The Rkpu Gene of Sinorhizobium Fredii HH103 Is Required for Bacterial K
Microbiology (2010), 156, 3398–3411 DOI 10.1099/mic.0.042499-0 The rkpU gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 is required for bacterial K-antigen polysaccharide production and for efficient nodulation with soybean but not with cowpea A´ ngeles Hidalgo,1 Isabel Margaret,1 Juan C. Crespo-Rivas,1 Maribel Parada,13 Piedad del Socorro Murdoch,2 Abigail Lo´pez,1 Ana M. Buendı´a-Claverı´a,1 Javier Moreno,3 Marta Albareda,4 Antonio M. Gil-Serrano,5 Miguel A. Rodrı´guez-Carvajal,5 Jose M. Palacios,4 Jose´ E. Ruiz-Sainz1 and Jose´ M. Vinardell1 Correspondence 1Departamento de Microbiologı´a, Facultad de Biologı´a, Universidad de Sevilla, Av. Reina Mercedes 6. Jose´ M. Vinardell 41012-Sevilla, Spain 2Departamento de Bioquı´mica Vegetal y Biologı´a Molecular, Facultad de Biologı´a, Universidad de Sevilla, Av. Reina Mercedes 6. 41012-Sevilla, Spain 3Departamento de Biologı´a Celular, Facultad de Biologı´a, Universidad de Sevilla, Av. Reina Mercedes 6. 41012-Sevilla, Spain 4Departamento de Biotecnologı´a, Escuela Te´cnica Superior de Ingenieros Agro´nomos, and Centro de Biotecnologı´a y Geno´mica de Plantas (CBGP), Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo, Carretera M40, Km. 37.7, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarco´n, Madrid, Spain 5Departamento de Quı´mica Orga´nica, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo. 553. 41071-Sevilla, Spain In this work, the role of the rkpU and rkpJ genes in the production of the K-antigen polysaccharides (KPS) and in the symbiotic capacity of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103, a broad host-range rhizobial strain able to nodulate soybean and many other legumes, was studied.
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