oh,they arc cloce . by" was the reply.. and without warning, The monks Tft1a1ios,8esile and Seraphim were chosen and a. the Germans opened fire with their mechinc-guns killing them last service was conducted at which the 3 men pnrtook of the all off. holy communion . After the ceremony, the other monks lift for Soon after, a number ofwomen who had escape from the burn- the mountains. ing school, arrived on the scene end.wcre confronted with this When the Germans finally came, they shot the 3 monks under horrible sp ecteele. The Geehnas ardeved them to bury their men the tree ofindepondence and set tire to tiais hibtoric manes- Later inhabitnats cf . /fertessi village came an helped to.bUrT tery:dherve-ln Yarch 25th 1821, theMdzopoliten of geleon -Eal tbildr follow patriots.- tron Germenos first hoisted the flag ortfia Greek ter of In- Kalvrite is non nothing else but c mess of smouldering ruins. dependence All the male population have been exterminated and only seven houses are left starding. The pro-axis President of tresovouni village ( Kozani), was On Deccaber 4th l 943, after the annihilation of a Company of killed by the inhLbitants of the village. In reprieel, the Ger- p icked Germ= 2rected1ers by the Guerillas near Kerpeni (Kele- mans bombed and sot fire to the village- . 185 of the men were vrita), the Gernans eriested all of Eno end Keto ?eh- killed by machine gun fires the •retainder having-escaped to lorous, took Munn tc the Vouraika river and executed them. the .mountains- The Germans promised an amnesty to the survi- Simultaneously, both villages were set on fire rind hompletelY ving inhabitants who believing in that promise returned to destroyed.- their homes . The Germans however, assembled them all in the The Germans then arrested the monks. and novices of me„:, Sp.!. village square: executed them and then set fire to those hou- icon monastery and led them to the Prophet Flies rock just above ses which had not yet been burnt down.- the monastery cad there pushed dile by one over the preeipice. The Germans then rased this historical monastery to the. ground The Germans carry out as aquestion of policy, wholesale, after firat plundering it.. plunder and theft- These acts are considered by them, as the logical consequence of their rights as conquerors- On Sunday December the 5th . 19 43 end. S t .:'..aveh dcy, the qsr_ German officer actually said-to a Cretan scientist m, as assembled all the male population of %shot village in the Why do you consider nlunder and devastation as barbarous dhurchyar4 and executed them six at a time . acts 7." Everything here belonge to us; the inhabitants of the The officiating prieit, interrupted the service he wes 0(67 islands possess no rights at all The sun and the air arc all dtcting, to ask the ger:zeta the reason forthis sudden execu- that is left to them beceuse we cannot take these away from tion of innocent peasants . The service - . es never resumcd,f-r them. tie priest was shot deed by the ,ermen rod the village ofw o- gtoiwas completely destroyed. On the 17th or Tune 1542, the Germans after setting flrr to Part of Stoli 5onoft.tsiou village, arrested E. Ebuttakis and Then in the presence of all the inhabitants of On the after-noon or December 13th . 1943, the minks of Agnie M. Antonakis . en assembled in the .village squares I.4via monastery foreseeing thet their turn hvd• come :nd that the village who had b e these two unfortunate Cretans were stripped naked and savagely beaten till they bled and their flesh hung. in strips from ATR 0 0 ITI•ES their tortured bodies. Half dead end naked as tbey_wana.-they -------- • Nero taken in trucks tei -fgc Kvycniki prisons were they were given british Uniforms to wear. The scale of atrocities committed in Greece by the tempo- No sooner had theyiui these on. than.Segt. major SCHUBERT rary invaders and conqueror is such that humanity on only re- entered their cell ' and with pretended indignation said :- gister shame at the systematie annihilation of the unarmed po- " So, even in jail You want the english and wear their uni-. pulations forms ", and started whipping them more cruelly than ever. : On thc following day on the is/8/42, they were taken tit We give here a number of examples of these atrocities as the underground prisons of. iiereklion. From there at •7.00•hours well as a.nuMerical list of victims . Both however, only repre- they were taken toqi;ther with S. xiumber. of- others to the exe- sent a fnection of the total grid: reality and only a briof pic- mation:ground . A priest, Rev . SlFAXIS who was amongst the con- ture can be drawn of the inhuman acts committed by the seem), demned said a short mass and then Ted= XMAS, a lawyer, made e speech against the murderers. The. Germans executed their with From October 1 943, in reprisal fox-Guerilla activities. Machine guns and then forced a number. of their fellow eitidens the Gwaraue sowed death devastation and destruction throughout to bury them. One of thaSe went mad at the horror of the scene. thc peloponese. On the 1 6/12/43,1n,Maindani square,.germans.arreste4 . the At Felevrita on December 13th 1 943, the following proola- priest N. NIONAKIS, who was waking with his brot4tr,in-law mation was riled out :- G. AMNIGAKI and send him to the prisons. On the following day . " By order of the Germans all the inhabitants, men, he was brought before Major HARMS and 5 Ceptains and was, women,boys and girls, are to assemble in the 601)001 guarded by 5 soldiers andasergeant armed-with sub-mschide guns Those failing to obey will be- execute14.. and pistols. So as to wave aside all suspicion of a . possible execution, the • HARTMAN addressing the priest said :- w you_bed 8 men hid- order Curtherc read :_ den in your back-yard under the- wood, another 14 were hidden " Min ate to take vith them e spare blanket and a by your villagers and in your house you kept a number of arms loaf of bread". which you later threw d,own your.well, also -your house was the As soon as all were assembled; the Gerfaana shut the women up Headquarters of British propaganda. . In the school and marched off all men aged from 1 6 to 70 years The priest denied all these charges, so,HARTWAN further of age and numbering approximately BOO, to an unimelni destina- asked the priest to ennefess thether—Britishers had been to tion • The women within the schoorwere clamour lag ter infor- his house or not • Again,thi priest denied and Hartman seized mation where their menfolk were being taken, , end tbd Germane him by the hair and knocked him down . The soldiers were than- ansNered:, ordered to take off his clotheeand . hewas beaten.unoonsoious " Do not worry, we are going to shay/ them eordething with a eat onine tails . The priest remained unconsdibus for and you shall soon See them again". 4 days as result of this treatment and was than sent to pri- There upon.
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