Southern Murray-Darling Basin 2021-22 Planning Overview

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Southern Murray-Darling Basin 2021-22 Planning Overview Healthy rivers, healthy communities Working with First Nations The Commonwealth Environmental Many rivers of the Murray-Darling We deliver water for the Water Office pays respect to the Southern Basin have been changed to provide environment when native plants Traditional Owners of the water for towns, industry and food and animals need it most. This is Murray-Darling Basin. production. critical to keeping rivers healthy, We acknowledge their enduring so they continue to sustain cultural, social, environmental, Basin This has interrupted the natural flow healthy communities. It is also spiritual and economic connection of water that plants and animals key to meeting our international to the rivers, wetlands and need to survive. With natural runoff obligations to conserve floodplains of the Basin. from rainfall now captured in dams, important listed wetlands. the pattern of flow in rivers needs to We are committed to continuously improving how we work with First be actively managed to keep them Nations across the Basin to manage healthy. water for the environment. Murray-Darling Our Local Engagement Officers are based in Berri, Mildura, Griffith, Wagga Wagga and Wodonga. Commonwealth Environmental Water Office For more information contact: • Berri, SA - Michelle Campbell, 0437 064 664 • Mildura, VIC - Richard Mintern, 0437 218 649 To view our Water Management Plan 2021-22, or an Water for the Environment – 2021-22 Planning Overview overview of planning in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin, • Wodonga, VIC - Anthony Wilson, 0419 188 430 visit • Griffith, NSW - Michele Groat, 0427 682 309 • Wagga Wagga, NSW - Erin Lenon, 0417 965 714 COVER PHOTO: Fiona Dyer, University of Canberra A message from the Commonwealth Planning our use of water for the environment in 2021-22 Environmental Water Holder Even with wetter conditions, water We are also prepared to help Each year, planning the best What we aim to achieve - when, where and how our water is delivered for the environment has an important mitigate risks, such as providing use of Commonwealth water - depends on how much water is allocated to our entitlements by state role to play. Many floodplain wetlands refuge habitat for wildlife if natural begins long before the water governments. Every year is different. have not received water for several flooding results in low-oxygen starts flowing. years. Water for the environment blackwater events. We plan water use scenarios for a range of weather conditions (from dry to may need to build on nature’s work We work with local water wet) so we can adapt to whatever seasonal conditions eventuate. at ‘thirsty’ sites, including the mid- I am pleased this year’s Plan includes managers, scientists, First Nations, a statement from First Nations of river operators and landholders Murrumbidgee wetlands, the NSW Forecast water available in 2021-22 Central Murray Forests, Hattah-Kulkyne, the southern Basin outlining their to prioritise critical sites and shared concerns for the rivers across carefully plan where water for the and the floodplains at Chowilla, Pike and Carryover from Potential allocations to Katarapko in South Australia. With more the region. We will continue to build environment will be delivered in the previous year Commonwealth entitlements water in the Menindee Lakes, we have an relationships with First Nations year ahead. Their advice ensures our Dry** Wet*** communities to identify ways to water use is backed by science and opportunity to provide flows to benefit Southern-connected Basin* 538GL 1,570GL 2,070GL native fish in the Lower Darling/Baaka, support cultural values alongside meets local needs. environmental outcomes. Lachlan river valley 36GL 46GL 150GL Rainfall across much of the as well as a flow down the Great Darling We prepare a Water Management 0GL 0GL 0GL Murray-Darling Basin has brought Anabranch – the first since 2017. We look forward to working with Plan which considers: Wimmera river valley significant relief for communities our partners in the coming year * Southern Connected Basin is the network of rivers that feed into the Murray River between