Veri®cation of Remotely Sensed Sea Surface Winds in Hurricanes

ERIC W. U HLHORN University of Miami, RSMAS/CIMAS, Miami, Florida

PETER G. BLACK NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, Miami, Florida

(Manuscript received 16 April 2002, in ®nal form 31 July 2002)

ABSTRACT Surface winds in hurricanes have been estimated remotely using the Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) from the NOAA WP-3D aircraft for the past 15 years. Since the use of the GPS dropwindsonde system in hurricanes was ®rst initiated in 1997, routine collocated SFMR and GPS surface wind estimates have been made. During the 1998, 1999, and 2001 hurricane seasons, a total of 249 paired samples were acquired and compared. The SFMR equivalent 1-min mean, 10-m level neutral stability winds were found to be biased high by 2.3 m sϪ1 relative to the 10-m GPS winds computed from an estimate of the mean boundary layer wind. Across the range of wind speeds from 10 to 60 m s Ϫ1, the rmse was 3.3 m sϪ1. The bias was found to be dependent on storm quadrant and independent of wind speed, a result that suggests a possible relationship between microwave brightness temperatures and surface wave properties. Tests of retrieved winds' sensitivities to sea surface temperature, salinity, atmospheric thermodynamic variability, and surface wind direction indicate wind speed errors of less than 1 m sϪ1 above 15 m sϪ1.

1. Introduction surements using various extrapolation algorithms (Pow- ell et al. 1996; Powell 1980; Miller 1958). Maximum Measurement of the hurricane surface wind ®eld, and sustained winds have been estimated using pressure± in particular the estimation of wind maxima, has long wind relationships by Kraft (1961) and more recently been a requirement of the Tropical Prediction Center/ by Dvorak (1984). Studies prior to 1980 (Ross and Car- National Hurricane Center (TPC/NHC). This paper de- scribes the validation of remotely sensed sea surface done 1974; Nordberg et al. 1969) have shown that pas- winds from the Hurricane Research Division's (HRD) sive microwave emissions from the sea surface are also Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR). strongly correlated with wind speed. The ®rst experimental SFMR surface wind measure- The concept for the ®rst experimental SFMR was ments were made in Hurricane Allen in 1980, the ®rst proposed by C. T. Swift at the University of Massa- real-time retrieval of winds on board the aircraft in Hur- chusetts Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (C. T. ricane Earl in 1985, and the ®rst operational transmis- Swift 1976, personal communication) and built by the sion of winds to TPC/NHC in Hurricane Dennis in 1999. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's SFMR wind speeds are compared with independent (NASA) Langley Research Center in 1978 (Harrington measurements from Global Positioning System (GPS) 1980). The SFMR design involved a single nadir-view- dropwindsondes from the 1998, 1999, and 2001 hurri- ing antenna and receiver capable of making measure- cane seasons. ments of radio emission from the sea surface at four Since hurricane reconnaissance began in 1947, nu- selectable frequencies between 4.5 and 7.2 GHz. The merous methods have been employed to estimate the ``stepping'' procedure allowed for estimating the surface distribution of surface winds in hurricanes. Sea state wind speed in hurricanes by correcting for rain-induced catalogs have provided a guide to determination of the effects in the measurements, and therefore enabling re- wind speed (Black and Adams 1983). For many years covery of the rain rate. The ®rst measurements by the surface winds have been estimated by ¯ight-level mea- original SFMR were made from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) WC-130 air- craft in Hurricane Allen in 1980 and reported in Jones Corresponding author address: Eric W. Uhlhorn, University of et al. (1981), as well as Black and Swift (1984), Delnore Miami, RSMAS/CIMAS, 4301 Rickenbacker Cswy., Miami, FL 33149. et al. (1985), and Swift and Goodberlet (1992). By mak- E-mail: [email protected] ing assumptions about the vertical structure of the at-

᭧ 2003 American Meteorological Society

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 07:48 PM UTC 100 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 20 mosphere together with SST measurements by a down- mapping the distribution of surface winds in hurricanes; ward-looking airborne infrared radiometer, reasonable 2) to establish an unprecedented independent validation estimates of the ocean surface brightness temperature of remotely sensed sea surface wind speeds between 10 Ϫ1 Ϫ1 (TB) were made at 4.5, 5.0, 5.6, and 6.6 GHz. Wind ms and in excess of 50 m s ; and 3) to relate the speeds were then calculated assuming a linear increase natural variability of the atmosphere and ocean to errors in wind speed with TB, independent of frequency. in the retrieved meteorological parameter of interest Agreement between surface (20 m) winds extrapolated (i.e., surface wind speed). In this paper, section 2 ex- from the 1500-m ¯ight level and the SFMR estimates plains the methodology used to obtain and process con- for independent ¯ight legs were within Ϯ10%. Despite current GPS±SFMR surface wind measurements. The the success in Allen, this instrument was never again results of the comparisons are presented in section 3. ¯own into a hurricane. Section 4 describes a radiative transfer model sensitivity A second SFMR was designed and built in 1982 under analysis. A discussion of the results is presented in sec- the supervision of Swift (Swift et al. 1986). The number tion 5 and section 6 contains concluding remarks. In the of frequencies was expanded to six between 4.6 and 7.2 appendices, a brief theory of microwave radiometry and GHz, and the instrument integration time was reduced its application to the SFMR is presented, and a discus- to less than 1 s, resulting in improved spatial resolution. sion is given of SFMR system speci®cations, calibration A new retrieval algorithm was also implemented and procedures, and estimates of instrument noise. described in Tanner et al. (1987). This instrument was ¯own on board the NOAA WP-3D in 1984 and during 2. Data processing methodology 12 ¯ights during the 1985 hurricane season. The SFMR was further modi®ed in 1986 and initially used for stud- The HRD SFMR measures radiative emissions, ex- ies of sea ice structure (St. Germain et al. 1993). Using pressed in terms of a brightness temperature (TB), from data obtained in Hurricanes Earl (1985), Gilbert (1988), several sources including the ocean and the atmosphere, and Hugo (1989), the empirical emissivity±wind speed at six frequencies from 4.55 to 7.22 GHz. The per- relationships were re®ned to include winds over 60 m centage of foam coverage on the sea surface increases sϪ1. monotonically with wind speed (Barrick and Swift With support from the Of®ce of the Federal Coor- 1980). At microwave frequencies, foam is approxi- dinator for Meteorology (OFCM) the existing horn an- mately a blackbody; therefore, as foam increases, the tenna was replaced with a dipole array antenna in 1993. ocean emits microwave energy more readily and, as-

