Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460

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Evaluating energy consumption saving from translucent

building envelope

a b,∗

Aashish Ahuja , Khalid M. Mosalam


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

a r a

t i b s

c t

l e i n f o r a c t

Article history: The translucent concrete (TC) as a building envelope can offset some lighting energy that is consumed

Received 16 February 2017

within a room in an office. It is constructed from concrete panels which are functionalized by embedding

Received in revised form 6 May 2017

optical fibers during the manufacturing phase to transmit sunlight. From preliminary results, a volumetric

Accepted 20 June 2017

fiber ratio of 6% used in the TC panel leads to savings in lighting energy by around 50%. The utility of panels

Available online 31 August 2017

is enhanced if it reduces the heating and cooling requirements of the office room. The sunlight channeled

by optical fibers can contribute in heating of room during winter but in summer months, it leads to spike


in cooling loads. Also, daylight reduces heat dissipation from lighting installations and positively impacts


cooling loads. The conduction through walls allows heat to be removed from the room during morning

Energy utilization

but transmits heat from ambient environment into the room later in the afternoon and evening. The

Markov chain method

Solar radiation presented research combines thermal and lighting analyses to search for an optimal fiber volumetric

TC panels ratio for TC panels that would result in energy savings. The TC panels can cut down energy expenditure

Thermal analysis by 18% for a fiber volumetric ratio of 5.6% which renders the fabrication process to be practical.

© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Since the demand for natural daylighting inside the buildings is

well established, building designers are beginning to seek means

The utilization of sunlight to illuminate the interior spaces of other than windows to capture, transport, and deliver natural light

buildings is beneficial as it provides the human occupants with a into the interior spaces of the building. A recent study on novel

healthy environment. Moreover, it contributes to energy savings fac¸ ade material made of organic material like sucrose and capable of

by decreasing the electricity used for artificial lighting. Currently, diffusing light was published by Gutierrez and Zohdi [5]. Designers

exterior glazing is the primary approach to allow natural daylight to have also started using flexible solar light pipes for transmitting

pass through a building’s fac¸ ade. Also, we observe that the amount light into the inner rooms of the building. The interests in using

of external glazing used in a building, measured by window-to-wall alternative sources of lighting have led to the development of TC

ratio (WWR), is increasing in new and retrofitted buildings. A num- panels, which are envisioned to coexist with windows in a building

ber of industry codes in the United States like ASHRAE 90.1-2010 so as to not restrict the occupant’s view to the outside environment

and ASHRAE 189.1-2013 proposed to limit the amount of glazing or hamper an architect’s ability in designing aesthetically appealing

citing low insulation value, high solar heat gains, and the poten- buildings. As we see in Ahuja et al. [2], the optical fibers in the panel

tial for glare within the space. In addition, structural safety under have the ability to reduce glare and save up to 50% lighting energy

extreme loading conditions mandates reducing glazing or struc- using a reasonable fiber volumetric ratio of ∼6%.

turally assessing and designing the glass curtain walls, which are The utility of TC panels is enhanced if it can also reduce the

traditionally viewed as non-structural components, refer to Lu et al. heating and cooling loads of the office room. The solar radiation,

[14,15]. This paper considers replacing glazing by load-bearing pan- consisting of the entire spectrum of sunlight (ultraviolet, visible

els that can be functionalized for light transmission, namely the and infrared), channeled by optical fibers can contribute in heating

translucent concrete (TC) panels. the room during the winter season. On the other hand, if the opti-

cal fiber density in the TC panels is high, solar radiation leads to

overheating and causes cooling loads to consume larger portion of

the building energy. Moreover, the use of natural daylight in illumi-

∗ nating the office work space reduces heat dissipation from lighting

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (K.M. Mosalam). installations and positively impacts cooling loads. Moreover, con-

0378-7788/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460 449

Fig. 1. (a) A TC panel manufactured in the laboratory held against the sun and transmitting light, and (b) a computational model of TC panel with embedded optical fibers

(illustration not to scale).

duction through the walls allows heat to be removedfrom the room 2 2

= −

of fiber with a numerical aperture (N. A .) ( ncore ncladding ) of

during the morning but transmits heat from the ambient environ-

0.51. The numerical aperture exhibits a limited acceptance cone for

ment into the room later in the afternoon and evening. A thermal

light transmission given in Fig. 2.

analysis algorithm is developed to calculate the heat transfer due

to solar radiation, conduction through walls and heat dissipation

2.2. Transmission behavior of optical fibers

from lighting installations.The thermal analysis is coupled with

lighting analysis to search for an optimal optical fibervolumetric

The optical fibers in the TC panel undergo three noticeable phe-

ratio for the TC panels that would reduce the energy expenditure

nomena: reflection and refraction on its top surface and TIR along

on lighting, heating and cooling with respect to energy spent in a

the inside walls of the fiber. The fraction of light energy refracted

daylight-deprived room with opaque walls.

into the optical fiber medium is given as in Zohdi [26]:

Further advancements in this technology involve substituting

⎛ ⎞ normal weight concrete (NWC) with a new called 2 2

nˆ 2


− − the ultra-lightweight composites (ULCC) developed in Wu ⎜ cos i nˆ sin i

1 ⎜⎜ ˆ ⎟

et al. [25]. The composite material achieves its light weight from

R = 1 − ⎝ ⎠

2 ⎝ 2

the inclusion of cenospheres that coincidentally also enhances the nˆ 2 2

+ −

cos i nˆ sin i

thermal insulation of ULCC. The previously mentioned simulations ˆ ⎞

⎛ ⎞2 (1)

are repeated by substituting NWC with ULCC and a small increase

1 2 2

cos − nˆ − sin

in overall energy saving is observed. ⎜ i i ⎟ ⎟

+⎝ ˆ ⎠ ⎟

The TC panel has the potential to redefine the way people think ⎠

1 2 2

of concrete walls, from that of opaque and bland element of the cos + nˆ − sin

i ˆ i

envelope, to one that is transporting and providing natural daylight

into the interior space of an otherwise artificially lit room. Thus,it

≤ R ≤ = =

where 0 1 for an angle of incidence i, ˆ t /i 1 (ˆ is

is envisioned that together with existing building components, the

the ratio of magnetic permeabilities for transmission and incident

TC panels might be able to save energy and also offer a comfortable


media) and nˆ nt /ni (nˆ is the ratio of refractive indices for trans-

indoor environment to its occupants.

mission and incident media). Light rays that do not follow the TIR

are converted to heat within the fiber.

