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Spring 2-18-1982 Maine Campus February 18 1982 Maine Campus Staff

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Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus February 18 1982" (1982). Maine Campus Archives. 1201.

This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Winter carnival gets underway this weekend by buses leaving from by fim Rice "and the snow sculpture contest has $S apiece Just so we can get the hill provided sheet, behind Nutting at 9:30 a.m, and noon. Staff Writer always been an important event." ready. Every bed has a sponsor least $500 for Lucy said,' The weather has been The SEA-sponsored Chuck Berry and we hope to raise at The annual UMO Winter Carnival is the United Way. Our little sisters beautiful. and I just hope it holds out. set to take off this weekend, and the concert will kick off the weekend have been collecting the money and It's not uncommon for us to campus community is gearing up to Friday at 8:00 p.m., with the sculpture judge will help in the actual running of the snow sculptures in the rain." make it the most successful ever. judging scheduled for Saturday from event." "I'm excited about this year's 'We've had a lot of interest." said 10:00 a.m, to noon. The Winter The School of Forest Resources is carnival. SEA, Panhellenic, the David Kristofferson of Alpha Tau Carnival games will be held on the also holding their annual Carnival this Inter-dorm Board and the Omega. "More dorms have signed up mall from noon to 3:00 p.m., with the Fraternity weekend, and are sponsoring a free Board are all involved. It's an than in recent years. Even the cabins Alpha Gamma Rho bed race following folk and square dance in the lobby of across-the-board effort this year," sent in a sketch for the snow from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Nutting Hall from 8-12:00 p.m. On Lucy said, "and that s the way it sculptures." "We expect coverage by the local Sunday a fishing derby will get should be.•' "The Winter Carnival is a pretty old news media will be extensive," said Bob Lattanzi of Alpha Gam. "We underway at Pushaw Lake. Prizes wil tradition on this campus," said Dean be awarded, and transportation will be of Student Activities William Lucy, have 50 beds entered and are charging

The University of Maine at Orono the daily student newspaper aine since 1875 am us Thursday, Feb. 18, 1982 vol. 90 no 23 Feelings mixed about retirement accounts

by Ciretchen Piston Staff Writer the age of 59 and one-half without substantial penalty and one must begin "The Opportunity for a Lifetime," taking money from the account at the reads the Merrill Family of Banks' age of 70 and one-half. promotional folder on their Individual "Frankly I think they stink," said Retirement Accounts(IRA's). Tom Stanley, assistant professor of Under the new (as of 1981) tax law, finance at UMO. of the Internal Revenue section 403b Stanley said, "The real problem with all persons are eligible to Service code, the IRA's is that there is no liquidity. establish IRA, provided they receive an In other words, your money is locked compensation for employment. up for a substantial period of time and An IRA is a plan under which one if you should need to withdraw it, you for retirement. The can save money are heavily penalized. plan is tax which means no deferred, "Say for example, a young couple taxes are paid on the money until the wants to buy a house in five years. time it is withdrawn from the IRA They contribute $2,000 each per year account. One can invest up to 100 for the five years at an interest rate of percent of his yearly income, or $2,000 about 13 percent and at the end of five less) per an IRA. (whichever is year, in years have an accumulated sum of A person cannot withdraw money from his IRA account until he reaches (see Area banks pt. 3) Arline K. Thomson was on hand sesterdas to witness the opening of her exhibit. "Elizabethan London, 'AI -- sketches of the cits," displased in the Hole- In Chancellor's office ,in-the-% all Callers in the Memorial Union.(Pike photo Senior executives receive benefits Fraternity would he reduced by the amount of along with the seven JoAnn Park, hanccllors. any scholarship the student should are Staff Writer presidents of the campuses receive. elections held eligible for this life insurance." Irene members Senior executives at the chancellor's Noyes, director of employee benefits. Not all senior executive allowance. This Gam- office receive a benefits package while said. receive the housing Peter Hoefele of Alpha other members of the chancellor'sstaff allowance is given to the presidents of ma Rho was elected Tuesday The do not receive these benefits. Associate Vice Chancellor for Em- each campus and the chancellor. night as Fraternity Board presi- this Senior executives Chancellor Pat- ployee Relations Samuel D'Amico two vice chancellors do not receive dent for the coming year. rick McCarthy, Vice Chancellor for said, senior executives receive health benefit. Hoefele. who is currently first Academic Affairs Robert Binswanger insurance. the university pays me vice president for the Fraternity Senior executive officers within two and Vice Chancellor for Administra- premium for the employee. The Board, will assume office March years of their retirement may desig- tion and Treasurer William Sullivan employee's dependents are covered 1. a portion of a salary increase, up receive a variety of benefits that staff is split. nate Hoefele. who ran unopposed. but the cost $2,000 per year. lobe members Associate Vice Chancellor to a maximum of said the races for both vice-pres- applied to a retirement account. A Mary Haas, Controller Russell Smith. Noyes .said."The university pays idents, secretary, and treasurer formal notification of intention to Associate Vice Chancellor for Emplo- half of the health insurance premium were "very close." He said retire must be made inadvance in yee Relations Samuel D'Amico, Direc- for all employees. The chancellor's over 400 votes were registered order for this benefit to be available. tor of Labor Relations Joseph Stupak five children are covered by this. but by fraternity members. The university will then match the are not eligible for. he pays $33 a month for their coverate. The position of first vice amount. The Board of Trustees approved the And there is no dental insurance." president was won by Andrew senior executive benefit package in D•Amico said. "As for vacation time Frawley of Beta Theta Pi; the their Dec. 1979 meeting. The package As a part of the package the senior there is no written policy. They position of second vice president includes life insurance, a tuition executives have a tuition matching (executive officers) receive 20 paid was won by John Shroeter of matching plan, a retirement plan and plan for their dependents. The plan days off a year. Even though most of Delta Tau Delta; the office of a housing allowance. provides a 50 percent matching of them are too busy to take them." secretary was won by Andy other than The life insurance is determined at tuition costs at institutions Noyes said the chancellor does have Sawyer of Sigma Chi: and the to the twice the persons base salary, with the the University of Maine up a university vehicle, but the university office of treasurer was won by university charges for university paying 100 percent of the amount the pays the expenses only when the Mark Butler of Alpha Tau tuition. This program premiums. out-of-state chancellor is on university business. Omega. pocket" costs and "Only the chancellor and hvo vice covers "out of 2 Maine Campus Thursdav, February 18, 1982 Peer Sexuality Program boasts Today's .rtilyea new informational switchboard (continued from i $20,000 plus in by Ed Manzi counselor in Peer Sexuality. He Weather withdraw the mot Staff Writer said the program is needed on fhursday, Feb. 18 59 and one-half, campus because a lot of Members of the Orono ascum unit will taxes on the II Abortion, birth control and students aren't aware of their meet II:30-1:00p.m. and 4:30-600 invested plus the V.D. are just some of the topics own sexuality. He said the most Sunny today, high in the 'p.m. to discuss recent contract addition, they mu students can get information on unique experience he's had in teens. Mostly clear tonight. low negotiations. Members and those their earnings for by calling the Peer Sexuality Peer Sexuality was the "men c‘ below to 5 above zero. Partly eligible are invited. North Lawn room, them in a higher switchboard. sharing" program conducted in sunny Friday. High in the 20's. Memorial Union. they are penali "People can call in the Kennebeck Hall last semester. withdrawal, so evening and ask for information Susan Oliver, a forestry-wild The Office of the Dean ofstudent interest they earn( ranging from abortions to vasec- life major, also from Hancock Affairs will sponsor a child-care them. They end tomies." Christopher Hamilton. Hall, said being a member of service from 6:30-10:00 p.m. at the percent interest a AP Weather Forecast coordinator of the program. Peer Sexuality allows students Episcopal Church on Chapel St. in isn't any better tl said. "It's not a dial HELP to learn a lot about themselves. Orono. have earned put crisis center. This program is "There is a need for Peer account.•• an informational service dealing Sexuality because of the myths "So for some with a wide range of sexual students have built up about flexibility with th sex. Any information the group CAMPUS account is the wor Hamilton said the switch- presents is factual:' she said. Stanley said. board is a new addition to the There are 30 members in Peer CRIER Jere L. Armsth program and has been in Sexuality. Students can volun- Orono branch of operation for a week. teer to work for the program or Company said," "The members of the Peer they can earn up to three credit Wanted: 16mm projc,. .onist for everybody. V Sexuality saw Program it the hours be taking the Peer to show SEA movies. Apply at OVERSEAS JOBS that a newly-emp switchboard) as another was to Sexuality class offered with the SEA Office, Memorial Union. Summer, year round. Europe, S. start right out reach students:' Hamilton said. program. Application deadline is Feb. Amer., Australia. Asia. All maximum inves "Anyone can call evenings from "It used to be dominated by 26th. For more nfo call 581- Fields. $500-S1200 monthly. 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday mostly women members:' 7929. Salaried position - Sightseeing. Free info. Write through Wednesday." Hamilton said. "But this year experience necessary. IJC Box 52-ME-I Corona Del Bruce Roderick. a psychology we have an even number of both Mar, CA 92625. Alum major from Hancock Hall. is a sexes. Looking for cabin/cottage. Bar Harbor area. From March 14th-20th. Call Cindy at 866- to hei 7049. Come aboard and gather round * Police Blotter * in the FO'C'SLii Friday and by Lassen Johns by Richard Mulhern (enter, Conferences and Roommate)') wanted by Saturday nights throughout this Staff Writer Staff Writer computer lorest Jr., share semester, 8 p.m. in Lawn Rooms. Institutes," was salued at $250. Sam S330, mo., laid back. w dog, Memorial Union. Llse Sezak A Delta Fau Delta resident campus ** * reasonably neat, quiet, 3.5 mi. entertainment, Homebaked proba reported the theft of a fele,.'mon An Orono resident reported any other from UMO near bike path, bus goods, piping hot koffees and faculi set Sundas. The nine-inch black the loss of his Hewlett-Packard a class of route, center of 0.T. teas. Entertainers wanted: '31 1 and white Sears and Roebuck set, calculator Friday. The loss Alpha Tau On Call eye.: 827-7326. contact Tom Burby 5b1 -7203 or valued at $70, was apparently apparently occurred while former UMO David Abbott 581-7181. e stolen while a party was being enroute from Boardman Hall and Help Wanted. RESORTS, continues to sta; held at the house_ the library to Orono. THE SAILING EXPEDITIONS. Sam is now * * * value of the HP-41C calculator Needed: Sports Instructors, UMO Black Be and several accessories which A lenness Hall emplosee was Office, Counselors, Europe, he fount estimated at S549.90. before reported the theft of a painting Carribean, Worldwide! VW RABBIT FOR SALE 65,000 retiring. full time from the lobbs of the hall_ The ** * Summer, Career, Send $8.95 for miles. 4 speed, AM-FM stereo job." t Applications, Openings, Guide to Up until six painting was identified as "Space Lost and Found Department cassette player, Call Lori 947- Cruiseworld 158, Box 60129. was dire,lor ill with Building' by Peter Take), The following items are 3417. 581-7151. Sacramento, Ca. 95860. and measured 24 inches by 30 asailable at UMOPD inches. headquarters for identification * ** by owners: 39 bicycles, five Lost Friday: Hewlett Packard wallets, one calculator, 10 pairs 4IC Calculator with card reader. A university employee reported of glasses, one mother's ring, one Much missed by owner. Call Sunday the theft of a sign from in portable radio, two car speakers, Andy King, 866-3368 or contact Classifieds:51.20 15 words. 10 front of the Labor Center on 128 one wool coat, one brown and through Mechanical Engineering each additional word per di,'. College Avenue. The blue on white checkered coat, one tan office. Reward for return. 1 liter days 53.00. Ilse days white sign, which read "L abor and ru,! ,•131, one pnc

