The Ukrainian Weekly 1938

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1938 Supplement to the SVOBODA, Ukrainian Daily No. 47 JERSEY CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER-26,1938. VOL. VI ATTEND THE У.Я.Х. ЇОІІТН U.N.A. BASKETBALL LEAGUE s f RALLY TODAY AND Registrations have been received TOMORROW to this date from the following It Is Only Fair! cities where U.N.$|*'basketball In his daily column last Monday, William. Philip . Every young Ukrainian-American teams have 'been organized: Cleve­ Simms, foreign editor of the Scrips-Howard newspapers, within a few hours traveling dis­ land, Akron, (Ohio); Berwick, tance of Newark, who is interested Ambridge, Philadelphia, ' Newark, inferentially took the stand that it would be better if in perpetuating the achievements New York, Rochester. Carpatho-Ukraine (Ruthenia) were to be annexed by of his parents, is strongly urged More teams are needed to fill up Hungary. The resultant common frontier between Hun­ to participate today and tomorrow j the gap in the widely scattered in the First U.N.A. Youui§Rally, present, arrangement of-teams. As gary and Poland, he claims, would aid in the formation which will be held in Newark. soon as Ohio, Pittsburgh, and New of a neutral bloc of states, extending from the Baltic to Parents and other older folk are York Metropolitan areas organize the Adriatic and Black seas, which would block German cordially invited as guests. one or two more teams, the League Following is the complete pro­ will be ready to function. expansion eastwards and with it the spread of anti- gram of events: Writ^^^^lstrali8S; blanks to Semitism. Today the Athletic Director. In placing so much dependence upon Poland and Hun­ Rally Session — Beginning 1 P. G. HERMAN. gary, Mr. Simms has evidently overlooked the re||nt re­ и.—ЩШ Douglas, ІШНШ Street.. Talks:. Welcome address~^-ЩУі Wilkes Barre team, which will .be ports from Polanflof alleged secret assurances giveruby thony Shumeyko, . head of Rally present. At the dance American Warsaw to Berlin that the proposed common Hungarian- committee; What Type of Youth and Ukrainian .dance music will be Polish frontier will never be a barrier toJpSrman ехрапч U.N.A. Needs—Nicholas Muraszko, played by Chester Manasterski and President of the U.N.A.; Fraternal His Orchestra' from Pittsburgh, sion toward the east. These reports—such as that of Benefits of U.N.A.—John Kosbin; Pa. Admission to banquet and Edmondp|Daylor, Chicago^ Tribune correspondent—also dance—$1.75. Reservations must be Cultural Contributions of U.N.A. made at least several hours in ad- j imply that Hungary^ tobjpight llfrnut Germany to use —Mary Ann Bodnar; The Щ^зШІ vance. ©ress optional. Carpatho-Ulp&iine as a corridor to the Soviet Union. In Sports. Program—Gregory Herman, • Vice-President |Щи. N. А'іШШШ,І Щ Tomorrow the face3|such assurances, it is'further said, Germany's surance Benefits of U.N.A.-r5te- : ; first x>f' November Holiday Pro- ; opposition to the annexation of Carpatho-Ukraine by phen Kurlak; ,ЧЩ: Ш*ЩгАв A gram (Ustopadove Svyatto)—3Bh^| Hungary has softened. Consequently, Mr. Simms' conten­ Creative Force—Dmyigp.Halychyn, ginning at 5 P. M. (Note change of | tion that the Germanjl|jvance to the east would be stopped Recording Secretary. hour)—Elks Hall, 9^5 Springfield .The talks will Be followed by a Avenue, Irvington, N. J. by a common Hungarian-Polish frontier, created at the general discussion. — Admission is The program will feature sing­ expense ifoj^Carpatho-Ukraine, is ill-founded. fijee. ing by the Ukrainian Youth Chorus Equally ill-founded is the inference to be drawn fronv" -^/Banqact and Dance—Beginning Of N. Y. and N. Ш under the direc­ 7 P. M.—Hotel Douglas. tion of Stephen Maruseyich;"^-;/ Mr. Simms' further assertion that Poland, Rumania, Hun- Greetings will be extended by krainian' melodies played by ЩІЩЩ garyv~Inthuauia7-tatvia, and Russia-areJ^striving. more Michael Boris, Cbairman^f | Ral ly krainian Youth String Ensemble; or less successfully, to prevent the anti-Semitic contagion entertainment oannnTt6eeT~Toast- *soio3~by Anne Troscianecky; duet master will be Michael Piznak. by Genevieve Olga Karyshyn and from spreading onto its soil from Germany." It would ap­ Speakers will be Dr. Luke Myshuha, Tilly ;Paraschuk; a1 recitation£§ЯЩ§з pear, according to him, that if these strivings are success­ •recently returned from Europe, Evelyn Kalakura; and talks by;Dr. ful, if Germany is prevented from spreading this con­ and."Roman Slobodian, Fin. Sec'y Luke Myshuha,' Michael Piznak, • and Treasurer of U.N.A. A famous and Stephen Shumeyko. Dr. My,- tagion, then the danger of anti-Semitism in these coun- American author, whose name can­ shuha will recount some of his ex- ' ' tries would be at the minimum. He seems to forget, how­ not be reveajed, will also be pre­ periehces and observations as