2. Theory and modeling

2.3. Ray tracing and light losses in optical fibers

2.1. Constructing and modeling the TC panel

The interaction of light rays with optical fibers is computed using

a ray tracing method. The development of the ray tracing solver

In the study, the TC is manufactured in the laboratory in the form

used in this research has been described in detail in Ahuja et al. [1]

of panels with dimensions 0.3 m × 0.3 m × 0.1 m. The same dimen-

sions are used as reference in computational modeling of the TC

panel. The manufactured unit of TC panel and its equivalent com-

putational model are shown in Fig. 1. Each TC panel consists of

optical fibers embedded during the construction of the concrete

panel and by varying the volumetric ratio of these fibers, one can

control the transparency of the panel. The optical fiber is a cylinder

with diameter of 5 mm. The light travels in the core of the opti-

cal fiber which is made of PMMA (Poly-Methyl MethAcrylate). This

core is surrounded by a thin layer of PF (PerFluorinated) polymer

known as the cladding, which protects the core and allows light

to propagate by Total Internal Reflection (TIR) at the core-cladding

interface. The refractive index of the cladding is less than that of

the core, a requirement necessary to initiate TIR. Also, in the case of

plastic optical fibers, refractive indexes vary slightly over a range

of wavelengths (280–4000 nm) as given in [7]. This study used

a refractive index of 1.49 for the core and 1.40 for the cladding,

Fig. 2. Performance of optical fiber deteriorates as light rays subtend larger angles

which were provided by the manufacturer of the considered type with fiber. All meridonial rays intersect the centerline of the fiber during ray tracing.

450 A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460

length of L (in km) is calculated by applying Eq. (2) as given in [10]

to each spectrum of terrestrial radiation.


Eo() exp(−(˛R + ˛e)L)d 1

T(L) = (2) 2 Eo()d


where the solar spectral distribution, Eo() as a function of


= the wavelength , is defined as Eo() 5 − with [exp(C2/) 1]

−21 2 −6


C1 = 8.097 10 Wm and C2 = 2.497 × 10 m. Eq. (2) is applied

to calculate the attenuation in the intensity of each ray as a func-

tion of the length travelled by the ray in an attenuating medium

like optical fiber.

2.4. Computing savings in lighting energy

Fig. 3. Normalized light distribution exiting from the fiber into the room at differ-

ent polar emission angles, . The largest fraction of light flux is transmitted along

= 11 .

The savings in lighting energy from TC panels is calculated using

the procedure described in Ahuja et al. [2]. The procedure is sum-

marized in the following paragraphs.

and Zohdi [26]. The theory for ray tracing and its complete trajec- 2.4.1. Choosing a sky model

tory discretization in space for advancing light rays using numerical The ray tracing algorithm for a TC panel is coupled with a solar

techniques is detailed in Appendix A. Ray tracing proceeds by track- radiation model to estimate the amount of sunlight that is transmit-

ing each ray in the core of the optical fiber as it changes trajectory. ted by the panel. The Perez-sky Model [19] extracts hourly data for

The solver also accounts for intrinsic losses of light occurring within sunlight irradiances/illuminances from the typical meteorological

the fiber according to Zubia and Arrue [27]. These losses include: year (TMY) weather file for a location and differentiates the values

into their components (direct radiation, isotropic radiation, circum-

solar disk radiation and horizon brightening). The equations for

Perez-sky model are modified further to calculate the transmission

1 Rayleigh scattering in the fiber from the random density fluctu-

of radiation by TC panels and used in this research.

ations caused by irregular microscopic structure of the fiber. For

633 4

= ×

a PMMA core, the loss factor is ˛R 13 dB/km [8].

2 Light absorption from electronic transitions between the 2.4.2. Illumination calculations over a workplane

= ×

excited and the ground state. Loss factor is ˛e 1.58 The calculations for the illumination of a workplane due to

− × 4

12 1.15 10 transmission of light by the TC panels was executed in the far

10 exp dB/km [9].

field where the crossing of rays (caustics) is negligible and the

illumination distribution has the form of the intensity distribu-

tion. The optical fiber has a circular end and hence, the far field

Light absorption leads to heating up of the optical fiber, is defined as the region outside an imaginary hemisphere with a

whereas the radiation dissipated via the scattering process is radius bigger than at least five times the diameter [12]. The RADI-

rejected from the optical fiber. The significant terrestrial radiation ANCE software can model customized luminaires and define the

(280–4000 nm) is broken into 3 spectra: Ultraviolet (UV) range luminous intensity distribution, using the function ies2rad, for cal-

(280–380 nm), visible light range (380–780 nm) and infrared (IR) culating illuminance at different points inside the modeled room.

range (780–4000 nm) of solar radiation. The intrinsic transmittance The optical fiber is a point source that emits diffused light accord-

of a PMMA optical fiber with rays having an average optical path ing to the transmission curve illustrated in Fig. 3, calculated using

Fig. 4. (a) Interior HDR photograph of testbed room, and (b) distribution of measured indoor illuminance at different emulated light intensities.

A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460 451

ray tracing. The average luminous intensity, I , emitted into a


solid angle, ωi is expressed as:  v  I = i = i (3) c(ωi) 89 ωi

ωi i=0vi

where i is the light flux passing through ωi, vi takes a value

≤ ≤

between 0 vi 1 and normalizes the proportion of light associ-

ated with ωi with respect to the light flux passing through ω11

(the maximum light flux passes through ω11 as observed in Fig. 3).

 is the net light flux emitted by the exit aperture of the optical fiber

which is distributed between 90 elevation angles of 1 each, that

cover the entire hemisphere. Each ωi is a three dimensional angle

subtended by a section of the hemisphere that can be represented


= − +

ωi 2 (cos i cos(i 1)) (4)

where 0 ≤ i ≤ 89.