SIGNING NDSL PROMISSORY NOTES Sant S The signing of National Direct Student Loans (NOT Bank (GSL) Loans) is scheduled Scholarship Pro for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday chairman and and Friday, February 16, 17, 18, and 19 and will Director. "My philoso take place in the Business Office in Alumni Hall. those students to come here Sezak said. Sezak says he TUESDAY, 2/16 WEDNESDAY, 2/17 fundraising, THURSDAY, 2/18 FRIDAY, 2/19 money over to LAST NAME TIME committee. HI LAST NAME TIME LAST NAME TIME LAST NAME TIME choosing the r AAA TO BAR 9:00 to prefers it that wi 10:00 DFA TO EAZ 9:00 to 10:00 KIN TO LEA 9:00 to 10:00 PID TO ROB 9:00 to 10: Sam Sezak fit SAS in 1927 when TO HOU 10:00 to 11:00 EBA TO FOR 10:00 to 11:00 LEB TO MAC 10:00 to 11:00 ROC TO SCI{ 10:00 to 11:00 student. He football, bask, BOV TO BUR 11:00 to 12:00 FOS TO OUR 11:00 to 12:00 MAD TO MCG 11:00 to 12:00 SCI TO SON 11:00 to 12:00 and hockey. S BUS TO CIA 1:00 to 2:00 GOS TO HAT 1:00 to 2:00 MCH TO MOR 1:00 to 2:00 SON TO TAZ 1:00 to 2:00 CLB ARI TO CRO 2:00 to 3:00 HAU TO HUZ 2:00 to 3:00 MOS TO ODA 2:00 to 3:00 TBA TO WAN 2:00 to 3;90 THE CRP TO DEZ 3:00 to 4:00 HVA TO KHZ 3:00 to 4:00 ODB TO PIC 3:00 to 4:00 WAO TO ZZZ 3:00 to 41 PRE Maine Campus. Thursday, February 18, 1982 3 Area banks push Individual Retirement Accounts evn (continued from pg. 11 52,000 per year in an account, though. $20,000 investments which pay operating costs and money market mutual funds where plus interest. When they They may need some of that money for for them and make them a good profit withdraw the money, before the age of a car, house, or whatever. you can withdraw your money anytime 59 and one-half, at the same time." without they must pay income Our 'magic age' for investing in IRA penalty, yoo do. scum unit taxes on the will full amount, money accounts is the late 50's. These people "We are a business, so of course we "For young people, I definitely ind invested 4:30-6:00 plus the interest earned. In will be retiring in a few years and can want to make a profit," said recommend investment in money tent addition, contract they must add this money to tax shelter their income to withdraw Armstrong. "Banks need to make at market mutual funds. These have a rs and their earnings those for that year, which puts when they retire and are in a lower tax least a 3 percent profit spread to come flexible rate of interest and have good th Lown room, them in a higher tax bracket. Then bracket." out ahead; 2 percent goes into liquidity. You can also invest as much they are penalized for the early Stanley said, "Another problem operating costs and 1 percent is profit or as little in them as you like, whereas withdrawal, so 35 percent of the with the IRA's is that your entire for us. One good reason for investing with IRA's there are limits. You can !an ofstudent interest they earned is taken away from in and compensation for employment shows IRA with a bank is that the write checks from these funds, in fact I a child-care them. They end up earning money about 5 up on your paycheck. This means that nearly always is invested paid my income taxes this year with a 1 p.m. at percent interest the on their money, which you pay local, state, and Social locally. This results in a two-fold check 1 wrote on my funds. ;:hapel St. in isn't any better that what they would Security taxes on it before investment for the consumer. If he is a you invest it "Money market mutual funds make have earned putting it in a savings in an IRA. local businessman, he will benefit sense these days with the market's account." With some other forms of personally as well as in a business instability. If the market changes and "So for someone who will need investment, like tax deferred annuities, sense, interest rates drop, you can take your flexibility with their money, an IRA the money is deducted before you get "We feel anyone who can should money out anytime, but with an IRA, account is the worst place to invest it," our check, so you are never start an IRA, but taxed on different people you're stuck or penalized. Stanley said, it at all, have different financial goals. For Jere L. Armstrong, manager of the "The IRA's are a real boon for the some, other types of investments will "Everyone in big corporations and Orono branch of the Merrill Trust banks," Stanley said. "With them,they work better," Armstrong said, banking is putting their money into Company said, "We think IRA's are have a 100 percent commitment Stanley said, "What the mutual funds, which I think is a or everybody. We don't recommend of this whole thing your money for a long, long period of boils down to is that with the IRA's, good indicator of how good they are. )BS that a newly-employed young person time. That's the real key for them, you have no flexibility with your "All I can say is, if these Europ, S. start right out with putting the IRA's are They use this money to make money, whereas with other types of so hot, why aren't the big bankers ksia. All maximum investment amount of investments and earn interest on those investments like tax deferred annuities putting their money in them?" monthly. ifo. Write "He'd live here if we let him," the first :orona Del woman in the club. "We Alumnusdedicates career said George Wood, the athletic work as a team," he said. equipment manager, who has After Sezak retired in 1971, he workeg here since 1947. stayed on a year to help his During to helping Orono students the mid 60's, Sezak successor, Dave Ames. Sezak has tther round said he started co-ed intramural not stopped working since. sports, Friday and by Lassell Johns even though the female When asked what keeps him at proudest of his football career ughout this Staff Writer coachs did not like the idea. the University, he jokingly when he played center on an Rooms. the "Intramural sports was the replies, "I own the place." Sam Sezak has been around offensise line. Live apple of my eye," Sezak said. At "75 years young" Sezak campus probably longer than In 1928, Sezak was initiated to omebaked Sezak is also a member of the still enjoys being at the University any other faculty member. He is the ATO Brotherhood. "I think .offees and "M" Club, which was only for with the students and is respected a class of '31 UMO Alumni, an it is the best fraternity," Sezak University wanted: men who earned by many people. Sezak has been Alpha Tau Omega Alumni, and said. "I still enjoy going to 581-7203 or the letters, until last December. The involved in a wide variety former UMO employee. But he rush parties of 11. and telling the constitution was changed and activities on this continues to stay on campus over the at UMO. history of the past 50-55 years." Sezak is proud to say his wife is years. Sam is now working with the "Sam is treated with the UMO Black Bear Hall of Fame, greatest respect when he enters which he founded in 1971, just ATO,'• senior David Chase, an • /141.E 65,000 before retiring. "It is a volunteer ATO brother, said. e full time NEWCO MARKET -FM stereo job," he said. Sezak said he was the first to f 232 • Lori 947- Up until six years ago Sezak graduate from the School of Main St. Orono 866-7710 • was director of the Hall of Fame Education, which had been • started his senior year Sunday -Thursday 7-10:30 • at UMO. HOURS: • He majored in history and Friday-Saturday government. 741:30 : The next eight years. Sezak said, were spent teaching and , tGENCY LIQUOR STOW, i words, In coaching in several places, among per die, them were Machias, Milbridge, , SPECIALS fist. da,, Washington State Teachers College, Rockland, and Thursday-Sunday ;I Fairhaven, Massachusetts. He Feb.18th-Feb. 21st 1 a coached just about every team • :• there was. • 12 oz Bud cans or bottles I In 1939 Sezak was offered the • job of assistant faculty 6 pack-$2.50 & tax & deposit manager • of athletics. He said he spent a case-39.99 & tax & deposit • lot of time coaching the freshman teams along with teaching it. Now he is Boones Farm • Scholar': physical education. • chairman and Pete Norris is • "When all the young men left A Buck A Bottle & tax • Directoz. for the war in 1944," Sezak said, • "My philosophy is to assist • "I felt deserted." So when he 6 pack 7-up-$1.79 Isave 40' I & tax&dep. • those students who can't afford was offered a job in East Orange, • own," to come here on their New Jersey, he went down to 6 pack Pepsi-31.69 Isave 50' & tax&dep. • Sezak said. coach the high school team and Sezak says he takes care of the was head of the Physical 6 pack Dr. Pepper-31.69 Isave 50 fundraising, then turns the Education department. He was scholarship ! money over to the gone only a year and a half & tax&dep. • committee. He has no part in before he returned to Maine 8 pack Coke- $2.091 ME in save 80' & • choosing the recipient and he January 1946. tax&dep. • prefers it that way he says. At that time, Sezak became We have Amoco gasoline • to 10:00 Sam Sezak first came to UMO director of intramural sports. He cold beer enrolled -soda-cold meats-a large selection in 1927 when he as a spent a lot of time working with of to 11:00 student. He was involved in the students and Intramural wine-cheese-cocktail mixers- Toni's pizza football, basketball, baseball, sports spending many late nights produce-paper products-a complete line of and hockey. Sezak said he was in the fieldhouse. to 12:00 groceries-lots of snacks and sandw icheQ to 2:00 OUR '• I ARMY ROTC. BEST COMMODITY f• 3;00 'Friendly • to I THE TWO-YEAR -Courteous People' to help make f4 to 4:00 your day a good one. e* I PROGRAM. 581-7117 ••••••••••••••••••• mil,was *so •••••• moose , • 4 Maine Campus. Thursdar, februark 18, 1982 Opinion Wake up! PALL FILLMORE Pac-man Students at this campu, arc be,orntug tmreasingly Vietnam showed Mar American soldiers follow apathetic these days. Their lack of involvement in American aid. Vietnam also showed that student issues directly affecting their lives is at an all-time protest and commitment to a cause can affect fever low . government decision making policy. Unfortunately. One example of this was at a meeting Student the students of this campus have forgotten their Pac-man fever has spread nation. Legal Services held Tuesday concerning tenant's history and these two valuable lessons. across the rights. The meeting outlined the many legalities and How many peaceful student organizations have In countless arcades through- illegalities country, regarding tenant-landlord relationships. been formed on this campus to protest U.S. out the quarters are Of the thousands of students living in off-campus involvement in El Salvador? How many letters have being pumped into this single housing, only 10 bothered to attend the meeting. been written to our representatives in Congress? game at a rate that has just The meeting clearly stated for students the rights A final example showing apathy is lack of student about every. arcade owner smi- they possess as tenants. Rights which could save knowledge and interest in student government. In ling. them money while enabling better living conditions in the last student government election, only 2,000 The incredible amount of the apartments. But the majority of the student body students bothered to vote for the canidates who money that is being pumped seems like it does not want to devote its valuable time would make decisions effecting their lives at UMO. daily into this machine has on such 'trivial' matters. How many students can name the four canidates spurred the editors of Consumer Another case which shows how students are presently running for student government president 7 Guide to put out a book called becoming more apathetic is the lack of concern over How many really care? How to Win at Par-man. The the situation Salvador, in El The United States has Our society is one in which effective free speech 32-page pamphlet, which sells supplied El Salvador with $396 million in economic and opinion can be used to shape the policy decision. for $2.25. has everything from and political aid since 1980. If the proposals the of our schools, towns, states and nation. Apparently an in-depth personality profile Reagan administration has before Congress are UMO students are not aware of this or they are of all the little Pac-men to approved, during the 1982 fiscal year the United content with other people dictating how their lives descriptions of all the patterns States will commit an additional $300 million in El should be run. which the machine uses. Sxrador. While the $2.25 price tag of M the book is a little steep. any Pee-man fan can do a quick bit of division and realize the price is a mere nine games on the machine. The extra tips for the non-professional Par-man play- er are definitely worth the sacrifice of those nine games. The introduction of the book calls Par-man a "classic" in video games. Like a classic novel. Par-man can be played over and over again, with a little more enjoyment (not to mention a few more points) being draws from it each time. The three patterns that thc machine uses are reviewed in three separate sections, with full page "road maps" of the proper routes to take. These patterns, the cherry pattern, the mid-fruit Pattern and the apple pattern are not drawn out In their entirety, but rather most of the patterns are mapped out, leaving the final joy of The clearing the screen left to the University of Maine at Orono's student newspaper since 1875 imagination of the reader. Rather titan The Maine Campus is published daily al being a book of the Unnersity of Maine at Orono total memorization, the plans Editorial and bustnes• offices are laid out before the reader are located at suite 7A I oil Hail, LTS10. tips on how to get Orono, Maine. 04469. Telephone l20'1 Maine better. There 561•7531 Adsertising and subs...TIN t•sn is even a "hiding place" on the rates asatlable upon request Printed aT machine which the editors point Be Ellsworth 4orentow Elkuorth. Campus Maine.04605 out. If you receive a phone call Wire Editors Sports erssolen1 in the (Moor middle of the game, the Michael Das o he, kk all, staff editors suggest sneaking into Paul E Fillmore Mary Ellen 51.T., the hiding place and then Cory Bet., accepting the phone call. Pendant,. Managers Peter 55 ecs: Managing &Woes Another interesting aspect of Brenda Btck ford Staff Writers the book is the Joe McLaughlin Lisa Reece Circulation SI testimonials Kathy McLaughlin Naomi Lashes Bruce (laYette provided by Par-man addicts at Andy Paul Paulette McLaughlin Connie Nickeneit Pri.ducloon the end of the book. The editors News Editors Peter Willtams Day td Walker of the Ad...ninon Managers Ryck Suydam Ellen honk Lthanna lohnson book went to many Sean Brodnck Naomi Lashes Paul Arad-rt arcades armed with tape recor- \an,r. Jo Clark Tim Rsce Cartoonists Mary Quinn ders and got some confessions Al Green Robin Sroutamyer Mary Ellen Mara, Marshall from dedicated Pee-man junk- Scott Blaufuss /Own, Ad irrhtsing Repre,entaiitr• Ilesfaem Manager Asst. News Editors Andy Paul Matthen Smith ies. Next to these testimonials Wendy Kathy Sums Barrett Anne London are the high scores achieved by Nano Auger Edoard Mann in-Ann Parker Sallin handy each of the people. Claudia Tutrsi Paul Pierce hint Baum,. Manager Nancy Storey Photo Avtisiants Janet Robbins For any Pac-man fan, the Paul Tukey ManJ, Vance Gray price of the book is definitely Scott N% allase Wks LeBrun Features Editor Gina Fera/ri worth it. Since acquiring it, I Sports Editors Todd Collins Typesetters have increased my score by Das id Getchell Tom Roberge John Toole 10,000 points(which is one extra Ellen York Mary Geraght Ads eri ising Production Nancy Stores Ens Otis lahedi Robin Dillon man, as any Pee-man fan Arts Editors Glenn Pike High ti' knows). For the true addict, the Photo FAMOI Shaun Bresnahan Debbie Phillips Don in,ar book is a big help, not to Gretchen Piston DOrl I inwoll Robin liohin.on DilOd mention Lloyd-Rees Andrea Saunders Jane Bernard Francte McLaughlin Sorn Larson an economical way of saving quarters. $10RE


