Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal Agus Bhoid

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Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal Agus Bhoid Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart Dalriada House, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8ST Tel: 01546 602177 Fax: 01546 604530 25 June 2004 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, KILMORY on WEDNESDAY, 7 JULY 2004 at 10:00 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES (a) MINUTES OF MEETING OF 2 JUNE 2004 (Pages 1 - 8) (b) MINUTES OF CIVIC GOVERNMENT HEARING DATED 2 JUNE 2004 (Pages 9 - 10) (c) MINUTES OF SITE VISIT DATED 2 JUNE 2004 (Pages 11 - 14) (d) MINUTES OF BUSINESS DAY HELD ON 15 JUNE 2004 (Pages 15 - 16) 4. DESIGN AWARD 5. PRESENTATION ON THE PRINCE'S SCOTTISH YOUTH BUSINESS TRUST 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (Pages 17 - 70) 8. DELEGATED DECISIONS (Pages 71 - 84) 9. BUILDING CONTROL PERFORMANCE MONITORING REPORT (Pages 85 - 90) 10. MINUTES OF MID ARGYLL PARTNERSHIP DATED 18 MAY 2004 (Pages 91 - 96) 11. MINUTES OF KINTYRE INITIATIVE WORKING GROUP DATED 7 JUNE 2004 (Pages 97 - 102) 12. GRANTS (Pages 103 - 108) 13. PLAY AREAS (Pages 109 - 118) 14. CAPITAL PROGRAMME - ROADS LIGHTING - ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION (Pages 119 - 124) 15. CAPITAL FUNDING FOR 2004-2005 FOR MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND ISLAY (Pages 125 - 126) 16. THE GAELIC RING (Pages 127 - 136) 17. JURA ISLAND FERRY TICKET (VERBAL UPDATE) 18. BRUICHLADDICH PIER (VERBAL UPDATE) 19. CAR PARKING AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN LOCHGILPHEAD (Pages 137 - 138) 20. CAR PARKING AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN BOWMORE (Pages 139 - 140) 21. EXTENSION TO KEILS CEMETERY, JURA - PROGRESS REPORT 22. LOCAL PLAN UPDATE EXEMPT SECTION The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraphs are:- Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services. E1 23. KILCHOMAN CHURCH (TO FOLLOW) E1 24. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY - SITE AT ST CLAIR ROAD ARDRISHAIG (Pages 141 - 144) This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3a MINUTES of MEETING of MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE held in the TOWN HALL, CAMPBELTOWN on WEDNESDAY, 2 JUNE 2004 Present: Councillor Alastair McKinlay(Chair) Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Robin Currie Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Donnie MacMillan Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Services Manager Donnie McLeod, Area Manager, Transportation Richard Kerr, Senior Building Control Officer Yvonne Willan, Area Housing Manager Felicity Kelly, Area Community Education Officer Angus Smith, Area Manager Social Work John Semple, CAKE Allan Redpath, Senior Quantity Surveyor Tim Williams, Enforcement Officer 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Findlay, Kelly, McAlpine and Robertson. 2. URGENT ITEM The Chairman ruled, and the Committee agreed, in terms of Section 50B(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in terms of Standing Order 3.2.2, that item 6 Surplus Property Reliefland Inveraray, which was not specified in the Agenda, should be considered as a matter of urgency as a decision was required before the next Area Committee meeting regarding whether or not to continue with the proposed advertisement. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 4. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 5 MAY 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on 5 May 2004 were approved subject to the following correction, on page 2, line 2, the word ‘no’ was deleted and the word ‘a’ was substituted therefore. The minutes were otherwise approved. As arising therefrom it was noted that no report had been received from Douglas Blades in regard to the possibility of a Jura Islanders ticket for the use of the Jura Ferry and it Page 2 was agreed to instruct that a report thereon be submitted the next meeting of the Area Committee. 5. PRESENTATION BY CAMPBELTOWN AND KINTYRE ENTERPRISE (CAKE) - CAMPBELTOWN/BALLYCASTLE FERRY An interesting and informative presentation was give by John Semple on behalf of CAKE in regard to the up-to-date position for the promotion of a ferry service between Campbeltown and Ballycastle. It was agreed to write to Nicol Steven, the Minister for Transport, asking him when the meeting, which he agreed would take place in late spring in Campbeltown, would happen and request an update on the position with a report back with his reply to a future meeting of the Area Committee. 