2.4.3. Preliminary experimental results

The TC panels in Fig. 1a were used to create a wall in the exper-

Fig. 5. Occupancy model algorithm proposed by Page et al. [18] and used in this

imental testbed setup that allows full-scale experimentation. The


TC wall was excited using a daylight emulator and the illuminance

(in lux) was calculated at the 12 sensors that occupy the room as

shown in Fig. 4a. The results for distribution of indoor illuminances

at different light intensity excitations are shown in Fig. 4b. We

observe from Fig. 4b that the optical fibers emit diffused light such

that all sensors placed at equal y-distance from the wall records

almost similar illuminance values. This is also observed from sim-

ulations and thus, qualitatively, compares well with preliminary

experimental results.

Remark : In the future, the testbed containing TC panels will

be simulated and the computed results for illuminances will be

compared with sensor recorded values.

2.4.4. Occupancy estimation:

A randomized model for occupancy, called the inhomogeneous

Markov chain Monte Carlo method [18] was applied to real occu-

Fig. 6. Probabilistic curve for switch-on at arrival.

pancy data acquired from an office room with three occupants,

situated in Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, to predict the lighting require-

ments of the room. The Markov chain model for occupancy uses the

idea that the probability of presence at a time step only depends the switching actions of users for different events. The probabilis-

on the state of presence at the previous time step. In other words, tic curve for switch-on at arrival was adapted from Hunt [6], which

the probability that an occupant is present now only depends on was developed using time-lapse photography to emulate the occu-

whether he/she was present one time step ago and not on whether pants switch-on action at arrival in the room. It is also observed that

he/she has been present over a past long period of time. The situa- the users seldom operate switches while they have been present

tion is described using two parameters: (i) the profile of probability for sometime in the room. This curve, shown in Fig. 6 relates the

of presence of occupants over a typical week and (ii) a parameter of amount of desk illuminance to the likelihood of an occupant switch-

mobility that gives an idea of how frequently people move in and ing on the light.

out of their office zone. These parameters are then used to capture The intermediate light switching means the act of interacting

the time-dependent probabilities of transitions, Tij, for each occu- with artificial lighting at occasions other than upon arrival to or

pant as they switch between states of presence and absence. The before departure from the office. The intermediate switching-on

algorithm for calculating occupancy is represented as a flow chart event was shown to be dependent on the illuminance threshold

in Fig. 5. of the users Lindelöf and Morel [11]. As soon as the illuminance

reduced below the threshold, the switch-on probability sharply

2.4.5. Light switching predictions rose to a level between 1% and 4%. The data for intermediate

The current research includes three kinds of light switching switch-on probability is presented in Fig. 8. The probability of an

activities that are commonly observed in offices and commercial intermediate switching-off event is observed to be much lower

buildings. These are: than an intermediate switching-on event as shown in Fig. 7. This

indicates that the users switched off their lights mostly on their

1 Switch-on at arrival way out of the office while keeping the lights switched on for the

2 Intermediate switch-on rest of the day. For all the light-switching models, it is argued

3 Intermediate switch-off that the occupants’ actions are a function of the minimum illu-

minance received on the workplane. This observation has been

demonstrated in Reinhart and Voss [23], Love [13], Boyce et al. [3],

The use of manual controls by the user are tied to their pres-

Pigg et al. [20].

ence in the room. For this, we use multiple models that simulate

452 A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460

Fig. 7. Intermediate switch-on (for illuminance = 0, p = 1.0 is assumed). Fig. 8. Intermediate switch-off (for illuminance = 0, p = 1.0 is assumed).

2.4.6. Pseudo code and assumptions

The pseudo code for energy savings estimator is presented in

Algorithm 1. The algorithm begins with the precondition that illu-

minance on the workplane for each occupant is available. Using

Markov chain model, the algorithm generates a randomized annual

occupancy profile. The switching models based on illuminance val-

ues and the occupancy status (i. e . Present or Absent) at the current

moment decides whether the user prefers artificial lighting or sun-

light. Total energy savings is simply the energy offset (in kWh)

during the year when the occupant did not use electric lighting.The

switch-off probability at departure was excluded from the lighting

performance model. It was assumed that the lights had occupancy

sensors which switched off automatically as soon as the occupants

left their space. Luminaire Rating is the power consumed by elec-

trical lighting to illuminate the desk of an occupant. The procedure

given in Algorithm 1 is averaged over 100 profiles to give a mean

Fig. 9. Elements, I, II and III, with different material properties. Intermediate grid

prediction of energy savings. points Ti+1/2,j,k and Ti−1/2,j,k between elements, I & II and II & III, respectively.

Algorithm 1. Energy savings estimator

enters/leaves the room increases the loads on the HVAC (heating,

Require Ray Tracing using ∼ 100,000 rays: Calculate 

ventilation and air-conditioning) system which are important in

Require Workplane illuminance to be calculated

1: save ←− 0 estimating its sizing.

2: for 1 to 100 do

3: Generate: Annual Occupancy Profile

2.5.1. Finite difference method for conduction

4: for (1 to 365 days) do

The general heat transfer in a multi-layered wall due to conduc-

5: switch ←− 0

6: occi−1 (at 8 am) ←− 0 tion of heat is given as follows:

7: T = 8 am

8: while (T < 6 pm) do ∂T

cp = ∇.(∇T) (5)

9: illum ←− Workplane Illuminance ∂t

10: occ ←− CurrentOccupancy


= =

11: if occi−1 and occi is 0 then where (r) is the mass density of the TC panel, cp cp(r) is the

12: switch ←− 0 

specific heat at constant pressure and  = (r) is the heat conduc-

13: else if occi is 1 then 

tivity of the TC which are dependent on location, r = (x, y, z).