The new antenna with a new set of six frequencies was suming a constant sea surface temperature, TB increases ¯own in Hurricane Olivia (1994) and retrieved high (Webster et al. 1976). Given an accurate physical model quality wind estimates. Further funds were provided by that relates ocean surface wind speed to measurements

OFCM for an upgrade of the SFMR's receiver, which of TB at several frequencies, a set of simultaneous equa- allowed for increased calibration stability. The recon- tions may, in theory, be inverted to calculate the surface ®gured SFMR (Goodberlet and Swift 1996) was ®rst wind under practically all weather conditions (see ap- ¯own in Hurricane Jerry in 1995. Minor modi®cations pendix A for details). were made to reduce background noise levels after the A wind speed estimate is computed from the set of

1995 season, and since then the SFMR has ¯own under SFMR TB measured at a rate of 1 Hz, although truly this con®guration. Following component failures in independent measurements are possible only at a much 2000, the NOAA Of®ce of Oceanic and Atmospheric slower sampling rate, 0.1 Hz. The dependence of mi- Research supported an instrument repair and again the crowave emissivity on small-scale ocean roughness at SFMR returned surface winds during the 2001 hurricane nadir incidence angle is weak (Rosenkranz and Staelin season. Since 1980, the SFMR has ¯own on 95 ¯ights 1972). Therefore, the SFMR is fairly insensitive (small in 30 tropical cyclones. change in TB per unit wind speed change) at wind speeds In 1997, hurricane research missions began obtaining less than ϳ10msϪ1, since little sea foam is generated, atmospheric wind and thermodynamic pro®les with GPS and the inversion algorithm often fails to converge to dropwindsondes (Hock and Franklin 1999). The advent a unique solution. Surface winds Ͻ10msϪ1 are not of GPS sonde measurements marked a vast improve- included. ment in the accuracy of winds (both magnitude and The algorithm recognizes measurements entirely over location) within the boundary layer. Here, we compare land, where typically TB Ն 280 K, but when land par- SFMR 1-min equivalent surface wind measurements tially ®lls the radiometer footprint or sidelobes, a false with wind speeds at 10-m height derived from GPS wind speed retrieval can occur. Measurements within sondes. Due to advection the GPS sonde and SFMR 10 km of land are not considered in the data compari- paired surface wind speed samples are generally dis- sons. placed some distance. Observations of TB are restricted to vertical incidence The purpose of this study is threefold: 1) to quanti- by removing data where the aircraft rolls and/or pitches tatively demonstrate that the winds estimated by the Ͼ2Њ. Often particular channels are contaminated by ra- SFMR now represent an important operational tool for dio frequency interference (RFI) from ground-based

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 07:48 PM UTC JANUARY 2003 UHLHORN AND BLACK 101 sources (e.g., communications and weather radar). Prior to solving for the wind speed, each channel is checked for RFI by passing the set of TB measurements through a median ®lter. Values that fall outside a threshold based upon the average deviation are not used in the calcu- lation. A minimum of two channels are required to solve the system of equations, but the algorithm requires at least three of six in order to reduce errors. For comparison with the GPS surface wind, SFMR measurements representative of the wind speed at 10- m altitude are sought. A 1-min average SFMR value is calculated by a running mean wind speed convolved with a triangular (Bartlett) data window to reduce si- delobe in¯uence. Each of the independent variables (time and location) are lagged to correspond to the ®l- tered wind speed value. The P-3 aircraft routinely deploys GPS dropwind- sondes. Among other variables, the GPS dropwindsonde measures horizontal wind vector components at ϳ5m vertical resolution. The sondes often fail to measure winds all the way to the sea surface, especially under the highest wind conditions. Thus for comparison pur- FIG. 1. Relationship between GPS-measured mean boundary layer poses an approximation of the 10-m wind is made from wind speed and 10-m wind speed. The least squares best ®t is in- the lowest 500-m mean (MBL) wind speed measured dicated by the dashed line, and the solid line represents perfect cor- by the sonde. A set of 590 paired samples of MBL and relation.

10-m winds have been obtained, denoted as GMBL and G , respectively. All measurements are over ocean and 10 mensional Lagrangian statistical variability to a more the sample is well distributed among storm quadrants, familiar Eulerian description is extremely dif®cult. Thus radial distance from storm center, latitude, and storm the space scales and timescales of motion that are rep- strength. A linear least squares best ®t yields resented by the GPS measurements are still a topic of

G10ϭ 0.798(G MBL). (1) debate. Recent work has shown (DLH; Powell et al. 1996), however, that the MBL wind is approximately This ®t compares reasonably well to the typical 20% equivalent to a 5-min averaging period and may be con- reduction of ¯ight-level (1±3 km) winds previously used verted to a 1-min maximum sustained wind by multi- to estimate surface winds in hurricanes (Powell 1980). plying by an ϳ6% ``gust factor.'' How this adjustment The rmse of this estimate is 2.49 m sϪ1. A plot of the affects the intercomparison will be addressed in the next MBL and 10-m wind speed paired samples used to de- section. velop the relationship is shown in Fig. 1. Recent results from analyses of GPS wind measurements in hurricanes (Dunion et al. 2002, manuscript submitted to Mon. Wea. 3. Veri®cation results Rev., hereafter DLH) now indicate a general tendency a. Approach to underestimate 10-m winds relative to the MBL wind at both low (Ͻ20msϪ1) and high (Ͼ55 m sϪ1) winds A total of 249 paired samples of SFMR and surface- using extrapolation procedures commonly used. Evi- adjusted GPS MBL winds were obtained from 1998, dence of this phenomenon also exists in the GPS wind 1999, and 2001, as re¯ected in the scatterplot in Fig. 2. data compiled for this study. Surface winds are slightly To be included, paired observations had to be within 15 underestimated by the regression equation at speeds km total distance of each other and within 10 km radially Ͻ15±20 m sϪ1, and Ͼ60msϪ1. Since the SFMR is not with respect to the storm center. The least squares best as responsive at the low wind speed range, the under- ®t to the data is estimation is not a great concern, but it may be more S ϭ 2.68 ϩ 0.98(G ), (2) important when estimating the highest winds. 10 10 Ϫ1 Until now nothing has been said of the averaging time where S10 is the surface wind speed (m s ) measured inherent in the GPS surface wind estimates. TPC/NHC by the SFMR. The degree of scatter about this ®t is refers wind speed measurements to a ``maximum one characterized by an rmse of 3.31 m sϪ1. Generally, the minute sustained wind''; a 1-min average wind speed remotely sensed surface wind is overestimated relative is estimated by the SFMR using a running mean of the to the 10-m GPS measurement, nearly independent of surface wind measurements. The GPS sondes sample as the magnitude. they follow ¯ow trajectories, and relating the four-di- The corresponding histogram of the distribution of

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FIG. 3. Histogram of SFMR wind speed errors relative to GPS surface wind speed for all samples. For the n ϭ 249 observations the mean error is ␮ ϭϩ2.33 m sϪ1 with a std dev of ␴ ϭ 3.41 m sϪ1. The cumulative frequency distribution is indicated by the dashed line.

