Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin

2048 Edgewater Court Lexington, Kentucky 40502 859-266-8050 Sivan/Tamuz 5781 June 2021 http://www.ozs.org

President’s Message OZS Mischpacha, And now the end is near So I face the final curtain My friends, you are all so dear Of this I am surely certain

I’ve served 2 years, quite full I’ve traveled to the rooftop, and the sump well And more, much more than this I did it Ohavay Zion Way

Regrets, I’ve had a few Not real bad, like keeping better attention Had to hear about Roberts Rules And saw it through with MUCH exception

I planned each charted course Not by myself, But with help from many Oh, and more, much more than this I did it Ohavay Zion Way

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew Not hiring a Rabbi and a pandemic blooming But through it all when there was doubt We gathered our strength and and played it out We faced it all and stood quite tall And did it Ohavay Zion Way

I’ve loved and laughed and cried And cried and cried, my mind I was losing And now as tears subside I find it all so amusing To think We did all that, with Covid and Home Shuling We found Rabbi Sabath whose way is not a shy way How grateful for She I did it Ohavay Zion Way

We started our 3rd (or 4th or 5th) Rabbi Search While held back by some leaked Lab research Yet as a team, we spun our web We sent it far and combined our wits And found the best (again) In Rabbi Shani Abramowitz And yes together we did it Ohavay Zion Way

To those who took advantage of the opportunity to step up and perform the Mitzva of keeping our OZS vibrant during my tenure, in the immortal words of my dear departed father, You’re Welcome:)

Thanks for having me. Outgoing OZS president, Ira Cooper

Rabbi’s Message “The Source of Life is With You and in Your Light We See Light” ִּכי ִּע ְּמָך ְּמקֹור ַח ִּיים בְּאֹורְּ ָך נִּרְּ האֶ אֹור (Psalm 36:10) Dearest OZS Community,

What a year it’s been! At the beginning of the year I shared how relevant to our situation the following famous lines from Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities seemed to me:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

Little could we know how true each of the phrases would be this year. As we moved through the year together we learned to hold each other in the darkness of despair, loss and isolation. And we helped each other maintain hope and focus on a sense of God’s light and presence among us, even while forced to be separated from each other.

Given the profound uncertainties, in addition to all the regular rabbinic duties, I focused on these primary goals: 1) To keep us physically and spiritually safe; 2) To help heal past wounds and repair relationships; 3) to hold us together as a community strengthened by prayer, study, community support and celebration whenever and however possible; and 4) to focus our attention always on the light and the hope that are the core of Jewish life.

Each service, meeting and event brought more light and the comfort of the human spirit. Through the blessings of technology, and through the light of the pixels of our screens, we were able to shine great light into each other’s homes and hearts. Unprecedented though it was, this year we recreated what community can be, and reimagined the possibilities of the future.

Admittedly, serving OZS as a visiting rabbi during a pandemic has been one of the most difficult and fulfilling professional experiences I have known.

As difficult as it is to say farewell, it is made much easier because of the confidence I have in your wonderful new rabbi, Shani Abramowitz, whom you will soon welcome into your hearts and homes and who I know will lead OZS into a glorious new era.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to President Ira Cooper for his good faith, his heart of gold, his gentle leadership and steadfast support. The partnership and the daily work and commitment of the Board of Trustees and many volunteer leaders made everything possible. One joyous example of the strength and ongoing commitment of community can be seen in the photo included below of the minyan of Adult Bnai Mitzvah we celebrated last Shabbat.

Thank you for opening your minds, hearts and lives often in the most absurd circumstances. Please know that I have learned something important from each one of you who I was privileged to meet. And I hope that —in some way— you felt supported and lifted up as an individual and/or as a community.

With deep gratitude for an unforgettable year, I pray you will all continue to focus on the light and strength of OZS, and be lifted up by the powerful depth and optimism of our always-evolving tradition.

Endless blessings to each of you, Rabbi Sabath

PS: Please note my personal email: [email protected] Rabbi Uriel Smith was a devoted and generous presence in the OZS sanctuary, social hall and library. He modeled kavanah (spiritual focus), tzedakah, gemilut hasadim (acts of kindness), and lifelong learning. Rabbi Smith davened in conversation with the Eternal, read Torah with full heart, and sang karaoke with a twinkle in his eye. On May 16, 2021, in conjunction with Shavuot, a mezuzah, lovingly crafted by Penina Goldstein, was dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Smith, and affixed to the wall outside our social hall entry.