14: if occi−1 is 0 then

To solve Eq. (5) numerically, a 3D finite difference scheme based

15: switch ←− SwitchOnAtArrival

16: if switch is 0 then on explicit discretization of the heat equation and supporting inclu-

17: save++ sion of heterogeneous materials as given in Praprotnik et al. [21]

18: else ifocci−1 is 1 and switch is 1 then

was adopted. The code was validated in Praprotnik et al. [21] by

19: switch ←− SwitchOnInter

solving the heat conduction equation, analytically and numerically

20: ifswitch is 0 then

using the presented scheme, on a 1-D heat conductor composed

21: save++

22: else of two materials with the same thicknesses but different densities,

23: switch ←− SwitchOffInter

specific heats and conductivity constants. The convergence crite-

+ −

24: if switch is 0 then n 1 n 15

− = ria for the validation problem was set as Tk−1 Tk−1 < 10

25: save++

(where T is the temperature, k is the node number and n is the cur-

26: T +=1/2 h (Energy savings are calculated every half-hour)

27: Savings per occupant is calculated as: rent time step). The validation study given in the reference was

× ×

28: LuminaireRating save/100(kW) 1/2(hr) conducted using Python platform prior to solving the transient

heat transfer problem in current research. The properties of het-

2.5. Heat conduction in TC panels erogeneous materials (i. e . concrete, XPS and drywall) used in the

construction of a multilayered wall can be easily accounted for in

The TC panel consists of concrete and plastic optical fibers that this scheme. A special mesh is generated to cover the volume of the

are both known to conduct heat when exposed to a temperature domain. First, grid nodes are placed at the center of grid elements

difference. The optical fibers, moreover, channel heat and radiate as shown in Fig. 9. Then, to fulfil the transient condition for equal-

it into the room. They use the same principles for heat radiation ity of temperature at the interfaces between grid elements, new

as were used to transmit light (see Section 2.2). The total heat that intermediate grid points are introduced (Ti+1/2,j,k, Ti−1/2,j,k along the

A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460 453

x axis; similar points are added along y and z axes) on the inter-

face between grid elements as labeled in Fig. 9. Within each grid

element the properties are homogeneous (i. e .  = I) such that the

second spatial derivative of temperature at the center of a 3D grid

element is given as:   2 2 2 ∂T ∂ T ∂ T ∂ T

cp = + + ∂t ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂z2 (6) ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T + . + . + . ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z

∂ ∂

The value of is constant within a grid element, i. e . = = ∂x ∂y

= 0. Therefore, the discretization of Eq. (6) in time, t, and space,


x, y, z gives: 

n+1 n n n n

− + − T 2T T Ti,j,k Ti,j,k i+1/2,j,k i,j,k i−1/2,j,k

cp = 2 i,j,k i,j,k t i,j,k x2

n − n n

+ T + 2T T −

+ i,j 1/2,k i,j,k i,j 1/2,k + (7)

y2 Fig. 10. Heat exchange between TC panel, outside ambient and indoor room condi-

 tions. Illustrative image of a section of the TC panel and modes of heat transfer.

n n n

T − 2T + T i,j,k+1/2 i,j,k i,j,k−1/2


where qdis is the heat dissipated in fiber of RVE. For each element,

the discretization in Eq. (7) is rewritten as:


Indices i, j, k} denote the spatial discretization in the {x, y, z} direc-


tions, respectively, and x, y, z are the corresponding spatial n 1 n n − T T T −

i,j,k i,j,k n n i 1/2,j,k

= − +

step sizes. The time discretization is implied by the superscripts in cp 2 T 2T

i,j,k i,j,k t i,j,k i+1/2,j,k i,j,k x2

terms of n with time step being t.

n n n

At the interface of grid elements with different material prop- T 2T + T

+ i,j+1/2,k i,j,k i,j−1/2,k +

erties, the flux conservation condition holds: y2   

  n n n

− +

∂T  ∂T  T + 2T T −

= + i,j,k i,j,k i, j, k i+1,j,k i 1, j, k (8) i,j,k 1/2 i,j,k 1/2   + (q ) ∂x ∂x z2 dis i,j,k     (12)

∂T  ∂T 

− =

i−1,j,k i 1, j, k i,j,k  i, j, k (9)

∂x ∂x Interface Eqs. (8) and (9) holds in this case as well.

The 3D interface conditions given in Eqs. (8) and (9) are discretized

2.6. Boundary conditions and assumptions

and rearranged as follows:

The heat transfer mechanisms for a TC panel consists of (1) Heat + i,j,kTi,j,k i±1,j,kTi±1,j,k

T ± = (10)

i 1/2,j,k conduction through both the concrete and optical fibers, (2) Con- +

i,j,k i±1,j,k

vection of heat from TC exterior and interior-facing surfaces to

Ti,j±1/2,k and Ti,j,k±1/2 are defined similarly to Eq. (10). The heat equa- ambient environment and room, respectively, (3) Radiation to sky

tion for the TC panel also considers the heat dissipated inside the and walls of the room, (4) Light absorption in optical fibers [9] and

fiber smeared evenly along the entire length of the fiber. To rep- later dissipation in form of heat, (5) Direct and diffuse solar radi-

resent the effect of heat dissipation in fiber, the following heat ation transmission by optical fibers into the interior of the room.

equation has been introduced to supplement Eq. (5): This leads to rise in the temperature of the TC panel during the day

and also transfer some of that heat due to conduction and radia-


tion. The scenario of thermal exchange between the TC panel, the

= ∇ ∇ +

cp .( T) qdis (11)

∂t ambient environment and indoors is represented in Fig. 10.

Fig. 11. RVE of a TC panel with 4 × 4 fibers arranged in a regular pattern.

454 A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460

Fig. 12. Isometric view of the RVE. The faces of RVE are named from A to F.

