PACECIALIST team Maya Glickman – COO & CFO  M.E. in Systems Engineering, and B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering, The Technion Institute  ISU graduate, Scholarship  Senior communications engineer  Over 12 years experience in Astrodynamics and space applications (Technion, RAFAEL, IAI)  EU evaluator for FP7 call for space  Founder of INSA (Israeli Nano Satellites Association)

2 PACECIALIST team Meidad Pariente – CEO  M.E. in Systems Engineering, The Technion Institute, B.Sc. in Physics,  Over 16 years experience in space applications.  Senior Systems Engineer, expertise in communication and Nano satellites.  VENµS and AMOS-3 Chief system engineer, AMOS-5 special consultant  GPS solutions expert  Founder of INSA (Israeli Nano Satellites Association) 3

Our Vision To promote a prosperous commercial space industry in What is PACECIALIST?  PACECIALIST, pronounced SPACE-CIA-LIST, is a word we created in order to describe one who specializes in aerospace related systems and missions.  Our Israeli based consulting company is a group of aerospace experts, Active since 01/2011  PACECIALIST has three core activities System Engineering Software Solutions International Initiative PACECIALIST core activities  Systems Engineering  Technical services – Systems engineering, Project oversight and reviews  Promoting CubeSat products and Nano satellites projects  Consulting to space insurance companies  SPACECIALIST has TAA and ITAR clearance by the DOD  Software Solutions  Supply STK incorporated system engineering solutions for various aerospace missions  Provide ‘Turn-key’ projects using STK  Provide expert technical support

6 PACECIALIST Groups  International Initiatives Group  Involved in Bi-Lateral and FP7 projects.  Led METERS (with TAU and Open U) Project, an FP7 project with DLR payload development team  Currently leading FIGARO (First Galileo Receiver Onboard) project, a multi-national FP7 project.  Established RINI – Russian Israeli Nanosatellite Initiative for academic and civilian Industry (with Astelion and Tomsk state university)  Project JEDI – ongoing special project with JAXA and NASA

7 PACECIALIST Recent Activities - Summary • RINI – Russian Israeli Nanosatellite Initiative • JEDI – Sprite hunting form space (First in the world) • Promoting export to EU • ROTEM LTD – manufacturing and exporting CubeSat structures to to the CubeSatShop • Mechanodeen –collaboration with RUAG for slip ring manufacturing and exporting (under negotiation) • Phobos-Grunt – Risk assessment and evaluation for ROSCOSMOS interplanetary mission • Space debris research – First of a kind research regarding possible impact of a collision in the Geostationary belt

8 Educational Endeavors  Metrowest Mor High school program  Afeka engineering collage – Space projects for ME Students  Hof HaSharon High School program  Initiating High school program in Hod HaSharon (Ramon High school)  Promoting space education in elementary schools (Pro bono)  Technical reviews for CUSAT, a Cornell university Nano- project  RINI – Remote learning with the Israeli Open U 9 Ideas and Topics for cooperation  Using Israeli facilities as a test house for micro and nano satelllites  Matching High quality Israeli manufacturers for Nanosatellites products designed in  Providing system engineering, project management and ‘red team’ services for your projects (including insurance)  Searching for a Consortium of SMEs to build a communication relay station to the based on nanosatellites  Providing a three-years educational program tutoring space engineering with hands-on experience

10 Contact Details [email protected]