as spread

.!'s through milers an.. this singlc .1 has just J.'ner smi

amount of ig pumped whine has I" Consumer book called -man. The which sells 'thing from ilily profile 'ac-men to w patterns LISCS. ,rice tag of steep. any a quick bit e the price les on the tips for the •-man play- worth the ne games. 3f the book 'lassie.' in a classic be played with a little to mention ring drawn

• that the eviewed in :ions. with ps" of the ce. These iattern. the and the not draw n but rather se mapped nal joy of left to the eader. a book of the plans reader are ter. There ce- on the litors point phone call game, the aking into and then call. aspect of stimonials addicts at he editors photo by kavous zahedi to mans ape recor- mfession, nan junk, Inside: stimonials hicved l's Spaceships and kayaks --p.10

Ian. the definitels Martian martian time --p. iring it. I 6 score hs one extra New wave theater --p. 9 man fan ddict. the A strangefilm --p. 9 . not t, al way of Maine Campus. Thursday, Feb. 18. 1982 6 Richrnan Review From the onset, Richman appeared to have mellowed, Televis refusing to do requests like An ''Roadrunner' and "She old Cracked" from the Lovers' first . He claimed that Modern this material had been written A h Lover over a decade earlier and that it just wasn't part of his act IT WAS Martian martian time last anymore. However, when a Friday and all the little insects from Orono "Strange" fan in the front To 5. row requested "Girl Friend", thinks in (mostly black flies) converged upon Hauck an acoustic modern love song Auditorium to hail their fearless leader, from the same album, Week ane. Jonathan Richman. Jonathan readily complied. any other As Richman declined to As a last minute addition to SEA's calendar, Richinlan did play many of his old rockers, M *A *S *H, not draw a big crowd. The 150 people that made up the his set relied on some of his the other i "club" atmosphere, however, were treated to a show of the new music like "Back in Your dozen pudl finest kind. (Jonathan would not fill our woods with swill) Life" .and an exceptionally For about an hour and a half, Richman alternated Z.7etweeict moving version of Heller, Rot his two basic kinds of music: novelty songs (fun, light, non- "Affection" from his latest Norman Le sensical tunes such as "Here Come the Martian martians" album. He also debuted a 1- A.f•A'S*1-1 and "Abominable Snowman in the Market") and modern week-old tune called "That published durin love songs (soft, personal songs about life like "The Morning Summer. feelin"' which M•,4 •S•fi chrt of Our Lives" and "My Love is a Flower (Just Begining to showed his recent preference duty surgeons it Bloom)") for composing modern love the 1950's, the Most of the Modern Lovers fans attending waited songs. nation at that anxiously to see tithe rumours of an acoustic Richman show Clad in his classic sweatshirt vision during thi would materialize. Much to everyone's surprise (and delight), and blue suede boots, Richard Hool Jonathan came strolling with an electric, not acoustic guitar. Jonathan also displayed his novel primarily With the crowd "Buzz, Buzz, Buzzing" at this prospect, affection for some of the old profession. He Richman broke the ice with a rockin instrumental tune (One sixties music with aan illustrate the ir of many he would perform, including his popular "Egyptian audience participation version ease with the crowd. While, at audience with a comedian's pushing them nt Reggae" and a version of the Kingsmen's "Louie Louie"). of "Hang On Sloopy". times, he rapped and joked professionalism, he also well, and parts "Ice Cream Man" followed, reassuring the crowd that many It is difficult to say whether between songs, playing seemed apprehensive about gond Then, in 19 of the Modern Lovers' classics would not be left out. Richman felt completely at off comments from the some of his material, and frequently asked the crowd, blasted into the .51•A •S•H that "How am I doin'? Ya gettin' Rock Preview Hawkeye, Duke bored yet?" He came across as bloodlusting, a sincere individual, however, edged and decid and even held a rap session were considerabl with the crowd at the end ot Rock on over Hawkeye Pierce his performance. culture, then at The audience sensed his sizzling consciou sincerity and loved his music, Gene Reynold FRIDAY NIGHT, showing their appreciation by THE FIELD •S•H asking him back for two house will get its rock n'roll baptism when Chuck to be at the right encores. He capped off a fine most innovative Berry plugs in his guitar and starts singing. evening of enterainment with a inconsiderable cc request for "Ness England", Tiler Moore Sho It would be hard to imagine a more appropriate performer an ode to his favorite place. It's hard to rer for the task. Chuck Berry celebrated the birth of rock n' roll and a repeat performance of ratings points we in the mid 1950s and has been at it ever since. "That Summer Feelin —. network execs The music, lyrics and free spirit have left an indelible Jonathan Richmlan's intelligence, inno impression on millions of people, including the Beatles and "Roadrunner days" may be Those dmosau Rolling Stones. Indeed, some students at Friday's concert over, but the original Modern Place.but were c may well have parents who were Chuck Berry fans when they Lover still writes fine songs that the blue suit were students. and performs with the had done to adc Opening the show for this rockin' legend will be Rebecca expertise of the professional shows, with !WA Hall and the Doctor. This band recorded the hit single that he is. At 51.50 for archaic policies c "General Hospit-al" which saw considerable radio airplay. admission, this reviewer .ev• other right wi Hall's high penetrating voice is bolstered by her sideman, the Jonathan Richmar homosexuality, c featuring Sammy Hall on saxophone and Harry King on concert as the best buy of thi. game, topics of keyboards. These two are former members of Bill year. situation comedit Chinnock's band, and King wrote the "General Hospit-al" --Bill Saunders song. In 1982 Maud( and Son. and The group's sound centers around Hall's soaring voice his punchy guitar and 'PH while the sax and the keyboards by half the voices in the WA still trade off. energetic stage concert was being held in the presence. His crowd, though many in it because the tithe Chuck Berry's sound, on the other hand, centers around singing field house on a trial basis. is often accompanied weren't even born when he one key persona had his first hit. The gym only holds 2800 Archie Bunker. people, while the field house function on the LUMS Charles Edward Berry was can take 4200. He said the the show first lc born in St.Louisin 1931. His added capacity would add to Wayne Trapper F parents sang in a church choir, UMO's attractiveness to big Frank Burns Lin Daily Breakfast and his three sisters all played name acts like this one replace those chal Special piano. He was plucking out boogie-woogie rhythms on the He emphasized that the 2 Eggs any style piano himself by age seven. In crowd's behavior would high school, he bought a used decide whether any future 2 Slices Bacon or Sausage Pattie guitar for 54 and started concerts would be held there. playing at church affairs and He cautioned especially Toast-Jelly house parties. against smoking in the field house--because of fire danger Coffee or By 1952, he had formed his of its flammable floor surface, Tea first group, although he was he said anyone caught studying to be a hairdresse. smoking inside would be Plus A Free Refill or photographer until he met shown to the doo-. Muddy Waters in 1955. Shortly thereafter, he taped But a no-smoking rule his first record. That song was seems a small prise to pay if ONLY $1.50 called "Maybellene" and the the larger hall proves to be a rock n' roll world hasn't been success. Served the same since. Daily 7:00 am • 11:30 am I'll be rockin' there myself Friday night to find out. 643 Broadway Bangor SEA Concert Committee co-chairman Al Green said the --Dave Getchell Maine Campus. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1982 Television MA'PH maintains a stiff supply sargeants. He is a programs line of fire. lipped realism unheard of in quixotic trouble shooter .44•A *5•H nears the end of other sitcoms. When chasing down the windmills of its long run on the network. Stevenson, decided to leave the system. Only Hawkeye, a Soon we will have to be A the show, a script was drafted captain huge without success bars, a saint content watching reruns in the in which Col. Blake was unsainted, consistently wins. mid-afternoon. Politically, gunned down behind enemy Certainly a bit much, but it the country has again moved lines. That episode is the way that A4*..4'SW has right, so it may be several successfully drove home the evolved, and To SOME EXTENT, AMERICA no one meddles years before we will experience pundit that no one is really with success. thinks The show would programming as startling as in tt rms of what it sees on television. safe during wartime. Not a be stronger with a more MASH or any of its Week afte • profound statement , perhaps subdued Hawkeye, week, more often than almost but as it is, prototypes. Instead, we will , but provocative enough for and after any other program, Americans tune eight years, watch shows that do not exist in prime-time television. television M'A *S*H,which has comedy has no primarily to ask unanswerable one foot in Ben Casey Despite a prior claim that brighter light. Besides questions. the MA *SW has no star, Alan Hawkeye, the other in Dr. Strangelove, and half a show has a true MA'SW remains as the Alda as Hawkeye Pierce has dozen pudgy toes in repertory cast. All the last of its breed, weaned on the stuff of Joseph been able to gain creative characters are memorable, and Easy Rider and Catch-22, Heller, Robert Altmlan, Grant Tinker, control of the show, and most will long remain and so--even the bastard son of Norman Lear, episodes resolved with Alda characters Norman Lear. who have gone, owing little to the continuing MA •.S.H originated as the hero. The name Hawkeye Trapper John, Henry a hugely successful novel Blake, genres of the national pop published during the height comes from The Last of the Radar O'Riely, of the Viet Nam era. Although Frank Burns. culture. These fearless gate .14•A *S'H chronicles the Mohicans. He's called that So deftly quasi-autobiographical antics of have they been crashers, for all of their ugly. duty surgeons in a behind because, land this is a classic -lines medical unit in Korea during replaced--B.J. Hunnicut, Col. flaws, are the creative sources the 1950's, the uncertainty line from the novel, the film, Potter, and and self-doubt that inflicted the the foppish from which the next T. V. nation as well as the show, "It at that time was similar to murkines that clouded was Charles Winchester--hardly a generation must draw. vision during the Nixon year, as the only book my father ever beat has been missed well. in the --Jon Dumont Richard Hooker, a Waterville, Maine surgeon, penned the read." At any rate, the novel primarily to entertain his golf partners in the medical foundation for an American profession. He took no real moral stand, choosing instead to myth is set. illustrate the insanity that gripped the men of the time, Away from the security of comedian's pushing them nearly to the breaking point. Although it sold his home and surroundings, he also well, and parts were indeed funny, overall it was not very Hawkeye makes the best of a ;lye about good stinking situation. Every week Then, unknown erial, and in 1971. film-maker Robert Altman he plots a scheme tha uncovers blasted into the big the crowd, time with a no-punches-pulled-version of the hypocracy and cruelty that M'A'S•H that altered the material to ' Ya gettin' the extent that pervades wartime, and, in the Hawkeye, Duke, and Trapper became errant tie across a, heroes in a larger sense, all society. He bloodlusting, senseless war. Aitman's message 1, however, was hard- engages in stunning battle, of edged and decidedly unromantic, rap session and his cinematic talents wits, which he most always were considerable. The film became a cult the end ot favorite, bringing wins. No one nears him in the Hawkeye Pierce, if not to the forefront of American pop sheer ability to sneer. culture, then at least to the back burner sensed his of its collectively He proves, each week, the sizzling consciousness. his music. superioity of dovedom to Gene Reynolds and Burt Metcalfe scripted and eciation hi cast a hawkdom, fornication to •S*11 television pilot show two for two years later that happened bellicosity, and surgeons to to be at the right place at the d off a fine right time. It was also one of the most innovative shows of the ment with a time, riding on the not- inconsiderable coattails of England", All in the Family and The Mart Trier Moore Show. ,rite place. It's hard to remember that far 'mance of back, but in the early 1970's MAINE CAMPUS ratings points weren't quite as important lin'". as they are now, so network execs dared okay chmlan's to programmingwith taste, intelligence, innovativeness. " may be PERSONALS! Those dinosaurs have since died or are tal Modern dying, like Archie's Place,but were once the canons of the fine song, industry, the shows that the blue suits proudly pointed to when with the asked what they had done to add to the country's foressional cultural growth. These shows, with WA "S•H at the front, succeeded in toppling the .00 S1.50 for archaic policies of the Lyndon Johnson, 'newer see` Spiro Agnew, and other right wing stiflers of free speech. tichman'., Bigotry, homosexuality, death, alcoholism SAY ANYTHING buy of the and sexism became fair game, topics of true discussion for these honest, on-target situation comedies. I TO ANYBODY!!! launders In 1982 Maude has gone, as well as Bob Newhart. Sanford and Son, and Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, while M..,4•S•H still flourishes. Why? Among other held in the reaso,' because the others depended heavily upon the rial basis charisma one key personality, a Fred Sanford or Mary Richards or iolds 2800 Archie Bunker. MASH functioned and continues to Personals run in the field house function on the premise of a reportory cast concept. When le said the the show first lost MacLean Colonel Blake Stevenson and uld add to Wayne Trapper Rogers, then Gary Radar Burghoff and La-'. Maine Campus every ess to - Frank Burns Linville, the producers were able to creatise.. biginc eplace those characters. Friday. that the nr would tny future held there. Come to the Campus especially 1 the field fire danger office anytime in the or surface. e caught would be basement of Lord Hall. king rule • to pay if es to be a Deadline Thursdays ere .nysel I out. at 1 1 :00 a.m. e Getcheli