The TC panel can be divided into a number of smaller ‘Represen-

tative Volume Elements (RVEs)’ such that each element preserves

the volumetric ratio of fibers as was modeled in the original TC

panel composite. An example of a RVE in a TC panel containing 16

fibers (arranged in a 4 × 4 pattern) is shown in Fig. 11. The RVE in

the figure is a single volume that consists of only one fiber such that

each TC panel is composed of 16 RVEs. An isometric view of a RVE

is given in Fig. 12. The mesh for RVE is given in Fig. 13. The different

colors along the length of RVE represents the different layers of the

wall (concrete, XPS insulation, drywall) while the mesh in center

of the block is used to discretize the fiber. The faces are marked as

A, B, C, D, E and F. The following boundary conditions are applied:

1 Faces C through F of a RVE from TC panel are surrounded by other

similar RVEs and thus, we can apply periodic boundary conditions

(PBCs) to RVE. PBCs are defined as conditions which are chosen

for approximating or simulating a large system by using a small

part called a unit cell or RVE. The solution at the RVE faces C − F are

Fig. 13. Grid used for discretization of RVE. Different colors represent the layers of

periodic as a function of each of the spatial variables. Therefore,

wall and fiber. The mesh size is 76 × 76 × 190 elements. (For interpretation of the

in the heat transfer problem the following PBCs are applied:

references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of

(a) The temperature at both ends is equal

the article.)

T(0, y, z, t) = T(W, y, z, t); T(x, 0, z, t) = T(x, H, z, t) (13)

where W is the width and H is the height of the panel.

2 ◦

results in a view factor of F12 = sin 90 =1. The view factor F12 is

(b) The heat flux at both ends is equal the fraction of energy exiting an isothermal surface 1 by emis-

sion, that directly impinges and is absorbed on surface 2. View

∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T factors depend only on geometry. The RVE exchanges radiation

(0, y, z, t) = (W, y, z, t); (x, 0, z, t) = (x, H, z, t) (14)

∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y with room at mean radiant temperature, Tmean, which is calcu-

lated from the weighted average of the surface temperatures for

Remark: It is assumed that the same RVE blocks are repeated

the three walls, i. e . those without TC panels, ceiling and roof

several times to create a south-facing TC wall. The connections

adjacent and opposite to the wall containing TC panels. The heat

between the TC panel edges are not taken into account as that

balance across face A for both materials, concrete and fiber, can

would have required meshing an entire TC panel containing sev-

be represented as follows:

eral fibers which would have significantly raised the computational

cost. Using supercomputing capabilities and same algorithm, it is

possible to re-design and simulate the current heat transfer prob-

∂T 4 4

lem such that it contains thermal bridges and connections between − |FaceA + hroom(Troom − TA) + (T − T ) = 0 (15)

∂z mean A

TC panels. Currently, it is outside the scope of our research.

2 Face A overlooks the interior of the room. It is exposed to the room where TA = TA(x, y) is the temperature of face A of the RVE, hroom is

air and also has radiation exchange with the rest of the surfaces the convection coefficient inside the room with set-point tempera-

inside the room. It is assumed that face A is surrounded by sur- ture for cooling and heating given as Troom, = 0.95 is the emissivity

−8 4 2


faces (other walls, ceiling, floor) that act like a hemispherical cap of all the surfaces inside the room and = 5.6703 10 W/(K m )

around the wall surface and subtends a half angle of 90 which is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. The discretized form of Eq. (15)

A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460 455

which is valid for both, fiber and concrete, constituting face A is expressed as follows:

4 4

(T − T ) + h (T − T ) mean i,j,k+1/2 room room i,j,k+1/2 (16) 2

− i,j,k

(T + − T ) = 0

z i,j,k 1/2 i,j,k

The terms are rearranged to give Eq. (17) which is solved for Ti,j,k

making use of Eq. (10) written for Ti,j,k+1/2 instead of Ti±1/2,j,k using

Newton’s iterations.  4 2i,j,k T + h + T + i,j,k+1/2 room z i,j,k 1/2  

2i,j,k 4

+ − T − h T − T = 0 (17)

z i,j,k room room mean

The total solar radiation (direct and diffuse), qsun, is channeled

through an optical fiber and transmitted directly into the room from

face A which, acts as a sink and absorbs heat.

3 Face B interacts with the ambient environment. The concrete part

Fig. 14. Room model for conducting coupled thermal and lighting analyses in Berke-

of Face B absorbs solar radiation in the form of direct and diffused ley.

sunlight while the entire face exchanges heat with the surround-

ings using convection and radiation. The heat exchange for face

B is given as: USA) and Modelica (v3.0, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


∂T 4

| + − + − = FaceB hamb(Tamb TB) qsolar T 0, for concrete (18)

∂z B

3. Observations and discussion

∂T 4

| + − − =

FaceB hamb(Tamb TB) TB 0, for fibers (19)

∂z The TC panel is exposed to heat due to the solar radiation

incident on the wall and the temperature difference that exists

where TB = TB(x, y) is the temperature of face B of the RVE, hamb

between the outdoor environment and the indoor conditions. This

is the ambient convection coefficient, is emissivity (= 0.95) and

leads to a rise in the temperature of the TC panel during the day

qsolar is the solar radiation absorbed by the concrete part of face

and also transfers some of that heat into the room due to convec-

B. The concrete part of the TC panel is assumed to be leadership

tion and radiation. The scenario of thermal exchange between the

in energy and environmental design (LEED) certified, which sets

TC panel, the ambient environment and indoors for a place like

its surface absorptivity value to throughout the solar spectrum [1].

Berkeley (California) was presented in Fig. 10.

Thus, only 36% of the total incident solar radiation is absorbed by

concrete (qsolar) while 64% of incident solar radiation is reflected.

Since the optical fiber guides solar radiation, the heat, qsolar, is not 3.1. Heat sources in the room

absorbed by the face of the fiber. In the discretized form, Eq. (18)

can be written as follows: A model room (shown in Fig. 14) with a width and height of 3 m

and a depth of 2.895 m is prepared for analyzing the impact of heat


(T − − T ) + h (T − − T )

i,j,k 1/2 i,j,k amb i,j,k 1/2 amb and light on the HVAC loads of the room. The room is maintained at

z (20) ◦

22 C which corresponds to the set-point temperature for heating

− 4

+ =

q T 0

solar i,j,k−1/2 and cooling. The south-facing wall (shown with a checkered face

in Fig. 14) is composed fully of TC panels. The heat, qsun, arrives as

Eq. (19) can be discretized similarly. Rearranging the terms in the

diffused solar radiation into the space of the room through opti-

discretized forms for the concrete and optical fiber parts of face B

cal fibers in the TC panels. It is assumed that the solar radiation is


  instantly removed by the HVAC in the room to maintain the set-

point temperature and hence, does not heat the walls of the room.

