Volume 17 Annual Fee for Mail Subscriptions: Date January, 1989

OSEEN is published once per month during the academic year, September to May. Issues appear on the third Monday of each month. In order for information to be included it must be received no later than the first Monday of the month preceeding the event to be published. our telephone number is (614) 292- 8770.



Jan. 26 (Thurs.): Slavic Department Colloquium: George Kalbouss, " Following Tolstoy's Map of the Battle of Borodino in War and Peace, " and Masha Belyavski-Frank, "On Some Problems of Tense in Serbo-Croatian, " 300 Cunz Hall, 3:00-5:00 P.M.

Feb. 8 (Wed. ): Brown Bag Discussion: Gordon D. Livermore, Jr., "The Demise of Socialist Realism, " 260 cunz Hall, 12:00-1:30 P.M.

Feb. 16 (Thurs. ): Russian T�a, 300 cunz Hall, 3:00-5:00 P. M.

Feb. 23 (Thurs.): Slavic Department Colloquium: Danuta Zamojska-Hutchins, "The Magic of Love and the Frailty of Human Flesh in the Poetry of Maria Pawlikowska-Ja-Snorzewka and Anna Akhmatova, " and Kenneth E. Naylor, "Lan­ guage and Nationalism."

Mar� 1 (Wed. ): Brown Bag Discussion: George E. Hudson, "Changes in Soviet National Security Policy under Gorbachev, " 2 60 Cunz Hall, 12:00-1:30 P.M.

Mar. 12 (Sun. ): The Olympiada of Spoken Russian will be held at osu from 12 noon unil 4:00 P.M. (For information, call Henry Ziegler at 513-771-8470.)

Apr. 15 ( Sat.) : CSEES and Mershon Cen ter Conference: "Reform or Revolution? Nationalism in Eastern Europe" (see details below).

**********************************�***************************** HATJ:OHA1ISM CONFERENCE ATOSU

A distinguished group of specialists from the United States and Canada has been assembled for the April conference on "Reform or Revolution? Nationalism in Eastern Europe" .co-sponsored by CSEES and the Mershon Center. The conference will be held on Saturday, April 15th, from 9: 00 A.M. to 4: 30 P. M., in the Memorial Room (Room 222) of the Ohio Union. The conference is open to the public; faculty and students from other institutions as well as members of the general public are cordially invited.

The morning session, devoted to nationality problems in par­ ticular republics of the USSR, will feature presentations by Tonu Parming of the University of Toronto (Estonia) , Alfred Erich Senn of the University of Wisconsin (Lithuania), Juliette Stapanian of Emory University (Armenia) , and Roman szporluk of the University of Michigan (Ukraine) .

Panelists in the afternoon session will address questions of nationalism in various countries of Eastern Europe outside the USSR. They are: Jiri Hochman of the (Czechoslovakia) , Dan Nelson of the University of Kentucky (Poland and Romania) , Dennison Rusinow of the (), and Bennett Kovrig of the University of Toronto (Hungary) .

For further information about the conference contact either the CSEES office or one of the conference organizers--Carole Rogel (292-2674) , Frank Silbajoris (292-6733) , or Kenneth Naylor (292- 0436) .



Karen Coggins (B.A., University of Dayton) and Brenda Cornett (B. A. , University of Kentucky) are the first students to complete their enrollment in the new Master of Arts Program in Slavic and East European studies, administered by the Center. Both have transferred from a traditional departmental program at osu to the interdisciplinary Center program, in which students combine competence in a Slavic or East European language with related work in at least four University departments. Each student and his or her advisor plans a coherent set of courses according to the student's interests. Applications are also coming in from students not currently at osu, so that the admission of incoming students should begin later this year.



The Spring, 1989, list of the Ohio State University Press includes five significant new titles in the Slavic and East European field :

Lucian Blaga, Poems, translated and introduced by Andrei Codrescu, afterword by Marcel-Cornis Pop (June, 1989; $18.95) .

The Eyesight of Wasps: Poems by Osip Mandelshtam, translated by James Greene ( April, 1989; $18. 95) .

Judith Mayne, Kino and the Woman Question: Feminism and Soviet Silent Film (May, 1989; $22. 50) .

