Taining to Kansas in the Civil War
5' 4 THE EMPORIA STATE TflE GRADUATE PUBLICATION OF THE KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, EMPORIA . Selected, Annotated Bibliography of Sources gin the Kansas State Historical Society Per- taining to Kansas in the Civil War QuankSs mid on Lawrence, August 21, 1863 (Kansas State Historical Society) J 4' .I.-' -.- a. By Eugene Donald Decker KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE EMPORIA, KANSAS A Selected, Annotated Bibliography of Sources ili the Kansas State Historical Society Pertaining to Kansas in the Civil War By Eugene Donald Decker <- VOLUME 9 JUNE 1961 NUMBER 4 THE EMPORIA STATE RESEARCH STUDIES is published in September, Dwember, March and June of each year by the Graduate Division of the Kansas State Teachers College, 1200 Commercial St., Emporia, Kansas. En- tered as second-class matter September 16, 1952, at the post office at Em- poria, Kansas, under the act of August 24, 1912. Postage paid at Emporia, Kansas. KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE EMPORIA . KANSAS JOHN E. KING President of the College THE GRADUATE DIVISION LAURENCEC. BOYLAN,Dean EDITORIAL BOARD TEDI?. ANDREWS,Professor of Biology and Head of Department WILLIAMH. SEILER,Professor of Social Scknce and Chairman of Division CHARLESE. WALTON,Professor of English GREEND. WYRICK,Associate Professor of English Editor of this issue: WILLIAMH. SEILER This publication is a continuation of Studies in Educa.tion published by the Graduate Division from 1930 to 1945. Papers published in this periodical are writ'ten by faculty members of the Kansas State Teachers College of Ernporia and by either undergraduate or graduabe students whose studies are conducted in residence under the super- vision of a faculty m,ember of the college.
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