If the wet continues, this will present • water availability for the coming the Hume Dam and the sea. and the environment. I’m delighted to deliver water to where it’s both opportunities and risks. We will year ** 90 percentile – calculations based on historical driest 9 out of 10 years. Cumulative total to see the rivers of the north and be responsive to conditions and will needed most. • seasonal rainfall outlook estimated for 30 June 2022. south of the Basin connected, with • the health of river and wetland *** 10 percentile – calculations based on historical wettest 1 out of 10 years. Cumulative total avoid delivering water where it will estimated for 30 June 2022. the Darling River once again flowing plants and animals. exacerbate third-party impacts from from its headwaters in Queensland flooding. We will look to capitalise on all the way to the River Murray. opportunities to extend the duration of flows into important wetlands to benefit Hilton Taylor wetland plants and support waterbird Interim Commonwealth breeding. Environmental Water Holder Maranoa River Chavleville Condamine River Toowoomba Moonie River St George Cunnamulla Nebine Creek Goondiwindi Balonne River Dumaresq River Currawinya Lakes Gwydir Wetlands Ramsar site Culgoa River Ramsar site Macintyre River Moree Severn River Paroo River Narran River Wetlands Mehi River Gwydir River Ramsar site Barwon River Narran Lake Ramsar site Warrego River Paroo River Bourke Narrabri Namoi River Southern Murray-DarlingCastlereagh RiverBasin Bogan River Macquarie Marshes Planning for 2021-22 Ramsar site Tamworth Wilcannia Macquarie River Healthy Rivers, Broken Hill We plan water use scenarios for very dry through to very wet conditions and adapt to whateverHealthy season eventuates. CommunitiesDarling River Water managed for river health is used to benefit multiple sites Dubbo as it flows down the river. It also creates positive social and Menindee economic benefits for communities along the way. With careful planning, we squeeze the most out of every drop. G Forbes C Orange Riverland Banrock Station Ramsar site Weland Complex Lachlan River Ramsar site River Murray A Mildura Griffith Fivebough-Tuckerbil Ramsar site Renmark B Leeton Murrumbidgee River NSW Central Murray H Wagga Wagga Hattah-Kulkyne Forests Ramsar Site Murray Bridge Lakes Ramsar site D Coorong and Lakes Edward River Coorong Lower Lakes Alexandrina and Swan Hill Murray Mouth Albert Ramsar site E Barmah Forest Canberra Keep Murray flowing through Lake Ramsar site Kerang Albacutya Deniliquin to the Coorong. Maintain Wetlands Ramsar site water quality & habitat for A Ramsar site Murray River Albury native fish and wildlife. Allow Gunbower Loddon River Forest fish to move between fresh Ramsar & saltwater. Flush salt out of site Ovens River the Basin. Wimmera River Bendigo Shepparton F Horsham B C Goulburn River D E F G H Lower Murray Floodplain Baaka/Darling River and Wetlands Great Darling Anabranch Contribute to flows to Improve fish habitat and Hattah-Kulkyne Lakes and support breeding and the Chowilla, Pike and movement of Murray cod Katarapko floodplains to and Golden perch, including Murray River Channel Mid-Murray Forests & Creeks Northern Victorian Rivers Lachlan River Murrumbidgee River restore key habitat for native along the Great Darling Support native fish breeding Connect rivers, low-lying Provide food and habitat Help native fish such as Provide water to Mid- wildlife. Anabranch. and movement and connect wetlands and waterways for native fish, and aquatic Golden perch breed, feed Murrumbidgee wetlands and low-lying wetlands along the in the Edward/Kolety- animals including yabbies and thrive. Support native Lowbidgee floodplain after entire river. Wakool system and the and platypus. Promote plant habitat including the natural flows have receded, Barmah-Millewa, Werai and seed germination and plant reed beds of the Great to maintain and improve Koondrook-Perricoota forests growth on riverbanks. Cumbung Swamp. habitat for native fish, PHOTO CREDITS: (B) Kate Mason, DEW (D) & (E) Keith Ward GBCMA to support native fish, wetland waterbirds and other wildlife. (G) Fiona Dyer, University of Canberra (H) Skye Wassens, Charles Sturt University plants, and waterbirds..
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