Stevan K. Pavlowitch, The Improbable Survivor: Yuaoslavia and Its Problems. 1918-1988 (Feb. , 1989; $25. 00) .

H. Gordon Skilling , Samizdat and an Indeoendent Societv in Central and Eastern Europe (March, 1989; $30. 00)

Books may be ordered from The Ohio State University Press, 180 Pressey Hall, 1070 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1002 (telephone 614-292-6930) .



Congratulations to Henry Ziegler, teacher of Russian at Cincinnati Princeton High School, who recently was awarded the Pushkin Medal by Soviet authorities for excellence in Russian language teaching . Ziegler began Princeton ' s Russian program in 1964. He is only the second American to receive the annual award in its 28-year history.



The Philosophy Department of the Ohio Wesleyan University is pleased to announce its first annual Conference on the Philoso­ phy, History, and Politics of Socialism, to be held at Phillips Hall on Saturday, March 25, 1989. The conference is organized by Professors Daniel Anderson , Chairperson of the Philosophy Department of Ohio Wesleyan, his colleague Loyd Easton, and Louis Patras, History, Kent State University, Stark Campus.

Papers for the conference may be on any topic concerning social­ ism, and of about twenty-minute duration. Participants should send titles of their papers and a brief vita to Louis Patras ,

3 -tC..aarnmn:pN:UHs;-,,.----t6�0'1"10t110� ------�ent stata_University, - stark Prank Ave-. N .W., Canton, Ohio 44720, by Jan. 25, 1989.

There will be a luncheon for participants and guests. The luncheon speaker is Dr. James P. Scanlan, Professor of Philosophy and Director of Slavic and Eastern European Studies, The Ohio state University. His talk is entitled "Perestroika and Marxism." The cost of the luncheon is $5. Please send a check or money order for this to Louis Patras, at the above address, also by Jan. 25, 1989. The check or money order should be made out to the Ohio Wesleyan University.

There is no registration fee and free parking will be provided. Maps will be furnished.



Summer East European Language Study at the University of Pittsburgh. From June 18 through August 12, 1989, the "official" AAASS East European Summer Language Institute will be held at the University of Pittsburgh. Languages to be taught at the intro­ ductory level are Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, and Slovenian. In addition, intermediate instruction will be available in Polish and Serbo-Croatian.

All courses will be intensive, with classes meeting every weekday for five hours. Total cost (tuition, fees, room, and board) will be $1900. This includes eight credits from the u. of Pittsburgh, all enrollment and credit transfer fees, and cultural programs held in connection with the Institute. Scholarships are avail­ able.

For further information call or write Margaret Kolodziej, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412-648-7407).

The Third NEB Summer Institute in Russian Language and CUIture will be held at Bryn Mawr College in from June 25 through July 22, 1989. The Institute is organized by the Center for Russian Language and Culture of Friends School, Baltimore, in cooperation with the Russian Language Institute of Bryn Mawr College and is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The program this summer will allow 25 teachers of Russian from high schools and small colleges as well as student teachers to immerse themelves in all aspects of Russian language, culture, and civilization. The NEH grant provides the par­ ticipants with instruction, travel expenses, room and board, and teaching materials as well as an $800 stipend. For further

4 - -- - i-nformatien--eontact Zi:ta_D�Dabars #-Friends�chool, Baltimore, MD

21210 (301-435-2800, ext. 3257) . The deadline for - completea ______--- applications is March 25, 1989.

�ummer study in the USSR. Two new opportunities for summer study in the USSR in. 1989 are available through the Council on International Educational Exchange--a Russian language and area study program at Kalinin State University and a program of Russian language study for science students at Novosibirsk State University. The application deadline for both programs is February 25, 1989. Additional information may be obtained from the Center office or from the CIEE, 205 E. 42nd st. , New York, NY 10017 (212-661-1414).



Randolph-Macon Woman's College. The German Studies Department is seeking an Instructor or Assistant Professor for a two-year renewable teaching position in German and Russian. Ph. D. preferred, commitment to excellence in teaching required. Near­ native fluency in both languages desired. Contact Prof. Linda Thomas, German studies Department, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia 24503.