Maine Campus. Thursdav. Feb. 18. 1982 8 Also starring Nancy Davis James Wait portrays the here in my Bible that the Commentary as his faithful wife, the First Secretary of the Interior United States has to have the Theaterl Lady with a passion for feared by environmentalists largets nuclear arms force in American fashion designers and non-Americans alike; the world to stamp out the and red china; "Let them eat "There are two kinds of Russkies." Whaat? off stonewear. I need new people; knee-jerk commie Watch as Reagan quips his tablecloths." pinkos who think that way to the White House, then The I WAS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO General Alexander Haig as breathing in New York is more balances his budget on the attend a private screening of a new movie the Secretary of State feared important than jobs in Ohio, backs of the Northern states. last week, after a close by foreign leaders and and good, upstanding Feel the terror as the interest acquaintance of American grammarians alike; Americans." rates soar higher, along with mine from Hollywood invited me out to his "I misspoke myself in terms of With special guest the federal deficit and the ranch near San Joaquin. He told me the relating to possible alterations appearances by George Bush, jobless rate. Witness the mass big Hollywood of the Constitution and any the Vice President with exodus to Houston, Phoenix A DI execs had been working on further inquirations in terms amnesia; "Voodoo? I've never and Oklahkoma City as the this project since July of 1976. I sat back, of that will be considered a heard the term used before!" North tumbles into the chaos tional stagin ready for anything, but certainly not ready double standard, and I won't Ron Jr. plays the dancer; caused by the New Federalism. Mikado is di answer them." And making "Oh, Geoffrey, it was so sweet And thrill as as from the ashes Elisha. Her for what showed up on the screen. his acting debut, David of you to hire me, even if of the old republic rises the "And now, from the people who brought you John D. Stockman the merciless budget Daddy is cutting off all New Feudalism." fame for Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Douglas MacArthur, a director; "If Uncle Ronald funding for the arts." I turned to my friend and Experimenta movie of power, aggression, enormous wealth and magic. gives me another lecture in the Jesse Helms plays the said, "Sounds like quite a Studio for A Ninteenth-Century Capitalism presents...Eton:a Goes to woodshed, I'm going to run Senator from South Carolina film." Washington!. away from home." with a plan for the New. "You should have seen the Meanwhile, the S "Where did you get this idea?" I asked incredulously. Featuring classic Victorianism; "Say there, budget. Thank God AT&T her stylized versic "One of our new writers came up with it," he replied. performances by Thomas Billy-Bob, how many more and IBM stepped in to pay for demand Hauck Starring Ron Reagan, giving the performance of his life in O'Neil as Senator Tip, the states we need afore we kin git it," he answered. performance. the role he was born to play, The President of the United aging Democratic Speaker of the vote away from the "Of course, it could never Elisha has set r States. A man who believed in voodoo, a leader with a lust for the House; -Ron used to be womenfolk?" happen." Show via The Xi, profits and naps. He let nothing stand in his way during his Irish, but now he's Dutch !" And a special guest "Never in 200 years. Who'd Titipu. If the ris quest for the highest office in the land, not even the truth; Fritz Hollings as the Senator appearance by Reverend Jerry elect a retired actor, anyway? schoolrnom with • "Trees cause more pollution than factories and cars. To who put up; "They told me to Falwell as the leader of [the They'd just as soon elect a the form of a spir correct this, we need to relax the air pollution standards..." shut up." Moral Majority; "It says right peanut farmer. Norbute which opens Tues, Japan's heir to Band Review home because his (Darrell Leighton), falls in love with I The tastiest jazz around of Ko-Ko (Michae Unfortunately limits but are always right. fretless bass, and with great town tailor who Y SPRING IS Joy Spring does a wide intonation. and above, as his range of original tunes as the name of a be bop well Runnells is an expressive alive under Japar as charts by such greats tune by Clifford as drummer, who relies a lot on Titipu in hopes of Charlie Parker and Grover more "classical" licks for his he finds that Ko-) Brown, but it is also Washington. kick-ins, and whose solos are He is crushed-1 One original, "Sleepy Rat" the name of one of really tastefull. says if somebody which is on their album begins the tastiest The foursome has that Titipu will be red jazz with a beautiful a cappella special quality of sound that believe it? Theri quartets around. tenor sax solo, and climaxes in only comes from making The for Spring Jazz double time, which adds to the music together for mans Quartet graced the Bear's Den excitement of the piece. years. Foreign Filr with their good music on When Thibodeau•s bass With the exception Tuesday and Wednesday died in the midst of a Phil Runnells, they are all mem, h nights this week, and drew Woods arrangement of "I'm of the original quartet, v. good mid-week crowds. Late", Eisen picked up the got its start as a rehearsal band The group consists of Will bass line on piano without at the University of Maim: Bartlett, reed player and front missing a beat. Augusta, and all four are ; man for the quartet, Terry Thibodeau finally got a of the group's album, enti[i Eisen on keyboards, Pete chance to solo during the last "Just for the Record," which Runnells on drums and Dave chart of the night, a Herbie was recorded in 1980. Thibodeau on electric bass. Hancock tune called WA The best adjective for these "Chameleon" popularized by IT musicians is clean. Every the Maynard Ferguson band, strange film. and his playing was Text and Photo rhythmic pattern crisp and well worth Mon Oncle the wait. This guy by Gretchen defined, and the group is plays on all Piston film of this semi extremes of the superlative at "staying under" range of his Series seemed mort whoever is soloing at the film for a pharn moment. Even during the than art or entertan sarious solos, however, each In fact, some cr member is contributing subtle say that it was fror musical statements of his own. pharmaceutical cot Eisen on keyboards has ATTENTION (the director) came perfected this unobtrusive the film — with style. She inserts perfectly SCIENCE AND never be too sure. timed block chords that at ,4 ENGINEERING Apparently, Resh times stretch the harmonic friend, a profess structure of the piece to its MAJORS! scientist named F wanted to prove •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“ science could becor • • So he made t • Those who basically an inter% care and are concerned- • The Au • Force has openings to young men and ssomen matteing observation by • seketed science and engneenng fields fake Aeronautical Aerospace. •Our names will not Ge 4.1 opposite story abo appear on the • and Electreal Engineering. Atatheriedes Physics and Con • an Technokgy who go about • To help prepare to one of these. A. Foca ROTC offers woo and •ballot. So... Clip this and bring it fort year theories of behavio • progains of study what, WM defray some of your coiege : costs A textile execu when you vote on Wednesday. • After complenon of the AFHOTC requirement and upon sour named Rene RI g-aduanort soil be • correrassioned an olker n the Air Force Then Depadieu) fears b. nnenos, resporpilakey. espenence C 5n50 specialty watt sone of the :Reza Kashkooli - President : best pea* and fararkes in the ...mkt and a tression with a purpose job by someone Youl get exceNent starting salary rnedtr_al and dental care 30 days can do the job n • vacanon cetth pay begrintrig • your fest year and more Look into the An Force ROTC program nght assay See yap,s t modernly than he • Teresa Bridges - for • • you See how you can serve your country in return from an unhappy • • OFFICE TI;701rThh 5,77-'1 '4 that his family • Vice President• never modern and • ultimately his job : An alternative to political games. • he gets moved th • corporate merget ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ROTC attempt to modern • Goiewoy too grea, woy of ISe. it and tries to comn Maine Campus. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1982 le that the to have the Theater Preview ms force in wildest imaginings. mp out the The play is set in Japan, but its content is essentially western. Gilbert was not as concerned with improving In quips his society's ills as he was venting his own personal grievances. House, then The Mikado, Ko-Ko's "things that would not be missed" categories were in get on the keeping with Gilbert's, said G.K. Chesterton, a close friend. :hem n states, There's the nigger serenader and the others of his race. the interest western style And the piano organist. I've got him on the list along with Gilbert's Victorianism couldn't abide minorities or the it and the suffragette campaign for women voters. Both seemed very ess the mass illogical to him. In, Phoenix A DECIDEDLY UNCONVEN- The well intended lady who's too bulkyfor her boots. City as the The lady suffragette-rye got her on the list. o the chaos tional staging of Gilbert and Sullivan's the Federalism. Mikado is directed by artist-in-resident Rina One of the most important features in Mikado is un the ashes Elisha. Her list of credits read like a hall of costuming. Elisha had said it was designed in harmony with lie rises the concept the fame for absurdists; of the production--a combination of well-guarded La Mama old traditions interwoven with New Wave. The Mikado is the friend and Experimental Theatre, the Re Cher Chez only character in Eastern attire, a kimono with a rising sun ke quite a Studio for Avant-gard Studies. pattern. The son is dressed like a punk rocker using the rising sun motif, said costume designer Jane Smider, because it's an Meanwhile, the School of Performing use seen the Arts is banking that obvious way to show character relationship. her stylized version will give Mikado the necessary :r.iod AT&T hutspa to "I think what the director (Elisha) is doing is fresh and demand Hauck Auditorium's current in to pay for tap of $4 a innovative," Smider said. "It's making costume designing performance. more fun for me than if we did Mikado traditional ." Elisha has set this play in a kind of could never Rocky Horror Picture The wonderful thing about this macabre satire despite its Show via The King and I local. The Japanese town is called barbarianism is Sullivan's music, as witty as he ever wrote, Tilton. If the rising ears. Who'd conflict for King and I comes from a which adds up to a ball of humor. or, anyway? schoolmom with western ideas, then it comes for Mikado in --Michael Davis oon elect a the form of a spinsterly transvestite in heat. The production which opens Tuesday, Feb. 