2i,j,k 4

+ h T − + T

z amb i,j,k 1/2 i,j,k−1/2 Heat is also conducted into/out of the space through the walls of

⎧ the room. The ceiling and floor of the room are insulated so there is

⎪ 2i,j,k no heat transfer through them. The room consists of three installa-

⎨ + +

qsolar hambTamb Ti,j,k for concrete

z tions of T8 Fluorescent lamps consuming 32 W each. The lamps are

= (21)

⎪ designed to provide a constant illumination of 400 lx on workspaces

⎩ 2i,j,k

T + h T for fiber of occupants. These lamps also dissipate 77% of their total input

z i,j,k amb amb

power as heat into the room during times of operation [22], which

The equations are solved using Newton’s iterative solver. can further add to the cooling load of the HVAC system. Hence, it

is important to control the daylight through the optical fibers in TC

4 Some limitations exist in the current model with respect to cal- panels to provide sufficient illumination inside the room while also

culating the radiative heat exchange with exterior surroundings cutting back on the heat gains.

(e. g . ground and other buildings). Though the contribution of

Remark 1. The set-point temperature of 22 C was used since it

these quantities to the net heat transfer is small, their calculations

corresponded to the temperature at which the highest occupant

would require complicated formulations which are better dealt

productivity was observed by Seppänen et al. [24].

by softwares like EnergyPlus (v8.5 Department of Energy (DOE),

456 A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460

Table 1

Material properties and heat transfer coefficients for conduction.

Parameter Value/expression

External walls Concrete (0.1 m), XPS insulation

(0.075 m), Drywall (0.0156 m)

Concrete mix composition Water, cement, fly-ash, fine aggregate


R-value of layered-wall 2.81 m K/W


R-value of fibers 1 m K/W

concrete 1.36 W/mK

(Experimental results from SERIS, Singapore)

XPS 0.028 W/mK

drywall 0.276 W/mK, [16]

fiber 0.2 W/mK 3

concrete 2180.79 kg/m

(Experimental results from SERIS, Singapore) 3 XPS 25 kg/m


drywall 752 kg/m , [16] 3 fiber 1180 kg/m

cp,concrete 750 J/kgK

cp,XPS 1500 J/kgK

cp,drywall 1017 J/kgK, [16]

cp,fiber 1450 J/kgK


hamb 5.7 + 3.8 vs W/m K

(vs is outside wind speed, [17]) 2

hroom 8.29 W/m K

(Recommended by ASHRAE)

Emissivity, 0.95

HVAC operating schedule 8 am to 6 pm daily

Fig. 15. The arrangement of different layers (concrete, Extruded PolyStyrene (XPS)

insulation, drywall) in the walls of the room.

3.2. Parameters of heat conduction through walls

The walls facing North, East and West are opaque while the

wall facing South are either translucent (with TC panels) or opaque

(windowless). All the walls (including the wall with TC panels) are

multi-layered and the layers are arranged as given in Fig. 15. The

heat from ambient environment and solar radiation is conducted

through the different layers of the wall including walls with TC pan-

els. This heat is released into the room through the surfaces of walls

facing the inside of the room. A fraction of this heat from a wall sur-

face is convected into the room due to presence of HVAC circulated

air while remaining heat is radiated and exchanged with the sur-

rounding wall surfaces. The interior space considered here is small

Fig. 16. Heat dissipated inside the room by fluorescent lamps for different volumet-

but the algorithm is modular to consider modifications in the room

ric ratios of optical fibers in the used TC panels.

due to (1) geometry i. e . variations in room sizes (or wall and floor

area dimensions) and thicknesses of walls, (2) material composi-

The heat is dissipated inside the room from the use of artifi-

tion of walls, (3) number of occupants and (4) number of lighting

cial lighting and transmission of solar radiation for each day of the

installations. The geometrical dimensions and material properties

entire year. It is observed that for days when solar radiation into

for the layers in the walls and the heat transfer coefficients used in

the room is low (due to presence of cloudy skies), more artificial

the simulations are listed in Table 1.

illumination is necessitated which becomes the major reason for

heat dissipation. On the contrary, the ratio of heat dissipated on

3.3. Total energy consumption from thermal and lighting analyses weekends would be primarily attributed to the solar radiation into

the room due to lower occupancy levels which requires lesser use

Thermal and lighting simulations are conducted for the room of artificial lighting.

shown in Fig. 14. The finite difference scheme presented previously The cumulative heat dissipated due to electric lighting decreases

is used to solve for heat conduction under appropriate bound- as the volumetric ratio of optical fibers in the TC panels increases.

ary conditions. The heat conduction in opaque walls is calculated This trend is observed in Fig. 16 where the utilization of fluores-

using a 1D model since the material properties are considered to cent lamps reduces due to sufficient illumination present during

be homogeneous in the plane of the wall, while for a TC panel, a longer times of the day. The rate of reduction in heat dissipation

3D model of its RVE is used (Fig. 12). The occupancy models are becomes more gradual as the number of fibers in the TC panels

used in conjunction with the light switching models to estimate increases beyond 100 (∼7.56% volumetric fiber density). This shows

the heat dissipated inside the room during the year due to the use that the energy dissipated by lighting installations can never reach

of artificial lighting. zero owing to random light-switching behavior of occupants.

A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460 457

Fig. 17. The net daily heating and cooling loads experienced by the HVAC system

due to conduction, heat dissipation by fluorescent tubes and solar radiation from

optical fibers.

Fig. 19. The percentage of heat removed at the start of the day for the whole year

to the total heat conducted away.

