Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Impact on Simulated Runoff for Claypan Soils
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Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Impact on Simulated Runoff for Claypan Soils Humberto Blanco-Canqui,* Clark J. Gantzer, Stephen H. Anderson, E. E. Alberts, and F. Ghidey ABSTRACT surements (Mallants et al., 1997). Samples based on Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat ) is an essential parameter the REV often reflect the natural boundary conditions for understanding soil hydrology. This study evaluated the Ksat of in (Gupta et al., 1993), and diminish disturbance and com- situ monoliths and intact cores and compared the results with other paction of soil during sampling (Vepraskas and Wil- studies for Missouri claypan soils. These Ksat values were used as liams, 1995). runoff-model inputs to assess the impact of K variation on simulated sat Soil texture is generally known to affect Ksat. Clay runoff. Lateral in situ K of the topsoil was determined on 250 by sat soils typically have low Ksat values (Bouma, 1980; Jami- 500 by 230 mm deep monoliths. These values were compared with son and Peters, 1967). This is of interest in the midwest the Ksat of 76 by 76 mm diam. intact cores with and without bentonite USA because about 4 million ha of claypan soils exist to seal macropores. Mean (Ϯ SD) lateral in situ Ksat was 72 Ϯ 0.7 Ϫ1 in this region (Jamison et al., 1968). These soils have mm h and mean intact core Ksat without bentonite was 312 Ϯ 58 mm hϪ1. The mean intact core K without bentonite was significantly an argillic horizon 130 to 460 mm deep, with clay con- sat Ͼ Ϫ1 larger than the lateral in situ Ksat (P ϭ 0.03). The lateral in situ Ksat tents 450 g kg and are very slowly permeable al- Ϫ1 was not different from core Ksat with bentonite (71 Ϯ 1.1 mm h ). though published data are limited (Jamison and Pe- The intact core Ksat with bentonite differed from previous studies by ters, 1967). 10 times. This was attributed to the variations in soil depth to claypan, Because of the argillic horizon, claypan soils may macropore presence, and methodology. The impact of using an effec- perch water and create lateral flow. A study of claypan tive hydraulic conductivity (Keff ) computed from measured Ksat on hydrology suggests that runoff rates may be equal to intact cores without bentonite underestimated the Water Erosion rainfall under saturated conditions (Saxton and Whitaker, Prediction Project (WEPP) simulated runoff by 28% for a measured 1970). Furthermore, studies of runoff and rainfall data runoff event of 40 mm. The core Ksat with bentonite was correlated with measured runoff from long-term erosion-runoff plots. A quadratic from the McCredie rainfall-erosion plots near Kingdom regression explained 95% of the variability between measured and City, MO, indicate that lateral flow known as interflow simulated runoff. may be a significant component of the total runoff dur- ing springtime when precipitation is usually the most intense and the erosion rates are the highest (Minshall aturated hydraulic conductivity is an essential and Jamison, 1965; Ghidey and Alberts, 1998). To date, S parameter for understanding soil water movement. detailed in situ lateral Ksat studies have not been con- It is a fundamental input for modeling runoff, drainage, ducted for Missouri claypan soils because measurements and movement of solutes in soils (Mallants et al., 1997). are costly and time-consuming (Blevins et al., 1996). Lateral Ksat measurements are also limited elsewhere While Ksat is widely studied, questions remain about how sample size and boundary conditions influence (Ahuja and Ross, 1983; Wallach and Zaslavsky, 1991). its determination. The need for in situ lateral Ksat determination for Mis- Reports have found that measurements on small sam- souri claypan soils has been recognized because of the probability of interflow (Jamison et al., 1968; Wilkinson ples (Ͻ100-mm diam.) tend to give higher Ksat values than do measurements on larger samples (Bagarello and and Blevins, 1999). Information on in situ lateral Ksat Provenzano, 1996). The values of small samples are also through the horizons above the claypan is important for questioned because samples are too small to embody a determining their ability to conduct water laterally and representative elementary volume (REV) of soil. The assessing runoff and erosion. REV is a conceptual unit representing the smallest vol- Many have characterized the vertical Ksat for claypan ume of a soil unit (Mallants et al., 1997). Its actual soils (Doll, 1976; Zeng, 1994). However, most of the dimensions are ill defined. Bouma (1980) suggests three measurements were made only for the surface horizons 3 (Jamison and Peters, 1967; McGinty, 1989), therefore, REV sizes for Ksat determinations: 100 cm for sand, 1000 cm3 for silt, and 10 000 cm3 for clay soils. As a studies of Ksat variations with depth