Additional Listing of Donations made to General Fund from B’Nai Mitzvah Group participants

In Honor Of And With Thanks To Alice Goldstein

Harriet and Mike Ades To show their Michael and Kathy Grossman appreciation for their Benjamin and Margie Karp teachers, Gan Shalom parents and Aylene Kovensky-Gard students washed the Sarah Lowe teachers’ cars at the Jeremy Popkin end of the school Lisa and Jon Satin year. Hanna Smith Tina Trent and Ira Cooper

In Honor of Alice Goldstein and Rabbi Sabath

We Welcome Joshua Shapiro Ezra Alan Simons, newborn son of Heidi and Matt In Honor of Alice Goldstein, Rabbi Sabath and Participants Simons, and brother to Adina (Addie) in the B’Nai Mitzvah Class Simons, as the newest member of the Jen Algire OZS community effective May 19, 2021!

DONATIONS- Ohavay Zion Synagogue extends special thanks to those who have made contributions during the past month. GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND (continued)  Anonymous  Elizabeth (Eliza) Wilson A Thoughtful Donation In Honor of Sarah Lowe becoming a Bat Mizvah.  Anonymous Mazel Tov to my cousin and all the B’Nai Mitzvah In Memory of Barbara Grossman  Michelle Beard Please see also listing on page 3 A Thoughtful Donation  Gayle and Peter Bourne BACKPACKING In Memory of John Spiwak  Brian Derer In Memory of Marilyn Crawford In Memory of my Dad, Sheldon Derer  Shirley and Jared Bryan In Honor of the birth of my great niece Emmie In recognition of the yahrzeits of Betty & Morris Bryan  Nancy and Phil Hoffman COOPER MEMORIAL SECURITY FUND Mazel Tov to the B’Nai Mitzvah Class  Andy, Madonna, Jessica and Brandon Cooper  Sylvia Lenhoff (Mom of Gloria Lenhoff) In Honor of Tina Trent - Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Our Thanks as parents of the Stewart Home school students for your warm acceptance of them at EDUCATION - ADULT services and remembrance of them at holiday  Lynn and Jim Furness time. Special thanks to Dawn Vermey for her In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Josh Shapiro goodies. And to Ricki Rosenberg.  Connie and John Loventhal GAN SHALOM In Honor of Harriet Ades, Kathy Grossman, and the  Evalynne and David Elias B’Nai Mitzvah class of 2021 In Celebration of the birth of Ezra Alan Simons  Linda and Leon Ravvin In Memory of Sheldon Stanley Pavel In Memory of Barbara Shapiro GREEN CAMPERSHIP  Judy and Stan Saxe  Tina Trent and Ira Cooper In Honor of the Adult B’Nai Mitzvah Group In Honor of Rabbi Sabath  Art Shechet and Marilyn Robie In Memory of Rabbi Uriel Smith RABBI DISCRETIONARY In Honor of the Adult B’Nai Mitzvah 2021  Heidi and Matt Simons  Lana and Clarence Weddle Thank you to Rabbi Abramowitz for officiating a A Thoughtful Donation beautiful naming ceremony for our son, Ezra Alan  Sue Westerman Simons. Thank you for helping us welcome him into A Thoughtful Donation the Jewish People!  Lana and Clarence Weddle A Thoughtful Donation

Ohavay Zion Synagogue Donation Form 2048 Edgewater Court  Lexington, Kentucky 40502 [email protected] 859-266-8050

Contributor: Check enclosed ____Charge my credit card _____

Name: ______Credit card information $ amount to charge: ______

Address: ______Name: ______

City/State/Zip: ______Card #: ______

Phone: ______Expiration Date:______Sec Code:______

Signature: ______In Honor____Memory____ of:

Name: ______Donations may be made to the following:

Occasion: ______General ___ Green Campership

Please Notify: ___ Backpacking ___ High Holidays

Name: ______Building ___ Holocaust Memorial Torah

___ Caring Committee ___ Kitchen/Kiddush Address: ______Chevra Kadisha ___ Library

City/State/Zip: ______Cooper Security Fund ___ Rabbi’s Discretionary

___ Education - Adult ___ Social Action Committee Paypal donation - please go to our website ozs.org for the link. To donate stock, securities or other assets please contact the office. ___ Education - Youth ___ Torah/Prayer Books ___ Gan Shalom ___ Other ______