Fig. 18. Cumulative heating and cooling loads for a room with south-facing wall Fig. 20. Daily heating and cooling loads experienced by HVAC system in a room

composed of TC panels compared to a south-facing opaque wall. with TC panels containing 256 fibers.

Finally, the contribution of heat conduction through the walls

majority of heating for the day is provided during the first half-

is also considered which gives the total load on the HVAC system

hour (8 am–8:30 am) (Fig. 19), (2) during the morning times the

when combined with the loads due to solar radiation and heat dissi-

solar radiation transmitted through the optical fibers is low which

pation due to artificial lighting. The initial temperature of the walls

is not sufficient to equalize the heat loss through walls, and (3)

before the start of simulation (i. e . at 8 am) is set to the outside

the R-value of an optical fiber is about 2.81 times lower than the

temperature for the previous hour (i. e . at 7 am). The parameters

remaining wall structure. As the fiber volumetric ratio is increased,

used in boundary conditions (e. g . wind speed ( ), T , q , etc .)

vs amb solar the heat in the room is further removed by conduction through

are first set at the start of the simulation and are then updated after

the optical fibers. Thus, a slight reduction in the percentage of heat

every thirty minutes (by referring to the weather file for that time

removed due to conduction at start of day for the entire year to


of the day). The HVAC system is stopped at 6 pm, marking the end

the total heat conducted away is observed (Fig. 19). On the con-

of the simulation period for the day. The simulations are repeated

trary, higher optical fiber density also causes overheating of the

for all the days in the year to give the cumulative amount of heating

room, especially during winter afternoons when the Sun’s altitude

and cooling loads on the HVAC system. Fig. 17 shows the distribu-

is low and almost normal to the wall, which imposes greater cool-

tion of net daily heating or cooling loads experienced by the room.

ing loads and unfortunately, requires operating an air conditioning

Fig. 18 gives the relative variations in cumulative heating and cool-

system even during winter months. This trend is shown in Fig. 20

ing loads, for a room with a south-facing wall made up of TC panels

for a room containing TC panels embedded with 256 fibers corre-

with different optical fiber densities, when compared with a room

sponding to 22.3% fiber volumetric ratio. The contributions of heat

with an opaque south-facing wall. Surprisingly, it is the observed

flow into the room separately due to conduction, solar radiation

from Fig. 18 that the heating loads are almost unchanged as the

and heat dissipation from luminaires are given in Fig. 21. The pos-

fiber density ratio in TC panels is increased. This can be attributed

itive values in Fig. 21 refers to the amount of heat gained by the

to three reasons: (1) The initial temperature of the walls at the start

room due to sources like solar radiation, etc . while negative values

of the day is set to an ambient temperature at 7 am. Therefore, the

signify heat lost due to conduction through walls.

The energy that is spent by the HVAC to maintain a tempera-

ture of 22 C inside the room can be monetized to give an estimate

1 of the changes in expenditure on utilities due to the introduction

The half-hourly values are calculated from the weather file by taking the mean

values of the parameters for the current hour and the next hour. of wall composed of TC panels. As an example case, consider an

458 A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460

Table 2

Material properties for ULCC and new wall composition.

Parameter Value

External walls ULCC (0.1 m), XPS insulation (0.075 m),

Drywall (0.0156 m)

ULCC composition Water, binder, cenospheres, superplasticizer,

shrinkage reducing admixture


R-value of layered-wall 2.99 m K/W

ULCC 0.40 W/mK [25] 3

ULCC 1303 kg/m [25]

cp,ULCC 788 J/kg K [4]

Fig. 21. The contribution of each of the heating and cooling loads (expressed in

kWh) to the total HVAC load.

Fig. 23. Total expenditure on cooling, heating and lighting the room space; esti-

mated savings in energy after redesigning the TC panels and walls with ULCC and

comparing the results with a room containing opaque walls constructed from NWC.

plete overview of the different types of ULCC mixtures, the reader

is referred to research published in Wu et al. [25]. In this example,

we select the material properties (Table 2) for one type of ULCC

mix referred to as ‘ULCC-1’ in Wu et al. [25]. With the inclusion of

cenospheres, the thermal conductivity, ULCC and the density, ULCC

Fig. 22. Total expenditure on cooling, heating and lighting the room space; savings

in energy due to replacement of a south-facing opaque wall with a wall made of TC of the ULCC is lowered while the value of the specific heat, cULCC is

panels. slightly increased. The cenospheres provide a large interface area

that increases slippage and act as a barrier to heat transfer which

HVAC system with a high efficiency gas furnace with 95% efficiency reduces the thermal conductivity of the mixture. In a TC panel, the

and an air conditioner with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of concrete layer is replaced by a layer of ULCC and a new set of sim-

4.0. Also, in the San Francisco Bay Area on average, building own- ulations for conduction calculations are implemented. The results

ers pay 23.3 ¢/kWh for electricity and 5.4 ¢/kWh towards natural in Fig. 23 show the expenditure on heating and cooling and the


gas . The expenditure on utilities for a room such as that shown in relative reduction in expenses after addition of cenospheres to the

Fig. 14 with a south-facing wall composed of TC panels is normal- mix. Interestingly, the expenses for heating do not change since

ized against the energy expenditure for a room having only opaque most of the heating is required during morning when the entire

walls. The results from comparisons are shown in Fig. 22 which wall is below the comfort temperature of 22 C. The redesigning

signifies the initial reduction of expenditure on energy which sub- of walls with ULCC prevents the loss of heat to the ambient envi-

sequently increases as the volumetric ratio of fibers increases. Thus, ronment but is rather ineffective during the morning as heat is lost

for a given COP of HVAC system and price per unit of electricity from the steep temperature gradient existing between the drywall,

and natural gas, we can estimate the density of fibers in the TC XPS and ULCC, and the indoor air. The expenses for cooling, on the

panel to be 5.59% (64 fibers per panel) that will optimize the energy other hand, are reduced by about 6–20% depending on the density

expenditure of a building. of optical fibers in the ULCC. As a result, for the given COP values of