To assess the source of the outlying data points, a subset of the full sample is constructed whereby storms FIG. 2. SFMR±GPS surface wind speed comparisons for all sam- ples. The solid line indicates perfect correlation and the dashed line of signi®cant asymmetric structure are removed. Also, indicates the best ®t. the locations of each of the hurricanes during which GPS drops were made concurrently with the SFMR op- erating vary widely; many of the samples are in regions errors, de®ned as SFMR minus GPS, is plotted in Fig. of signi®cant currents such as the Gulf Stream. Ac- 3. The high positive skewness (ϭϩ1.4) of the frequency cordingly, measurements near continental coastlines and distribution reveals the increased likelihood of overes- over the Gulf Stream are deleted to eliminate possible timation with respect to the mean bias of ␮ ϭϩ2.33 current and shoaling effects. The geographical locations msϪ1. The cumulative frequency indicates that the mid- of the sample pairs of wind measurements are plotted dle 50% of the errors range between approximately 0 in Fig. 4. and ϩ4msϪ1. Shown in Fig. 5 are data for the 76 measurements

FIG. 4. Geographic locations of wind measurements used in this study. The n ϭ 249 full sample is indicated by (ϩ) and the n ϭ 76 subset is indicated by (Ⅺ).

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FIG. 6. Histogram of SFMR wind speed errors relative to GPS surface wind speed for selected samples. For the n ϭ 76 observations the mean error is ␮ ϭϩ1.67 m sϪ1 with std dev of ␴ ϭ 3.29 m sϪ1. The cumulative frequency distribution is indicated by the dashed line.

wind (r 0) is identi®ed from the SFMR data. A mean of these r0 for each storm is used to normalize r for the FIG. 5. SFMR±GPS wind speed comparisons of selected samples. paired samples. The solid line indicates perfect correlation and the dashed line in- dicates the best ®t. As was shown in Fig. 5, the mean measurement error is essentially independent of the wind speed. Surface winds in hurricanes generally decrease with radial dis- that satis®ed these criteria. The least squares best ®t for tance from the radius of maximum wind (r/r 0 ϭ 1), so this sample is S10 ϭ 1.61 ϩ 1.00(G10), with rmse of we ask whether this independence of error exists radially 3.27 m sϪ1. Several outliers were removed, and there as well. Wind speed errors, again de®ned here as SFMR is still a tendency for overestimation. Both the bias and minus GPS, are plotted as a function of r/r 0 in Fig. 7. the variance of the errors are slightly reduced in the A decrease is seen in the SFMR's overestimation with selected subsample, as indicated by the histogram of increased distance from the storm center. By contrast errors in Fig. 6. The following analyses focus on this there is little error dependence on wind speed. particular subsample. DLH have argued that increasing the surface-adjusted c. Storm quadrant dependence of errors MBL wind speed by around 6% is the equivalent time average of a 1-min maximum sustained wind speed at When each paired sample is located in a rotated polar 10 m. The apparent high bias of the SFMR versus GPS coordinate system such that 0Њ is in the direction of measurements may be due to the differences in the time- storm motion, the spatial distribution of samples is as scales implicit in the measurements. It is interesting to shown in Fig. 8 for both the entire (n ϭ 249) sample note that by increasing the mean wind speed in the and the selected (n ϭ 76) sample set. Paired samples dataset (ϳ27 m sϪ1) by 6% would give nearly exactly are next binned according to quadrant of storm, and the 1.6 m sϪ1 high bias in Fig. 5. Additionally, the fact differences between SFMR and GPS wind speed mea- that the GPS surface winds may be underestimated by surements are computed for each quadrant. A mean dif- Ϫ1 the MBL wind at high wind speeds would also lead to ference of S10 Ϫ G10 ϭ 3.53 m s is found in the left decreasing the bias. It must still be noted, however, that rear (LR) quadrant, while in the right rear (RR) we ®nd for winds Ͻ55 m sϪ1, the gust factor adjustment is less an overestimation by the SFMR of 0.30 m sϪ1. As shown than the rmse (ϭ3.27 m sϪ1) of the SFMR versus GPS in Table 1, the results of a Student's t-test indicate a comparison. statistically signi®cant difference in quadrant bias (⌬bias) at the 99% level occurs between the LR and RR quadrants. b. Radial dependence of errors Wind speed differences between SFMR and GPS, To improve our understanding of the error distribu- plotted as a function of azimuth angle with respect to tion, the data have been analyzed according to their the direction of storm motion, are shown in Fig. 9. Based radial distance r from the center of tropical cyclones as on averages computed for 30Њ bins, a fairly clear har- described by the ``best-track'' (Jarvinen et al. 1984) data monic signal is revealed. Although more measurements from NHC, supplemented with available radar obser- are necessary to truly quantify the signi®cance, it is vations. For each radial traverse, a radius of maximum apparent that some process independent of the local sur-

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FIG. 7. SFMR wind speed error relative to surface truth GPS wind speed (m sϪ1) plotted (a) as a function of normalized radial distance

(r/r0) from center of storms (dimensionless), and (b) as a function of GPS surface wind speed (m sϪ1). Linear regressions along with 95% con®dence limits are indicated. face wind speed may be responsible for discrepancies in the SFMR-derived wind in hurricanes. Previous studies have speculated on the relationship between foam coverage and fetch length (e.g., Mart- sinkevich and Melent'ev 1982; Webster et al. 1976; Ross and Cardone 1974). The physical explanation is related FIG. 8. Storm-relative locations of SFMR±GPS wind speed com- to the stage of wave development (i.e., the wave energy parisons for the (a) entire and (b) selected sample sets. The direction spectral distribution) and the resulting production of of storm motion is indicated by the arrow. whitecaps and subsequent foam patches upon wave breaking. Thus an increase in TB may depend at least partly on the sea state and not purely upon the local TABLE 1. Comparison of signi®cance of differences in biases surface wind. Based on the observations of previous (SFMR Ϫ GPS) among quadrants, ranked by |⌬bias|. The left column authors, one hypothesis that may explain the underes- indicates the two quadrants for which the biases are compared. The timate of surface winds in the RR quadrant of storms signi®cance level of the differences in biases based on the Student's (LR in the Southern Hemisphere) is that the fetch length t-test are shown in the right column. limitation is linked to decreased foam coverage, leading Quads. ⌬bias Sig. level to a tendency to underestimate the local surface wind. RR±LR Ϫ3.23 99 In the RR quadrant, by contrast, the sea is still in an RF±RR ϩ1.65 90 active building stage and the shorter, higher-frequency LF±LR Ϫ1.60 Ͻ90 waves that persist in this fetch-limited region are not RF±LR Ϫ1.58 Ͻ90 producing the large foam patches upon breaking, at least LF±RR ϩ0.63 Ͻ90 in an average sense relative to other regions of the storm. LF±RF Ϫ0.02 Ͻ90