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow has openings for all levels of Russian speakers and for some non-speakers. The jobs are for a minimum of two years. The jobs include technical support, driving, clerical support, translating, etc. Contact George Powers, Project Support Manager, Pacific Architects and Engineers, 1601 N. Kent st., suite 907, Arlington, VA 22209 (703-243-6464) .




March 25, 1989. Conference on the Philosophy, History, and Politics of Socialism at Ohio Wesleyan University (see details above).

=A�p=r�i=l,__�l�,.__�1-9::::..=8=9 · The Mid-Atlantic Slavic Conference (AAASS Regional Affiliate), annual meeting at Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA. Contact Helen Segall, Dept. of Russian Language, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013, or Jeffrey Hahn, Dept. of Political Science, Villanova u., Villanova, PA 19085.

5 _April 7, 1989. The 5th Annual Stud.ant Sy-iaosiml on t:he Soviet Union and East Europe at the University of Virginia. Proposals for papers on any aspect of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe are invited from graduate and undergraduate students in the humanities and social sciences. One-page abstracts of proposed paper topics should be submitted no later than February 17, 1989, to Sharon Joy Varney, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 109 Cabell Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Questions regarding the conference should be directed to: Sharon Joy Varney or Patricia Zook­ cuthbert at (804) 924-3548.

April 13-15 . 1989. Joint Conference of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association in Nashville, TN. Con­

ference preregistration - $30 ($40 on-site); workshops - $15/$30; hotel accommodations $62 per night single or double in a luxurious new hotel. Exhibitor and advertiser packets available now. Conference program, registration, and hotel reservation materials available in February, 1989. For information, please write: Jody Thrush, csc Executive Director, Madison Area Technical College, 3550 Anderson Street, Madison, WI 53704.

April 14-15, 1989. The New England Slavic Association (AAASS Regional Affiliate) annual meeting, Russian Research Center, Harvard University. Contributions from all disciplines welcome; complete panel proposals preferred. Contact carol Saivetz, NESA Program Chair, Russian Research Ctr., Harvard u., 1737 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02138.

April 15. 1989. Conference on "Reform or Revolution? Nationalism in Eastern Europe• at the Ohio Union, 1739 N. High Street, Columbus, 9: 00 A. M. -4: 30 P. M. The conference, which will feature presentations by specialists on various nationalities within the USSR and in the countries of Eastern Europe, is cosponsored by the Center for Slavic and East European studies and the Mershon center. For further information, contact CSEES or Carole Rogel, Department of History, telephone (614) 292-2674.

April 26-29. 1989. The Rocky Mountain Association for (AAASS Regional Affiliate), annual meeting in conjunction with the Western Social Sciences Association at the Hilton Hotel, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Contact Prof. Valery J. Assetto, Dept. of Political Science, Colorado State u. , Fort Collins, co 80523.

June 17, 1989. Workshop on Nationalism and Ethnic Tensions in the Soviet Union, 10: 00 A.M. - 4:00 P. M. , University of Illinois. Contact the Russian and East European Center, 1208 w. California Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801 (217-333-1244).

6 ------June 3 0-Julv 4-�-�gg:------CUItnraT Conference - on-Carpathian Mountains including Poland, the Ukraine and Transylvania, at Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, PA. For information, contact: Basia Dziewanowska, 41 Katherine Road, Watertown, MA 02172, (617) 926-8048.

Julv 22-29, 1989. The 7th International Dostoevsky Symposium. on the theme "Dostoevsky and the XXth Century, " sponsored by the International Dostoevsky Society, held in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Those interested, especially members of the International Dostoevsky Society and the North American Dostoevsky Society, should submit papers and requests for participation to: Prof. Nadine Natov, Slavic Dept., George Washington U. , Washington, DC 20052.

August 30-September 5, 1989. The VI International Congress of the International Association for the Study of Southeast Europe will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. For information, contact: Prof. Gale Stokes, History Dept., Rice U., Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251.

October 6-7, 1989. The annual meeting of the Central Slavic Conference (AAASS Regional Affiliate) at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Proposals on any topic are welcome, espe­ cially those devoted to the rise of Russian studies in the US since Sputnik. Charles E. Timberlake, History Dept., U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211.