Raphael Finkel 6/13 Ian Bourne 6/2 Dawn Vermey 6/20 Katy Miller 6/2 Martin Luftman 6/13 Hallie Forbess 6/23 Bret Caller 6/3 Virginia Luftman 6/16 Nell Adkins 6/25 Landen Baumfeld 6/5 Madeline Moosnick-Lakes 6/18 Hadley Parritz 6/25 Roberto Gedaly 6/6 H. Brian Hershinow 6/20 Caryn Hoffman 6/27 Malka Himelhoch 6/9 Seth Himelhoch 6/20 Selena McClain 6/27 Sue Dworkin 6/10 Sefiyah Kristin McClain 6/20 Ella Shooter 6/30 Heidi Simons 6/10


Barry & Sue Ezrine 6/7 46th anniversary Jonathan & Beth Glixon 6/17 48th anniversary Sandy & Sandra 6/9 37th anniversary Stanley & Judy Saxe 6/22 63rd anniversary Jennifer Garlin & Marcelo Guzman 6/12 10th anniversary Kae & Richard Schennberg 6/22 15th anniversary Ron & Mickey Fleischman 6/13 50th anniversary Mazel Tov to Seth Rubin upon his graduation from High School Mazel Tov to our new rabbi, Rabbi Shani Abramowitz, upon the occasion of her Mazel Tov to the following on ordination on their B’Nai Mitzvah at OZS May 23, 2021, Sivan 5781 12 Sivan 5781, Jewish Theological Seminary Harriet Ades, Jen Algire, Kathy Grossman, Margie Karp, Aylene Kovensky-Gard, Sarah Lowe, Jeremy Popkin, Kae Schennberg, Josh Shapiro- Mazel Tov to Howard, and Tina Trent Sarah Brownstein, daughter of Madeline Moosnick-Lakes, who graduated from Sarah Lawrence College on May 14th 2021 with a degree Mazel Tov to Maura Moosnick, daughter of Karen in theater production. Bacdayan and Greg Moosnick, who graduated cum laude from Fordham University Law School in New York City on May 23rd. Maura plans to practice union-side labor law in New York.

IF YOU HAVE A SIMCHA (COLLEGE GRAD, WEDDING, BIRTHS ETC.)THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE CONTACT THE OFFICE AT 859-266-8050 OR [email protected] Amazon Smile Thank you to those who have been using AmazonSmile and have designated Ohavay Zion Congregation as the organization to receive 0.5% of your eligible purchases. We received $87.24 for purchases made between October 1 and December 31, 2020. Go to https://smile.amazon.com and please continue to support Ohavay Zion! Have questions? Please contact Debbie Aminoff, Board treasurer, by email: [email protected] or phone: 859-317-3839. Kroger Community Rewards

Thank you to all that have signed up for our Kroger Community Rewards program. Last quarter, OZS received $409.34 from the Rewards Program. If you haven’t signed up yet but are a Kroger shopper you can help OZS earn fundraising dollars at NO COST TO YOU!!!! All you will have to do is present your Kroger Plus card and then we get the proceeds. Please go on line now to krogercommunityrewards.com to register, be sure to have your Kroger Plus Card and OZS #WI315. If you have any questions about it please call or email the office.


Cindy M. Derer, P.L.L.C.

Cindy M. Derer, D.M.D. Family Dentistry Web Sites: Schennberg.com 698 Perimeter Drive, Suite 102 Schennbergrealty.com Lexington, Kentucky 40517 859.268.9090 www.cindydererdmd.com