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in a typical hurricane ocean environment the SST varies less than this (Cione et al. 2000), these errors are tol- erable when compared with the rmse associated with the GPS veri®cation (ϳ3.3msϪ1). Similarly for the estimated salinities, the errors are generally less than Ϫ1 0.5ms , because the TB sensitivity to changes in sa- linity is very small. Since the upper ocean is normally so well mixed that salinities vary by no more than 2%± 3½, these errors are insigni®cant.

b. Sensitivity to atmospheric variability Knowledge of the composition of the intervening at- mosphere presents a dif®cult challenge for sea surface remote sensing. Although in the absence of rain the FIG. 9. Polar distribution of SFMR±GPS wind speed errors. Storm atmosphere is nearly transparent, it still accounts for quadrant is indicated at the top. Also plotted are the mean values computed for 30Њ bins along with 95% con®dence limits on the mean. about 5% of the ocean's apparent TB in the frequency band of interest. Changes in composition are signi®cant throughout the hurricane environment, but the total co- 4. Sensitivity analysis lumnar structure cannot be adequately sampled on a In this section, a sensitivity analysis is presented on real-time basis. For this reason, a constant atmospheric the errors in the SFMR wind speed estimates associated structure is assumed during the course of a ¯ight. Input with assumptions made in the microwave radiative to the radiative transfer model is the Jordan (1958) mean transfer problem. As mentioned in section 2, the ap- hurricane season West Indies sounding (temperature, parent ocean TB from which the wind speed is derived pressure, and relative humidity as functions of altitude). includes radiative contributions from several sources. Output is the atmospheric transmissivity at each of the The emissivity of the specular sea surface and atmo- operating frequencies of the SFMR, from which a linear sphere depend upon their physical compositions and dependence of transmissivity on frequency is approxi- thermodynamic state. Quantities that change relatively mated. little, but do change, include SST and salinity, and the The assumed SFMR model relationship along with atmospheric temperature, pressure, and moisture. total gas (O2 and H2Ov) transmissivity values calculated To examine the sensitivity of wind speed estimates, from other atmospheric soundings that might be en- a radiative transfer model, developed from Ulaby et al. countered during a mission are shown in the upper plot (1986) is used, and these oceanic and atmospheric quan- of Fig. 11. The lower plot shows the errors in wind tities are individually perturbed while holding all other speed that would occur given knowledge of atmospheric quantities constant. The differences in the wind speed variability (dry air and water vapor) using well-docu- estimates from the solutions obtained, assuming the pre- mented atmospheric soundings. A mean pro®le is also scribed values are correct, are then generated for the computed from GPS soundings within 500 km of storm range of wind speeds observed by the SFMR in hur- centers during the 1998 and 1999 HRD ®eld programs. ricanes. In Fig. 11a, the increase in the spread of the trans- missivity at higher frequencies is due to the water vapor absorption band near 22 GHz. In other words, drier a. Sensitivity to oceanic variability atmospheres are more transparent at SFMR frequencies. Wind speed errors due to variability in the speci®ed Though extreme conditions such as the 45ЊN winter SST (top) and the surface salinity (bottom) are shown pro®le are not likely to be found in the Tropics, there in Fig. 10. The SST assumes a value of 28ЊC in the is considerable variability in thermodynamic structure, model. If the SST were overestimated by ϩ1ЊC (i.e., especially as the aircraft transitions from the nearly sat- the actual SST were 27ЊC), at a wind speed of U10 ϭ urated eyewall to the dry . This leads us to question 20 m sϪ1, the wind speed would be in error by ap- how this might affect SFMR wind speed measurements. Ϫ1 proximately ⌬U10 ϭϪ0.5 m s , or the estimated wind The sensitivity to relative errors in the assumed atmo- speed would be 19.5 m sϪ1. The physical reason behind spheric microwave transmission is shown in Fig. 11b. this is that at nadir incidence angle there is a monotonic Physically a sounding with higher water vapor content increase in TB with SST. A cooler SST would therefore (such as the eyewall) is less transparent (more absorptive) exhibit a lower apparent TB, leading to a weaker surface and therefore has a higher TB at a given physical temper- wind estimate. The opposite is true for salinity, as TB ature, which would then lead to an overestimation of sur- decreases with increasing salinity (Ulaby et al. 1986). face wind speed. The largest errors (ϽϮ1.5 m sϪ1) are At speeds greater than 20 m sϪ1, the wind speed errors still relatively small when compared to the overall error are less than Ϯ2msϪ1 for SST errors of Ϯ3ЊC. Since associated with the SFMR versus GPS comparison. Based

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FIG. 10. Wind speed errors associated with incorrectly assumed SSTs (top) and salinities (bottom). For both plots the assumptions are SST ϭ 28ЊC; S ϭ 36½; rain rate ϭ 0mmhϪ1; ¯ight level is 5000 m and the ambient atmospheric temperature is 0ЊC. on these analyses we conclude that our assumptions con- c. Sensitivity to surface wind direction cerning unknown variables in the microwave radiative transfer problem are of reasonable quality and that these Another possible source of error in the SFMR wind variables will not contribute signi®cantly to erroneous sur- speed measurement is the effect of wind direction on face wind speed estimates. the sea surface emissivity when viewed at nadir. The

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FIG. 11. Total one-way atmospheric transmission coef®cient (␶ϱ) as a function of frequency for several atmospheric soundings (a) and surface wind speed errors associated with incorrectly assumed atmospheric structure (b) based on

two-way transmission (␶ϱ ϩ ␶A/C). Assumed values are as in Fig. 10. See appendix A for notation explanation. The pro®les used to compute the transmission are labeled as follows: 1000±1004 mb and Ͻ995 mb storms are from data compiled by Sheets (1969); eyewall data from Frank (1977); eye data from Jordan (1957); Jordan mean tropical data from Jordan (1958); U.S. Standard Atmosphere pro®les for 15ЊN during hurricane season and for 45ЊN during winter (U.S. Government Printing Of®ce 1976).