October 12-14, 1989. The Southern Conference on Slavic Studies will be held at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. For more information contact the President of the Conference, Prof. J. Wieczynski of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

October 12-14, 1989. The 14th Annual European Studies Con­ ference, sponsored by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, is to be an interdisciplinary meeting with sessions devoted to the scholarly exchange of information, research methodologies and pedagogical approaches. In this bicentennial year, papers reflecting the varied heritage of the French Revolution are especially welcome. SAMPLE AREAS OF INTEREST: Arts and Litera­ ture; Science and Technology; Current Issues and Future Prospects in Cultural, Political, Social, Economic or Military Areas; Education and Socialization; Business; International Affairs; Religion; Ideology; Philosophy; Languages; Information Sciences; Planning; Public Administration; Regional Science; Urban Affairs; Europe and the Third World. PROCEDURE AND DEADLINE: Abstracts of papers and a curriculum vitae should be submitted by March 31, 1989, to Robert Nash, Conference Coordinator, University Library; or Lee Busselman, Conference Secretary, College of Continuing Studies, PKCC, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska 68182. Phone (402) 554-2884 or (402) 595-2323.

7 October 27-28, 1989. The 13th_ Annual Conference on -t:.he----'l'eaehinq------­ of Foreign Languages and Literatures will be held at Youngstown State University. The Committee is soliciting proposals for either workshops (2-1/2 hours), or other presentations (50 minutes or 30 minutes), on topics related to the teaching of foreign languages. The deadline for proposals is March 10, 1989. Send proposals or inquiries to: Foreign Language Conference, Department of Foreign Languages, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio 44555.

November 2-5, 1989. The 21st National Convention of the AAASS, hosted by the Midwest Slavic Conference, will take place in Chicago at the Palmer House Hotel. For information, call Marianna Tax Choldin at (217) 333-1244 or Keith Hitchens at (217) 333-9891.

November 3 - 4 , 1989. The second annual conference on Research Perspectives in Adult Language Learning and Acquisition (RP-ALLA

II) , Research papers on any aspect of adult language learning are invited. Send a 3-page abstract no later than April 15, 1989, to : RP-ALLA II, Foreign Language Center, Ohio State University, 155 Cunz Hall, 1841 Millikin Rd., Columbus, OH 43210.


July 23-28, 1990. The IV World Congress for Soviet and East European studies will convene in Harrogate, UK. Contact: Mr. J. D. Morrison, Dept. of Russian Studies, u. of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England.

October 18-21, 1990. The 22nd National Convention of the AAASS, hosted by the Washington Chapter, will be held in Washington, DC at the Washington Hilton.

8 ------�LsU:ePLEMENT (1/89)

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New Procedures for FLAS Fellowships

Applications for Foreign Language and Area Studies (Title VI) Fellowships in Slavic and East European Studies, formerly processed by the Graduate School, will now be handled directly by the Center. Application forms for fellowships for the academic year 1989-1990 are available at the Center office, and the completed forms and other application materials should be submitted directly to the Center office, rather than through Departments as in the past.

All current graduate students should already have received a copy of the application form. If you are such a student and did not receive one, please check with the Center office to make sure you are on our mailing list.

A related change in the application procedure is that the deadline for 1989-1990 applications has been moved from February 1st to April 1st, 1989.

Separate application forms for FLAS Fellowships for Summer Quarter. 1989, will be distributed soon.

Nationalism Seminar with the Mershon Center

Plans are continuing for a faculty seminar, co-sponsored by CSEES and the Mershon Center, on the subject "Nationalism and East-West Relations" during Spring Quarter, 1989 (see OSEEN Campus Supple­ ment 12/88) . Rick Herrmann (Political Science) is currently serving as the planning coordinator for the seminar (his co­ coordinator, Yuri Medvedkov, is out of the country during the

present quarter) • Any faculty member interested in the pos­ sibility of doing research on some aspect of the seminar topic and in taking part in the seminar should contact Rick at 292- 8196. Participation will be limited to 20 people.

Executive Committee Meeting

The next meeting of the CSEES Executive Committee will take place on Wednesday, February 8th, at 9:00 A.M., in 250 Dulles Hall.

Jim Scanlan