are few. Because of their hydrologic attributes, claypan soils probably sample size increases, variability in Ksat values is ex- pected to decrease. have quite different effective Ksat values with depth from The use of the REV is thought to reduce the sample- other Alfisols. The information on Ksat depth distribu- size dependence of K , and thus facilitate better mea- tion would be valuable in explaining the claypan hydrol- sat ogy and for characterization of variability in horizons H. Blanco-Canqui, C.J. Gantzer, and S.H. Anderson, Dep. of Soil and of low and high permeability required for accurate Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, 302 Anheuser- flow studies. Busch Natural Resources Building, Columbia, MO 65211; E.E. Al- Because the Ksat values may vary by measurement berts, USDA-ARS, and F. Ghidey, Dep. of Biological Engineering, method (Bouma, 1980; Bagarello and Provenzano, 1996; Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, 269 Agricultural Engineering Building, Columbia, MO 65211. Contribution of the Missouri Agric. Exp. Stn. Journal. No. 13159 Received 25 July 2001. *Corresponding author Abbreviations: EC, electrical conductivity; Keff, effective hydraulic ([email protected]). conductivity; Ksat, saturated hydraulic conductivity; REV, representa- tive elementary volume; SAR, Na adsorption ratio; WEPP, Water Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:1596–1602 (2002). Erosion Prediction Project. 1596 BLANCO-CANQUI ET AL.: SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY AND CLAYPAN SOILS 1597 Mallants et al., 1997), the available Ksat data on these MATERIALS AND METHODS soils need to be studied to determine their consistency Installation of Soil Monoliths for Lateral and uniformity by method. Data from such measure- in situ K Measurements ments should be statistically the same to be used for sat hydrologic prediction and modeling. This study was conducted at the Midwest Research Claypan Farm (McCredie) near Kingdom City, MO. A 10 by 30 m Since knowledge of Ksat is essential for the use of Ͼ water flow models, it is useful to evaluate the influence area under long-term ( 28 yr) continuous fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) was of measured Ksat on modeled runoff. One modeling ap- chosen. The soil is a Mexico silt loam (fine, smectitic, mesic, proach for erosion/runoff prediction is the WEPP. This Aeric Vertic Epiaqualf) formed in loess developed over glacial model has been extensively used for runoff prediction till on a slope of about 3%. The mineralogy of the argillic since 1995 when it was publicly released by the USDA- horizon consists of 38% montmorillonite, 34% quartz, 21% ARS. Although Ksat is not the only factor that affects kaolinite, and 7% illite. Selected soil properties are presented runoff, the WEPP model incorporates the estimated in Table 1. values of hydraulic conductivity as an important soil Three in situ monoliths 250 mm wide by 500 mm long by attribute to predict runoff (Flanagan and Nearing, 230 mm deep (the depth to claypan) were constructed. Depth 1995). The WEPP uses K values for surface layers, to the claypan was determined by obtaining 20-mm diam. soil eff samples using a hand probe. These samples were studied in and internally computes Ksat values for subsurface soil the field for changes in texture and color to determine the layers. Studies indicate that runoff predictions are sensi- depth. Mean (Ϯ SD) depth was 230 Ϯ 7mm(n Ͼ 100). Each tive to the initial Keff values (Ghidey et al., 1999). monolith site was wet for 12 h and then allowed to drain 24 h The objectives of this study are to: (i) measure lateral to soften the soil sufficiently while reducing puddling during in situ Ksat of the 0- to 230-mm depth (above the claypan) construction. A trench was dug around each monolith to form using 250 mm wide by 500 mm long soil monoliths, (ii) a rectangular soil block with intact bottom. The monolith set-up had three compartments: (i) water measure the Ksat with and without bentonite of 76-mm diam. soil cores taken at 100-mm intervals to a depth supply pit, (ii) soil monolith, and (iii) water collection pit. of 2 m, (iii) compare the core K vs. lateral in situ K , Two 6.3-mm steel plates 500 by 700 mm were installed verti- sat sat cally along the two sides of the monolith, which allowed a (iv) compare previously measured Ksat data for Missouri 100-mm of additional length of steel plate at each end. The claypan soils with results of this study, and (v) compare additional length allowed for construction of a water supply measured runoff vs. WEPP predicted runoff using mea- pit and a water collection pit. Two plates 250 by 500 mm sured Keff as a model input to illustrate the benefit of were installed vertically at each end of the border to form a using measured Keff values. rectangular box. The steel plates extended from 150 mm above Table 1. Soil characteristics and land use of the hydraulic conductivity studies.