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SFMR retrieval algorithm does not currently take this tribute to the onset of small-scale wave breaking: direct into account since the contribution of ocean surface energy input from the local wind, straining due to the roughness to the emissivity is assumed to be negligible orbital motion of longer wave components, and nonlin- at zero incidence. Previous studies (e.g., Tran et al. ear transfers of energy from other wave components 2002) have documented a modulation of the wind-in- (Banner 1986). It is well known that the amount of wind duced excess emissivity by the orientation between sat- energy input to surface waves is related to the ratio of ellite radiometers and the local surface wind vector (i.e., wind speed to the wave phase speed, known as the in- the angular difference between antenna polarization di- verse wave age (Donelan et al. 1993). The development rection and sea surface roughness elements). At wind of the surface wave ®eld under hurricanes can be viewed speeds above 10 m sϪ1, as much as a 10% difference as a highly complex example of fetch-limited wave between cross-wind and up-/downwind induced excess growth, where peaks in observed wave energy spectra emissivity has been observed. We again question what generally are shifted to lower frequencies as fetch in- effect, if any, this variability might have on surface wind creases. speed retrievals. Observations of directional wave spectra in the vi- Tran et al. (2002) indicate that at 18 GHz and nadir cinity of hurricanes (Wright et al. 2001; Holt and Gon- incidence, the wind direction modulation of excess zalez 1986; King and Shemdin 1979; Elachi et al. 1977; emissivity has a maximum magnitude of ϳ1.5 ϫ 10Ϫ3 Pore 1957) all reveal similar properties. Longer domi- that occurs at around 11.5 m sϪ1, with a leveling off or nant waves that propagate faster than the storm speed a slight decrease at higher wind speeds. Assuming a exist in the forward quadrants. This is the region of negligible frequency dependence, this corresponds to a extended fetch in which seas have developed further,

⌬TB of around 0.5 K, for which it should be noted is that is, the peak of the wave energy spectrum has shifted near the level of the SFMR's inherent instrument noise to lower frequencies. The dominant waves in the for- (see appendix B). Applying this perturbation to the ward quadrants generally propagate to the right of the SFMR model gives a maximum error of ϳϮ1.5msϪ1 local wind. The RR quadrant contains dominant waves between 10 and 15 m sϪ1, where the wind direction± of shorter wavelength with slower phase speeds, and for induced bias would be expected to be the greatest, which a moving storm is the location where the local wind is in fact on the order of 10%. This error is less than vector is more or less aligned with the direction of sur- the variability associated with the SFMR±GPS inde- face wave propagation. Therefore, it is the region of pendent veri®cation and, given the sparse data sample, active wave generation, characterized by limited fetch likely could not be detected if the errors in the SFMR± and therefore high wind speed to phase speed ratio. It GPS data were analyzed according to the observed sur- is speculated that in this fetch-limited area the white face wind direction. water coverage is reduced since the seas are still in a building stage; thus the assumption that the foam (and microwave emission) is dependent only on the local 5. Discussion wind speed will lead to an underestimate of the wind. The SFMR infers sea surface wind speed from the In the LR quadrant the situation is more complicated increased TB due to foam coverage, which is apparently since the wind vector can oppose the dominant wave a function of the local energy input from the wind, and direction, leading to an actively building high-frequen- perhaps the local wave environment. Thus the signi®- cy, wind-dominated sea coexistent with a decaying swell cant deviations found between remotely sensed and in ®eld. In reality, multimodal spectra are observed in all situ winds can be attributed to generation of white water regions of hurricanes (Wright et al. 2001; Harris 1986), independent of the wind speed. For example, Webster so the nonlinear interaction of components complicates et al. (1976) separately examined microwave TB depen- the process beyond this simple discussion. Nevertheless, dence on wind speed and fetch length. It was concluded it appears that the SFMR is not only capable of real- that white water coverage increased with fetch, nearly time diagnosis of high surface winds, but that much of independently of the surface wind speed. In fact, they the error in the wind estimates may well be related to found little dependence of TB with fetch, but the C-band sea state. measurements were made at 38Њ off nadir and therefore Qualitative assessment of the vertical structure of hur- small-scale roughness likely contributed to emission as ricanes is possible by combining measurements of the short gravity±capillary waves increased with decreased SFMR surface wind with ¯ight-level wind data. A cross fetch. Ross and Cardone (1974) found a relationship section of the wind speed and rain rate plotted as func- between whitecap coverage and fetch length, with an tion of r/r 0 from Hurricane Georges (1998) is shown in especially strong dependence for fetches shorter than Fig. 12a and the corresponding TB are plotted in Fig. 100 km. Additionally, the foam coverage was found to 12b. The conical shape of the eyewall as observed by be related to whitecaps, suggesting the possibility of a airborne radar and documented by Marks et al. (1992),

TB dependence on fetch. and more recently quanti®ed from GPS sonde mea- In reality, the generation of white water is a result of surements by DLH, is seen in the inward displacement breaking surface gravity waves. Several factors can con- surface wind maximum relative to ¯ight level. The ef-

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Ϫ1 Ϫ1 FIG. 12. (a) SFMR and ¯ight-level wind speeds (m s ) and SFMR rain rate (mm h ) and (b) TB as a function of

normalized radial distance (r/r0) from the center of Hurricane Georges, where r0 ϭ 27 km is de®ned by the ¯ight-level

wind maximum in the north eyewall. Flight direction is south (left) to north (right). In (b), TB generally increases with higher frequency. fects of environmental shear on the storm are seen by cross section of surface and ¯ight-level measurements, both the weak correlation between the ¯ight-level and the environmental shear vector can be unambiguously surface asymmetries, and the south-to-north tilting with deduced. An additional observation is the relationship height of the vortex. Supplemented with a perpendicular between the wind measurements and the SFMR rain