'on Norburg 23, is quite intense. Japan's heir to the throne. Nanki-Poo (Joe Wiggett) flee, home because his father is forcing him to marry Katisha TO SOPHOMORES: (Darrell Leighton), an elderly lady. In his father's garden, he falls in love with Yum-Yum (Xenia (irable), the maiden ward who want to enjoy New York City s incomparable of Ko-Ko (Michael Pierce). Nanki-Poo loves Yum-Yum. cultural life, from its pre-eminent museums and nd theone to Unfortunately she is engaged to her guard, Ko-Ko, the its trendy cabarets ond coffee houses while spending... with great town tailor who was sentenced to death for flirting. Over and above, as his spouse. Yum-Yum would have to be buried expressive JUNIOR YEAR IN NEW YORK alive under Japanese tradtion. Nanki-Poo hurries back to lies a lot on Titipu in hopes of saving Yum-Yum. Upon arival, however, AT HUNTER COLLEGE '82:83 licks for his he finds that Ko-Ko has been reprieved. ise solos are Coordinated program of academic courses and He is crushed--until a letter fro Mikado is delivered which internships in arts communications, urban leader- says if somebody isn't beheaded immediately, the town or ship studies and education of the gifted and has that Tilton will be reduced to the ranks of a village. Can you talented. sound that believe it? There's a plot line beyond General Hospital's Compus housing ovoikitste ,rn making Approximate cost for tuition room ond board. 14000 for mar Dow 1347 Hunter College/Ciry University of NY Foreign Fit Review 695 Pork Avenue New York NY 10021 (212)570.5654 ception all memb, hi, iartet, vs Rats, after they have been subjec:ed bar, hearsal to periodic shocks in laboratory of Maine at experiments where they have no SEA Concert Committee Presents four are part opportunity to escape, or no other rats A Winter Carnival Weekend Blast with rum, entitled to take out their aggression on, will ord." which become sullen. despondant, inhibited Chuck Berry 080. ‘‘C and will exhibit signs of disease, IT WAS A VERY Laborit drones in then. A young girl, Janine Gamier. strange film. (Nicole Garcia) runs assay from her Mon Oncle D'Amertque, the third boring, mean and poor parents to iston film of this semester's Foreign Film become an actress. She breaks with Series seemed more like a promotional them completely , and because she film for a pharmaceutical company !dolizes the great film star Jean Marais, than art or entertainment. her own life seems to parallel the star's. In fact, some critics go so far as to Eventually, she meets up with Roger say that it was from such an offer by a Pierre (Jean Le Gall), a married. pharmaceutical company that Resnais notable, French radio programmer (the director) came up with his idea for from a provincial bourgeois family and the film —with some artists you can gets used. Roger Pierre, by the way, never be too sure. idolizes Danielle Darrieux which Apparently, Resnais had a very good explains his adulterous behavior friend, a professor and behavioral Laborit now tells us. scientist named Henri Laborit, and Janine's reaction to getting used, is wanted to prove to the world that not simple resignment, however. She science could become art. seeks out Roger Pierre while he is out So he made this film which is hunting one day and trys to pummel with special guests basically an interweaving of scientific him. observation by Laborit with an Rats who are trapped in a "shocking Rebecca Hall & The Doctor. opposite story about three individuals situation" and respond by fighting Featuring Sammy Hall and who go about proving Laborit's with each other don't suffer as much as Harry King theories of behavioral patterns in rats. the lone rats Laborit observes then. Friday February 19 at 8 pm A textile executive with an ulcer Hence, we are lead to believe that named Rene Raqueneau (Gerard Janine is the heroine of this stupid in the Field House. Depadieu) fears being replaced in his movie because she uses constructive (?) job by someone or something which outlets for the tension, unlike Rene Tickets on sale now at ticket booth can do the job more efficiently and Raquencau who prefers to commit 1stfloor, Union. modernly than he. His dreads stem suicide rather than beat someone up. from an unhappy feeling in his youth My, my. Tickets 46.50 Students $7.50 Others that his family was too parochial, The film does make use of the SEA Concerts- A hod of Student Government never modern and updated, and when interesting techniques of montage, ultimately his job gets taken away and wide angle distortion and conceptual Alcohol and smoking are strictly he gets moved to a big city in a' cineomtography, but the prohibited at the Concert. corporate merger in a company's overwhelming question here is. was it modernize, he can't handle worth it? attempt to --Andrea Saunders Violators will be asked to leave it and tries to commit suicide Maine Campus. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1982 Book Resiem, George speaks of his father nuclear bomb-powered does the gulf between the An adventure while sitting in his kayak spacecraft that NASA Dysons. There are hints at moored to a kelp bed; "His considered using in its some reasons; Freeman's guilt ofthe human spirit work is in physics. Mine is in fledgling space program until over his part in WWII the physics of natural energy bowing to Werner von Braun bombing raids and some of his THE ASTROPHYSICIST DES- in a place like this." Brower and his chemical rocketry in work, or George's rejection of pairs of man's future on this planet. So comes to know George even 1959. George learned to sail his careful intellectual does his only son. The father designed a better during a memorable his kayak so fast it would fly upbringing. kayak voyage down the half out of the water. With quiet eloquence, great spacecraft that could hurl a whole city incomparable Alaskan coast. Back and forth the narrative Brower tells of their climactic to salvation in the next galaxy, powered by The author is son of Friends goes, with Brower playing reunion after years of mental the white heat of of the Earth founder David observer and chronicler of and physical separatior. The exploding nuclear bombs. Brower, and this shows in his these two disparate hut results leave everyone feeling The son built his own escape vehicle--the loving description of this wild interconnected lives. Each hopeful, including the reader. largrst kayak in history powered by human glacial coast where the Ice Age man was sure of his own So, Kenneth Brower leaves "It 15 better ic is still a memory. This method's value. the Dysons' lives on a positive leave this e1199 muscles into the Earthbound wilderness. segment alone makes the book During an all-night drive, note, a good ending to a good to the tender a Their quests were the same, their methods worthwhile read, if only as Brower asked Freeman if the book. It drags a bit in a few care of nature, an adventure story. utterly different. But fact that he was so bright ever places, and could use some rather than to Brower goes further. bothered him. illustrations or photos of the run then*. of Such is the story of the Dysons. Freeman the astrophysicist To his credit, the author "Yes, but that's not how the spacecraft and boats. But who turned his its beins brilliant intellect to the stars, and his son does not shy away from a question phrases itself," ultimately, The Starship and George the Earth adventurer, enpioiled - by equally brilliant in his own way, disquieting gulf betwen the Dyson replied. "The question the Canoe succeeds on several as committed to this htonans: world as his father is to the ones beyond father and son. Instead, he is, why is everyone else so levels--as a look at two PI' BRXTER makes it a pivotal part of the stupid?" fascinating men, Author fILIGC151 Kenneth Brower obviously knows both men well; book. Brower asked George about comparative philosophical 12.1951 this biography shows it. The Starshtp and the Canoe outlines study of ultra-high- the Dyson's lives and philosophies in striking detail colored technology vs. non - with respect and sensitivity. It travels with each man in turns, technology, a treatment of a capturing his feelings and observations as it goes. difficult father -son Freeman Dyson is one of the theoretical finest scientists relationship, even as an mankind has known. ever He is a peer of Einstien and adventure story. originator of respected theories in quantum electrodynamics, Especially as an adventure statistical mechanics and particle physics. Above all, he is story, for that is what this fascinated by space...and there. traveling book is really about—an Some brilliant men probe space with their intuitions and adventure of the human spirit. calculators, others with their imaginations and typewriters. For Freeman Dyson, this does not suffice. He wants to go -Dave Getehell Evei71thirt9 ri into space himself. He sees the ideal future as belonging to connection Lith those men who would use their technology to leave this planet Freeman wends time his newly-launched 48-foot the Ports must and start anew in a different world. figuring complex equations kayak, the Mt. Fairweather. beleit simple His son sees the same future as belonging to those who and solving problems in "If the spaceships come, would stay right here on this world and return instead to the nuclear physics. George lives and want specimens of and nalor al ways of the ancients who lived in harmony with it. For in a Douglas fir in British intelligent life, this is what ono tottSt George Dyson, this means the ways of the Indians who once Columbia, in a house 95 feet they'll take back with them," Telnain 175 neasr peopled the American Northwest coast—the Kwakiutl, the off the ground. Freeman he answered. an" r—•••S51 Tsimsham, the Aleuts, the Eskimos. helped design Orion the As the narratise grows, so Oh if oxis ont the LniOr-inir)-.• • Indian5 the animals roa, Graduate PP LSO TEK NO2I80H Nel3H1110N Students The GSB is offering grants for the spring semester for up to '200.00 . Applications should be picked up in the Graduate Center or at your department. The deadline is 5p.m., March 12,1982 0 Maine Graduate School The Graduate CE Center 0 Winslow Hall 1 1 4 Estabrooke Hall ihc tortolc 0 Steakhouse Sr Butchershop idea 04 itte Pah., 0 Mid-Winter Special listen in t14 mod as a Froth U.S.D.A. Choice calderness and WESTERN ONLY therefore I r...,ant prima tut corichtli BONELESS4 95 to retnah ,inSchat SIRLOIN as poss,b5e " .1..5, PP BAXTER sAl Ali OCIOIMik CM,1'357 3/4 lb. tilt( %NU ti K 'Lib — The Standard of Comparison — NO NO.,••• w nar SOUTHERN HORIZON MURPHY'S Wan STEAK HOUSE THE NIGHT SKY IN FEBRUARY &Matta