6. SURPLUS PROPERTY - RELIEF LAND INVERARAY A report by Gordon Nash, Head of Housing Services on surplus property at Relief Land Inveraray was discussed. Decision It was agreed that the flats at Relief Land, Inveraray should be removed from the Council’s surplus property account and retained within the Council’s Property Assets which are scheduled to transfer to a new Registered Social Landlord as part of the developing Housing Stock Transfer. (Reference – Report by Head of Housing Services dated 2 June 2004) 7. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no questions from the public. 8. PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered and dealt with the application for planning as detailed below. 1. 03/01268/NID Argyll and Bute Council. Notice of intention to Develop. Extension to existing burial ground, Keils Cemetery, Isle of Jura. Decision That planning permission be granted subject to the standard condition and reason, the conditions and reasons contained in the report by Head of Planning dated 18 May 2004, and a note to the applicant advising of the need to take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of contamination of groundwater and controlled waters to the satisfaction of SEPA. As arising therefrom it was agreed to request that a report and update on the Page 3 timescale of the development of the cemetery extension be provided to the next meeting. 2. 03/02155/DET Fyne Homes Ltd. Detailed. Residential development. Land at Ralston Road, Campbeltown. The minutes of the site visit are attached. Decision Members agreed that planning permission be granted subject to the standard time limit condition and reason and the conditions and reasons contained in the report by Head of Planning dated 20 April 2004. 3. 04/00273/DET D J Campbell and Son. Change of Use. Use of land as training area for junior motorbokes/quadbikes. Land east of the A816 and south of the River Add, Achnashelloch, Kilmichael Glassary. Richard Kerr reported that another objection had been received on behalf of Dr and Mrs Ranger objecting to the proposal. Decision That planning permission be refused for the reason stated in the report by the Head of Planning dated 14 May 2004. 4. 04/00488/DET Woodrow Construction (Islay). Detailed Planning Permission. Erection of two dwelling houses, Plots 4 & 5, Hillside Phase 2, Goltonvogie, Bowmore, Isle of Islay. Decision That planning permission be granted as a ‘minor departure’ to the provisions of the development plan subject to the standard condition and reason and the condition and reason contained in the report by the Head of Planning dated 14 May 2004. 5. 04/00664/LIB Catherine King. Listed Building Consent. Retrospective application for installation of replacement windows, Bruichdhu, Main Street, Port Charlotte, Isle of Islay. Decision To grant planning permission on the following grounds; ‘the integrity of the listed terrace within which this property is situated has been adversely affected by the installation many years ago of UPVC windows in the adjoining property, which are of a less sympathetic design than the windows in question. Planning permission has been refused for an inappropriate design of door, and the owners have indicted their willingness to replace this with a door of traditional design and construction which will Page 4 significantly enhance the appearance of the property, and enforcement action has been authorised to ensure that this will be the case. Notwithstanding their construction in uPVC, the unauthorised windows this application seeks to retain are of an appearance which is appropriate to a terrace which has already been devalued by non-traditional window replacements, and given these particular circumstances an exception to normal policy considerations ought to be made by supporting the application as a ‘minor departure’ to development plan policy, and commending it to Historic Scotland accordingly’. 9. DELEGATED DECISIONS The Committee noted the decisions issued by the Director of Development Services dated 13 May 2004. 10. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PERFORMANCE MONITORING This paper outlines the Department’s Development Control performance with respect to processing applications as set against the performance targets set by the four Area Committees. In addition to reviewing the Council wide performance from April 2003 to March 2004, this report also identifies the performance and sets targets for each of the four decentralised areas. Unfortunately, the Department failed to reach the target of processing 72% of all applications within two months. Performance was also down on previous years slipping back from last years high of 69% to 64%. Similarly, with respect to householder applications, the department failed to reach the target of processing 90% of householder applications within two months, which had been achieved over the last two years. In this regard the Department processed 88% of householder applications within two months, which represents a 2% drop in performance. Decision The Committee noted and endorsed the report and agreed to 1.
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