Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone
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Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone March 7, 2003 James Lee Witt Associates, LLC 1201 F Street NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20004 Prepared By James Lee Witt Associates, LLC 1201 F Street, NW, Suite 850 Washington, DC 20004 Prepared For Power Authority of the State of New York Prepared Under Contract for New York State Nuclear Plan Review, 4500058472 This report documents work by author, JLWA and contracted with and/or requested by: an agency of the State of New York. The author’s opinions findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations are provided solely for the use and benefit of the requesting party. Any warranties (expressed and/or implied), unless explicitly set forth herein, are specifically waived. Any statements, allegations, and/or recommendations in this report should not be construed as a New York State position, policy, or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. The report was based on the most accurate data available to author at the time of publication, and therefore is subject to change without notice. The use of trade names in this report does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. This page intentionally left blank. Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY vi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Organization of this Document 1 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND 4 2.1 Location and Description of Indian Point 4 2.2 Descriptions and Demographics of Counties Surrounding Indian Point 7 2.2.1 Orange County Description 7 2.2.2 Putnam County Description 8 2.2.3 Rockland County Description 8 2.2.4 Westchester County Description 9 2.3 Location and Description of Millstone Nuclear Power Station 10 2.4 Description and Demographics of County Surrounding Millstone 13 2.4.1 Suffolk County Description 13 2.5 The Emergency Management System 14 2.5.1 Planning, Training, Exercising: The Process for Developing and Maintaining an Effective Emergency Management System 15 CHAPTER 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE HAZARD 18 3.1 Nature and Likelihood of a Release 18 3.2 Plume Behavior 21 3.3 Effects on Health 23 3.4 Guidelines on Absorbed Doses and Protective Actions 24 3.5 Off-site Accident Impact Analysis Review 28 3.5.1 Review of Off-site Accident Impact Procedures, Indian Point 29 3.5.2 Review of Off-site Accident Impact Procedures, Millstone 35 3.5.3 Review of Off-site Accident Impact Procedures, State of New York 38 3.5.4 Findings from the Off-site Accident Impact Analysis Review 39 James Lee Witt Associates, 2003 Page i Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone CHAPTER 4 REVIEW OF EMERGENCY PLANS: COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS 43 4.1 Review of Indian Point Plans 46 4.1.1 Indian Point Energy Center Plan Review 46 4.1.2 New York State Plan Review 47 4.1.3 Putnam County Plan Review 47 4.1.4 Rockland County Plan Review 47 4.1.5 Orange County Plan Review 48 4.1.6 Westchester County Plan Review 48 4.2 Review of Millstone Plans 49 4.2.1 Millstone Plant Plan Review 49 4.2.2 State of Connecticut Plan Review 53 4.2.3 Fishers Island Plan Review 53 4.2.4 Plum Island Plan Review 57 4.2.5 Suffolk County Plan Review 58 4.3 Conclusions from Individual Plan Reviews 59 4.4 Performance Analysis of Radiological Emergency Plans 60 4.5 Related Planning and Preparedness Reviews 66 4.5.1 Medical Preparedness 67 4.5.2 Law Enforcement 70 4.5.3 Fire Services 73 4.5.4 United States Military Academy at West Point 74 4.5.5 Public Works 74 4.5.6 Transportation 74 4.5.7 Schools 75 CHAPTER 5 EMERGENCY PLANNING BASES AND SYSTEMS 77 5.1 Population Basis Review 78 5.1.1 Determining Accurate and Up-to-Date Population Data for Indian Point 78 5.1.2 Residential Population Outside the Indian Point Emergency Planning Zone 82 5.1.3 Transient Population in Area Surrounding Indian Point 82 James Lee Witt Associates, 2003 Page ii Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone 5.1.4 Special Facility Populations in the Area Surrounding Indian Point 84 5.1.5 Additional Observations Concerning Indian Point Emergency Planning Zone Population 84 5.1.6 Population Analysis for Millstone: New York Population In the 10-mile and 50-mile Emergency Planning Zone 86 5.2 Evacuation Time Estimate Review 90 5.2.1 Review of Available Indian Point Evacuation Time Estimates 91 5.2.2 Review and Analysis of Indian Point Evacuation Time Estimate Methodology 92 5.2.3 Mobilization Times and Shadow Evacuations around Indian Point 95 5.2.4 Observations Concerning Evacuation Time Estimates for Indian Point 97 5.2.5 Review of Available Evacuation Time Estimates for Millstone 98 5.3 Alert and Notification System Review 109 5.3.1 Review of Indian Point Alert and Notification System 109 5.3.2 Alert and Notification Review Findings for Indian Point 111 5.3.3 Review