Thank You

For your Support! YAHRZEITS FOR JUNE

6/1 Florence Rosenberg Travis Sivan 21 6/17 Morris Bryan Tammuz 7 6/2 Lena Cohen Sivan 22 6/20 Hanna Berger Tammuz 10 6/3 Ernie Cohen Sivan 23 6/20 Tatiana Khanukayeva Tammuz 10 6/4 Joseph A. Miller Sivan 24 6/21 Martin Greenfield Tammuz 11 6/4 Henry Thomas Welker Sivan 24 6/22 Elisabeth Blaustein Tammuz 12 6/4 Seymour Zimmerman Sivan 24 6/22 Louis Goldberg Tammuz 12 6/5 Minerva Hamburg Sivan 25 6/22 Seymour Jacowitz Tammuz 12 Yahrzeit 6/6 Sam Jacobs Sivan 26 Observance 6/22 Louis Rosenberg Tammuz 12 6/6 Myrtle Jacobson Sivan 26 begins at 6/24 Kurt Landsberger Tammuz 14 6/6 Rabbi Uriel Smith Sivan 26 sundown of the 6/24 Bertha Rosenberg Tammuz 14 6/6 Samuel Smith Sivan 26 previous 6/25 Dorothy Munich Tammuz 15 6/7 Fannie Rosenstein Sivan 27 evening 6/25 Mollie Neuman Tammuz 15 6/8 Aron Friedman Sivan 28 with lighting of 6/26 Sam Godhelff Tammuz 16 6/10 Jenny Edelstein Sivan 30 the yahrzeit 6/27 Olga Capilouto Franco Tammuz 17 6/10 Erwin J. Neuman Sivan 30 candle. 6/27 Peshe Karpas Tammuz 17 The traditional 6/10 Max Regenstreif Sivan 30 6/27 Hyman Rosenberg Tammuz 17 act of tzedaka, 6/11 Aron Atlas Tammuz 1 6/27 Marvin Smoak Tammuz 17 honoring 6/11 Evelyn Hellerstein Baumann Tammuz 1 a loved one, is 6/28 Rose Scher Gall Tammuz 18 6/11 Ruth Kroot Tammuz 1 often performed 6/28 Leo Satin Tammuz 18 6/11 Bette Lieberman Tammuz 1 at this time. 6/29 WJ (Bill) Dantzic Tammuz 19 6/13 Eleanor Feinberg Tammuz 3 6/29 Stanley Goldstein Tammuz 19 6/13 Kenny Haber Tammuz 3 6/30 Wolf Levy Tammuz 20 6/14 Goldie Fleischman Tammuz 4 6/30 Henry Z. Schwartzman Tammuz 20 6/14 Sarah Marcus Tammuz 4 6/30 Joseph Steinberg Tammuz 20 6/15 Leon Goldenberg Tammuz 5

The Unveiling for Kathy and Matthew Feinberg will be on June 6, 2021 at 1:00 pm at Lexington Cemetery

June 2021 21 Sivan - 20 Tamuz 5781

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 21 Sivan 2 22 Sivan 3 23 Sivan 4 24 Sivan 5 25 Sivan

Talmud Study Shabbat Morning Minyan Wednesday Study Group Service 5:45pm Group 7:30am 10:00am 12noon Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30pm Shelach

6 26 Sivan 7 27 Sivan 8 28 Sivan 9 29 Sivan 10 30 Sivan 11 1 Tamuz 12 2 Tamuz

Parsha Study Minyan No Wednesday Talmud Study Shabbat Morning 10:00am 5:45pm Study Group Group Service Talmud for Everyone 7:30am 10:00am 11:00am December 2019 Feinberg Unveiling Board Meeting 1:00pm 7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Farewell picnic for 5:30pm Rabbi Sabath Korach 2:30pm Rosh Chodesh Rosh Chodesh

13 3 Tamuz 14 4 Tamuz 15 5 Tamuz 16 6 Tamuz 17 7 Tamuz 18 8 Tamuz 19 9 Tamuz

Parsha Study Minyan No Wednesday Talmud Study Shabbat Morning 10:00am 5:45pm Study Group Group Service 7:30am 10:00am Talmud for Everyone Kabbalat Shabbat 11:00am 5:30pm


20 10 Tamuz 21 11 Tamuz 22 12 Tamuz 23 13 Tamuz 24 14 Tamuz 25 15 Tamuz 26 16 Tamuz

Parsha Study Talmud Study Shabbat Morning 10:00am Minyan No Wednesday Group Service 5:45pm Study Group 7:30am 10:00am Talmud for

Everyone Kabbalat Shabbat 11:00am 5:30pm

Balak Father’s Day

27 17 Tamuz 28 18 Tamuz 29 19 Tamuz 30 20 Tamuz

Parsha Study 10:00am Minyan No Wednesday

5:45pm Study Group Talmud for Everyone 11:00am