IOM launches the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Handbook for the North African Region

February 19th In response to the growing need to facilitate and assist the voluntary return and reinte- gration of vulnerable migrants in North Africa, IOM Egypt has launched the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Handbook for the North African Region. This handbook will serve as a tool to build the capacity of governments, NGOs, international organizations, and other relevant partners in North Africa to establish effective Assisted Voluntary Re- turn and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes, in ac- cordance with IOM standards. AVRR is an indispensable part of IOM’s comprehen- IOM reintegration officer pays a visit to a family that returned to South @ IOM 2013 sive approach to migration governance that sup- ports the orderly and humane return and reintegra- The handbook, inspired by the IOM global internal focus on and Sudan as countries of return. tion of migrants who are unable or unwilling to re- handbook for AVRR, was developed specifically to An important aim of the project was to enhance main in host countries and wish to return voluntari- consolidate IOM’s extensive experience and exper- the above mentioned Governmental capacities to ly to their countries of origin. tise in implementing AVRR programmes in North assist migrants respectively in the return and in the Africa specifically. With a central focus on North reintegration, ensuring a humane, dignified and The AVRR Handbook for the North African Region Africa the handbook has been adapted for an exter- sustainable approach to migrant governance. will also serve to train AVRR staff and be used as a nal audience and designed as a useful guide for rel- reference for best practice. The handbook is struc- The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration evant stakeholders in the region to set up AVRR Handbook for the North African Region is currently tured into two sections. The first section of the programmes handbook provides an introduction to AVRR within available in English at: the North African context and describes IOM’s The production of the handbook was a key objec- main_page=product_info&cPath=47&products_id=1064 global and regional policies concerning AVRR. The tive achieved under the “Regional Assisted Volun- and will soon be released in Arabic. second section offers guidelines, best practice, tips, tary Return and Reintegration Programme for case studies, and recommendations relating to the Stranded Migrants in Egypt and (RAVEL)”. Ravel project is funded by the and RAVEL, which was funded by the European Union various stages of the AVRR process. This section co-funded by the and co-funded by the Italian Government, aimed at also contains specific chapters that address the var- Government of ious types of vulnerable migrants and defines the assisting the voluntary return and reintegration of migrants stranded in Libya and Egypt with a specific Italy. proper AVRR mechanisms that are required. For more information please contact Michele Bombassei at [email protected]

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