of Millstone Alert and Notification System 120 5.3.4 Alert and Notification Review Findings 121 5.4 Communications System Review 122 5.4.1 Components of Effective Emergency Communications Systems 124 5.4.2 Current Communications Technology Inventory 126 5.4.3 Analysis of Communications Technology Effectiveness and Related Recommendations 134 5.4.4 Evaluation of Millstone Radiological Emergency Preparedness Communications 141 CHAPTER 6 REVIEW OF INIAN POINT AND MILLSTONE TRAINING PROGRAMS 145 CHAPTER 7 REVIEW OF PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAMS 151 7.1 Review of Public Education 152 7.2 Review of Public Information—Indian Point 152 7.2.1 Printed Materials—Indian Point 153 7.2.2 Internet Resources—Indian Point 158 James Lee Witt Associates, 2003 Page iii Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone 7.3 Review of Public Information Materials—Millstone 161 7.3.1 Printed Materials—Millstone 161 7.3.2 Internet Resources—Millstone 164 CHAPTER 8 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS INSPECTION AND EXERCISE REPORTS 166 8.1 Analysis of Previous Indian Point and Millstone Inspection and Exercise Reports 167 8.1.1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Exercise Reports for Indian Point and Millstone 167 8.1.2 Self-Reported Performance Indicators for Emergency Preparedness 167 8.1.3 Analysis of Inspection and Exercise Reports and Performance Indicators 169 8.1.4 Review of Off-site Exercise Reports 172 CHAPTER 9 ARCHITECTURE FOR ANALYSING COORDINATED AND INTEGRATED RESPONSE 194 CHAPTER 10 EXERCISE ANALYSIS USING THE PUBLIC PROTECTION PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTURE (P3A) 203 CHAPTER 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING PUBLIC SAFETY 211 11.1 Conclusions 211 11.1.1 Issues with Meeting Emergency Needs 212 11.2 Recommendations 227 11.2.1 Improve Planning for Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies 228 11.2.2 Expand the “Circle of Emergency Management” 233 11.2.3 Develop and Implement a Comprehensive Public Outreach Strategy 235 11.2.4 Develop and Vigorously Implement a Nuclear Emergency Response Force and Training Program 239 11.2.5 Implement a Performance Outcome-Based Exercise Program 239 11.2.6 Upgrade Communications Capability 241 11.2.7 Upgrade Level of Response Management Technology 242 11.2.8 Summary 245 11.3 Two Additional Points 246 11.4 Limitations and Omissions 247 James Lee Witt Associates, 2003 Page iv Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone Contributors 251 Appendix A: Approach to the Statement of Work A-1 Appendix B: Detail on Off-site Accident Impact Analysis Review B-1 Appendix C: Individual Plan Review Compliance Matrices C-1 Appendix D: Detail on Population Basis Review D-1 Appendix E: KLD’s Evacuation Network from Field Survey E-1 Appendix F: Details on Alert and Notification System Review F-1 Appendix G: FEMA Exercise Report Findings G-1 Appendix H: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report Findings H-1 Appendix I: 2002 Indian Point Practice and Full-Scale Exercise Observations I-1 Appendix J: Advocacy Issues J-1 Appendix K: Results of the Comment Period K-1 Appendix L: Response to FEMA Report (estimated date of publication-week of March 10, 2003) L-1 James Lee Witt Associates, 2003 Page v Review of Emergency Preparedness of Areas Adjacent to Indian Point and Millstone EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On August 1, 2002, Governor George E. Pataki announced a comprehensive and independent review of emergency preparedness to be performed by James Lee Witt Associates (JLWA) for the area around the Indian Point Energy Center (“Indian Point”), and for that portion of New York in proximity to the Millstone nuclear plant (“Millstone”) in Connecticut. James Lee Witt Associates subcontracted with Innovative Emergency Management (“IEM”) for portions of the review. The review encompassed many related activities that were designed, when taken together, to determine whether the existing plans and capabilities of the jurisdictions involved are sufficient to ensure the safety of the people of New York in the event of an incident at one of these plants, and how those existing plans and capabilities might be improved. In addition to an outreach effort into the surrounding communities, the review included recent exercise results and public information efforts, current radiological emergency response plans, and the data underlying the response plans, such as population data, the methodology of evacuation time estimates, alert and notification system specifications, Off-site accident impact analysis methodologies, and communication capabilities. It should be noted that we were not asked to look at the safety of the plants themselves, the availability of alternate energy sources, the economic and environmental costs and benefits of the plants, or other factors relevant to an overall picture of the plants within their respective communities.