SEAFOOD ,tta*atat ,ELtn..0.11 gosrab I sTe•. ,<;; Bair To use Hold chart vertically and turn it 1941,94. so the iv. SALAD &AB direction you are facing shows at the bottom Bringing theVIAest to Maine Chart Time (local Standardl 949 1474 p m oo First of month Illo• Horeb, Rd S,...,..., 900 p m Middle of Month ',an* ACCEPTING VISA MASTIROMIGEK AMERICAN EXPRESS 8'00 p m Last of month

.1.1aine Campus. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1982 >etween the are hints at .eman's guilt in WWII some of his rejection of intellectual

eloquence, eir climactic rs of mental ration. The yone feeling TOKEVEK the reader. WILD'? rower leaves It is better to m a positive leave this area rig to a good to the tender bit in a few carc of nature, d use some Vather than to bir I 044.0 votos of the ruri thert5N of ,oats. But 1Lettk., PM,A04.1rnO.r, tt5 being itarship and -"`"- •ser eaploited- bg Is on several htsr/Z111 31c at two 5" Pp bRxTER men, a fICILidST 12 ilosophical , 1954 ultra-high- s. non- 41r '"-•d""'t itment of a at her -son ven as an ED

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and natural D. Noel nom le 1.1 Ow Ihrt sta. •ri • .I•11 •ftell OA. poegrio ore lee arid must heiooroble le co... tweecti el a lowet oree. DI D. M. ow0 remain as rfear eh« c7, •••••• •00▪110.1•• •••01, • MeV@ meold tre %MO on coniemol In, so ./yer• •••11 eur Doe. 'o as possible poneral J•wesoey zr, it 4,35 when Ze I. Perc.10 Oa. -T.vim tete...N. ••• on the Indians and .2•••••• ond reto.enel pope. eV to 90191 he ,iinled 01, •005101•1 the animals roaraed inIl .101 61101•01.01040 ftlaft or at ▪ 4.44 Mt. As 14 he lomat loll, I ha e Jobe 24 Mi. hr..• a...4 PP ;NA), TER IRTICIARY 2 ISMS conCidence "WWI en M... 111. imeo...• 4.111.• Mob. 1110 MI Mae •••••• and ••• mon Hint the no woo Owe mop be • la▪ mMiey •••••••• Oen 16•Orleglene 57 apir• 101 Oar Oft Mate of i n g ▪ 1•111w Wigan...Am.., ,110 mane ▪ more wo weft.. We I Y.M.. mis over soni haar* to owe honor its TA.* Si,*MIS folkalla• Oto mon •. • -755.le• Fla as •••••leor ••• 14•004• commitment o n s on of swop* I would 10 0••=1 4.1•••1 ••••.1 Sell Or Mee to 004,1% 4.01•••• =48 keep this 11•110 you .14••• Orlre Ms I* et• et ▪ Aw11.4441, moron rot land in 'Trust Ilaners keeft• is 1.•••• in its natural 3...... 5a• art 4 state t r,C'r PP eifixTER • foGuST 10 ‘,1(.7 12

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Maine Campus. Thursdav, Feb. 18, 1982 12 Movie Review "Luxembourg." The difference with WMEB TOP TEN "Almost Blue" is it's all country. There is no doubt I) Mesopotamia B-52s Ifs all country that this record, listens more Put this album on at your next party, and hope the floors slowly than My Aim is True, He sings can take it...because people will dance for sure. Talking the tunes on "Almost This Years Mode. Armed Blue" by some of the great Heads' David Byrne produced it, and his influence shows. ELVIS COS- Forces, Get Hoorn, Taking songwriters who specialize in 2) Sick Lowe tello Liberties, and Trust. There is succeeds the art of ballads about booze, has been around far longer than his music has also no question that Elvis will brilliantly in his heartache, betrayed love, and been popular. He is a master producer, and this record's slick be critized for .4/most Blue's down-and-cnn luck. quality results. Three-fourths of doesn't hurt, newest risk Almost country tone. but what the For the hardcore Elvis fans either. public must recognize is that Blue, released by who have followed his career, 3) October 112 for an artist to grow, he or she they probably have heard Still hot, this relatively unknown band proves that music Columbia Recods. must take risks and gambles. Elkiti'S passion for country doesn't have to be complex to be inspiring. "Almost Blue" is a British Elvis does so, and ballads sneak into some of his 4)/lot Little Mama Roomful of Blues succeeds in singing the risk because Elvis is past . On My Aim is Two sides of jazz, blues and swing here, heated up by the American twang of country True, Elvis's first album world's best bar band. With a strong horn section, they known for his fast- music, gorgeously. released in 1977 by Stiff boogie through solid cover versions of 40s and 50s-style paced, progressive On Almost Blue, Elvis's Records, thrown in among tunes. rendition of "Sweet Dreams" new wave tunes and progressive new wave tunes 5)Never Sac Never Romearoid written by. Don Gibson and like "Watching the Formed just last year, this danceable San Francisco band's "Almost Blue" is a ' made famous by Patsy Kline Detectives". "( The Angels debut album was well received. Pretenders-style rap-type in the mid-50's. is beautiful heartwrenching, arma Wear MY) Red vocals predominate: in other words, here is another band with and he adds a definite new lovely, honest-to- Shoes." and ''Less Than a tough bitch up front. style to the song following Zero" the articulate listener 6)Discipline King Crimson goodness country and "Sweet Dreams," Elvis can't help but catch the softer Unlike U2, Crimson proves that music doesn't have to be launches into a more upbeat western LP. country tones of "Alison". simple to be inspiring. These historians of art-rock have Merle Haggard tune "Tonight Yes, that's right folks! The Once again on "Trust", staged the comeback of the year with musicains from Yes, Great n the Bottle Let Me Down". Elvis Costillo who once sat released by Columbia Records Zappa and Genesis. The outstanding songs on the To the editor behind a computer terminal in 1980. the listener hears the 7)The Blue Mask 1 ou Reed LP are Elvis's renditions of London. then stood behind a same country pattern in Reeds first album in two years returns to his former rock Charlie Rich's "Sittin' and rowdy electric guitar giving as "Different Finger.' tossed in n'roll-animal style. This prototype punker hasn't sold out, Thinkin" and Gram Parsons' Rolling Stone reported in its with the fast-beat tunes of and his usual biting lyrics and punchy guitar are still with "How Much I Lied," and Where have all I Feb. 18 issue "pissed as hell "Clubland", "From A him. "I'm Your Toy (Hot Burrito Children' gone? concerts," has taken a chance. 8)In a Roman Mood Human Sexual Response Whisper to a Scream," and the folks No. I)." Here is an up-and-coming new wave crew from Boston. th; complaining in For those of us who love to Some very danceable music here, and some not so danceable the Movie Review wanting the pound our feet to tunes like with the band's signature quavering vocals throughout. good "Pump it house folk and re. UP", Elvis is in the 9)Once Upon a Time Siouxie and the Banshees studio working on a you missed it Goo The Golden Years new LP. This is a collection of singles from a Lene Los itch clone. But for now Almost Blue is a same time plays up the Siouxie is very eccentric and emphasizes dancing while good change, it demonstrates leaning toward a new wave oriental-rock sound. Democr ON GOLDEN similarities between youth and new ideas on the part of age. 10)Benjamin's After Dark Various Artists Pond is quite simply a Elvis and provides the listener To the editor: The movie's plot is also A step forward for music In this area, this album could be golden movie about with enjoyable entertainment artists. Here are four local bands predictable, the whole film has a landmark for Maine On Feb. 13, 1 v and quality listening. Over easy the golden years of such an air of delightfulness recorded live in a local bar. Andrea rea and Blues 3,000 people demo: well-deserved airplay. life. that one knows nothing really are getting some Boston. The reas terrible can possible happen. mar, Directed by Mark Rydell. it Salvador. I Jane Fonda puts in her is designed to appeal to the member of th usual blab performance as "sappy" side of all of us, and Imperialist Conting Norman's daughter-who- succeeds quite well in doing was awfully glad I should-have-been-a-son, who re You: bitter cold and it wa so. (of course) by the end of the The film is set on a pond in Yet, despite the fa movie has reconciled all her New Hampshire to which were freezing our bi differences with her father and Norman and Ethel Thayer Looking for an stood for ov rides off with her new husband hours.. (Henry Fonda and Katherine while the (Billy's father) to live happily. Hepburn) repair to spend what organizers of a ever after. may be their last summer apartment? treated us to spe Far and away the best parts together, with Norman about speaker from the of the film are the characters Party. to celebrate his 80th birthday There wer Ethel and Norman. Fonda and Ethel in her late 60s seeking reelecti is perfect as the feisty "old The film deals very representatives of coot" (as Ethel calls him) who Selling Your car? seeking the preside' pointedly with some of the has a one-liner to counter any all fears older people face. One had the same thi situation. As the film scene in which Norman how much be progresses, one realizes that becomes lost in the woods Salvadorian people under Norman's crusty. he has walked in many time. how they were a& exterior lies a poignant heart of gold, Looking for involvement in El before serves as a reminder that old age creeps but as Ethel says, "you are the how they favored a up on all of us. most wonderful man in the settlement and how world, but I'm the only one something more Democrats The very oldness you lost? enough of the who knows it!" soon be couple would tend to be The pair are inseparable and U.S. policy on El St depressing if played with devoted to each other totally, I was glad I mat makeup and fakery, hut thy which is a refreshing change the Anti-Init fact that both Fonda and couples often Using the Maine Contingent because from the Hepburn are old and act it portrayed in movies today. opposed to usir lends a sense of reality to the This is one film that makes film. !his is one place where its predictability of plot work Hepburn's incessant head- Campus Classifieds? for it, and its scenery makes wobbling adds credibility to the film a treat to watch as the part she plays. well. The movie is full of The dialogue is lively, to say Let the Campus Crier symbolism, but director the least, I hasn't laughed so Rydell draws too heavily on hard at a movie in ages, and the obvious to get his points the chance to see Fonda and make your life easier. across.From the pair of loons Hepburn on the screen for (that mate for life) that greet what may be their last film wa,, Ethel and Norman each year well worth the money spent on Call Al or Jo at 581-7531. admission. at the camp. to Norman's 1.20 for struggle througout the film to the first 15 words catch "that g-d fish" this last 10'for a each additional word. by Gretchen Piston conquest) to the arrival of 13- SPECIAL year-old Billy (well played by WEEKLY RATES Doug McKeon) who us 13.00/three days '5.00/ five days Norman's opposite, yet at the Maine Camp. us. Thursday. Feb. 18, 1982 Maine Campus. Thursday, February 18, 1982 13

