D1.1. National Country Specific Documented Traditonal
BaSeFood D1.1 : National traditional foods documented files BaSeFood (G.A. n° 227118) Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods D 1.1 – National country specific documented traditional foods files Overall compilation: Hellenic Health Foundation Due date of deliverable: [November 2009] Actual submission date (first draft): [December 2009] Final submission date: [September 2010] Start date of project: 1 April 2009 Duration: 36 months Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: [HHF, P03] Dissemination level: PU 1 BaSeFood D1.1 : National traditional foods documented files Overall D1.1 compiler: Effie Vasilopoulou Dept. of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statisics, University of Athens Medical School and HHF Collaborator Authors : Effie Vasilopoulou, Antonia Trichopoulou Hellenic Health Foundation (HHF), Greece K. S. Fedosova, V. V. Yashkina, L. V. Kapreliants, S. N. Fedosov Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies (ONAFT), Ukraine Mariia Mudryk, Nadiya Boyko Uzhhorod National University (UZHNU), Ukraine Dmitry Karpenko Moscow State University of Food Productions (MSUFP), Russian Federation Carmen Costea, Alexandru Stroia, Codrin Chiru Bucharest University of Economics (ASE), Romania Zaza Kilasonia Biological Farming Association (ELKANA), Georgia Iordanka Alexieva University of Food Technologies (UFT), Bulgaria Bike Kocaoglu, Osman Hayran T C Yeditepe University (YEDITEPE), Turkey BaSeFood Co-ordinator: Filippo D’ Antuono, University of Bologna - UNIBO Work package 1 Leader:
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