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 07:48 PM UTC 110 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 20 rate. The rain-rate maximum is aligned vertically with vealed by the signi®cant differences in SFMR±GPS bi- the ¯ight-level wind (and convection) maximum and ases among storm quadrants. The RR quadrant of storms decreases to near zero at the SFMR surface wind max- is where the wind vector is generally aligned with the imum. Thus the rain-rate measurement is not responding direction of dominant wave propagation. Thus waves merely to the increase in TB but to actual rainfall ab- are in an active building state and because they may sorption effects. not produce the large foam patches in their wake after A commonly observed phenomenon, as illustrated in breaking, the wind speed is underestimated relative to Fig. 12a, is that the SFMR continues to retrieve surface the other storm quadrants. winds within the eye of hurricanes, where it is expected Breaking waves play an important part in the transfers that winds normally decrease below 10 m sϪ1. One pre- of enthalpy and momentum at the air±sea interface vious hypothesis of this systematic overestimate was (Longuet-Higgins 1986). Sea spray generated by break- due to the hurricane's warm core increasing the ob- ing waves may be important for the large source of served TB. Based on the sensitivity analysis in section sensible and latent heat to hurricanes (Andreas and 4, this is clearly not the cause as the drier and less dense Emanuel 2001). Breaking waves are also the primary (albeit thermometrically warmer) air inside the eye ex- source of momentum to the upper ocean (Craig and hibits a lower TB and therefore an underestimate of wind Banner 1994), which, through a number of processes would occur. The overestimate is probably a result of such as vertical shear, entrainment, and advection, acts either the misalignment of the ¯ight-level and surface to signi®cantly redistribute heat that necessarily feeds vortex centers, or, more likely, the time lag between the back to the hurricane (Jacob et al. 2000). We hope that slackening wind and the decay of the sea state. in the near future we will be able to better determine the relationship between passive microwave measure- ments of the sea surface and the air/sea ¯uxes that partly 6. Conclusions govern the intensity change process in tropical cyclones. Passive microwave radiometry is a useful tool for measurement of sea surface and atmospheric properties. Acknowledgments. The authors acknowledge the con- Additionally, measurements at nadir incidence and low- ceptual insight of Prof. Calvin T. Swift, University of er frequencies (i.e., Ͻ10 GHz) do not suffer from severe Massachusetts Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory rainfall attenuation and, unlike many active radar sys- (MIRSL), for development of the original SFMR at the tems, do not become saturated at hurricane-force wind NASA Langley Research Center. Subsequent design and speeds. Moreover, surface wind speeds in hurricanes fabrication of a second generation SFMR was carried derived from measurement of microwave emissions out at MIRSL under the supervision of Prof. Swift and from the wind-driven sea surface are well correlated Prof. Robert McIntosh, founding director of MIRSL. with in situ surface wind measurements by GPS drop- Much of the original SFMR design, antenna develop- windsonde. The SFMR provides independent estimates ment, and testing as well as system calibration was per- of surface winds at a horizontal resolution of ϳ10 s (1.5 formed at MIRSL by Dr. Al Tanner (currently NASA/ km) along the ¯ight track, suitable for correct location JPL) and Dr. Mark Goodberlet (currently ProSensing, and estimation of maximum sustained wind speeds, as Inc., formerly Quadrant Engineering). Dr. Christopher well as high-resolution mapping of the wind ®eld. Cur- Ruf (currently University of Michigan) developed the rently the SFMR is the only reliable passive microwave retrieval algorithm for wind speed and rain rate. Dr. instrument for measuring surface winds Ͼ20 m sϪ1,as Karen St. Germain (currently NRL/Washington) im- measurements from spaceborne platforms have not been proved the instrument design and assisted in the data validated in this range. analysis and development of the retrieval algorithm. The overall high bias of the SFMR wind estimates The Of®ce of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorol- relative to the 10-m GPS winds may be due to differ- ogy (OFCM) provided funding for development of the ences in the timescales of motion represented by each operational third-generation SFMR currently ¯own on of the measurements. The GPS surface wind is estimated the NOAA WP-3D. We especially thank Robert Du- from an average wind speed across the atmospheric mont, OFCM, for his continued support of the SFMR boundary layer and therefore may not contain as much concept. ``gustiness,'' or intermittent variability, measured by the We wish to express our sincere gratitude for the sup- SFMR averaged over a shorter time period. The SFMR port and dedication of the NOAA Aircraft Operations may in the future provide a guide to assess the statistical Center. The integration of the SFMR system would have variability of the GPS measurements, which to date is been impossible without the assistance of the engineers not well understood. and ¯ight crew at AOC. Dr. James McFadden, AOC Errors induced by incorrect estimation of unknown hurricane program manager, coordinated the many re- variables in the radiative transfer problem are tolerable. quests for ¯ight support during the hurricane seasons. The assumed values require, at most, minor adjustment We also thank the many colleagues at HRD who sup- from their present values. It appears that the sea state ported the SFMR program, especially Dr. Hugh Wil- has an in¯uence on the retrieved wind speeds, as re- loughby, Director, and Dr. Frank Marks, Field Program

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Director. We thank Dr. Mark Powell for his effort to incorporate SFMR data into the HRD real-time surface wind analysis (H*WIND), and William Barry for de- velopment of the SFMR display application. The support and feedback from our colleagues at the National Hurricane Center has been crucial to improve- ment of the SFMR. We especially acknowledge NHC Director Max May®eld, Miles Lawrence, Dr. Richard Pasch, and James Franklin. Finally we thank Dr. Chris Landsea, John Kaplan, Dr. Hugh Willoughby (HRD), Dr. Lynn Shay (UM/RSMAS), and three anonymous reviewers who all contributed signi®cantly to the im- provement of the manuscript.

FIG. A1. Diagram depicting radiative contributions to total bright- APPENDIX A ness temperature measured by a nadir viewing radiometer. The emis- sivity ␧ is the quantity directly related to the surface wind speed. The SFMR Algorithm quantities in parentheses below each term indicate contributed units (ϫ 100%) to the total apparent brightness temperature. Values are a. Forward radiative transfer model for the ocean and atmosphere conditions assumed in the SFMR algorithm, zero wind and rain rate, at 5 GHz. For reference TB Ӎ 114.0 K. The SFMR infers the ocean surface wind speed from thermal blackbody radiation emitted by the sea, gov- 3) absorption and scattering by liquid water particles. erned by Planck's law. Additionally, the Rayleigh±Jeans approximation to Planck's law (applicable at microwave The atmospheric contribution TDOWN to the apparent frequencies) implies a linear relationship between the brightness temperature is considered to be the sum of radiated energy, expressed in terms of a brightness tem- gaseous and hydrometeor contributions: perature (T ), and physical temperature T. Materials B T ϭ (1 Ϫ ␶ )͗T ͘ϩ␶ (1 Ϫ ␶ )͗T ͘, (A3) such as the atmosphere and sea surface emit a portion DOWN r,ϱ r,ϱ r,ϱ a,ϱ a,ϱ of absorbed energy; this ratio is the emissivity where T is the physical temperature (K); the subscripts r and a refer to rain and atmospheric transmission, re- T ␧ϭ B . (A1) spectively; ϱ indicates contribution by the total atmo- T spheric column; and the angle brackets denote a mass- From Kirchoff's energy conservation law, the emission weighted layer average. The total sky brightness tem- and absorption of energy by a material in local ther- perature is then just the sum of TDOWN and the extra- modynamic equilibrium must be equal. Since the ra- terrestrial source (TCOS ϭ 2.7 K): diation not emitted by a medium must (neglecting scat- TSKYϭ T DOWN ϩ (1 Ϫ ␶␶r, a, )TCOS. (A4) tering effects) be transmitted, ϱ ϱ The true ocean brightness temperature is related to ␧ϭ1 Ϫ ␶, (A2) the SST by TOCEAN ϭ␧(SST). Since it is directly related where ␶ is the transmissivity. to the wind speed, the calculation of ␧ is the goal of As shown in Fig. A1, the apparent brightness tem- the SFMR algorithm. The ocean contribution is added to the re¯ected sky brightness temperature, (1 Ϫ␧)T , perature TB of the sea surface measured by a downward- SKY looking radiometer positioned at some height above the which is then attenuated by the intervening atmospheric surface is the sum of several sources (e.g., Ulaby et al. layer below the aircraft. The upward emission by the 1981): atmosphere below the aircraft is