x the floors ire. Talking e shows. Response iis music has •ecord's slick EQUAL oesn't hurt, GLS looking for suggestions,members TIME 's that music To the editor: matter. In the past we have picked up in the Student brought such notables as: Government loier, II, ilk. Office in the George McGovern, G. Memorial Union. Or you can The Guest Lecture ed up by the Series Gordon Liddy,Mel Blanc, and attend one of our meetings; Committee would like to invite ;ection, they Dr. Wilson Bryan Key. We Mondays, 6:00 p.m., North Ind 50s-style Interested students to join us. are err, now planning for the rest Lown Room, Memorial We have several positions •• Anon 1-nou,• of the spring semester. Union. We welcome your open and all1ugh are looking for new If you have someone that input.. icisco band's nol ,i pu131,31,33, members. YOU would like he 311//ne to hear or aoorplo reser, GLS is a committee of would tyle rap-type Igill I,, cdii ICIICIN liha like to help plan a ier band welt clarity, taste and to fit available student government which program, you can fill out an Sincerely, John space. ,ponsors various lecturers who application for membership R. Phillbrick speak on a diverse subject in GLS. Applications can be Chairperson t have to he Guest Lecture Series .rt-rock have 'Residential Life can its from Yes, Great music without a 'big name' move anyone, anywhere' To the editor great, music was here in the of a "big name." To the editor: reason and with notice. former rock form of Burton and Tapper, P.S. To you who loved the little All one can do is "appeal the n't sold out, guitar and flute combo. From Blues Project's 'Flute Thing' I am surprised at the naivete administrative decision" are still with lyric to melodic to folk rock , and 'Ste% e's Song my of the Maine Campus. I am (otherwise Where have all the 'flower compositions, some original, condolences on missing known as begging). refering to the editorial Children' gone? Where are some pop and some long Burton and Tapper. I. personally, am surprised 003f regarding the folks that were forgotten, they showed the Ellsworth Hall that the Ellsworth Hall from Boston. students. There complaining in the Bear's Den expertise and originality. is a little students were not so danceable known clause wanting the good old coffee Take a chance folks, read the in the "housing "relocated." This clause is contract" which house folk and rock? Hey, SEA ads in the paper...Not all refers to unfair and possibly illegal, but sheen another clause you missed it Good, possibly great music comes in the form which reads as until someone either wins in ,oY itch clone. Maureen O'Neal follows: "the university court Or the clause is ancmg while reserves the right to move a ny removed, Residential Life will Democrats use ElSalvador issue student for the best interests of be able to move people 3 the student or the university." To the editor: around. bum could be What this means is that Ed Cutting r local bands Residential Life can move On Feb. 13, I was one of demonstrations as a platform solution' is further support for Off-campus senator ues Over easy for the anyone, anywhere, for any 3,000 people demonstrating in Democratic Party. As the junta. The U.S. should get Senator Boston. The reason was tel Tsongas took the out of El Salvador and there is podium, Salvador. I marched as a we chanted nothing to negotiate on this Statement out of context member of the Anti. "Remember Bay of Pigs. point. Similarly, the bills ImperialistContingent, and I Remember Viet Nam, introduced by Kennedy. was awfully Democratic Party--we To the editor: glad I did. It was know Tsongas and theirlike simply primarily of students. There bitter cold and it was snowing. which side you're on." put conditions on continued This letter is in reference to would be four representatives Yet, despite the fact that we It was wrong to bring the U.S. aid to the junta. In other the error which occurred in the from each dormitory within were freezing our buns off, we Democratic Party into the works they stand for the U.S. Maine Campus article the complex and these stood for over two demonstration because, rather financiang the war of the junta concerning the candidates for individuals would serve in hours...while the reformist than exposing the capitalist against the masses as long as president and vice-president of various combinations on a organizers of the march politicians for what they are, it the junta 'cleans up its image.' Student Government. The three-week rotation. This treated us to speaker after gives them an opportunity to (Like Haiti, the Philippines, statement I direct you to stated stipulation would also apply to speaker from the Democratic conceal their real aims and Chile, and Indonesia?)_ But that candidates Philip the resident directors who Party. There were senators present themselves as 'friends again, the U.S. should get out Pancoast and Tom Blodgett serve on the board. The seeking reelection and of the Salvadorian people.' of El Salvador and there can "supported the rotation of resident director would serve representatives of a senator But behind the guise of be no 'conditions' on this resident directors in an advisory capacity with seeking the presidency. They favoring a 'negotiated point. in each dorm." This statement reference to sanctions. This all had the same thing to say: is not only out of context but will provide random how much behind the it is The sign says also incomplete. assignments oh the board so Salvadorian people they were, Let me correct the statement and that a student would not be how they were against U.S. put To the editor: building. If this is not enough, it in its proper light. faced by a board of "hanging involvement in El Salvador, The please notice the writing on the article should have read, judges.", how they favored a negotiated "We field house walls: "No support the rotation of This briefly describes the settlement and how if we elect Lately the UM() baseball littering or spitting. Violators resident directors within proposal and the contest in more Democrats there will tearn has been practicing in the a will be denied use of the proposed Student Judicial which the statement on soon be enough to change field house. A, a runner, I building." If spitting is vital to Board." rotating resident directors was U.S. policy on El Salvador. have noticed a number of the their game, perhaps the team The proposal we have made I was glad I marched with team members spitting on the could purchase spittoons for established entails a campus the Anti -Imperialist track. May I respectfully - their indoor practices. wide Student Judicial Board Contingent because they stood remind the team members existing at the Complex level. opposed to using leftist involved that they are inside a Phil Pancoast Pres. Candidate Mike R. StPierre The board would consist Tom Blodget V.P. Candidate

.• 14 Maine Campus. Thursday, February 18, 1982 World News Shooting spree hinders hijacker MIAMI (AP) - A would-be hijacker security checkpoints to Gate F-0 at Top fired on two airport agents and police Miami International Airport. Tuesday after he tried to board a flight The man pulled the gun and started to Key West, only to have an alert shooting while he was in the passage- by Paul Tukey employee slam the airliner's door in way between the departure gate and Staff Writer his face, police said. the Air Honda plane, authorities said. The man No one was hurt and the man, who was identified as Jesus World class rut Villa Munoz. had raised the employee's suspicions 41. of Hialeah, and he tops a field of ni was charged by acting nervously, was arrested with attempted first-deg- who will compete ree after a brief gun battle with police. murder, attempted air piracy and according to police spokesman John use of a firearm to commit a felony. Jones. Jones said. An alert gate agent slammed the Coone The FBI and the Federal Aviation door to the Boeing 737 before the man. Administration said they were investi- who held a one-way ticket, could reach gating how the man got the .25 caliber it, airline spokeswoman Robin Cohn fight automatic handgun through concourse said. NEW YORK (. Maine officials investigating will fight Larry H Boxing Coun championship at alleged mistreatment of elderly News Briefs Vegas June II, ii NEW YORK (AP) - Lee Stras- GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - because of a shout berg, who taught "method AUGUSTA, Maine(AP) - a probe is minutes or less in which to eat their Gunmen in olive-green military. Bob Halloran, acting" to a generation of underway into allegations that resi- meals by Jaqueline Cross, the matron stars garb decapitated 43 people, Caesars Wor such as Marlon Brando, James dents of an Auburn home for the of the private home. including six children, in a announcement t Dean, and Marilyn elderly have been mistreated. Maine The nine employees also charged Monroe, village in northwestern El examination of C died Wednesday Human Services Commissioner Mich- that workers were harassed. given of a heart Quiche province, authorities University Medica attack. ad l Petit said Wednesday. conflicting orders and were subject to He was 80. said Tuesday. Participating i The graduates of Strasberg's constantly changing schedules. Police and military spokes- were Cooney's pi Actors Studio comprise a virtual Investigators from the department Mrs. Cross denied the charges men said the massacre occurred Minkoff, and two Who's Who of American acting: went to the Odd Fellows Home on Wednesday. Monday night in the village of Cleveland Clinic Robert de Niro. Paul Newman. Wednesday to check out employees' The employees walked off their Calante. about 160 miles north- who specializes i Al Pacino, Jane Fonda and charges that residents were force-fed, Monday because the facility's trus: Sally west of here. and Dr. John Field. to name a few more. Bert kicked and slapped, and given 15 would not fire Mrs. Cross. Halloran's (AP) French ROME, N.Y. (API - Mark BOSTON - A confirmed what it study says that women are David Chapman, the convicted ever since Coonel 'Operation Calm' nets 3,500 significantly less able to become killer of former Beatle John last Friday. Coon pregnant after they reach age Lennon. is on a hunger strike at training camp i 30, a discovery that may be an upstate New York Psychiatric Huntington, N.Y. in Po lish military crackdown important to the growing num- hospital, the Rome Sentinal ber of women reported Tuesday. Cooney injure( WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Police PAP said 25.000 regular and who postpone childbirth while they Officials at Central New York while throwing a detained 3.500 people and fined volunteer policemen checked 51,000 establish careers. Psychiatric Center in Marcy, sparring session another 7.000 for martial law viola- shops. 60.000 vehicles and 3.500 The study found that the where Chapman is being treated, trainer Victor Vall tions, the official PAP news agency hideouts for "criminal elements." ability to conceive drops refuse to confirm or deny the Earlier. Coon( said Wednesday in reporting the adding: "It can be stated on the basis sharply between age 31 and 35 report. The newspaper attri- December fight . biggest dragnet since military rule of reports of police patrols that the and declines further during the buted the information to uniden- because of a bad was imposed in Poland. state of obedience to existing regula- late 30s. tified "reliable sources." said is not relat tions of martial law is not the best." LIBREVILLE, Gabon (API - problem In addition. PAP said 145.000 Radio Warsaw. monitored in Lond- Pope John Paul II arrived in people were warned. 29.000 lectured. on. said the raids were "carried out DIRE CTWAV SERVICE Gabon today from Marxist-ruled and 4.000 sent to misdemeanor courts. throughout Poland" and that many STEDI'STts Benin where he celebrated and that 614 people still face police were conducted at night. It did not Fitch Mass in a soccer stadium amid "Ke're here to sase sou money courts for martial law violations give the exact dates of the sweep, and us itch doctors with fly whisks Bent-A-Bay or Rent-A-lift uncovered during the recent two-day it was unclear how many of those and bone-and-teeth necklaces. sweep called "Operation Calm." detained were still in custody. Do your own auto repairs. The 6I-year-old pontiff was Athl greeted at Libreville's Leon hours: Mon thru Fri:8 am - 5pm Jazz composer and pianist Mba Airport by President Sat: 9 am - 4pm Omar Bongo. a contingent of Sun: Closed government and church officials 1216 Hammond St., Bangor Thelonious Monk dead at 64 and groups of dancers. 942-2'82 Jo-Ann ( ENGLEWOOD.N.J. (API'-Theloni - Monk, who generally worked alone chosen as i Gus Sphere Monk, a composer and or led a trio or small combo, was one of Athlete of tl pianist recognized for his creative a few jazz players who worked on the Theriault, g influence on jazz. died Wednesday at harmonic and rhythmic innovations GET AN EDUCATION Bangor offi age 64. just 12 days after suffering a that led to the "bebop" jazz style weekly a. stroke. before World War II. MONEY CAN'T BUY outstanding' His best known composition is "The Monk is dead," said assistant "Round Midnight." PLUS S15.200 FOR COLLEGE. hospital administrator August J. Wiesner of Englewood Hospital. He "Monk is the guy who started it all: he Join the Artily tor two years. Because not only is said Monk had been in "very grave" came before both Charlie Parker and the Army one place where youll mature in a hurry, it's a condition since he was hospitalized Dizzy Gilispie." said drummer Art great place to get a lot of money tor college fast, too. Feb. 5. Blakey You see, if you participate in the Army's college financial assistance program,the money you save for college Jo-Ann Cboiniei Funeral arrangements were incom- is matched two-for-one by the government. Then, if you Ann non the two- plete. OLD TOAVN qualify, all-/000 the Army will add up to $8,000 on top of that. the mile, set back WITTY OiAlasgnai Lee That's $15200 in just two years For more information distance runners in WGBO-AM in Newark. the Ness call your college recruiteT York metropolitan area's only full Remick time jazz station, reacted to Monk's ARMY death by suspending regular program THE EUROPEANS ming. Robert Ottenhoff, general u.S AT 2 Oa: Is a LOAN BE ALLYOU CAN BE. Ameni manager of the National Public Radii' °AILS AT affiliate, said all of Wednesday's air 2.7:00• f• I p,e ant Terry What, time would be devoted to Monk's 945-6361 performances and compositions. Bar Maine Campus. Thursday, February 18, 1982 15 Sports