A new building material called the ultra-lightweight cement HVAC and price per unit of electricity and natural gas, a fiber den-

composites (ULCC) has been developed in Wu et al. [25]. The mate- sity in the TC panel of 5.59% (64 fibers per panel) in ULCC panels

rial achieves its light weight from the inclusion of cenospheres that can save approximately 20.5% of energy expenses compared to a

are typically hollow inert spheres produced as a byproduct of coal room with opaque walls constructed from NWC.

combustion. At the same time, the high structural strength needed

to support the loads in a building is also maintained. For a com- 4. Conclusion

The research on a novel building construction material called

2 translucent concrete (TC) has been presented in this study. The

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,

release/averageenergyprices sanfrancisco.htm. present-day softwares for analyzing building physics (e. g . Energy-

A. Ahuja, K.M. Mosalam / Energy and Buildings 153 (2017) 448–460 459

Plus) are limited to materials that are either opaque (e. g . walls or Mead for conducting illuminance experiments in the testbed room

partitions) or transparent (e. g . windows). Hence, it became neces- and sharing light distribution data. The authors would like to thank

sary as part of this research to develop a software that could model the staff at Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS)

and simulate a translucent system which inculcated the hybrid for their assistance in measuring the physical properties of the TC

features of both opaque regions and transparent light-channeling panels.

components. The software estimated the heating and cooling loads

experienced by the HVAC system of a room due to the solar radia-

Appendix A.

tion input from the optical fibers, the conduction through the walls

and the heat dissipated from artificial lighting. The solar radia-

Geometrical ray theory

tion calculations followed from geometrical ray tracing, the heat

dissipated by the use of fluorescent tubes employed lighting sched-

The theory for Ray Tracing is formulated using the Eikonal equa-

ules derived from occupancy profiles and heat conduction was

tion for wavefront of light. The Eikonal equation is discretized

computed using finite difference methods applied to walls with

spatially and time is updated to represent the marching of rays

boundary conditions derived from the TMY weather file for Berke-

in space. The formulation of a ray of light using Eikonal equation is

ley (California). It was observed that solar radiation through optical

given as

fibers imposed large cooling loads on the HVAC system for large


fiber volumetric ratios in the TC panels. Further, higher fiber ratios

= ∇n (22)

provided sufficient daylight illumination for greater part of the year ds

which helped in curtailing heat dissipated by lighting installations

where n(x, y, z) is the refractive index of the medium at a space

and in general, saved lighting energy. The conduction through the

coordinate (x, y, z) and the direction of light ray is given by the unit

layered wall removed a significant amount of heat during the morn-

vector, sˆ. Let sˆ be described in terms of its direction cosines, [cos˛,

ing which necessitated the usage of heating during those times.

cosˇ, cos], with [˛, ˇ, ] being the angles between the direction

From calculations, it became clear that a fiber volumetric ratio

of ray path and [x, y, z] axes, respectively. Differentiating left hand

of around 6% in a south-facing TC wall was best suited to reduce

expression in Eq. (22) gives:

the overall energy usage by about 18% compared to a completely


sunlight-deprived room. The use of materials that have lower con- ds dn

n = ∇n − sˆ (23)

ductivity values like the ULCC, instead of NWC, improved the total ds ds

R-value of the walls and saved another approximately 2% energy

The directional derivative of dn/ds in direction sˆ is written as

utilization over the duration of the entire year.

The use of lower fiber density also supports the construction dn

= sˆ.∇n (24)

procedure of TC panels since optical fibers constitute the most ds

expensive component in the entire mix in terms of material costs.

Combining Eqs. (23) and (24) and rearranging the terms give

Moreover, construction costs are a function of the number of fibers

that have to be laid parallel to each other in the . The dsˆ 1

= (∇n − (sˆ.∇n)sˆ) (25)

use of low fiber density also generates less stress concentration ds n

regions in concrete that might eventually lead to the fracture of the where

TC panel. As a result, a fiber density of ∼6% would be reasonable in

containing the costs of the TC panel while functioning as an inno- ∇ ∂n ∂n ∂n

n = , , = [nx, ny, nz] (26)

vative energy saving building material for the fac¸ ade. The results ∂x ∂y ∂z

presented in Figs. 22 and 23 are based on commonly used values for

Eq. (25) is separated into components which are written as:

COP of an air conditioner and gas furnace efficiency. It is seen that

the savings in energy expenditure fluctuates greatly as the COP of d(cos ˛) = 1

n − ∇n.sˆ cos ˛ (27)

the HVAC equipment changes. Thus, it is important that for a place x

ds n

like Berkeley, only high efficiency air conditioners and gas furnaces

d(cos ˇ) 1

are used to maximize the reduction in expenditure over time. = n − ∇n.sˆ cos ˇ (28) ds n y Funding d(cos ) 1

= n − ∇n.sˆ cos  (29)

ds n y

The presented research is funded by the Republic of Singapore’s

To integrate Eqs. (27), (28) and (29), the forward Euler scheme is

National Research Foundation through a grant to the Berke-

used. The equations are discretized along the path length, ds, to

ley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS) for give:

Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the

→ −

Tropics (SinBerBEST) Program. BEARS has been established by the d(cos ˛) (cos ˛)k+1 (cos ˛)k (30)

University of California, Berkeley as a center for intellectual excel-

d(cos ˇ) → (cos ˇ) + − (cos ˇ) (31)

lence in research and education in Singapore. k 1 k

→ −

d(cos ) (cos )k+1 (cos )k (32)

Conflict of interest

ds → s (33)

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

where k denotes the integration step, and s is a finite integration

step. The discretized form is expressed as Acknowledgements


(cos ˛) + = nx − ∇n.sˆ cos ˛ s + (cos ˛) (34)

k 1 n k k

The authors would like to thank the students and staff in CREST,

Cory Hall, Berkeley, CA for their cooperation in providing the sensor 1

(cos ˇ) + = ny − ∇n.sˆ cos ˇ s + (cos ˇ) (35)

k 1 k k

data. The authors would like to thank Dr. Kemal Celik and Alex R. n

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