1) cosmic radiation attenuated by the atmosphere and TUP ϭ (1 Ϫ ␶␶r,A/C a,A/C)͗T a,A/C͘, (A5) re¯ected by the surface (TCOS), where A/C indicates emission from the atmospheric lay- 2) downward emission by the atmosphere re¯ected by er below the aircraft. The total apparent brightness tem- the surface (TDOWN), perature of the ocean surface is then just the sum 3) emission from the surface attenuated by the inter- T ϭ (␶ )(␶ )[T ϩ (1 Ϫ␧)T ] vening atmosphere (TOCEAN), and Br,A/C a,A/C OCEAN SKY 4) upward emission from the intervening atmosphere ϩ TUP. (A6) (TUP). Under calm winds, typical tropical (rain free) atmo- The absorption, emission, and transmission properties spheric conditions, and nominal ¯ight altitudes the con- of the atmosphere are mainly due to tribution by TOCEAN represents ϳ95% of the total ap- 1) absorption by oxygen molecules, parent brightness temperature of the ocean. The cal- 2) absorption by water vapor molecules, and culation of transmissivity from the atmospheric com-

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FIG. A2. Excess emissivity (dimensionless) as a function of wind speed (m s Ϫ1). The specular emissivity for typical ocean conditions is ϳ0.35. position is given in Ulaby et al. (1986). For real-time et al. 1973; Stogryn 1972). The SFMR algorithm as- application of the algorithm the thermodynamic prop- sumes the total emissivity of the ocean surface consists erties of the atmosphere assume tropical characteristics of wind speed±dependent components and specular (Jordan 1958). components. The relationship between the emissivity and hurri- cane-force winds (Black and Swift 1984) was estab- b. Emissivity±wind speed relationship lished through dual aircraft missions in which brightness The ocean absorbs only a portion of the incident ra- temperature measurements were made by one aircraft diation. The remainder of the incident energy is re¯ect- operating at around 3-km altitude, compared with lower ed, and therefore the relationship between emissivity ¯ying aircraft making in situ measurements of winds at and re¯ectivity is just ␧ϭ1 Ϫ⌫. Expressed in func- between 0.5- and 1.5-km altitude, and reduced to near- tional form the re¯ectivity of a smooth (specular) ocean surface values using the boundary layer model of Powell surface is (1980). The emissivity of the wind-driven sea was then determined by estimation of the increase relative to a ⌫ϭ⌫(␪,f, SST, S), (A7) pp specular sea surface. The specular Fresnel power re- where p is the polarization state (vertical or horizontal), ¯ection coef®cient (⌫) is calculated using the algorithm ␪ is incidence angle, f is electromagnetic frequency, of Klein and Swift (1977), which immediately gives the SST is sea surface temperature, and S is the salinity. smooth surface emissivity. This is then added to the Since SFMR measurements are normally made at zero wind-generated excess (Fig. A2) to obtain the total emis- incidence angle where the re¯ectivity is independent of sivity. the polarization, the subscript p may be dropped. The What remains to be determined is the emissivity of re¯ectivity is then calculated at each of the SFMR fre- the rain column. Solving Eq. (A6) for ␧ gives quencies assuming the SST and salinity are known. a␶ Ϫ b As the wind begins to transfer energy to the ocean, ␧ϭ r,ϱ , (A8) the scattering and emission properties become much a␶r,ϱ Ϫ c␶r,A/C more complicated. As the wind stress increases, the sea surface becomes roughened by capillary and short grav- where ity waves, which break when they reach a critical steep- (͗T ͘ϪT )␶ ͗T ͘ϪT ness. This breaking produces layers of foam patches and a ϭ a,ϱ COS a,ϱ , b ϭ r,ϱ B , streaks that emit microwave energy more readily than ͗Ta,ϱ͗͘Ta,ϱ͘ does a specular surface. So-called foam models have ͗T ͘ϪSST been developed that relate the fractional coverage of c ϭ r,A/C . foam to the wind speed (Ross and Cardone 1974; Tinga ͗Ta,ϱ͘

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Ϫ1 FIG. A3. Rainfall attenuation coef®cient ␬r (Np km ) plotted as a function of rain rate (mm Ϫ1 h ). The differential absorption (i.e., the spread of ␬r) of microwave radiation determines the rain rate.

By neglecting (͗Tr,A/C͘ϪSST) and TCOS in comparison [Eq. (A11)] is plotted as a function of rain rate in Fig. Ϫ1 to ͗Ta,ϱ͘, a ϭ ␶a,ϱ, c ϭ 0, an approximate expression A3. Nominally rain rates Ͼ 5mmh can be measured for the emissivity of the sea surface in the presence of by the SFMR. As was shown in Fig. 12b in section 5, rain results: the absorptive effect of rain can be seen in the increase