iFle54* otom tr5 125 oat/ Top marathoners will compete here Saturday

the UMO field house Saturday at 4 Bay Marathon by Paul Tukey three of the last four Allen is an executive committee p.m. years; and Jim Staff Writer Crawford from New member of the Down East Striders, ----. UMO graduate and race director Hampshire, who has run a 3:56 mile. who have promoted other successful Larry Allen said the best available Rounding out the field are Bates races such as the Paul Bunyan World class runner Bruce Bickford talent in the northeast is coming to graduate Kim Wettlaufer, Stephen marathon, Benjamin's 10-kilonieter tops a field of nine amateur runners Maine for the race. Podgajny from Pennsylvania, a top road race, and the Great Cranberry who will compete in a two-mile race at Allen said running enthusiasts are marathoner, and UMO graduates Bill Island race. lucky to have the chance to watch Pike and O.J. Logue-who hopes to Bickford, from Burnham, Maine, who break the American two-mile record Cooney hurt; is an Olympic: contender in the 5000 09:071 for deaf runners. Yaz and wife and10,000 meters and is one of the top Allen said he expects Bickford, who ten road runners in the world. is training for the Melrose Games Feb. CD fight off Other race favorites include Hank P. 27, to run the two-mile in about 8:25. strike out Fiefle, from Kennebunk, a top "He should be in his best shape for this .c c:=:, • NEW YORK (AP) - Gerry Cooney marathon runner; Paul Oparowski, race," Allen said. will fight Larry Holmes for the World from Massachusetts; Kurt Lauenstein, The American record for the two- in marriage Boxing Council heavyweight from Bangor, who has won the Casco mile is 8:20. championship at Caesars Palace in Las WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.(AP) - Vegas June II, instead of March 15, Carolann Yastrzemski, wife of because of a shoulder injury. ITY (AP) - Boston Red Sox outfielder Carl Bob Halloran, director of sports een military for BU tops Bear spikers Yastrzemski. filed for divorce Tuesday Caesars World, 43 people. made the in Palm Beach County circuit court. announcement today hen, in a following an Stating that the marriage of 22 years examination of Cooney at New !stern El York was "irretrievably broken,'' Mrs. University Medical Center. communicate well we do well," said tuthorities by Philip Hodgkins Yastrzemski asked custody of their Participating Fitzpatrick. "Another area for in the examination Staff Writer four c.hildren. aged 12 to 21, and improvement is our bumping. Iry spokes- were Cooney 's physician, Dr. Jeffrey When temporary occupancy of the Yastrzem- we get that down we are team :re occurred Minkoff, and two physicians from the The VolleyballClub lust its first match a tough ski's SI million oceanfront home in r village of Cleveland Clinic - Dr. Steve Ockner of the season Sunday against Boston to beat." Highland Beach, Fla. well miles north who specializes in internal medicine University by a score of 3-1. After Playing for the Black Bears were She also asked for alimony pay- and Dr. John Bergfeld, an orthopedist. winning the first match 15-13. BU took Alvin Lamare, Gary Crocker and Mat ments, saying that she had given up O'Conner. ,P) - Mark Halloran's announcement three successive wins by scores of 15- her individual career in order to help confirmed what The club continues its tough Division le convicted most people suspected 13, 15-13. and 16-14. her husband pursue his career. ever since I schedule Feb. 20 against Bryant leatle John Cooney suspended training Coach Cris Fitzpatrick said he was She said he was a man of College and Brown University. They ger strike at last Friday. Cooney returned from his pleased with the teams performance, "enormous wealth." but she didn't split with the two clubs in a pre-season Psychiatric training camp in Catskills to his "We played pretty well, but did have a know the full extent of his fortune. tournament, beating Bryant while te Sentinal Huntington, N.Y. home Sunday. couple of lapses." The team played She said. however, that in addition Cooney injured his left shoulder every match tough and this is a positive losing to Brown. "If we can get our to their Palm Beach home, she and her game together we can win both il New York while throwing a left hook during a sign for the upcoming season. husband owned the Triple Crown marches." said Fitzpatrick. in Marcy. sparring session Jan. I 1, according to "Our attitude was great. it was a r, , • Farms in Caribou. Me. eing treated, trainer Victor Valle. strong point." said Fitzpatrick. • n• deny the Earlier, Cooney had canceled a one ever got down in any of 1;,..• paper attri- December fight against Joe Bugner matches." n to uniden- because of a back injury which Valle One phase of the team's game which said is not related to the shoulder is very important is the problem. communication. "When we ilER VICE TS Fidelity you money' Union Life's eat-A-Lift sto repairs. Athlete Of The Week Great Moments In UMO Sports 71:8 am - Spin 4pm • 1 Twelve years ago on Feb. 18, 1970, basketball standout Nick Su, I.. Bangor ,:ad the Black Bears in a 81-75 victory over the Colby Mules. S11,1 all 92 Jo-Ann Choiniere has been ,:ad UMO scorers with 24 points and a game high 13 rebound, chosen as this week's Fidelity logo along with his mighty offense Susi was a team leader with hi, Athlete of the Week. David L. • .‘ugh defense. Theriault. general agent for the Bangor office, establishled the weekly award to recognize THIS WEEK'S EVENTS outstanding UMO athletes. Basketball- Feb. 20, Colgate 2 p.m. is Track- Feb.20, Vermont 11 a.m. ;, its a Swimming-Feb. 20, Lowell 2 p.m. :ollege Jo-Ann Chmmere led the UMO women's track team to the state tole held here last week Jo. if you Ann won the two-milk with a time of 10,59 I_ She also managed to erase the state record for Lat. the mile, set back in 1979, with a time of 5036. The morns say Jo-Ann is one of the best showed track tans why arion distance runners in New England Last week she e Fidelity Union Life tO America's Largest Insurer of College Educated Young Adults Bangor office 417 Main St. 947-0782 16 Maine Campus. Thursday, February 18, 1982 ADVERTISEMENT Residential Life

IRENE K. son H(>I I ‘I ANN SUSAN ME till)RRIl As. NewsPage DUNN HALL Responsible drinking can be fun By Dave Lee Can one have tun without getting the party, that's when trouble occurs. 4. Having non-alcoholic beverages blitzed? Yes, one can. Can a party be Here are a few ideas for activities: available-this respects the rights of fun without alcohol or lots of it? Yes a charades, skating party, slide non-drinkers, and allows drinkers Ever wake up from a party feeling party can be. to shows, hay rides, magic, casino pace themselves. It also fulfills the like you had spent the night as Sugar To answer these questions more games, other games. trivia contests. unspoken party requirement of having Ray Leonard's sparring partner? Or completely, ask yourself, what do punk rock party. etc. The list is a glass or cup in your hand. like you had feasted on a meal of people like? We like: endless. Just remember the key. 5. Don't force drinks on your road-killed woodchuck and crow? If I. to eat exotic food, sweet food. Most people do not want to just sit guests-I mean, really now. so. chances are your host or hostess good food, and more food. around and talk. b. Slowing down or stopping the did not throw a "responsible party." 2. to listen to music. Other keys for throwing a respons- serving of alcoholic drinks an hour or Lest this create images of sitting 3. to dance to music we listen to ible party include: so before the party ends-this can be around playing Go Fish and sipping 4. to be noticed by people I. Always serve food-it slows down difficult if you have no specific ending grape kool-aid, let me explain what 5. to do something besides sitting the absorbtion of alcohol. point, but you can play it by that means. Essentially, responsible around talking ear. 2. Having several jiggers available So there you have it. Go partying means having fun without All these out and things take the focus away -this eliminates "educated guesses" party-responsibly! suffering from negative consequences from drinking, which is the key to (i.e. /14- liquor, ?. mixer). (For more information on responsible resulting from excessive drinking (i.e. responsible partying. Not that 3. Making alcoholic punches with a party planning, contact the Students hangovers. OUTs, arguments cni drinking is bad: but when it becomes non-carbonated base-carbonated mix- Helping Other Program for harassments. etc.). the focus of the party party, the reason for ers to speed up absorbtion. planning booklet 581-2147,7712.) BCC workshop Living Learning Program A Workshop "Attitudes, Policies and Kaiseka,. ,sistant Professor of Substance Abuse at B.C.C. for Education, and Dase Van Doren, offers much to students Students, Faculty and Administrators" Substance Abuse Counselor/ Educat- is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 5 - or. The Its mg Learning Program in Hunkins, along with six students ot the 9 p.m. in Brewer Commons. Cumberland Hall is already in Wesley Fellowship accompanied by Presenters will be: Sharon Dendur- The workshop will include discussions progress. Lunches sponsored by the Dr. Roberts, Zoology Dept., and Dr. ent, Associate Dean of Student Affairs about "Harmfully Involved Living Learning Program will be held Hedstrom, Agricultural Engineering at B.C.C., Charles MacRoy. Dean, Students", "What is Substance on Wednesdays at noon in Stewart Dept., took a trip to Haiti. The B.C.C., Clyde Folsom, Staff Abuse," "Enabling," B.C.C. Problem Commons. Many interesting topics purpose of their trip was to help the Counselor, Counseling Center, Bette Areas and group action plans. will be discussed. people of Haiti will: their shortage of The Living Learning Program also food supplies. SOUP KITCHEN AT THE RAM'S HORA sponsors many other activities and fund raising projects. One of the The Living Learning Program hopes Come and enjoy vegetable chowder and major projects which the program to keep up with its success this helped to fund took place during semester. For any students who may homemade bread in the quiet charm Christmas break. Two Cumberland be interested in the program there arc of the Ram's Horn 5:30- 6:30 p.m.- $2.00 students, Jane Clifford and Martha openings in Cumberland this semester The following are featured Apartment information for the rest of February: If you arc interested to to 21 Sunday Green Pea Soup move If you already have a group it York Village Fall 1982, you need six who wants to sign-up for an to attend one of the two apartment, only one of the six 23 Tuesday Crusty Cheddar Bake information sessions about York needs to attend one of the Village Apartments sign-up sessions. If you don't have xis. 24 Wednesday Garlic' Tomato Soup procedure. The sessions are but are interested in movinc Sunday. February 21 and York Village, you need so atterid Wednesday, February 28 24, both at one of the sessions to find out Sunday Winter Vegetable Stew 6:30-8:00 p.m. in York Dining how to sign-up. Look for posters Commons. for further information. SPACE AVAILABLE Residential Life has a number of spaces available for off-campus students. Rooms are available in virtually every option including single sex, co-ed, co-operative, special program and apartment life styles. Interested students should contact Residential Life Central Office, Estabrooke Hall or call 581-7712 •.