re-. sent, and say a few words. Dur­ presentative' of the U.N.A. add ever, that-anti-Semitism already exists in most of these "Obyednanye" in the negotiations countries, especially in Poland; that their governments ing the banquet too, a 'baseball trophy denoting championship in leading toward the creation of an do not take the steps they could to really check it; and the U.N.A. Baseball League for autonomous Carpatho-Ukraine. — that, furthermore, this anti-Semitism is far less the result for 1938, will be presented to the Admission 35 cents. "ЩШ of Nazi policies than of purely local conditionslpenerally economic in character. Occasional news repbrjlpindicate that it is steadily spreading, like a cancerous growth, and liberty has" her wooers-. Yet Ukraine, with -her demo­ sometimes the forms it assumes are quite virulent. And . cratic traditions, has always looked for friends among -• so, even if Carpatho-Ukraine were to be sacrificed, and the great democracies. These democracies, (htowever, in- a common Polish-Hungarian frontie^jcould stop Ger- cluding America, have always turned a cold shoulder to - many's eastward march, the dangey of anti-Semitism'in her when she was most in heed of them. The Ukrainian _ the countries mentioned, would abate very little, if at all. National Republic, for example, created some twenty Aside from all this, it is worth noting that although years ago on the basis of Woodrow Wilson's principle of Mr. Simms is very much concerned, and properly so, over national self-determination, was -eventually dealt its the plight of the 8,00.0;000 Jews in that whole region, be death ЬГор-hot bMbkraine's historic enemies, Poland or has not even a word of sympathy for the 45,000,000 U- Russia, nor by the short period of exploitation of her re­ krainians, "who in their native but enslaved land have sources by Germany, but by the Paris decisions of suffered a martyrdom unprecedented in character and the great democracies themselves, including America. scope. Nor does he seem to realize that the annexation Why? Because, as Henry Adams Gibbons wrote, an inde­ of Carpatho-Ukraine would mean not only the end of its pendent Ukraine did not .fit in with the interests of the __ autonomy—for Hungary was among the most ruthless victors of the World War. oppressors of Ukrainians before the World War—but also When, as another example, in 1932-33 the Soviet the destruction of the promising beginning of what the rulers deliberately fostered a famine in Ukraine, that took Ukrainians the world over ardently hope will be the arisal a toll of over 4,000,000 lives, America raised no voice of in the near future of a free and independent Ukrainian protest against this horrible mass murder. And the same republic, encompassing within its borders all the Ukrain­ was true during the barbaric "pacification" off Ukrainians ian territories now under Poland, Soviet Union, and by Poland in 1930. And the same is Still true' when an­ Rumania. ' . ^S other' such terroristic "pacification" is taking place now No doubt, many persons—perhaps Mr. Simms him­ in Western Ukraine under Poland. If anyone wants'proof self—look upon the possible arisal of an independent U- of all this; it will be gladly furnished him. kraine with considerable askance, if not hostility, for they Truly, it is a very dissilusioning experience to dis­ see over it the. shadow of Hitler's hand. Let such1 persons, cover that the vaunted American spirit of humanity and however, pay less attention to shadows and more to sub­ fair-play is applied only to a chosen few, and that it stance and • realities. Let them realize that tih^fctruggle ignores completely the sufferings and the aspirations of the Ukrainians are waging 'for their national freedom is the'45,000,000 iiberty-lpving Ukrainian nation. centuries-old, that thrice in the past these people enjoyed We can only hope that Mr. Simms and others make varymg'ralervals of such freedom, and that today there^ this experience but a passing one, that besides taking a . is no force strong enough to prevent them from winning warm interest in the plight of the -Jews they will take a their rightful place, in the society4>f nations. similar interest in the plight of the Ukrainians. Perhaps If Germany has any ambitions in regards Ukraine, then President Roosevelt will raise his voice in behalf the she is not the only oriesTSvery nation on the threshold^!* Ukrainians too. і &Шл*$ШШШ Я UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, ', NOVEMBER 26. 1938 ИоЩ a^——•—•* IL щіїе ^ruth c^lbout Poland THE CREATION OF POUND —a nation that perverts the principle of national self-determination to futjther her imperialistic designs upon, other nations. "POLONIA CONFUSIONE REGNATUR" ^^^S|ftUnJ)ING OF THE POLISH STATE— "POLAND IS RULED BY CHAOS" Piotr Skargq, Polish writer of XVI century.
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