of the spread of TB in the eyewall. T Ϫ͗T ͘ 1 ␧ ഠ Br,ϱ ϩ 1. (A9) ͗T ͘ ␶␶2 []a,ϱ a,ϱ r,ϱ c. Inversion algorithm Because of the small ratio of raindrop size to the SFMR electromagnetic wavelength, scattering is neglegible, The SFMR thus measures the apparent TB of a scene even at the high rain rates experienced in hurricanes. below the aircraft that results from contributions from Thus rain can be approximated entirely by an absorption both the ocean and the atmosphere. For a given SST, process. The transmissivity of the rain column depends the change in emissivity is directly related to TB.In upon hyrdometeor content, which is proportional to rain addition, the frequency dependence of microwave at- rate, and electromagnetic frequency. The relationship tenuation by rainfall can be used to infer the quantity between transmissivity and absorption, ␬r,is of liquid precipitation in the atmospheric column below the aircraft. Retrieval of the surface wind speed and rain ␶rrϭ exp(Ϫ␬ h), (A10) rate from a set of measurements of TB constitutes an where h is the depth of the rain column. The rainfall inverse problem that generally requires the number of absorption coef®cient is modeled by measurements to be greater than or equal to the number ␬ ϭ aRb, (A11) of parameters retrieved. For the case of the SFMR where r six measurements are used to infer two parameters (wind where R is the rain rate (mm hϪ1) and a, b have been speed and rain rate), the solution is overdetermined and empirically determined. Olsen et al. (1978) have shown a least squares inversion method is applied. that a is a function of rain rate and frequency: A physical model is designed that relates an n-length a ϭ gf n(R). (A12) measurement vector of brightness temperatures T to an m-length vector of retrieved parameters p (Pedersen 0.0736 Atlas and Ulbrich (1977) indicate that n ഠ 2.6R . 1990): The exponent b ϭ 1.35 has been determined from C- band radar re¯ectivity measurements in hurricanes by Tnmϭ Wnm ´ p , (A13) Jorgensen and Willis (1982). The calibration studies of Black and Swift (1984) arrived at a value of g ϭ 1.87 where the matrix W consists of the partial derivatives ϫ 10Ϫ6 Np kmϪ1. The rainfall attenuation coef®cient of T with respect to p:

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TABLE B1. Rms noise levels (⌬TB, K) obtained from separate ¯ights for the years analyzed in the article. These values should be compared with the theoretical 0.4-K noise level associated with 0.7-s integration time. Frequency (GHz) 4.55 5.06 5.64 6.34 6.36 7.22

1998 (Georges 19 Sep) ⌬TB (K) 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

1999 (Floyd 14 Sep) ⌬TB (K) 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9

2001 (Humberto 24 Sep) ⌬TB (K) 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.0

T At a typical aircraft ground speed of 150 m sϪ1, thisץ W ϭ n . (A14) p corresponds to a spatial resolution of 1.5 km along theץ nm m ¯ight track. Additionally, the size of the footprint on A set of radiometer observations is denoted by the ocean surface depends upon the ¯ight altitude, the à physical dimensions of the antenna, and the microwave T ϭ Wnm ´ p ϩ ⑀ ϭ T ϩ ⑀ , (A15) nmnnn frequency. The half-power (Ϫ3 db) main beamwidth where ⑀n is an error vector, and the top hat indicates an ranges from 22Њ to 32Њ, so at a typical ¯ight altitude of estimate of the true parameter. The solution vector of 1500 m, the cross-track footprint has a diameter of be- parameter estimates is computed from tween 600 and 800 m, depending upon the channel. pà ϭ (WWTT)Ϫ1 W Tà , (A16) Calibration of the SFMR requires relating the output receiver voltage to TB at each channel. For a balanced obtained from the condition that the sum of squared Dicke-switched noise-injection type radiometer (Ulaby differences between the observed and model-predicted et al. 1981), the TB at a particular frequency depends brightness temperatures is minimized, that is, upon the the reference load (TREF) and noise diode (TNSD) 2 nm physical temperatures as well as the sensor's output volt- Tà Ϫ W pà ϭ minimum. (A17) age, V (Goodberlet and Swift 1996). The SFMR is de- ͸͸ijij iϭ1 []jϭ1 signed to hold TREF and TNSD near a constant value of 313 K (40ЊC), which improves the stability of the cal- Solutions to the problem are possible when the de- ibration. The sensor T (K) is then related to the output rivative matrix elements W are signi®cantly different B ij voltage via the linear regression equation from one another so that the elements of (WTW)Ϫ1 do not spuriously amplify the errors ⑀i. For wind speeds TB ϭ (a ϩ bTNSD)V ϩ cT REF ϩ d. (B1) Ͻ10 m sϪ1 or rain rates Ͻ5mmhϪ1, the sensitivity of Measurements of T are made by observing known cold changes in the T to changes in these quantities at SFMR B B (clear sky ϳ 5 K), warm blackbody absorber (liquid N frequencies and nadir incidence angle is so weak that a 2 ϳ 77 K), and hot (ground surface) targets. The cali- solution is normally not possible. bration regression is improved by making measurements over the ocean at known SST and light wind speed and APPENDIX B using the Klein±Swift algorithm to compute the specular sea surface T . System Speci®cations, Calibration, and B The SFMR's system noise may be estimated by cal- Noise Figures culating the distribution of random ¯uctuations about

The SFMR measures the apparent TB at six micro- running mean values of TB of the observed calm sea wave frequencies (4.55, 5.06, 5.64, 6.34, 6.96, 7.22 surface under clear-sky conditions. To analyze the in- GHz) over 200-MHz bandwidths. The hardware aver- herent instrument noise contained in the 1998, 1999, aging time is set at 0.7 s, which gives a theoretical and 2001 SFMR data, we chose a 10-min continuous single-measurement brightness temperature resolution run of low TB from each year. The rmse about the 1- (noise) of ⌬TB ϭ 0.4 K. The brightness temperatures min running mean values for each channel is computed. are collected sequentially from the six channels, so it The data are chosen to be truly representative of qui- should take 6 ϫ 0.7 ϭ 4.2 s to collect a complete set escent wind and sea state far from the center of their of data. However, the system analog-to-digital converter respective storms. Additionally, the data are void of RFI samples at a slightly faster rate, so a complete set of contamination. Table B1 shows the noise levels of the data is obtained approximately every 3.5 s. The response brightness temperatures for each channel. time of the instrument is 0.85 s per channel, which is The ⌬TB values stated in Table B1 are for the 1-Hz slightly higher than the averaging time of 0.7 s since data and should be compared with the theoretical noise the onboard processor does not spend the entire time of 0.4 K (based on the 0.7-s instrument integration time). collecting data. The time between independent sets of The noise levels may be reduced further by time av- measurements is generally de®ned as twice the response eraging the digital data, at the expense of resolution. It time of the system, so the actual time between com- is obvious, based on these results, that the SFMR re- pletely independent sets of data is 2 ϫ 6 channels ϫ ceiver and antenna noise is quite low and should not 0.85 s per channel ϭ 10 s (Goodberlet and Swift 1996). contribute signi®cantly to errors when the derived wind

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